ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 168 ACRL Chapters • The California Chapter of ACRL was formed by the merger of ACRL’s Northern and Southern California Chapters and the Chapter of Academic and Research Librarians of the Califor­ nia Library Association (CLA). The new ACRL C alifornia C h a p te r is called th e C alifornia Academic and Research Librarians. M em bership in th e new ch ap te r is free to those who already are members of both ACRL and CLA. Dues are $2 for persons who are mem­ bers of either ACRL or CLA, for retired librar­ ians, and for library school students. Dues are $10 for persons who are not members of ACRL or CLA. A pplications may be obtained from Kathy McGreevy, Pasadena City College Library, 1570 East Colorado Boulevard, Pasadena, CA 91106. • The Minnesota Chapter of ACRL drew seventy people to a Bibliographic Instruction Workshop that the chapter sponsored jointly with MINITEX on February 7 and 8 in St. Paul. Keynote speaker Carla Stoffle, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, urged librarians to make the teaching library concept a reality by developing bibliographic instruction programs while main­ taining traditional library services. Given the political realities on most campuses, she sug­ gested that libraries should work for small succes­ ses, cultivate opinion leaders on the faculty, find courses that require library use, deomonstrate the effectiveness of bibliographic instruction with­ out asking for funds, and show how bibliographic instruction affects the whole school. A panel of librarians representing several types of academic libraries discussed the philosophical and practical issues raised by bibliographic in­ struction in four diverse academic settings. The panelists were John Montag (private colleges), Roger Sween (state universities), Dorothy Kett- ner (community colleges), and Marcia Pankake (universities). On the second day of the workshop participants joined in small group discussions on such topics as “Contacting and Working with Faculty,” “Pub­ licity to Students,” and “Classes for C redit.” • The Oregon Chapter attracted sixty people to its February 22 winter meeting at Lewis and Clark College in Portland. Resource sharing was the theme of a series of talks by a panel that in­ cluded Marcia Lowell, Oregon State librarian; William Dejohn, Pacific Northwest Bibliographic Center; and Vicki Kreimeyer, chair of the North­ w est Area P rivate C olleges and U niversities librarians. ■■