ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 120 / C&RL News How to p articip a te in ACRL Information for new members and potential members. T o join W rite or call the Association of College and Re­ search Libraries for application forms and infor­ m ation: ACRL Office, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 944-6780. To learn about ACRL’s current program s, officers, and units Check the ALA H andbook o f Organization and read College Lr Research Libraries News regularly (as a m em ber of ACRL, you will receive both p u b ­ lications) . To a tte n d conference p ro g ram s, ACRL B oard meetings, or com m ittee meetings For inform ation on tim e, places, and general program content, consult C& RL News, American Libraries, and the official conference program s and schedules. For additional inform ation, contact the ACRL office. To attend preconferences For inform ation about tim e, place, and precon­ ference them e, check C& RL News and American Libraries. For additional inform ation and registra­ tion m aterials, w rite to the ACRL office. To take a continuing education course To receive a course brochure, w rite Sandy D on­ nelly at the ACRL office. To register, use inform a­ tion published in C& RL News or in the course bro­ chure. To establish a local chapter of ACRL Check the procedures listed in “Guidelines for ACRL C hapters” (available from the ACRL of­ fice) . Send a petition w ith the signatures of at least 25 ACRL m em bers to the ACRL office for a p ­ proval by the Board of Directors. To request a speaker in the C hapter Speakers p ro ­ gram W rite Cathleen Bourdon at the ACRL office and specify your date and topic. Eight chapters qualify each year for a free visit from ACRL officers or staff. To serve on ACRL’s committees or to participate in ACRL’s sections and discussion groups Fam iliarize yourself w ith the work of the u n it— check the ALA H andbook o f Organization for the u n it’s statem ent of responsibility, read about the work of the unit as reported in C& RL News and A m erican Libraries, atten d the meetings of the unit during ALA conferences. Submit a completed ACRL com m ittee volunteer form (published in the October issue of C& RL News and available at ALA conferences). C om m unicate your interest to the ACRL Appointm ents and Nominations C om m it­ tee, to any of the ACRL officers, to the chair of an ACRL unit whose work interests you, or to the ACRL office. To be a candidate for an ACRL office W rite to the ACRL Appointm ents and N om ina­ tions C om m ittee or to an ACRL section nom inat­ ing com m ittee. Subm it a petition to have your nam e added to the list of candidates. To nom inate someone for an aw ard W rite or call Mary Ellen Davis at the ACRL of­ fice for inform ation or nom ination forms for the Academic/Research L ibrarian of the Year Award, Oberly Award, Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, Samuel Lazerow Fellowship, the M iriam Dudley BI L ibrarian of the Year Award, the RBMS Exhibi­ tion C atalogue A w ard, or the M artinus Nijhoff In ­ ternational West European Specialist Study G rant. To provide suggestions for new projects, services, courses, and policies W rite to the ACRL office, to any of the ACRL officers, or to the chair of a unit whose work relates to the m atter. Respond to requests published in 122 / C&RL News C & RL News for suggestions from the membership. Attend open hearings scheduled at ALA confer­ ences. Be in touch w ith the Strategic Planning Task Force (Susan Klingberg, chair). To receive inform ation, assistance, or advice on professional problems C ontact the ACRL office, any of the ACRL offi­ cers, or the chair of an ACRL unit whose work re­ lates to the m atter. To find inform ation on professional library posi­ tions open Check the classified advertising listings in Col­ lege & Research Libraries News or Am erican L i­ braries. Subscribe to the m onthly Fast Job Listing Service, available from the ACRL office. Call the ACRL telephone JOBLINE, (312) 944-6795 (list­ ings are changed every Thursday afternoon). To obtain ACRL publications, policy statem ents, or CE course syllabi For inform ation about the availability of m ate­ rials, check C & R L N ew s, A C R L’s publications brochure, or the ALA Publications Checklist. You m ay o b ta in a p u b licatio n s b ro c h u re from th e ACRL office or at ALA conferences. To order m a­ terials, w rite to the ACRL office. To subm it a m anuscript for publication C ontact the editor of the publication. For Col­ lege ò- Research Libraries, send m anuscripts to Charles R. M artell Jr., California State University L ibrary, 2000 Jed Smith Drive, Sacram ento, CA 95819. Instructions for authors are printed in each issue of the journal. For C& RL News, send articles to George E berhart at the ACRL office (see the guidelines published in this issue). For the A C R L Publications in Librarianship series, send m an u ­ scripts to A rthur P. Young, D ean of Libraries, Uni- LIT A institutes scheduled ALA’s L ibrary and Inform ation Technology As­ sociation (LITA) will hold three institutes on li­ brary technology’ this year. Each will feature con­ tributed papers, opportunities to meet w ith the speakers, and receptions. “Telecomm unications, State of the Art: A Sam­ pler’’ will be held April 7-8 at the Hilton Hotel, Fort W orth, Texas. The institute will cover such areas as the requirem ents, advantages, and disad­ vantages of Local Area Networks, the use of exist­ ing facilities, protocols, the Linked Systems Proj­ ect, exam ples of v ario u s te le c o m m u n ic a tio n s configurations, and how to analyze costs. “Technology7 at the Library of Congress’’ will be held May 5-7 at the Quality Inn, Pentagon City, Arlington, Virginia. It will include such topics as an overview of the m any LC systems, a technical versity of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881. To subm it news items for publication in College & Research Libraries News Send m aterials to George E b erh art at the ACRL Office, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. Consult the guidelines for submission of news items in this issue. The deadline for receipt of news items is approxim ately the 26th of each m onth. To subscribe to ACRL periodicals For a subscription to Choice, w rite to the Sub­ scriptions D ep artm en t, Choice, 100 Riverview C enter, M iddletown, CT 06457. For a subscrip­ tion to C & RL or CC-RL News, w rite to the Sub­ scription D epartm ent, American L ibrary Associa­ tion, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. To order works from the ACRL Publications in L i­ brarianship series For a listing of the works in this series, w rite to the ACRL office. For a list of in-print titles, check the “List of ACRL m aterials available,” featured in this issue. To place a standing order or to order individual titles, w rite to the ALA O rder D ep art­ m ent, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. To order copies of out-of-print titles, contact Uni­ versity Microfilms International, 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48106. To advertise in ACRL publications To place display ads in C & R L, C& RL News, or Choice, contact Art Beck, Advertising Sales M an­ ager, Choice, 100 Riverview C enter, M iddletown, CT 06457. To place classified ads in C& RL News, or job listings in the Fast Job Listing Service or the telephone JOBLINE, contact L orraine D orff at the ACRL Office, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611- 2795; (312) 944-6780, ext. 286. fl ■ description of the standard network interconnec­ on, MARC developments, the optical and video isk project, the diethyl zinc preservation p ro ­ ram , the Linked Systems Project, and m any oper­ tional application systems. “Optical Inform ation Systems” will be held June 6-27 in New York City as a preconference insti­ te prior to the ALA Annual Conference. The in­ titute will cover CD ROM and video systems, soft­ are, standards, laser cards, integrating optical stems w ith library systems, descriptions of spe­ ific applications (such as NLM, NAL, Inform a­ on Access, Newsbank, Grolier, and others), and how they w ork” sessions. For more inform ation, contact ALA/LITA, 50 . H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780; LANET ALA0080. B B ti d g a 2 tu s w sy c ti “ E A