ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 5 2 8 /C&RL News In th e N ew s W e’ve all had rough starts with a new year, a new class, a new job. But imagine com plet­ ing the first w eek in a new job as library direc­ tor w hen disaster strikes. That’s w hat happened to Camila Alire w hen floodwaters ravaged the collections at Colorado State University (CSU) w hen she had been director there a mere seven days (page 529). While talking with Alire just a few days after the flood, she stressed how important it was for libraries to have disaster recovery plans and urged any library without one to begin devel­ oping a plan. Having such a plan in place at CSU has really enabled the library to take quick actions toward salvaging the materials. Though one always hopes disaster w on’t hit, it pays to be prepared. In “Preservation News” this month, Jane H edberg reports on a handy w heel device developed by the National Task Force o n Emergency Response. The device offers advice for dealing with disasters and tips on salvaging materials (page 573). While I’m on the topic of disaster prepared­ ness, let me venture into the related field of preservation and direct your attention to Gary Albright’s article “Care of Photographs” (page 561). Originally prepared as a technical leaflet for the Northeast Document Conservation Cen­ ter, the article gives practical advice on the proper environment and storage of photos. This issue also includes reports of ACRL’s activities at the ALA Annual Conference in San Francisco: actions of the ACRL Board o f Direc­ tors are reported on page 548; summaries of many ACRL programs are given on page 537; an d rep o rts o f ACRL’s University Libraries Section’s activities (prepared in lieu o f a sepa­ rate section newsletter) may be found on page 544. For other items o f ACRL business, please see the official election results printed on page 568 and the call for award nominations/appli- cations on page 567. Remember, ACRL offers more than $15,000 in awards and prizes, so take a few minutes to consider applying or nominating a deserving colleague. —Mary Ellen K. Davis Editor & Publisher