ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Deadlines: O rders for regular classified advertisem ents must reach the ACRL office on or before the second o f the month preceding publication o f the issue (e.g., Septem ber 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a w eekend o r holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of th e month. Rates: Classified advertisem ents are $7.95 per line fo r institutions that are A C R L members, $9.95 fo r others. Late job notices are $19.25 p e r line fo r institutions that are AC R L mem bers, $22.95 for others. O rganizations subm itting ads will be charged according to their m em bership status. Dis­ play ad rates range from $355 to $675 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. Guidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., O ctober 20 fo r the O ctober issue). All job announcem ents should include a salary range per policy o f the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcem ents will be edited to exclude discrim inatory references. Applicants should be aware that the term s fa c­ ulty rank and status vary in m eaning am ong institutions. Internet: C&RL N ew s classified ads are accessible on the Internet through the gopher server at the U niversity of Illinois at Chicago. Ads will be placed on the gop h e r approxi­ mately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition o f C&RL N ew s is published. To reach C&RL N ew sN et locate the University of Illinois at C hicago in the menu of all servers m aintained on gopher at the University o f Minnesota. Alternatively, connect your favorite g opher client directly to host " 70 ” . Select "The Library" from the menu and then select "C&RL NewsNet" from the next menu. Contact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL A/ewsClassified Advertising Department, ACRL, Am eri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 - 2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: U21808@ orjack.helbig@ Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placem ent sen/ices com ply with ALA anti-discrim ination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is com mitted to equality o f opportunity for all library em ploy­ ees or applicants fo r em ploym ent, regardless o f race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA se r­ vices, the organization agrees to com ply with this policy. POSITIONS OPEN A S S IS T A N T C A T A LO G LIB R A R IA N . W e st T exas A&M U niversity. R espo n sib ilitie s: P rovides b ib lio g ra p h ic co ntro l o f a ll m onographs, in clu din g U.S. and T e xas docu m e nts. Tra in s A c qu isitio n s D epa rt­ m ent in p re o rd e r b ib lio g ra p h ic e n try a nd searchin g . P erfo rm s o th e r d u tie s as a ssigned. S up e rvise s tw o fu ll-tim e library a ssista n ts a nd a staff o f part-tim e stu d e n t e m p loye e s. R e po rts to Head C a talo g L ibrar­ ian. Q u a lific a tio n s : A L A -a c c re d ite d M LS. B ro ad a c a d e m ic b a c k ­ ground. K no w le d ge o f O C LC and in teg ra ted a u to m a te d system s. S om e p re pro fession a l lib ra ry e xperience, e sp e cia lly in ca ta lo ging , p referred. S a la ry and benefits: $ 21,0 00 /yea r (e n try le vel). Em p loye r co ntribu tion to health in suran ce and b e n efits package. C h oice o f re tire m e nt pro gra m . N o state or local in com e taxe s. C orn ette Library: Am ple work space a nd a esth e tica lly p lea sin g interiors d isting u ish this 15 0,0 00 -sq ua re -fo ot building, w h ich h ou ses 2 70 ,0 0 0 volum es, 1,850 cu rre n t p eriodicals, and 650 ,00 0 g ove rn m e nt docu m e nts. F ounding m em ber o f m u ltityp e H a rrington L ibrary C onsortium , w h ich p rovides REFERENCE/PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN, BUSINESS LIBRARY University of Pittsburgh University Library System The University Library System, University of Pitts­ burgh, is seeking candidates for the position of Reference/Public Services Librarian, Business Library (entry-level, full-time). This position pro­ vides in-depth and ready reference service, li­ brary research instruction, and public services in a heavily used departmental library and will report to the head of the library. Scheduled hours will be Monday-Thursday 12:30 pm-9:00 pm, Friday 8:30 am -5:00 pm, with supervision of the Business Li­ brary operations after 5:00 pm. Scheduled for regular business hours (8:30 am-5:00 pm) during days that the Business Library closes at 5:00 pm. REQUIRED: ALA-accredited MLS (orrecognized equivalent). Demonstrable knowledge of library information services, emerging electronic infor­ mation services, and their applications to librar­ ies. Effective organizational, interpersonal, com ­ munication, and presentation skills. Experience in an academic library (or course work in aca­ demic librarianship) desirable. Salary: $26,000. Comprehensive benefits package including 23 vacation days/year; BC/BS; TIAA/CREF; and tuition assistance. TO APPLY: Submit letter of application and re­ sume with the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: William Gentz Personnel Librarian 271 Hillman Library University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 Applications received by Novem ber 1 5 ,19 9 5 , will receive primary consideration. The U LS is an A A /E O E aggressively com m itted to increasing d iversity in o u r workplace, a nd strongly encourages applications from candidates who can contribute in this area. u lly in tegrated a uto m a tion s e rvice s to over 3 0 a cad em ic, public, chool, and sp ecia l lib ra rie s in 2 5 -co u n ty se rvice area, General n form atio n : W TA M U is located 15 m iles so uth o f A m a rillo in C anyon, exas, o ffe rin g a ch o ice o f sm a ll-to w n o r c ity living, b oth inexpensive. o state incom e tax. P leasant clim ate. U n ive rsity h a s a p p ro xim a tely ,500 students, a nd o ffe rs 6 0 u nd ergrad u ate and 32 g ra du ate degree rogram s. App lica tio n d e a dlin e: A p p lica tio ns w ill be a ccepted until e cem be r 15, 1995. Mail resum e, in clu din g n am es o f th re e re fe r­ n ce s w ith p h o n e n um bers, to: J o A n n Low rance, D irector, P ersonnel ervices, W e s t T e x a s A & M U n iv e rs ity , W TA M U Box 999, Canyon, X 7 9016-0001. W TA M U is an AA/E E O em ployer. S S IS T A N T M U SIC L IB R A R IA N . R espo n sib ilitie s: A d m in iste r and lan the p ro gra m s and d a ily o pe ra tion s o f the M usic L ibrary a nd serve s p rim a ry re feren ce lib ra ria n in the branch. C o nstructio n o f a n ew a c ility w ill b e g in th is fa ll, w h ic h w ill in c re a s e e x is tin g s p a c e and f s i T N 6 p D e S T A p a f 7 3 0 /C & R L News THE S FSADIDLESACI November 1995/ 731 ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR East Carolina University RESPONSIBILITIES: Reports to the Director of Academic Library Services and is responsible for leadership and management of library activities in the areas of automation and telecommunications, budgeting, facilities planning and utilization, and State Personnel Act (SPA) employees. Provides liaison and effective communication with related campus departments, as well as appropriate units in the Health Sciences Division of the university, and state, regional, and national groups as appropriate. QUALIFICATIONS: An ALA-accredited MLS and five years of successful administrative experience in an academic/research library are required. The successful candidate will be expected to demonstrate broad-based knowledge of academic/research library operations and services; organizational abilities and leadership qualities; skills in written and oral communication, interpersonal relations, and team building; comprehensive current knowledge of developments in electronic technologies and telecom­ munications and experience in deploying them; skills in library fiscal management, contract negotiation, and planning; and strong analytical skills and problem solving ability. There will be evidence of an established record of research, publication, public service, and participation in professional associa­ tions. A second master's degree or doctorate preferred. 12-month tenure-trackfaculty position available beginning January 2 , 1996. Rank and salary dependent upon qualifications and experience. Substantial record of research, publication, and presentation will be expected of the successful candidate for promotion and tenure. A constituent institution of the University of North Carolina, East Carolina University has over 17,000 students in 12 colleges and schools. Academic Library Services provides library and information services through two libraries, Joyner Library and the Music Library. Academic Library Services has a faculty of 29 and a staff of 75.5. Library collections total more than one million volumes plus extensive holdings of microforms, government documents, and manuscripts. Academic Library Services is networked, providing access to CD-ROMs, the Internet, and the integrated library system Horizon. Construction is underway on a major addition and renovation that will double the size of the library. Screening of applications will begin January 3 , 1996. Applicants should submit a complete resume, copies of all transcripts, and a letter of application summarizing achievements and potential for the position. Applicants should have three letters of reference mailed to the search committee in order to be considered. Official transcripts from each college or university attended will be required prior to any offer of employment. A s s o c ia te D ire cto r S earch C o m m itte e Pat Elks, E xecu tive A s sista nt J o y n e r Library E ast C arolina U n iversity G ree n ville, NC 2785 8-43 53 A n equ a l opportunity, affirm ative action employer. Accom m odates individuals with disabilities. Applicants m u st co m ply with the Im m igration R eform a n d C on tro l Act. include the music listening lab. Maintain a close relationship with branch library administrators and the School of Music faculty. Super­ vise, train, and evaluate the employees of the Music Library. Respon­ sible for teaching Introduction to Musicology (Bibliography and Re­ search) within the School of Music. Assist in collection development. Participate in various activities at the M. D. Anderson Library, includ­ ing some reference desk duty and involvement with library commit­ tees and task forces. Requirements: Master’s degree from an ALA- accredited library school and master’s degree in music are required. Excellent communication skills and strong service orientation essen­ tial. Desire to work in an environment where services are expanding and where there is considerable scope for planning and implementing new program initiatives, including the application of new technologies to the delivery of services. Salary: $26,000. Comprehensive benefits package; choice of retirement programs, including TIAA/CREF; tax- deferred annuity program available; released time to take a class up to three hours/week; no state or local income tax. Library information: As the research library for a four-campus system, the University of Houston Libraries holdings exceed 1.8 million volumes, with a current materials budget of $4.2 million. Total staff includes 46 professionals and 160 support staff. The library is a member of ARL. General information: Houston is America’s fourth largest city, a vital force in the commerce of the nation. It has established a flourishing cultural life rivaled by few cities in the world. It enjoys the amenities of a large metropolitan city within easy reach of the Texas gulf coast. The University of Houston campus comprises 13 colleges and schools offering close to 80 degree programs with an enrollment of 33,000 students, 8,000 of whom are enrolled in graduate studies. This institution is a Carnegie Research II university. Application Deadline: Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, names of three references, and resume to: Jose Aguinaga, Library Personnel Coordinator, Uni­ versity of Houston Libraries, Houston, TX 77204-2091. The Univer­ sity of Houston is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities, women, veterans, and persons with disabilities are encour­ aged to apply. AUTOMATED CATALOGING MANAGER. Responsibilities: The University of Houston Libraries acquisitions department consists of automated cataloging, monograph ordering and receiving, gifts, preorder searching, and financial services. The automated cataloging manager’s primary responsibility will be to manage the automated cataloging unit, consisting of seven support staff and three student assistants. The unit is responsible for preorder searching and verifi- 732/C&RL News HEAD OF REFERENCE AND PUBLIC SERVICES (Search Extended) Stevens-German Library Hartwick College The Stevens-German Library of Hartwick College is seeking a Head of Public Services to oversee and manage its reference, bibliographic instruc­ tion, interlibrary loan and circulation functions. This position concentrates on bibliographic in­ struction, using both traditional methods and skills and newer networked services and techniques; reference services, integrating electronic re­ sources with local print resources; consultation in the use of remote databases and services to departments; and in reference collection develop­ ment activities. This person will share evening and weekend duties with two full-time and two part-time professionals. Requirements include an accredited MLS, a sec­ ond master’s degree desirable, and five or more years of appropriate public services experience in an academic library. The successful candidate must have excellent oral and written communica­ tion skills and must evidence excellent interper­ sonal and personnel skills. It is expected that candidates will have experience in using and in teaching online resources and Internet services and will work to develop and publicize resources and approaches for the library’s user population. This is a 12-month administrative position. Salary is commensurate with experience and we offer excellent benefits. Hartwick College, a selective liberal arts college of 1,435 students, is located in south- central New York state. The library holds 270,000 volumes and subscribes to 1,046 periodicals and newspapers, is fully automated, has a staff of 19 FTE, and is fully accessible via a campus network. Letters of application, including a resume and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references, should be sent to: R o b ert D anford C o lle g e Lib ra rian and D irector S tev en s-G erm a n L ibrary H a rtw ic k C o lle ge O ne on ta, NY 13820 phone: (60 7 ) 4 3 1-4 449 e-m ail: d a n fo rd r@ h a rtw ic k .e d u Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the appointment is made. H artw ick C ollege is an equ a l opp o rtu n ity em ployer. M em bers o f underre pre se n te d g rou p s are enco u ra ge d to apply. cation, copy cataloging, and OCLC input. This position will participate in planning, setting goals and objectives, identifying and resolving problems, and assessing the productivity of staff and operations within the acquisitions department. Requirements: Master's degree from an ALA-accredited library school and experience in cataloging operations required. Supervisory experience and knowledge of the Innovative system preferred. Required knowledge of MARC formats, LCSH, LC classification, AACR2, and automated cataloging systems, preferably OCLC. Ability to interact effectively with all levels of staff. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Salary: $30,000. Comprehensive benefits package; choice of retirement programs, including TIAA/CREF; tax-deferred annuity program available; re­ lease time to take a class up to three hours/week; no state or local income tax. Library information: As the research library for a four- campus system, the University of Houston Libraries holdings exceed 1.8 million volumes, with a current materials budget of $4.2 million. Total staff includes 46 professionals and 160 support staff. The library is a member of ARL. General information: Houston is America’s fourth- largest city, a vital force in the commerce of the nation. It has established a flourishing cultural life rivaled by few cities in the world. It enjoys the amenities of a large metropolitan city within easy reach of the Texas gulf coast. The University of Houston campus comprises 13 colleges and schools offering close to 80 degree programs, with an enrollment of 33,000 students, 8,000 of whom are enrolled in graduate studies. This institution is a Carnegie Research II University. Applica­ tion Deadline: Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, names of three references, and resume to: Jose Aguinaga, Library Personnel Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15, 1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. Connecticut $31,273 Delaware $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $24,533 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $30,128 New York varies* North Carolina $24,367+ Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $23,700* Rhode Island $28,000 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $20,000 Texas $26,000 Vermont $23,846 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $25,830 *R ather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a form ula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minimum salary information. +Salary minimums for public librarians only. #Option for local formula. November 1995/ 733 LIBRARIANS—TWO POSITIONS University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida A rapidly growing state university; enrollment 26,000; fully automated library. GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED FOR BOTH POSITIONS: ALA-accredited master’s de­ gree; ability to work effectively with faculty and students; ability to work independently and cooperatively in a team setting; excellent oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills. HEAD, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT REPORTS TO: Director of Libraries. RESPONSIBLE FOR: Management of department with 17 FTE librarians and three support staff. Provides dynamic, creative leadership; develops and evaluates services; coordinates the daily and long-term operations of the department, including: reference assistance; collection development of reference resources in all formats; library instruction; and U.S. and Florida documents, as well as patent and trademark depositories. As member of the library’s management team, works closely with administration and other department heads to plan, implement, and coordinate library programs and policies. REQUIRED: A minimum of five years post-MLS public service experience including reference in an automated academic library environment; supervisory and managerial experience; demonstrated understanding of reference and instruction issues as well as current developments and trends in electronic reference and information technologies; knowledge of print and electronic reference sources and services; strong dedication to responsive and innovative services. DESIRED: Evidence of strong leadership skills; demonstrated ability to handle multiple responsibilities; experience with LAN technology, CD-ROM networks, and the Internet; library instruction experience; and evidence of active ongoing participation in the profession. POSTMARKED DEADLINE: December 15, 1995. POSITION AVAILABLE: April 15, 1996. COORDINATOR, ONLINE SEARCH SERVICES REPORTS TO: Head of Access Services. RESPONSIBLE FOR: The library’s mediated search service to faculty, staff, and students. Plans, promotes, and evaluates service; directs and trains participating librarians and staff. Expected to participate in reference, bibliographic instruction, or collection development activities. REQUIRED: Three years post-MLS experience in an automated library environment; familiarity with traditional and emerging information sources and technologies; advanced online searching skills using multiple systems such as DIALOG, Ovid, LEXIS/NEXIS, and STN; demonstrated organizational skills; and a strong commitment to public service. DESIRED: Working knowledge of a variety of microcomputers, microcomputer software, and library computer applications; reference experience in an academic library; experience in bibliographic instruction; supervisory experience; demonstrated leadership ability; and evidence of active ongoing participation in the profession. POSTMARKED DEADLINE: January 2 , 1 996. POSITION AVAILABLE: May 31, 1996 RANK AND SALARY FOR BOTH POSITIONS: Commensurate with qualifications and experience. MINIMUM SALARIES: Assistant Librarian, $27,000; Associate Librarian, $29,500; University Librarian, $33,000. SUBMIT: A separate cover letter for each position, addressing above qualifications; resume; and names, addresses, and telephone numbers for five professional references, postmarked by deadline, to: V ic to r F. O wen L ib ra ry P erso n nel O ffic e r U n iversity of C entral Florida L ibrary P.O. Box 162666 O rlan do , FL 3 2 81 6-26 66 Florida application a n d selection proce d u res are su b je ct to p u b lic review. AA/EEO . 734/C&RL News TWO POSITIONS Temple University Libraries ACCESS SERVICES LIBRARIAN, AMBLER CAMPUS LIBRARY Supervises the access services operation of a branch library serving Temple University’s Ambler Campus. Oversees the daily operations of the circulation unit, the reserve unit, the intralibrary/ interlibrary loan unit, and the Library Media Center. Provides reference and information services, collection development, and library instruction. Contributes to the formulation and coordination of policies and procedures. In addition to qualifications listed below, experience in library access services or related areas is required. Experience with online library systems and office automation technology highly desirable. Salary: $26,500 minimum. Address correspondence to: Linda Cotilla, address below. PRESERVATION LIBRARIAN Responsible for planning, organizing, coordinating, and implementing a preservation program for the University Libraries that employs techniques of preservation, restoration, and reformatting. Program components include preservation education and training for staff, disaster preparedness planning, and assistance with preparation of grant proposals. Supervises functions of binding/materials processing unit, which includes: Preparation of material for shipment to commercial binders; in-house preservation and repair of library materials; and physical preparation of material. Position reports to Head, Acquisitions. In addition to qualifications listed below: two or more years of relevant experience in an academic or research library. Familiarity with commercial binding, preservation/conversation opera­ tions, and digital imaging technologies. Salary: $28,000 minimum. Address correspondence to: Cornelia Tucker, address below. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from ALA-accredited library school. Supervisory experience. Demonstrated oral and written communication skills, excellent interpersonal skills, and strong service orientation are essential. SALARY: Positions are 10-month appointment; salaries may be higher, depending on qualifications and experience. Additional month may be required for an added 9.6% of annual salary. Fringe benefits include health, dental, and life insurance; tuition remission; TIAA/CREF. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Send letter addressing all qualifications stated above, resume, and names of three references to: C h air (nam ed above) S earch C om m itte e c/o A d m in is tra tiv e S ervices D epartm ent Paley Library 01 7-0 0 T e m p le U niversity P hiladelphia, PA 19122 Review of applications will begin December 1 , 1 995, and continue until positions are filled. A n A A /E O employer. Coordinator, University of Houston Libraries, Houston, TX 77204- 2091. The University of Houston is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities, women, veterans, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. CATALOG LIBRARIAN FOR DATABASE MANAGEMENT AND ELECTRONIC RESOURCES. Auraria Library seeks an energetic and innovative professional who understands the principles of biblio­ graphic control. This position is responsible for the management and quality control of a CARL database; plans database maintenance and cleanup; performs some professional cataloging in various formats, including Internet resources. This position supervises library techni­ cians in the database maintenance unit and reports to the Coordinator of Bibliographic Services and Special Collections. An important aspect of this position will be to work with the coordinator and the head of the cataloging unit to formulate cataloging policies and procedures. This University of Colorado at Denver faculty position requires scholarly and service activities. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; two years cataloging or cataloging-related experience; knowledge of and experience with MARC formats, AACR2, and LCSH; supervisory ability; experience with an integrated library system; working knowl­ edge of the Internet; ability to manage change and to work well in a team environment; effective interpersonal and communication skills. Desirable: Experience cataloging Internet or electronic resources; experience with catalog management; relevant supervisory experi­ ence. Salary/benefits: $30,900 minimum for a 12-month faculty appointment, negotiated depending on education and experience. Tuition benefits, sick leave, 22 vacation days, and TIAA/CREF. Background: Auraria Library supports the programs of the University of Colorado at Denver, Metropolitan State College of Denver, and the Community College of Denver. The student population is approxi­ mately 35,000, with 2,800 faculty and staff. This urban campus reflects the multicultural population of the metropolitan area. The staff of Auraria Library is committed to a service-oriented approach. To apply: Please send a letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Rutherford W. Witthus, Coordinator of Bibliographic Services & Special Collec­ tions, Auraria Library, Lawrence at 11th, Denver, CO 80204. The search committee will begin reviewing applications on November 1‚ 1995 and continue until the position is filled. Position will be available on January 2 , 1996, contingent on funding. The University of Colorado at Denver is committed to enhancing the diversity of its faculty and November 1995/ 735 SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN The Pierpont Morgan Library The Pierpont Morgan Library is an independent research library and museum with important collections of rare books, manuscripts, drawings and prints, ancient Near Eastern cylinder seals, and art objects. The library has eight curatorial departments and a reference collection of over 50,000 volumes. At present, rare and reference books are cataloged into RLIN; other collections are documented in departmental files, printed cataloges, and a Reading Room card catalogue. The library seeks a Systems Librarian to plan and coordinate the implementation of an online catalogue for access to the library’s collections. Duties include the drafting of technical and functional requirements, systems evaluations leading to selection, liaison with vendors, management of retrospective conversion and data conversion projects, installation of the system, and ongoing support. The Systems Librarian will plan and implement access to collections through RLIN and the Internet as well as develop the OPAC as a means for access to digitized images. QUALIFICATIONS: Master’s degree in library or information science highly desirable; experience with integrated library systems and bibliographic utilities (preferably RLIN) in an academic or research library setting, thorough understanding of the MARC format and bibliographic control, and knowledge of computer-based resources and services, including the Internet, required. Experience working with special collections and works of art, retrospective conversion projects, and with evaluating and implementing a library system preferred. SALARY: Mid-$40,000s. Candidates may send a letter of interest and a resume to: N ancy S choffelen H um an R eso urce s A s so ciate T h e P ierpo nt M organ Library 29 E. 36th St. New Y ork, NY 10016 Applications will be accepted until January 1 , 1 996. The P ierpont M organ L ibrary is an equ a l opportunity employer. staff and encourages applications from a broad spectrum of people, particularly women and minorities. Alternative formats of this adver­ tisement are available. CATALOGER, RARE BOOKS DIVISION. Butterfield & Butterfield. Responsibilities: Performs original cataloging of fine books and manuscripts; trains others in cataloging; refines and maintains uni­ form cataloging style; engages in online and off-site scholarly and bibliographical research as needed; participates in all aspects of catalog production; coordinates marketing efforts for catalog mail­ ings; learns to appraise material. Qualifications: Training in the handling of rare books, knowledge of analytical and descriptive bibliography, and familiarity with the history of the book and the techniques of book illustration essential, especially 15th- to 18th- century. Familiarity with the organization of library material for re­ search purposes and with standard bibliographies. Knowledge of incunables and early printed books necessary. Some knowledge of 16th- to 18th-century maps helpful. Working knowledge of classical and European languages, especially Latin, French, and some Ger­ man desired. Prior cataloging experience required. MLS preferred. Other requirements: Familiarity with computer systems and data­ bases. Strong organizational and communication skills, with the ability to work under pressure, meet deadlines, and anticipate and solve problems. Detail-oriented. Excellent opportunity to examine and describe diverse rare materials. Salary commensurate with knowledge. Qualified applicants should send resume and references, w ithaletterof application, to: Director of Human Resources, Butterfield & Butterfield, 220 San Bruno Ave., San Francisco, CA 94103; phone: (415) 861-7500, ext. 246; fax: (415) 861-8951. COORDINATOR OF REFERENCE SERVICES AND DISTANCE EDUCATION. Library, Western Oregon State College. Coordinate reference, research, and distance education services to students, faculty, and staff; prepare publications; participate in collection devel­ opment, user-education programs, and campus service activities. Provide reference assistance and help patrons search CD-ROM and online catalogs and databases. Work closely with teaching faculty to promote reference and distance education sen/ices. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree required; second master’s degree pre­ ferred and required for tenure. Experience providing reference and research assistance in an academic library preferred; also outstand­ ing public service, oral and written communication skills, and exper­ tise in selecting and managing electronic resources. 12-month, tenure-track, Assistant Professor or higher. $27,000–$32,000 salary, excellent benefits. Application: Send cover letter, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references by November 30, 1995, to: Gary Jensen, Library Director, Western Oregon State College, Monmouth, OR 97361; phone: (503) 838-8886; fax: (503) 838-8399; e-mail: AA/EOE. Women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities encouraged to apply. Western is a four-year liberal arts college of nearly 4,000 students which offers 32 various bachelor’s and master's degree programs. Located in the Willamette Valley, it is 15 miles from Salem, the state’s capital. DEAN OF ACADEMIC INFORMATION SERVICES. MiraCosta Com­ munity College, Oceanside, California. Located along the northern coast of San Diego County in California, MiraCosta College is a single college district with three sites, serving more than 11,000 credit and noncredit students. MiraCosta College has pledged itself to leading and sustaining our community into the new era of information science and technological change. The college is searching for a leader with strong planning and team management skills who will be responsible for Library Services, Academic and Administrative Computing Ser­ vices, and Media Services. Reporting to the Vice-President, Instruc­ tion, the Dean of Academic Information Services is responsible for coordinating the planning and integration of information resources, services, and technical applications as well as expanding new strategies for learning within the emerging technological context. Application materials will be mailed beginning December 11, 1995. 736/C&RL News DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF INFORMATION LITERACY University of Louisville Libraries The University Libraries are seeking an enthusiastic, service-oriented librarian or educator to play a key role in the transformation of traditional library education programs into an integrated information literacy program. The Libraries’ New Vision planning document envisions a new university-wide instruction program whose goal is to enable students and staff to find, evaluate, and make effective use of information in all formats. The Director of Information Literacy will be responsible for coordinating and directing such a program in conjunction with other university departments and faculty. The Director will also work with the seven U of L libraries, the university’s Information Technology unit, faculty, and students to develop the best strategies for providing instruction in information technologies and for integrating those technologies into the classroom. The Director will coordinate curriculum support to promote effective use of both print-based and electronic information services; promote a high level of awareness throughout the university of trends and new developments in academic information services and in related areas of computing and networking technology; plan and develop a multifaceted assessment program. The person will be expected to meet requirements of a faculty position requiring professional development and service in addition to excellent job performance. The Director will manage the staff and operations of information literacy facilities (classroom and user centers); recommend and plan new facilities as needed; coordinate planning and delivery of training for library personnel on effective use of information technology in their work. Reporting to the University Librarian, the Director will assist with development activities, writing grant proposals, and other fund raising to support information literacy programs, and administer the libraries’ information literacy budget. Minimum salary: $45,000, non-tenure track position. The university has an attractive, comprehensive benefits package. To apply, send a resume, cover letter, and the names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: U n iversity P ersonnel S ervices U n iversity of Louisville Lou isville , KY 40292 DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: Applications received by December 15, 1995, will receive first consideration but applications will be accepted until position is filled. For the complete text of this job listing, including details of required qualifications and application procedures as well as more information about the University Libraries, see our web page at: http:// contact David Horvath, Search Committee Chair, at (502) 852-6302 or Completed applications will be accepted until the position is filled but submissions are especially encouraged to be received by 4 p.m. on February 2 , 1996, when the Search Committee will begin its review of applicants’ materials. This district offers a competitive salary plus a comprehensive package of benefits which includes employee and dependent medical and dental coverage, $100,000 life insurance, and income protection insurance. Application information: To obtain ap­ plication materials, please leave your name and address on the MiraCosta College Human Resources Job Line: (619) 757-2121 ‚ ext. 8071. All inquiries, nominations, and applications will be held in the strictest confidence. MiraCosta College, an equal employment oppor­ tunity, affirmative action employer, works to enhance its staff diversity by specifically inviting and encouraging minorities and women to apply. DEPARTMENT HEAD, INTERLIBRARY LOAN/REFERENCE LI BRARIAN. The University of Arkansas at Little Rock seeks qualified applicants to fill the Interlibrary Loan/Reference Librarian position immediately. Responsibilities: Supervises a department that con­ ducts all interlibrary loan transactions for the library and provides general reference service on rotation at the public reference desk. Flexible schedule, including work one night per week during regular academic terms, plus some weekends. Department operations in­ clude handling personnel matters, improving procedures for more effective service, and reviewing document delivery services. Refer­ ence duties include helping to select reference titles, explaining CD- ROM services to students, interpreting the DRA system to patrons, and providing bibliographic instruction. Some knowledge of the Internet and other online systems necessary.MLS from an ALA- accredited institution, with minimum three years professional experi­ ence, required; background in public services work, especially refer­ ence, preferred. ILL experience helpful; excellent interpersonal and communication skills necessary. Minimum salary: $27,000 for 12- month faculty tenure-track position at rank of Assistant Professor; 22 days of paid vacation plus holidays; TIAA/CREF; dental and health insurance; disability and life insurance also available. Send resume and transcripts, with names of three professional references to: Kathy Sanders, Chair, Search Committee, Ottenheimer Library, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2801 S. University, Little Rock, AR 72204. The University of Arkansas at Little Rock is an equal opportu­ nity, affirmative action employer and actively seeks the candidacy of minorities, women, Vietnam-era veterans, and persons with disabili­ ties. Under Arkansas law, all applications are subject to disclosure. DIRECTOR OF LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER. The University of Texas of the Permian Basin seeks a Director of the Learning Resource Center, the head of all library staff and collections, who reports directly to the Vice-President for Academic Affairs. Minimal requirements for the position include an MLS from an accredited institution and one other master's degree; doctorate preferred. The successful candidate November 1995/ 737 will have been a director of a library, or at least an assistant or associate director, with appropriate experience in the application of electronic resources a must. This person also must have budgetary and personnel skills commensurate with this level position. He/she will be flexible and comfortable working in an environment of change that accommodates a growing campus, and will possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills in order to work with a wide variety of patrons, on and off campus. This is a unique opportunity in a leading-edge. library that focuses on technology applications for the future. In addition to a number of electronic databases and online journals, the library currently consists of 250,000 hardbound volumes and over 500,000 titles in microform holdings. The university enrolls about 2,400 students and offers 23 undergraduate and eight master's degrees. A letter of application, a recent resume, and a list of five references should be sent to: Gary Klein, Chair of the Search Committee, University of Texas of the Permian Basin, 4901 E. University, Odessa, TX 79762. Applications and nominations will be accepted until December 1 , 1995. An AA/EO employer. #742-6-393. HEAD, AUTOMATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT. Provides leader­ ship in a department that provides services to rapidly growing libraries serving academic and health science campuses. Supervises staff of six in a NOTIS environment with over 20 databases, 250 installed microcomputers in Banyan and Novell networks, a large CD-ROM network, developing client/server systems, and linkages to Internet resources. Working in a team environment, helps to provide a vision and inspiration for the future, plan for new technology, set automation policy, define departmental procedure, and manage ongoing projects. Works cooperatively with all areas of the library to define automation problems and develop strategies for resolution. Manages daily tech­ nical operations. Assesses library’s equipment and software needs, assists in budgeting process, and directs staff in their acquisition and installation. Principal library contact for automation vendors, utilities, and campus computing centers, and participates in statewide library computing initiatives. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS ora master's degree in a computer-related discipline required, with at least five years of increasingly progressive responsibilities in library systems work. The following are preferred: Ability to articulate an inspiring and realistic vision of the future of library computing; excellent oral and written communication skills; good organizational and project man­ agement skills; demonstrated understanding of different PC, Unix, and mainframe computing environments; experience with a variety of microcomputer application software, an integrated library system (preferably NOTIS), and client/server systems; knowledge of devel­ oping technological trends as well as a broad knowledge and under­ standing of both library public and technical services; positive inter­ personal relations with ability to work well independently and in groups; record of achievement in library automation and of profes­ sional activities, with ability to meet requirements for faculty advance­ ment, including professional service and publication. Experience working in a culturally diverse environment highly preferred. Environ­ ment: VCU is a publicly supported, urban, research university in Richmond, Virginia, serving 20,000 students on the academic cam­ pus and at the Medical College of Virginia. The library has 1.1 million volumes and a materials budget of $4.5 million. Salary: $40,000 minimum. Benefits include 24 days leave, choice of health plans (including HMOs and dental plans), choice of retirement and annuity plans (including TIAA/CREF), remuneration for university course work, and paid life insurance. Application: Submit resume and the names and phone numbers for three current references to: John Duke, Assistant Director for Network and Technical Services, University Library Services, Virginia Commonwealth University, VCU Box 842033, Richmond, VA 23284-2033. Review of applications will begin December 1, 1995. Virginia Commonwealth University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities, women, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. HEAD, LIFE AND HEALTH SCIENCES AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES LIBRARIES. The University of Nevada, Reno, Libraries seek a librarian to direct two science branch libraries: the Life and Health Sciences Library and Physical Sciences Library. Responsibilities: Primary responsibilities include reference, collection development, computer database searching, and user instruction for life and health science disciplines. Has administrative oversight of these activities for physics and chemistry disciplines. Promotes development of electronic information delivery systems. Participates in library staff development program. Has primary responsibility for planning, policy formulation, and administration of the two branch libraries. Partici- 738/C&RL News UNIVERSITY CENTER LIBRARIAN George Mason University George Mason University Library System is seeking a chief librarian for an innovative new library located in the University Learning Center. The UC Library, approximately 150 yards from the main research library on the campus, opened October 1995. It is fully networked and contains the latest in information technology as well as all media services of the library system, including a Student Multimedia Authoring Center. The paper collection focuses on support for the undergraduate core curriculum and includes reserves, browsing, and international newspapers. The UC Librarian will provide leadership for all segments of the UC Library and manage a staff of approximately 20 staff in information and instructional services, circulation and reserves, and media services. The GMU Library System is committed to participating in a highly interactive university program that emphasizes new ways of teaching and learning, drawing on technology where appropriate. For more information about GMU and its libraries visit The UCL reports directly to the Director of Libraries and works as a team with the Associate Director for Information Services and the Associate Librarians for Collection Development and Collection Management in coordinating pro­ grams across the library system. The successful candidate will demonstrate strong leadership qualities and an understanding of the factors which are transforming higher education and libraries. ALA-MLS and at least five years progressively responsible experience in an academic library required; second master's and experience in information technology and multimedia highly desirable. SALARY: $42,000+, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Excellent benefits. Send letter of application, resume, and names of at least three references by December 1 0 , 1995, to: U n iversity C e nte r L ibrarian S earch L ibrary A d m in is tra tio n O ffice MSN 2FL G eo rg e M ason U n iversity Fairfax, V A 22 03 0 -4 4 4 4 A A /E E O em ployer, m inorities enco u ra ge d to apply. pates in overall planning and evaluation of all science library services. Reporting staff, some indirectly, include a .5 FTE professional, 3.5 FTE classified staff, and approximately 160 hours per week of student labor. Reports to the Director of Public Services. This is a faculty rank, tenure-track appointment. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Demonstrated verbal and written communication skills; inter­ personal and supervisory skills. Three years experience in public services in academic or special libraries. Experience with microcom­ puters, database searching, and use of the Internet. Strong public service orientation. Demonstrated interest in professional activities needed to meet university requirements for promotion and tenure. Desired: Academic background in sciences or experience with sci­ ence reference and information resources. Familiarity with microcom­ puter management. Salary: Minimum $36,064 for 12 month appoint­ ment. Fringes: TIAA/CREF and other retirement options; 24 working days vacation per year; generous sick leave. The environment: The University of Nevada, Reno, is a dynamic land grant institution with 12,000 students enrolled in 74 baccalaureate, 64 master's, and 24 doctoral degree programs. The university is situated in Reno, a metropolitan area of 250,000, which is conveniently located only 40 miles from Lake Tahoe and 225 miles from San Francisco. Applica­ tions: Please send resume and names and addresses of three refer­ ences to: Janita Jobe, Assistant to the Dean for Administrative Services, University of Nevada, Reno Libraries/322, Reno, NV 89557-0044. To ensure full consideration, applicants are encouraged to have all appli­ cation information on file by December 8 , 1995. Selection will be made by the Dean of Libraries, subject to the approval of the President, from a group of top candidates selected by a screening committee. The university is an EEO, affirmative action, Title IX/Sect. 504, ADA institution. For position description: E-mail: INFORMATION AND EDUCATION SERVICES. Do you want to extend your horizons and help create our future in the information age? If so, consider joining the Information and Education Services team at the Annette and Inwin Eskind Biomedical Library, Nashville, Ten­ nessee. The library, Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s principal health information delivery vehicle, is seeking a Coordinator of Consultation Services. We are looking for an experienced (minimum four years experience), innovative librarian with extensive searching experience for this senior position. For a complete position descrip­ tion, see or call 1-800-288- 0110. EOE/AA. LIBRARIAN, HEAD OF LIBRARY SYSTEMS AND AUTOMATION (Search Extended). Newly created position. Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pennsylvania. A senior administrative position, 12-month, full-time, reporting to the library director. Guides library automation activities. Provides leadership to address automation needs of tech­ nical and public service applications. Provides overall administration of the library’s automated system (Innovative Interfaces). Trains staff and patrons in the use of library automation and Internet, MOSAIC, and WWW resources. Develops and maintains library-related home pages. Analyzes patron use of systems. Plans and delivers courses in library automation and the Internet. Participates in collection development and limited reference desk activities. Plans with director and staff for job redesign and improved workflow as a result of emerging technologies. Required: MLS from ALA-accredited institu­ tion; at least two years post-MLS systems and automation experience in an academic library or equivalent; knowledge of MARC format; experience with managing Innovative Interfaces or other automated library systems; familiarity with system architecture and database management; demonstrated ability to communicate with a wide variety of constituents with various levels of automation expertise; ability to function in a team-management environment; experience in dealing with computer center personnel; knowledge of standard software applications. Preferred: Knowledge of CD-ROMs, LANs, Unix, Hewlett Packard, the Internet, and networking for the delivery of information; experience with budgeting and personnel issues; knowl­ edge of basic reference sources and some experience with Bl; supervisory experience in traditional library technical services. Re­ view of applications will begin November 1, 1995, and will continue until the position is filled. Salary: $37,000–$40,000. To apply, send November 1995/ 739 TWO POSITIONS East Tennessee State University Sherrod Library—The University Library Two tenure-track 12-month library faculty positions are available. Librarians at ETSU have faculty rank and status and must meet university requirements for tenure and promotion. 24 annual leave days, 12 paid holidays, and sick leave. Nonrefundable contributions to the state or other optional retirement plans are paid by the university. Co-payment group health and life insurance, and professional travel and educational development support are available. Appointments are recommended at the Instructor or Assistant Professor rank, depending upon qualifications of an applicant. Salary range minimums are: Instructor, from $25,500; Assistant Professor, from $28,500. An ALA-accredited MLS degree is required for each position listed. EXTENDED CAMPUS LIBRARY SERVICES LIBRARIAN Coordinate and provide library services to off-campus programs in the ETSU service region. Responsible for reference service and library instruction to students and faculty, collection develop­ ment and instructional materials services and management, document delivery, training and supervi­ sion of staff at the ETSU/UT at Kingsport Library and at ETSU educational program sites in Bristol and at other locations as needed. Manage the ETSU/UT at Kingsport Library serving 750 students (28,000 volumes, 180 serial subscriptions), with responsibility for collection development, reference service, library instruction, circulation and reserve, interlibrary loan, AV equipment and periodicals services. Supervise one FTE support staff and two student assistants at the Kingsport Library. Work closely with off-campus site administrators and faculty, and the Dean of Libraries, to develop library services that are necessary for each program and coordinate off-campus library services with the main campus library systems, library reader services, and university television course services. Recommend, arrange, and manage appropriate formal agreements for extended library services with cooperating libraries. Monitor and coordinate library services for the university extension programs. Mileage paid for travel between sites using own car. REQUIRED: ALA-accredited MLS and demonstrated excellent oral and written communication skills. Also prefer: one to two years of professional-level reader services experience, with strong reference, user access, and supervision background; evidence of ability to work well with faculty, students, and others in an academic environment; the potential for meeting university standards for tenure-track appointment, including scholarly activity and professional service; experience in the use of current library technologies; an energetic self-starter; strong interpersonal and time-management skills. The final review of applications for this position will commence January 15, 1996 and continue until a candidate is recommended for appointment. INTERLIBRARY LOAN AND INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN Manage the Interlibrary Loan Department with responsibility for all borrowing and lending. Supervise one FTE support staff and three student assistants. Explore and recommend new methods of document delivery. Provide reference desk service, including one evening per week, and participate in the library instruction program. Report to the Assistant Director for Reader Services. REQUIRED: ALA-accredited MLS and demonstrated excellent oral and written communication skills. Also prefer: One to two years of professional-level reader services experience; familiarity with OCLC and its ILL subsystem; supervisory skills; working knowledge of a western European language; evidence of ability to work harmoniously with others in a team setting which emphasizes shared decision-making; experience in the use of current library technologies; strong interpersonal and time management skills; and the potential to meet university standards for tenure-track appointment, including scholarly activity and service. The application deadline for this position is January 1 5 , 1996. Please send application letter explaining interest in and qualifications for a specific position listed above, with a complete resume and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references. Apply by application deadlines to: L ibrary C om m itte e Search C hairperson East T e n ne ss ee S tate University Box 70665 Joh ns on City, TN 37614-0564 AA/EOE. 740 / C&RL News letter of application addressing qualifications; resume; names, ad­ dresses, and phone numbers of three recent professional references; and a statement of philosophy of automation as it relates to library service to: Myrna McCallister, Library Director, Trexler Library, Muhlenberg College, 2400 Chew St., Allentown, PA 18104. Muhlenberg College is a selective, private, liberal arts college of 1650+ students and 150 faculty, located in eastern Pennsylvania, one hour from Philadelphia and two hours from New York City. Trexler Library is a new facility offering a modern and beautiful setting in the center of the 74-acre campus. Call or write for a fuller job description. EOE. LIBRARIAN II, HEAD, GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARY (search reopened). Michigan State University Libraries (PRO 190). Reporting to Coordinator, Main Library Reference Services, manages the Government Documents Library. Responsible for supervision of librarians and support staff; selection and processing of collections; reference; library instruction; and database services. Participates in full range of activities in Government Documents Library; coordinates activities and programs with Social Science and Humanities Refer­ ence and other library units. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; three years successful professional experience in an academic or research library, including documents; excellent written and oral communica­ tion skills. Desired: Familiarity with IGO materials; supervisory expe­ rience; effective instructional skills. Minimum salary: $30,000, de­ pending on qualifications. MSU is a selective federal depository library, a depository for European Communities, Canadian, and Michigan documents, and includes collections from dozens of inter­ national organizations. Holdings include over 900,000 print volumes, November 1995/ 741 TECHNICAL REFERENCE LIBRARIAN FOR PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY California Institute of Technology The Caltech Library System seeks a self-motivated, enthusiastic, service-oriented librarian to provide information and subject expertise in physics, astronomy, and related technical subjects. The librarian oversees the daily operations of the Astrophysics Library and the maintenance requirements of three remote observatory reading rooms. The librarian maintains a strong working relationship with the faculty in the division, the Library System administration, and the faculty of related departments and is responsible for collection development, in-person, telephone, and/or electronic mail information/ reference service using print and online resources, and research reference sen/ice encompassing in- depth consulting with graduate students and faculty. The librarian will participate in librarywide initiatives and will work in a multidisciplinary team environment to explore and promote applications of new information technologies, including needs assessment, user education, evaluation of information in all formats, and special research projects. The librarian is responsible and accountable for problem solving and is empowered with the authority to make decisions at appropriate levels. The librarian reports to the Head of Technical Information Services. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS; undergraduate degree in physics o ra related technical field or equivalent in experience; excellent verbal and written communication skills; excellent interpersonal skills, including the ability to work with students, coworkers, faculty, and administrators. Clear and demonstrated knowledge of new technologies and their applications to enhancing user services; expertise in computer-based systems. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Three to five years technical and/or research library experience using the literature and electronic resources of the physical sciences. Demonstrated ability to devise new or improved products and services for a demanding, technologically sophisticated, research-oriented clientele. Demonstrated commitment to continuous learning and professional development for oneself and for the team and to active participation in the library profession. Founded in 1921‚ the California Institute of Technology is an independent, privately supported university in the Los Angeles basin. Caltech conducts instruction at both the undergraduate and graduate levels: approximately 900 undergraduate students, 1‚ 100 graduate students, and 1,000 faculty members. The Caltech graduate programs rate among the very best in the country. Caltech’s World Web pages can be accessed at URL The Caltech Library System is comprised of 17 FTE librarians, 44 FTE support staff, and maintains a collection of about 500,000 volumes and extensive microform, technical report, archival, and map collections. Its mission is to provide library resources and forward-looking information services of the highest quality to facilitate the research and educational programs of the institute. The Caltech Library System implemented the INNOPACILS five years ago and developed and maintains an extensive 13- year journal article database and automated document delivery service using the BRS search engine. In addition, the new Sherman Fairchild Library of Engineering and Applied Science will be finished in late 1996. Salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications, with a minimum of $36,000 annually. Competitive benefits, including TIAA/CREF. For consideration, please send a letter of application with resume and the names and addresses of three references to: C hair, Search C om m ittee Tech n ic al R eference Librarian fo r Physics and A stronom y M illikan 1-32 C alifornia Institute of T echnology Pasadena, CA 91125. The position will remain open until filled. Caltech Is an affirm ative action, equ a l opportunity employer. Women, minorities, veterans, a n d d isabled p ersons are encouraged to apply. 742/C&RL News EDUCATION LIBRARIAN W e s t e r n M ic h ig a n U n iv e r s it y Education Library is one of three branch libraries at Western Michigan University. It is newly renovated and houses a collection of 90,000 volumes supporting the faculty and students in the College of Education. RESPONSIBILITIES: Seeking creative new memberof technology team to employ newest in computer- based tools to provide bibliographic instruction, help patrons develop search strategies using online catalog, CD-ROM, and tape-loaded databases, and develop user aids utilizing WWW, authoring, and electronic presentation software. Also includes coordination of the university film/videotape collection. QUALIFICATIONS, REQUIRED: ALA-accredited MLS; experience with circulation management of instructional media; demonstrated strong written and verbal communication and personal computing skills; commitment to evening and weekend work schedule. Preferred: Experience in bibliographic instruction; information retrieval; academic library public service in the field of education; and interest in new technology. COMPENSATION: Minimum of $31,500 plus liberal fringe benefits. Salary commensurate with qualifica­ tions and experience. PROCEDURES: Letter, resume, and names of three references should be sent to: R egina E. B uckner D irector, O perational Services W aldo Library W estern M ichigan U n iversity K alam azoo, Ml 49008 Applications received by November 3 0 , 1995, will receive first consideration. Review will continue until the position is filled. WMU is a dynamic and growing Carnegie Doctoral I University with 22 doctoral programs and enrollment of 26,537 students, 24% at the graduate level. Six colleges employ 749 faculty members. Located less than three hours from Chicago and Detroit, Kalamazoo offers rich cultural and recreational activities and Is situated in the fastest-growing part of the state. WMU is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action em plo ye r a n d encourages qualified women a n d m em bers o f m ino rity g roups to apply. 2.8 million microform pieces, and 11,000 current serials. Staff is three FTE librarians, 3.5 FTE support staff, and 6.5 FTE student workers. Government Documents Library shares a common service point with Social Sciences and Humanities Reference. Submit a letter of appli­ cation, resume, and the names and addresses of three current references to: Libraries Human Resources, W 102A Main Library, Michigan State University Libraries, East Lansing, Ml 48824-1048. Applications received by December 1, 1995, will receive priority consideration; review will continue until position is filled. MSU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. MUSIC LIBRARIAN. A 12-month, tenure-track appointment with the University of Kansas Libraries. This position manages operation of the Thomas Gorton Music Library, a branch library which serves aca­ demic programs through the doctoral level in Applied Music, Musicol­ ogy, Music Education, and Music Therapy. Required qualifications: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program; bachelor’s degree in music; professional library experience with music materials in an academic or research library; strong commitment to collection build­ ing and to active, innovative public service programs; effective oral and written communication skills and interpersonal skills; strong supervisory potential; ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and staff; experience conducting database searches; familiarity with bibliographic resources in music; demonstrated ability to effectively plan, organize, and implement services and operations. Preferred qualifications: Advanced degree in musicology; reference, instruc­ tional, and collection development experience with music materials; successful supervisory experience; experience with electronic infor­ mation technologies and information retrieval; reading knowledge of German, Spanish, Italian, or other western European languages. Excellent benefits. Annual salary range: $30,000-$38,000, depen­ dent upon qualifications. To apply, submit letter of application, resume, copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and names of three references to: Sandra Gilliland, Assistant to the Dean for Personnel, University of Kansas Libraries, 502 Watson Library, Lawrence, KS 66045-2800. Applications postmarked by December 1‚ 1995 will be given first consideration. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Interviews tentatively scheduled for mid- January 1996. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE/ELECTRONIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Emporia State University is accepting applications for a Reference/Electronic Ser­ vices Librarian. Responsibilities include general reference and library instruction, use and operation of electronic reference sources, and collection development duties. ALA-accredited MLS and one to two years professional experience in academic public services required. Evidence of knowledge and expertise in online, CD-ROM, Internet products and services, and microcomputer applications required. Networking experience a plus. Salary and rank commensurate with experience, minimum $24,000. Appointment date of December 18, 1995, is negotiable. Screening will begin November 6, 1995, and continue until position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, copies of transcripts, and three references to: Henry Stewart, Univer­ sity Librarian, Emporia State University, Campus Box 4051, Empo­ ria, KS 66801-5087. AA/EOE. SHARED RESOURCES LIBRARIAN. Northern Arizona University. Academic professional position. The Cline Library at Northern Arizona November 1995/ 743 UNIVERSITY CENTER REFERENCE AND TEACHING LIBRARIANS (Search Reopened) George Mason University George Mason’s University Center Library (UCL) seeks two creative, enthusiastic librarians to help develop new approaches to information retrieval, delivery, and instruction. The University Center Library, opened October 1995, provides unique opportunities for innovative services in an exciting, multi-faceted learning environment. ALA-MLS, a strong service orientation and excellent communica­ tion skills are required; 2nd masters preferred. Some evening and weekend duty. HEAD, REFERENCE AND ELECTRONIC RESOURCES/UCL Leads the development and implementation of state-of-the-art reference and information access services in the UCL. Guides the library’s teaching program, integrating new technology as appropriate. Directly supervises two librarians and 2.5 FTE library assistants. Responsible for UCL traditional and electronic collection development. Coordinates collections, resources, instruction and services with other libraries in the GMU Library System. Participates in university outreach activities. Reports to University Center Librarian. REQUIRED: Four years experience in an academic library; including Internet, library instruction, and supervisory experience. Collection development experience desired. MINIMUM SALARY: $34,000 depending on qualifications. REFERENCE/INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN/UCL Designs, implements, and evaluates the teaching program for the UCL including orientation and individual and group instruction using print, electronic, Internet, and multimedia materials. Trains library staff in innovative instructional methods instruction. Collaborates with other libraries to integrate instruction throughout the system. Liaison to New Century College, an innovative undergraduate program. Performs reference service and collection development. Participates in university outreach activities. Reports to Head, Reference and Electronic Resources/UCL. REQUIRED: Two years professional library instruction and reference experience in a networked, academic environment. Experience with instructional technology preferred. MINIMUM SALARY: $31,000 depending on qualifications. Excellent benefits. Send letter of application, resume and names of three references by December 10, 1995 to: Head, R efere n ce and Electronic R eso urce s/U C L S earch or R efere n ce/Ins tru ction al Services Libra rian /U C L Search Library A dm in is tratio n O ffice, 2FL G eorge M ason U n iversity Fairfax, V A 2203 0-44 44 A A /E E O employer, m inorities encouraged to apply. University invites applications for: Shared Resources Librarian. Un­ der the direction of the Head of Reference, the Shared Resources Librarian is responsible for the coordination of electronic and manual systems of interlibrary loan and document delivery for university students, faculty, and staff statewide. Supervises the library’s interlibrary loan and document delivery team (eight FTE and 18 students), and works closely with staff in planning services and resolving issues in an environment of continuous change. Serves as the primary contact for resource sharing; works with Arizona commu­ nity colleges and other state universities to improve delivery of materials in all formats among the partner institutions. Officially represents NAU at professional meetings and provides an effective interface between the library and outside organizations for resource sharing. Additional duties may include reference desk service and collection development. Minimum qualifications: Required: ALA- accredited MLS; two years experience with document delivery and interlibrary loan activities; knowledge of document services such as UNCOVER and UMI; one to two years experience as a supervisor in an academic library; evidence of excellent oral and written communi­ cation skills; ability to represent the library in supporting distance education initiatives involving occasional statewide travel; effective interpersonal skills. Desired: An understanding of trends in academic libraries’ resource sharing efforts and the electronic delivery of information; experience with consensus building and teamwork be­ tween academic libraries. Send resume, letter of application, and the names and addresses of three references to: Cynthia Childrey, Head of Reference, Cline Library, N orthern A rizona University, Box 6022, F lagstaff, AZ 86011. The closing date for receipt of applications is November 21, 1995. Northern Arizona University is located in Flagstaff, a city of 52,000 people at the base of the San Francisco Peaks and surrounded by the Coconino National Forest. While we are the academic center for all northern Arizona and the Colorado Plateau we also serve 4,000 students at seven distance learning locations in southern and central Arizona. NAU has a growing m inority student population and is committed to equal opportunity, affirmative action; we welcome minorities, women, persons with disabilities, and veterans willing to make a commitment to NAU’s mission of cultural diversity. TECHNICAL SERVICES/SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. Bellevue Commu­ nity College, located in the metropolitan area of Seattle, Washington, is recruiting for a Technical Services/Systems Librarian. This is a full­ time nine-month faculty position reporting to the Director of the Library Media Center. The Librarian is responsible for cataloging and pro- 744/C&RL News DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES University of North Carolina at Wilmington The University of North Carolina at Wilmington invites appli­ cations and nominations for the position of Director of Library Services. The director provides planning and policy leader­ ship for the university’s print and electronic informational resources, oversight of 13 librarians and 23 support staff, and administration of an annual budget in excess of $2.5 million. A 128,000-square-foot facility, the William Madison Randall Library contains more than 400,000 hardbound volumes, subscribes to more than 5,000 serial titles, maintains extensive journal backfiles in bound volumes and microformat, as well as a large collection of audiovisuals in a variety of formats, and is a full depository for all North Carolina documents and a partial depository for United States government publications. Connected to a high-speed fiber optic campus data network, the library provides access to the Internet and is the regional headquarters for a multiuniversity computer-based online catalog. A young, dynamic, and growing regional university committed to total quality. UNC-Wilmington is a part of the 16-campus University of North Carolina system and currently enrolls more than 8,600 undergradu­ ate and graduate students in arts and sciences, business, education, and nursing. Wilmington, a historic Atlantic seaport in southeastern North Carolina, offers an outstanding quality of life with many natural and cultural amenities. The successful candidate will have a demonstrated record of leadership and management in advancing innovative programs that respond to a changing technological and information environment, an understanding of the instructional and scholarly needs of students and faculty in a regional university setting, strong interpersonal and communication skills, and the ability to serve effectively as an advocate and spokesperson for the library’s educational mission. Minimal qualifications include an ALA- accredited MLS degree, with a second master’s degree in another subject field, and eight years of professional experience in an academic or special library, including five years in library administration. Preference will be given to candidates with an earned doctorate, a record of professional participation and scholarly contributions, and experience in developing external sources of support for the library. Applications and nominations should be submitted immediately. Application review will begin January 1‚ 1996, and the position will remain open until filled, with an expected appointment effective July 1‚ 1996. Salary is competitive. Applicants should submit a letter of application, a current resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of a least three professional references to the following: Chair, Randall Library D irector Search C om m ittee O ffic e of the P rovost and Vice C h an ce llo r for A c ad em ic A ffairs The U niversity of North C arolina at W ilm ington W ilm in gto n, NC 28403 U N C W is a eo/aa employer. M inorities a n d women are p articu la rly e ncouraged to apply. cessing all print and nonprint m aterials and serves as a liaison to DRAInlex automated circulation and online public access cata­ logs. Requires MLS and two years technical experience. The closing date for recruitm ent is January 2 2 , 1996. For a detailed job d e s c rip tio n and a p p lica tio n packe ts, please con ta ct: Human Resources, Bellevue Community College, 3000 Landerholm Circle SE, Bellevue, WA 98007, or call our 24-hour Jobline at (206) 643-2082. EEO/AA. USER EDUCATION/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Position available: Currently open. Under the direction of the Head, Library User Educa­ tion, this position is responsible for: coordination of the instruction program: teaching classes in the library’s instruction program for English composition; teaching Internet classes; assisting reference librarians with instructional design; developing new instructional methods using a variety of technologies; assisting with coordination of the libraries'; instructional handouts and publications; assisting with in-house training and workshops on a variety of instructional issues; conducting needs assessments and evaluations of the instruction program; developing effective outreach and publicity for the instruc­ tion program; providing reference service six hours each week in the Humanities/Social Sciences Library; and other duties as assigned. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; knowledge of, and skill with, electronic resources, including Internet resources; excellent communication and problem-solving skills. Preferred: Experience with teaching and instructional design, particularly in library user education; knowledge of, and skill with, instructional technology and software; experience with reference in the humanities, social sci­ ences, and business; desktop publishing experience. Salary: From $24,000 commensurate with qualifications and experience. Rank: Librarian II; full faculty status. Other benefits: TIAA/CREF; broad insurance program; 22 days vacation, 12 days sick leave/year. Application: Send letter of application, resume, and names and addresses of three references to: Donna L. McCool, Associate Director for Administrative Services, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. Application review begins December 1, 1995. WSU is an EEO employer. Protected group members encouraged to apply. November 1995/ 745 Late Job Listing s REFERENCE L IB R A R IA N (two positions). The American University Library invites applications for two tenure-track Reference Librarians at the rank of Assistant Librarian. These positions are subject to final budgetary approval. Responsibilities: Provide research assistance in an active department with a busy reference desk and in- demand outreach programs and services. Support and assist in user access to the online public catalog, networked and stand-alone compact disc databases, LEXIS/NEXIS, mediated databases, Internet, and other electronic resources. Design and teach library instruction sessions, prepare publications, participate in departmental planning processes. Build the collection as a subject selector and perform other reference responsibilities as assigned. Evening and weekend service required. Professional development and service to the university community expected. Requirements: ALA- accredited MLS. Reference experience and experience with electronic information resources including the Internet. Excellent communication skills. Ability to work independently and collegially in a dynamic environment. Potential to meet tenure requirements in performing primary and secondary responsibilities, university and professional service. Preferred: Academic reference experience and library instruction experience. A ll subject backgrounds considered, with business or social sciences expertise preferred. Experience with interlibrary loan and/or document delivery also helpful. Salary: Commensurate with experience and qualifications. Position available: January 1, 1996. The American University, incorporated in 1893, offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs, many with international focus, to over 11,000 students. Its proximity to centers of politics, justice, world affairs, communica­ tion, science, business, and art in Washington, D.C., enhances the learning environ­ ment. The university library serves the university through a collection of over 635,000 volumes, 21 library faculty, 51 full-time staff plus over 100 student assistants, and a budget of over $4.7 million. The university is an active member of the Washington Research Library Consortium, with a shared NOTIS system that includes an online public catalog and 15 additional bibliographic databases. The Reference Department employs nine full-time library faculty and four support staff. Review of applications will begin November 15, 1995, and continue until position is filled. Send resume and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Michele Mikkelsen, Person­ nel Officer, The American University Library, 4400 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20016-8046. The American University is an AA/EEO university committed to a diverse student body, faculty, and staff. Minority and women candidates are encouraged to apply. ARCHIVIST. Clarke Historical Library, Central Michigan University. Responsibili­ ties: The Archivist, working under the supervision of the director of the Clarke Historical Library (CHL), will be responsible for appraising, arranging, and describing a wide-ranging body of historical manuscripts housed in the CHL. The CHL concen­ trates on documenting the history of Michigan and the Old Northwest Territory, with the bulk of its historical manuscripts documenting the state of Michigan. The CHL also serves as Central Michigan University’s archives. Required qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution and formal training in archival theory and practice. Preferred qualifications: Professional experience working in an archive, experience with creating MARC-AMC records, experience using major bibliographic utilities, 746/C&RL News experience in digitization of source material, advanced degree in history or related field, knowledge of Michigan history, demonstrated publications record, and demon­ strated written and verbal communication skills. Salary and fringe benefits: Position is a 12-month, tenure-track, faculty position. Minimum salary of $31,000 and excellent fringe-benefit package. To apply, send letter of application, resume, and names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Chairperson, Selection Committee, 207 Park Library, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI 48859. Position available in May 1996. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Review of applications will begin January 8, 1996. Central Michigan Univer­ sity (AA/EO institution) encourages diversity and resolves to provide equal opportu­ nity regardless of race, sex, disability, sexual orientation, or other irrelevant criteria. CMU is a state institution with an enrollment of approximately 16,000 on-campus students and an off-campus student body of about 12,000. D IR E CTO R OF LIBR AR IES. Ripon College invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of Libraries beginning July 1 , 1996. We seek a dynamic and experienced person to lead the library into the 21st Century, integrating new informa­ tion technologies, expanding outreach to students and faculty, and building effective team work within the library and between the library and its constituencies. The directorship is a tenure-track faculty position reporting to the Vice President and Dean of Faculty. The director manages library operations including budgeting and long- range planning, works with the administration to ensure appropriate levels of library support, represents the College in state and consortium library organizations, has responsibilities for faculty governance and academic advising, and conducts public relations activities with community and alumni. The director will be responsible for one area of library operations and will share reference duties with other librarians. Ripon College is a private, selective, four year liberal arts college founded in 1851 and located in south-central Wisconsin, equidistant between Madison and Milwaukee. A member of the Associated Colleges of the Midwest, Ripon College has approximately 800 students and anticipates enrollment growth. Candidates should possess at least an ALA-accredited MLS, seven to ten years of professional library experience including two to three years administrative experience, a strong service orientation, appropriate knowledge and experience in the area of technical responsibility, experience with automated library systems and information technology, excellent oral and written communications skills, a commitment to the liberal arts, a record of professional participation, and familiarity with trends and standards in academic and college librarianship. Candidates should provide by January 15, 1996, a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: David Seligman, Vice President and Dean of Faculty, Ripon College, P.O. Box 248, Ripon, W1 54971.