ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 574 / C&RL News years. The Robbins bequest includes holdings in all aspects of Middle English literature, with supple­ m ental m aterials in the fields of Old English, Anglo-Norman and French literatures, medieval history, philosophy, theology, and m anuscript studies. Appraised at $700,000, the library con­ tains at present about 10,000 volumes and sub­ scribes to 40 specialized periodicals. The collection also contains some 5,000 offprints. In addition to donating the collection, Robbins and his wife have made provisions for new acquisitions and have es­ tablished a trust of $160,000 for a fellowship pro­ gram. The annual Helen Ann Mins Robbins Fel­ low ship, to be in a g u ra te d in tw o years, w ill support a female pre-doctoral student for a year’s research in medieval studies at the University. The recipient will be chosen from an international com­ petition. Robbins, a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, holds a doctorate from Emmanuel Col­ lege, Cambridge. He has published a dozen books and more than 200 articles and is an international authority in Middle English studies and a specialist in the history of witchcraft. ■ ■ . P E O P L E . Profiles Karin Begg, associate director of libraries at Boston University since 1983, has been appointed assistant university librarian for technical services and automation at Bos­ ton College, C hestnut Hill, Massachusetts, ef­ fective August 17. Begg was systems li­ b rarian at Boston Uni­ versity (1980-1983) and O C L C c o o rd in a to r (1980) at Boston Univer­ sity before assuming the associate directorship. Prior to then she was cir­ culation librarian at the University of V irginia Karin Begg, (1977-1979). Begg b e­ gan her professional ca­ reer at the University of Pennsylvania, where she was catalog editor and head of the Information Of­ fice (1973-1976), Anglo-Germanic original cata- loger (1968-1972), and assistant librarian in the University Museum L ib rary (1966-1968). She holds an MLS from Drexel University (1972) and a bachelor’s degree in art from Brown University, and is presently enrolled in a doctoral program in hum an resource education at Boston University. An active member of ACRL, Begg is currently vice-president/president-elect of the New England Chapter, and serves as its archivist. She has also served on committees of ALA’s Library Adminis­ tration and Management Association and its Li­ brary Information Technology Association, and has been active in New England Library Associa­ tion and Boston University affairs. Peter S. GrahAiM has been appointed associate university librarian for technical and automated services at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. P rio r to com ing to R utgers, G rah am was assistan t d ire c to r for bibliographic control at C o lu m b ia U niversity, where he had also been head of the Book Acqui­ sitions Departm ent. He has also served as sys­ tems officer at Indiana University (1979-1981) and as senior systems an­ alyst with the Research Peter S. Graham Libraries Group (1975- 1978). Graham holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in English from Columbia University, a B.Phil. de­ gree from Oxford University, and an MLS from In ­ diana University. An active member of ALA, he is past chair of the Technical Services Costs Comm it­ tee of the Resources and Technical Services Divi­ sion, and is a long-time member of the Renaissance Society of America and the Bibliographical Society (London). Graham has published articles and pre­ sented papers on various aspects of technical ser­ vices in libraries, and has recently served as a con­ sultant for the Pierpont Morgan Library and the American Antiquarian Society. October 1987 / 575 J oan L. Heath has been nam ed university li­ brarian at Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, effective September 1. H eath joined the staff at Southwest Texas in 1981 as acquisitions li­ brarian and was nam ed head acquisitions librarian 10 months later. She has also been assistant interli­ brary services librarian at Texas A&M University. Heath holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism and an MLS (1977) from the University of Michigan. Olive C.R. James, chief of the Loan Division at the Library of Congress, has been nam ed library director at San Francisco State University, Califor­ nia. In her new position, James will oversee plans for a new library and the im p le m e n ta tio n of an online public access cat­ alog. She spent a year (1985-1986) as special consultant at Yale Uni­ versity , a n d has b een chief of general re fe r­ ence at Stanford Univer­ sity (1977-1980), an d head of the General Ref­ erence D e p a rtm e n t at Olive C.R. James Queens College (1973- 1976). James spent this summer as a Council on L i­ brary Resources senior fellow in the UCLA G rad u ­ ate School of Library and Inform ation Science. James holds an MLS from Rutgers University and a bachelor’s degree from the City College of New York, and has done graduate work at City College and New York University. She holds certif­ icates from the Association of Research Libraries Office of M anagem ent Studies Consultant T rain ­ ing Program , the University of M aryland Library Adm inistrators D evelopm ent Program , and the George W ashington University Executive Devel­ opm ent Program . Active in ALA, James was a member of the board of the Reference and Adult Services Division (1984-1987), and is a m em ber of the International Federation of Library Associa­ tions’ Standing Com m ittee on Interlending and Document Delivery. Bernice Ray Jones-Trent has been appointed library director at Norfolk State University, Vir­ ginia, effective July 1. She was formerly head of the Reference D epartm ent at Old Dominion Univer­ sity, and has been public services librarian in the Rutgers-Kilmer L ib rary of Rutgers University, staff development librarian at Rutgers, and busi­ ness librarian at the Newark, New Jersey, Public Library. Jones-Trent holds a bachelor’s degree in English literature from Jackson State University (1968) and an MLS (1969) from Rutgers, w here she is presently a Ph.D . candidate. Edward R. Johnson has been nam ed director of university libraries at Oklahom a State University, Stillwater, effective July 13. He has been director of lib ra rie s a t N o rth Texas State U niversity since 1979. Johnson holds a bach­ elor’s degree in history from the University of C o lo rad o (1964), and MLS (1966) and Ph.D . (1974) degrees from the University of Wisconsin. After beginning his pro­ fessional career at the University of Colorado in 1964, Johnson served Edw ard R. Johnsonon the staff at the Uni­ versity of Iow a for three years, later becoming assistant dean of libraries at Pennsylvania State University. Johnson has been active in ALA and the Texas L ibrary Association, serving as head of several committees in both organizations. Pie was has also been involved in the Association of Higher E duca­ tion of North Texas, where he headed the library committee representing 21 higher education insti­ tutions in the Dallas-Fort W orth area. Patricia J. Rom, director of inform ation services at H unter College, has been nam ed director of li­ brary services at the College of Wooster, Ohio, ef­ fective August 1. Rom began her p ro ­ fessional career at th e Evansville campus of In ­ diana State University in 1966 and joined the Ref­ erence D e p a rtm e n t at Bucknell U niversity in 1969, which she headed from 1972 to 1977. D u r­ in g 19 7 9 -1 9 8 0 she taught courses in biblio­ graphic instruction and in fo rm atio n sources in Patricia J. Romth e h u m a n itie s a t th e R u tg e rs U n iv e rsity G raduate School of Library and Inform ation Stud­ ies. Rom was the project evaluator for a National E n d o w m en t for th e H um anities study d u rin g 1981-1982, which focused on the literature of pop­ ular culture in a group of public libraries. W ith bachelor’s and MLS degrees from the Uni­ versity of Oklahom a, Rom also holds a m aster’s de­ gree in English literature from New York Univer­ sity. In 1971 she was one of 25 persons selected nationw ide to participate in an Institute for Build­ ing Black Studies Collections held at Fisk Univer­ sity. She has been a m anuscript reader for the Bucknell University Press and a reviewer of grant proposals for NEH. Rom has contributed to Li- 576 / C&RL News brary Journal and is on the editorial board of The Reference Librarian. For three years she was on the jury of the Library Literature’s annual collec­ tion, “The Best of…” In addition to service as a member of various re­ gional and local library associations, Rom is an ac­ tive member of ACRL and RASD as well as SRRT and IRRT. She was a member of the Committee Council on the Status of Women in Librarianship (1977-1981), serving as its chair during 1979-1980. Rom was an official ALA representative to the Na­ tional Women’s Conference in Houston (1977), and most recently served on the ALA Commission on Pay Equity. People in the news Chris Olson & Associates, Arnold, Maryland, has been awarded Honorable Mention for the de­ sign of the GRATEFUL MED User’s Guide in the National Association of Government Communica­ tors’ 1987 Blue Pencil Competition. The four- color, 100-page manual was developed under con­ tra c t to the N ational L ibrary of Medicine to accompany the GRATEFUL MED software. It was judged in the Visual Design category. Dana E. Smith, Judith M. Pask, and Donna Wheeler, undergraduate, reference, and profes­ sional librarians respectively at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, have received the 1987 Annual Award for O utstanding Innovation in “Helping Students Learn.” The award is presented each year by the Class of 1922 and includes $2,000 in cash plus a $1,000 academic expense account. The three were recognized for their role in develop­ ing the Undergraduate Library Research Skills Program, designed to enhance student research through integration of effective research methodo­ logies and basic skills essential for retrieval and crit­ ical analysis of information. The program consists of the Undergraduate Library Research Guide, a self-styled audio tour, class and independent study center presentations utilizing microcomputer tuto­ rials, and individual assistance at the Reference/In- formation desk. It has been an integral part of the freshman English composition class for the past two years. Leon Stout, university archivist and head of the Penn State Room at Pennsylvania State University, University Park, was awarded a one-month fellow­ ship at the University of Michigan’s Bentley Histor­ ical Library during July. As a participant in the Re­ search Fellow ship Program for the study of Modern Archives, he conducted research in “Com­ munications Structures in Higher E ducation.” Stout was one of eight Fellows selected to partici­ pate. Hideo Tamura, assistant head of technical ser­ vices at Doshisha University in Japan, spent eight weeks this summer observing operations in all de­ partments at Ohio University, Athens. Tamura was hosted as part of the Libraries’ International Internship Program. Atchareeya Ramsombhob, serials librarian at Thammasat University in Thai­ land, will spend four months at Ohio University working with the automation of serials. Darlene E. WEiNGAND has been awarded a Ful­ bright grant to assist in the curriculum revision process and to teach in the area of public libraries at the University of Iceland Department of Library and Information Science, Reykjavik. Weingand is director of Continuing Education Services and a member of the faculty of the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Wiscon­ sin, Madison. She is currently assisting the State Li­ brary of Montana in developing a continuing edu­ cation plan for the library community of the state. Herrert S. White, dean and professor at the In­ diana University School of Library and Informa­ tion Science, Bloomington, received ALA’s Melvil Dewey Award at the San Francisco Annual Con­ ference July 1. White is a specialist in library man­ agement and education. Appointments (Appointments are taken from library newslet­ ters, letters from personnel offices and appointees, and other sources. To ensure that your appoint­ ment appears, write to the Editor, ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) David Allen has been appointed chair of auto­ mation development at Kansas State University, Manhattan. Laurie C. Allen has been appointed reference librarian in the Science Library at Vanderbilt Uni­ versity, Nashville, Tennessee, effective October 19. Robert Babcock has been appointed curator of early books and manuscripts in the Beinecke Li­ brary at Yale University, New Haven, Connecti­ cut. Peggy Barrett has been appointed reference li- brarian/online research coordinator at Keene State College, New Hampshire. Denise Bedford has joined the staff of the Auto­ mation and Technical Services Division at the Uni­ versity of Maryland, College Park. William Betcher, associate director for services at Ohio University, Athens, has also assumed re­ sponsibility as head of the Circulation and Interli­ brary Loan Department. Ann E. Birney has been appointed assistant dean of the School of Library and Information Science at Emporia State University, Kansas. Beverly Bishop is now reference archivist at Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. Mary Bopp has been appointed reference libra- rian/user education coordinator at Keene State College, New Hampshire. Kris Brancolini has been appointed assistant to the dean at Indiana University, Bloomington. October 1987 / 577 Nancy R. Burns has joined the faculty of the School of L ibrary and Inform ation Science at E m ­ poria State University, Kansas. John Butler has been appointed science/refer­ ence bibliographer in the Science and Engineering Library at the University of Minnesota, M inneapo­ lis. Belinda Chiang has been appointed chair of cataloging at Kansas State University, M anhattan. Anita Clamurro is now associate head librarian for access services at the M IT Engineering and Sci­ ence Libraries, Cam bridge. Jeanette Clough has been appointed reference librarian and online searcher at Ohio University, Athens. Ciierie S. Colbert has been appointed infor­ mation, interlibrary loan and teaching services li­ brarian at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson. Judith A. Copler has been appointed m anager of inform ation technology planning at In d ian a University, Bloomington. Julia Dabrs is the new librarian of the Art L i­ brary at the University of M aryland, College Park. Gay N. Dannelly is now collection develop­ ment officer at Ohio State University, Columbus. Robert Diaz has been appointed reference/in- struction librarian at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Lance Dickson has been appointed head of the Law Library at Stanford University, California. Dale Alan Diefenbach has been appointed sen­ ior reference librarian in the Langdell L ibrary at Harvard University, Cam bridge, Massachusetts. Peter Drummey has been nam ed librarian of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston. Caroline Early has been appointed head of the Acquisitions and Serials Branch at the National Ag­ ricultural L ibrary, Beltsville, Maryland. DavidA. Feste has been appointed head of m on­ ographs at the University of Toledo, Ohio. Bronwyn France has joined the staff at Missis­ sippi V alley C om m unity College, B lytheville, Arkansas. Beverlee French has been appointed assistant university librarian for the sciences at the Univer­ sity of California, Davis. Mark Funk is now head of Collection Develop­ m ent and Serials at C ornell University Medical College, New York City. Mary Gassmann has joined the staff of the Docu­ m ents L ib r a r y a t th e U n iv e rsity of Illin o is, U rbana-Cham paign. Vincent Giroud has been appointed curator of modern books and papers in the Beinecke Library at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Kelly Gordon is now m anager of off-campus library services at C entral Michigan University, Mount Pleasant. Elizabeth Grant has been appointed technical services librarian at the University of the South, Se- wannee, Tennessee. Pamela Grudzien has been nam ed m anager of access services at C entral M ichigan University, Mount Pleasant. Martha H ale has been n am ed d e a n of th e School of Library and Inform ation M anagem ent at Em poria State University, Kansas. L aurence H allewell has been a p p o in te d Ibero-American bibliographer in the Humanities/ Social Sciences Libraries at the University of Min­ nesota, Minneapolis. Hollee Haswell has been appointed curator of the Colum biana Library and reference librarian/ Just the facts, ma’am A recent incident at the Colum bia University Libraries was reported to ALA’s Office for In ­ tellectual Freedom by Paula Kaufman, direc­ tor of Colum bia’s Academic Inform ation Ser­ vices G roup. W h eth er this was an isolated occurrence or is indicative of a nationw ide ef­ fort by the FBI to monitor library use is u n ­ known. In any case it is a rem inder th a t the p a ­ tro n ’s right to privacy is not taken for granted by all elements of our society. Paula K aufm an’s letter is reprinted here w ith her permission. “On June 4, two FBI agents w ent into our Math/Science Library and began to question the clerk on duty about the use of the M ath/ Science Library by foreigners. One of our li­ brarians overheard the conversation, stopped the agents, and told them they would have to talk to me. “An FBI Special Agent called me on June 5 and made an appointm ent to talk w ith me the following Monday. She and a colleague came to my office on M onday morning. They explained th a t they were doing a general 'library aw are­ ness’ program in the City and th at they were asking librarians to be alert to the use of their libraries by persons from countries ‘hostile to the United States, such as the Soviet Union’ and to provide the FBI w ith inform ation about these activities. “I explained th at we were not prepared to co­ operate w ith them in any way, described our s philosophies and policies respecting privacy, confidentiality, and academ ic freedom , and told them they were not welcome here. They asked a few questions about our arrangem ents to accommodate the use of the Libraries by vis­ iting scholars and I provided them w ith the publicly available inform ation about our pro­ cedures. After I repeated th a t we would not co­ operate w ith them in their program , they left, They did not try to persuade me to change my m ind.” The ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom would like to know w hether any similar inci­ dents have taken place in other academic li­ braries. 578 / C&RL News bibliographer in the Rare Book and Manuscript Li­ brary at Columbia University, New York City. Carol B. Hawks has been appointed head of the Acquisition Department at Ohio State University, Columbus. Don Haymes is now assistant to the librarian of the School of Theology at the University of the South, Sewannee, Tennessee. Betsy N. Hine has been appointed head of the Monographic Cataloging Department at Indiana State University, Terre Haute. John W. Hoopes is now indexer in the Tozzer Library of Harvard University, Cambridge, Mas­ sachusetts. John Howe has been named interim director of libraries at the University of Minnesota, Minneap­ olis. . Janet S. HuETTNER has been appointed bibliog­ rapher for the Indiana University Center on Phi­ lanthropy collection at Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis. Barrara M. Ivey is now chief of the Acquisitions Branch at the U.S. Air Force Academy Library, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Beth Juhl is now reference librarian in the Hu­ manities and History Division at Columbia Uni­ versity, New York City. Jody Kempf has been appointed science refer- ence/bibliographer in the Science and Engineering Library at the University of Minnesota, Minneapo­ lis. Anne Kenny has been appointed conservation li­ aison librarian at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Mary Konkel is the new head of cataloging at Governors State University, University Park, Illi­ nois. Mary Krutulis has been appointed director of admissions and placement in the School of Library and Information Science at Indiana University, Bloomington. David Lasocki has been appointed music cata- Library support for academ ic administration Is your library regularly providing any form of organized, direct information support for your senior campus administrators? Rebecca Kellogg (University of Arizona) and Peter W at­ son (Idaho State University) are investigating the issues and procedures involved in having an academic library offer such a service. They are interested in hearing from any libraries with ex­ perience in meeting the information needs of academic administrators via a formal service that utilizes the library’s resources and person­ nel. Please contact: Peter Watson, University Librarian, Eli M. Oboler Library, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID 83209-0009. loger for the Regional Campus Libraries at Indiana University, Bloomington. Michael M. Lee has been named dean of li­ braries and learning resources at the University of Houston-Clear Lake, Texas. Barton M. Lessin is now associate director for systems and access at Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant. Rorert Lopresti has been appointed docu­ ments librarian at Western Washington Univer­ sity, Bellingham. Mary Mallory has joined the permanent staff of the Documents Library at the University of Illi­ nois, Urbana-Champaign. C. Martin Miller has been named acting direc­ tor of libraries at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Mike Miller has been appointed media librar­ ian in the Meyer Library at Stanford University, California. Marcia Morrison has been appointed assistant to the Lilly librarian for museum services at Indi­ ana University, Bloomington. Patricia M. Munden is now reference librarian at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. Charles Palm has been appointed associate di­ rector of the library at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, California. Heleni Pedersoli has joined the Collection Management staff at the University of Maryland, College Park. Becky Ray has been appointed reference librar­ ian at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennes­ see. Carolyn Reid is now associate director of the li­ brary at Cornell University Medical College, New York City. Pamela Ross is now circulation and reference li­ brarian at the University of the South, Sewannee, Tennessee. Janet M. Rut an has been appointed cataloger in the Countway Library of Harvard University, Bos­ ton, Massachusetts. Katherine Erwin Sammakia has been a p ­ pointed assistant Dewey librarian at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. Gwen Sloan is the new editor of the PAIS Bulle­ tin, published by the Public Affairs Information Service, Inc., New York City. Mickey M. Sparkman is the new associate direc­ tor for public services at Lamar University, Beau­ mont, Texas. David Stern has been appointed physics/as- tronomy librarian at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Dal Symes has been appointed humanities li­ brarian at Western Washington University, Bel­ lingham. Gisela M. Webb is now assistant director of li­ braries for administrative services at Texas Tech University, Lubbock. Susan Webreck has been appointed assistant to the dean in the School of Library and Information October 1987 / 579 Science at th e University of P ittsburgh, Pennsylva­ nia. Lynn Westbrook has been appointed coordina­ tor of reference and instruction at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Elizabeths. W olf has been appointed assistant librarian, science reference lib rarian at th e U niver­ sity of D elaw are, Newark. Retirements John D. Cushing, lib rarian of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, for the past 24 years, has retired after 27 years of service. D essie Dyess, catalog lib rarian at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, retired July 15. She joined the staff in 1971. Grace Harvey, assistant lib rarian at the U niver­ sity of the South, Sewannee, Tennessee, has retired after 18 years of service. John Herbst, lib ra ry d irecto r a t P enn Valley C om m unity College, Kansas C ity, Missouri, will retire in 1988. Bernice J ackson, ra re books lib ra ria n at th e University of Kansas C lendening History of M edi­ cine L ib rary , Kansas C ity, retired at the end of June after 28 years of service. Evelyn Kiresen, M ELVYL/GLADIS access li­ brarian and coordinator of lib rary services to dis­ abled users at th e University of C alifornia, Berke­ ley, retired August 31. Kiresen joined th e staff in 1964 as foreign docum ents lib rarian and becam e U.S. docum ents lib rarian in th e G overnm ent D oc­ uments L ib rary in 1968. The following year she moved to the Public H ealth L ibrary, w here she was active in th e im plem entation of the MEDLABS on­ line system, and later in the M E D L IN E system. W hile at the Public H ealth L ibrary, Kiresen devel­ oped th e first do cu m en t delivery service to th e State D ep artm en t of Public Pïealth. L ater, as head of the In terlib rary Borrow ing Service, she oversaw the im plem entation of O C L C and RLIN into the Service’s w orkflow. Kiresen has ta u g h t an in tro ­ ductory course in bibliography since 1973 and will continue in th a t capacity. George Anne Monger, associate d irec to r for public services at L am ar University, Beaum ont, Texas, for th e past eight years, re tire d in July. Monger, a g rad u ate of Baylor University w ith an MLS from W estern Reserve University (now Case W estern), com pleted a total of 29 years of service in various capacities. Haydee Piedracueva, L atin A m erican bibliog­ rapher at C olum bia University, New York City, since 1970, retired at th e end of Septem ber after 24 years of service. J ane W eim er, acquisitions lib ra ria n a t Ohio N orthern University, Ada, retired at the end of Au­ gust. She h ad been on th e staff since 1969. Marjorie J. W ynne, E d w in J. B einecke R e­ search L ib rarian in th e Beinecke Rare Book and M anuscript L ib rary at Yale University, New H a ­ ven, C onnecticut, retired June 30 after 45 years of service. W ynne, originally from V irginia, was ed u ­ cated at D uke University, the University of C ali­ fornia at Berkeley, and at Yale, w here she received a m aster’s degree in 1948. She joined the university library as an assistant in the G overnm ent D ocu­ ments Division and soon moved to th e Rare Book Room, of w hich she was nam ed lib rarian in 1947. W ynne rem ained in th a t position until 1963, w hen the collection was moved to the new Beinecke L i­ brary. Deaths William C. Berges, form er lib rarian at the U ni­ versity of C alifornia, Berkeley, died this past sum ­ m er at age 71. Berges was lib rarian for the Forest Products L aboratory L ibrary and half-tim e lib ra r­ ian at th e E arth q u ak e E ngineering Research C en­ ter at his retirem ent in 1974. Mary Lee Bundy, professor in the College of L i­ b rary and Inform ation Services at the University of M aryland, College Park, died August 2. Bundy h ad been a m em ber of the CLIS faculty since its in- Historically black institutions T he A ndrew M ellon F o u n d a tio n has p ro ­ vided $22,000 for a p lanning grant to allow j ACRL to consider the problem s of libraries in historically black colleges and universities (HB- \ C U ’s) and plan some ap p ro p riate activity to help those libraries. Beverly Lynch, university lib rarian at the University of Illinois at C h i­ cago, is chair of an ad hoc com m ittee th a t will carry out this planning process. C om m enting on the g ran t, ACRL President Jo a n n e E u ste r said , “ A CRLs stra te g ic p la n m ade a com m itm ent to helping the historically black colleges and universities. T he generosity of the Mellon F oundation will help us to plan carefully for a project th a t can tru ly be of assist­ an ce.” To gather inform ation about these libraries, ACRL will convene librarians from 30 rep re­ sentative institutions in A tla n ta on O ctober 18-20. They will include public and private schools, larg er an d sm aller in stitutions, an d those from different states. In addition to th a t m eeting, the ad hoc com ­ m ittee is seeking inform ation from anyone else interested in the project. Please com m unicate your ideas an d opinions ab o u t ways ACRL m ight help to: A CRL/H BCU Project, 50 E. H u ­ ron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Using ideas and inform ation gathered from these various sources, the com m ittee will d raft a proposal and seek funding for a m ore exten­ sive project of assistance. 580 / C&RL News ception in 1965 and specialized in library services to the financially and culturally deprived, prison inmates, the elderly and other minority groups. Stephan Fuller, head of cataloging services in the Hilles and Lam ont Libraries of H arvard Uni­ versity, Cam bridge, Massachusetts, died July 30 at 34. Fuller joined the staff in 1978, working in the Monographic Cataloging Support Service in the Office for Systems Planning and Research and in the Kennedy School of Government Library. He was a graduate of the University of Nebraska with a bachelor’s degree in music education, and, upon earning his MLS from Simmons College in 1979, was appointed music librarian in the Hilles Li­ brary. In 1983 Fuller was appointed head of cata­ loging services in Hilles and Lam ont, where he oversaw the beginning of an ongoing retroconver- sion project. He also participated in several task forces and advisory groups. G ladys F . Pratt, re tir e d li b r a r ia n a t Fram ingham State College, Massachusetts, died November 18, 1986, at 94. She had been retired since 1957. A 1914 graduate of Mount Holyoke College, P ratt worked in the library there from 1914 to 1917; at the Smithsonian Institution from 1917 to 1920; at the W om en’s College of Delaware from 1920 to 1922; and at the University of Illinois during 1923-1924. She earned a m aster’s degree from Illinois in 1931 and took graduate courses at George W ashington University and Boston Univer­ sity. From 1924 to 1939 she was librarian at W est­ field S ta te C ollege a n d jo in e d th e s ta ff a t Fram ingham State in 1941. P ratt also taught at the University of Virginia, at the University of Iow a’s su m m er lib ra ry school, an d a t W estfield an d Fram ingham . Frank B. Sessa, professor emeritus of the School of Library and Inform ation Science at the Univer­ sity of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, died July 24 in O rlando, Florida. A member of the SLIS faculty from 1966 to 1980, Sessa w as a c tin g d e a n (1971-1973) and chairperson of the D epartm ent of Library Science (1973-1976). He had also been chairperson of the Comm ittee on Doctoral Studies and director of the B ureau of U rban Research. Prior to joining the staff at Pittsburgh, Sessa spent 15 years as director of the Miami, Florida, Public Library and, earlier, had been on both the history and library faculties of the University of Miami. He received bachelor’s, m aster’s, and doctoral degrees in history from Pittsburgh and was a distinguished graduate of the Carnegie Library School. Sessa served ALA as treasurer and as a member of the Executive Board and the Executive Council, was president of the Florida Library Association and the Florida Historical Association, and a mem ­ ber and chairperson of numerous committees of these and other associations. He was also president and, from 1975 to 1977, executive secretary of the Beta Phi Mu honor society, and was widely known as a consultant in library service, operation and construction. ■ ■