ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries September 1 9 9 7 / 5 5 5 Internet Resources T h e a t e r a n d p e r fo r m a n c e s tu d ie s By R eb ecca A lbitz All the World Wide Web 's a stage … U sing the Internet to locate useful informa­ tion in the performing arts can be an ardu­ ous task. Wading through the ever-incre num ber of theater and performance sites, only to discover that little of use can be found, can discourage the serious researcher w ho is ex­ ploring the World Wide Web for the first time. A num ber o f very informative sites on theater and performance studies, however, have been created, providing useful information to the reference librarian, the student, and the practi­ tioner. While I have been selective in my choice of listed resources, I have included sites that fo­ cus on theater and performance both as aca­ demic disciplines and as areas of practice. Many of the sites listed also provide links to other sites, providing avenues for further Web ex­ ploration. Information servers These sites provide links to a n d /o r informa­ tion about Internet and World Wide Web re­ sources of a general nature in theater and per- formance studies. • ELAC O n lin e T h eatreP ed ia: In te r n e t T h eatre Library. This library of World Wide Web sites is extremely thorough, containing links to both theater production (acting, direct­ ing, writing, etc.) and research sites. A subject index is available for those w ho are not sure Design: Robert B otinelli a which site might contain the information they are seeking. Access: http://w w / elactheatre/library/library.htm. • A B r ie f G u id e to In te r n e t R eso u r c e s in T h eatre a n d P e r fo r m a n c e S tu d ies. Cre­ ated and maintained by Ken McCoy, assistant pro­ fessor of communication studies and theater sianrgts at Stetson University, this guide is a com ­ prehensive and up-to-date resource for locat­ ing a broad variety o f Internet resources on theater and perform ance. Of particular value is th e detailed listserv inform ation. Access: • T h ea tre C en tral. "The largest com pen­ dium of theatre links on the Internet.” This site focuses on the theater professional, including information about theater companies, training and education, and theatrical unions. Access: h t t p : / / p i a n o . s y m g r p . c o m / c g i - b i n / p l b / central?cmd=start. Electronic play texts • C o m ed ia . Organized and maintained by the Association for Hispanic Classical Theater, Inc., this site provides access to a num ber of Hispanic play texts, organized by playwright. Other resources related to Hispanic theater are also available. This site can be read in either E n g lis h o r S p a n is h . A ccess: h t t p : / / listserv. arizona. edu/com edia. html. • S h a k e sp e a r e — O n lin e R e so u r c e s. De­ voted to Shakespeare, this site includes links to the complete works housed at MIT, Bartlett’s Shakespearean Q uotations, and many other S h a k e s p e a re -re la te d sites. Access: h t t p : / / /shakespeare/slinks.html. • T h ea tra les. Housed at the University of Q uebec in Montreal, this site is a collection of links to French drama texts, most o f w hich are in French, although a few are in English. A c­ cess: h ttp ://w w w .e r.u q a m .c a /n o b e l/c 2 5 4 5 / theatral.html. Rebecca A lbitz is h ead librarian a t Pennsylvania State University, Shenango campus; e-mail: 5 5 6 / C&RL News Important library collections • T h e N e w Y ork P u b lic L ibrary fo r th e P e r fo r m in g Arts. The hom epage for the New York Public Library’s Performing Arts Library contains information about each of the major collections housed in this facility. These col­ lections include the Dance Collection, the Billy Rose Theatre Collection, and the Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives o f Recorded Sound. You can telnet to the Dance Collection’s, research libraries’, an d branch libraries’ catalogs from this site. Access: http://w w w lpa/lpa.htm l. • Y a le D ra m a L ibrary. Yale’s drama col­ lection holdings are outlined and a telnet link to ORBIS, Yale’s online catalog, is provided at this site. Access: http://w w w drama.html. E-journals—Theater and performance studies research • L im en : A n E le c tr o n ic J o u r n a l D e d i­ c a te d to th e P e r fo r m a n c e P arad igm . Housed at M urdoch University, this electro n ic jo u r­ nal is d e d ica ted to th e p h ilo so p h ical inves­ tigation o f p erfo rm an ce as an ep istem o lo g i­ cal system. Access: http://kali.m limen/. • TDK: T h e D ram a R ev iew . TDR is a jour­ nal o f perform ance studies published by MIT Press. This site includes abstracts of recent vol­ umes, indexing and abstracting information, and s u b s c r i p tio n in f o rm a tio n . Access: h ttp : // • T h ea ter. Published by the Yale School o f Drama and the Yale Repertory Theatre, Theater is the self-pro- claim ed “m o st se rio u s, lively, well-written magazine on the con­ tem porary stage.” This site con­ tains subscription information and sample back issues. Access: http:/ / w w w. yale ,ed u /d ram a /p u b lica - tions/theater/. • T h e a tr e In S ig h t. Theatre InSight, published by the Univer­ sity o f Texas, Austin, is a journal designed as a publishing outlet for emerging scholars researching in the areas of performance and theater studies. This site contains table of contents information for current issues and back issues as well as subscription information. A c­ cess: h ttp ://w w w .u tex as.ed u /stu d en ts/ti/. • T h e a tr e P e r s p e c t i v e s I n t e r n a t io n a l (TPI) This electronic journal is devoted to the­ ater history, theory, criticism, and dramaturgy. T his is a fu ll-tex t jo u rn al. Access: h t t p : / / w w w /tpi/index.htm . • W o m e n a n d P e r fo r m a n c e . Published by New York University’s D epartm ent o f Per­ formance Studies, this forum for discussion on g e n d e r an d re p rese n tatio n featu res essays, scripts, interviews, and articles o n perform ance from interdisciplinary fem inist perspectives. Current issues are available online; back issue order information is also available. Access: http:/ / E-journals—Theater production • L ig h tin g D im e n s io n s : T h e ( D ig ita l) M a g a z in e f o r t h e L ig h tin g P r o f e s s io n a l. Sample articles and subscription information are available for this trade publication focusing on stage lighting. Access: http://w w w • TCI: T h e B u s in e s s o f E n te r ta in m e n t T e c h n o lo g y a n d D e s ig n — O n lin e . Sample ar­ ticles and subscription information from The­ atre Crafts International magazine, designed for lighting, sound, and production designers and costum e an d m akeup professionals. A c­ cess: http ://w w w . etecnyc. net/tci/. Playwriting • T h e D ra m a tic E x c h a n g e . An outlet for aspiring playwrights and a resource for produc­ ers looking for n ew w orks. Access: h ttp : // w w w .d ram ex .o rg /. • R eso u rces fo r P la y w rig h ts. Prom play scripts to discussion groups to advice from the experts, this site provides information and guid­ ance to playwrights. Access: http:/ /w w w . te le p o rt.c o m /~ c d e e m e r/ Playwrights. htm l. Theater aw ards • T h e O b ie A w a rd s. The Vil­ lage Voice O bie A wards w ere created to publicly acknow ledge and encourage the growth o f the off-Broadway theater movement. This site contains a searchable da­ tabase o f w inners for the past 40 years. Access: h ttp ://w w w .v illag ev o m / obies/. • T o n y A w ard s O n lin e . Current Broad­ way events, features on the theater, and a com­ plete listing o f Tony Award w inners are avail­ a b le a t th is W e b p a g e . A ccess: h t t p : / / w w w l. (Theater Resources cont. on page 570) file:/// September 1 9 9 7 / 5 5 7 PolicyFile The definitive, WEB based information resource for the identification of public policy research and analysis. ■ Indexes, abstracts and direct ■ C urrently includes m ore than links to hom epages, e-mail 11,000 abstracts from over 150 addresses and the full-texts of groups - will double in size by the relevant and timely public policy end of 1997. research available on the Web. ■ Research from 1990 to the present. ■ Research and analysis from ■ Includes HEADLINES, a monthly think tanks, university research electronic new sletter custom ized program s, research o rg an iza­ with up to thirty themes of interest tions, and policy publishers. to you based on your level of use. For additional information, or to request a 30-day free, no-obligation trial, call (800) 752-0515, or contact us at the address below. 1101 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314; Phone: (703) 683-4890; Fax: (703) 683-7589 E-mail:; Http:// Http:// 5 7 0 / C&RL News ADOPTED. (Exact counts for the votes on each of the 3 changes are available from the ACRL office.) Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: R obert P. M o rriso n (123); Jack Fritts (81). Secretary: J e r ily n A. M arsh all (125); Sharon Hybki Kerr (78). Member-at-Large: S u san B arn es W h yte ( 127); Katherine E. Holmes (79). Instruction Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: M ary J a n e P etro w sk i (515); Trudi E. Jacobson (363). Secretary: Loretta J. R ielly (434); Deborah Tenofsky (407). Member-at-Large: Carl D. P h illip s (440); Lynn K. Bailey (388). Law and Political Science Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: P aula J. P o p m a (77)*; Graham R. Walden (77). Secretary: Lucia S n o w h ill (88); Marifran Bustion (64). Member-at-Large: J a n ic e S. L ew is (96); Lisa R. Stimatz (53). Rare Books and Manuscripts Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: R ichardW . Oram (349); Write-in candidate (8). Secretary: L ois F isch er B lack ( 197); John Neal Hoover (177). Member-at-Large: P eter E. H a n ff (255); Brad­ ley D. Westbrook (121). Slavic and Eastern European Section A d o p tio n o f p ro p o s e d bylaw s ch an g es: ADOPTED. (Exact counts for the votes on each of the 14 changes are available from the (Theater Resources use cont. fro m page 556) Theatrical Costumes • T h e C o stu m e Site. This is one of the most thorough Web sites for costume informa­ tion, featuring sources for historical, science fic­ tion, an d fantasy costum es. Access: h ttp :// / costume/. Theater reviews • A isle Say. This theater review source cov­ ers productions from New York City to San Francisco. Links to regional th eater review sources are also provided. This site is updated weekly. Access: AisleSay.html. ACRL office.) Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: T atian a G o e m e r Barr (29); Patricia Kincaid Thurston (24). M em ber-at-Large: J o a n n a K. D y la (33); Mieczyslaw (Mischa) Buczkowski (20). Science and Technology Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: B illie J o y R ein h a rt (167); Gail P. Clement (164). Secretary/M em ber-at-L arge: E liz a b e th W. B r o w n (173); Michael J. Haddock (149). University Libraries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: M aureen P a stin e‹ 705); Karyle Sue Butcher (613). Secretary: K a th leen G u n n in g (644); Karen A. Hatcher (551). Member-at-Large (two to be elected): E lo ise M cQ u ow n (563); L eslie W y k o ff (549); Jane Conrow (492); Ferne B. Hyman (461). Western European Specialists Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: S t e p h e n L e h m a n n (103); Barbara L. Walden (47). Secretary: T h o m a s M. Izb ick i (89); Charles Spornick (60). Member-at-Large: R ein h art S o n n e n b u r g (93); Fred W. Jenkins (50). Women's Studies Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: K ristin H. G erh ard (185); Write-in candidate (2). Secretary: B ern ice I. R ed fern (181); Write-in candidate (0). Member-at-Large: M ary F aith P a n k in (150); Daren Callahan (45). * Determined by lot. ■ • T h e N e w Y o r k T im e s T h e a te r R e­ v ie w s . Recent reviews published in the New York Times are available, full text, at this site. You must first subscribe to the New York Times online service before these reviews are avail­ able to you. Currently this is a free service. Access: http://w w w.nytim . • P layb ill O n -lin e. Playbill information for Broadway, off-Broadway, regional, a n d Lon­ d o n th e a te rs is a v a ila b le from th e Playbill O n -lin e W eb site. T ick et o rd e rin g in fo r­ m ation, re c e n t th e a te r new s, an d o th e r fea­ tu re s c o n c e rn e d w ith c u rre n t th e a te r are also available. Access: playbill/. ■