ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries March 1995/193 N ew Public a tion G e o rg e M. Eberhart The A t la s o f S a c r e d Places: Meeting Points o f Heaven and Earth, by James Harpur (240 pages, 1994), describes 33 temples, ancient burial places, pil­ grimage sites, monuments, and landscapes considered sacred by different cultures past and present. This is not an in-depth study, but the excellent photographs d o convey a sense o f the ex­ traordinariness o f each sa­ cred site. Some unusual lo­ cales w ere chosen, among them Wat Phra K eo in Thailand, Mount Kailas in Tibet, Cahokia in Illinois, and O seberg in Norway, making this a welcome multicultural approach. $45.00. Henry Holt and Company, 115 W. 18th Street, N ew York, N Y 10011. ISBN 0-8050-2775-0. A Bibliography o f M edical and Biom edi­ cal Biography, by Leslie T. Morton and Rob­ ert J. M oore (333 pages, 2d ed., N ovem ber 1994), lists readily available sources o f infor­ mation on significant figures in the history o f medicine and the biomedical sciences. This new edition increases its coverage o f references to both English-language and European-language works. There is also a stronger representation of information from periodical literature. Also in c lu d e d are a c h r o n o lo g ic a l in d e x o f biographees arranged by discipline and a short list o f books on the history o f medicine and related subjects. $99.95. Ashgate Publishing Co., Old Post Road, Brookfield, V T 05036-9704. IS B N 0-85967- 981-0 . Biological A n om alies: Hu­ mans III, co m p iled by W ill­ iam R. Corliss (206 pages, O c­ tober 1994), is a ca ta lo g o f anthropological data and obser­ vatio n s that ca n n o t b e e x ­ plained readily by prevailing scientific theories. Part three o f a projected series o f ten, this volume covers anomalies in the hominid fossil record (abrupt changes in hominid m orphol­ ogy, the sudden demise o f th e N e a n d e rth a ls , g ia n t hominid skeletons); human genetics (hum an and ape chrom osom e numbers d if­ fer, human m itoch on d ria radically different from those o f other organisms); unrec­ ognized hominids (bigfoot/ sa sq u a tch o r C h in e s e w ildm en); and human inter­ face phenom ena (unusual animal attacks on humans, manipulation o f human be­ havior by viruses, the inverse relationship between human parasites and al­ lergies). Each anomaly is rated for the quality o f data supporting it and the degree to which it can or cannot be explained by current scien­ tific laws. $19.95. The Sourcebook Project, P.O. B ox 107, Glen Arm, MD 21057. ISBN 0-915554- 29-1. Censorship o f Expression in the 1980s, by John B. Harer and Steven R. Harris (181 pages, O ctober 1994), presents the results o f a statistical survey o f censorship incidents in the Reagan-Bush years. Surprisingly for this con­ servative era, incidents have declined in the latter half o f the 1980s after starting out with a high o f 365 cases in 1981, Reagan’s first year in office. Judy Blume’s Deenie holds the honor o f being the most censored book o f the 1980s. $49.95. G reen w ood Press, 88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881-5007. ISBN 0-313-28746-5. The N e w Y o rk Public Li­ b r a r y B ook o f P o p u la r Americana, by Tad Tuleja (451 pages, N ovem ber 1994), is a remarkable compendium o f both w ell-know n and me dium-known people, places, events, and other elements o f popular culture in America. It’s a good first choice for identify­ ing such things as Diddy-Wah- Diddy, hoppin g John, Steve Brodie, O ld Stormalong, and the XIT Ranch. Most o f the en­ tries, however, are fairly famil­ iar, which makes me think this 194/C&RL News b ook might be most useful for immigrants or program profile includes information on enroll­ ment, costs, admissions, facilities, graduate study, and employment. Essays on specific ca­ reer paths and internships accompany the data. $14.95. Peterson’s, 202 Carnegie Center, Princ­ eton, NJ 08543-2123. ISBN 1-56079-407-0. Encyclopedia o f Creation Myths, by David Adams Leeming and Margaret Adams Łeeming (330 pages, October 1994), recounts the cos­ m ogony and deluge myths o f most Eastern and Western cultures. Native American myths are e s p e c ia lly w e ll-re p r e s e n te d , a lo n g w ith Babylonian, Egyptian, Greco-Roman, Hindu, Chinese, Japanese, and African beliefs. Illustra­ tions o f art, sculpture, and manuscripts are pro­ vided where available. $60.00. ABC-CLIO, 130 Cremona Dr., Santa Barbara, CA 93116-1911. ISBN 0-87436-739-5. This is a handy companion volum e to ABC- CLIO’s Encyclopedia o f Traditional Epics (732 pages, October 1994) which summarizes epics in prose and poetry dealing with heroes, quests, sagas, and other mythic themes in world cultures. $65.00. ISBN 0-87436-724-7. Introduction to R eference Sources in the Health Sciences, by Fred W. Roper and Jo Anne Boorkman (301 pages, 3rd ed., Septem­ ber 1994), has been revised to highlight changes in key health sciences reference sources since the previous edition in 1984. Each chapter con­ tains a discussion o f the general characteristics o f the bibliographic or informational source being considered, follo w ed by examples o f the most important tools in the area. Emphasis is on the use o f materials, and, where available, a comparison with similar materials is included. $35.00. S carecro w Press, P.O . B o x 4167, Metuchen, NJ 08840. ISBN 0-8108-2889-8. W om en and Public Policy: A Revolution in Progress, by M. Margaret Conway, David W. Ahern, and Gertrude A. Steuernagel (213 pages, August 1994), offers brief surveys o f public policy topics that affect w om en and their families. O f particular interest is the chapter on w om en and educational policy, which focuses on the Title IX prohibition o f gender discrimi­ nation by educational institutions. Other topics are gender-based insurance ratings, equal em­ ployment opportunity policy, and w om en and the criminal justice system. $19.95. Congres­ sional Quarterly Books, 1414 22nd Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20037. ISBN 0-87187-923-9. others learning American culture for the first time. $27.50. Macmillan Publishing USA, 15 Co­ lumbus Circle, N ew York, N Y 10023. ISBN 0- 671-89987-2. Education fo r the Earth: The C o lleg e Guide for Careers in the Environment (319 pages, 2d ed., Novem ber 1994) provides infor­ mation on 350 undergraduate and 240 gradu­ ate programs in environmental science at col­ leges and universities in the United States and Canada. Five broad career areas are featured: environm ental en gin eerin g, environm ental health, environmental science, environmental studies, and natural resource management. Each A dvertiser in d ex 3M 142 Amer. Chemical Society 159 American Psychological cover 2 Ameritech Library Serv. cover 4 Axxess Info. Solutions 184 Baker & Taylor 151 Blackwell 170 Bowker/Reed cover 3, 196 Brodart 185 Cambridge Scientific 180 Carlson 201 Chadwyck-Healey 161 Choice 155 Congressional Quarterly 195 Direct Response 136 EBSCO 143 Endeavor 189 Highsmith 177 Inforonics 158 Natl. Library o f Canada 132 OCLC 204 Paige Company 141 PAIS 149 Personal Bib. Software 174 Roper Center 131 Roth Publishing 197 Scriptorium Center 166 Silverplatter 171 SIRSI 152 Sociological Abstracts 157 SpaceSaver 192 St. Martin’s 165 Walker & Co. 133 March 1995/195 196/C&RL News March 1995/197