ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 226 / C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 C L A S S I F I E D Career o p p o rtu n itie s fr o m across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on aspace-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $10.15 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $12.25 for others. Late job notices are $23.50 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $28.50 for others. Organizations submitting ads wilt be charged according to their membership status. Display ad rates range from $470 to $870 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. Or see our Web site: http:/ / Guidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g. ‚ October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the Web at Ads will be placed approximately four weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published. Contact: Elise Parker, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 -2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: c& Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employees orapplicantsfor employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life-style, or national origin,” By advertising through ALA services, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD FOR SALE. A collection of approximately 1,500 books on the Middle East, m ainlyin English butalso including Arabic, Turkish, Persian, Hebrew, Russian, French, and German. The collection was made over a half century by Professor William R. Polk. Many of the works are now very rare. For a complete listing by e-mail, contact: 669Chemin De La Sine, 06140Vence France; fax: (33) 493 240877. POSITIONS OPEN ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE DEAN FOR INFORMATION SERVICES. The University of Nebraska at Omaha Library seeks an energetic, knowledgeable, and highly motivated leader. The University and depart­ ment have a strong commitment to achieving diversity among faculty and staff. We are particularly interested in receiving applications from mem­ bers of underrepresented groups and strongly encourage women and persons of color to apply. Responsibilities: Plan and integrate instructional offerings including those provided in Reference and the Learning Center; ensure that instruction is coordinated with other offerings on campus; supervise Learning Center and Reference Department (7 FTE faculty, 2 FTE Managerial/Professional, 6.5 FTE Office/Service, 2 graduate assis­ tants, several student assistants and student tutors); coordinate employee recruitment, hiring, evaluation, and termination for all library employees; provide support for staff development activities. Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS; five to seven years of increasingly responsible academic library management experience including supervision, reference, and learning assistance programs; superior planning, analytical, writing, and interpersonal communication skills; ability to work effectively in a col­ laborative and integrated environment. Desired: Advanced degree in addition to the MLS; knowledge of electronic licensing issues. Salary/ Benefits: $70,000-$75,000 for 12-month, tenure-track, TIAA-CREF, 24 days' vacation, flexible benefits package. Review of applications will begin on March 25,2002, and continue until a candidate isselected. A letter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, phone numbers, and e- mail of three to five references should be sent to: Jan Boyer, University Library, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE 68182-0237, e- mail:jboyer@; orfax: (402)554-3215. Foradditional information about the University Library and a copy of the job description, please visit: ASSISTANT PROFESSOR/ACADEMIC LIBRARIAN. Gustavus Adolphus College invites nominations and applications forthe tenure- track, nine-month position of Assistant Professor/Academic Librarian to begin September 1 ‚ 2002. An option for a summer contract is available with this position. Responsibilities will consist of coordinating reference Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting salary figures recom­ mended by state library associations for professional library posts in these states. The recommendations areadvisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. Job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minimums when evaluating profes­ sional vacancies. For additional information on librarian salaries, contact ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources. Connecticut $34,172 Delaware $22,500** Illinois $30,096* Indiana varies* Iowa $23,911 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $31,362* New Jersey $33,785 North Carolina $27,641** Ohio $25,198** Pennsylvania $28,120* Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $30,000 Vermont $26,464 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $32,700 ‘ Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on variables such as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each commu­ nity, or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minimum salary information. **These recommendations apply only to public librarians. services and developing the reference collection, as well as providing instruction, liaison with academic departments, and sharing management of the library in a collegial environment. Minimum Salary: $35,000. We seek candidates who have earned an ALA-accredited MLS degree; a second master’s degree will be required for tenure. Candidates must be knowledgeable about reference materials, be committed to teaching, be prepared to take an active leadership role in library governance, and possess outstanding interpersonal, oral, and written communication skills. C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 / 22 7 To Apply: Send letter of application, curriculum vita, statements of teaching philosophy and research interests, and three to five professional references to: Barbara Fister, Folke-Bernadotte Memorial Library, Aca­ demic Librarian Search, Gustavus Adolphus College, 800West Col­ lege Avenue, St. Peter, MN 56082-1498. Web Address: oncampus/humanresources/index.cfm. Review of applications will begin on March 8, 2002, and continue until the position is filled. Gustavus Adolphus College is a coeducational, private, Lutheran (ELCA), residen­ tial, national liberal arts college of 2,500 students. It is the policy and practice of the college to provide equal educational and employment opportunities for all. We specifically encourage applications from women, minorities, and persons with disabilities. ASSOCIATE DEAN OF LIBRARIES. Texas Tech University invites applications and nominations for the position of Associate Dean of Librar­ ies for Outreach and Information Services. The University Libraries is seeking an innovative individual to provide leadership in tactical and strategic planning, coordination, leadership program evaluation, and innovation in all aspects of the University Libraries. This position will oversee liaison and outreach, reference services, bibliographic instruc­ tion, access services, government documents, and two branch libraries. This position reports to the Dean of Libraries. Candidates for this position must possess a master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program and evidence of outstanding leadership ability with a minimum of five years' experience in an academic environment. Candidates with the following qualifications will be given preference: Commitment to excellence, effec­ tive communication, and service; knowledge of systems application and skills; relevant experience; critical understanding of current issues and developments in scholarly publishing; advanced degree or Ph.D. The position is a 12-month appointment with a nationally competitive salary. Librarians and archivists have academic status and are an integral part of the academic teaching and research mission of the university. TexasTech University ( is a state-supported institution with an enrollment of25,000. It offers a wide range of academic programs in 13 colleges and schools, including law and medicine. There are approxi­ mately 100 master’s degree programs and over 50 at the doctoral level. R E F E R E N C E / INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN The A m h e rs t C ollege L ib ra ry is lo o k in g fo r a R eferen ce/In stru ctio n L ibrarian w ith a n e n th u siasm for p ublic service a n d a d ed ication to m ak in g the full range of lib rary resources easily available to faculty, staff, a n d students. P rovides in d iv id u a l reference assistance in effective u se o f p rin t a n d electronic sources. Takes p a rt in lib ra ry o rie n ta tio n a n d in s tru c tio n , in c lu d in g classroom in stru c tio n , in d e p e n d e n t w o rk sh o p s, a n d i n d iv id u a l a p p o in tm e n ts. W ill ta k e th e le a d in p ro m o tin g th e Library's services, d atabases, a n d g eneral collections on c am p u s - th is resp o nsibility in clu d es ed iting th e c am p u s lib rary new sletter, p ro d u c in g user aids a n d d o cu m en tatio n b o th online a n d in p rin t, a n d c o n trib u tin g to the Library's w ebsite. Serves as library liaison for a t least 3 academ ic d ep artm en ts, info rm in g faculty a b o u t d ev elo p m en ts in the Library, m o n itoring c o llection d e v e lo p m e n t a n d m a in ta in in g lib rary w ebpages for th ese d ep artm en ts. R eports to the H e a d of Reference a n d O nline Services. Q u a lific a tio n s: S tro n g aca d e m ic b a c k g ro u n d a n d interests in th e hum an ities, w ith a n M.L.S. from an a cc re d ite d lib r a r y /in f o rm a tio n science p ro g ra m . D em o n strated co m m itm en t to lib rary public services co u p led w ith a n ability to teach required. G eneral reference experience, especially in a n academ ic library, strongly preferred. K now ledge o f d igital resources an d relev an t tech n o lo g y re q u ire d . A b ility to co o p erate closely w ith s tu d en ts, faculty, a n d college a dm in istrato rs essential. G o o d o ral a n d w ritten co m m unication skills required. W orking k n o w led g e o f on e foreign language preferred. This is a full-tim e p o sitio n a n d w ill involve w o rk in g S u ndays a n d occasional o th er evening ho u rs. Salary: $37,000 p lu s com petitive benefits in clu d in g TIAA-CREF. R eview o f a p p licatio n s w ill b e g in M arch 18, 2002. In te re s te d c a n d id a te s s h o u ld s u b m it a le tte r o f application, resum e, a n d n a m e s o f three references to: W illis E. B ridegam , L ib ra ria n o f th e C ollege, A m h e rst C ollege L ibrary, P O Box 5000, A m h e rst M A 01002-5000. Amherst College is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Actioi i employer and encourages women, minorities and persons with disabilities to apply. j R E F E R E N C E LIBRARIA N Faculty Position Cheyney University of Pennsylvania Cheyney U niversity of Pennsylvania, located approximately one hour from Philadelphia, seeks a Reference Librarian for a preferred starting date of Spring Semester, 2002. This is a tenure-track faculty position, 9-month appointment; additional summer work may be available. Tenure and promotion involve faculty standards for scholarship, professional growth, and service. Duties include coordination of reference and circulation, collection developm ent, and other support services for the library. The Reference Librarian will teach the u n ive rsity’s academ ic com m unity how to access, evaluate, and use information gathered from various sources. Required qualifica tio ns: ALA -accredited MLS, familiarity with the concepts, goals, and methods of library instruction/information literacy. Familiarity with the Internet and other electronic resources. Demonstrated effective oral and written communi­ cation skills and ability to work and coordinate activities in a collegial organization. Preferred qualifications: experience in university library public services; experience with automated and virtual library systems. Minimum starting rank: Instructor, however, depend­ ing on q u a lifica tio n s and experience may be appointed at a higher rank. Instructor range: $37,332 to $53,843 Application review begins immediately and remains open until filled. Send letter, resume, transcripts, and three references to: Helen D. Boyd, Chair Reference Librarian Search Committee CHEYNEY UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Cheyney, PA 19319 C h e y n e y U n iv e rs ity is an A A /E O E Successful com pletion of an o n -site interview p ro cess th a t may include a d em onstration. 2 2 8 / C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 INFORMATION AND EDUCATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN Dartmouth College Biomedical Libraries Working at Dartmouth means joining an institution with a strong commitment to libraries in their support of education, research, and patient care. A high quality of life; an interesting mix of graduate, professional, and undergraduate education; notable research programs; and a prominent academic medical center make Dartmouth an outstanding place to work. The Biomedical Libraries, a component of the Dartmouth College Library system, seek an enthusiastic and service-oriented professional to join its information and education team. Information and Education Services Librarians provide liaison, reference, and education services to the Department of Biological Sciences, the Dartmouth Medical School, and the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, as well as to interdisciplinary programs, in support of education, research, and patient care. The Biomedical Libraries consist of the Dana Biomedical Library at Dartmouth College’s Hanover, New Hampshire, campus, and the Matthews-Fuller Health Sciences at the Dartmouth- Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, New Hampshire. RESPONSIBILITIES: Reporting to the Associate Director/Health Sciences Library, the position actively participates in a Librarian Liaison program, providing direct liaison service to specific components of the Libraries’ constituencies; works as a member of a collaborative team to provide reference service in a technically sophisticated and fast-paced environment to faculty, students, staff, and patients; shares responsibility for covering the reference desks at the Dana Biomedical Library and the Matthews-Fuller Health Sciences Library, including evenings and weekends; searches a wide variety of biomedical information resources; and develops and implements programs of training and instruction on a variety of topics, such as information resources and databases, information management, library and Internet systems, networking, and library-oriented computer applications. QUALIFICATIONS; ALA-accredited MLS; educational background in the life sciences preferred; two years’ post-MLS experience in an academic health sciences of life sciences library preferred. The successful candidate will have strong interpersonal, organizational, and communication skills; ability to work collegially in small-group and team environments; strong commitment to client service; advanced reference skills and proficiency in computer-assisted research; familiarity with use and application of computers in a fully networked campus environment. RANK AND SALARY: Commensurate with education and experience. Minimum salary: $42,000 (Librarian III); $36,000 (Librarian II); $32,000 (Librarian I), plus a comprehensive benefits package and relocation assistance. BIOMEDICAL LIBRARIES INFORMATION: Applications received by March 31, 2002, will be given first consideration; applications will be considered until the position is filled. Please send application, cover letter, and résumé to: Cindy Stewart, Associate Director/Health Sciences Library Chair, Search Committee 6168 Dana Biomedical Library Hanover, NH 03755 E-mail: Fax: (603) 650-1789 Dartmouth College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to diversity and to serving the needs of a diverse population. Texas Tech is a member of the Association of Research Libraries, Center for Research Libraries, and the Greater Western Library Alliance. The newly renovated University Library ( hasover2.1 million volumes and an annual budget of over $9 million. Lubbock has a metropolitan population of224,000and is the regional centerfor education, agriculture, health care, banking, and business. Interested candidates should forward a letter of application indicating qualifications and interest in the position, current résumé, and names and contact information of three references to: Human Resources Office, Texas Tech University Librar­ ies, Box40002, Lubbock, TX 79409-0002. Electronic submissions are welcome and should besent to: Please address all correspondence to the Search Committee Chair, and specify the title of the position. Review of applications will begin March 22,2002, and continue until the position is filled. Texas Tech University is an EEO/AA/ADA employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN/SUPERVISOR OF TECHNICAL SERVICES TEAMS. Ryan Memorial Library, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 / 229 COORDINATOR OF SYSTEMS OPERATIONS/DATABASE MANAGEMENT LIBRARIAN University of Maryland, Baltimore County University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), an honors university serving more than 9,000 undergraduate and 1,600 graduate students, is one of two public universities in Maryland to achieve the “doctoral/research university-extensive” Carnegie classification. Located just outside Baltimore and 45 minutes from W ashington, D.C., the campus is growing rapidly under dynamic leadership. The university’s ongoing commitment to strengthen the library has led to investment in extensive technological developm ent and online resources (see w w w .um, complementing a superb facility enlarged and renovated in 1995, and holding more than 800,000 volumes. We offer an exciting opportunity to coordinate local UMBC im plementation of the third-generation library system (LIMS3) in close cooperation with the University System of Maryland and Affiliated Institutions (13 campuses). The incumbent will help plan migration from the current CARL system and prepare for im plementation of the Ex Libris Aleph system; coordinate m aintenance of the library’s online database; oversee daily system operations; plan and coordinate database projects; supervise staff and students; and participate in Technical Services management. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS required. Experience with an integrated library information management system and in database maintenance highly desirable. Experience working within an academic library in a highly consortial setting is preferred, as are supervisory and cataloging experience. Must demonstrate understanding of integrated systems, effective communication skills, ability to work independently and to organize and complete projects. SALARY AND BENEFITS: Position is a 12-month library faculty appointm ent at anticipated rank of Librarian I or II. Rank and salary comm ensurate with qualifications. Comprehensive benefits. The successful candidate will be expected to meet library and university requirements for reappointment, promotion, and permanent status. Review of applications begins April 15, 2002, and continues until the position is filled. Send letter of application, résumé, and names and e-mail addresses of three references to: Jonathan LeBreton Associate Director Library 353 UMBC 1000 Hilltop Circle Baltimore, MD 21250 Applications are also accepted via e-mail to: Lebreton@ um UMBC is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. invites applicants and nominations for the position of Catalog Librar­ ian/Supervisor of Technical Services Teams. The library supports the study and research of students and faculty in the College, Theol­ ogy, and Religious Studies Divisions. The Seminary is located in the suburban Philadelphia area. Please visit our W eb site at: http:// Position Summary: O riginal and copy cataloging of all library m aterials (including audiovisual m aterials and rare books) using AACR2, LCC, LCSH, and OCLC; m aintenance of the online Voyager catalog, including authority control; management and train­ ing of appropriate staff; responsible fo r establishing technical ser­ vices policy and procedures. The Supervisor of the Technical Ser­ vices Teams reports to the Director of Library Services and serves on the Library Committee. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree; background in Catholic theology preferred; thorough knowledge of AACR2, LCC, LCSH, and MARC form ats; appropriate professional level experience in an academic library; ability to w ork independently and take responsibility for problem identification, analysis, and reso­ lution; knowledge of at least one European language; excellent inter­ personal and com m unications skills. Salary and Benefits: Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience; com prehensive benefits package. Application: Send letter of application, résumé, and three professional references to: Cait Kokolus, Director of Library Services, Ryan Memorial Library, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, 100 East Wynnewood Road, Wynnewood, PA 19096; or e-m ail to: DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY (HEAD LIBRARIAN). Midlands Technical College. Vacancy: #1840. Location: Airport Campus. Description of Posi­ tion: Administers and manages the services and personnel of a multicampus library that serves more than 9,000 students; manages and expands technology in library services; plans strategically for long-range goals; designs work plans to maximize the skills and collaboration of personnel; interfaces library services and technology with the college’s initiatives; coordinates the technical and public service, administration, technology, and instructional functions of the library. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA- accredited institution; minimum of three years’ administrative experience in a library, preferably a t th e community college level; excellent oral and written communication skills as well as interpersonal skills; experience working with diverse academic areas. Salary: Competitive and deter­ mined by evaluating qualifications. Excellent benefits program that in­ cludes: Employer-provided health, dental, and life insurance; paid holi­ days; sick leave; and state retirement. To Apply: Interested persons meeting the required qualifications should submit a Midlands Technical College Application Form or SC State Government Application Form ( and official transcripts to: Midlands Technical College, Human Resource Management Division, P.O. Box 2408, Columbia, SC 29202. Social security number and vacancy number must be included for application to be processed. An application form may be obtained by calling: (803) 822-3252or (803) 822-3500. Deadline: Open until filled. AA/EOE/ADA. Campus Security Act information available upon request. 230 / C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 MONOGRAPH COPY CATALOGING COORDINATOR JOHNS HOPKINS U N I V E R S I T Y The Johns Hopkins University seeks an energetic librarian to provide expertise and leadership for its monograph copy catalog­ ing unit. The coordinator will supervise five full-tim e employees plus students, form ulate goals, establish priorities, develop catalog­ ing procedures, and create an environm ent that fosters team w ork as well as encourages and recognizes high performance. The suc­ cessful candidate will have strong collabora­ tive and collegial skills with a personal com ­ m itm ent to responsive service which com ­ bines traditional and innovative methods for providing intellectual access to the collec­ tion. R equires an accre d ite d MLS; th re e years' p ro fe s s io n a l o rig in a l c a ta lo g in g e x p e ri­ ence, w orking know ledge of A A C R 2r, LC s u b je ct headings and c la ssifica tio n , and U SM AR C fo rm a ts; reading know ledge of one W estern European fo re ig n language; e xp e rie n ce w ith a u tom ated system s; tim e- m ana g e m en t skills. S u p e rviso ry e x p e ri­ ence with d e m o n strate d su cce ss in c o l­ la b o ra tiv e m a n a g e m e n t b ased on goal se ttin g, team w ork, and perfo rm a n ce fe e d ­ b a ck p referred. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until position is filled. F ora more detailed job description, position qualifica­ tio n s , and to a p p ly o n lin e , see: h ttp ://; or send résumé, indicating Job #SC R A4498 on cover letter, along with three p ro fe s s io n a l re fe re n c e s , v ia e -m a il to: jhu@ ; fax to: (877) 262-0646; or mail to: JHU Resume Processing Center P.O. Box 3687 Scranton, PA 18505 Approxim ate starting salary range $ 4 0 ,0 9 4 - $45,606. W e offer excellent benefits, includ­ ing tu itio n rem issio n , in a s m o k e -fre e / drug-free environment. A strategic goal of the libraries is to work toward achieving diversity when recruiting new and p ro m o t­ ing e xisting staff. T he lib ra rie s prize in itia ­ tive, c re a tivity, pro fe ssio n a lism , and te a m ­ w ork. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN Gallaudet University Gallaudet University Library in W ashington, D.C., invites applications and nominations fo r th e p o s itio n o f S yste m s L ib ra ria n . Gallaudet University serves deaf and hard- of-hearing students from m any d ifferent b a c k g ro u n d s and s e e k s to d e v e lo p a w orkforce that reflects the diversity of its student body. G allaudet is an equal em ploy­ ment opportunity, affirmative action employer and actively encourages deaf, hard-of-hear- ing, and disabled individuals, women, mem­ b e rs of tr a d itio n a lly u n d e rre p re s e n te d groups, and veterans to apply fo r open positions. SUM M ARY The System s Librarian will provide leader­ ship and vision in planning, developing, and im plementing information technology strate­ gies for the delivery of the library’s services and for effective and efficient operation of administrative functions. Manages and main­ tains all Library com puter systems, includ­ ing the W ashington Research Library Con­ sortium (WRLC) integrated library system, the Online C om puter Library C enter (OCLC) services, online databases, and networked and adm inistrative workstations. The Sys­ tem s Librarian reports to the University Li­ brarian and is a m em ber of the Library M anagem ent Committee. REQ U IR ED MLS from an ALA -accredited institution; minimum of one year of related library expe­ rience; demonstrated knowledge of com ­ puters, networks, library autom ated sys­ tems, emerging technologies, and MS W in­ dows operating systems; fluency in sign language or the willingness to learn and dem onstrate competence. Salary comm ensurate with education and experience. Excellent benefits package. Deadline Date for Receipt of Applications: April 10, 2002. Send Application (résumé and letter of inter­ est) or nominations to: Gallaudet University Personnel Office 800 Florida Avenue, NE Washington, D.C. 20002 Faxed résumés and letters of interest are accepted at: (202) 651-5344; e-mails ac­ cepted at: We are an equal opportunity employer and educational institution. C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 / 231 INSTRUCTION COORDINATOR/ REFERENCE LIBRARIAN George Washington University (Search Reopened) APPOINTMENT RANK AND SALARY: Appointment at the rank of Librarian II or III. Minimum salary: Librarian II, $40,000; Librarian III, $45,000, Rank and salary based on qualification and experience. POSITION DESCRIPTION: Coordinates the activities of the Education and Instruction Group and provides reference assistance in a broad range of subject areas in a highly electronic environment. Provides leadership for Education and Instruction Group activities and supervises instruction librarians under the direction of the Head of Reference and Instruction. W orks with instruction librarians to develop an information literacy program that includes innovative and diverse library instructional activities. Provides leadership in the creation of W eb-based instructional aids, including tutorials. W orks at the reference desk up to ten hours per week including evening and weekend rotation. Serves on library and university committees. Q UALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: ALA-accredited MLS; experience working as a coordinator or team leader; ability to provide evaluative feedback to colleagues; excellent oral and written communication skills; experience in providing reference and instruction services; the desire to lead a dynamic instruction program; excellent teaching/presentation skills; a comm itm ent to public service and to the promotion of information literacy; evidence of understanding key issues, ideas, and trends in reference and user education; experience with electronic resources and the Internet/W eb; commitment to learn and use emerging technologies in the provision of library services; understand­ ing of the role of W eb-based services in a large academ ic library; ability to work effectively with co­ workers in a collaborative team-based organization; flexibility in adapting to change; ability to apply systems thinking in solving problems and decision-making. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS: Reference and instruction experience in an academic library environment; direct supervisory experience; experience writing performance appraisals; experi­ ence in the preparation of tutorials; demonstrated skill in developing W eb-based instruction. REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS: Review of applications begins April 8, 2002, and will continue until the position is filled. Please send a letter of application, résumé, and the names and addresses of three references to: Emma Mosby Manager, Gelman Library System Administrative Services The Gelman Library Administration Office The George Washington University, The Melvin Gelman Library 2130 H Street, NW, Room 201 Washington, DC 20052 The George Washington University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY. Trinity Christian College. Full-time position opening starting July 1 ‚ 2002. Master’s in Library Science or related field required. Previous experience and/ora Ph.D. strengthen qualifications. Located in Palos Heights, Illinois, Trinity is a four-year Christian liberal arts college in the Reformed tradition. Contact: Liz Rudenga, Provost, at: (708) 239-4839; ore-mail: EDUCATION/PSYCHOLOGY LIBRARIAN. The University of Minne­ sota Libraries, Twin Cities Campus, invites applications and nominations forthe position of Education/Psychology Librarian. The University Librar­ ies particularly encourages the candidacy of people with experience in multicultural and multiracial settings. Responsibilities: Develop strong connections with faculty, students, and instructional programs to deter­ mine collection and service needs for education and psychology; promote information literacy within the education and psychology curriculum by consulting with faculty on assignments and providing instructional pro­ grams; select library materials in all formats and develop efficient and systematic selection methods for current and retrospective materials for education and psychology; provide general and research assistance to library users during scheduled hours at the Wilson Reference Service Desk, including some evening and weekend shifts; contribute to the development of the libraries’ digital reference services and online learning resources and tools (see and http://; analyze trends in education and psychology teaching and research programs, keep current with scholarship in the disciplines themselves, and apply observations to collection, instruction, and reference services. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or foreign equivalent; minimum of two years' post-MLS collection develop­ ment, reference, and instruction experience in a college or university library; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; creativity, flex­ ibility, initiative, and self-direction; ability to work both independently and in cooperation with colleagues and library users in a service-oriented, team-based environment. Preferred Qualifications: Undergraduate or graduate degree in education or psychology; collection development, reference, and instruction experience in education or psychology; demon­ strated liaison experience with academic programs, departments, or colleges; experience in the development of digital reference and instruc­ tion. Salary and Benefits: Full-time, 12-month, continuous appointment track, academic/professional position with probationary appointment at Assistant Librarian. The libraries offers a competitive salary commensu­ rate with experience, not less than $35,000 for this position. Excellent benefits and substantial moving allowance. To Apply: Position available immediately. Applications will be accepted until filled. Send letter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and 2 3 2 /C & R L News ■ M a rc h 2002 CATALOGER-M ASON l i b r a r y Assistant Professor ran k • Tenure-track 12-month appointment Keene State College’s Mason Library invites applications for the position of C ataloger, to begin July 1, 2002. Under the direction of the Head of Technical Services, the Cataloger provides expertise for cataloging of all print and non-print library materials, including those for Special Collections, the Curriculum Materials Library, and the Cohen Center for Holocaust Studies. The cataloger coordinates cataloging of materials in collections elsewhere on campus, performs original cataloging as necessary and sets standards for cataloging quality control. The Cataloger participates in a regular reference desk rotation and serves as liaison to designated academic disciplines, which includes responsibility for collection development and user education. The Cataloger provides training as needed to cataloging staff and also maintains ongoing communication about cataloging issues within Mason Library and with Keene Public Library, which shares the Keene-Link catalog. Q ualifications: R e q u ire d : M aster’s Degree in Library Science from an ALA accredited program. Experience with serials cataloging. Knowledge of current trends in cataloging and automated library operations with special emphasis on descriptive and subject cataloging utilizing AACR2, LCSH and LC classification and MARC formats. Working knowledge of OCLC. Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to work collaboratively with others. Knowledge of the Internet, online information retrieval and the use of electronic resources. D esired: Knowledge of the Innovative Interfaces Innopac system. One or more years of related professional experience in an academic library. Reading knowledge of one or more foreign languages. Evidence of professional involvement. Salary: minimum salary for Assistant Professor $42,390. Keene State College is an affiliate of the University System of New Hampshire. The College is a public comprehensive college located in the scenic Monadnock region o f southwestern New Hampshire. Keene State College and its teacher education programs are NEASC/NCATE-accredited. The College has an enrollment of approximately 3,800 undergraduate students, 100 graduate students and 800 continuing education students. The KSC library houses approximately 300,000 paper volumes and has active subscriptions to more than 1,200 periodicals, newspapers, and annual publications. It also enjoys a unique partnership with the Keene Public Library, combining collections and services through the Keene Link electronic catalog. For further information about Keene State College’s Mason Library, please refer to: To apply, send a letter o f application, curriculum vitae, and three letters o f reference to Cataloger Search/CRL38, Office o f Human Resource Management, Keene State College, 229 Main Street, Keene, N H 03435-1604. Review o f applications will begin immediately; all applications m ust be received by M ay 24, 2002. KEENE STATE COLLEGE Keene State College is a m em ber o f the Council o f Public Liberal Arts Colleges, a national alliance o f leading liberal arts colleges in the public sector. A s an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer, Keene State College is engaged in an effort to b uild a community that reflects the diversity o f society. e-mail addresses of three current professional references to: Human Resources, 499 Wilson Library, University of Minnesota, 309 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Please identify the application with UL #150. Full description of responsibilities available at http:// The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Web: GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS SERVICES LIBRARIAN. John F. Kennedy Library of Eastern Washington University (EWU), Cheney, Washington, is seeking applicants for the position of Reference/Govern­ ment Documents Services Librarian. This is a 10-month, tenure-track position at the Assistant Librarian level, reporting to the Head of Reference and Instruction. Responsibilities: Provides reference service as well as group instruction in the use of information resources, with special respon­ sibility fo r federal publications and electronic resources; coadministers the federal documents depository program; provides expertise and lead­ ership to the library’s reference and instruction librarians in accessing and using government information; maintains the library’s government Web pages, and creates other user guides; participates in the governance of the libraries and the university. Required Qualifications: Master’s degree in Library and Information Services from an ALA-accredited program; three to five years’ professional experience in academic libraries with two years in government documents and two years in reference and/or instruction; demonstrated reference and instruction skills; understanding of FDLP and electronic publishing; effective written and oral communica­ tion skills; ability to work collaboratively and adapt to change. Desired Qualifications: Additional relevant advanced degree; foreign or program­ ming language; advanced Web structuring tools or skills. Salary/Appoint- ment: Position available September 1 ‚ 2002. Ten-month, tenure-track appointment at the rank of Librarian II. Salary from $43,000 based on experience and in accordance with provisions of the faculty union contract. TIAA-CREF retirement program; comprehensive medical insurance; 20 days’ vacation and established holidays; generous sick leave; assistance with moving expenses; support for professional development; no state or local income taxes. Application: For complete description and require­ ments and/orto apply fo r this position, send letter of application, résumé, and a list of at least three references to: Carol Raczykowski, Assistant to the Dean of Information Resources, EWU Libraries, 816 F Street, 100 LIB, Cheney, WA 99004-2453; or by e-mail to: craczykowski @ Review of applications begins April 1 ‚ 2002, and continues until position is filled. See our Web site for information about the library and the university at: Eastern Washington University is an C&RL N ew s ■ M arch 2002 / 233 ASSISTANT DEAN FOR MEDIA SERVICES Kent State University Kent State University is searching fo r an energetic and service-oriented person to fill the senior adm inistrative position of Assistant Dean for Media Services. This is a 12-month, tenure-track faculty position, reporting to the Dean of Libraries and M edia Services. Libraries and M edia Services is a m ajor unit within the Division of Academ ic Affairs. RESPONSIBILITIES: Adm inisters and provides leadership for the Media Services department. Media Services provides a full range of production and presentation technology services in support of classroom teaching, research, special events, meetings, and advancing the university’s mission and has cam pusw ide responsibility for the audiovisual and instructional technology systems in general purpose classroom s. The departm ent provides television facilities and support for the local public broadcasting station. Media Services consists of Audio Visual Services and Teleproductions and has nine divisions: C lassroom Services, Classroom and Instructional System s Design, Copy Center, C opyright C learance Services, Instructional Graphics, Public Address and Equipment M aintenance, Student M ultimedia Studio, Video Engineering and Operations, and Video Production. Responsible for the overall leadership and m anagem ent of the unit, including planning and goal setting; day-to-day operations; budget; personnel hiring and supervision; and for the promotion and advancem ent of the departm ent. W orks with other adm inistrators and departm ents and serves on numerous com m ittees related to instructional technologies. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: M aster’s degree in instructional technology or MLS from an ALA- accredited graduate program, or m aster's in a related field; significant experience in m anaging a comprehensive media departm ent; strong adm inistrative skills; excellent interpersonal, oral, and w ritten com m unication skills; knowledge of current audiovisual, television (video), and related technologies and their application to various presentation form ats. Preferred Qualifications: Media m anagem ent experience in a college or university setting. Faculty rank and salary will be com m ensurate with experience. Minimum salary is $56,222. Earliest starting date is July 1 ‚ 2002. Deadline for receipt of applications is April 15, 2002. For information about meeting requirements for prom otion and tenure, and for more detailed inform ation about the position, the departm ent, and the university, please see the W eb site: http://w w w Im sadm in/ad-m edia.htm l. TO APPLY: Please send letter of application, résumé, and names of three references to: Jeanne Somers Associate Dean Libraries and Media Services Kent State University P.O. Box 5190 Kent, OH 44242 Kent State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and applications from members of historically underrepresented groups are especially encour­ aged. The successful candidate will be required to show proof of eligibility to work in the United States pursuant to U.S. immigration laws and to pass a background check. HEAD OF PUBLIC SERVICES AND LIBRARY INSTRUCTION. The Jacksonville University library has an immediate opening for a person with good people skills and a public service orientation. The ideal candi­ date will work in a team-based environment and be responsible for the management of all public services of the library including library instruc­ tion. The person will supervise the operations of the circulation, govern­ ment documents, periodicals, and special collections departments and will train public services personnel. He or she will organize and maintain the reference collection, develop and implement procedures and policies for the use of materials, and serve as a liaison to selected academic areas. Candidates must hold a master’s degree from an ALA-accredited pro­ gram, have skills and abilities in newer technologies, and have three years of progressively responsible experience. Letter of interest, current résumé, and three letters of reference should be forwarded to: Thomas H. Gunn, Director of the Library, Jacksonville University, 2800 University Boule­ vard North, Jacksonville, FL32211 -3394. Application review is underway and continues until the position is filled. HEAD O F TECHNICAL SERVICES. The Brandel Library of North Park University is seeking an energetic, service-oriented, flexible, and innova­ tive individual to join us in our newly constructed library. Responsibilities: Administration and coordination of technical services in accordance with the learning outcomes and strategic plan of the library; copy and original cataloging; supervision of students and staff; acquisitions and supervision of acquisitions budget; and supervision of processing library materials. The position reports to the Director of the Library and includes some reference rotation. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; experience working in Technical Services, administrative experience preferred; familiarity with Horizon, Endeavor, or other client server system; familiarity with OCLC; reading knowledge of a Scandinavian language desired. Position is full-time, salary commensurate with quali­ fications and experience. North Park University is owned and operated by the Evangelical Covenant Church, and applicants should have a personal religious commitment compatible with North Park’s mission of Christian higher education. Minorities are encouraged to apply. Please send letterof application, résumé, and names of three references by March 30,2002, to: 234 / C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown Full position announcem ents are available at: http://www ent/. Reference Librarian Faculty librarian position to provide reference service, library instruction, and technical processing duties in a regional campus library. Reports to the Coordinator of Reference Services and Director of the Owen Library. Provides some evening and weekend reference on a rotational basis. REQUIRED: MLS from ALA-accredited program (or recognized equivalent); effective organiza­ tional, interpersonal, and communication skills; demonstrated knowledge of library information services and emerging electronic information services. Preference will be given to academic library experience, and experience in one or more of the following: Reference, technical processing, and library instruction. Must have strong service commitment; be able to work productively in an environm ent of diversity; work well under pressure; and deal with difficult situations in a positive manner. Reference Librarian/Library instruction Coordinator Faculty librarian position to provide reference service and library instruction in a regional campus library. Reports to the Director of the Owen Library. Participates effectively in the public services operation of the library, including regular reference desk shifts as assigned. Provides some evening and weekend reference on a rotational basis. Coordinates library instruction program, actively promoting the program and marketing it to the campus faculty and community. REQUIRED: MLS from an ALA-accredited program (or recognized equivalent); knowledge of electronic reference products and proper use of Internet resources in provision of reference services; prefer experience in library instruction or experience in reference services; knowledge of learning styles and teaching methods important; knowledge of MS W ord and Excel extremely helpful. Must have strong service commitment; be able to work productively in an environment of diversity; work well under pressure; and deal with difficult situations in a positive manner. SALARY: $30,000 minimum. Comprehensive benefits package including 23 vacation days/year; medical; TIAA-CREF, Vanguard; and tuition assistance. TO APPLY: Submit letter of application and résumé with the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: William Gentz Personnel Librarian 271 Hillman Library University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 Review of applications will begin March 9, 2002, and continue until position is filled. Please specify position(s) of interest. ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH AT JOHNSTOW N Founded in 1927 as one of the first regional campuses of a major university in the United States, Pitt-Johnstown is a four-year, degree-granting, fully-accredited, coeducational residential under­ graduate college of the University of Pittsburgh. With 2,700 well-qualified full-time students and a suburban campus of striking beauty, Pitt-Johnstown combines the strong academic reputation and outstanding resources of a major research university with the personal appeal of a sm aller college. Located in a suburb of Johnstown, a city of 40,000 only 70 miles east of Pittsburgh, the spacious 650-acre wooded campus is recognized as one of the most attractive in the eastern states. To learn more about the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, visit the Web site at: To learn more about the University Library System, visit: http://www For more information on the University of Pittsburgh, please visit: http://www The University of Pittsburgh is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Sonia Bodi, Director of the Brandel Library, North Park University, 3225 W. Foster, Chicago, IL 60625. Equal opportunity employer. INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. State University of West Georgia, Ingram Library, seeks adynamic, innovative librarian with a strong user orienta­ tion for the position of Instruction Librarian. The successful candidate will be a member of the Instructional Services Division staff of eight FTE librarians and one support staff who report to the Head of Instructional Services. Twelve-month, tenure-track position, with target appointmentat Instructor/Assistant Professor/Librarian rank. Responsibilities: Partici- C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 / 235 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN Montana State University- Bozeman Libraries Montana State University (MSU) is a great place to continue your career. Bozeman is located in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, 90 miles north of Yellowstone National Park and has many outstanding outdoor recreations and cultural events. AVAILABLE: July 1, 2002. SALARY AND RANK: $48,000, commensurate with qualifications and experience; tenure track, Assistant or Associate Professor rank. Screening begins immediately and contin­ ues until position is filled. For job description and application inform a­ tion, see: jo bs/411-2.html; or call: (406) 994-3119. MSU is an ADA/EO/AA/veterans preference employer. pates in an active library instruction program which includes teaching credit course sections in library research in Web-based and classroom format; coordinating library literacy training fo r the university faculty and staff; developing and teaching bibliographic instruction classes; delivering reference service (with some nights and weekends); performing collec­ tion development; and serving as liaison for assigned departments. Re­ quired Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS/MLIS; second graduate de­ gree required for tenure and for appointment or promotion above Instructor rank; ability to fulfill standard promotion and tenure requirements; out­ standing interpersonal, communication, and organizational skills; ability to work creatively and collaboratively with others; knowledge of and experience with a wide array of traditional and electronic sources; ability to create Web pages. Preferred Qualifications: Reference experience in an academic library; teaching experience that includes electronic design and delivery methods. Salary and Benefits: Salary Range: $32,000- $36,000 expected hiring range, depending on qualifications and experi­ ence. Standard benefits package: 21 days’ vacation, 12 paid holidays, retirement (including state and optional programs), health and dental insurance, and 403b. Library, University, and Community Information: Ingram Library’s Web site:; university’s Website:; Carrollton community Website: http:/ / Applications: Review of applications will begin April 1 ‚ 2002, and continue until the position is filled. The projected starting date is July 1 ‚ 2002. Send le tter of application, vita, transcripts, and names, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three professional references to: Shirley O. Lankford, Chair, Instruction Search Committee, Ingram Li­ brary, State University of West Georgia, Carrollton, G A 30118. Phone: (770) 838-3154. Unofficial transcripts are sufficient for application, but offer of employment will be contingent on presentation of official tran­ scripts. Candidates passing beyond first review must submit three current letters of reference. The names of applicants and nominees, résumés, and other nonevaluative material are subject to public inspection under the Georgia Open Records Act. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. LIBRARIAN. Faculty-status/tenure-track librarian. Cameron University (, located adjacent t o the beautiful Wichita Mountains, seeks a service-oriented, self-motivated librarian to par­ ticipate in reference, classroom instruction, and collection develop­ ment activities. ALA-accredited MLS/MLIS or proof of expected May 2002 graduation. Good com munication skills. Interest in meeting SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN Columbia Theological Seminary The John Bulow Campbell Library of Colum­ bia Theological Seminary ( is seeking an experienced Systems Librar­ ian to participate in the team approach to providing comprehensive library services to the seminary community. RESPONSIBILITIES: Maintain, update, and support the DRA Taos library automation system using W indows NT; educate users about DRA Web2, GALILEO, and other elec­ tronic information resources; support staff use of all DRA modules and CD-ROM data­ bases; participate in planning for and admin­ istering library services; share library refer­ ence duties with other members of the pro­ fessional staff. REQUIREMENTS: MLS from an ALA-ac- credited institution; experience with library automation software, preferably DRA; gradu­ ate degree in Religion preferred; experience with W indows NT preferred; academic library experience preferred, particularly in a theo­ logical setting. Competitive salary based on qualifications and experience; excellent benefits package. TOAPPLY: Send application letter, résumé, and co n tact inform ation fo r three refer­ ences to: Library Search Columbia Theological Seminary P.O. Box 520 Decatur, GA 30031-0520 Fax: (404) 687-4687 E-mail: Columbia Theological Seminary is a profes­ sional graduate school of the Presbyterian Church USA (w located in the suburban A tlanta area. The library is a p a rtic ip a n t in th e A R C H E c o n s o rtiu m ( and the GALILEO project ( Search open until position is filled. distance learner information needs. Salary Range: $32,000-$34,000. Mail letter, résumé, and contact inform ation for three references, preferably by March 20,2002, to: Cathy Blackman ‚ Cameron Univer­ sity Library, 2800 W est Gore Boulevard, Lawton, O K 73505. Equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. LIBRARIAN FOR PHYSICS, ASTRO NO M Y, AND DIGITAL PROJECTS. Science and Engineering Library. The University of Minne­ sota Libraries, Twin Cities Campus, invites applications and nominations for the position of Physics and Astronomy Librarian. The University Libraries particularly encourages the candidacy of people with experience in multicultural and multiracial settings. Responsibilities: Develop strong liaison with faculty, students, and instructional programs to determine collection and service needs for Physics and Astronomy; promote infor- 236 / C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 LIBRA PROFESSORSHIP University of Maine at Augusta Co-Coordinator and Faculty Member Library and Information Technology Degree Programs August 15, 2002-June 15, 2003 The Libra professorship was established to promote excellence in selected degree programs, to provide recognition for high-quality programs, to attract exemplary faculty, and to provide students with outstanding faculty models for teaching and public service. The University of Maine at Augusta (UMA) seeks a Libra Professor of Library and Information Technology (L&IT) to teach asynchronously delivered courses worldwide via Web-based instruc­ tion program, using locally produced video and other emerging technologies. This is a 10-month, externally funded professorship. The Libra Professor must have teaching experience at the college level; MLS or MLIS from an ALA-accredited degree program; knowledge and experience with distance education, delivery, and philosophy; excellent verbal and written expression; and program development experience. An earned doctorate is strongly preferred. The Libra Professor will be expected to do academ ic advising; teach baccalaureate L&IT courses; conduct curriculum review; create and maintain statistical L&IT student database; and write for publication in professional literature. SALARY: High $50s to $60,000, commensurate with qualifications and experience, plus $7,000 expense stipend. Excellent fringe benefits. TO APPLY: Review of applications begins immediately, continuing until filled. Applicants should submit a cover letter, current résumé, transcripts, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three professional references to: Library and Information Technology Libra Professorship Search Administrative Services The University of Maine at Augusta 46 University Drive Augusta, ME 04330 The UMA, with campus locations in Augusta, Bangor, and Lewiston-Auburn, is one of seven university campuses in the University of Maine System. Located in the state capital, UMA’s Augusta Campus is surrounded by scenic lake country and is readily accessible to winter and coastal recreational areas for which Maine is famous. We are an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. The University of Maine at Augusta encourages and values diversity among its students, faculty, and staff. UMA is a member of the University of Maine System. mation literacy within the physics and astronomy curriculum by consult­ ing with faculty on assignments and providing instructional support; select library materials in all formats for Physics and Astronomy; provide general and research assistance to library users during scheduled hours a t the Science and Engineering Reference Desk in Walter Library, includ­ ing some evening and weekend shifts; contribute to the development of the libraries’ digital reference services and online learning resources and tools (see and search); maintain the Physics and Astronomy subject Web pages on SciWeb (; working closely with the AUL for Information Technology and with the Digital Technology Center, seek out opportunities fo r digital projects with members of the Institute of Technol­ ogy; analyze trends in Physics and Astronomy teaching and research programs, keep current with scholarship in the disciplines themselves, and apply observations to collection, instruction, and reference services. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLSorforeign equivalent; expe­ rience in collection development; reference or instruction experience in a college or university library; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; creativity, flexibility, initiative, and self-direction; ability to work both independently and in cooperation with colleagues and library users in a service-oriented, team-based environment. Preferred Qualifications: Un­ dergraduate or graduate degree in a physical science; experience in the development of digital library projects. Salary and Benefits: Full-time, 12- month, continuous appointment track, academic/professional position with probationary appointment at Assistant Librarian. The Libraries offers acompetitive salary commensurate with experience, not less than $35,000 for this position. Excellent benefits and substantial moving allowance. To Apply: Position available immediately. Applications will be accepted until filled. Send letter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three current professional references to: Human Resources, 499 Wilson Library, University of Minnesota, 3 0919th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Please identify the application with UL#149. Full description of responsibilities available at: The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Web: http:// MORTENSON DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR AND DIRECTOR OF THE MORTENSON CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY PROGRAMS. Position Available: January 2,2003. One of the world’s premier libraries, the University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign invites applications from and nominations of individuals with vision, creativity, energy, initiative, and leadership ability to articulate, plan, assess, and promote programs for the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs. Duties and Responsibilities: Established by two gen­ erous gifts from C. Walterand Gerda B. Mortenson, the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs seeks to strengthen international ties among libraries and librarians. The Mortenson Professor develops active C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 / 237 ASSOCIATE FACULTY DIRECTOR University of Colorado at Boulder POSITION SUMMARY: A newly created tenure-track faculty position reporting to the Head, Information Resources Acquisitions Department. The department consists of 24.5 FTE and is responsible for the acquisitions of materials in all formats, processing gifts of library materials, establishing policies and procedures associated with ordering, receiving and payment activities, maintaining acquisitions and gift records, and providing and analyzing acquisitions-related inform a­ tion for collection development and other library administrative operations. The department is also responsible for license m anagement of electronic resources including the negotiation and ongoing maintenance of license agreements with information providers. The departm ent has recently been reorganized to encompass monographic and serial resources. Primary responsibilities of the Associate Faculty Director include supervision of 8.5 FTE and oversight of activities related to receipt, payment, and fund accounting, analysis of data relating to these activities, and liaison with faculty and staff engaged in collection developm ent and with the libraries’ budget activities. A significant part of this position involves research and creative work and service in keeping with the tenure standards of the University of Colorado at Boulder. REQUIREMENTS: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school completed by June 2002, three years of acquisitions work in a library, demonstrated successful supervisory experience, aptitude for detail, demonstrated ability to meet deadlines in a production-oriented environment, experience with a bibliographic utility and an automated library system, strong communication and interpersonal skills with ability to lead and collaborate, and potential for research and scholarly/ professional achievement. PREFERRED Q U ALIFIC ATIO N S: W orking fam iliarity with spreadsheet software to support management and usage of financial data, familiarity with emerging information resources, including online resources, in a rapidly changing library environment, basic understanding of financial data and their structure, and familiarity with general business practices. APPOINTMENT AND SALARY: The successful candidate with demonstrated accomplishments in research and creative work will be appointed as a full-time (12-month) assistant professor on tenure track. A successful candidate with promise in research but lacking an established scholarly record will be appointed as a senior instructor (non-tenure track) for two years, with promotion to the tenure track and the rank of assistant professor upon successful review. Starting salary range will be $43,000-$52,000. Benefits include 22 working days of vacation, ten paid holidays, liberal sick leave, university group health care plans, group life insurance, TIAA-CREF retirement/annuity, and support for scholarly/professional activities. Tenured librarians are eligible for sabbatical leave. APPLICATION PROCESS: Review of applications and nominations will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. It is suggested that applications be on file with the search committee by April 15, 2002. Send letter of application specifically addressing qualifications for the position, résumé, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Scott Seaman Associate Director for Administrative Services University Libraries, 184 UCB University of Colorado at Boulder Boulder, CO 80309-0184 The University of Colorado at Boulder is committed to diversity and equality in education and employment. partnerships with libraries in other countries, creates professional devel­ opment workshops and training programs, and fosters library develop­ ment around the world. Reporting directly to the University Librarian, the incumbent is a global spokesperson and representative not only for the Mortenson Center but also for the Library and the University. The Mortenson Professor is expected to contribute actively to the field of international librarianship with research, lectures, and participation in professional organizations in the continental United States and around the world. The Mortenson Professor is also responsible for providing leadership in articulating and implementing an international strategy for the Library and the University. As director of the Mortenson Center, the Mortenson Professor is responsible for the success of the Center and the implemen­ tation of its programs. To date, more than 500 librarians from 76 countries have participated in this unique program (Web site: mortenson). The Mortenson Professor seeks to develop new partnerships forthe Mortenson Center while maintaining relationships with the Center’s current partners in Russia, South Africa, Costa Rica, Georgia, and Haiti, and with its U.S. partners, the Illinois State Library, the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR), and the Queens Borough Public Library. Working with Area Studies Centers and international programs on campus, the Mortenson Director develops programs that support the visits of librarians from othercountries and that encourage librarians at the University of lllinois and in the State of Illinois to participate in international activities. The Mortenson Center Professor is also responsible fo r the successful Mortenson Distinguished Lecture series. Environment: The University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign is one of the preemi­ nent research collections in the nation and the world. With more than 9 million volumes and a total of 21 million items, it ranks third in size among 238 / C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 HEAD, TECHNICAL SERVICES University of California, Berkeley Associate Librarian/Librarian $49,224-$76,860 per annum, depending upon qualifications T he E ast A sian L ibrary of the U n ive rsity of C alifo rnia, Berkeley, houses the second largest research c o lle ctio n of books, m anuscripts, rare books, and sp ecial c o lle ctio n s in the East Asian la nguages at any u n ive rsity o utside Asia. Its c o m p re h e nsive h oldings include m ore than 750,000 volum es, over 70,000 m icrofilm and n onprint m aterials, and o ve r 4 ,0 00 cu rre n t serial titles. M ost of th e se m ate ria ls are in C hinese, Japanese, Korean, T ibetan, M anchu, and M ongolian. The East A sian Library su p p orts m ajor research and reference a ctivitie s on East A sia w ithin the library system at Berkeley. It se rve s the ca m pus co m m u n ity and a sub stan tia l num ber of off-ca m p us users. The East Asian Library Technical Services unit processes Chinese, Japanese, and Korean language materials for the East Asian Library, C enter for Chinese Studies Library, all other libraries within the University Library system, and affiliated libraries on campus such as the Ethnic Studies Library. It employs nine career staff in addition to tem porary and student employees. Its operations include original and copy cataloging and serials processing. The East Asian Library uses OCLC CJK and RLIN CJK for vernacular cataloging. RESPONSIBILITIES: The Head of East Asian Library Technical Services reports to the Director of the East Asian Library and serves as a member of the East Asian Library managem ent group. The incumbent is responsible for overall managem ent and supervision of the entire technical operations. He or she plans, implements, and evaluates operations, establishes policies and procedures, and sets priorities in cataloging and processing in consultation with collection managem ent librarians. The incumbent provides training, evaluation, and supervision for technical services staff and serves as a liaison with Central Technical Services as a m ember of the Technical Services Council. In addition to managem ent and administrative duties, the incumbent performs original cataloging in all form ats in Chinese or Japanese or Korean language depending on his or her expertise, and represents the library in regional, national, and international cooperative programs for technical processing. He or she works with library’s System Office in developing appropriate computing environm ent for the processing of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean scripts and related technical standards and solutions for East Asian digital library development. (continued on next page) academic libraries in the United States and first among public university libraries in the world. As the intellectual heart of the campus, the Library is committed to maintaining the strongest collections and services pos­ sible and engaging in research and development activities—both of which support the University’s mission of teaching, research, and public ser­ vice. The Library currently employs approximately 100faculty and 300 staff m em bers. For m ore detailed in form ation, visit: h ttp :// www. library. The library consists of more than 40 departmental libraries that are located throughout campus and administratively orga­ nized into eight divisions. The Mortenson Center resides in a newly refurbished office suite in the Undergraduate Library. The current staff consists of an Assistant Director, a Program and Outreach Coordinator, and a full-time secretary. Qualifications: Required: A MLS from an ALA- accredited library school or its equivalent, o ra Ph.D. in some aspect of international studies; at least 10 years’ experience in an academic or research library; experience in a position of leadership and accomplish­ ment in international librarianship in an academic or research library; a distinguished record of research and publication commensurate with appointment a t the rank of Associate Professor or Professor; excellent leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills; demonstrated ana­ lytical, quantitative, planning, and organizational skills; ability to view issues from a global perspective and to contribute effectively to creating partnerships with librarians in foreign countries; knowledge of trends in librarianship and information science that affect the future of libraries; fluency in a research language besides English. Preferred: A postbaccalaureate degree in some aspect of international studies and culture; record of success in grant writing. Salary and Rank: Salary for appointment is competitive and is commensurate with experience and credentials. This is a faculty appointment that must meet general univer­ sity requirements for named professorships (program development, research and publication, and university/professional service). Appoint­ ment as Associate Professor/Professor with tenure depending on creden­ tials of successful applicant. Terms of Appointment: 12-month appoint­ ment; 24 work days’ vacation per year; 11 paid holidays; 12 annual sick leave days (cumulative), plus additional 13 days (noncumulative) per year if necessary; health insurance, requiring a small copayment, is provided to employees (coverage for dependents may be purchased); participation in the State Universities Retirement System, which includes several private options including TIAA-CREF, is compulsory upon ap­ pointment (8% of member’s salary is withheld, is tax exempt, and is refundable upon termination); newly hired university employees are covered by the Medicare portion of Social Security, and are subject to its deduction. Campus and Community: The University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign is a comprehensive and major public land-grant university (Research Level 1) that is ranked among the best in the world. Chartered in 1867, it provides undergraduate and graduate education in more than 150 fields of study, conducts theoretical and applied research, and pro­ vides public service to the state and the nation. It employs 2,000 faculty members who serve 28,000 undergraduates and 10,000 graduate and professional students; approximately 25% of faculty receive campuswide recognition each year for excellence in teaching. More information about the campus is available at: The university is located in the twin cities of Champaign and U rbana, which have a combined population of 100,000 and are situated about 130 miles south of Chicago, 110 miles west of Indianapolis, and 160 northeast of St. Louis. The university and its surrounding communities offer a cultural and recreational environment ideally suited to the work of a major research institution. For more information about the community, visit: C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 / 239 (continued from previous page) Professional contributions beyond the primary job (e.g., publications, active participation in University and professional organizations, and other research and creative activity) are required for advancement within the librarian series. Candidates must show evidence of such contributions. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution or equivalent degree; expert knowledge of Chinese, Japanese, or Korean; knowledge of East Asian studies as an academic discipline; substantial knowledge of AACR2, LCRI, LC classification, LCSH, and USMARC formats; knowledge of library applications of computer technology and electronic information resources; and manage­ ment experience. The incumbent must have a strong commitment to excellence in service and demonstrated ability to work independently as well as collaboratively in a complex, changing environment. He or she must have excellent analytical, interpersonal, and communication skills, initiative, and flexibility. Previous work experience in a research library, preferably one with East Asian language materials, and an additional advanced degree in an appropriate subject area are strongly desirable. The library at Berkeley is committed to the support and encouragement of a multicultural environment and seeks candidates who can make positive contributions in a context of ethnic and cultural diversity. An exclusive bargaining agent, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), represents librarians at the University of California. This position is included in the bargaining unit. DEADLINE: March 30, 2002. Application review will begin February 28, 2002. Applicants should apply in writing, including with their letter a complete statement of qualifications, a full résumé of their education and relevant experience, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references who are knowledgeable about their qualifications for this position. You may send your application package to: Barbara Kornstein Interim Academic Personnel Coordinator 447 The Library University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-6000 Fax: (510) 642-8675 E-mail: The University of California Is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. campus.html;; on To Apply: Send letter of application and complete résumé with the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Cindy Kelly, Head, Library Human Resources, University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign, 1408 West Gregory Drive, Suite 127, Urbana, IL, 61801; phone: (217) 333-8168; e-mail: Electronic applications are acceptable initially but must be followed by a hard copy with signature. Deadline: To ensure full consideration, applications and nominations should be received by May 1 ‚ 2002. The University of Illinois is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS TEAM LIBRARIAN. Indiana Univer- sity-Purdue University, Indianapolis, Indiana. University Libraries Posi­ tion: Digital Libraries/Professional Programs Team Librarian. Position Available: July 1 ‚ 2002. Environment: Indiana University-Purdue Univer­ sity Indianapolis (IUPUI) is a leading urban university campus where achievement-oriented students receive degrees from Indiana University or Purdue University. Located in the heart of Indiana’s capital city, just blocks from the State House and centers of business, art, and education, IUPUI reflects the dynamic spirit of agrowing city. IUPUI offers the largest range of academic programs and has received more sponsored research funding than any other campus in Indiana. The university library at IU PU I is among the most technologically sophisticated academic libraries in the United States. It is the centerpiece of a campus strategy to provide the latest information resources and senvices for students, faculty, and the Central Indiana community. The library is a team-based organization which focuses on the innovative application of technology and new forms of engagement with the campus and the community. Job Description: The university library is seeking an enthusiastic, user-oriented, and techno­ logically knowledgeable librarian. The successful candidate will sen/e as a primary member of the library’s Digital Libraries Team and as a secondary member of the Professional Programs Team. Digital Libraries Team duties include designing, implementing, and maintaining a content- rich, well-organized, Web-based gateway to the library’s varied collec­ tions and services. The position’s primary responsibility is for the day-to- day management of the library’s collection of online databases; monitors and implements appropriate changes in database access, Web interfaces, and software in cooperation with technical staff; participates in related digital library initiatives; coordinates creation of general content for the library’s Web site ( As a secondary member of the Professional Programs Team, duties include assignment to one of the professional schools for instruction, collection development, reference, and research activities. Some evening and weekend work may be re­ quired. This is a tenure-track position. Qualifications: Required: ALA- accredited MLS; experience in HTML, Web development, and design tools; an ability to work in a complex, team-based environment and with a diverse user group; strong verbal and written skills; and knowledge and use of library information technology. Preferred: Academic library expe­ rience; instructional experience, experience in the management of online resources, and knowledge of emerging trends in digital libraries. Rank and Salary: The position is a 12-month, tenure-track appointment at the Assistant Librarian rank. Salary Minimum: $36,000. Starting Date: The position will be available July 1,2002. Review of applications will continue until filled. Applications received before March 1 ‚ 2002, will be guaranteed full consideration. Applications should include cover letter indicating spe­ cific position of interest, résumé, and names, telephone numbers, and addresses (e-mail if possible) of four references. Send applications to: Mary Stanley, Associate Dean, IUPUI University Library, 755 West Michi- 240 / C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 ELECTRONIC RESOURCES CATALOGER University of Colorado at Boulder The University Libraries invites applications from innovative professionals seeking a stimulating work environment in which to strategically explore the interplay of librarianship, scholarship, and professional service. This position is a tenure-track faculty position reporting to the Head, Original Monographic Cataloging Unit. The Cataloging Department performs most of the cataloging for the University Libraries and has just reorganized as part of Technical Services reorganization. Significant parts of the responsibilities of this position are research and creative work and service in keeping with the tenure standards of the University of Colorado at Boulder. The Electronic Resources Cataloger’s primary duties include original and some complex copy cataloging of electronic resources as well as m onographic materials representing a variety of formats, languages, subjects, and levels of difficulty. Cataloging is performed on OCLC and on Innovative Interfaces for inclusion in the local system. Catalogers participate in the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC), including BIBCO, NACO and SACO, and OCLC ENHANCE. Standards in use include AACR2r, LCSH, and LC classification. The Electronic Resources Cataloger participates in the Cataloging Department M anagement Group. REQUIREMENTS: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school by August 2002 with course work in cataloging and technical services, knowledge of MARC bibliographic and authorities formats, effective oral and written communication skills, potential for research and scholarly/ professional achievement. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS: Cataloging or cataloging-related experience, preferably in a research library; experience with a variety of materials (especially electronic resources and media), formats, and languages; familiarity with metadata standards; knowledge of issues and current trends in electronic resources cataloging; bibliographic knowledge of at least one modern, non-English European language; PCC experience; experience in application of library automation, including use of networks and local systems; evidence of research and scholarly/professional achievement. APPOINTMENT: The successful candidate with demonstrated accomplishm ents in research and creative work will be appointed as a full-time (12-month) Assistant Professor on the tenure track. A successful candidate without significant professional experience and with promise in research who lacks an established scholarly record will be appointed as a Senior Instructor (non-tenure track) for two years, with transfer to the tenure track and promotion to the rank of Assistant Professor upon a successful review. The department hopes to strengthen its diversity and anticipates hiring at the Assistant Professor level, but applicants at all levels will be considered. Starting salary range will be $34,000-37,000. Benefits include 22 working days' vacation, 10 paid holidays, liberal sick leave, university group health care plans, group life insurance, TIAA-CREF retirement/annuity, and research support. Tenured librarians are eligible for sabbatical leaves. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Review of applications and nominations will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. It is suggested that applications be on file with the search committee by April 5, 2002. Send letter of application specifically addressing qualifications for the position, résumé, and names, addresses (including e-mail), and telephone numbers of three references to: Scott Seaman Associate Director for Administrative Services University Libraries University of Colorado at Boulder Boulder, CO 80309-0184 The University of Colorado at Boulder is committed to diversity and equality in education and employment. gan Street, Indianapolis, IN46202-5195; phone: (317) 274-0487. IUPUI University Library has a commitment to providing excellent public ser­ vices to students, faculty, and the general community. IUPUI also has a commitment to the principle of diversity and is actively seeking to increase the racial and ethnic diversity of our staff. We encourage applications from women and underrepresented groups. For more information about IUPUI University Library, visit our Web site at: Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. Individuals who require a reasonable accom­ modation to participate in the application process must notify Mary Stanley, at the above address and telephone number, a reasonable time in advance. REFERENCE AND INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. The University of Minnesota Libraries, Twin Cities Campus, invites applications and nomi­ nations for the position of Reference and Instruction Librarian. The Univer­ sity Libraries particularly encourages the candidacy of people with expe­ rience in multicultural and multiracial settings. Responsibilities: Take a leadership role in the enhancement of QuickStudy, Library Research Guide, and assist in the development of online learning tools such as CourseLib and Research QuickStart (see search/); collaborate with other team members to design, deliver, and evaluate innovative library instruction programs to integrate information literacy into the general undergrad curriculum; provide general and re- C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 / 241 HEAD, TECHNICAL SERVICES Full-time, tenure-track, regular appointment with benefits, nine-plus-three months per year, faculty rank, status, privileges, and responsibilities, LOCATION: Consortium Library, University of Alaska, Anchorage. SALARY: Minimum $50,000 annually. Competitive benefits to include health, dental, life insurance, retirement, and tuition waiver. Represented by bargaining unit. Come to the Last Frontier and Help Build the Library of the 21st Century! The Consortium Library at the University of Alaska Anchorage is recruiting a Head of Technical Services. We are looking for a dynamic, energetic, motivated, and innovative librarian to join us in offering superb library service as we build a new state-of-the-art library building scheduled for completion in the summ er of 2004. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; minimum five years’ experience in a library, two of which must be in a Technical Services Department; experience with OCLC bibliographic system; minimum two years’ supervisory experience; ability to communicate clearly and effectively. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Progressively responsible m anagement experience including supervision, planning, program or project management, and fiscal practices; knowledge of emerging information technologies, digital resources, and developing cataloging trends; ability to promote a creative and proactive team-based approach to technical services issues with a focus on diverse user needs; academ ic library experience; willingness to work in a flexible, changing environment. RESPONSIBILITIES: Provide leadership and direction for all areas of the Technical Services operation including serials, cataloging, and processing library materials; serve on library manage­ ment team; provide reference service up to four hours per week; serve as collection development liaison to academic unit in assigned subject area. REVIEW DATE: Search will remain open until filled; however, review of applications will begin April 15, 2002. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Submit cover letter (note PCN 305726), University of Alaska Application Form (Available at: http://gem ploym ent_application.htm ), and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: University of Alaska Anchorage Human Resource Services North Residence Hall, Rm 117 (Drop Box) 3211 Providence Drive (By Mail) Anchorage, AK 99508-8136 Phone: (907) 786-4608 TTY: (907) 786-1420 Fax: (907) 786-4727 University of Alaska Anchorage Employment Information. For complete description, visit W eb site: http://www search assistance to library users (some evening and weekend duty required); contribute to the development of the libraries’ digital reference services and online learning resources and tools (see http://; maintain collection development and liaison re­ sponsibilities in one or more social science subjects. Required Qualifica­ tions: ALA-accredited MLS or foreign equivalent; excellent communica­ tion and interpersonal skills; creativity, flexibility, initiative, and self- direction; ability to work both independently and in cooperation with colleagues and library users in a service-oriented, team-based environ­ ment. Preferred Qualifications: Experience with innovative online instruc­ tional design and tutorial development; experience developing and deliv­ ering innovative in-person instruction; reference experience in an aca­ demic or public library, including digital experience; collection develop­ ment and liaison experience in the humanities or social sciences. Salary and Benefits: Full-time, 12-month, continuous appointment track, aca­ demic/professional position with probationary appointment at Assistant Librarian. The libraries offers a competitive salary commensurate with experience, not less than $35,000forthis position. Excellent benefits and substantial moving allowance. To Apply: Position available immediately. Applications will be accepted until filled. Send letterof application, résumé, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three current professional referencesto: Human Resources, 499 Wilson Library, University of Minnesota, 30 9 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Please identify the application with UL#151. Forfull descrip­ tion of responsibilities, see: The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and em­ ployer. Web: SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. Sarah Lawrence College (SLC), a small coedu­ cational liberal arts college located 15 miles north of New York City, seeks a full-time Science Librarian. This newly created position is a one-year appointment with the possibility of renewal. The position supports the research needs of Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Human Genetics, and Health Advocacy. Librarian is responsible 242 / C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 PRINCIPAL PROCESSING ARCHIVIST University of California, Berkeley Associate Librarian/Librarian, $49,224-82,416 per annum, depending upon qualifications. The Bancroft Library at the University of California, Berkeley, is one of the largest and most heavily used libraries of manuscripts, rare books, and special collections in the United States. As the primary center of special collections within the library system at Berkeley, Bancroft supports m ajor research and reference activities and plays a leading role in the developm ent of research collections. Bancroft holdings include over 500,000 volumes, 35,000 linear feet of manuscripts, 3,500,000 photographs and other pictorial materials, 72,000 microforms, and 23,000 maps. Additional information regarding The Library and The Bancroft Library is available on the Web at:; and Bancroft Technical Services (BTS) is the unit responsible for all of the technical operations of the Bancroft Library. BTS em ploys approxim ately 35 career and noncareer staff and has operating expenses of approxim ately $1.5 million per year. BTS operations include: acquisitions, cataloging (original and copy), archival, manuscripts, pictorial collections processing, and digital archiving. BTS is responsible for acquiring, preserving, and providing access to the library’s collections of printed materials, manuscripts, photographs, magnetic media, and other materials in a variety of formats. BTS takes a leadership role in setting national standards for technical processing, digital access, and digital archiving of rare books, archives, and special collections materials. A significant percentage of BTS processing and digital archiving projects is funded by grants or donors, leading BTS actively to partner with other campus and library units and with a variety of institutions throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, the state, and the nation. R ESPO NSIBILITIES The Bancroft Library’s Principal Processing Archivist reports to the Head of BTS and has full responsibility for managing unit projects and supervising staff, which includes processing archivists, support staff, student assistants, and volunteers. He or she establishes policy standards for arrangement and description of the collections, including the unit’s processing manual and guidelines for finding aid structures. The Principal Processing Archivist also manages the unit workflow and work schedules, and establishes mechanism s for reduction of collection backlogs; hires and trains unit staff and edits/reviews unit staff finding aids and other descriptions; plans the goals for collection processing and assists the unit staff and curators in determining order, specificity, and appropriate level of description and analysis; works with the Bancroft curators on appraisal of collections and assists with the administration of new acquisitions; assists in the developm ent of grant proposals and works with curators and the Digital Publishing Group to complete grant-funded projects; assists Head of BTS with m anagem ent of unit budqets. ^ (continued on next page) for providing instruction to students and faculty, including individual re­ search consultations, and bibliographic instruction. Must have master’s in Library and Information Science or related experience and previous degree(s) in science. Reference and/or instruction experience a plus. High comfort level with computer troubleshooting in a networked environ­ ment, familiarity with HTML, image-editing, and database construction preferred. Experience with Dreamweaver, MS Access, and MS Excel a plus. Ability to cooperate and collaborate with the Reference Department, Academic Computing Department, and Library staff. Excellent communi­ cation, writing and organizational skills. Send résumé, salary require­ ment, and names of three references to: Human Resources, Sarah Lawrence College, One Mead Way, Bronxville, NY 10708. SLC is an equal opportunity employer committed to achieving a racially and cultur­ ally diverse community. SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, AND NURSING TEAM LIBRARIAN. Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapo­ lis, Indiana. University Libraries Position: Science, Engineering and Tech­ nology, and Nursing Team Librarian. Position Available: July 1 ‚ 2002. Environment: Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) is a leading urban university campus where achievement-oriented stu­ dents receive degrees from Indiana University or Purdue University. Located in the heart of Indiana’s capital city, just blocks from the State House and centers of business, art, and education, IUPUI reflects the dynamic spirit of a growing city. IUPUI offers the largest range of aca­ demic programs and has received more sponsored research funding than any other campus in Indiana. The university library at IUPUI isamong the most technologically sophisticated academic libraries in the United States. It is the center piece of a campus strategy to provide the latest information resources and services for students, faculty, and the Central Indiana community. The library is a team-based organization which focuses on the innovative application of technology and new forms of engagement with the campus and the community. Job Description: The university library is seeking an enthusiastic, user-oriented, and technologically knowledge­ able librarian. The successful candidate will serve as member of the library’s Science, Engineering, and Technology and Nursing Team. In this role they will provide instruction, collection development, reference, and research activities. Some evening and weekend work may be required. This is a tenure-track position. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; an ability to work in a complex, team-based environment and with a diverse user group; strong verbal and written skills; and knowledge and use of library information technology. Preferred: Academic library expe­ rience; academic or work experience in biology or general science; teaching experience or experience in developing curriculum materials; experience in the management of online resources and knowledge of emerging trends in digital libraries. Rank and Salary: The position is a 12- month ‚ tenure-track appointment at the Assistant Librarian rank. Salary Minimum: $36,000. Starting Date: The position will be available July 1 ‚ 2002. Review of applications will continue until filled. Applications re­ ceived before March 1 ‚ 2002, will be guaranteed full consideration. Appli­ cations should include cover letter indicating specific position of interest, résumé, and names, telephone numbers, and addresses (e-mail if pos­ sible) of four references. Send applications to: Mary Stanley, Associate Dean, IUPUI University Library, 755 West Michigan Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202-5195; phone: (317) 274-0487. IUPUI University Library has a commitment to providing excellent public services to students, faculty, C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 / 243 (continued from previous page) QUALIFICATIONS Required: MLS from an accredited library school or equivalent training and five years’ experience with archival administration; knowledge and experience with processing, arrangement, and description of personal papers, organizational records, and archival collections; knowledge of APPM, MARC, and EAD is essential; solid experience with computer cataloguing systems and EAD writer/editor software; experience with digital text and imaging projects and management of grant- funded projects. Preferred: Excellent analytical, interpersonal, and communication skills; initiative and flexibility; strong commitment to excellence in service and demonstrated ability to work independently, as well as collaboratively, in a complex, changing environment. The successful candidate will show evidence of effective project planning, management, and completion. Professional contributions beyond the primary job (e.g., publications, active participation in university and professional organizations, and other research and creative activity) are required for advance­ ment within the librarian series. Candidates must show evidence or promise of such contribution. The Library at the University of California, Berkeley, is committed to the support and encouragement of a multicultural environment and seeks candidates who can make positive contributions in a context of ethnic and cultural diversity. An exclusive bargaining agent, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), represents librarians at the University of California. This position is included in the bargaining unit. DEADLINE: Consideration will be given to applications received by March 30, 2002. Applicants should apply in writing, including with their letter a complete statement of qualifications, a full résumé of their education and relevant experience, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references who are knowledgeable about their qualifications for this position. Send application to: Barbara Kornstein Library Human Resources Department 447 The Library University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-6000 Fax: (510) 642-8675 E-mail: The University of California is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. and the general community. IUPUI also has a commitment to the principle of diversity and is actively seeking to increase the racial and ethnic diversity of our staff. We encourage applications from women and underrepresented groups. For more information about IUPUI Univer­ sity Library, visit our Web site at: ww Indiana Uni­ versity-Purdue University Indianapolis is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity institution. Individuals who require a reasonable accommodation to participate in the application process must notify Mary Stanley, a t the above address and telephone number, a reason­ able tim e in advance. SERIALS AND ELECTRONIC COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. South­ western Oklahoma State University (SWOSU) in Weatherford, Okla­ homa, is accepting applications for our Serials and Electronic Collections Librarian. Position oversees print, microfilm, and electronic serials collections and supervises staff and students. Salary in low$30s, depend­ ing upon experience. Excellent opportunity for recent MLS. Screeningof applicants will begin on March 30,2002, and will continue until position is filled. For more information and full job description, please goto: http://; or contact the SWOSU Human Resources Department at: (508)774-3275. It’s never too late to advertise a job opening on the C&RL News Net! c& rlnew sads@ (800) 545-2433, ext.2513 l 2 4 4 / C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 SERIALS/ELECTRONIC RESOURCES CATALOGING COORDINATOR JOHNS HOPKINS U N I V E R S I T Y The Johns Hopkins U niversity seeks a creative, energetic librarian to provide leadership, organization, management, and supervision of serials and electronic resources cataloging. The incumbent, under the general direction of the Head of Cataloging, will be responsible for original cataloging of serials (print and nonprint) and electronic resources; the development of their cataloging policies and procedures; act as liaison to Serials/Acquisitions; supervises one parapro- fessional staff and students. The ideal candidate will have exceptional organizational vision, as well as strong collaborative and collegial skills with a personal commitment to responsive and innovative service. A strategic goal of the Sheridan libraries is to work toward achieving diversity when recruiting new and promoting existing staff. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Accredited MLS with three years’ professional cataloging expe­ rience, including some serials; working knowledge of national cataloging standards; reading knowledge of one Western European language. APPROXIMATE STARTING SALARY RANGE: $40,095-$45,610. To learn more about the Milton S. Eisenhower Library, please v is F o ra more detailed job description, position qualifications, and to apply online, see:; or send résumé, indicating Job # SCLA5906 on cover letter, via e-mail to: jhu@ ; fax to: (877) 262-0646; or mail to: JHU Resume Processing Center P.O. Box 3687 Scranton, PA 18505 We offer a smoke-free and drug-free environment. Late Jo b L isting s COORDINATOR FO R LIBRARY SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY. Requires M aster's in Library or Information Science and one year of academic library experience; experience w ith integrated library system; knowledge of networked systems, Windows, Internet, and emerging technologies; reference service experience. Salary; $37,211-$44,299 per year plus fringe benefits. Deadline; M arch 28,2002. For required application and fu rth er information, see our Web site:\hr; or contact: the H u m an Resources Office, C entral O regon C om m u n ity C ollege, Metolius Hall, Room 101, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend, OR 97701; phone: (541) 383-7216. If you are hearing/speech impaired, call TDD#: (541) 383-7708. Equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. DIGITAL PRO JECTS COORDINATOR U n iv e r sity o f C alifornia, L os A n g eles. The UCLA Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library seeks applicants for a Digital Projects Coordina­ tor. The Biomedical Library ( serves prim arily the Schools of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, and Public Health, th e UCLA Medical Center, th e Life Sciences Division of th e College of L etters and Science, and related institutes in biomedicine. The library is th e Regional Medical Library for th e Pacific Southwest Region of th e National Network of Libraries of Medicine. In collaboration w ith th e UCLA Library’s digital library program and other partners, th e Biomedical Library is providing leadership for a num ber of digital tex t and image publication projects. U nder th e general direction of th e Deputy Director, coordinates and m aintains th e Biomedical Library’s Web site. Consults and collaborates w ith other Biomedical and UCLA Library departm ents, divisions, and staff to provide expert advice on Web-based projects. Coordinates database design and program m ingof database-driven Web C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 / 245 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE Central Michigan University Central Michigan University Libraries seeks qualified, team-oriented applicants to fill two positions in its Reference Services Department, The department is made up of 11 reference librarians and two support staff who work within a new, 50-million-dollar, state-of-the-art facility. Both are faculty positions requiring an MLS from an ALA-accredited program, evidence of potential for earning tenure/ promotion as a library faculty member, and excellent communication skills. Both positions include some weekend and evening hours. Reference Librarian/Social Sciences Bibliographer Must be an enthusiastic, service-oriented librarian dedicated to the provision of outstanding reference and research service, committed to the development of electronic as well as print collections. Principal responsibilities include sharing in the provision of reference services, providing library instruction, and serving as a bibliographer for assigned social sciences disciplines. SPECIFIC MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Subject expertise, or library work experience, or degree related to one or more of the social/ behavioral sciences; knowledge of a wide variety of electronic and print reference resources; evidence of teaching ability/potential; enthusiasm for service excellence, ability to work indepen­ dently and cooperatively, and potential for professional leadership. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS Reference and library instruction experience, especially in an academic library; advanced degree in social/behavorial science; experience with Web page design and technology-based instruction. Salary commensurate with qualifications, minimum $41,600. Excellent fringe benefits. Coordinator of Instruction/Reference Librarian Must be capable of leading an active and established library instruction program. Principal responsibilities include: coordinating research-skills courses, course-related bibliographic instruc­ tion, and Web-based tutorials; collaboration with librarians and academic faculty to develop and maintain technology-based instruction. Initiates outreach activities to promote library services. Also provides all facets of reference service. This position may include some collection development responsibilities. SPECIFIC MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS At least two years' professional library experience, preferably including reference experience; demonstrated teaching ability, with at least two years' teaching experience, preferably in an academic library; leadership ability; enthusiasm and commitment to service excellence; knowledge of HTML, electronic/Internet, and print reference sources; and Web page design experience. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS Experience teaching in a hands-on com puter classroom ; experience designing successful Web-based instructional modules; additional graduate degree; experience with promotion and outreach activities. Salary commensurate with qualifications, minimum $44,000. Excellent fringe benefits. Serving more than 27,000 students, Central Michigan University is an innovative doctoral/ research-intensive institution recognized for strong undergraduate education and a range of focused graduate programs and research. Review of applications begins March 1, 2002. A p p lications fo r both positions will be accepted until the position is filled. Subm it letter of application indicating the specific position(s) for which you are applying. The letter must address q u a lifications for the position(s), résum é, and names, titles, addresses, and telephone num bers of at least three references. Mail letter of application to: Chairperson, Reference Librarian Search Committee 407 Park Library Central Michigan University Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48859 CMU, an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution, is strongly and actively committed to increasing diversity within its community (see 2 4 6 / C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COORDINATOR University of Tennessee (Search Extended) The University of Tennessee seeks a creative, experienced professional to lead the Science and Technology Group. Subject groups f o r the humanities, social sciences, and science and technology provide reference, instruction, collection development, and outreach services for the University Libraries. Members of each subject group include reference librarians who report to the coordinator, as well as other librarians from across the organization. Subject coordinators are key communica­ tors with academic departments, subject librarians, and library administration. Reporting to the team leaders of Reference and Instructional Services and Collection Development and Management, the subject coordinators also participate fully in the broader planning activities of each team. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The Science and Technology Coordinator provides vision and leadership for science and technology services and collections, with primary planning, decision-making, and administrative responsibility for the Science and Technology Group. Members promote liaison with academic departments; develop and manage collections that support instruction and research; provide reference and research consultation through scheduled service at the general reference desk and by appointment; and give specialized instruction to classes. The coordinator oversees allocation and expenditure of collection budgets, and must make difficult decisions regarding access to costly science and technology resources. The coordinator also functions as a subject librarian, offering services to selected academic departments. Four librarians in Reference and Instructional Services report to the coordinator. Library faculty pursue active programs of professional development and research; the coordinator provides leadership and support for faculty in the subject group. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS Master’s degree from ALA-accredited institution; several years of recent library experience applicable to the description and responsibilities outlined above; familiarity with scholarly commu­ nications in science and technology; demonstrated knowledge of effective collection development practices; strong service orientation and interpersonal skills; excellent oral and written communi­ cation skills; ability to work effectively with students, faculty, and colleagues; demonstrated leadership ability; experience with providing Web-based information resources and services; familiarity with networked information systems and resources in multi-platform environments. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS Experience in an academic library; undergraduate or graduate degree, o r coursework in a science or technology discipline; demonstrated record of professional accomplishments and commitment to ongoing development. SALARY AND BENEFITS Minimum for Assistant or Associate Professor, $45,000. Faculty rank and status; 12-month, tenure-track appointment. Library faculty must meet university requirements for promotion and tenure. Excellent benefits include 24 annual leave days; choice of state retirement plan or TIAA- CREF with nonrefundable contributions paid for the employee by the university; optional group health and life insurance plans. Tuition remission is available for all university employees; partial undergraduate tuition remission is available to dependent children and spouses of UT employees. TO APPLY Review of applications will begin April 1 ‚ 2002, and will continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, a current résumé, and the names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers of three recent references to: Jill Keally Head, Library Support Services 1015 Volunteer Boulevard Knoxville, TN 37996-1000 Fax: (865) 974-4696 Additional information about this position and the UT community is available at: ~lss/search/scitech.htm l. The University of Tennessee is an EEO/AA/TitieVi/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA institution in the provision of its education and employment programs and services. C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 / 247 SERIALS CATALOGER Wake Forest University W ake Forest U niversity, Z. Smith Reynolds Library, invites applications and nominations for a Serials Cata­ loger. The Cataloging Librarian-Serials performs original and complex copy cataloging for print and electronic serials, periodicals, newspapers, standing orders, continuations, archival materials, electronic databases, and Internet resources; participates in the formulation of cataloging policies; and serves as a resource person and trainer for other cataloging staff within Technical Services. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS MLS from an ALA-accredited program; solid working knowledge of AACRII, LCSH, LC classification, USMARC, OCLC; ability to enhance user access to the collection through innovative application of cataloging principles; comm itm ent to maintain knowledge of developments in serials management; evidence of teamwork and flexibility; strong analytical, organizational, and computer skills. ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATIONS DESIRED Two years of serials cataloging experience in an academic library. C O M PENSATIO N This 12-month position carries excellent benefits including tuition concession. Salary is comm en­ surate with experience and qualifications, starting at $35,000. APPLICATION PROCESS Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Applications received before April 15, 2002, will be given first consideration. When applying, please include the position title (Cataloging Librarian-Serials) and Reference Number 02010. Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three professional references to: Staff Employment Manager Wake Forest University Office of Human Resources P.O. Box 7424 Winston-Salem, NC 27109 You may transm it your application materials via facsimile: (336) 758-6127; or via electronic mail to: w akejobs@ For more details about this position and Wake Forest University, please visit our Web site at: Wake Forest University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. pages. Develops Web-based instru ctional programs and digital exhibits. Facilitates the Biomedical Library’s digital library initiatives, including th e archiving an d preservation of digital content. Additional responsibilities include 15-20% assignm ent in th e Reference Division providing reference service, instruction, consultation, and outreach activities for students, faculty, researchers, and staff. MLIS or equivalent from an accredited library and information science graduate program preferred. D em onstrated excellent planning and project m anagem ent skills. Experience in an academic or research library. Knowledge of HTML and XML, database design and programming, and application development languages (e.g, Cold Fusion). Experience designing and developing databases (Access, MySQL) and database-driven Web pages. Fam iliarity w ith m etad ata standards such as Dublin Core. Evidence of analytical, interpersonal, and communication skills, initiative, creativity, and flexibility. Knowledge of digital library technologies, standards, issues, and trends. Ability to work in a team environ­ ment and independently. Experience using p rin t and electronic health and life science reference materials, including directories, handbooks, abstracting and indexing services, and In tern et resources. Salary Range: $37,920-$49,224. Anyone wishing to be considered for th e position should w rite to: K aren M urray, A dm inistrative Specialist, Charles E. Young Research Library, UCLA, 11334 YRL, Box 951575, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1575. Candidates applying by M arch 29,2002, will be given first consideration. For full description of duties and qualifications and application procedures, see Web site: 248 /C&RL News ■ March 2002 SERIALS LIBRARIAN Washington University in St. Louis (Search Extended) The Washington University Libraries invites applications for the position of Serials Librarian. RESPONSIBILITIES: Under the direction of the Associate Dean (Access, Bibliographic, and Information Services), the Serials Librarian is responsible for the operations of the Serials Unit including hiring, training, and evaluating personnel, establishing policies and procedures, commu­ nicating with serials vendors, and monitoring the continuations budget of over $2.5 million. The Serials Unit manages over 7,000 serial subscriptions. The Librarian will work closely with the Associate Dean (Collections and Departmental Libraries), the Acquisitions Librarian, and Subject Specialists and will participate in the management of electronic serial resources and review options for migration from print to electronic access. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: MLS degree from accredited library school; two years’ relevant experience in serials or acquistions; knowledge of serials and scholarly communications issues; an understanding of the information needs of a research university; demonstrated flexibility and ability to make choices among competing demands; ability to work effectively in a collegial manner in a changing environment. DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Supervisory experience; familiarity with automated library systems. SALARY RANGE: $33,600-$40,000. GENERAL INFORMATION: Washington University, located at the western edge of the City of St. Louis, is a medium-sized, independent university founded in 1853, internationally known for excellence in teaching and research and for the quality of its faculty and student body. Washington University Libraries includes the John M. Olin Library and 12 school and departmental libraries and holds over three million volumes. A major renovation of Olin Library began in June 2001 and is expected to be completed by early 2004. For more information, see the Washington University Web site:; and the libraries’ Web site: APPLICATION INFORMATION: For full consideration, applicants should send a letter of application, résumé, and the names of three references to: Human Resources Washington University Campus Box 1178 7425 Forsyth St. Louis, MO 63105 Position will remain open until filled; initial review of applications will immediately. Employment eligibility verification required upon hire. Washington University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. ELECTRONIC SERVICES/WEB DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN. The Bowdoin College Library seeks an experienced and innovative librarian to join an enthusiastic staff committed to integrating technology into library services. The successful candidate will coordinate planning and provide technical expertise for implementation and maintenance of applications of new technologies to library operations; oversee the Electronic Services departm ent opera­ tions; oversee development and maintenance of the library's Web gateway and other Web-based resources produced in-house (; collaborate w ith librarians and the Educational Technology Center to provide instructional technology in support of teaching and learning; oversee and participate in th e acquisition, installation, and maintenance of library hardware/software; develop staff training programs; and serve as a member of the libraiy m anagem ent team. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS w ith a minimum of three years' post­ m aster’s degree experience in planning and implementing digital library services. Knowledge of emerging information technologies and their applications in the library environment, including Web development, imaging, multimedia production and presentation required. Demonstrated knowledge of UNIX operating systems, Web interface design principles, Web C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 / 249 DEAN, LEARNING RESOURCES University of Guam REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited Master’s; five years of relevant adm inistrative and supervisory experience in an academ ic library of com parable size using current technological and telecomm unications applications, including form ulation and enforcem ent of library policies, budget management, and com m unity relations; excellent oral, written, and interpersonal comm unication skills; record of research and publications; service oriented; and successful experience with securing and administering external funding through grants and/or private contributions. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: An earned doctorate in any field from an accredited institution; proven ability to articulate and im plement an im aginative, flexible vision that incorporates an understanding of the changing scholarly use of inform ation resources and services; experience in an academ ic library environm ent with innovative technologies and Internet telecomm unications capabilities; and experience working with multicultural populations. Salary will be comm ensurate with qualifications and experience. Three-year initial contract. Range from $64,256 to $78,167 per annum. Tw elve-m onth appointment. If hired off-island, some travel expenses will be provided. Complete application shall include a cover letter detailing reasons for interest in this position and a statement of qualifications, current curriculum vitae or résumé including names, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses (if available) of three references, unofficial copies of undergraduate and graduate-degree transcripts, three original, confidential letters of reference or placement file, and a Governm ent of Guam application form. Short listed candidates will be required to submit official graduate transcripts sent directly from the aw arding institution(s). Subm it documents to: Professor Thomas Hodge Chair, LR-Dean Search Committee c/o Human Resources Office University of Guam UOG Station Mangilao, Guam 96923 For further information, please e-mail: thodge@ guam; o r call: (671) 735-2314. To ensure full consideration, all required documents must be received no later than April 30, 2002, 5:00 p.m. Review of applications will begin on April 15, 2002. For further information about the University of Guam, visit our W eb site at: http://w w w Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. development including rem ote access, authentication issues an d development software, and Web database connectivity required. Knowledge of HTML, XHTML, CSS, an d server side scripting an d th e ir evolving stan d ard s and im plem entation m ethods required, w ith knowledge of DHTML, SQL, a n d XML strongly preferred. F am iliarity w ith netw ork p rin t an d file services, basic netw orking an d integrated library system s strongly preferred. D em onstrated supervi- sory, organizational, analytical, and project m anagem ent experience; excellent communica­ tions, team-building, and interpersonal skills required; experience in set-up and troubleshoot­ ing of com puter hardw are an d software, both PC an d Mac. Initiative and creative problem­ solving abilities, w ith sensitivity to different learning styles and strong public service philosophy required. Competitive salary an d benefits. Applications accepted u n til position filled; those received before M arch 1,2002, will be given first consideration. Please subm it a le tter of interest, résumé, an d nam es an d telephone num bers of th re e references to: Kimberley A. Bonsey, M anager of Em ployment, B o w d o in C ollege, H u m an Resources D epartm ent, 3500 College Station, Brunswick, M E 04011-8246. Bowdoin College is com m itted to equal opportunity through affirmative action. Women an d m em bers of m inority groups are encouraged to apply. ELECTRONIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. E lm ira College is seeking a n enthusiastic elec­ tronic services lib rarian to plan an d m a in tain th e electronic resources an d equipm ent of th e student-centered G annett-Tripp Library , provide technical support and training, m anage th e 250 / C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 LATIN AMERICAN AND IBERIAN STUDIES LIBRARIAN University of California, Santa Barbara The University of California, Santa Barbara, one of 10 campuses of the University of California system, is seeking a Latin American and Iberian Studies Librarian. Reporting to the Head of Area Studies and working closely with the Head of Information Services, the librarian works individually and as part of a team to provide reference, instruction, and collection development services to students, faculty, staff, and the university community. Duties include scheduled reference service with some evening and weekend assignments, research consultation, electronic reference, and online searching. Has responsibility for all aspects of collection m anagement and developm ent for Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American literature and culture including selection of information resources, monitoring approval plans, preservation and weeding decisions, faculty liaison, collection interpre­ tation, evaluation, budgetary management, and resource sharing. Designs and teaches course-integrated classes and library credit-bearing courses in information research methods. Has responsibility for the development and maintenance of printed and electronic guides to specialized library resources. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS; demonstrated speaking and reading knowl­ edge of Spanish; academic background and/or knowledge of the literature and history of Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula; reference experience in general and/or specialized reference services; experience developing and delivering library instruction to specific classes or to students and faculty; experience in collection development and management; experience with print and electronic information resources. A strong commitment to excellence in public service and the ability to work effectively in a collaborative and culturally diverse environment; demonstrated initiative and flexibility; ability to work with faculty, students, and staff; excellent oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Experience designing and maintaining Web sites and pages; reading/working knowledge of Portuguese. Hiring range is $42,996 to $56,256 based on qualifications and experience. Consideration of applications begins May 1,2002, and continues until the position is filled. Send résumé and names and addresses of three references to: Detrice Bankhead Associate University Librarian Human Resources Davidson Library University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106 For the complete job announcement, visit: The University of California is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer committed to diversity in the workplace and invites applications from candidates who can contribute in this area. library Web pages; supervise circulation activities and staff, provide reference service, and participate in library instruction. This librarian coordinates th e selection of books and media in assigned subjects, acting as liaison w ith faculty in these subjects. M inimum qualifications include a MLS from an ALA-accredited institution, service orientation, substantial knowledge of and experience w ith electronic resources, information technology, Web pages, and computer hardw are and software. Some evening and weekend work required. Elm ira College is a small residential, liberal arts college in a pleasant community in the Finger Lakes region of New York State (county population 100,000). Enrollm ent is a t record levels w ith over 1,150 full-time students. Fourteen percent of the student body graduated first or second in th eir high school or prep school class. This is a 12-month position w ith faculty ra n k (not tenure), 22 days' vacation, TIAA-CREF, salary commensurate with experience. Subm it letter of application addressing qualifications and salary history or expectations, résumé, and three letters of recommendation to: Library Search, B ryan Reddick, Dean of Faculty, E lm ira C ollege, One P a rk Place, Elmira, C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 1251 252 / C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE Northeastern University Libraries Northeastern University seeks two energetic, creative, and self-m otivated individuals to join its newly re-energized, service-oriented, and forward-looking library team. Head, Access Services Provide innovation, leadership, and vision to Access Services for the physical and electronic delivery of print, image, and other resources to users. RESPONSIBILITIES Organize, plan, and administer Access Services, consisting of circulation, reserves, microfilms, interlibrary loans, stack maintenance of general and compact shelving, and security; hire, train, supervise, develop, and evaluate staff (14 FT and 20 FTE); develop and articulate effective policies, procedures, and strategic plans; manage circulation function of III circulation system; participate in collection developm ent and faculty liaison. Q U A LIFIC ATIO N S ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; three or more years of experience in Access Services, preferably in an academic library, including supervision, management, budgeting, and patron relations; knowledge of automation, ILL, stack management and broader issues in higher education and academic libraries; excellent analytical, planning, organizational, supervisory, written and oral communication skills; strong comm itm ent to diversity. Must be energetic, innovative, self-motivated, and resourceful. Excellent interpersonal skills and a high service orientation a must. SALARY: Minimum $53,000. Collection Developm ent Librarian A newly created position in the Library Collection Development team. RESPONSIBILITIES Under direction of the library's Collection Development Officer, manage several key areas of the library’s collection developm ent program including gifts, exchanges, weeding, withdrawal, and supervision of student assistants; collaborate with other bibliographers in discipline-related projects reviewing and analyzing collections for accreditation; develop and implement a librarywide collection assessment program; participate in collection development and faculty liaison; establish and maintain strong and effective relationships with donors and vendors. Q U A LIF IC A T IO N S ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; at least two years of experience, preferably in an academ ic library collections or technical services environment.; supervisory experience. Spreadsheet/database IT skills preferred. Scientific background preferred. Excellent analytical, planning, organizational, supervisory, communication, and interpersonal skills. Must be able to thrive in a rapidly changing environm ent. Strong com m itm ent to diversity. Must be energetic, innovative, self-motivated, service-oriented, and resourceful with a broad knowledge of print and electronic information resources, relevant information technology, trends in academic libraries, scholarly communication, and higher education. SALARY: Minimum $38,000. TO APPLY FOR BOTH Applications received by March 30, 2002, will receive first consideration, although applications will continue to be accepted until positions are filled. Send letter of application, résumé, and three references to: Edward A. Warro Dean of Libraries Northeastern University 320 Snell Library 360 Huntington Avenue Boston, MA 02115 Visit the library’s Web site for more information: http://www Northeastern University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer, and especially welcomes applications from minorities, women, and persons with disabilities. C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 / 253 MEDIA RESOURCES LIBRARIAN Hartwick College Stevens-German Library at Hartwick College, a nationally ranked, selective liberal arts and sciences institution, seeks applications for the position of Media Resources Librarian. Candidates must be energetic, service oriented, and dedicated to creating a responsive efficient media resources system . R ESPONSIBILITIES Manages the library's media resource program; selects, purchases, and maintains hardware systems; develops (in conjunction with faculty) the media collection; m anages multimedia class­ rooms and distribution system for audiovisual media; provides audio, video, photographic, and digital media production services; recruits, trains, and supervises student assistants; participates in the library’s new technology and collection developm ent team s and reference rotation. Q U A LIFIC ATIO N S An MLS from an ALA-accredited institution; professional experience with m edia resources in higher education; knowledge of recent media and library technology innovations; coursework or other advanced training in media; supervisory and scheduling experience. The Stevens-German Library houses a collection of over 300,000 print volumes, 50,000 microforms, hundred of electronic journals and reference materials, plus 1,500 videos. The media resources include a production studio, two edition suites, and video playback system. The college operates a cable TV/netw ork and satellite dish systems. A 12-month appointm ent reporting to the College Librarian and Director of Information Resources, the position benefits includes TIAA, a selection from a variety of health insurance programs, and 25-plus days' annual leave. It is a level 5 -exem pt, administrative classification system and offers a salary range between $27,920 and $43,637. The library is staffed by 17 FTE, including seven professional librarians, archivist, and specialists in all library operations plus curricular technology. The campus is located in upstate New York in the foothills of the Catskills about an hour w est of Albany. Information can be found at: http:// w w w .hartw Review of applications will begin im mediately and continue until the position is filled. Members of underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. Applicants should send a letter of interest, a résumé, and the names of three references to: Suzanne Janitz Coordinator of Human Resources Hartwick College Oπeonta, NY 13820 Hartwick College is an equal opportunity employer (members of underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply). NY 14901. Questions? See our W ebpages at:; or contact: Jam es Gray, Director of Libraries, e-mail:, phone: (607) 735-1865. Review of applications begins immediately and will continue u n til th e position is filled. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. P a rt of an innovative team th a t designs, delivers, and promotes all services provided by th e L ibraiy/L eam ing Resources Center. Reports directly to th e College Librarian; works collaboratively w ith other library staff and college faculty in facilitating th e use of inform ation resources in th e teaching and learning of th e college community; provides leadership in th e development and promotion of a campuswide curriculum -based information literacy program; provides reference assistance in using th e library’s p rin t and digital collections and other information resources; acts as a library liaison, subject bibliographer, and instructor with one or more academic departm ents; and supervises audiovisual and Interlibraxy Loan services for th e Library/L eam in g Resources Center. Prim arily evening and weekend hours. ALA-accredited m aster’s degree required. M ust have th ree to five years’ professional reference experience. Subm it letter of in terest w ith résum é for job #02-08 to: Adm inistrative Services, W arren C o u n ty C o m m u n ity C ollege, 475 Route 57 West, W ashington, N J 07882. W arren County C om m unity College is a n equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Structure Bookmarks 226 / C&RL News ■ March 2002 Career opportunities from across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on aspace-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $10.15 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $12.25 for others. Late job notices discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions.Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the Web at Ads will be placed approximately four weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published.Contact: Elise Parker, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 -2795; (312) BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLDFOR SALE. A collection of approximately 1,500 books on the Middle East, mainlyin English butalso including Arabic, Turkish, Persian, Hebrew, Russian, French, and German. The collection was made over a half century by Professor William R. Polk. Many of the works are now very rare. For a complete listing by e-mail, contact: 669Chemin De La Sine, 06140Vence France; fax: (33) 493 240877.POSITIONS OPENASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE DEAN FOR INFORMATION SERVICES.The Universi Salary guideListed below are the latest minimum starting salary figures recom­mended by state library associations for professional library posts in these states. The recommendations areadvisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. Job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minimums when evaluating profes­sional vacancies. For additional information on librarian salaries, contact ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources.Connecticut $34,172Delaware $22,500**I C&RL News ■ March 2002 / 227 To Apply: Send letter of application, curriculum vita, statements of teaching philosophy and research interests, and three to five professional references to: Barbara Fister, Folke-Bernadotte Memorial Library, Aca­demic Librarian Search, Gustavus Adolphus College, 800West Col­lege Avenue, St. Peter, MN 56082-1498. Web Address: oncampus/humanresources/index.cfm. Review of applications will begin on March 8, 2002, and continue until the position is filled. Gustavus Adolphus College is a coed qualifications will be given preference: Commitment to excellence, effec­tive communication, and service; knowledge of systems application and skills; relevant experience; critical understanding of current issues and developments in scholarly publishing; advanced degree or Ph.D. The position is a 12-month appointment with a nationally competitive salary. Librarians and archivists have academic status and are an integral part of the academic teaching and research mission of the university. TexasTech Universi REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIANThe Amherst College Library is looking for a Reference/Instruction Librarian with an enthusiasm for public service and a dedication to making the full range of library resources easily available to faculty, staff, and students. Provides individual reference assistance in effective use of print and electronic sources. Takes part in library orientation and instruction, including classroom instruction, independent workshops, and individual appointments. Will take the lead in prom REFERENCE LIBRARIANFaculty PositionCheyney University of PennsylvaniaCheyney University of Pennsylvania, located approximately one hour from Philadelphia, seeks a Reference Librarian for a preferred starting date of Spring Semester, 2002. This is a tenure-track faculty position, 9-month appointment; additional summer work may be available.Tenure and promotion involve faculty standards for scholarship, professional growth, and service. Duties include coordination of reference and circulation, collection deve 228 / C&RL News ■ March 2002 INFORMATION AND EDUCATION SERVICES LIBRARIANDartmouth College Biomedical LibrariesWorking at Dartmouth means joining an institution with a strong commitment to libraries in their support of education, research, and patient care. A high quality of life; an interesting mix of graduate, professional, and undergraduate education; notable research programs; and a prominent academic medical center make Dartmouth an outstanding place to work.The Biomedical Libraries, a component of the Dartmouth College Library sy Texas Tech is a member of the Association of Research Libraries, Center for Research Libraries, and the Greater Western Library Alliance. The newly renovated University Library ( hasover2.1 million volumes and an annual budget of over $9 million. Lubbock has a metropolitan population of224,000and is the regional centerfor education, agriculture, health care, banking, and business. Interested candidates should forward a letter of application indicating qualifications and interest in th ies, Box40002, Lubbock, TX 79409-0002. Electronic submissions are welcome and should besent to: Please address all correspondence to the Search Committee Chair, and specify the title of the position. Review of applications will begin March 22,2002, and continue until the position is filled. Texas Tech University is an EEO/AA/ADA employer.CATALOG LIBRARIAN/SUPERVISOR OF TECHNICAL SERVICES TEAMS. Ryan Memorial Library, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, C&RL News ■ March 2002 / 229 COORDINATOR OF SYSTEMS OPERATIONS/DATABASE MANAGEMENT LIBRARIANUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore CountyUniversity of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), an honors university serving more than 9,000 undergraduate and 1,600 graduate students, is one of two public universities in Maryland to achieve the “doctoral/research university-extensive” Carnegie classification. Located just outside Baltimore and 45 minutes from Washington, D.C., the campus is growing rapidly under dynamic leadership. The university’s ongo invites applicants and nominations for the position of Catalog Librar­ian/Supervisor of Technical Services Teams. The library supports the study and research of students and faculty in the College, Theol­ogy, and Religious Studies Divisions. The Seminary is located in the suburban Philadelphia area. Please visit our Web site at: http:// Position Summary: Original and copy cataloging of all library materials (including audiovisual materials and rare books) using AACR2, LCC, LCSH, and OCLC; maint DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY (HEAD LIBRARIAN). Midlands Technical College. Vacancy: #1840. Location: Airport Campus. Description of Posi­tion: Administers and manages the services and personnel of a multicampus library that serves more than 9,000 students; manages and expands technology in library services; plans strategically for long-range goals; designs work plans to maximize the skills and collaboration of personnel; interfaces library services and technology with the college’s initiatives; coordinates the techn 230 / C&RL News ■ March 2002 MONOGRAPH COPY CATALOGING COORDINATORJOHNS HOPKINSUNIVERSITYThe Johns Hopkins University seeks an energetic librarian to provide expertise and leadership for its monograph copy catalog­ing unit. The coordinator will supervise five full-time employees plus students, formulate goals, establish priorities, develop catalog­ing procedures, and create an environment that fosters teamwork as well as encourages and recognizes high performance. The suc­cessful candidate will have strong collabora­tive and collegial SYSTEMS LIBRARIANGallaudet UniversityGallaudet University Library in Washington, D.C., invites applications and nominations for the position of Systems Librarian. Gallaudet University serves deaf and hard- of-hearing students from many different backgrounds and seeks to develop a workforce that reflects the diversity of its student body. Gallaudet is an equal employ­ment opportunity, affirmative action employer and actively encourages deaf, hard-of-hear- ing, and disabled individuals, women, mem­bers of tra C&RL News ■ March 2002 / 231 INSTRUCTION COORDINATOR/ REFERENCE LIBRARIANGeorge Washington University (Search Reopened)APPOINTMENT RANK AND SALARY: Appointment at the rank of Librarian II or III. Minimum salary: Librarian II, $40,000; LibrarianIII, $45,000, Rank and salary based on qualification and experience.POSITION DESCRIPTION: Coordinates the activities of the Education and Instruction Group and provides reference assistance in a broad range of subject areas in a highly electronic environment. Provides leadership for Education and DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY. Trinity Christian College. Full-time position opening starting July 1 ‚ 2002. Master’s in Library Science or related field required. Previous experience and/ora Ph.D. strengthen qualifications. Located in Palos Heights, Illinois, Trinity is a four-year Christian liberal arts college in the Reformed tradition. Contact: Liz Rudenga, Provost, at: (708) 239-4839; ore-mail: LIBRARIAN. The University of Minne­sota Libraries, Twin Cities Campus, in resources and tools (see and http://; analyze trends in education and psychology teaching and research programs, keep current with scholarship in the disciplines themselves, and apply observations to collection, instruction, and reference services. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or foreign equivalent; minimum of two years' post-MLS collection develop­ment, reference, and instruction experience in a college or university library; excellent 232/C&RL News ■ March 2002 CATALOGER-MASON libraryAssistant Professor rank • Tenure-track 12-month appointmentKeene State College’s Mason Library invites applications for the position of Cataloger, to begin July 1, 2002. Under the direction of the Head of Technical Services, the Cataloger provides expertise for cataloging of all print and non-print library materials, including those for Special Collections, the Curriculum Materials Library, and the Cohen Center for Holocaust Studies. The cataloger coordinates cataloging of materials e-mail addresses of three current professional references to: Human Resources, 499 Wilson Library, University of Minnesota, 309 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Please identify the application with UL #150. Full description of responsibilities available at http:// The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Web: DOCUMENTS SERVICES LIBRARIAN. John F. Kennedy Library of Eastern Washington University ( to five years’ professional experience in academic libraries with two years in government documents and two years in reference and/or instruction; demonstrated reference and instruction skills; understanding of FDLP and electronic publishing; effective written and oral communica­tion skills; ability to work collaboratively and adapt to change. Desired Qualifications: Additional relevant advanced degree; foreign or program­ming language; advanced Web structuring tools or skills. Salary/Appoint- ment: Positio C&RL News ■ March 2002 / 233 ASSISTANT DEAN FOR MEDIA SERVICESKent State UniversityKent State University is searching for an energetic and service-oriented person to fill the senior administrative position of Assistant Dean for Media Services. This is a 12-month, tenure-track faculty position, reporting to the Dean of Libraries and Media Services. Libraries and Media Services is a major unit within the Division of Academic Affairs.RESPONSIBILITIES: Administers and provides leadership for the Media Services department. Media Services pr equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and applications from members of historically underrepresented groups are especially encour­aged. The successful candidate will be required to show proof of eligibility to work in the United States pursuant to U.S. immigration laws and to pass a background check.HEAD OF PUBLIC SERVICES AND LIBRARY INSTRUCTION. TheJacksonville University library has an immediate opening for a person with good people skills and a public service orientation. The ideal candi­date vard North, Jacksonville, FL32211 -3394. Application review is underway and continues until the position is filled.HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES. The Brandel Library of North Park University is seeking an energetic, service-oriented, flexible, and innova­tive individual to join us in our newly constructed library. Responsibilities: Administration and coordination of technical services in accordance with the learning outcomes and strategic plan of the library; copy and original cataloging; supervision of studen 234 / C&RL News ■ March 2002 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLEUniversity of Pittsburgh at JohnstownFull position announcements are available at: Reference LibrarianFaculty librarian position to provide reference service, library instruction, and technical processing duties in a regional campus library. Reports to the Coordinator of Reference Services and Director of the Owen Library. Provides some evening and weekend reference on a rotational basis.REQUIRED: MLS from ALA-accredited program (or recog Sonia Bodi, Director of the Brandel Library, North Park University, 3225 W. Foster, Chicago, IL 60625. Equal opportunity employer.INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. State University of West Georgia, Ingram Library, seeks adynamic, innovative librarian with a strong user orienta­ tion for the position of Instruction Librarian. The successful candidate will be a member of the Instructional Services Division staff of eight FTE librarians and one support staff who report to the Head of Instructional Services. Twelve-month, tenure-track position, with target appointmentat Instructor/Assistant Professor/Librarian rank. Responsibilities: Partici- C&RL News ■ March 2002 / 235 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIANMontana State University- Bozeman LibrariesMontana State University (MSU) is a great place to continue your career.Bozeman is located in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, 90 miles north of Yellowstone National Park and has many outstanding outdoor recreations and cultural events.AVAILABLE: July 1, 2002.SALARY AND RANK:$48,000, commensurate with qualifications and experience; tenure track, Assistant or Associate Professor rank.Screening begins immediately and contin­ues until pates in an active library instruction program which includes teaching credit course sections in library research in Web-based and classroom format; coordinating library literacy training for the university faculty and staff; developing and teaching bibliographic instruction classes; delivering reference service (with some nights and weekends); performing collec­tion development; and serving as liaison for assigned departments. Re­quired Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS/MLIS; second graduate de­gree requi SYSTEMS LIBRARIANColumbia Theological SeminaryThe John Bulow Campbell Library of Colum­bia Theological Seminary ( is seeking an experienced Systems Librar­ian to participate in the team approach to providing comprehensive library services to the seminary community.RESPONSIBILITIES: Maintain, update, and support the DRA Taos library automation system using Windows NT; educate users about DRA Web2, GALILEO, and other elec­tronic information resources; support staff use of all DRA modules and CD distance learner information needs. Salary Range: $32,000-$34,000. Mail letter, résumé, and contact information for three references, preferably by March 20,2002, to: Cathy Blackman ‚ Cameron Univer­sity Library, 2800 West Gore Boulevard, Lawton, OK73505. Equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.LIBRARIAN FOR PHYSICS, ASTRONOMY, AND DIGITAL PROJECTS. Science and Engineering Library. The University of Minne­sota Libraries, Twin Cities Campus, invites applications and nominations for the position of Phy 236 / C&RL News ■ March 2002 LIBRA PROFESSORSHIPUniversity of Maine at AugustaCo-Coordinator and Faculty Member Library and Information Technology Degree Programs August 15, 2002-June 15, 2003The Libra professorship was established to promote excellence in selected degree programs, to provide recognition for high-quality programs, to attract exemplary faculty, and to provide students with outstanding faculty models for teaching and public service.The University of Maine at Augusta (UMA) seeks a Libra Professor of Library and Informatio mation literacy within the physics and astronomy curriculum by consult­ing with faculty on assignments and providing instructional support; select library materials in all formats for Physics and Astronomy; provide general and research assistance to library users during scheduled hours at the Science and Engineering Reference Desk in Walter Library, includ­ing some evening and weekend shifts; contribute to the development of the libraries’ digital reference services and online learning resources and tools ( with probationary appointment at Assistant Librarian. The Libraries offers acompetitive salary commensurate with experience, not less than $35,000 for this position. Excellent benefits and substantial moving allowance. To Apply: Position available immediately. Applications will be accepted until filled. Send letter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three current professional references to: Human Resources, 499 Wilson Library, University of Minnesota C&RL News ■ March 2002 / 237 ASSOCIATE FACULTY DIRECTORUniversity of Colorado at BoulderPOSITION SUMMARY: A newly created tenure-track faculty position reporting to the Head, Information Resources Acquisitions Department. The department consists of 24.5 FTE and is responsible for the acquisitions of materials in all formats, processing gifts of library materials, establishing policies and procedures associated with ordering, receiving and payment activities, maintaining acquisitions and gift records, and providing and analyzing acquisi partnerships with libraries in other countries, creates professional devel­opment workshops and training programs, and fosters library develop­ment around the world. Reporting directly to the University Librarian, the incumbent is a global spokesperson and representative not only for the Mortenson Center but also for the Library and the University. The Mortenson Professor is expected to contribute actively to the field of international librarianship with research, lectures, and participation in professional mortenson). The Mortenson Professor seeks to develop new partnerships forthe Mortenson Center while maintaining relationships with the Center’s current partners in Russia, South Africa, Costa Rica, Georgia, and Haiti, and with its U.S. partners, the Illinois State Library, the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR), and the Queens Borough Public Library. Working with Area Studies Centers and international programs on campus, the Mortenson Director develops programs that support the visits of li 238 / C&RL News ■ March 2002 HEAD, TECHNICAL SERVICESUniversity of California, BerkeleyAssociate Librarian/Librarian $49,224-$76,860 per annum, depending upon qualificationsThe East Asian Library of the University of California, Berkeley, houses the second largest research collection of books, manuscripts, rare books, and special collections in the East Asian languages at any university outside Asia. Its comprehensive holdings include more than750,000 volumes, over 70,000 microfilm and nonprint materials, and over 4,000 current serial academic libraries in the United States and first among public university libraries in the world. As the intellectual heart of the campus, the Library is committed to maintaining the strongest collections and services pos­sible and engaging in research and development activities—both of which support the University’s mission of teaching, research, and public ser­vice. The Library currently employs approximately 100faculty and 300 staff members. For more detailed information, visit: http:// www. library. uiu sity requirements for named professorships (program development, research and publication, and university/professional service). Appoint­ment as Associate Professor/Professor with tenure depending on creden­tials of successful applicant. Terms of Appointment: 12-month appoint­ment; 24 work days’vacation per year; 11 paid holidays; 12 annual sick leave days (cumulative), plus additional 13 days (noncumulative) per year if necessary; health insurance, requiring a small copayment, is provided to employees (cov C&RL News ■ March 2002 / 239 (continued from previous page)Professional contributions beyond the primary job (e.g., publications, active participation in University and professional organizations, and other research and creative activity) are required for advancement within the librarian series. Candidates must show evidence of such contributions.QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution or equivalent degree; expert knowledge of Chinese, Japanese, or Korean; knowledge of East Asian studies as an academic discipline; substa campus.html;; on To Apply: Send letter of application and complete résumé with the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Cindy Kelly, Head, Library Human Resources, University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign, 1408 West Gregory Drive, Suite 127, Urbana, IL, 61801; phone: (217) 333-8168; e-mail: Electronic applications are acceptable initially but must be followed by a hard copy with signature. Deadline: To en logically knowledgeable librarian. The successful candidate will sen/e as a primary member of the library’s Digital Libraries Team and as a secondary member of the Professional Programs Team. Digital Libraries Team duties include designing, implementing, and maintaining a content- rich, well-organized, Web-based gateway to the library’s varied collec­tions and services. The position’s primary responsibility is for the day-to- day management of the library’s collection of online databases; monitors and imple 240 / C&RL News ■ March 2002 ELECTRONIC RESOURCES CATALOGERUniversity of Colorado at BoulderThe University Libraries invites applications from innovative professionals seeking a stimulating work environment in which to strategically explore the interplay of librarianship, scholarship, and professional service. This position is a tenure-track faculty position reporting to the Head, Original Monographic Cataloging Unit. The Cataloging Department performs most of the cataloging for the University Libraries and has just reorganized as part gan Street, Indianapolis, IN46202-5195; phone: (317) 274-0487. IUPUI University Library has a commitment to providing excellent public ser­vices to students, faculty, and the general community. IUPUI also has a commitment to the principle of diversity and is actively seeking to increase the racial and ethnic diversity of our staff. We encourage applications from women and underrepresented groups. For more information about IUPUI University Library, visit our Web site at: Indiana Universi REFERENCE AND INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. The University of Minnesota Libraries, Twin Cities Campus, invites applications and nomi­nations for the position of Reference and Instruction Librarian. The Univer­sity Libraries particularly encourages the candidacy of people with expe­rience in multicultural and multiracial settings. Responsibilities: Take a leadership role in the enhancement of QuickStudy, Library Research Guide, and assist in the development of online learning tools such as CourseLib and Research Qu C&RL News ■ March 2002 / 241 HEAD, TECHNICAL SERVICESFull-time, tenure-track, regular appointment with benefits, nine-plus-three months per year, faculty rank, status, privileges, and responsibilities,LOCATION: Consortium Library, University of Alaska, Anchorage.SALARY: Minimum $50,000 annually. Competitive benefits to include health, dental, life insurance, retirement, and tuition waiver. Represented by bargaining unit.Come to the Last Frontier and Help Build the Library of the 21st Century! The Consortium Library at the University of search assistance to library users (some evening and weekend duty required); contribute to the development of the libraries’ digital reference services and online learning resources and tools (see http://; maintain collection development and liaison re­sponsibilities in one or more social science subjects. Required Qualifica­tions: ALA-accredited MLS or foreign equivalent; excellent communica­tion and interpersonal skills; creativity, flexibility, initiative, and self- direction; abi experience, not less than $35,000forthis position. Excellent benefits and substantial moving allowance. To Apply: Position available immediately. Applications will be accepted until filled. Send letterof application, résumé, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three current professional referencesto: Human Resources, 499 Wilson Library, University of Minnesota, 30919th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Please identify the application with UL#151. Forfull descrip­tion of r 242 / C&RL News ■ March 2002 PRINCIPAL PROCESSING ARCHIVISTUniversity of California, BerkeleyAssociate Librarian/Librarian, $49,224-82,416 per annum, depending upon qualifications.The Bancroft Library at the University of California, Berkeley, is one of the largest and most heavily used libraries of manuscripts, rare books, and special collections in the United States. As the primary center of special collections within the library system at Berkeley, Bancroft supports major research and reference activities and plays a leading role in for providing instruction to students and faculty, including individual re­search consultations, and bibliographic instruction. Must have master’s in Library and Information Science or related experience and previous degree(s) in science. Reference and/or instruction experience a plus. High comfort level with computer troubleshooting in a networked environ­ment, familiarity with HTML, image-editing, and database construction preferred. Experience with Dreamweaver, MS Access, and MS Excel a plus. Ability to It is the center piece of a campus strategy to provide the latest information resources and services for students, faculty, and the Central Indiana community. The library is a team-based organization which focuses on the innovative application of technology and new forms of engagement with the campus and the community. Job Description: The university library is seeking an enthusiastic, user-oriented, and technologically knowledge­able librarian. The successful candidate will serve as member of the library’s C&RL News ■ March 2002 / 243 (continued from previous page)QUALIFICATIONSRequired: MLS from an accredited library school or equivalent training and five years’ experience with archival administration; knowledge and experience with processing, arrangement, and description of personal papers, organizational records, and archival collections; knowledge of APPM, MARC, and EAD is essential; solid experience with computer cataloguing systems and EAD writer/editor software; experience with digital text and imaging projects and management of g and the general community. IUPUI also has a commitment to the principle of diversity and is actively seeking to increase the racial and ethnic diversity of our staff. We encourage applications from women and underrepresented groups. For more information about IUPUI Univer­sity Library, visit our Web site at: Indiana Uni­versity-Purdue University Indianapolis is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. Individuals who require a reasonable accommodation to participate in the a SERIALS AND ELECTRONIC COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. South­western Oklahoma State University (SWOSU) in Weatherford, Okla­homa, is accepting applications for our Serials and Electronic Collections Librarian. Position oversees print, microfilm, and electronic serials collections and supervises staff and students. Salary in low$30s, depend­ing upon experience. Excellent opportunity for recent MLS. Screeningof applicants will begin on March 30,2002, and will continue until position is filled. For more information and It’s never too late to advertise a job opening on the C&RL News Net!c& (800) 545-2433, ext.2513 244 / C&RL News ■ March 2002 SERIALS/ELECTRONIC RESOURCESCATALOGING COORDINATORJOHNS HOPKINSUNIVERSITYThe Johns Hopkins University seeks a creative, energetic librarian to provide leadership, organization, management, and supervision of serials and electronic resources cataloging. The incumbent, under the general direction of the Head of Cataloging, will be responsible for original cataloging of serials (print and nonprint) and electronic resources; the development of their cataloging policies and procedures; act as liaison to Serials/ Late Job ListingsCOORDINATOR FOR LIBRARY SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY. Requires Master's in Library or Information Science and one year of academic library experience; experience with integrated library system; knowledge of networked systems, Windows, Internet, and emerging technologies; reference service experience. Salary; $37,211-$44,299 per year plus fringe benefits. Deadline; March 28,2002. For required application and further information, see our Web site:\hr; or contact: the Human Resources Of C&RL News ■ March 2002 / 245 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLECentral Michigan UniversityCentral Michigan University Libraries seeks qualified, team-oriented applicants to fill two positions in its Reference Services Department, The department is made up of 11 reference librarians and two support staff who work within a new, 50-million-dollar, state-of-the-art facility. Both are faculty positions requiring an MLS from an ALA-accredited program, evidence of potential for earning tenure/ promotion as a library faculty member, and excellent communi 246 / C&RL News ■ March 2002 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COORDINATORUniversity of Tennessee (Search Extended)The University of Tennessee seeks a creative, experienced professional to lead the Science and Technology Group. Subject groups for the humanities, social sciences, and science and technology provide reference, instruction, collection development, and outreach services for the University Libraries. Members of each subject group include reference librarians who report to the coordinator, as well as other librarians from across the org C&RL News ■ March 2002 / 247 SERIALS CATALOGERWake Forest UniversityWake Forest University, Z. Smith Reynolds Library, invites applications and nominations for a Serials Cata­loger. The Cataloging Librarian-Serials performs original and complex copy cataloging for print and electronic serials, periodicals, newspapers, standing orders, continuations, archival materials, electronic databases, and Internet resources; participates in the formulation of cataloging policies; and serves as a resource person and trainer for other cataloging st pages. Develops Web-based instructional programs and digital exhibits. Facilitates the Biomedical Library’s digital library initiatives, including the archiving and preservation of digital content. Additional responsibilities include 15-20% assignment in the Reference Division providing reference service, instruction, consultation, and outreach activities for students, faculty, researchers, and staff. MLIS or equivalent from an accredited library and information science graduate program preferred. Demonstra 248 /C&RL News ■ March 2002 SERIALS LIBRARIANWashington University in St. Louis (Search Extended)The Washington University Libraries invites applications for the position of Serials Librarian.RESPONSIBILITIES: Under the direction of the Associate Dean (Access, Bibliographic, and Information Services), the Serials Librarian is responsible for the operations of the Serials Unit including hiring, training, and evaluating personnel, establishing policies and procedures, commu­nicating with serials vendors, and monitoring the continuations ELECTRONIC SERVICES/WEB DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN. The Bowdoin College Library seeks an experienced and innovative librarian to join an enthusiastic staff committed to integrating technology into library services. The successful candidate will coordinate planning and provide technical expertise for implementation and maintenance of applications of new technologies to library operations; oversee the Electronic Services department opera­tions; oversee development and maintenance of the library's Web gateway and o C&RL News ■ March 2002 / 249 DEAN, LEARNING RESOURCESUniversity of GuamREQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited Master’s; five years of relevant administrative and supervisory experience in an academic library of comparable size using current technological and telecommunications applications, including formulation and enforcement of library policies, budget management, and community relations; excellent oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills; record of research and publications; service oriented; and successful experience development including remote access, authentication issues and development software, and Web database connectivity required. Knowledge of HTML, XHTML, CSS, and server side scripting and their evolving standards and implementation methods required, with knowledge of DHTML, SQL, and XML strongly preferred. Familiarity with network print and file services, basic networking and integrated library systems strongly preferred. Demonstrated supervi- sory, organizational, analytical, and project management experienc 250 / C&RL News ■ March 2002 LATIN AMERICAN AND IBERIAN STUDIES LIBRARIANUniversity of California, Santa BarbaraThe University of California, Santa Barbara, one of 10 campuses of the University of California system, is seeking a Latin American and Iberian Studies Librarian. Reporting to the Head of Area Studies and working closely with the Head of Information Services, the librarian works individually and as part of a team to provide reference, instruction, and collection development services to students, faculty, staff, and the univer library Web pages; supervise circulation activities and staff, provide reference service, and participate in library instruction. This librarian coordinates the selection of books and media in assigned subjects, acting as liaison with faculty in these subjects. Minimum qualifications include a MLS from an ALA-accredited institution, service orientation, substantial knowledge of and experience with electronic resources, information technology, Web pages, and computer hardware and software. Some evening and w C&RL News ■ March 2002 1251 252 / C&RL News ■ March 2002 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLENortheastern University LibrariesNortheastern University seeks two energetic, creative, and self-motivated individuals to join its newly re-energized, service-oriented, and forward-looking library team.Head, Access ServicesProvide innovation, leadership, and vision to Access Services for the physical and electronic delivery of print, image, and other resources to users.RESPONSIBILITIESOrganize, plan, and administer Access Services, consisting of circulation, reserves, microfilms, inte C&RL News ■ March 2002 / 253 MEDIA RESOURCES LIBRARIANHartwick CollegeStevens-German Library at Hartwick College, a nationally ranked, selective liberal arts and sciences institution, seeks applications for the position of Media Resources Librarian. Candidates must be energetic, service oriented, and dedicated to creating a responsive efficient media resources system.RESPONSIBILITIESManages the library's media resource program; selects, purchases, and maintains hardware systems; develops (in conjunction with faculty) the media collecti NY 14901. Questions? See our Webpages at:; or contact: James Gray, Director of Libraries, e-mail:, phone: (607) 735-1865. Review of applications begins immediately and will continue until the position is filled.REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Part of an innovative team that designs, delivers, and promotes all services provided by the Libraiy/Leaming Resources Center. Reports directly to the College Librarian; works collaboratively with other library staff and college faculty in facilita