ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 5 4 8 /C&RL News Board of Directors’ actions, June/July, 1 9 9 7 Highlights o f the ACRL B o a rd ’s A n n u a l Conference meetings D uring the 1997 ALA Annual Conference in San Francisco the ACRL Board of Di­ rectors took the following actions. ACRL governance A p p ro v ed r e v is e d c h a rg e fo r th e G o v ern ­ ment Relations Committee. A p p ro v ed r e v is e d c h a rg e fo r th e R esearch Committee. A c c e p te d r e v is e d ACRL B y la w s fr o m th e Constitution an d Bylaws Com mittee, com ­ m ented on the revisions and instructed the committee to m ake further changes for the Board’s review and first vote by mail ballot in the fall, to be followed by a second Board vote at the ALA Midwinter Meeting and a vote by the membership in the spring ALA election. A p p ro v ed a n a m e c h a n g e fo r th e A cad em ic Status Committee as recommended by the com­ mittee to: Committee on the Status of Academic Librarians. A p p r o v e d a c h a n g e in c o m m it t e e n a m e and charge for the ACRL Leadership Center Ad­ visory Committee. The new committee name is ACRL Leadership Development Committee. The new charge is: “To develop leaders for the academic and research library profession and for the broader higher education community; to develop a coordinated array of programs and services sponsored by various entities which, collectively, would comprise an ACRL Leader­ ship Center.” A p p ro v ed a r e v is e d c h a rg e a n d c o m p o s i­ tion for the ACRL/AECT joint committee to broaden its representation to include all types of libraries and librarians and expand program­ matic relationships beyond the promulgation and maintenance of community/junior college standards. A greed to h o ld a Board retreat O ctob er 3 -4 , 1997. Professional development M ade a s p e c i a l c o m m e n d a t io n to C arla Stoffle, chair of the 8th ACRL National Confer­ ence in Nashville, for its many successes in programming and financial achievements, rec­ ognizing a number of firsts for ACRL and the profession: use of the Web to generate discus­ sion on conference papers, extensive presence of teaching faculty and academic administrators as program presenters, presentations from mem­ bers of the profession with specific talents and known accomplishments by invitation, and an expanded “hot topics” program session. V oted to a p p r o v e th e e s t a b lis h m e n t o f th e ACRL National Information Literacy Institute, provide seed money for planning the institute, and establish an advisory committee to over­ see its planning and implementation and re­ port to the Board on its progress. A p p r o v e d 14 p r o g r a m t it le s f r o m ACRL units for presentation during the 1998 ALA Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. A greed to n o t p u r su e fu rth er th e B oard ’s evaluation of national conference frequency cycle, but to ask staff and national conference planning committees to use the criteria in plan­ ning conferences and to include questions in fu­ ture membership surveys that assess members’ participation and satisfaction with the conference. Financial actions A p p r o v e d th e tr a n s fe r o f $ 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 fr o m the ACRL O perating Fund Balance into the ACRL E ndow m ent an d $200,000 from the September 1 9 9 7 / 5 4 9 Choice Operating Fund Balance into the Choice Endowment over a two-fiscal-year period, and having these transfers m ade during the second and fourth quarters of the ALA fiscal year. A p p r o v e d g e n e r a l g u id e lin e s in r e la tio n to a withdrawal policy for the ACRL and Choice endow m ents as follows: “W ithdrawals from the ACRL and Choice endow m ents will be m ade only under limited circumstances, as defined and approved by the ACRL Board. Withdrawals will be authorized only in order to carry out strategic priorities or in order to respond to emergency situations.” V oted to e s t a b lis h s p e c ific p o lic ie s o n w it h ­ drawal after the ALA BARC/Divisions Task Force on endow m ent policy has com pleted its work and recom m ended policies on division with­ drawals from endow m ent funds. A p p r o v e d c h a n g e s to th e ACRL a n d C h o ic e mandated reserves policies as follows: “ACRL will maintain a mandated reserve fund equal to at least 25% of the average annual operating expenses over the four most recently com pleted years, excluding Choice." "Choice will maintain a mandated reserve fund equal to 25% of the average annual o per­ ating expenses over the four most recently com­ pleted years, excluding the ALA overhead.” A p p r o v e d th e r e v is e d 1 9 9 7 -9 8 ACRL F in a n ­ cial Plan. A p p r o v e d a $ 5 ,0 0 0 c o n t r i b u t i o n o v e r a four-year period in incremental payments of $1,250 to the International Federation of Librar­ ies (IFLA) Association as a library partner for IFLA/Boston 2001. A p p r o v e d t h e 1 9 9 7 —9 8 ACRL a n d C h o ic e budgets: ACRL budget revenues o f $1,096,983, expenses o f $1,468,860, and a projected deficit o f ($366,004); Choice b u d g e t rev e n u es of $1,833,915, expenses of $1,944,537, and a pro­ jected deficit of ($110,622). Section Funding A p p r o v e d c h a n g e s in p o lic ie s o n fu n d in g to support sections as follows: • Revised Basic Services Funding policy, paragraph 2 section 4.4.2 ACRL Guide to Poli­ cies and Procedures, to read: “Basic Services Funding exists to facilitate sections’ ability to carry out their basic mission and strategic goals of ACRL. Basic Services’ Funding may not be used for equipm ent and software purchases, speaker expenses and travel honoraria for li­ brarian speakers in accordance with ALA fiscal policy. In addition, audio visual production projects including film and film developm ent require advance approval from ACRL.” • Revised Basic Services Funding policy, paragraph 1 section 4.4.2 ACRL Guide to Poli­ cies and Procedures, to read: “All sections are eligible for Basic Services Funding. The level o f funding will be based on the size of the section’s m embership and will be automatically allotted to the section. Support for electronic communication and services is a basic service provided by the ACRL office. Basic Services Funding may be used for the following activi­ ties: to reimburse section committee members for photocopying, postage, telephone, and other activities and items not prohibited by ACRL policy in paragraph 2 section 4.4.2 of the ACRL Guide.” The Board endorsed the ACRL staff plan to mount two to three listservs and Web pages for ACRL sections in the coming year. • Amended the ACRL dues fee structure, ACRL Bylaws, Article 1, Membership and Dues, Section 2 Additional Fees, to read: “Fees for personal and organizational members o f ACRL shall be $35.00 for the division and $5.00 for each section beyond the first 2 chosen. A mem­ b er may select any 2 free sections, with no re­ striction based u pon the type of section.” (Ed. note. This will be on the spring ballot.) • Maintained the current policy of funding sections based u pon num ber o f members and the automatic allocation of these funds to sec­ tions. Approved formula for funding sections effective with the 1997-98 fiscal year and the Share your opinion with C&RL News readers C&RL News is looking for well-reasoned commentaries on issues of interest to aca­ demic and research librarians for its column “The Way I See It.” It’s an opportunity to share your thoughts with a national audience. Es­ says should be between 500-750 words and should be sent to “The Way I See It,” C&RL News, ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; fax: (312) 280-7663; e-mail: 5 5 0 /C&RL News adjustment of the formula in the initial years to reflect significant changes in the size of mem­ bership in ACRL and in its sections. New section funding levels are: small sections (under 1,000) will receive $500; medium sections (1,001 to 2,499) will receive $1,000; and large sec­ tions (2,500 and over) will receive $1,500. • Accepted the task force endorsement of the ACRL Executive Committee’s recommen­ dation that the Initiative Funding process be used by sections to submit proposals to ACRL for funding of projects that target activities and programming with specific higher education discipline-based organizations. Reports A p p ro v ed in c o n c e p t a re p o r t lis tin g w a y s to keep past ACRL leaders involved in the work of the association and referred the report to the ACRL Executive Committee for implemen­ tation planning. A ccep ted th e rep o rt fr o m th e Racial a n d Eth­ nic Diversity Committee on progress toward implementing recommendations in the 1991 re­ port to the Board from the Task Force on Underrepresented Minorities to Librarianship and established a subcommittee of the Board to re­ view the report and consider appropriate re­ sponses for ACRL to the recommendations in the committee’s report and report to the Board at the ALA Midwinter Meeting. The Board commended the committee chair on a very thorough report. A sk ed th a t th e A ca d em ic Library O u tco m es Assessment Task Force share its report with ap­ propriate groups for comment and feedback. A sk ed th a t C o u n c il o f L ia iso n in d iv id u a l reports of activities with other organizations be shared with Board, Executive Committee, and Government Relations Committee. Higher education S en t fo r th a r e s o lu tio n w it h th e A m erica n Library Association endorsing 16 recommen­ dations made by a coalition of 21 higher edu­ cation organizations regarding the reauthoriza­ tion of the Higher Education Act. A p p r o v e d t h e ACRL H i g h e r E d u c a t io n Legislative/Policy Consultant position descrip­ tion in concept and asked that further input from the ALA W ashington Office be sought and that the ACRL Executive Committee final­ ize specific details for implementation at its fall meeting and prepare recommendations for Board discussion and action at its fall confer­ ence call. Publications A p p r o v e d th e a p p o in tm e n t o f J o h n Budd as e d ito r o f th e ACRL P u b lic a tio n s in Librarianship series. Budd will serve in an ap­ prentice role u n d er current editor Stephen Wiberley for one year through May 1998, w hen he will assume the editorship. ■ ACRL Board 1996-97 ( l to r): (backrow ) J ill Fatzer, Frances Maloy, Linda Muroi, Mary R eichel, Carol Pfeiffer, Victoria M ontavon, and M axine Reneker; (fron t ro w ) Bernard Fradkin, W. Lee Hisle, Althea Jen k in s, W illiam Miller, Patricia Sen n Breivik, and Ray E nglish. September 1997/ 551