ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 5 44/C&RL News Conference Circuit U LS a s k s sc h o la rs: Do y o u n e e d u s? B y A n n e G arrison , P aula W alker, a n d Linda TerHaar A n n u a l Conference highlights from the University Libraries Section M ore than 300 people attended the ULS program at San Francisco, seeking the answer to this question put to scholars Caldwell, professor of soil and water science, and special assistant to the dean, College of Agriculture, University o f Arizona; Michael Goodchild, professor of geography at the Uni­ versity of California, Santa Barbara, as well as director of the National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, and associate direc­ tor for Project Alexandria; and Paul Jones, a humanities scholar and faculty member at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the School o f Journalism and Mass Communi­ cation and the School of Information and Li­ brary Science, and the director of the UNC MetaLab project. Shelley Phipps, assistant dean for team facilitation, University of Arizona, mod­ erator, began by stating that the traditional pur­ pose of academic libraries is to support the research and teaching on our campuses. How­ ever, scholars are changing their methods, and w e need to change as well. Caldwell said that the answer to the ques­ tion is “It depends.” The world, scholars, and libraries are all changing, and all three are inter­ acting in different ways. Huge changes are about to happen in the world, but it is difficult to pre­ dict the future by looking at the past as a guide. Accurate predictions of the future may seem so wild to us right now that no one would believe them. Yet, we need to look 20 years out, not 5 years. If we only look 5 years ahead, then we only deal with the immediate. We should in­ R stead start by imagining 20 years ahead and work back to the present in order to provide a setting for w hat might happen in the future. Caldwell reviewed the evolution of work from the agrarian age through the industrial to the service age and then the information age, w here w e are now. The digital world is com­ oginge, r and it will change the way scholars work. In the library of the future, it is how the scholar gets to the information that will count, not where the information is housed. The Internet offers contact between people and information inde­ pendent of where either is located. Hypertext concepts have changed how scholars search for information. Caldwell sees librarians moving from being keepers of collections to being finders and organizers of information. Scholars as consum­ ers know w hat they w ant, an d the service should come from their perspective. Approaches to scholarship and learning roles are changing —how do we even recognize who is a scholar? We cannot use a 1950s mindset at the end of the 20th century to look at the defini­ tion of a scholar or of a scholarly publication. The lines betw een what librarians do and w hat scholars do are blurring. Librarians are taking on more of a teaching role, and faculty are doing more of their own information search­ ing. That is not to say that each becomes the other, but that each takes on some of the role of the other. Both must ask w hat they provide as value added. This is a time of great uncer­ tainty but at the same time great opportunity. Caldwell ended by saying that he sees the role for librarians as being information management. Goodchild said that geography stands at the intersection of physical and social science. It has always been an information-rich discipline, but geography is changing. One new trend is In lieu o f a section newsletter a team o f ULS members provides C&RL News with se m ia n n u a l reports o f its activities. A n n e Garrison is reference librarian a t Georgia Institute o f Technology; e-mail:; Paula Walker is assistant director o f libraries a t the University o f Washington; e-mail: pwalker@u.w; Linda TerHaar is h ead o f the Shapiro Undergraduate Library a t the University o f Michigan; e-mail: September 1 9 9 7 / 5 4 5 The lines between w h a t librar­ ians do and w h a t scholars do are blurring. Librarians are ta k ­ ing on more of a teaching role, and faculty are doing more of their own information searching. the study of neighborhoods and the very local area. Various Web sites have provided very detailed information on the Northridge earth­ quake, for example. Geographical data now available digitally include large num bers of images, visual simulations, ever larger data sets, and the many resources related to geographic information systems. While the data are com ­ ing from sources such as the government and not from libraries, Goodchild said that the role of librarians is to index, abstract, and evaluate the information for the geographer. The prin­ ciples of collection management that librarians have followed in the past must be applied to digital images and maps and other geographi­ cal data. Libraries must also provide a space for scholars to work collaboratively with these data. In the broader social sciences, Goodchild perceives the same needs, w here many per­ sonal and cultural databases are being created rapidly, and the librarian’s role should be to organize the material and provide collabora­ tive user space. Jones gave his perspective o f the world of mass communication and the decline in the num­ ber of independent publishers, with a resulting decline in book titles. Media oligarchies, he said, are limiting our choices. However, new partner­ ships betw een faculty and university presses may provide some hope for a shift in this trend. After the presentations, the attendees were asked to discuss points of interest for the next ten minutes at their individual tables and to raise questions for the speakers that could be shared with the w hole group. Among the questions asked was one con­ cerning publishing on the Web: As publishing of journals moves to the Web, why must librar­ ies still spend so many of their limited dollars on print journals? The point had b een m ade by the speakers that some scholars never send their students to use the printed journals in academic libraries and never use these materials them­ selves. If this is the case, then, is the only pur­ pose for print journals to provide a refereed source for faculty publishing to gain tenure? Libraries have very lim­ ited resources, so w hy should they continue to purchase these journals? The response included a discussion of w hy the ten u re process n ee d ed to change and how it is changing already at some institutions. During the questions and discus­ sion, all three speakers said that librar­ ians should feel empowered to work with scholars to preserve knowledge and to preserve access. In­ formation literacy for future generations is a joint responsibility of scholars and librarians. An audiotape of this com plete conference program is available through ALA (for complete details see page 000). The University Libraries Section hom epage includes more information on the speakers as well as a bibliography for f u r th e r r e a d in g o n th is to p ic : h t t p : / / w w w . s c . e d u /lib r a r y /a la /in d e x . htm l— P aula Walker, University o f Washington Librarians take on diverse notes The ULS Librarians in Higher Education and Campus Administration Discussion Group met to consider the diversity of new roles librarians are playing in the university setting. This, the first of a two-part discussion, will be followed at Midwinter in New Orleans with a discussion about librarians no longer affiliated with the library but w ho continue to work at the uni­ versity in other capacities. Nancy Baker, director o f libraries at Wash­ ington State University, m oderated the session, noting that in the past multiple roles may have meant cataloging and doing reference. Today, however, librarians must often balance mani­ fold responsibilities as library directors, cam­ pus administrators, com puter center supervi­ sors, and distance education facilitators. Leslie Wykoff, the first o f tw o speakers, began the discussion by sharing her experi­ ences as campus librarian and director o f infor­ mation Services at Washington State Univer­ sity, Vancouver campus. Because the campus is new, Wykoff seized the opportunity to build bridges betw een departm ents that shared no com mon history (either o f cooperation or an­ tagonism). Working with the campus adminis­ tration, Wykoff has successfully blurred the dis­ tinction betw een the com puting center and the library. Her multiple roles include merging li­ 5 4 6 /C&RL News brary and com puter services, developing the campus Web site, integrating computer train­ ing and library instruction, facilitating the cam­ pus distance education program, and organiz­ ing classes on electronic com m unities and culture. Wykoff notes that such diverse respon­ sibilities can make o n e’s role on campus am­ biguous. “People do n ’t know if I'm administra­ tion or faculty.” The second speaker, Shirley Baker, dean of libraries and vice chancellor for information technologies at Washington University in St. Louis, also dissolves the distinction between administration and faculty as she adopts mul­ tiple campus roles. Baker became involved in universitywide activities because of her com­ puting background and her reputation for man­ aging change. Her opportunity to coordinate both library and computer services presented itself w hen the new chancellor asked her to become vice chancellor of information tech­ nologies. Baker believes that these kinds of o p ­ portunities are increasing for librarians due to o ur service orientation, technical expertise, broad vision for the university, and reputation for managing change. In order to prepare for these positions, Baker observed that we need first to understand what we do well and mar­ ket those skills to the campus administration. Examples of such skills include: experience with systems migration, the development of an active vendor community, our historic ability to work collectively (as dem onstrated by OCLC and RLN), and our skill at managing technologists. In closing, the group concluded that the phenom enon of the librarian w ho functions as administrator, librarian, faculty, and computer guru will increase as the universities become aware of our skills as flexible and superior in­ formation managers. N ew ideas for ILL and reference Moderator Barbara Dewey led the ULS Public Services Heads of Large Research Libraries Dis­ cussion Group. Mary Jackson, ARL, reported to the group that the two-year ILL/DD Perfor­ mance Measures Study is finally nearing comple­ tion. A final report due out at the end of the summer will offer comparisons of borrowing and lending processes as demonstrated by vari­ ous libraries. Jackson also reviewed the progress being made on ISO ILL Protocol Compliance guidelines. ARL hopes to offer workshops an d / or conferences to educate librarians about these guidelines. The group then debated methods of assessment activities as related to informa­ tion literacy skills. All agreed that closer part­ nerships with faculty are necessary to get a handle on assessment outcomes. Dewey que­ ried the group about ideas for new and inno­ vative models of on-site reference and infor­ mation services. Many libraries are reevaluating the usefulness of physically imposing refer­ ence desks. In response, some are trying a “roving” approach to reference work while oth­ ers have separate reference staff for phone, fax, and e-mail reference.—A n n e Garrison, Georgia Institute o f Technology Getting student feedback Getting student feedback was the topic for the ACRL U ndergraduate Librarians Discussion Group, in a well-attended, lively session. The topic was introduced by presentations from Donna Senzig, undergraduate librarian, Univer­ sity of Wisconsin, and Judith Pask, undergradu­ ate librarian, Purdue University. Senzig d e­ scribed the development and use of surveys at the University of Wisconsin designed to pro­ vide management information for evaluating services. Survey results and their analysis led to adjustments whose effectiveness was mea­ sured by a second survey two years later. Pask reported on some uses of focus groups at the Purdue libraries and how their results were used to shape services. Her presentation included a general overview of the characteristics of in­ formation gathered from focus groups and how they are best used. The ensuing discussion in­ cluded methods of attracting student participa­ tion and of choosing appropriate evaluation tools for specific management goals.— Linda TerHaar, University o f Michigan ■ ULS 1997-98 Executive Committee The new officers for ULS, effective July 1997, are: Chair: Lori Goetsch, University of Ten­ nessee, Knoxville Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Maureen Pastine, Southern Methodist University Secretary: K a th le e n G u n n in g , Susquehanna University Member-at-Large: Eloise McQuown, San Francisco State University Member-at-Large: Leslie Wykoff, Wash­ ington State University at Vancouver September 1 9 9 7 / 5 4 7