ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries November 1995/ 713 Preservation News J a ne Hed berg NDLF planning progresses The National Digital Library F ed eration (N D L F ) an­ nounced in September 1995 that Patricia Battin, former president o f the Commission on Preservation and Access, had been a p p o in ted c o ­ ordinator o f the project for six months. In addition, the IBM Corporation has pro­ vid e d the ND LF w ith a $100,000 planning grant and nine months o f technical sup­ port from IBM research scientist, Henry Gladney. During the planning phase, the NDLF is in­ terested in identifying additional institutions interested in membership. Libraries or archives wishing to join may express their interest by providing the Commission with a list o f cur­ rent and planned digital projects and an indi­ cation o f their institutional support for digital library resources. For more information, con­ tact the Commission on Preservation and Ac­ cess, 1400 16th Street, NW, Suite 740, Wash­ ington, DC 20036-2217; voice: (202) 939-3400; fax: (202) 939-3407; e-mail: Preservation Resources creates hom epage Preservation Resources, formerly known as MAPS, The MicrogrAphic Preservation Service, has created a homepage on the World Wide Web. According to Meg Bellinger, president of Preservation Resources, “The . . . homepage provides an opportunity for us to display re­ search and development on digital access op­ tions to preservation microfilm.” The homep­ age includes examples o f images digitally scanned and indexed from microfilm, plus in­ formation on other aspects o f preservation mi­ crofilm, e.g., color and continuous tone micro­ film, the new generation o f cameras, prep­ aration o f materials for filming, filming nonbook and rare materials, and preserving microfilm. The homepage is located at http://www.oclc. org/oclc/presres/. LC publishes film preservatio n plan The Library o f Congress published The National Film Preservation Plan: A n Im plem entation Strategy in June 1995. This 12-page report is the result o f three years study and provides an action plan for implementation o f the thirty recommendations found in the August 1994 report, Re­ defining Film Preservation. The report addresses three major areas: conservin g films, increasing funding o f and participation in film preservation, and expand­ ing public access. Copies are available free o f charge from Stephen Leggett, Motion Picture Division, Library o f Congress, Washington, DC 20540. LC a w a r d s deacidification contract In July 1995 the Library o f Congress awarded Preservation Technologies, Inc. (PTI), a con­ tract for mass deacidification o f at least 72,000 volumes over the next two years. PTI will treat LC’s books using its Bookkeeper III process. For more information about LC’s plans for mass deacidification, contact Kenneth E. Harris, Pres­ ervation Projects Director, Preservation Direc­ torate, Library o f Congress, LM-G21, Washing­ ton, DC 20540-4500; phone: (202) 707-1054; fax: (202) 707-3434; e-mail: For more information about the Bookkeeper III process, contact Richard Spatz, Chairman, Preservation Technologies, Inc., I l l Thomson Park Drive, Cranberry Twp., PA l6 066; phone: (800) 416-BOOK; fax: (412) 779-9808. By the w a y The students and staff o f the Wellesley College Library Preservation Department have devel­ oped a simple digital cartoon strip to educate other students in proper treatment o f books and added it to the college’s Campus-Wide In­ formation System. The cartoon strip about use o f proper bookmarks may be found at http:// html. Jane Hedberg prepares this colu m n f o r the College Libraries Committee, Commission on Preservation a n d Access. Submissions may be made to: Jane Hedberg, Wellesley College Library, 106 Central St., Wellesley, M A 02181; fa x : (6 1 7 ) 283-3640; e-mail: JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU. http://www.oclc mailto:JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU