ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 716/C&RL News Racial & Ethnic Diversity Information exchange Deborah Abston NACCS conference planned The National Association for Chicana and Chicano Stud­ ies’ (NACCS) 1996 National C on feren ce w ill be held March 20– 23, 1996, in Chi­ cago. “Mapping Strategies: NACCS and the Challenge o f Racist Policies” was chosen as the theme for the 33rd Conference. Planners hope the theme w ill initiate a broad dialogue within the as­ sociation on the question o f how NACCS should respond to the general trend o f racist reaction. For information on propos­ als (due December 1, 1995) contact: Irene Cam­ pos Carr, NACCS Conference, Women’s Stud­ ies, Northeastern Illinois Univ., 5500 N. St. Louis Ave., Chicago, IL 60625; phone: (312) 583-4050, ext. 3302 or fax: (312) 794-6243. For more in­ formation on NACCS contact: NACCS National Office, Chicano Education Program, Eastern Washington Univ., MS 170, Cheney, W A 99004; phone: (509) 359-2404 or fax: (509) 359-2310. AALISA to publish n ew journal The African American Library and Information Science Association (AALISA), based at UCLA and the California Institute o f Pan African Stud ies, will publish the Journal o f Pan African Stud ies, a new peer-reviewed interdisciplinary, in­ ternational, electronic journal o f African culture and consciousness. The journal will be pub­ lished four times a year and will contain origi­ nal, scholarly articles, book reviews, poetry, in­ te rv ie w s , n ew s, an n ou n cem en ts, and bibliographic information related to the study and research o f the Pan African experience. Manuscripts submitted to the journal should fol­ low MLA style, not exceeding 20 double-spaced typed pages, with relevant author information and a 50-word abstract. Send manuscripts to: Itibari Zulu at T o sub­ scribe to the journal, send a message to The body o f the mes­ sage should read: subscribe aalisa-1 TJPAS. Submit items f o r this column to Deborah Abston at Arizona State University, Hayden Library, Box 871006, Tempe, A Z 85287; (602) 965-6928; internet: S e le c te d lis ts e rv s • Latin A m erica n Data Base. Access: CH-LADB@ UNMVMA.UNM.EDU. • C hinese Studies List. Access: C H IN A @ P U C C . PRINCETON.EDU. • C hina N ew s D igest (U.S. New s). Access: CHINA- ND@KENTVM.KENT.EDU. • D iversity in D evelo p ­ m en t. Access: DIVERSE® MSU.EDU. • Electronic Journal in A fric a n a Studies. Access: EJAS-L@KENTVM.KENT>EDU. • E th n ic ity D is c u s s io n L ist. Access: ETHNIC@ASUVM.INRE.ASU.EDU. • H-Net List fo r Asian H isto ry and Cul­ ture. Access: H-ASIA@MSU.EDU. • H-Net List fo r Asian Studies. Access: H- ASIA@UICVM.UIC.EDU. • H-Net List o n Ethnic H istory. Access: H-ETHNIC@MSU.EDU. • H-Net Ethnic H isto ry Discussion List. Access: H-ETHNIC@UICVM.UIC.EDU. • H-Net Latina A m erica n H isto ry List. Access: H-LATAM@MSU.EDU. • H-Net Latin A m erican H isto ry Discus­ s io n List. Access: H-LATAM@UICVM.UIC.EDU. • D iversity Issues Facing U niversities and C olleges. Access: HEDDVSTY@TAMVM1. TAMU.EDU. • Japanese F o o d and Culture. Access: J-FOOD-L@JPNKNUO 1. BITNET. • L iv in g S w a h ili D ic tio n a r y . Access: KAMUSI-L@YALEVM.CIS.YALE.EDU. • Latin A m e r ic a n D atab ase In te r e s t Group. Access: LADIG-L@UNMVMA.UNM.EDU. • Academ ic D iscussion o f Latin A m e ri­ ca n M usic. Access: LAMC-L@IUBVM.UCS. INDIANA.EDU. • Latin A m erica n Linguistics and Lan­ guages Discussion List. Access: LATAMLIN@ MITVMA.MIT.EDU. • Discussion o n A frica n A m erican M i­ g r a t io n — T h e P r o m is e d L a n d . Access: PROMISEL@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU. • Southeast Asia Discussion List. Access: SEASIA-L@MSU.EDU. • Latin A m erica Database. Access: SM- LADB@UNMVMA.UNM.EDU. • W orld-L— Forum o n Non-Eurocentric mailto:ND@KENTVM.KENT.EDU mailto:ETHNIC@ASUVM.INRE.ASU.EDU mailto:H-ASIA@MSU.EDU mailto:ASIA@UICVM.UIC.EDU mailto:H-ETHNIC@MSU.EDU mailto:H-ETHNIC@UICVM.UIC.EDU mailto:H-LATAM@MSU.EDU mailto:H-LATAM@UICVM.UIC.EDU mailto:KAMUSI-L@YALEVM.CIS.YALE.EDU mailto:LADIG-L@UNMVMA.UNM.EDU mailto:LAMC-L@IUBVM.UCS mailto:PROMISEL@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU mailto:SEASIA-L@MSU.EDU mailto:LADB@UNMVMA.UNM.EDU November 1995/ 717 W o rld H istory. Access: WORLD-L@UBVM. CC.BUFFALO.EDU. Correction The address for EQUILIBRN, ACRL’s Racial and Ethnic Diversity Committee’s listserv on diver­ sity in libraries, published in the April 1995 C&RL News was incorrect. The correct address is: EQUILIBR@CMSA.BERKELEY.EDU. (Fundraising cont. from page 693) workshops, and other events by region. Ac­ cess: • Philanthropy Journal Issues available by month. Access: hilant/philjune.html. • Philanthropy N ew s Digest. Access: • Professional Fundraising Magazine. Access: ing/mags/proffund/proffund.html. Other resources • A Guide to Internet Resources f o r Non-Profit Public Service Organizations. This guide is made available via the University of Michigan’s Clearinghouse for Subject-Ori­ ented Internet Resource Guides. It was created to help administrators and employees o f non­ profit public service organizations. It contains sections on grants and funding and philan­ thropy. Access: chdocs/nonprofits/nonprofits. html. • P h ila n th ro p y Links. This site is a con­ stantly growing resource o f foundations, chari­ ties, etc., for fundraising professionals. Access: h t t p :/ / w w w .d u k e .e d u / ~ p t a v e r n / P e t e . Philanthropic.html. • Foundation Center. The mission o f the center is to increase public understanding o f the foundation field. The center maintains a comprehensive and up-to-date database on foundations and corporate giving programs. Ac­ cess: • In tern et N o n p ro fit Center. This Web site is for donors and volunteers. It is arranged into four sections: Gallery, a collection o f nonprofits and what they do; Library, a reposi tory for publications and data about nonprofit organizations and the nonprofit sector; Parlor, a bulletin board on various topics such as events and volunteer opportunities; and Heliport, hot keys to other Web sites and Internet services. Access: mailto:EQUILIBR@CMSA.BERKELEY.EDU http://fdncenter