ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 1 3 6 /C&RL News I n t he News T he Internet, its future, an d its effect on library and information services is one o f the challenging issues facing the profession today. In this issue w e continue our efforts to keep you inform ed w ith a n u m b e r o f Internet articles. Kristin Ja c o b se n offers an historic look at th e d e v elo p m en t o f the In tern et an d its e x p o ­ nential grow th. H er tim e line indicates that for th e first 20 years (1964– 1984) there w ere only 1,000 In tern et hosts. E leven years later th e fig­ u re has in creased to 4,800,000. Marie K ascus an d Faith Merriman describe h o w they have u se d th e Internet as a cost- effective to o l for resolving questions th at arise in serials m anagem ent. Bee G allegos, C harles Kratz, a n d Victoria Spain continue o u r series o n Internet resources w ith a lo o k at th e field o f education. D esp ite all o f this electronic com m unica­ tio n , w e a re fa r fro m th e o fte n -p re d ic te d p ap erless society. Carol Withers an d D onnelyn Curtis rem in d us o f the n e e d for sim ple p a p e r a n d pen cil to o ls to h elp patrons find the infor­ m ation th ey need . Nicoletta Mattioli Hary an d Francesca Hary elaborate on the im portance of face-to-face in­ teraction in this electronic age as they share their tips for hosting an international librarian. This issue is o u r final o n e before the ACRL 7th National Conference in Pittsburgh. A very special thanks to Marcia D uncan Lowry for her lively an d informative series o f articles on Pitts­ burgh. In this issue Marcia takes us to a variety o f local restaurants. C an’t go to Pittsburgh? ACRL offers an o th er o p p o rtu n ity to p a rtic ip a te w ith o u t leav in g hom e. O n p ag e 172 is a list o f prizes d o n a te d for ACRL’s first silent auction. From Ritz Carlton b ath ro b es to a getaw ay football w e e k e n d in Indianapolis, a num ber of interesting prizes are available. Fax y o u r bid to ACRL by March 20. Finally, re a d w h a t c a n d id a te s fo r ACRL president, B essie K. H ahn an d William Miller, have p la n n e d for ACRL an d b e a n inform ed vo ter this spring. —Mary Ellen K. Davis Editor & Publisher m ary.ellen.davis@ THE MOST INTELLIGENT PHONE CALL YOU'LL EVER MAKE... D RM , INC., a sophisticated telemarketing firm, specializing in post-secondary education campaigns for your: ADMISSIONS OFFICE CONTINUING EDUCATION D EPARTM ENT LIBRARIES - COLLEGE AND PUBLIC RESEARCH DEPARTM ENTS Place that smart call today for information to: DIRECT RESPONSE M ARKETING, INC. 1500 Ardm ore Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-4402 Phone: (412)242-6200 - 800-995-4566 Fax: (412)732-9510