ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 5 6 8 /C&RL News And the winners are . . . Here are the official results o f the 1 9 9 7 ACRL elections W. Lee Hisle M aureen Sullivan W. Lee H isle, associate vice-president of Learn­ ing Resource Services at Austin Community Col­ lege (ACC), is the 60th president of ACRL. Hisle has many plans for his year as president. “The members of ACRL can look forward to an in­ teresting and eventful year. Next summer, at ALA Annual Conference in Washington, D.C., programs will explore the values of academic librarianship as related to the many facets of our profession. Individual programs will cul­ minate in the President’s Program, which will look at the issue from a broad perspective. In support of the ACRL Strategic Plan, legislative advocacy for academic librarians will be em ­ phasized, in conjunction with increased inter­ action with the ALA Washington Office. Also, collaborating with other higher education or­ ganizations on concerns of mutual interest will continue to be an important goal. Planning for a Higher Education Summit Meeting will con­ tinue. Another important initiative for the asso­ ciation is the National Information Literacy In­ stitute, which will eventually provide a major new education program for ACRL members. I am honored to have the opportunity to lead ACRL this year; I hope it will be a memorable and valuable one for all members.” As president, Hisle will preside over the ACRL Board of Directors and ACRL Executive Committee, chair the ACRL Conference Program Planning Committee for the 1998 Annual Con­ ference, and plan ACRL’s major program at the conference. He will represent ACRL on the ALA W ashington C onference Program Planning Committee, and on the ALA Planning and Bud­ get Assembly, and will represent ACRL and ALA in their relations with other organizations. In ALA Hisle has served as a mem ber o f the Council since 1994; on the ALA Standards Com­ mittee, and as its chair in 1995-96; and on the Committee on Organization. In ACRL he has served as councilor (1994-1996); on the Board of Directors and Executive Committee; on the Choice Editorial Board, an d as its chair in 1992-94; on the Budget and Finance Commit­ tee; on the Standards and Accreditation Com­ mittee; and as chair of the Community and Ju n ­ ior College Libraries Section. Hisle has also been active in the Texas Li­ brary Association an d in 1995 he received ACRL’s EBSCO Community College Learning Resources Leadership Award. M au reen S u lliv a n , an organizational devel­ opm ent consultant w ho specializes in service to academic libraries, has been elected vice- president/president-elect o f ACRL. “I am de­ lighted and honored to have this special o p ­ portunity to contribute to the leadership of ACRL at this critical time. I look forward to working with the many talented and dedicated mem ber leaders in ACRL, other ALA divisions and committees, and other organizations to continue to strengthen ACRL's role and contri­ bution to higher education and the advance­ ment of know ledge and learning.” From 1983 to 1991 she held the position of head of Personnel Services at Yale University Libraries. Previously she was a training pro­ gram specialist at the Association of Research Libraries. From 1979 to 1980 she was the assis­ tant director of libraries for personnel at the University o f Maryland Libraries. ALA commit­ tee service includes the H. W. Wilson Staff De­ velopm ent Award Jury, chair, 1985; Nomina­ tions Committee, 1986; Minority Fellowship Advisory Board, chair, 1989-95; Office for Li­ brary Personnel Resources Advisory Commit­ September 1 9 9 7 / 5 6 9 tee, chair, 1991-93; Hugh Atkinson Memorial A w a rd J u r y , 1 9 9 3 -9 7 ; a n d th e CLENE Roundtable. In ACRL she has been a mem ber of the Personnel and Staff Developm ent Offic­ ers Discussion Group, 1978-present; Univer­ sity Libraries Section, Program Planning Com­ m itte e , 1987; P ro fe s s io n a l E n h a n c e m e n t Com mittee, 1991-present; an d chair o f the Search Committee for the Executive Director, 1990. She has also been active in LAMA, as the president from 1988 to 1989, and a m em ber of several committees. She is a m em ber o f the American Association of University Women, the American Society for Training and D evelop­ ment, and the College and University Person­ nel Association. Her publications include De­ veloping Library S ta ff f o r the 2 1 st C entury (Haworth, 1994); Perform ance Analysis a n d Appraisal, with Robert D. Steuart (Neal-Schuman, 1991); and “The Changing Role of the Middle Manager in Research Libraries” {Library Trends, fall 1992). She holds a B.S. in history and an MLS from the University of Maryland. The rest of the ACRL election results follow. The elected candidate is given first, with the num ber of votes received in parentheses. ACRL V ic e -P re s id e n t/P re s id e n t-E le c t: M a u r e e n S u lliv a n ( l,421);JamesF. Williams II (1,139). ACRL Councilor-at-Large H e le n H. S p a ld in g (878); Maureen Pastine (731); Maxine H. Reneker (740). ACRL Director-at-Large J a c q u e ly n A. M cC oy (1,267); Jo h n Sheridan (1,010). African-American Studies Librarians Section Adoption of proposed bylaws change; Y es (68) ADOPTED; No (4). Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: S y lv e r n a V. F ord (39); Dorothy W ashington (33). Secretary: H e a th e r M artin (38); Audrey Taylor (30). Member-at-Large: K a th le e n E. B e th e l (41); Harry Murphy (29). Anthropology and Sociology Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: J. C h ristin a S m ith (95); Write-in candidate (2). Secretary: C h e r y l C. K u g ler (69); Isabel Del Carmen Quintana (27). Member-at-Large: S a lly W ills o n W e im e r (50); David E. Carpenter (49). Arts Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: J u d y H a rv ey S ah ak (148); Write-in-candidate (0). Secretary: L o relei T an ji (116); Rebecca S. Albitz (50). Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: D a v id H irsch (42); Clare B. Dunkle (40). Secretary: N goc-M y G u id a relli (75); Write-in candidate (0). Member-at-Large: A n n L. W o o d (44); Binh le (38). College Libraries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: C a r o ly n A. S h e e h y (281); Stephanie Rogers Bangert (199). Secretary: D a m o n D . H ic k e y (332); Darla Rush­ ing (143). Member-at-Large: M a rily n A. D u n n (236); Kristin D eborah Vogel (223). Community and Junior College Libraries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: C ary L. S o w e ll (180); Jay B. Clark (38). Secretary: T h e r e sa S. B yrd (205); Write-in- candidate (1). Education and Behavioral Sciences Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: J a n ic e M. W ilso n ( 132); Joan B. Fiscella (114). Secretary: M ary M. G ille s (141); George H. Libbey (102). Member-at-Large: B eth G. A n d e r s o n (149); Francine Defranco (93). English and American Literature Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: R o b ert W. M elto n (74); William A. Wortman (42). Secretary: S u sa n L. P eters (56)*; Margaret N. G ordon (56). Member-at-Large: M argaret K. P o w e ll (77); Stephen Enniss (39). Extended Campus Library Services Section A d o p tio n o f p r o p o s e d b y la w s c h a n g es: 5 7 0 / C&RL News ADOPTED. (Exact counts for the votes on each of the 3 changes are available from the ACRL office.) Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: R obert P. M o rriso n (123); Jack Fritts (81). Secretary: J e r ily n A. M arsh all (125); Sharon Hybki Kerr (78). Member-at-Large: S u san B arn es W h yte ( 127); Katherine E. Holmes (79). Instruction Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: M ary J a n e P etro w sk i (515); Trudi E. Jacobson (363). Secretary: Loretta J. R ielly (434); Deborah Tenofsky (407). Member-at-Large: Carl D. P h illip s (440); Lynn K. Bailey (388). Law and Political Science Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: P aula J. P o p m a (77)*; Graham R. Walden (77). Secretary: Lucia S n o w h ill (88); Marifran Bustion (64). Member-at-Large: J a n ic e S. L ew is (96); Lisa R. Stimatz (53). Rare Books and Manuscripts Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: R ichardW . Oram (349); Write-in candidate (8). Secretary: L ois F isch er B lack ( 197); John Neal Hoover (177). Member-at-Large: P eter E. H a n ff (255); Brad­ ley D. Westbrook (121). Slavic and Eastern European Section A d o p tio n o f p ro p o s e d bylaw s ch an g es: ADOPTED. (Exact counts for the votes on each of the 14 changes are available from the (Theater Resources use cont. fro m page 556) Theatrical Costumes • T h e C o stu m e Site. This is one of the most thorough Web sites for costume informa­ tion, featuring sources for historical, science fic­ tion, an d fantasy costum es. Access: h ttp :// / costume/. Theater reviews • A isle Say. This theater review source cov­ ers productions from New York City to San Francisco. Links to regional th eater review sources are also provided. This site is updated weekly. Access: AisleSay.html. ACRL office.) Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: T atian a G o e m e r Barr (29); Patricia Kincaid Thurston (24). M em ber-at-Large: J o a n n a K. D y la (33); Mieczyslaw (Mischa) Buczkowski (20). Science and Technology Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: B illie J o y R ein h a rt (167); Gail P. Clement (164). Secretary/M em ber-at-L arge: E liz a b e th W. B r o w n (173); Michael J. Haddock (149). University Libraries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: M aureen P a stin e‹ 705); Karyle Sue Butcher (613). Secretary: K a th leen G u n n in g (644); Karen A. Hatcher (551). Member-at-Large (two to be elected): E lo ise M cQ u ow n (563); L eslie W y k o ff (549); Jane Conrow (492); Ferne B. Hyman (461). Western European Specialists Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: S t e p h e n L e h m a n n (103); Barbara L. Walden (47). Secretary: T h o m a s M. Izb ick i (89); Charles Spornick (60). Member-at-Large: R ein h art S o n n e n b u r g (93); Fred W. Jenkins (50). Women's Studies Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: K ristin H. G erh ard (185); Write-in candidate (2). Secretary: B ern ice I. R ed fern (181); Write-in candidate (0). Member-at-Large: M ary F aith P a n k in (150); Daren Callahan (45). * Determined by lot. ■ • T h e N e w Y o r k T im e s T h e a te r R e­ v ie w s . Recent reviews published in the New York Times are available, full text, at this site. You must first subscribe to the New York Times online service before these reviews are avail­ able to you. Currently this is a free service. Access: http://w w w.nytim . • P layb ill O n -lin e. Playbill information for Broadway, off-Broadway, regional, a n d Lon­ d o n th e a te rs is a v a ila b le from th e Playbill O n -lin e W eb site. T ick et o rd e rin g in fo r­ m ation, re c e n t th e a te r new s, an d o th e r fea­ tu re s c o n c e rn e d w ith c u rre n t th e a te r are also available. Access: playbill/. ■ September 1 9 9 7 /5 7 1