ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries September 1 9 9 7 /5 8 1 G ran ts a n d Acquisitions M ary Ellen Davis Chapman University Li­ brary has b ee n aw ard ed a grant from Sun Microsystems to establish the InfoMagic- Sun In fo rm a tio n L iteracy Showcase. The grant consists of seven Sun com puters val­ ued at $69,235, a sum that has b e e n m a tc h e d b y an anonym ous do n o r as part of the university’s fundraising cam p aig n . InfoM agic is a multimedia training program for teaching research skills, developed by Dallas Kenny at Chapman Uni­ versity Library. It is adm inistered to all fresh­ men during their first and second semesters at Chapman. The purpose o f the new lab is to develop and test InfoMagic training programs based on JAVA. DePaul University Library has received a $35,000 grant from Ameritech for staffing for the digital geographic slides project. For this project, DePaul is digitizing geography travel slides from the last 50 years of travel of DePaul Geo­ graphical Society members and others. The project is also being supported by a $12,500 internal grant from DePaul’s Quality of Instruction Council (QIC). The library’s electronic reserve/annotation project also received $12,500 from the QIC. Florida International University Librar­ ies received tw o grants to further develop and expand the Everglades Digital Library. The Na­ tional Park Service has aw ard ed th e library $74,000 to identify, catalog, an d digitize tech­ nical reports, photos, maps, and datasets for inclusion in the Everglades Digital Library. The South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force aw arded the library $5,000 to provide electronic publishing and cataloging services for the an ­ nual conference o f the Walt D ineen Society, an interdisciplinary forum for South Florida Sci­ e n c e . V isit th e d ig ita l lib ra ry a t h t t p : / / The Johns Hopkins University's Milton S. Eisenhower Library received a gift of $250,000 fro m lo n g tim e lib ra ry s u p p o r te r P atric ia Schaefer. The library is using the gift to launch a major renovation an d expansion o f its audio­ visual center. The renovation will include the addition o f state-of-the-art multimedia com puter tech­ nology, the training o f staff to m anage and service new equipment, and the further development and preserva­ tion o f audiovisual collec­ tions. Schaefer’s gift will also be used to initiate an endow ­ ment to assure the library’s continued ability to acquire n ew materials an d eq u ip ­ ment. Schaefer’s gift contin­ ues a family tradition of sup­ port for the university that began w hen her father, an alum, established two chairs in the School of Engineering. Patricia Schaefer has provided 30 years of library service to public libraries, and retired in 1995 as director o f the Public Library of Muncie, Indiana. The University of South Carolina has recently received three grants: $69,353 to the South Caroliniana Library from the National His­ torical Publications and Records Commission for use for the project “Accessing the Emerg­ ing South: A Project to Enhance Access to Un­ processed Manuscript Collections in the South Caroliniana Library”; $4,980 to the Science Li­ brary from BellSouth to search for and orga­ nize science-related Internet resources into an electronic library that can be used directly by students; and $84,227 from the NEH to Henry G. Fulmer, librarian at the South Caroliniana Library, to catalog an d preserve a collection of 18th- and 19th-century records from South Caro­ lina plantations. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Libraries has received an additional $95,000 u n d er the United States N ew spaper Program, the NEH-funded program that aims to locate, catalog, an d preserve American new spapers from the earliest colonial times to the present. During this third year o f the T ennessee News­ p ap er Project, staff will continue to catalog and inventory the estimated 8,000 unique Ameri­ can new spaper titles held in Tennessee librar­ ies, historical societies, and n ew sp ap er offices. Ed. note: Send y o u r news to: Grants & A c­ quisitions, C&RL News, 5 0 E. H uron St., Chi­ cago, IL 60611; e-mail: 5 8 2 / C&RL News Virginia Union University, one of the his­ torically black colleges and universities, received $200,000 from the Lilly Endowment to encour­ age faculty, staff, students, and the community to use its new library and resource center. A c q u is it io n s The papers of W illiam M axw ell, legend­ ary editor at The New Yorker from 1936 to 1976, have been acquired by the University o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). The papers in­ clude more than 5,000 letters to Maxwell from some of the country’s greatest writers from 1936 to the present, all of w hom w ere edited by Max­ well for The New Yorker. They include: John Updike, J. D. Salinger, Jo h n Cheever, Eudora Welty, Vladimir Nabokov, Mary McCarthy, Wil­ liam Carlos Williams, Tennessee Williams, John O ’Hara, and Frank O ’Connor. Also included in the collection are hand-corrected typescripts of nearly all o f Maxwell’s ow n novels, and first editions and foreign-language editions of his books. Maxwell attended UIUC both as an u n ­ dergraduate and as a graduate student. A 3 ,4 0 0 -v o lu m e collection of books about submarines an d subm arine warfare was recently d o n ated to the Nimitz Library, U.S. Naval Academy, by the family o f the late Tho­ mas O. Paine, ad­ m in i s tr a to r o f NASA at the time o f the first moon landings. In April th e b o o k s w e r e presented at a cer­ em ony held at the academy. The cer­ em ony recognized and memorialized th e contributions of the navy’s sub­ m a r in e s e rv ic e , and dedicated and celebrated the gift b oth o f the Paine collection and o f a This g lass scu lp tu re giv en g la s s s c u lp tu r e to th e U.S. Naval Academ y honoring the two h o n o r s tw o n u clear su b ­ American nuclear m a r in es lo st at sea. submarines lost at sea— USS Thresher (1963) and USS Scorpion (1968). D onations from 12 academ y graduating classes funded the memorial and the catalog­ ing of the Paine Collection, the latter enabling the library to accept the gift. The Hugh Kenner Archive has been ac­ quired by the Harry Ransom Humanities Re­ search Center. H ugh Kenner, considered by many the prem ier scholar-critic of literary m od­ ernism, is the author o f 25 books, critical es­ says that have ap p eared in som e 200 b ook publications, an d nearly 1,000 pieces for p eri­ odicals. From his early 1951 study, The Poetry o f E zra Pound, to his m onum ental survey in 1971, The P o u n d Era, an d continuing in 1989 an d 1990 w ith his tw o collections of essays, M a zes an d H istorical Fictions, K enner has m ap p ed the m odernist terrain. The archive en ­ com passes the entire range o f m aterials re­ flecting the production o f th e critic’s books, reviews, articles, an d introductions. The p u b ­ lication record o f Kenner’s books is represented by his files o n the various subject authors and by his ow n manuscripts, typescripts, galley and page proofs, correspondence w ith authors and publishers, an d graphics. The archives also co n tain interview s w ith an d articles a b o u t Kenner, as well as his awards, honors, and honorary degrees. ■ (W ashington H otline co n o m pa g e 572) community service requirem ents, as part o f the student’s overall academic program, are espe­ cially co m p atib le w ith th e ad m in istratio n ’s America Reads initiative.” The H ouse report notes that the administration’s decision to waive the institutional matching requirem ents associ­ ated with certain community service, such as the pro p o sed America Reads Challenge, “is es­ timated by the D epartm ent to result in a reduc­ tion of 15,000 students served and the loss of $16,000,000 to the program in matching funds during the 1997-1998 school year.” For educational research and statistics, the H ouse bill proposes $244.2 million, the Senate bill $210.7 million. Current funding is $206.2 million. The adm inistration requested $239-2 million for research institutes, including those in postsecondary education, libraries, and life­ long learning research, the National Center for Education Statistics, the National Library of Edu­ cation, and the ERIC system. ■ September 1 9 9 7 /5 8 3 Your partner in creating innovative solutions for libraries. “A d d our knowledge o f available, recommended titles to your knowledge o f your collection to ensure the best selections fo r your community. ” L auren K . Lee, M .L n . Manager, Collection D e velopm ent Specifically designed for retrospective collection Services, Brodart Co. development, C o lle c tio n B u ild e r provides custom selection lists for a w ide range o f needs. W h e th er you need to build your collection in specific areas, coordinate replacem ent ordering, or plan an opening day collection, C o lle c tio n B u ild e r will save staff tim e and streamline the selection process. O u r comprehensive selection lists present the titles in shelflist order. You can easily review the titles, make selections, and mark orders, right on the list. C o lle c tio n B u ild e r lists consolidate inform ation from multiple reliable sources, such as the Best Books Series, Caldecott Award, Public Library Catalog and m ore than 250 other bibliographies. R eview journals, hundreds o f specialty publishers, and Brodart s ow n lists round o u t the pool o f sources. A t Brodart, we check availability daily w ith publishers so you can Brodart Co. be assured o f a m axim um fill rate and few cancellations. O u r A u to m a tio n • B o o k s • F u r n itu r e • S upplies flexible form at provides customized lists for every library’s 5 0 0 A rc h S tree t, W illia m s p o rt, PA 17705 individual specifications. 8 0 0 - 2 3 3 - 8 4 6 7 , E x t. 7 5 6 . 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