ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries March 1 9 9 5 /1 3 9 Getty pilot project explores use of digital im ages T h e G etty Art H istory Inform ation Program (AHIP) a n d MUSE Educational Media hav e se­ lected six m useum s an d seven universities to participate in a pilot project to test th e distri­ bution o f art im ages an d information. Partici­ pating institutions will resolve issues o f intel­ lectual property rights, netw ork security, an d inform ation standards, defining th e term s an d conditions for the educational use of m useum im ages a n d inform ation o n cam pus netw orks. This M useum Educational Site Licensing Project runs from January 1, 1995, through Ju n e 30, 1997, an d m akes digitized im ages an d descrip­ tive texts representing at least 3,000 w orks o f art ( a m inim um of 500 from each participating m useum ) available o n the cam pus netw orks o f participating universities w ithout site license or royalty fees during th e 1995– 96 academ ic year. Information o n an d images o f 3,000 m ore w orks will b e ad d ed during 1996–97. Participating uni­ versities are: A m erican University; Colum bia University; Cornell University; University o f Il­ linois at Urbana-Champaign; University o f Mary­ land at College Park; University o f Michigan at Ann Arbor, D earborn, an d Flint; a n d th e Uni­ versity o f Virginia, Charlottesville. French cave paintings online Im ages from the recent Com be d ’Arc (Arde'che) prehistoric cave painting discovery are already o n th e Internet at th e W orld W ide W eb a d ­ dress: h ttp ://w w w .c u ltu re .fr/g v p d a .h tm . This lin k o n th e F re n c h M in istry o f C u ltu r e ’s h o m ep ag e leads to text an d four images. As Jack Kessler reports in his new sletter FYIFrance, there are tw o rem arkable things ab o u t this re­ source. First, it is a significant event in art his­ tory, a n d second, “thanks to netw orking’s w o n ­ ders it has b e e n only a m onth since the cave paintings w ere fo u n d a n d suddenly everyone SA A 's P re s e rv a tio n M a n a g e m e n t T rain in g P ro g ram is a huge su ccess D ecem ber 1994 m arked th e close o f a truly p athbreaking educational initiative, the Soci­ ety o f American Archivists’ (SAA) Preserva­ tion M anagem ent Training Program. In 1991 the SAA received a grant w orth about $650,000 from the National E ndow m ent for the H um ani­ ties’ Division o f Preservation an d Access to la u n c h th e SAA P reserv atio n M anagem ent Training Program. It w as a three-year n atio n ­ w ide program that trained 44 archival adm in­ istrators in establishing an d m aintaining com ­ prehensive archival preservation m anagem ent p ro g r a m s . T h e p ro g r a m w a s c o n d u c te d th ro u g h fo u r regional series, N ortheastern, M idwestern, W estern, a n d Southeastern. Each series m et in d ependently for three o n e-w eek institutes sp read across a one-year period. Its audience w as m id-career archival adm inistra­ tors targeted to integrate preservation adm in­ istration into their m anagem ent perspectives. P a rtic ip a n ts w e re s e le c te d c o m p e titiv e ly w ithin their region according to the strength o f their application. T he program ’s pioneering aspects will p ro ­ foundly effect th e future o f preservation e d u ­ cation an d training in libraries and archives. Its underlying philosophy addressed m oving archival preservation aw ay from ad hoc deci­ sions b ased o n restoring docum ents in an ad­ v an ced stage o f deterioration to w ell-planned m anagem ent strategies aim ed at preventing deterioration across a repository’s entire hold­ ings. T he curriculum advocated integrating pres­ ervation adm inistration into all facets o f the m an ag em en t o f archives, n o t necessarily o p ­ erating as a separate functional elem en t in th e sam e w ay as reference o r collection d e­ v elopm ent. T he pro g ram ’s assignm ents w ere also exceptional b ecau se they w ere designed to build elem ents of a functioning, tailor-made archival preservation program for the student’s em ploying institution prior to graduation. A nother u n iq u e characteristic w as the p ro ­ gram faculty’s w ork w ith a professional e d u ­ cator/training ex p ert to develop m o d ern in­ structional m ethods b ased on interactive adult learning strategies that have b e e n successfully ap p lied by educators an d trainers elsew here. T he SAA Preservation M anagem ent Training Program leaves us w ith a legacy o f being the n atio n ’s m ost am bitious preservation ed u ca­ tion program u n d ertak en to d a te .— Tyler O. Walters, Iowa State University