ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries September 1 9 9 7 / 5 6 7 ACRL awards for 1 9 9 8 By J a c k B rio d y Honoring accomplishments a n d supporting professional development A CRL provides opportunities to recognize im portant contributions to the field of academic or research librarianship throug ACRL Awards Program. The ACRL Board of Directors, with the help o f vendors and hard work from ACRL members, provides support for these recognition opportunities. ACRL cur­ ren tly h as 15 aw ard s in th re e categories: A c h ie v e m e n t a n d D is tin g u is h e d S erv ice Awards, Research Awards/Grants, and Publi­ cations. T h ese o p p o rtu n ities are m ad e available thanks largely to the ongoing support of ven­ dors with strong ties and interests in the aca­ dem ic/research field w ho provide funding for ten o f ACRL’s 15 awards. The aw ard juries are com prised o f ACRL mem bers appointed by ei­ ther the ACRL president or the appropriate section’s chair. The juries rely heavily on the ACRL m em bership to act as their eyes and ears in finding the truly com mendable and outstand­ ing of the profession. Each award has a flyer (available on ACRL’s hom epage or from the ACRL office) that gives information on the aw ard amount, criteria, sub­ mission procedures, and w ho to contact for assistance or questions. Members are strongly encouraged to make nominations or applica­ tions for these awards. Most aw ards have a D ecem ber 1,1997, sub­ mission deadline. The ACRL aw ards are listed below; sp o n ­ sors are noted in parentheses. Achievement and distinguished service aw ards • Academic or Research Librarian o f the Year Award (Baker a n d Taylor Books). • Community College Learning Resources/ Library Achievement Awards (EBSCO Subscrip­ tion Services). • Marta Lange/CQ Award for Law Librar­ ians ( Congressional Quarterly). • M iriam D u d ley In s tru c tio n L ibrarian Award (M ountainside Publishing Company). h the • Instruction Section Innovation in Instruc­ tion Award. • Distinguished Education and Behavioral Sciences Librarian Award. • H u g h C. A tk in so n M em orial A w ard (ACRL, LAMA, L1TA, ALCTS). Research aw ards/grants • Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship (Insti­ tute f o r Scientific Inform ation). • Samuel Lazerow Fellowship for Research in Acquisitions or Technical Services (Institute f o r Scientific Inform ation). • West E uropean Specialist Study Grant (M artinas N ijh o ff International). Publications • Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab Exhibition Catalogue Awards (K atharine Kyes Leab a n d D aniel J. Leab American Book Prices Current). • Rare Books a n d Manuscripts Librarian- ship Award (Christie, M anson a n d Woods). • K. G. Saur Award for Best Article in C&RL (R. R. Bowker/K.G. Saur). • Instruction Section Publication Award. • Oberly Award for Bibliography in the Ag­ ricultural Sciences. More information available More inform ation o n the aw ards is available on ACRL’s hom epage (http://w w w aw ard2.htm l) u n d er “P rofessional D ev elo p ­ m ent” or from the ACRL office. Contact: Jack B rio d y a t (8 0 0 ) 5 4 5 -2 4 3 3 , e x t 2516, o r ■ Jack Briody is ACRL design/production assistant; e-mail: