ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 5 84 / C&RL News People in the N e w s M ary Ellen Davis A lth e a H. J e n k in s , execu­ tive director o f ACRL, has been appointed to the Board o f Directors for the Ameri­ can Association o f H igher E ducation (AAHE). She is one o f 21 trustees that are responsible for the policies and directions of the AAHE. Jenkins will serve a four-year term. Lou Albert, vice-president at AAHE, hailed the appoint­ m ent as a benefit to both AAHE and ACRL. “We are excited about Althea’s appointment to the Board and feel that it sends a strong signal to the faculty and administrative members of AAHE about the importance of li­ braries and to librarians about their involvement in the broader higher education spectrum .” Jenkins sees a num ber of opportunities for joint activities betw een the associations, com­ menting, “This brings librarians, faculty, and academic administrators together face-to-face to address issues of mutual interest. I am look­ ing forward to working with AAHE’s Board, staff, a n d m e m b e rs to strengthen these relation­ ships in the higher ed u ­ cation community.” Jenkins’s career is dis­ tinguished by a breadth of experience in library and information professional, higher education, and not- for-profit association man­ agement. Prior to joining ACRL in 1991, Je n k in s served as library director A lthea H. Jen k in s at N ew College o f th e University o f South Florida, the honors liberal arts college o f the State University System o f Florida. She is a former library director of the Miami-Dade Com­ munity College System and a county school li­ brarian. She holds a doctorate in higher educa­ tion from Nova University and an MLS from Florida State University. Pat S te n str o m , library and information science librarian at the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign (UIUC), received the 1997 Distin­ guished Service Award presented by the UIUC Library School Alumni Asso­ ciation (LSAA). The award recognizes her service to the LSAA. She served as its first vice-president in 1988, presi­ dent in 1989, and past-presi­ dent in 1990. She has also served on the nominations and awards committees. B arbara J. F ord , executive director of the Virginia Com­ m o n w ealth University Li­ braries and president of ALA, was named the 1997 recipient of the Distinguished Alumnus Award o f the University of Illinois (UI) Library School Alumni Association. Ford was given the award during the UI Library School Alumni Association recep­ tion at the ALA Annual Conference in San Fran­ cisco in June. Ford also is a past-president of ACRL an d has served o n the ALA C o u n cil. She has authored many publica­ tions on topics including a c c e s s to g o v e rn m e n t documents, reference ser­ vices, and information lit­ Barbara J. Ford eracy. Her 1997-98 presi­ dential theme, “Libraries: Global Reach, Local Touch,” seeks to promote library enhancements for local communities as well as programs and activities focusing on global issues. R avin d ra N. S h arm a, director of the Drain- Jordan Library o f West Virginia State College, received the John Ames Humphrey/OCLC/Forest Press Award for his sig­ nificant contribution to in tern atio n al librarian- ship. The award, which includes $1,000, was pre­ sented at the ALA Annual Conference in San Fran­ cisco. Joyce C. Wright, chair of the award sub­ co m m itte e , said , “Dr. R. N. Sharma Sharma’s contributions to international librarianship are numerous and di­ September 1 9 9 7 / 5 8 5 verse. He is a scholar, librarian, and activist w hose w ork on library developm ent in south Asia has had a profound impact on the literature of international librarianship. He is truly a tire­ less leader.” Sharma has been active in both ALA and ACRL. He has authored more than 200 ar­ ticles, edited and authored nine books, and cur­ rently serves as the editor o f Library Times I n ­ te r n a tio n a l a n d as an asso c ia te e d ito r o f International Leads. A p p o in t m e n t s P ru d en ce Ward D alrym p le has been nam ed the dean of the G raduate School o f Library and In­ formation Science (GSLIS) at Dominican Uni­ versity (form erly Rosary College). D alrym ple com es to D om inican from ALA, w h ere she w as th e d irec to r o f th e O ffice for A ccredita­ tion. P rior to that, sh e w as assistan t p ro fe s­ sor at th e GSLIS at th e U niversity o f Illinois at U rbana-C ham paign. She also practiced as a health services librarian for more than ten years in both clinical an d aca­ demic libraries. She re­ c e iv e d h e r A.B. fro m Clark University, h er MLS from Simmons College, and h er Ph.D. from the University o f Wisconsin- M adison. H er p u b lic a ­ P ru dence Dalrym ple tions have fo cu sed on user interaction with information retrieval sys­ tems and LIS education. N a n c y E. G w in n has been appointed director of the Smithsonian Institution Libraries, a 17- branch system with more than one million vol­ umes an d facilities in the Republic o f Panama, New York City, and Washington. Since 1984, Gwinn served as the libraries’ assistant director for collections managem ent. Gwinn is the au­ thor o f the widely quoted history “The Smith­ sonian Institution Libraries: A Foot in Three Ed. n ote: 7b ensure that y o u r personnel news is considered f o r p u blication, write to Tanga Morris, E ditorial Assistant, C&RL News, 5 0 E. H u ro n St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail: Camps.” She is recognized for her leadership in film-based preservation of library resources, the application o f electronic inform ation te ch n o lo ­ gies, an d b u ild in g co l­ la b o ratio n s an d p a rtn e r­ s h i p s in c o l l e c t i o n d e v e lo p m e n t an d p re s­ ervation. Before joining th e S m ithsonian, G w inn h a d w o rk e d at th e Li­ brary o f C ongress, th e Council o n Library Re­ s o u r c e s , a n d th e R e­ search Libraries G roup. A F ulbright scholar, she N an cy E. G w inn h a s a d o c t o r a te fro m G eo rg e W ashington University, an MLS from the University o f Michigan, an d an undergradu­ ate degree from the University o f Wyoming. R ay M etz has b een appointed associate vice president for Information Service and Resources at B u ck n ell U niversity. This newly created posi­ tion is responsible for li­ brary services, academic and adm inistrative com ­ puting, instructional m e­ dia services, and campus communications. Prior to this appointm ent he had b een the interim director o f the University Library and director o f Library In­ Ray Metzformation Technologies at Case Western Reserve University. He is a former m em ber o f the ACRL Board o f Directors as well as an active m em ber o f CAUSE, Educom, and OhioLINK. J o h n H. P o llitz has been appointed director o f the O ’Keefe Library at St. Ambrose Univer­ sity in Davenport, Iowa. Previously, he w as as­ sistant library director for autom ated services at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois. K a th le e n S c h u lz has b een appointed director o f the library at Wittenberg University in Spring- field, Ohio. Schulz came to W ittenberg in 1984 as a reference librarian; she later served as hu­ manities librarian and, since 1995, has b een act­ ing library director. She earned h er BS from Ohio State University, h er MLS from Kent State University, an d h er M.Hum. from Wright State University. 5 8 6 /C&RL News M ic h a e l G. S n y d e r is the new executive direc­ tor o f the Cleveland Area M etropolitan Library System (CAMLS). For the past three years he w as director o f th e M ilwaukee County Feder­ ated Library System. Prior to that he served as director at public libraries in Minnesota and Wis­ consin. H e w as director o f the North Central Library Cooperative in Mansfield, Ohio, from 1981 to 1985. M ic h a e l B o r r ie s is n ow cataloger in the Technical Process Center in the Office o f Li­ brary Services at the City University o f New York. K a th r y n B r a z e e has b ee n ap pointed assis­ tant reference librarian/governm ent docum ents at the University o f San Francisco. Y v o n n e C a r ig n a n is n ow h ead o f the Pres­ ervation D epartm ent at the University o f Mary­ land at College Park. M a rsh a S. C lark has b ee n nam ed h ead of Technical Services in th e Technical Process Center in the Office o f Library Services at the City University o f New York. J o h n C r e e c h has b een nam ed assistant head o f R eferenœ /electronic resources librarian at Central W ashington University. J e a n E. D e L a u c h e h as b e e n a p p o in te d G olda Meir Library developm ent officer at the University o f Wisconsin-Milwaukee. E u g e n e D ic k e r s o n is now head, Selection an d Bibliographic Unit, Serial Records Section, Advertiser index Ameritech cover 2 AMIGOS 566 ALCTS 577 Baker & Taylor 554 Brodart Pub. 583 Chadwyck-Healey 557 Congressional Qrtly. cover 3, 536, 571 Choice 528 EBSCO 551 Engineering Info. Inc. 525 Gale Research 535 Haw orth Press 580 ISI 543, 574 Library Corporation 588 McGraw-Hill 547 Silver Platter 564 Sociological Abstracts 560 VTLS cover 4 National Library o f Medicine. A rth u r D o w n i n g has b ee n nam ed chief li­ brarian at Baruch College, City University of New York. R o b e r t E, D u n c a n has b ee n ap pointed ref- erence/instruction librarian at the Skillman Li­ brary, Lafayette College, in Easton, Pennsylva­ nia. K u a n g -y a o F an has b ee n nam ed curator o f the East Asia Collection at the University of Maryland at College Park Libraries. J o s e p h G arity is the new coordinator of library research and instruction at the Univer­ sity o f San Francisco. C h a r le s G ilr e a th has joined the faculty at Texas A&M University as associate university librarian for Advanced Studies at the Sterling C. Evans Libraries. L u a n n e M. G o o d s o n has b een appointed head, D atabase Quality Control Section, at WLN. C a ro l G. H i x s o n is now h ead o f the Cata­ loging D epartm ent at UCLA’s University Re­ search Library. G era ld V. H o lm e s w as ap p o in ted inform a­ tion specialist, Reference Unit in Library and Information Services, at the University o f North Carolina at Charlotte. D ia n e H u d s o n has b ee n ap pointed assis­ tant undergraduate librarian at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. C a ro l H u g h e s is now h ea d o f Information, Research, an d Instructional M anagement (IRIS) at the University o f Iowa. L au rel J iz b a is th e new h ead cataloger at Portland State University. J a y n e K itte r m a n has b een ap pointed p u b ­ lic services librarian at Lamar University-Orange. Liz L an e has b e e n ap p o in ted director o f the New York State Library’s Research Library Di­ vision. D o n n a M cC u rley has b een nam ed assis­ tant h ead o f the Cataloging D epartm ent at the University o f Maryland at College Park. S h a n e N a c k e r u d has b ee n ap p o in ted as­ sistant undergraduate librarian at Southern Illi­ nois University at Carbondale. D a p h n e D . Q ia n w as nam ed systems librar­ ian at D ’Youville College in Buffalo, New York. R en u lfo (R u e) R am irez is now assistant head librarian, Electronic Information Programs Di­ vision, at the University o f Texas at Austin. E liz a b e th A. R o b in s o n is n ow principal rare b o o k cataloger at th e H enry E. Hunting- ton Library in San Marino, California. K e n n e t h S c h le s in g e r has b een appointed September 1 9 9 7 / 5 8 7 public access librarian at Hostos Community College, City University o f New York. R a n d a ll S o u th e r is now assistant reference librarian at the University of San Francisco. K r istin e S tacy-B ates is now engineering and collections reference librarian at the Iowa State University Library. R am on a H. T h iss has been appointed infor­ mation services m anager at Tompkins-McCaw Library, Virginia Commonwealth University’s health sciences library. J ia n W ang has been nam ed catalog librarian at th e U niversity o f M ic h ig a n -D e a rb o rn ’s Mardigian Library. S h e lly W arw ick has joined the faculty of the Graduate School o f Library and Information Studies at Q ueens College, City University of New York. R e tir e m e n ts D a v id C urry, head of the Hardin Library for the Health Sciences at the University o f Iowa Libraries, retired Ju n e 30, 1997, after 21 years in the position. Prior to his appointm ent at the Hardin Library, he served as engineering librarian and m athem atics librarian from 1972 to 1975. F red D u g a n , cataloger at the University of Texas at Austin, retired May 1, 1997, after more than 35 years o f service. W illia m D . M oritz recently retired after 31 years o f service to the University of Wiscon­ sin-M ilw aukee’s G olda Meir Library. Since 1971, he served as the library’s associate di­ rector, with tw o years as acting director dur­ ing that time. From 1966 to 1967 he served as interlibrary loan librarian. After that, until 1971, he was administrative assistant to the director. N a n cy B allard W a lsh retired after a diverse career including serving for ten years as the library director at the Industrial College o f the Armed Forces. J o h n W o m a ck , bibliographer for serials, En­ glish literature, and econom ics for the Collec­ tions and Information Resources Division at the University o f Texas at Austin, retired April 30, 1997, after more than 35 years o f service. D e a th s L ester E u g e n e A s h e im , 83, retired William Rand Kenan Jr. Professor at the School of In­ formation and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH), died in July. Asheim had also served on the faculty o f the Graduate Library School at the Univer­ sity of Chicago, 1948 to 1961 and 1971 to 1974, w here he was dean from 1952 to 1961. He di­ rected ALA’s International Relations Office from 1961 to 1966 and its Office for Library Education from 1966 to 1971. In 1975 he joined the faculty of UNC-CH, w here he taught until his retire­ ment in 1984. Often cited as his most important work, Asheim’s 1954 article “Not Censorship but Selection” studies the distinction between selec­ tion and censorship. Asheim received his Ph.D. from the University o f Chicago. S o lo m o n B eh ar, formerly humanities librar­ ian at the University o f California, Berkeley, died unexpectedly in May. He joined the li­ brary in 1961 in the Gifts Division o f the Ac­ quisitions Department. In 1969 he becam e head of the Protest Literature Collection, and in 1973 he was a founding m em ber of the Collection D evelopment Office. H isa y o M u rakam i, 68, program m anager of the Gordon W. Prange Collection at the Uni­ versity of Maryland, College Park, died in June after undergoing surgery. Since 1994, Murakami had managed the Prange Collection, a collec­ tion o f Japanese-language publications for the immediate postw ar years (1945-49) of the Al­ lied occupation of Japan. She played key roles during the visits to the Prange Collection by fo rm e r J a p a n e s e p rim e m in is te r N o b o ru Takeshita and by Shin-ichiro Ogata, librarian o f the National Diet Library of Japan. ■ ( P reserva tio n N ew s co n t. f r o m p a g e 5 7 3 ) in a s u b s t a n tiv e d ig ita l p r o je c t a n d willing to contribute staff resources to NDLF projects. Sponsorship costs $19,000 per year, plus $25,000 during the next five years for a capital investment fund. The CLIR was formed by the merger of the Commission on Preservation and Access and the Council on Library Resources. For more information on sponsorship, contact Deanna Marcum, president, CLIR; phone: (202) 939-3400; e-mail: ■