ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 212 • A ccording to th e latest S P E C kit and flyer, R esource Shoring in ARL L ibraries (no.42, March 1978), t h e r e is g ro w in g i n t e r e s t in re s o u r c e - sharing activities am ong ARL m e m b e rs, as they seek to expand th e base of m aterials available to users a n d to re d u c e spiraling collection d e v e lo p ­ m en t costs. T h e kit and flyer, b ased on a recen t S y s te m s a n d P r o c e d u r e s E x c h a n g e C e n t e r (SPEC) survey of ARL m em b ers, n o te th at most ARL m e m b e rs particip ate in m ore th a n o n e type o f re so u rc e -sh a rin g activity, ran g in g from q u ite informal u n d erstan d in g s am ong a few sim ilar li­ b raries to m ore form alized, m u ltiface ted coopera­ tives, consortia, or netw orks th a t o p e ra te over a large region o r nationally. T h e tw o-page flyer discusses c u rre n t issues, in­ c lu d in g b e n e fits an d costs, local v ersu s sh a re d collections, concern w ith faculty resistance, and c ooperative collection d e v e lo p m e n t policies. T he 108-page kit contains 16 d o cu m en ts from ARL li­ b raries covering policies and p ro c e d u re s, program d escrip tio n s, p lanning and evaluation, re p o rts and reco m m en d atio n s, and selected references. T he SPEC K it a n d F lyer on Resource Sharing (no.42) is available for $7.50 to ARL m e m b e rs a n d S P E C s u b s c r i b e r s a n d fo r $ 1 5 .0 0 to a ll others, p re p a y m e n t req u ired , from: S P E C , Office o f M a n ag em en t S tudies, Association o f R esearch L ib ra rie s , 1527 N ew H a m p s h ire A v e., N .W ., W ashington, D C 20036. ■■ D o u b le, D ouble— Less Toil and Trouble; or, A N ote from the Editors C o n trib u to rs are again re m in d e d th a t copy m u st b e d o u b le spaced. S in g le-sp aced copy that is received m ust b e re ty p e d — th at costs in tim e a n d m o n e y . C o p y fo r an is s u e is m ailed from O n e o n ta to C hicago five to six w eeks before th e first day of th e issue m onth. F o r in sta n c e , th e S e p te m b e r issu e will b e finalized July 15— and m ailed about July 20. P le a s e k e e p th e s e fa c to rs in m in d . M a n y m e e tin g a n d w o rk sh o p a n n o u n c e m e n ts are re tu rn e d — th e y simply arrive too late. Space is also a p ro b le m , and obviously n o t e v e ry ­ th in g t h a t is re c e iv e d can b e u s e d . S om e item s m u st w ait two or th re e issues. So b e pa­ tient! O n e last re q u e s t— feed b ack is im p o r­ tant. C o m m en ts th a t w ould increase o u r re le ­ vancy are always w elcom e. F o r instance, we often w o n d e r how effective th e notices of p u b ­ lication a re — for b u y e r and seller. And are th e notices o f m eetings and w orkshops often ju st la te d u p l i c a t e s ? W e ’d lik e to k n o w . B u t, a b o v e a ll, r e m e m b e r — d o u b l e s p a c e ! — J .V .C ./E .H . Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents to a dvertisers o ffe rin g fa cu lty 'ra n k " and "status” a re advised that these term s are am b igu o us and should inquire as to benefits involved. All advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Posi tions Open classifications will be edited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age. and sex as con ditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Association of College and Research Libraries, American Library Association. 50 E. Huron St.. Chicago. IL 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month p re­ ceding publication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because of the increased risk of copy error, will be accepted. Calls should be directed to the ACRL office at (312) 9 4 4 -6 7 8 0 . A con­ firm ing order should be mailed to ACRL as soon as possible follow­ ing the call, along with typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $ 1.8 0 per printed line to ACRL members: $ 2.2 5 per printed line to non-ACRL members. FO R SALE C H IN A — General Collection— reasonable All topics. 1.000 vols. plus RUSSIA AND THE COMINTERN— Superb collection of books in western languages. Over 1.000 vols. Write M. Frazin, ERAC. Box 110, Farmington. CT 06032. SEARCH SERVICE. Ex-librarians lo cate title s or subj ect, plus 1 50 ,00 0 indexed stock. PAB 291 7 A tlan tic, A tlan tic City. NJ 08401. Phone: 6 0 9 3 4 4 -1 9 4 3 . YOUR L IN K W ITH TH E UN fo r a ll p rin te d a nd m ic ro fic h e editions— complete series to single titles. We are specialists in the field and p rovide d ocu m e n ta tio n services tailored to lib ra rie s' specific needs. Let us help you. UNIFO Publishers, Ltd., P.O. Box 89. White Plains. NY 10602, (914) 592-8710. W A N T E D PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS (travel, architecture. Indians, landscape, celebrities, transportation). Lehr. Box 617. New York, NY 10028. P O S IT IO N S O P EN ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN (half-tim e). General acquisitions ac­ tivities with special responsibility for coordination of LC proof slip process. MLS from ALA-accredited school. German or Russian pre­ ferred. Professional experience desirable. Salary $6,000. Send re­ sume by July 24 to James DeLancey, Georgetown University Li­ brary. Washington, DC 20057. An equal opportunity/affirm ative ac­ tion employer. ACQUISITIONS/SERIALS LIBRARIAN (LIBRARIAN II). Responsi­ ble for the direct supervision of the acquisitions and serials sec­ tions (5 .5 FTE). Performs the following: selection, training, supervi­ sion, and evaluation of acquisitions/serials personnel; administration of section operations including work analysis, scheduling, planning, special projects, and policy recommendations; development of pre­ lim inary book and serials budget request; fiscal control; selection of books and journals in several subject areas; supervision of gifts and exchanges and bindery preparation; and reporting. Qualifications: MLS. 2 to 4 years of successful experience in acquisitions, serials, or cataloging, including supervisory responsibility. Salary: Maximum of $13.717 annually to start, depending on experience (5.2% in ­ crease pending). Send resume to: Sherrilynne Shirley. Associate Di­ rector, Norris Medical Library. University of Southern California, 2 0 2 5 Z onal A ven u e, Los A ng e les. CA 9 0 0 3 3 . An e q u a l opportunity/affirmative action employer. University ARCHIVIST. Under immediate supervision of head of Reference Department of the university library, to have charge of historical university records; off-cam pus public records in the re­ gional depository; manuscript materials of regional interest; faculty, staff, and a lu m n i p ap ers and p u b lic a tio n s . E du ca tion : ALA- accredited MLS: major in history or American studies desirable; 213 academ ic tra in ing in archival m anagem ent required. 1 -2 years' a r­ chival experience desirable. Salary: $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 -$ 1 2 .0 0 0 , 12-month a p p o in tm e n t. Position a vailab le S e p te m b e r 15, 1 978. C ontact R o be rt P a tte rso n . R e fe re n c e D e p a rtm e n t, L ib ra ry , M ic h ig a n Technological University, Houghton, Ml 4 9931. An equal o p p o rtu ­ nity educational institution/equal opp ortun ity employer. The UCLA Library seeks applica tio ns and nom inations for the posi­ tion of ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN (technical services and bibliographic products). Is responsible for the tech n ical ser­ vices and bibliographic products activities in the ca m p us library system , w h ich a dd s a p p ro xim a tely 1 17 ,0 0 0 vo lum es p e r year. Candidates m ust show evidence of strong adm inistrative skills and a bility to function in a com plex organizational environm ent; co m p e ­ tence in planning, setting objectives and priorities; com m unicating; m obilizing for effective action; capability of w orking effectively with various academ ic, library, and p ub lic groups as well as with in d i­ viduals; thorough and detailed u nderstanding of co nce pts and a u ­ tom ation in research libraries and trends in the ir developm ent at local and national levels; ability to articulate and advocate goals and program s of library service. Normally a cand id ate m ust have a professional degree from a library school with an accredited p ro ­ gram . Salary from $ 2 8 ,4 0 0 . A pp lica n ts should write to Anthony Greco. Assistant University Librarian (Personnel). University Re­ search Library, University of California. Los Angeles. CA 9 0024, in ­ c lu ding with their letter a com plete statem ent o f the ir qualifications, a fu ll resum e o f the ir education and relevant experience, and the names of references who are knowledgeable about the ir q ua lifica ­ tions for the position. Closing date for receipt of a pplications is A u­ gust 31. 1978. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. To develop biblio­ g ra ph ic in s tru c tio n and o rie nta tion pro gra m s on m ain cam pus, strengthen library services for o ff-cam pus centers Master's from ALA-accredited library program, three years' experience in b iblio ­ g ra p h ic in s tru c tio n , lib ra ry o rie n ta tio n , a n d re fe re n c e in an a c a d e m ic lib ra ry . S eco n d s u b je c t m a s te r's a n d o r S p a n is h language facility desirable. Beginning $ 13 ,00 0. 12-month contract, faculty rank, Illinois state benefits. Apply by August 1 to Melvin R. George, University Librarian. Northeastern Illinois University Library. 5 5 0 0 N. St. Louis A v e n u e . C h ica g o . IL 6 0 6 2 5 . A n e q u a l opportunity/affirm ative action employer. CATALOG LIBRA RIAN. R esponsible for co ordin a tion of o n -lin e copy cataloging o f m onog ra ph ic works. Responsibilities in clu de training of paraprofessional staff and m onitoring of cataloging, w rit­ ing of procedures, and participation in the form ulation of policy. Duties may also include supervision of a precataloging searching unit. Required: Fifth-year library science degree fro m an accredited library school. A m inim um of 2 years' experience as a catalog li­ b ra ria n a nd kn o w le d g e o f a t le ast o ne fo re ig n la ng u ag e . D e­ m onstrated supervisory abilities and OCLC experience are highly desirable. Im portant are the abilities to teach, co m m u nicate clearly and effe ctively, and to d ire c t g ro u p efforts. Salary: $ 1 2 ,5 8 4 — $ 1 7 ,5 6 0 . dep en d in g upon q ua lifica tio ns and experience. Fringe benefits: T IA A /CREF retirem ent plan; social security; health, hospi­ tal, and life insurance partially subsidized; liberal sick leave. Wayne State University is an equal opportunity and an affirm ative action employer. Write to; Robert T. Grazier. Associate Director of Lib­ raries. Wayne State University. Detroit. Ml 482 02 CATALOGER. General cataloger to work in all subjects, formats. MLS fro m A L A -a ccre d ite d sch oo l. E xperience w ith LC. AACR, OCLC. & MARC form ats preferred. Russian and one other Western European language desirable. Salary $ 1 1 ,0 0 0 m inim um . Send re­ sume by July 24 to James DeLancey. Georgetown University Li­ brary. Washington. DC 2 00 57 . An equal opportunity/affirm ative ac­ tion employer. CONSERVATION OFFICER. Develops, executes, and evaluates a conservation/preservation program , expa nd in g present practices, setting standards and priorities, and d ire cting the b inding opera­ tions of the university libraries. Requires dem onstrated managerial com petence in conservation or related program; knowledge of b ib ­ liography, conservation practices, and standards; a bility to c o m ­ m unicate effectively. MLS. and knowledge of book arts and "hands o n " preservation experience will weigh heavily b ut not required. Salary $ 1 7 ,5 0 0 -$ 2 0 .5 0 0 . Apply by July 20. 1978. to Elsi H. Goer ing, Library Personnel Officer. Stanford University Libraries, Stan­ ford. CA 94305. DEAN OF LIBRARY SERVICES. Central Washington University. El lensburg, Washington. The dean has prim ary responsibility for all library operations, with budget of 1.4 m illion, staff of 62. and re­ ports to the vice-president for academ ic affairs. The library includes traditional resources and an extensive learning resources division. A pplicants m ust have an ALA-accredited MLS. additional graduate study, ten years of increasingly responsible academ ic library ex­ perience. and positive philosophy and co m m itm en t to the values of all form s of learning resources. Desirable q ualifications in clu de a second graduate degree, preferably an earned doctorate, and sig­ nificant training and experience in instructional media. Salary for 12 m o n th s: M in im u m $ 2 6 ,9 3 7 . w ith lib e ra l b e n e fits in c lu d in g HEAD OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LIBRARY The University o f W yoming Libraries are seeking a qualified applicant to direct the activities o f its Science and Technology Library. The individual w ill be expected to continue to de­ velop innovative services and pro­ grams, and to insure effective con­ tinuation o f current service activities, in conjunction with the Director o f Libraries and the University Commu­ nity. Responsibilities include the daily op­ eration o f the library, management o f the Bibliographic Database Search Service, and two library service con­ tracts with the Laramie Energy Re­ search Center, a DOE installation, and the W yoming Energy Extension Service. Liaison work with state and regional m ed ical inform ation net­ works w ill also be required. The library staff consists o f ten cleri­ cal and two professionals with a co l­ lection o f 158,000 volum es and 2,5 0 0 periodical subscriptions. Qualifications for the position: MLS from an A L A a cc re d ite d library school with five to seven years o f academic or research library experi­ ence, a minimum o f three years in a managerial/administrative setting. A science background by degree work or e x p e r ie n c e , is req u ired . S a la ry , $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 minimum, 12 month tenure track appointment. Send resume and names o f three refer­ ences by August 1‚ 1978 ‚ to M iss Jean S. Johnson, Coordinator o f Public Services, Coe Library, B ox 3 3 3 4 , U n iv ersity S tation , U n iv ersity o f W y o m in g , L a ra m ie, W y o m in g 82071. An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. 214 TIAA/ CREF. Submit resume and statement o f philosophy regarding library services and other forms of learning resources to Dr. Donald S c h lie s m a n , C h a irm a n . L ib ra ry S ea rch C o m m itte e , C e ntral Washington University. Ellensburg, WA 98926, postmarked by Sep­ tem ber 15. 1978. EEO AA/Title IX DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES. Georgia College announces its search for a director of libraries A unit of the University System of Geor­ gia. Georgia College serves 2 ,6 0 0 undergrad u ate s and 1.000 graduate students. The library contains an integrated collection of 4 00 ,00 0 volumes of print and nonprint materials. The library staff of sixteen is divided into the following departments: Public Services, Technical Services, and Media Services. The director of libraries is responsible for all library services, budgeting, personnel, and plan­ n in g reports to the vice-president for academic affairs and holds faculty rank, should be fam iliar with all academic programs and willing to work closely with faculty of all disciplines, especially in initiating and supporting new programs Qualifications: Ph.D. pre­ ferred; MLS from ALA-accredited school desired. At least five years' administrative experience in a college or university library required. Salary competitive and commensurate with experience and q u a lifi­ cations. Generous benefits. Letters of application, resumes, c o m ­ plete credentials, and supporting materials are to be sent to Dr. Sarah Gordon, Chairwoman, Library Search Committee. Box 653. Georgia College, Milledgeville. GA 3 1061. by September 15. 1978. The position is expected to be filled by the start of fall quarter 1978. All applicants will be notified. Georgia College is an equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES. The University of Georgia at Athens seeks a director of libraries. The university has about 2 1,0 00 stu­ dents and is the major institution in the University System of Geor­ gia AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY. The d ire ctor reports to the vice-president for academic affairs, is responsible for the Main Li­ brary, the Science Library, the various laboratory collections, and the experim ent station libraries. The libraries, which are now con­ verting to a completely integrated on-line automation system, have a collection of 1 8 million volumes, a budget of $4.4 million, and a staff of 236. The University of Georgia is a m em ber of ARL. CRL. and SOLINET. QUALIFICATIONS. Required: A master's degree in library science from an ALA-accredited school; extensive and pro­ gressively more responsible experience in the management of re ­ search or academ ic libraries; knowledge of current trends and a p ­ plication of technology in libraries; and proven leadership qualities. SALARY. Commensurate with experience. $38 ,00 0 m inim um AP­ PLICATION DEADLINE. September 15. 1978. The university ex­ pects to fill the position on or about July 1. 1979. It will not be H E A D OF T E C H N I C A L S E R V IC E S A N D S Y S T E M S S P E C I A L I S T R esponsible for o rdering, c ataloging, and p rocessing o f m aterials. A dvisory responsi­ b ility fo r all library a u tom ated system s. S ta ff o f 3.5 FTE professionals and 10 FTE n on-professionals. Q ualifications: M LS and 5 years experience in T echnical Services. Supervisory and autom ated system s e xperi­ e nce e sse n tia l. F a m ilia rity w ith F re n c h , G e rm a n , and R u ssia n d e sira b le . S alary $ 1 6 ,0 0 0 -$ 1 7 ,0 0 0 depending on qualifica­ tions. T IA A /C R E F . C losing date fo r appli­ cations: A ugust 7 , 1978. A ppointm ent on or a fter S eptem ber 18, 1978. S end R esum e and nam es o f 3 references to: W illis B ridegam , L ibrarian A m herst C ollege Library A m herst, M A . 01002 An Affirmative Action/equal opportunity employer filled unless qualified persons are available. Send letter of applica­ tion and cu rricu lu m vitae or nominations to: Professor John Dow­ ling. Chairman, Library Director Search Committee. 110 Old Col­ lege. University of Georgia. Athens, GA 30602. The University of Georgia is an equal employm ent opportunity/affirm ative action in ­ stitution. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY AUTOM ATION. Reports to assistant vice-president— library plans and policies RESPONSIBILITIES: Manages the Library Automation Department within the Office of Library Plans and Policies in the university's Systemwide Adm inis­ tration. (The departm ent is composed of approxim ately 4 5 people. Current major projects include development of a universitywide on­ line union catalog; production of a union list of serials; negotiation of contracts for provision of on-line data base services; and negotia­ tion of master agreements for externally supplied automated library services and systems.) Prepares comprehensive plans for use of library automation systems and services throughout the university. Coordinates through established channels both campus and u niv ersity wide library automation activities. Maintains liaison with other institutions and groups on behalf of the university in matters relat­ ing to library automation. QUALIFICATIONS: Significant experience in the m anagem ent of large-scale library autom ation activities. Demonstrated adm inistrative ability, and ability to work with and within large organizations. Ability to com m unicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with individuals and groups at all levels. Sal­ ary $ 2 6 .6 0 0 -$ 3 7 .4 0 0 SEND RESUME TO: Ms. Edna Coleman, Employment Representative. 734DLA University Hall. University of California. Berkeley. CA 94720 DEADLINE: July 30. 1978. An a f­ firm ative action employer DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY STUDIES AND RESEARCH. Reports to assistant vic e -p re s id e n t— lib ra ry plans and policies RESPON­ SIBILITIES: Manages the Library Studies and Research Depart­ ment within the Office of Library Plans and Policies in the universi­ ty's systemwide adm inistration (the departm ent consists of approx­ imately 6 professional employees and a varying num ber of tem po­ rary and part-tim e personnel). Directs and supervises the design and execution of approved studies and research. Provides major analytical support to the assistant vice-president— library plans and policies in the development of comprehensive plans for the libraries of the university as a whole. Coordinates the work of the Library Studies and Research Department with related research on the university's campuses and elsewhere. Maintains liaison with other institutions and individuals on behalf of the university in matters re­ lating to library studies and research. QUALIFICATIONS: Signifi­ cant experience in the management and execution of library studies a nd re se a rch F a m ilia rity w ith re s e a rc h m e th o d o lo g ie s . D e­ monstrated ability to work with and within large organizations Abil­ ity to com m unicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with in d i­ viduals and groups at all levels. ALA-accredited MLS and advanced degree desirable Salary: $ 2 6 .6 0 0 -$ 3 7 .4 0 0 SEND RESUME TO: Ms. Edna Coleman, Employment Representative. 734DLSR Univer­ sity Hall. University of California. Berkeley, CA 94720. DEADLINE: July 30. 1978. An affirmative action employer University of Lowell Libraries. FIVE POSITIONS OPEN. Positions (1) through (4) are tentative new positions, subject to legislative approval Anticipated starting date for all positions is September 4, 1978 (1) DOCUMENTS/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. LIBRARIAN I or II. Requires ALA-accredited MLS and at least one year of refer­ ence experience with government publications. Maintains govern­ ment documents collection, including responsibility for policy, col­ lection development, organization and processing of materials, ref­ erence, bibliographic instruction, and supervision of student assis­ tants. Also offers reference assistance in science and technology. (2) HEAD REFERENCE LIBRARIAN FOR HUM ANITIES AND SO­ CIAL SCIENCES, LIBRARIAN II. Requires ALA-accredited MLS and m inim um of two years' reference experience in an academic library. Subject master's preferred. Provides reference assistance and coordinates all reference services for hum anities/social sci­ ences. Plans, im plements, and evaluates reference services and procedures, including bibliographic instruction and interlibrary loan. Participates in developm ent and m aintenance of the reference and other collections. Supervises reference staff including 1 full-tim e professional. (3) SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN, LIBRARIAN I or II. Re quires ALA-accredited MLS, previous professional experience in li­ brary systems, knowledge of program m ing languages, especially COBOL, and fam iliarity with the structure of MARC records. Re­ sponsible for analyzing and docum enting existing library activities for automation. Assists with design, im plem entation, monitoring, and evaluation o f systems, including programm ing and docum enta­ tion. Participates in network p lan n in g (4 ) HEAD SERIALS L I­ BRARIAN, LIBRARIAN II or III. Requires ALA-accredited MLS. at least 2 years' experience in serials in an academic or research li­ brary (four years preferred), broad knowledge of academ ic disci­ plines, fam iliarity with OCLC, and knowledge of current develop­ ments and research in serials. Subject master's preferred. Respon­ sible for collection development and bibliographic control of all se­ rials. organizing serials records, and surveying user needs. (5) HEAD CATALOG LIBRARIAN, LIBRARIAN II or III. Position avail­ able now. Requires ALA-accredited MLS. at least 2 years' experi­ ence in LC cataloging (four years preferred), working knowledge of 215 at least two W estern European languages, and fa m ilia rity with OCLC. Subject master's preferred. Coordinates all activities of the Catalog Department, in clu din g processing of materials and m ainte­ nance of the card catalog. Performs original cataloging, assists in the developm ent of an on-line catalog, and works to im prove su b ­ je ct access to the collection. Supervises 1 professional cataloger and support staff. Salaries, d epending on qualifications: LIBRAR­ IAN I, $ 1 1 .5 0 0 -$ 15,600; LIBRARIAN II, $ 1 2 .3 0 0 -$ 1 9 .0 0 0 ; LI­ BRARIAN III, $ 1 5 ,6 0 0 -$ 2 4 .1 0 0 . Send resum es by August 14 1978. to: Susan Klingberg. Assistant to the Dean. O'Leary Library, U n ive rsity of Lowell, Lowell. MA 0 1 8 5 4 . An equ al o p p o rtu n ity affirmative action/Title IX university. HEAD, AC Q U IS ITIO N S DEPARTMENT AND ASSISTAN T PRO­ FESSOR. Adm inistration of acquisitions operations and procedures, preparation o f book budget allocations for a budget of $ 300,000, coordination o f co lle ction developm ent, review of approval plan materials, supervision and training o f five support staff Q ualifica­ tions: ALA-accredited MLS; m inim um of three years' professional acquisitions experience in a university library, in clu din g experience w ith dom estic a nd foreign book tra de , co lle ction d evelopm ent, budget allocation methods, autom ated technical services systems, particularly OCLC. BATAB. o p market. Reading knowledge of at least one modern European language Demonstrated supervisory ability. Benefits in clu de paid vacation and insurance support. Sal­ ary is competitive. Apply by August 1. 1978 to: William K. Black, Assistant to the Dean. University Libraries. University of Louisville. L ou isville . KY 4 0 2 0 8 An e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity a ffirm a tiv e a ctio n employer Princeton University Library seeks applications and nom inations for the positio n of HEAD, GENERAL REFERENCE D IV IS IO N , L I­ BRARIAN III or IV. Available October 1. 1978 Responsible for coordinating and developing the services, programs, and operations of the General Reference Division; supervises instructional activities; coordinates on-line searching: promotes the effective utilization of library resources to potential users within the university community; oversees the m aintenance and developm ent of the reference co l­ lection; supervises seven librarians, one library assistant, and stu­ dent assistants. Reports directly to the assistant university librarian fo r g en eral re a d e r s e rvice s MLS fro m A L A -a c c re d ite d lib ra ry school; relevant academ ic library reference service experience, in ­ c lu ding supervisory experience; thorough fam iliarity with scholarly reference sources, methods of research, and cu rre nt trends, read­ ing ability of one or more foreign languages, dem onstrated ability to com m unicate with faculty, students, and staff. Must have a c o m ­ m itm ent to innovative reference services. Salary dependent upon qualifications and experience. In a range having a base of $ 15 ,1 0 0 (L -III) or $ 17 ,50 0 ( L IV) but without a ceiling. Applications, in c lu d ­ ing resume and three letters of recom m endation, should be sent by July 24. 1978. to: General Reference Search Committee, c o Maria G. Larson. Library Personnel Office. Princeton University Library. P rin c e to n . NJ 0 8 5 4 0 E q u a l o p p o r tu n ity a ffir m a tiv e a c tio n employer. HEAD OF PUBLIC SERVICES. REFERENCE LIBRA RIAN. Responsible for public services division in a health sciences library. Duties in clu de adm inistrative responsibilities; participation in tea ch ­ ing activities regarding medical bibliography and history; p articipa­ tion as one of three reference librarians staffing inform ation desk on a rotational basis Master's degree in library science from an ALA-accredited school or a graduate degree in a related field Four years experience in public services area of a health-related library, in clu din g 1 -2 years in a supervisory role, and knowledge of on-line com puter systems. Knowledgeable in com puterized data -based in­ struction and capable of teaching seminars on use of literature in special subject areas within the health sciences. Automated circ u ­ lation system anticipated. Liberal fringe benefits. Position available now. Faculty position and salary at assistant or associate professor level, d epending on qualifications. The University of Louisville is an equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. Apply to Mrs. Joan Titley Adams, Librarian, Biom edical Learning Resources Center. University of Louisville Health Sciences Center. P.O. Box 35260. Louisville. KY 4 02 32 ; phone (5 02) 5 8 8 -5 7 8 1 HEAD, REFER EN C E— B IB L IO G R A P H IC SER VICES: SEARCH REOPENED. Responsible to the assistant director of libraries for the planning, budgeting, staffing, and managem ent of reference- bib lio g ra p h ic services at the U nive rsity of C in cin n a ti Libraries. These services in clu de reference and general inform ation, library orientation and instruction, patron bibliographic services, govern­ ment d o cu m e nts and cu rre n t periodicals, and m icroform s. MLS degree and a m inim um of five years' professional experience in a large academ ic library, in clu d in g experience in a reference d e ­ partm ent with progressively responsible adm inistrative duties are necessary qualifications Staff includes 12 librarians. 11 supportive staff, plus stu d e n t a ssistants New lib ra ry b u ild in g o p e n in g fall 1978 Salary based on qualifications and experience M inim um — $ 18 ,0 0 0 Send resume and names of three references by August 15, 1978, to Carol I Reed, Adm inistrative Assistant, University of Cincinnati Libraries. C incinnati. OH 4 5221. The University of Cin­ cinnati is an equal opportunity affirm ative action employer. HEAD, T E C H N IC A L SER VICES S EC T IO N . U n iv e rs ity L ibrary Western Kentucky University. Responsible for adm inistration of Ac­ quisition. Catalog, and Data Processing Units (cataloging uses au­ tom ated system pro du cin g COM catalog, shelflist. journals holding list from locally p roduced m a ch ine-readable records and MARC records). Participates with other library adm inistrators in general li­ b ra ry p la n n in g , b u d g e tin g , p o lic y m a k in g , a n d e s ta b lis h in g priorities. Requirem ents include: dem onstrated adm inistrative co m ­ p e te n c e in m a n a g e m e n t, te c h n ic a l p ro c e s s in g (a c q u is itio n s , cataloging, data processing. MARC or other network experience). An understanding of national issues in library adm inistration is also desirable. Western has a 1.6 million dollar library budget with an acquisition budget of $ 47 5,0 00 . Salary $ 1 4 ,0 0 0 -$ 18,000 Creden tials required are: official academ ic transcripts, three letters of re ­ com m endation. resume Apply to: Dr. Earl E. Wassom. Director of Library Services and Assistant Dean of Academ ic Services. Helm- Cravens Library. Western Kentucky University. Bowling Green, KY 421 01 An equal o pportunity affirmative action employer. LAW— ASSISTANT READER SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Southern Il­ linois University— Carbondale. School of Law Library is presently seeking a librarian to fill a newly created position in reader ser­ vices. U nder the d irection of the reader services librarian, o pp or­ tun ity would be presented for a wide range of experiences in the areas of legal research assistance, d irection of the circulation oper ation. and collection developm ent. Preferred candidates, to be a p ­ pointed as an assistant professor, will possess an MLS, appropriate library experience, and a J.D or a second master's degree Library school graduates with appropriate library experience will also be considered for this position with appointm ent as instructor C om ­ petitive salaries based upon education and experience are avail­ able. Librarian s at Southern Illin o is U n ive rsity— Carbondale. an equal opportunity affirm ative action employer, receive twelve-month a ppointm ents with all the usual faculty benefits. This position is available im m ediately and applications will be received until July 31. 1978. Please send letters of interest and resumes or requests for further inform ation to Elizabeth Slusser Kelly, Law Librarian, South­ e rn Illinois University School of Law. Carbondale. IL 62901 L IB R A R IA N . To a ssist in SER IA LS D EPA R TM EN T w ith both periodical (some d o cu m e nt) reference and te ch n ical service re sponsibilities. B eginning level position with education and or ex p e rie n c e in s e ria ls a nd d o c u m e n ts re q u ir e d E d u c a tio n a l background in com p ute r applications highly desirable. MLS from ALA-accredited school required. 12-month contract, faculty rank. Beginning $ 1 3 ,0 0 0 Illinois state benefits. Send resume by August 1. 1978. to Melvin R. George. University Librarian. Northeastern Il­ linois University Library, 5500 N St. Louis Ave . Chicago, IL 60625. An equal opportunity affirm ative action employer 216 LIBRARIAN, ACQUISITION/FACULTY LIAISON/COLLECTION DE­ VELOPMENT. Responsible for monograph acquisition, allocation coordination Works with assistant director tor technical services in system analysis and design Participates in management and de­ velopment of policies. Works directly with a designated subject area in coordination of selection. ALA MLS plus 3 years' experience in college or university acquisitions required, reference experience desirable. Salary nationally com petitive, faculty rank, TIAA/ CREF and other benefits. Send resume and three references to Kathy Es sary. Chairperson, Search Committee. UALR Library, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 33d and University. Little Rock, AR 72204. An affirmative action employer LIB R A R IA N , ASSISTAN T DIRECTOR FOR TEC H N IC A L S ER ­ VICES. Coordinates collection developm ent, acquisition, serials, cataloging, and government docum ents. Responsible for budget plan n in g and coordination; personnel p lan n in g and evaluation; works with director in systems analysis and design, library m an­ agement, and in development of policies. Requires ALA MLS plus five years' management experience in college or university tech n i­ cal services area Salary nationally c o m p etitive . Faculty rank, TIAA/ CREF, other benefits. Send resume and three references to Nancy Gray. Chairperson, Search Committee. UALR Library, Uni versity of Arkansas at Little Rock, 33d and University, Little Rock. AR 72204. An affirmative action employer. LIBRARIAN, BIOMEDICAL LIBRARY, UCLA. Rank associate u n i­ versity librarian. Available: January 1. 1979. Salary: from $28 .40 0 Responsible for overall adm inistration of the library, including plan ning. d ire ctio n , and co ordin a tion o f pro gra m s and operations, budgeting, and space utilization. Reports directly to the university librarian and informally to the deans of the schools served by the Biomedical Library. Also serves as director of the Pacific Southwest Regional Medical Library Service. Applicants wishing to be consid ered for this position should write to Anthony Greco. Assistant Uni versity Librarian (Personnel), University Research Library. Univer­ sity of California. Los Angeles. CA 9 0024. Letters should include a complete statement of qualifications, a full resume of education and relevant experience, and the names of at least five persons who are knowledgeable about the a pplicant's qualifications for the position. Closing date for receipt of a p p lica tio ns is August 10. 1978. An equal opportunity affirmative action employer. LIBRARIAN, BUSINESS/EDUCATION. University of Houston Vic toria Campus. Responsible for collection developm ent in business and education materials; act as faculty liaison and provide biblio­ graphic instruction in these areas; supervise governm ent d o c u ­ ments collection; coordinate com m unity public relations; general re­ ference duties and research assistance in business and education. The U n ive rsity of H ouston Victoria C am pus shares its lib ra ry facilities with the Victoria College under a joint director of libraries. Accredited MLS required; subject master's and experience desira­ ble. Twelve-month contract. Faculty rank. Salary $ 1 0 ,5 0 0 -$ 13.000 per year, depending on qualifications. Send application and cre ­ dentials by July 31. 1978. to: Office of the Chancellor, University of H ouston V ictoria C am pus. 2 3 0 2 -C E Red River. V icto ria . TX 77901. phone (5 12) 5 78 -2 86 1 Equal opportunity affirmative ac­ tion employer. LIBRARIAN, CATALOGER. MLS and experience using LAC re ­ quired; experience in academic library preferred. Ability to work with foreign languages, nonprint and special materials, and MARC tagging desirable. Available October 1. 1978. Salary commensurate with training and experience. Faculty status. TIAA CREF. Send re­ sume and three original letters of reference to Dr. Allene Schnaitter. Director of Libraries. Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164 before August 31. 1978. Washington State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer Staff D ev elo p m en t Plans W anted T h e L ib ra ry A d m in istratio n D ivision P e r ­ sonnel A d m in istratio n S ection/S taff D e v e lo p ­ m en t C o m m itte e (LAD PAS/SDC) is soliciting staff d e v e lo p m e n t plans from all lib ra ries to b e placed on file at ALA h e a d q u a rte rs and m ade available to th o se libraries try in g to develop such program s. W e re q u e st all lib ra rian s’ as­ sistance and su p p o rt and u rg e you to se n d any p ro g ra m s you h av e d e v e lo p e d to Jo e l L e e , ALA, 50 E. H u ro n S t., C hicago, IL 60611. LIBRARIAN FOR DOCUMENTS, REFERENCE, AND INSTRUC­ TION. For private liberal arts college of 2 .0 0 0 students, a U.S. d e ­ pository since 1895 Responsibilities, under reference librarian technical and reference aspects of docum ents collection,- supervis­ ing full-tim e assistant and student aides; extensive bibliographic in ­ struction; participation in general reference service, including on­ line retrieval; participation in overall library management. We seek teaching-oriented self-starter with proven speaking and w riting abilities. ALA-accredited MLS. Science background and documents course or experience desirable. Position open September 1; 12- month contract, adm inistrator status. Apply with supporting resume and three recent letters of reference by July 2 0 to-. Peter C. Has­ kell. Director. Franklin & Marshall College Library, Lancaster. PA 17604. An equal opportunity employer. LIBRARIAN, HEAD. REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. University of Colorado at Boulder Library. Reports to the assistant director for public services and is responsible for the management, planning, staffing, coordination, and evaluation of general reference; refer ence service in social sciences and hum anities (excluding art and literature, business, education, and music); computer-based refer­ ence service; general microforms; HRAF; and the information desk. Supervises approxim ately 6 professional FTE positions. 3 .5 para professional FTE positions, and student assistants. Requires a de­ gree from an ALA-accredited library school; a second master's de­ gree m a subject area is preferred. A m inim um of 5 years' experi­ ence in social sciences, hum anities, or general reference in an academic or research library is required; a substantial portion of these years should preferably in clu de successful supervisory or adm inistrative experience. Familiarity with computer-based refer ence systems. Commitm ent to and experience with bibliographic and library instruction outreach programs required. This 12-month, tenurable appointm ent with academ ic rank is available im mediate ly Faculty perquisites include TIAA CREF. liberal vacation and sick leave benefits. The salary range is $ 1 9.0 00 -$ 22 .00 0 . Apply by September 10, 1978. to Ms. M ildred Nilon. Chairperson. Search Committee, University of Colorado at Boulder Library. Boulder, CO 8 0 3 0 9 Include in letter of application a resume with the names of three references with titles, addresses, and telephone num bers. The University o f Colorado at B oulder is an equal o pp ortun ity affirmative action section 504 employer. LIBRARIAN, MANUSCRIPTS, ARCHIVES. AND SPECIAL COL­ LECTIONS. Responsibilities include providing bibliographic control of selected English and foreign language p rint and m an uscript materials; monographic cataloging (in technical services division); organizing m anuscript collections; reference; collection develop­ ment in assigned areas Required accredited MLS or equivalent professional degree, good working knowledge of at least two West­ ern European languages, experience in monographic cataloging and organizing manuscript collections. Second subject master's in the hum anities or social sciences highly desirable. Faculty status; TIAA CREF Salary commensurate with qualifications and experi­ ence. Resume and three letters o f reference to Dr. Allene Schnait ter. Director of Libraries. Washington State University. Pullman, WA 99164. Application deadline is August 15. 1978. Washington State University is an equal opportunity-affirmative action employer. LIBRARIAN. REFERENCE— CATALOGING. Half-tim e in each d e ­ partm ent. ALA-accredited master's degree and at least two years' experience in reference and cataloging in public or college library. Usual fringe benefits, faculty status, salary negotiable. Position available August 28. 1978. Send letter, resume, and three refer­ ences to Robert B Somers. Director, Carmichael Library, University of Montevallo. Montevallo. AL 351 15 by August 5. 1978. An equal opportunity employer. LIBRARIAN. SERIALS CATALOGER. University of Notre Dame: re­ sponsible for the cataloging of serial publications in the university libraries. Will be the principal authority in establishing standards of bibliographic control and in the maintenance of authority files for serial publications. Responsible for the adaptation of current stan­ dards and conversion of retrospective cataloging of serial pub lica ­ tions for the utilization of computer-based cataloging techniques. Qualifications: graduate degree in library science from an a ccre d ­ ited library school; three to six years' experience in cataloging serial p u b lica tio ns or in serial acquisitions, with some experience in supervising paraprofessional personnel; fam iliarity with computer- based cataloging systems and with the Library of Congress MARC format is highly desirable. Twelve-month contract, faculty status. Salary: $12.500— $13,500. Send letter of application and résumé, including academic credentials, names of three professional refer­ ences. and statement of current salary and salary requirem ents to Dr. George E. Sereiko. Secretary, A ppointm ents and Promotions Committee, M emorial Library. University of Notre Dame. Notre Dame. IN 46556. Northern Illinois University is seeking a POLITICAL SCIENCE/LAW LIBRARIAN. The position will be open December 1. 1978. This librarian will be responsible for both giving specialized reference in political science and law and collection building in these subject areas. M inim um qualifications (bevond the MLS from an accredited 217 library school) in clude a second master's degree in political s c i­ ence. law. or a closely related field and two years' library e xperi­ ence in a professional capacity M inim um salary: $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 for a twelve-month contract Fringe benefits in clu de Illinois Retirement S yste m b e n e fits , a c a d e m ic s ta tu s , a n d o n e m o n th va ca tio n Applicants should send the ir resum e and personal references to George M N eno n en . Person ne l D ire cto r, U n iv e rs ity Libraries. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb. IL 6 01 15 . before Septem ber 15, 1978. N o rth ern Illin o is U niversity is an e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity affirm ative action em ployer PRECATALOGING LIBRARIAN (instructor rank). Catalog Department. Ide n tify m aterial in need of fu rth e r searchin g and dire ct searching operation. A ct as a liaison between the Acquisitions and Cataloging Departments. Keep statistical records. Maintain smooth work flow. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited library school or proof of obtam m ent by August 1. 1978. One year appropriate li­ brary experience. Knowledge of autom ated searching and catalog­ ing procedures. Reading knowledge of two of the follow ing la n ­ guages: French. German, or Spanish. Benefits Benefits in clude fa ­ cu lty status, e lig ibility for tenure, twenty-two days' vacation per year. TIAA CREF, paid-for life and maior m edical insurance. Salary Dependent on qualifications. Open: August 1, 1978. Apply to W il­ liam K Black, Assistant to the Dean, University Libraries, the U n i­ versity o f Louisville, B elknap Cam pus. Louisville. KY 4 02 08 . An equal opportunity affirm ative action employer. RESEARCH LIBRARIAN. For a tem porary one-year alternative cqauisitions project. Requires MLS, a thorough knowledge of the ltaernative press and research methods, and experience with OCLC Salary $ 1 2 ,5 0 0 . Closing date for applica tio ns July 31 Apply to Jane Titus. Paley Library. Tem ple University. P h ilad e lph ia , PA 19122, An equal opp ortun ity employer. UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN. The Johns Hopkins University invites applications for the position of librarian of the Milton S. Eisenhower Library. The librarian reports dire ctly to the provost, coordinates the jo in t a c tiv itie s o f the five lib ra rie s of the u n ive rsity (S chool of M edicine, School of Hygiene and Public Health. School of A d ­ vanced International Studies, Peabody Institute, and the Applied P hysics L a b o ra to ry), a nd re p re s e n ts th e u niv e rs ity in lib ra ry cooperative programs. Preferred qualifications for the librarian in ­ c lu d e a strong a cadem ic o rientation (P h.D. is h igh ly desirable), proven adm inistrative skills and experience, knowledge of current developm ents in library managem ent and technology, and the a b il­ ity to work with diverse groups of faculty, students, staff, external patrons, donors, and foundations. Salary is open and com petitive Excellent fringe benefits, Effective d ate o f a p p o in tm e n t is Sep­ tem ber 1. 1978. N om inations and applications (inclu d ing at least three references) should be addressed to Dr Richard P Longaker. Provost. The Johns Hopkins University, 3 4th and Charles St.. taiBim o re . M D 2 1 2 1 8 An e q u a l o p p o r tu n ity a ffir m a tiv e a c tio n employer. Help your library patrons discover their families’ “roots” with the new edition of AMERICAN & BRITISH GENEALOGY & HERALDRY A Selected List of Books, 2d Edition P. William Filby, D irector o f the Maryland H istorical Society and a form er Chairman o f the Genealogy Committee, Reference Services Division, ALA. This invaluable reference source is a com pilation of genealogical works intended fo r the study of fam ily origins and fo r building genealogy co lle c­ tions. M aterials published up to January 1 ‚ 1975 are included in the work. The more than 5,200 best and best-known title s in genealogy and heraldry in the b ib liography are fu lly annotated, giving inform ation to the researcher and the librarian on the strengths, weaknesses, and general value of the works. The index contains more than 10,000 entries. “ T h is c a n s e rv e as a b u y in g g u id e an d “ A ll g e n e a lo g is ts w ill fin d th is b ib lio g ­ re s e a rc h a id b y lib r a ria n a n d p a tro n r a p h y o f g re a t v a lu e .” a lik θ ” The Genealogical Helper— Wilson Library Bulletin— July 1976 September 1976 " … a m u s t f o r e v e ry g e n e a lo g ic a l “ H ig h ly re c o m m e n d e d f o r p u rc h a s e by re s e a rc h e r a n d lib r a r y w o r th y o f a ll l ib r a r ie s … n o o th e r b o o k lik e it.” th e n a m e .” _ Choice— November 1976 M ilton Rubicam Order Department American Library Association 50 East Huron Street Chicago, Illinois 60611 If you haven’t browsed through an reviews, new colum ns have been added to B oo klist periodically. issue of Booklist lately, you’re in for the first-of-the-m onth issues: C o o kbooks, Booklist. O v er 38,000 libraries sub­ a big surprise. Plants a n d G ardening, Paperback N o n - scribe to it. A n d fo r one reason— the fiction, S e rie sa n d E ditions, First N ovels, reviews. Reviews th at a re b e tte r than Science Fiction, W esterns and V ideo. ever. But d o n ’t just take o u r w ord fo r it. B ooklist has changed in m any ways. A n d these special colum ns a p p e ar in Rediscover Booklist. F ro m cover to cover. Inside and out. the fifteenth-of-the-m onth issues: Easy Fill ou t a nd m ail the coupon below. In appearance a nd in c ontent. R eading C hildren’s B ooks, A r ts and I f you like, we’ll send you th e latest issue F o r exam ple, b y w orking with p u b ­ C rafts, Popular M usic, P oetry, Espionage, o f B oo klist w ith o u r com plim ents. Look lishers’ galleys, we now review m any titles M ysteries, U .S. G o vern m en t Publica­ us o ver. Review o u r reviews. T h ere’s no in advance o f publication. tions, M u ltim ed ia K its and R ecordings. o bligation to subscribe. But, be w arned: W e a re also packing m ore reviews into Listings o f recent Paperback R eprints y ou m ay be so pleased w ith just one issue each issue. Reviews o f m ore th an 5,000 also ap p e ar in the a d u lt a nd c hildren’s o f B o o k list th at you w on’t be able to wait b o o k s a nd 1,600 n o nprint item s were sections o f this issue. to c om e back f o r m ore. published in the last v olum e year. In addition, special features such as A n d rem em ber, with the e xception o f A d u lt Basic E ducation, Canadian Books, those in the R eference a nd Subscription P opular R eading f o r C hildren, P rofes­ b Ame o rican o Lib k rary Ass lis ociation t Books Section, every review in B ooklist sional R eading, and Slides ap p e ar in 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611 is a recom m endation to p urchase. R em em ber, too, th at B oo klist is the only review m edium th at includes Dewey D ecim al classifications a nd L ibrary o f C ongress subject headings with each review. T h e idea, o f course, is to p rovide as m uch helpful inform ation as possible on new books a nd n on p rin t m aterial to assist you in m aking sound selections fo r y o u r lib rary o r school m edia center. T his is why, in addition to o u r regular rediscover b o o k list