ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries February 1986 / 155 tee on P rinting’s Ad Hoc C om m ittee on Depository Access to Federal A utom ated D ata. More th an 150 agency representatives, congressional staffers, li­ brarians, and p rivate sector representatives a t­ tended the forum to discuss the C om m ittee’s first report, which cited findings based on an investiga­ tion of Federal inform ation program s, electronic distribution systems, au to m ated databases, and available techcnology. This report contains com­ ments on the C om m ittee’s recom m endations by fo­ rum participants, and letters and statem ents to the C om m ittee from various members of the library com m unity who are interesting in participating in a pilot program . Copies are available for $3.75 (stock no. 052-070-06066-2) from Dept. 36-RA, Su­ p e rin te n d e n t of D ocum ents, W ash in g to n , DC 20402. 9 Selection of Materials in the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Sciences, edited by Patricia A. Mc­ C lu n g (419 p ag es, D e c e m b e r 1985), surveys sources and techniques for identifying, evaluating, and acquiring library m aterials in 20 academic dis­ ciplines. W ritten by experienced subject bibliogra­ phers, the book is designed for librarians w ith ac­ q u isitio n s a n d c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t responsibilities in academic and public libraries. The first section of the book covers the basic princi­ ples of collection development, serials selection, and the acquisition of out-of-print materials. L ater ections trea t the literature, current research, and election tools in 16 academic disciplines and 5 spe­ ial formats. Copies may be ordered for $49 from e ALA O rder D epartm ent, 50 East H uron St., hicago, IL 60611. ISBN 0-8389-3305-X. 9 Teachers and Librarians: Partners in Learning as the title of a recent colloquium th a t brought gether high school and college librarians and achers to discuss preparing high school students use the academic library and become effective form ation consumers. The colloquium , spon­ ored by the University of Tennessee, Knoxville Li­ rary, and the Knoxville City and Knox County chool Systems, attracted 70 librarians and teach­ rs from Knoxville and East Tennessee. Sections in­ luded presentations by high school teachers and li­ rarians of assignments which make effective use f lib ra ry resources, and discussions of b ib lio ­ raphic instruction and the most im portant infor­ ation skills for high school students to acquire. A ideocassette of the proceedings is available from he LOEX Clearinghouse, C enter of Educational esources, E astern M ichigan University, Ypsi­ anti, MI 48197; and from the Southeastern Biblio­ raphic Instruction Clearinghouse, Crism an Me­ o ria l L ib r a r y , D a v id L ip sc o m b C o lle g e , ashville, TN 37203. ■ ■ s s c th C w to te to in s b S e c b o g m v t R l g m N March 6 -7 —Preservation: Institute on Preservation Mi­ crofilming, sponsored by the ALA/RTSD Repro­ duction of Library Materials Section, at the L i­ brary of Congress. The program is intended for librarians and archivists responsible for planning and im plem enting preservation m icrofilm ing p ro g ra m s or special m ic ro film in g p ro jec ts. Tours of the LC preservation facilities and the Optical Disk Pilot Program will be given on the 7th. A ttendance is lim ited to 100 persons. Fee: $175 for ALA/RTSD or SAA members; $200 for ALA members; $225 for non-members. Regis­ trations must be postm arked by F ebruary 15. C ontact: Ann M enendez, ALA/RTSD, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. 19-20—Copyright: “New Perspectives on Copy­ rig h t,” a conference sponsored by the University of Scranton’s C enter for Book Research, will be held at th e M cG raw -H ill A u d ito riu m , 47th Street and Avenue of the Americas, New York. The keynote address, “The Protection of Intel­ lectual P roperty,” will be given by Irving Louis Horowitz, professor of sociology and political science at Rutgers University. O ther speakers in­ clude: Lewis Flacks, policy planning advisor to the LC Register of Copyrights; Kurt Steele, vice p r e s id e n t a n d a sso c ia te g e n e ra l co u n se l, M cGraw-Hill; H endrick Edelm an, professor of inform ation, com m unication, and library stud­ ies, R utgers U niversity; and R obert W edge- w orth, dean of the School of L ibrary Service, C olum bia University. Contact: C enter for Book Research, 309E St. Thomas Hall, University of Scranton, Scranton, PA 18510; (717) 961-7764. 0—Collection m anagem ent: “Perform ance Mea­ sures: A Collection M anagem ent Tool,” spon­ sored by the University of Iow a School of L i­ brary and Inform ation Science, at the Ironm en Inn, Iow a City. The program is designed for ad- 2 CALENDAR 156 / C&RL News ministrators or persons responsible for collection m anagem ent in small or medium-sized libraries. Instructor: F. Wilfred Lancaster, professor of li­ brary and information sceince at the University of Illinois. Credit: .6 CEU. Fee: $30. Contact: Ethel Bloesch, SLIS, University of Iowa, 3087 Library, Iowa City, IA 52242; (319) 353-3644. 23-25—Optical disks: Spring Meeting, Association of Inform ation and Dissemination Centers, La Posada de A lbuquerque, A lbuquerque, New Mexico. Speakers include Morris Goldstein (In­ formation Access C orp.), A1 Langer (Prentice- H all), W illiam M arovitz (BRS), F ran Spigai (Database Services), and Roger Summit (DIA­ LOG Inform ation Services). Contact: ASIDIC, P.O. Box 8105, Athens, GA 30603; (404) 542- 7020. April 3 - 5 —A fricana: A rchives-Libraries C om m ittee (African Studies Association), Spring Meeting, University of Indiana, Bloomington. Contact: Nancy Schmidt, E660 Main Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405; (812) 335- 1481. 4 — I n te r n a tio n a l c o o p e ra tio n : “ S h rin k in g W orld/Exploding Information: Developments in International L ib rarian sh ip ,” an institute sponsored by the L ibrary Association of the City University of New York, at its G raduate Center A uditorium , 33 W. 42d Street. Panelists and speakers will address cooperation between de­ veloped and developing countries, transnational flow of d ata, and international lib rarian ex­ change. Fee: non-LACUNY members $25 be­ fore March 14, $30 after; students $10 before March 14, $15 after. Contact: Fred Low, La G uardia C om m unity College L ibrary, 31-10 Thomson Ave., Long Island City, NY 11101; (718) 626-5522. 14—Chem istry: T hird Tri-Society Symposium, sponsored by the American Chemical Society’s Division of Chemical Inform ation, the Ameri­ can Society for Inform ation Science’s SIG on Bi­ ological and Chem ical Inform ation Systems, and the Special Libraries Association’s Chemis­ try Division, will be held in New York. Theme: “New Technologies and Chemical Information: 1986.” Contact: W .V. Metanomski, Chemical Abstracts Service, P.O. Box 3012, Columbus, OH 43210; (614) 421-3631. 20-22—D ata processing: 23rd Annual Clinic on Library Applications of D ata Processing, G rad­ uate School of Library and Inform ation Science, University of Illinois at U rbana-C ham paign, Levis Faculty C enter. Topic: “W hat Is User Friendly?” Registration is limited to 100 partici­ pants and will cost $215. Keynote speaker is Mi­ chael Gorman; others include Leigh Estabrook (d ean of th e G SL IS), C h ris tin e B orgm an (UCLA), Tamas Doszkocs (NLM), Dale Carri- son (PALS), and Ken Dowlin (Pikes Peak). Con­ tact: Robin Caton, GSLIS, University of Illinois, 410 David Kinley Hall, 1407 W. Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 333-3280. May 2 -5 —Biomedical libraries: 28th Annual Meeting, Health Sciences Communications Association, Fairm ont Hotel, Denver, Colorado. The confer­ ence will focus on responsible im plem entation of technology in biomedical communications. Key­ note speakers include Leland R. Kaiser, health futurist, and Susan Markle, author of books and articles on Com puter Assisted Instruction. Con­ tact: Lionelle Elsesser, Executive D irector, HeSCA, 6105 L indell B lvd., St. Louis, MO 63112. 4 -6 —A dm inistration: 20th annual L ibrary Ad­ ministrators Development Program, sponsored by the University of M aryland’s College of Li­ brary and Inform ation Services, will be held at the University’s Donaldson Brown Center, Port D eposit. The p ro g ram , directed by John R. Rizzo, professor of m anagem ent at W estern Michigan University, allows participants to ex­ amine theories, concepts, and issues central to business organization and m anagem ent and re­ late them to library adm inistration. Application deadline: April 1. For program and fee inform a­ tion, contact: Library Administrators Develop­ ment Program, CLIS, University of M aryland, College Park, MD 20742; (301) 454-6080. 14-16—User Instruction: Fifteenth Annual W ork­ shop on Instruction in Library Use, John Abbott College, Montreal, Quebec. Sessions will deal w ith library instruction connections to teachers, students, and various support services and struc­ tures. There will also be sessions on teaching copyright use, on using evaluations to develop or redevelop an instruction program , and on user education for online catalogs. Contact: Judith Stonehewer, Library, Snowdon Campus, Va- nier College, 5160 Decarie Blvd., M ontreal, Quebec, Canada, H3X 2H9. 28-29—Midwest Libraries: “A Climate for Com­ m unication,” Midwest Academic Library Con­ ference (MALC) a t Io w a S tate U niversity, Ames. Speakers representing a variety of aca­ demic libraries will examine com m unication w ithin the library, between the library and its users, and between the library and the commu­ nity. Keynote speaker: L ujean Cole, community investment manager for Pioneer Hi-Bred In ter­ national. Fee: $40. Contact: John McNee, Parks Library, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011; (515) 294-4716. ■ ■