ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries M a r c h 1 9 9 5 / 2 0 5 THE CLASSIFIED ADS D e a d I i n e s : O r d e r s f o r r e g u la r c la s s if ie d a d v e r t is e m e n t s m u s t re a c h t h e A C R L o ffic e o n o r b e f o r e t h e s e c o n d o f th e m o n th p r e c e d in g p u b lic a tio n o f t h e is s u e (e .g ., S e p t e m b e r 2 fo r th e O c t o b e r is s u e ) . S h o u ld th is d a t e f a ll o n a w e e k e n d o r h o lid a y , a d s w ill b e a c c e p t e d o n t h e n e x t b u s in e s s d a y . L a te jo b lis tin g s w ill b e a c c e p te d o n a s p a c e - a v a ila b le b a s is a f t e r the s e c o n d o f th e m o n t h . R a t e s : C la s s ifie d a d v e r t is e m e n t s a re $ 7 . 1 0 p e r lin e f o r in s titu tio n s t h a t a r e A C R L m e m b e r s , $ 9 . 0 0 f o r o th e r s . L a te jo b n o tic e s a re $ 1 7 . 2 5 p e r l in e f o r i n s t it u t io n s t h a t a r e A C R L m e m b e r s , $ 2 0 . 5 0 f o r o th e r s . O r g a n iz a t io n s s u b m it t in g a d s will b e c h a r g e d a c c o r d in g t o th e ir m e m b e r s h ip s t a t u s , D is ­ play a d r a t e s r a n g e fr o m $ 3 2 0 t o $ 6 1 0 b a s e d u p o n s iz e . P le a s e c a ll f o r s iz e s a n d r a te s . G u i d e l i n e s : F o r a d s t h a t lis t a n a p p lic a t io n d e a d lin e , w e s u g g e s t th a t d a t e b e n o s o o n e r t h a n t h e 2 0 t h d a y o f t h e m o n t h in w h ic h t h e n o t ic e a p p e a r s (e .g ., 0 c t o b e r 2 0 f o r t h e O c t o b e r iss u e ). A ll jo b a n n o u n c e m e n t s s h o u ld in c lu d e a s a la r y r a n g e p e r p o lic y o f t h e A m e r ic a n L ib r a r y A s s o c ia t io n ( A L A ) . J o b a n n o u n c e m e n ts w ill b e e d it e d to e x c lu d e d is c r im in a t o r y re fe re n c e s . A p p lic a n t s s h o u ld b e a w a r e t h a t t h e t e r m s f a c ­ ulty rank a n d status v a r y in m e a n in g a m o n g in s titu tio n s . In t e r n e t : C&RL N e w s c la s s if ie d a d s a r e n o w a c c e s s ib le on t h e I n te r n e t th r o u g h t h e g o p h e r s e r v e r a t t h e U n iv e r s it y o f Illin o is a t C h ic a g o . A d s w ill b e p la c e d o n t h e g o p h e r a p p r o x i­ m a te ly 2 - 3 w e e k s b e f o re th e p rin te d e d it io n o f C&RL News is p u b lis h e d . T o r e a c h C&RL N ewsNet lo c a te t h e U n iv e r s it y o f Illin o is a t C h ic a g o in t h e m e n u o f a ll s e r v e r s m a in t a in e d o n g o p h e r a t t h e U n iv e r s it y o f M in n e s o ta . A lt e r n a tiv e ly , c o n n e c t yo u r fa v o r ite g o p h e r c lie n t d ir e c t ly t o h o s t ''g o p h e r .u ic . e d u 7 0 ‘ . S e le c t " T h e L ib r a r y " fr o m t h e m e n u a n d th e n s e le c t "C & R L N e w s N e t" fr o m th e n e x t m e n u . C o n t a c t : J a c k H e lb ig , C la s s ifie d A d v e r t is in g M a n a g e r, C&RL A /e w s C la s s ifie d A d v e r tis in g D e p a r tm e n t, A C R L , A m e r i­ can L ib r a r y A s s o c ia tio n , 5 0 E . H u ro n S t., C h ic a g o , I L 6 0 6 1 1- 2 79 5 ; ( 3 1 2 ) 2 8 0 - 2 5 1 3 ; fa x : ( 3 1 2 ) 2 8 0 - 7 6 6 3 o r (3 1 2 ) 2 8 0 - 2 5 2 0 ; e -m a il: U 2 1 8 0 8 @ U IC V M . u ic .e d u . P o l i c y : A L A p o lic y r e q u ir e s t h a t o r g a n iz a t io n s r e c r u itin g th ro u g h A L A p u b lic a t io n s o r p la c e m e n t s e r v ic e s c o m p ly w ith A L A a n t i- d is c r im in a t io n p o lic ie s . P o lic y 5 4 , 3 s t a t e s t h a t “A L A is c o m m itte d to e q u a lit y o f o p p o r t u n it y f o r a ll lib r a r y e m p lo y ­ e es o r a p p lic a n t s f o r e m p lo y m e n t, r e g a r d le s s o f ra c e , c o lo r , cre e d , s e x , a g e , p h y s ic a l o r m e n t a l h a n d ic a p , in d iv id u a l lif e ­ s ty le , o r n a t io n a l o r ig in . " B y a d v e r t is in g th r o u g h A L A s e r ­ v ic e s , t h e o r g a n iz a t io n a g r e e s t o c o m p ly w ith t h is p o lic y . POSITIONS OPEN A CA D E M IC L IB R A R IA N . G e n e v a C o lle g e 's M c C a r tn e y L ib r a r y in ­ vites a p p lic a tio n s f o r a fa c u lt y lib r a r ia n w ith th e r a n k o f A s s is ta n t P ro fe s s o r. T h is t e n u r e - tr a c k p o s it io n w o u ld b e g in n o la te r th a n A u g u s t 1 9 9 5 . T h e lib r a r y is s e e k in g a n o u ts ta n d in g lib r a r ia n c o m m it­ ted to J e s u s C h ris t, to s e rv in g s tu d e n ts a n d fa c u lty , a n d to in te g ra tin g p e rs o n a l fa ith in t h e p r a c t ic e o f lib r a r ia n s h ip . R e q u ir e d : M L S , t r a d i­ tiona l re fe r e n c e a n d IL L s k ills , e x p e r ie n c e in in fo r m a tio n te c h n o lo ­ gie s, in f o r m a tio n lite r a c y , b ib lio g r a p h ic a l in s tr u c tio n , e x c e lle n t c o m ­ m u n ic a tio n a n d in te r p e r s o n a l ta le n ts , a n d s k ills in d e v e lo p in g s tr o n g r e la tio n s h ip s w ith te a c h in g fa c u lty . P r e fe r r e d : A n e a r n e d a c a d e m ic d o c to ra te , C la s s r o o m te a c h in g e x p e r ie n c e a p lu s . G e n e v a is a n e v a n g e lic a l lib e ra l a r t s c o lle g e , c o n t r o lle d b y th e R e fo r m e d P r e s b y ­ teria n C h u r c h , w h ic h s e e k s fa c u lty w h o s h a re th a t p e r s p e c tiv e a n d w ant to d e v e lo p t h e ir in s tr u c tio n a n d s c h o la r s h ip w ith in th a t fr a m e ­ work. Q u a lifie d w o m e n a n d e th n ic m in o r ity c a n d id a te s a r e e n c o u r ­ aged to a p p ly . S a la r y lo w $ 3 0 s a n d e x c e lle n t f r in g e b e n e fits . S e n d University Librarian The University Librarian provides leadership in delivery of innovative, high quality, state-of-the- art library services for NJIT's Robert W Van llouten andarchiteclure libraries. MinSyrs sr. level admin experience in academic or research library req d„ including planning, organizing, controlling and directing all aspects of a technical library- Superior oral and written communications skills. Send letter of application and resume to: Personnel ll-Lib. NJIT is New Jersey s comprehensive technological university with a national reputation for excellence in instruction and research Its 7,500 students are enrolled in baccalaureate through doctoral pro­ grams within Newark College of Engineering, the School of Architecture, the College of Science and Liberal Arts, the School of Industrial Management, and the Albert Dorman Honors College E0E/AA NUT N e w ( r n e y In s titu te o f Te chn o lo g y .4 Pub lic Resea rch I n it e r» tly IftiWfMiy HdjlNK Newark New t w o 0*10/ 1NKJ re s u m e , c o v e r le tte r, t h r e e r e fe r e n c e s , a n d a s ta te m e n t o f C h r is t ia n fa ith to : R o m a in e J e s k y - S m ith , L ib r a r ia n S e a r c h C o m m itte e , G en e va C o lle g e , 3 2 0 0 C o lle g e A v e ., B e a v e r F a lls , P A 1 5 0 1 0 . A C C E S S S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N . T h is is a t e n u r e - tr a c k p o s it io n w ith in t h e lib r a r y fa c u lty . R e s p o n s ib ilitie s : L ia is o n t o O ffic e o f C o n ­ t in u in g E d u c a tio n , d e v e lo p a n d s u p e r v is e s e r v ic e s to o ff- s ite c a m ­ p u s lo c a tio n s , o v e r s e e th e C ir c u la tio n D e p a r tm e n t, s h a r e re fe r e n c e d e s k ro ta tio n , p a r tic ip a te in o t h e r p r o fe s s io n a l a c tiv itie s e x p e c te d o f a lib r a r y fa c u lt y m e m b e r , e s p e c ia lly c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t a n d b ib lio g r a p h ic in s tr u c tio n . Q u a lific a tio n s : A L A - a c c r e d ite d M L S ; e x p e ­ r ie n c e in c ir c u la tio n a n d IL L ; e x p e r ie n c e in re fe r e n c e lib r a r ia n s h ip ; a b ilit y t o w o r k e ffe c tiv e ly w ith s u p p o r t s ta ff , lib r a r y fa c u lty , in s t r u c ­ t io n a l fa c u lty , a n d s tu d e n ts in o f f - s i t e p r o g r a s m ; e m p lo y m e n t e x p e ­ rie n c e in w o r k in g w ith o ff- c a m p u s p r o g r a m s is h ig h ly d e s ir a b le , e s p e c ia lly in th e d e liv e r y o f in fo r m a tio n s e r v ic e s . S a la r y a n d ra n k c o m m e n s u r a te w ith q u a lific a tio n s . S e n d le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n , r e ­ s u m e , a n d n a m e s o f th re e r e fe re n c e s to : L a u r e l B a lk e m a , U n iv e rs ity L ib ra ry , G r a n d V a lle y S ta te U n iv e r s ity , A lle n d a le , M l 4 9 4 0 1 . R e ­ v ie w o f a p p lic a tio n s w ill b e g in A p r il 1 5 ,1 9 9 5 , a n d c o n t in u e u n til th e p o s it io n is fille d . U n le s s c o n f id e n t ia lit y is re q u e s te d in w r itin g , in fo rm a tio n r e g a rd in g th e a p p lic a n ts m u s t b e re le a s e d u p o n re q u e s t. F in a lis ts c a n n o t b e g u a r a n te e d c o n fid e n tia lity . G ra n d V a lle y S ta te U n iv e rs ity is an e q u a l o p p o r tu n ity a n d a ffir m a tiv e a c tio n e m p lo y e r. A SS IS TA N T DIRECTO R. S a le m -T e ik y o U n iv e rs ity s e e k s a q u a lifie d in d iv id u a l f o r th e p o s it io n o f A s s is ta n t D ire c to r, B e n e d u m L ib ra ry , re s p o n s ib le fo r le a d e rs h ip a n d m a n a g e m e n t o f lib r a r y a c tiv itie s in th e a re a o f p u b lic s e rv ic e , r e fe re n c e a n d re s e rv e s , c irc u la tio n , a n d lib ra ry in s tru c tio n . T h e c a n d id a te is e x p e c te d to h o ld a m in im u m o f a n a d v a n c e d c e rtific a te in lib r a r y s c ie n c e fr o m a n A L A - a c c r e d ite d p r o ­ g ra m , w ith a d o c t o r d e g r e e p re fe rre d , S e a r c h w ill c o n t in u e u n til p o s it io n is fille d . A d d r e s s a p p lic a tio n s to : P e rs o n n e l D ire c to r, S ale m - T e ik y o U n iv e rs ity , P .O . B o x 5 0 0 , S a le m , W V 2 6 4 2 6 . E O E /A A . A S S IS T A N T DIRECTOR FOR TE C H N IC A L SER VICE S . L o u is v ille P re s b y te ria n T h e o lo g ic a l S e m in a ry L ib ra ry A s s is ta n t. D ire c to r r e ­ s p o n s ib le fo r a ll a r e a s o f te c h n ic a l s e rv ic e s , in c lu d in g o rig in a l c a ta ­ lo g in g ; s u p e rv is io n o f p e r m a n e n t a n d s tu d e n t s ta ff; m a in te n a n c e o f 206/C&RL News public catalog; and preservation of holdings. Q ualifications: ALA- a ccredited MLS, three years experience in academ ic libraries, five ye ars preferred. Relevant subject m aster’s o r know ledge o f religious studies. Dem onstrated m anagem ent skills. Experience with library autom ated system s and knowledge o f G erm an o r Rom ance lan­ guages preferred. Send letter, resume, and three professional refer­ ences to: M ilton J. Coalter, Library Director, E rnest M iller W hite Library, Louisville Presbyterian The ological Sem inary, 1044 Alta Vista Rd., Louisville, KY 40205-1798. Application d eadline: M arch 15, 1995. Position available June 1995. AS S IS TA N T LIBRARY DIRECTOR II. A rthu r N eff Law Library, W ayne State University. Position and R esponsibilities: U nder the general direction o f the Law Library Director, this position is responsible fo r developing and im plem enting strategies fo r inform ation services and nstructional program s fo r students, faculty, and the community; o ordinating and e valuating reference and research services for rim ary and external clientele; planning and im plem enting library nform ation literacy program ; participating in planning and evaluating continuous program fo r staff developm ent; represents the Law ibrary in the absence of the director; and oth e r duties as assigned. ualifications: M aster’s degree in Library and Inform ation Science rom an ALA-accredited institution, la w degree from an A BA-accred ted law school and a ppropriate experience in an academ ic la w library equired. M ust dem onstrate a high level o f leadership in the profes­ ion. Dem onstrated ability to com m unicate and relate effectively with tudents, faculty, and the com m unity. Experience with continuous rocess im provem ent m ethodologies (TQM) is preferred. A b ility to set i c p i a L Q f i r s s p March 1995/207 p rio ritie s a nd to w o rk a s an e ffe c tiv e in te rd is c ip lin a ry tea m m e m b er is essen tial. C rea tive individual with high e ne rg y level w ill be su ccess­ ful. T h e c a m p u s and the lib ra ry: W a yn e S ta te U n ive rsity, a C a rn e g ie I university, is o ne o f the nation’s leading urban research institutions. S e rvin g a d is tin g u is h e d la w sch o o l in M ichig a n, th e A rth u r N e ef Law L ib ra ry is th e p rim a ry re so u rce lib ra ry fo r the D e tro it m e tro po lita n a re a. T h e U n ive rsity L ib ra ry S yste m , a m e m b e r o f th e R esearch L ib ra rie s G ro up , is ra n ked a m o n g th e top third o f A m e ric a n re search lib ra rie s. O th e r in fo rm a tio n : M inim um sa lary: $ 4 1 ,00 0, n eg otia b le , b a se d on e x p e rie n ce a nd q u a lifica tio n s. E xce lle n t b e n e fit p acka g e including retirem ent, dental, liberal vacation and illness plans, tuition a s s is ta n c e fo r e m p lo ye e s a nd fa m ily m e m b ers. F o rw a rd resum e, in clu din g n am es a nd a d d re sse s o f th re e re fe re n ce s, to: Ju dith M arch-Adam s, A ssistant Dean fo r Adm inistration, 134 Purdy Library, W a y n e S ta te U n iv ers ity , D e tro it, M l 4 8 2 0 2 . P o sitio n w ill rem ain o pe n u ntil fille d . All b u ild in g s, stru c tu re s , a nd v e h ic le s a t W S U are sm o ke -fre e . W a yn e S ta te U n ive rsity is an e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity, a ffirm a ­ tiv e a ction e m p loye r. W a yn e S ta te U n iv e rs ity — p e o p le w o rkin g to g e th e r to p ro vid e q u a lity se rvice . CA T A LO G LIB R A R IA N . Entry-level, Instructor-rank, 12-month fa c ­ u lty app ointm e n t open Sep tem be r 1 , 1995. Responsibilities: Original and co p y cata lo ging in all form a ts and several languages, including Russian, union listing, and retrospective conversion. Participates in T e chn ica l S ervices D epartm ent activities and occasio n al reference desk duties. Required: M LS from ALA-a ccre dite d program ; e xpe ri­ e nce o r co urse w o rk in cataloging; kn ow ledge o f AAC R 2; fam ilia rity w ith LCSH, LC cla ssifica tion practices, and M AR C form ats; ability to Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minim um salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 1 5 , 1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey o f Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. Connecticut $28,900 Delaware $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $21,588 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $30,128 New York varies* North Carolina $24,367+ Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $23,700* Rhode Island $28,000 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $20,000 Texas $25,000 Vermont $23,846 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $25,830 * R a th e r th a n e sta b lish o ne s ta te w id e s a la ry m inim um , so m e sta te a s s o cia tio n s h ave a do p te d a fo rm u la b ase d on such va ria b le s as co m p a ra b le s a la rie s fo r p u b lic sch o o l te a c h e rs in e ach co m m u n ity o r th e g ra de le vel o f a p ro fe ssio n a l lib ra ria n post. In th e se ca ses, you m a y w ish to co n ta c t the state a sso cia tio n fo r m inim um s a la ry in form atio n . +S a la ry m inim um s fo r p ub lic librarians only. #Option fo r local form ula. 208/C&RL News COORDINATOR, MINITEX/OCLC SERVICES— 2 POSITIONS University of M innesota The MINITEX Library Information Network, a multitype resource-sharing network serving libraries in Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota, seeks service-oriented individuals to assume two MINITEX/ OCLC Services Coordinator positions. The MINITEX/OCLC program has over 160 academic, public, special, and state agency libraries as participants. The MINITEX Library Information Network is a publicly supported network of academic, public, state agency, and other special libraries working cooperatively to improve library service by making library and information resources accessible to residents in Minnesota. MINITEX is a program of the Minnesota Higher Education Coordinating Board located at the University of Minnesota. Its programs include processing over 325,000 document delivery requests a year with an 87% fill rate, Ariel workstation and facsimile for receipt and delivery of documents, a regionwide union listing of serials, OCLC support and training, overnight delivery of documents by courier, backup reference services, cooperative purchasing program, forums and workshops, staff support for Standards Task Force and Cooperative Collection Management Task Force as well asaTask Force for Off-Campus Library Services to Students. In addition, MINITEX is the fiscal agent for over 210 academic, public, and special libraries in the three-state region for access to reference citations and full-text databases from the Information Access Corporation. MINITEX is a beta site for the IAC print workstation. RESPONSIBILITIES: Under the direction of the Assistant Director for OCLC and Reference Services, the coordinators will work closely with the reference and union listing staff to provide information, training, consultation, and access to services and resources, pertaining to OCLC, union listing, reference and technical services. Services are provided that are appropriate to individual libraries within the cooperative environment of the MINITEX Library Information Network. Travel throughout the region is required. COORDINATOR— POSITION 1 (UL 41). Required qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program, with a minimum of one year of professional library experience. Working knowledge of basic cataloging principles, the MARC formats, OCLC products and services, and current and emerging cataloging technologies. Experience with microcomputer operations and applications. Strong oral and written communication skills. Demonstrated organizational skills. Flexibility and the ability to work in a fast-paced environment. Preference will be given to candidates with: Knowledge of library systems and of related standards, training or teaching experience, telephone support experience, telecommunications knowledge, experience with library networking and cooperative library services. COORDINATOR— POSITION 2 (UL 42) Required qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program, with a minimum of one year of professional library experience. Knowledge of OCLC’s PRISM Service, other OCLC products and services, MARC-based library systems and related standards, and current and emerging technologies. Experience with microcomputer operations and applications. Strong oral and written communication skills. Demonstrated organizational skills. Flexibility and the ability to work in a fast-paced environment. Preference will be given to candidates with: Training or teaching experience, telephone support experience, telecommunications knowledge, experience with library networking and cooperative library services. APPOINTMENT: Appointment is in the University of Minnesota’s Academic Administrative class. Minimum salary is $30,000 and is commensurate with experience and qualifications. Excellent benefits. Positions are available June 1,1995. A file of all qualified applicants will be maintained for one calendar year and will be consulted if there is a similar vacancy. Applications including the appropriate position number (UL41 or 42) must be postmarked by A p ril 7,1995. Applicants should send a letter of application with detailed resume and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Linda DeBeau-Melting Libraries Human Resources Office University of Minnesota 453 Wilson Library 309 19th Ave. South Minneapolis, MN 55455-0414 The University o f M innesota is com m itted to the p olicy that a ll persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, a nd em ploym ent without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, m arital status, disability, pub lic assistance status, veteran status, o r sexual orientation. March 1995/209 QUINNIPIAC C OLLEGE Director, College Library U uinnipiac College invites Qualifications: nominations and applications • M LS from A LA -accredited for the position o f D irector of program; the Library, which will • A second Master’s degree or PhD; include having responsibility for the • A m inim um o f ten years of C ollege Library as well as our Media experien ce in an academ ic library Center. This is a Dean-level position preferred, including at least five that reports to the Provost/Vice years o f progressively responsible President for Academ ic Affairs. adm inistrative experience; T h e Director will participate in • E xperience with library planning substantial renovation and and design, as well as an interest expansion of facilities and in im plem enting innovative library inform ation systems, planned services; for 1997. • A strong com m itm ent to public service and inform ation literacy; Quinnipiac is a grow ing residential • Expertise in new technological college o f approxim ately 3,000 full applications for inform ation tim e students and 1,200 part tim e access and delivery; and graduate students in the • Demonstrated leadership qualities Schools of Business, Health and interpersonal skills. Sciences and Liberal Arts. The Quinnipiac School o f Law has 770 Position w ill be available after June students and its ow n library. The 30, 1995. R eview o f applications College Library is a m em ber of w ill begin on M arch 20. For O C LC ; maintains a CD-ROM con fidential consideration, please network; and is im plem enting an send your letter o f application, Innovative Interfaces integrated resum e and names o f three library system cooperatively with professional referen ces to: the School o f Law library. The Ronald J. Quirk, Associate M edia C enter contains instructional Provost, Quinnipiac College, audiovisual materials, and houses Mount Carmel Avenue, Hamden, several studios in support o f the CT 06518; telephone (203) 281- C ollege’s instructional programs. 8752; or fax (203) 281-8968. Quinnipiac College has a strong commitment to the principles and practices of diversity throughout the college community. Women, minorities and disabled individuals are invited and encouraged to consider this opportunity and to apply. work effectively w ith all levels o f fa cu lty and staff. D esirable: Second master’s d egree; expe rie n ce w ith O CLC; w orking kn ow ledge o f MS- DOS com puters. Salary $24,000. Send le tte r o f application, resume, and n am es, a d d re sse s, and te le p h o n e n u m b e rs o f th re e re feren ces by A pril 14, 1995, to: B e tty D. Jo h n so n , A sso cia te D ire cto r fo r Technical Services, duPont-Ball Library, Stetson University, DeLand, FL 32720. Stetson U niversity is an EOE e m p loye r and is stro ng ly committed to increasing the d iversity o f its facu lty and adm inistration. CATALOG LIB R A R IA N (two positions). P rocessing S ervices D e­ partm ent/Rare Book Team , Sterling M em orial Library, Yale U niver­ sity. Rank: Librarian I o r II. P erform s o riginal cataloging, enh an ce s and maintains ca ta lo ging records a t a W ind ow s-b ase d ca ta lo ge r’s w o rk­ station fo r a w id e range o f printed m aterials (early printed books to co nte m p ora ry tra de publica tio ns in E nglish and E uropean languages) o r the Beinecke Rare Book and M an uscript Library. Q ualifications: LS from an A LA -a ccre dite d library school. Reading kn ow ledge of ne o r m ore European la nguages (S panish stro ng ly preferred fo r one f th e positions; Latin, Italian, G erm an, o r R ussian desirab le fo r both). ffective c o m m unication and ana lytica l skills. A b ility to w o rk in depen­ en tly and with o thers. A bility to excel in a rapidly ch an ging autom ated eam e nvironm ent. Fa m iliarity w ith AAC R 2, Library o f C ongress rule n terpre tatio n s and s u bje ct heading practice, rare b ook cataloging ccordin g to D escriptive C a taloging o f Rare B ooks, and M AR C form at esirable. Previous ca ta lo ging e xperience desirable. Fa m iliarity with OTIS, RLIN, o r o th e r o nline lib ra ry system s d esirable. Facility with icroco m p u te rs and basic so ftw a re a pplica tio ns d esirable. C o m p eti­ ive salary, reflecting qua lifica tio ns and experience. C o m prehensive f M o o E d t i a d N m t 2 1 0 /C&RL News ATTENTION LIBRARY INSTRUCTION LIBRARIANS ***DREAM JOB*** THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY MILTON S. EISENHOWER LIBRARY Library Instruction Coordinator and Resource Services Librarian for Education The Milton S. Eisenhower Library offers the opportunity for an imaginative, enterprising librarian to implement and expand a new electronic teaching program, to develop programs and services for the Columbia Center and other off-campus sites of the School of Continuing Studies, to coordinate the training needs of the Resource Services Department, and to act as the Resource Services Librarian for Education. The library serves a campus of 3,400 undergraduates, 1,800 graduate students, and about 350 faculty in full-time programs, and another 7,000 students enrolled in continuing studies programs. These part-time students are an important constituency that particularly values library instruction and electronic access to information. The Resource Services Department is composed of 11 subject specialists, each of whom is responsible for building close working relationships with the faculty and students in the academic departments he or she serves. The Eisenhower Library prizes energy, creativity, and professionalism and offers challenge, indepen­ dence, and visibility to members of its Resource Services team. RESPONSIBILITIES • Direct the library’s instructional program and coordinate the delivery of instructional services to the university community by working with the other Resource Services librarians, the faculty, and the Dean of Students Office. • Develop library and information programs and services for the Columbia Center and other off-campus sites of the School of Continuing Studies, working closely with center faculty and staff. • Coordinate orientation and training needs of the Resource Services Department. • Function as Resource Services Librarian for Education. • Provide a variety of instructional, reference, and research services to the academic community. QUALIFICATIONS • MLS from an ALA-accredited library school required; and an advanced degree in a subject area (preferably education or a related field) or equivalent experience required. • Significant experience in conducting instructional programs in the use of the library and its resources required. • Experience with training and teaching part-time, adult learners highly desired. • Two or more years experience in collection development, and/or reference in a research library preferred. • Demonstrated planning, organizational, and leadership skills. • Thorough knowledge of a variety of computer databases (full-text, images, bibliographic), the major bibliographic utilities, the Internet, and experience with such world-wide web browsers as MOSAIC preferred. • Reading knowledge of at least two foreign languages. • Willingness to work a flexible schedule (including some evenings and weekends) as part of a team. The hiring range is $31,100–$42,102, depending on education and experience. Personnel benefits include 22 days vacation; free life insurance; tuition benefits; TIAA/CREF retirement program, and group health plan cost shared by individual and university. To be considered, send letter of application indicating job #S95-077, resume, and three letters of reference, by March 24,1995, to: The Johns Hopkins University Homewood Human Resources 119 Garland Hall 3400 N. Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21218 AA/EOE Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Smoke-free a nd drug-free. March 1995/211 THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY U n i v e r s i t y o f S o u t h e r n C a l i f o r n i a T he University of Southern C alifornia University Library invites applications for the position as Assis­ tant U niversity Librarian for Instructional and Research Services. The University Library is a site for teaching, learning, and research. The Library seeks a person who understands the strategic and techno­ logical implications o f this mission and who understands the various scholarly, teaching, and research processes w ithin a large academic institution. The AUL w ill provide leadership and vision for those areas o f the library which deal most directly w ith research and instructional programs and services and w ork w ith a staff strongly committed to enhancing the role o f the library in the University’s educational mission. T he A U L for Instructional and Research Services is one o f four AULS reporting to the University Librarian and, using strategic thinking, innovation, and teamwork, is part o f an administrative team and a faculty committed to improving library services in an age o f fiscal limits. T he AUL is responsible for the operations, services, programs and budget for 18 libraries/departments including the newly opened, technologically advanced Leavey Library and the Center for Scholarly Technology. T he Instructional and Research Services Division has 44 Library Faculty, 6 6 Staff, and 80 FTE Students. To request a copy o f the vacant position announcement, which includes qualifications and application instructions, e-mail your name and m ailing address to or call (213) 740- 2928 between the hours o f 9:0 0 am to 4:00 pm, M onday - Friday. The U niversity o f Southern California is an AAJEOE, ADA-compliant institution strongly com m itted to the p rin cip le o f diversity. benefits package including 22 vacation days and 17 holiday, recess, and personal days; com prehensive health care; relocation assis­ tance; and TIA A/C R E F o r Yale retirem ent. A pplications received by March 31, 1995, will be given first consideration; applications ac­ cepted until position is filled. Please send a letter o f application, resume, and the nam es o f three references to: Diane Y. Turner, Director, Library Human Resources, Yale U niversity Library, P.O. Box 208240, N ew Haven, C T 06520-8240. Y ale University is an equal opportunity, a ffirm ative action em ployer. CATALOGER LIBRA RIAN. The U niversity o f Central Florida, a rapidly growing state university, e nrollm ent 26,000, fully autom ated library, seeks a candidate with initiative, flexibility, and potential to excel in a dynam ic and challenging team environm ent. Reports to the Head of Cataloging, w ith an opp ortun ity to participate in noncataloging duties depending on expertise and interests. Required: ALA-accred- ited MLS; a t least two ye ars cataloging e xperience post-M LS, o r one year experience post-M LS with strong paraprofessional cataloging background. Preferred: Dem onstrated e xperience with LC, AACR2, MARC form a ts, a b ib lio g ra p h ic u tility, a nd an o n line auto m a te d system. Strong organizational, com m unication, planning, and inter­ personal skills. K nowledge o f o r e xperience with OCLC, NOTIS, all formats, authority control, and Dewey. Reading know ledge o f one o r more foreign languages. Rank and Salary: Rank based on e xperi­ ence. M inim um s a la rie s: In stru cto r Lib rarian , $ 25 ,00 0; A ssistan t Librarian, $27,500; A ssociate Librarian, $29,500; University Librar­ ian, $33,000. Submit: C o ver le tte r addressing above qualifications; resum e; and nam es, addresses, and telep ho n e num bers fo r three re fe re n ce s p o stm a rke d by d e a d lin e , to: V icto r F. O w en, L ibrary P e rson ne l O fficer, U n iv ers ity of C e ntra l Florida L ibrary, P.O. Box 162666, O rla n do , FL 3 28 16 -2 6 66 . Postm a rke d d ea dlin e: A pril 21, 1995. F lo rid a a pp lica tio n a nd se lectio n p ro ced ures a re s u bje ct to p u b lic review . AA/E E O . C O M P U TE R S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N . F a culty rank, ten u re -tra ck, I. D. W e e ks Library, U n ive rsity o f South D akota. R e spo n sib ilitie s: C o o rd in a te p lan n in g, d eve lo pm en t, im p le m e nta tio n, and m a n a g e ­ m e n t o f the lib ra ry’s lo cal a re a n etw o rk and o th e r te c h n olo g ica l a p p lica tio ns, in clu din g the re co m m e nd a tion o f so ftw a re and h ard ­ w a re fo r the lib ra ry ’s system s. D u ties include: R o utin e m a in ten an ce , m o n itoring LAN p e rfo rm an ce, e xpa nd in g the system , u pg rading so ftw a re and h ardw a re , and tra in in g lib ra ry s taff, stud e nts, and fa cu lty to e ffe ctive ly use e le ctro n ic system s and se rvice s. A d d itio na l re sp o n sib ilitie s in clu de m a n ag em en t o f an e le ctro n ic cla ssro om and p a rticip a tio n in b ib lio g ra p h ic in stru ction . M inim um q u a lifica tio ns: A LA-accredited MLS. Knowledge o f microcom puters, operating sys­ tem s, C D -R O M LAN tech n olo g y; a b ility to w o rk e ffe ctive ly with co lle a g u e s and d ive rse clie n te le ; e ffe ctive w ritte n and oral skills; kn ow led g e o f o n lin e se archin g . A d d itio n a l d e sira b le q u a lifica tio n s: (1 ) a se con d m a ste r’s d eg re e in a re le va n t s u b je ct fie ld (w ill be 212/C&RL News req uired fo r ten u re and pro m otio n ); (2) e xpe rie n ce w ith in stallatio n and m a n ag em en t o f Novell and O pti-N e t netw a re ; (3) reference e xpe rie n ce in an a cad em ic o r p u b lic library. S alary: Negotiable, m inim um $ 2 6 ,0 0 0 ,12-m onth appointm e n t. S ub m it le tte r o f a p p lica ­ tio n, resum e, and the nam es, a dd re sses, and tele p h o n e n um be rs of three references to: Imre Meszaros, Director o f Libraries, I. D. W eeks L ibrary, U n iv e rs ity o f S outh D a ko ta, 4 14 E. C la rk S t., V e rm illio n , SD 5 7 0 6 9 -2 3 9 0 . R e vie w o f a p p lic a tio n s w ill b e g in A p ril 1, 1995, a nd w ill c o n tin u e u ntil an a d e q u a te n u m b e r o f a p p lic a tio n s are re ce ive d . A A /E O E . EDUCA TION/HU M AN SER VICES LIBRARIAN. R esponsible fo r iden­ tifying, developing, and m aintaining an existing m ultim edia resources collection tha t supports instruction and research; co nsu lt education and hum an services faculty to determ ine instruction and research interests; collection developm ent and b ibliographic instruction re­ sponsibilities fo r departm ents in the College o f Education and Human Services; reference assistance with both print and electronic media; supervise Media Services Department. ALA-accredited MLS and extensive com puter literacy required; additional m aster’s degree in related field and experience desirable. Nine-m onth faculty appoint­ m e n t a t Instru ctor o r A ssista n t Pro fe sso r, te n u re -tra ck position, sum m er w o rk optional. Application: T o ensure consideration, send resum e and letter o f application, including the nam es, addresses, and telephone num bers o f three references, to: M arsha L. Nolf, Public S ervices C oordinator, Louis L. M anderino Library, California U niver­ sity of Pennsylvania, 250 University Ave., C alifornia, PA 15419. The deadline fo r applications is Thursday, M arch 30, 1995. EDUCA TION R EFERENCE LIBRA RIAN. Kansas S tate University is seeking an individual to fill a tenure-track position as Reference Information Specialist with an em phasis in education. Reports to the Chair o f Social Sciences/H um anities Libraries. Responsibilities in­ c lu d e but a re not lim ited to th e fo llow ing : Th e su ccessfu l ca n d id ate will: (1) p rovide both general and in-depth education reference service requiring som e night and w eekend desk duty; (2) develop and present library user instruction (classroom and individual) in a fully autom ated library environm ent; (3) w ork cooperatively with faculty in the College o f Education; (4) do collection developm ent in the area o f education; (5) dem onstrate initiative, flexibility, and cooperation in a d em anding and rapidly changing environm ent; and (6) develop professionally. Required qualifications: (1) advanced degree from an A LA-accredited program o r equivalent; (2) academ ic professional background in e ducation, and (3) strong interpersonal and com m unication skills (oral and written). Preferred qualifications: (1) experience in an academ ic library; (2) dem onstrated ability in the use o f current library technology (including CD-RO M and o nline databases and Internet); (3) dem on­ strated ability to develop and conduct instructional program s; (4) understanding o f scholarly research needs; and (5) com m itm ent to providing e xcellent public service. Salary: Low to m id-$20s fo r 12- THREE POSITIONS OPEN Sherrod Library; East Tennessee State University Retirements and career passage have opened three professional positions that are 12-month (fiscal year) tenure-track appointments. Librarians at ETSU have faculty rank and status and must meet university requirements for promotion and tenure. Annual leave is accrued at the rate of two days per month and sick leave at the rate of one day per month. Library faculty have their choice of a state retirement plan or Tl AA/CREF. Nonrefundable contributions to either retirement plan are paid by the university. Copayment group health and life insurance and professional travel and educational development support are available. Appointments will be recommended at the Instructor or Assistant Professor rank, depending upon the qualifications of an applicant. Salary range minimums are: Instructor, from $25,500; Assistant Professor, from $28,500. An ALA-accredited MLS degree is required for each position listed. HEAD OF CATALOGING Responsible for the maintenance and quality control of the university libraries, online catalog, which includes books, serials, media, maps, government documents, and manuscripts. Directs the training, supervision, and evaluation of five clerical and one professional FTE in the main campus library’s cataloging department. Consults and coordinates with department heads in the Instructional Media Center, Government Documents and Law, and Archives in managing cataloging activities of personnel responsible for cataloging media, maps, documents, and manuscripts. Performs original descriptive and subject cataloging of library materials, with emphasis on special formats (video, sound recordings, etc.), using Library of Congress (LC) classification, subject headings, and AACR2. Maintains LC name, series, and subject authority control; coordinates authority control activities with the Medical Library. Directs all copy cataloging activities for all formats. Plans special projects as needed. Works with Library Systems staff to manage authority control and cataloging procedures in a KeyNOTIS online environment. Documents cataloging policies and procedures; compiles statistical reports; prepares budget requests for cataloging operations. Reports to the Assistant Director for Technical Services. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Three to five years of post-MLS academic cataloging experience in an online environment. Successful supervisory experience. Evidence of experience with LC classification and subject headings; AACR2; MARC formats; OCLC PRISM or similar cataloging utility; authority files and cataloging procedures in an integrated system environment. Computer skills, including experience with word processing and electronic mail. Preferred: Ability to work in a technical services team environment with emphasis on cross-training and shared decisionmaking. Ability to work harmoniously with others. Understanding of current library technical services issues and an interest in adapting cataloging operations to an increasingly electronic environment. CATALOGER Responsible for catalog maintenance and copy cataloging operations in the main university library’s cataloging department. Revises OCLC member cataloging records for all formats; reviews and revises LC classification numbers and subject headings; reviews original cataloging data entry; reclassifies (Continued on next page.) March 1995/213 materials from Dewey to LC as needed; manages withdrawals; monitors the work of library assistants and provides technical assistance. Contributes original descriptive and subject catalog­ ing for books, serials, and nonprint materials, using Library of Congress (LC) classification, subject headings, and AACR2. Manages bibliographic and LC authority file maintenance operations. Reports to the Head of Cataloging. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Minimum two years of post-MLS academic cataloging experience in an online environment. Working knowledge of LC classification and subject headings; AACR2; MARC formats; OCLC PRISM; authority control and cataloging procedures in an integrated system environment. Computer skills, including experience with work processing and electronic mail. Preferred: Successful supervisory experi­ ence. Ability to work in a technical services team environment with emphasis on cross-training and shared decision making. Ability to work harmoniously with others. Understanding of current library technical services issues and an interest in adapting cataloging operations to an increasingly electronic environment. LIBRARY INSTRUCTION/INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN Responsible for management and evaluation of the Library Instruction Program, including the organization and teaching of group sessions, scheduling of librarians involved in instructional activities, and development and design of teaching aids and programs for the university library. Involves teaching print and electronic information resources. Assume responsibility for teaching the majority of instruction sessions. Reference desk assignment including evening schedule. Qualifi­ cations: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Minimum of two years public service experience in an academic library, with evidence of successful instruction experience. Ability to teach, write, and work in a university environment. Strong oral and written communication skills to work effectively with students, faculty, and staff. Evidence of experience in public services programs. Computer skills, including experience with word processing and e-mail. Preferred: Experience in an automated library system online catalog and electronic reference environment. Ability to work harmoniously with others in a team setting which emphasizes shared decision making. Current understanding of library technology issues and an active interest in developing the Library Instruction Program for accomplishment of its role in an electronic library environment. Apply in writing for these positions no later than March 3 1 , 1995. Please include application letter explaining interest in and qualifications for a specific listed position, and a complete resume with the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references. Apply to: Library Search Committee Chairperson East Tennessee State University Box 70564 Johnson City, TN 37614-0564 AA/EO E month faculty appointm ent. S creening w ill begin M arch 1 5 , 1995, and will continue until the position is filled. S tarting date is June 1 5 , 1995. Kansas State University, one o f the nation’s o riginal la nd grant institutions, is a com prehensive u niversity with an enrollm en t o f nearly 20,000. It is located in M anhattan, in the sce nic Flint Hills o f northeast Kansas. Th e m ain lib ra is undergoing a $28 million expansion and renovation, w ith com pletion anticipated in 1996. S end co ve r letter, resume, and the nam es current addresses, and phone num bers of three work-related references to: M. Jean M cD onald, D irector of Adm inistrative Services, Kansas State University L ibraries, M anhat­ tan, KS 6 6 5 0 6 -1 2 0 0 ; p h o n e : (9 1 3 ) 5 3 2 - 7 4 6 5 ; e -m a il: mcdonald@ ksuvm ;fax: (913) 532-7415. K SU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em ployer. EDUCATIONAL RESOU RCES LIBRA RIAN. Th is is a tenure-track position w ith in the lib ra ry fa cu lty. R e sp o n sib ilitie s: L iaison to S chool of Education, selection o f K– 12 print and nonprint classroom m aterials for the Instructional R esources C enter, sharing o f reference desk rotation, and participation in oth e r professional a ctivities expected of a library facu lty mem ber. Q ualifications: A LA -accredited MLS; expe­ rience in an instructional center; expe rie n ce in reference librarianship; ability to w o rk e ffe ctive ly w ith su p p o rt s taff, lib ra ry facu lty, and instructional facu lty; tec h n ic a l s e rvice s e xp e rie n ce is h ig h ly d e sir­ able, especially in cataloging o f nonprint m aterials. Salary and rank commensurate with qualifications. Send letter o f application, resume, and nam es o f three references to: Kathryn W aggoner, U niversity Library, G rand Valley State U niversity, Allendale, M l 49401. Review o f applica tio ns will begin A pril 1 5 , 1995, and continue until the position is filled. Unless co nfid en tia lity is requested in w riting, inform ation regarding the applicants m ust be released upon request. Finalists ca n n o t be g ua ra n te e d co n fid e n tia lity. G ra nd V a lle y S tate U n ive rsity is an equal opportunity and a ffirm ative action em ployer. E LEC TRO NIC S ER VIC E S LIB R A R IA N . Develop and im plem ent electronic inform ation services. In collaboration with reference se r­ vic e s lib ra ria n s and d ep artm en tal fa cu lty, c o n tin u e e xisting se rvice s o f the S cholar’s W orkstation and e xpand the se “electronic branch library” s e rvices to oth e r sites outside the library. D evelop and present tra in ing sessions fo r librarians, students, and faculty on the use of electronic inform ation resources. D evelop and evaluate services that take a dvantage o f n ew technologies, and facilitate the transition of th o s e s e rv ic e s th a t a re in c o rp o ra te d in to d e p a rtm e n ta l ro u tin e s, in clu din g th e d e ve lo p m e n t o f p olicies, p ro ced ures, and tra in in g pro gra m s. P rovide sch e d u le d re feren ce d e sk se rvice . A s a m e m b er of the N etw orked S e evices T eam , participate in p lanning fo r netw ork­ ing, electronic services, and c ooperative library program s. Reports to the E lectronic S ervices C oordinator. Library fa cu lty m ust m eet univer­ sity requirem ents fo r prom otion and tenure. Required qualifications: A LA -accredited MLS d egree. D em onstrated know ledge o f electronic and o th e r library inform ation sources and services. Understanding of 214/C&RL News March 1995/215 REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Sterling M emorial Library, Yale University Rank: Librarian I or II. Serves at the general reference desk; teaches research education sessions; participates in the building and weeding of the reference collections. Coordinates aspects of the department’s research education program. QUALIFICATION: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school. An advanced degree, preferably in the humanities, is highly desirable. Reading knowledge of two European languages. Ability to work independently and with others in a demanding and rapidly changing environment. Evidence of initiative and resourcefulness in past activities. Familiarity with printed and electronic information sources in the humanities and experience with Gopher World-Wide Web and WWW browsers, and other Internet access tools. Some experience with SGML and HTML preferred. One year of professional reference experience desirable. SALARY AND BENEFITS: Competitive salary, reflecting qualifications and experience. Comprehen­ sive benefits package including 22 vacation days; 17 holiday, recess, and personal days; health care; TIAA/CREF or Yale retirement plan; and relocation assistance. To be assured of consideration, please submit a letter of application, resume, and the names of three references by April 17,1995, to: Diane Y. Turner Director, Library Human Resources P.O. Box 208240 New Haven, CT 06520-8240 Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. EEO/AA. the n ature o f s ch o la rly re se arch and th e im pa ct o f tech n olo g y. Working kn ow ledge o f a va rie ty o f m icrocom puters, m icrocom puter software, and applications; fam ilia rity with electronic mail, d ata files (text, im age, etc.), c o m p ute r networking, and C D -R O M products. Ability to w o rk with people w ho have a wide range of skills and backgrounds. Dem onstrated analytical, in terpersonal, co m m u nica ­ tion, and presentation skills. C reative ability. Preferred: Reference experience. Know ledge of the UNIX p latform . T eaching experience. Experience d e ve lo p in g W W W a n d /o r g o p h e r se rvice s. B enefits: Librarians a t T he U n ive rsity o f T e n n e sse e , K n o xville , h ave fa cu lty rank and statu s and a re appointed fo r 12 m onths. T h is is a tenure-track appointment. 24 d ays annual leave, tuition rem ission, usual benefits. Assistant o r A ssociate P rofessor rank. Salary: Assistan t— $25,000 minimum; Associate— $30 ,00 0 m inim um . Send le tte r o f application, current resum e, and nam es, a ddresses, and telep ho n e num bers of three recent references to: Jill Keally, Human Resources, The U niver­ sity of T e n nessee Libraries, 1015 V olun tee r Blvd., Knoxville, TN 37996-1000. R eview of a pplications w ill begin A pril 1 5 , 1995, and will continue until the position is filled. UTK is an EEO /AA/Title IX/Section 504/ADA em ployer. ELECTRONIC S ER VIC E S LIB RA RIAN (tw o positions). T h e U niver­ sity of Illin o is a t C h ica g o (U IC ) in vites a pp lic a tio n s fo r tw o p ositio n s of Electronic S ervices Librarian. Th ese new tenure-track positions have been e stablished to su pp ort the deve lo pm en t o f electronic, multimedia, and Internet services and resources in the University Library. T he E lectronic S ervices Librarians w ill se rve as liaisons to the UIC faculty fo r electronic inform ation, Internet resources, and the use of te ch n o lo g y in te a ch in g a nd re se arch . B ased in the S yste m s Department, the E lectronic S ervices Librarians w ill w o rk clo sely with the Collections D evelopm ent D epartm ent and public services units as well as staff from the C om p ute r Center. Responsibilities: U n de r the direction o f the M a n ag er o f Library S ystem s (jointly with the A ssistant University Librarian fo r the Health Scie nce s fo r se n/ice s to the health sciences com m unity), have re sponsibility fo r the id entification, se lec­ tion, creation, and d evelopm ent o f e lectron ic and m ultim edia re ­ sources supporting instruction, research, and patient care a t UIC. Provide le adership in planning and m anaging electronic services responsible to the needs o f the U niversity L ibrary staff and the UIC faculty. In co ordin a tion w ith Bib liographers, are the U niversity Library liaisons to th e U IC fa c u lty fo r th e Inte rn et, in clu din g g u id a n ce on issues o f co pyrigh t and intellectual property in the e lectronic e nviron­ ment. M anage day-to -d ay o perations and public services of the Inform ation Te chn o log y A rca de (and oth e r sim ila r facilities), including scheduling, m ultim edia d evelopm ent and evaluation, and consulting services. A dvise library faculty and staff in instructional p rogram s and participate in staff developm ent. Serve as coordin a to rs o f Internet se rvices, including instruction in lo cating, using, and developing dyna m ic resources on the Internet. D evelop and m anage electronic re sources including Internet-based applica tio ns such as discussion groups, gophers, and W W W servers. Participate in librarywide co m ­ m ittees and task forces as well as planning activities. W eekend and e ve n in g h ou rs re q uired . M inim um q u a lifica tio n s: A LA -a ccre d ite d MLS and tw o ye ars increasing e xperience w ith electronic inform ation re sources and se rvice s in a large research unive rsity library setting or oth e r relevant experience; one position requires e xperience with health scie nce s re sources and services. Experience in collection d e ve lo p m e n t o r pub lic s e rvice s and w o rkin g w ith an in teg ra ted netw ork and m edia authoring. D em onstrated success in Internet training and su pp ort services. K nowledge o f cu rre nt and em erging tech n olo g ie s and u nderstanding o f the ir potential im plications and o pportunities in the U niversity Library, the cam pus, and fo r remote users. Problem -solving expe rie n ce and the a bility to com m unicate clearly, know ledgeably, and person ab ly in both a team environm ent and individually. Evidence o f interest in p rofessional involvem ent within a cadem ic librarianship. A bility to meet u niversity standards in research and publication com m ensurate w ith tenure. A dditional d esir­ able qualifications: Experience w orking w ith netw orked information, d atabase m anagem ent and client/servers. Fam iliarity with Mac, PC (D OS and W indow s), IBM m ainfram e, and UNIX ope ra ting system s. Evidence o f effective collaboration. C om fortable in a rapidly changing environm ent. S alary/rank contract: Faculty a ppointm ents in the UIC Library begin a t $30,000. S alaries are co m p etitive and based on education and experience; facu lty status, 12-month appointm ent; 24 days vacation; 12 days ann ua l sick leave w ith a dditional d isability benefits; 11 paid holidays; m edical in surance (contribution based on annual salary; co verag e fo r d ependents m ay be purchased); two dental plans available; life in surance paid fo r by the state; p articipation in the S tate U niversities R etirem ent System co m p ulso ry (8% o f salary is w ith he ld and is ta x exem pt until w ithdraw al); no Social Security co verage but M edicare paym ent required; physical e xam ination at U niversity H ealth Service is required upon appointm ent. For fullest 216/C&RL News SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN STATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF FLORIDA FLORIDA GULF COAST UNIVERSITY Florida Gulf Coast University, located between Ft. Myers and Naples, is scheduled to open in fall 1997 with an enrollment of 2,500. The university is the 10th member of the State University System of Florida. A broad range of undergraduate programs, as well as selected master’s programs, will be offered, with an emphasis on alternative teaching systems and technology. A state-of-the-art electronic library is being designed as the heart of the university’s learning environment. A faculty librarian is being sought to assist the Director of Library Services in the development of collection, systems and services. Responsible for collection development, reference, and library instruction in the social sciences. Librarian will analyze collections; write and implement a collection development policy that responds to the proposed curriculum in the social sciences; provide reference and research consultation services; design and deliver library instruction tailored to meet curriculum needs; design and deliver faculty enrichment sessions on electronic resources; identify electronic resources and make recommendations for pur­ chase; develop an opening day collection in the social sciences; and assist the Library Director in planning for 1997. QUALIFICATIONS: A minimum of two to five years relevant professional experience; subject expertise; knowledge of local and cooperative collection development trends and issues; instructional experience; facility with information technology; and good collaborative and communications skills. Desirable: Second master’s or doctorate in relevant subject discipline. Faculty rank will be determined based upon the qualifications and expertise of the final candidate. APPLICATION: Submit letter of application, two copies of your curriculum vitae, official transcripts, and a list of five references by April 20,1995, to: Florida Gulf Coast University Attention: Human Resources Position-Faculty, Social Sciences Librarian 17595 S. Tamiami Trail, Ste. 200 Ft. Myers, FL 33908-4500 Florida G ulf Coast U nive rsity. . . equal opportunity, equal access, affirmative action institution. consideration apply by April 14, 1995, with co ver letter, supporting resume, and the nam es o f at least three references to: Darlene M. Ziolkowski, Personnel Librarian, University of Illinois at Chicago, Box 8198, Chicago, IL 60680. The University of Illinois a t C hicago is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. ELEC TRONIC SER VICES/R EFERENC E LIBRA RIAN. The Univer­ sity o f South A la bam a seeks an individual to provide leadership in the utilization o f electronic resources fo r the University Library’s Refer­ ence Department. Duties include the developm ent, im plementation, and m ain ten an ce of, in stru ction in, and evalu a tion o f e lectron ic services, including Internet, fo r faculty, staff, and students. This position reports to th e Head o f R eference S ervices and p articipa tes in all the activities o f the Reference Department: staffing the reference desk (including so m e nights and w eeke n ds), lib ra ry in struction, collection developm ent, and online searching. Required qualifica­ tions are an ALA-accredited MLS and technical experience with electronic reference services including CD-ROMs, m icrocom puter hardware, a variety o f operating system s, library applications, periph­ erals, and Internet resources and tools. He o r she will dem onstrate the ability to work with faculty, staff, and students in a collaborative and productive manner, exhibiting initiative, flexibility, and humor, as well as a com m itm ent to public service goals and to the library profession. P referred q u a lifica tio ns include e xpe rie n ce in a cad em ic reference and knowledge o f the O CLC/ILL system, W inAriel, SAVEIT, NOTIS, LEXIS, local a re a netw orks, and a va rie ty o f o nline system s. U SA is a state-funded, com prehensive university o f approxim ately 12,000 students, situated in historic Mobile, Alabama, a m ajor metropolitan area. The area is ideal for the full variety o f year-round recreational activities and is located a short distance from the lovely G ulf Coast bea che s. T h is is an a cad em ic, te n u re -tra ck a p p ointm e n t a t the A ssistan t L ibrarian rank o r higher. S alary negotiable. G enerous benefits. Deadline fo r application is April 19, 1995. Subm it a letter, resume, and three professional references to: Janice A. Sauer, Chair, Search Com m ittee, U niversity Library, University of South Ala­ bama, Mobile, A L 36688. Affirm ative action, equal opportunity em­ ployer, M/F/D. G O VERNM EN T INFORMATION LIBRA RIAN/DEPA RTM ENT HEAD (60% U.S. d epository). R esponsible fo r related a cquisitions, preser­ vation, technical processing, and reference. Supervise hourly and student personnel. Participate in general reference, library instruc tion, collection managem ent, and developm ent o f library programs. C ontinuing appointm ent; faculty rank. Salary and rank com m ensurate with experience; minim um $25,000 fo r 12-month contract. Required q ualifications: A LA-accredited m aster’s degree; experience with g ov­ e rnm ent docum ents, sources, and form ats; strong public service o rientation in a collegial m anagem ent environm ent; w illingness to w ork in a university com m itted to Christian higher education in the Lutheran tradition. Desirable qualifications: Map library experience; fam iliarity with MARCIVE, Innovative Interfaces, network environ­ ments and m icrocom puter applications. Send letter o f application, curriculum vitae, and three professional references to: Judith Miller, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN 46383. Closing date: April 17, 1995. AA/EOE. HEAD, G O VERNM EN T INFORM A TION/M APS DEPARTM ENT AND REGIONAL DEPOSITORY LIBRA RIAN. D epartm ent responsibilities include but are not lim ited to: Collection developm ent, processing, cataloging, planning, and collection m anagem ent of U.S., UN, state, and map collections; all aspects o f departm ental adm inistration and m anagem ent including staff developm ent and supervision. Maintains a general reference desk assignm ent and library instruction duties. Regional D e po sito ry L ibrarian resp on sib ilitie s: S erves deposito ry March 1995/217 needs o f Utah and W yom ing, provides leadership at all levels, and is chief advocate o f the Federal D epository Program. Q ualifications: MLS o r gra du ate deg re e in an in fo rm a tio n -re la te d fie ld from an accredited program. At least five years o f research library experience with fed e ra l g ove rn m e n t d o cu m e n ts and m aps, su ccessfu l su p e rvi­ sory expe rie n ce, kn ow led g e and visio n o f e le ctro n ic inform ation technologies, se rvice s, and pro du cts. Stron g co m m u n ica tio n and interpersonal skills, a b ility to w o rk c o o p e ra tive ly, fle xib le and a d a p ­ tive to change. A ca d e m ic lib ra ry re feren ce e xpe rie n ce. S alary and benefits: $40,000 minim um . Benefits: TIAA/C R EF 100% contribution by unive rsity a nd e xcellen t health and life b e n efits packa ge . C o m m u ­ nity and in s titutio n: Utah S tate U n ive rsity is a la nd g ra n t in stitutio n serving a stu d e n t p op ulatio n o f 18,000. T h e u n ive rsity is located in Logan, situ a te d in a v a lle y 8 0 m iles north o f S alt L ake C ity. C lo sin g date: A pril 2 0, 1995. L etter o f a p p lica tio n and resum e, w ith nam es, addresses, and phone n um be rs o f fo u r references, to: M ax P eterson, Merrill Lib rary, Utah S ta te U niversity, Logan, U T 843 22 -3 0 00 . C om plete jo b a n n o u n ce m e n t m a y be a cq u ire d a t the sa m e add re ss. EEO/AA em p loye r. HEAD, M EDIA M A TER IA LS SER VICES. W ashington S tate U niver­ sity Libraries. Position cu rre ntly vacant. Reporting to the Assistant Director fo r Library A utom ation, directs the operations o f Media Materials Services, including planning and im plem enting program s and services utilizing the collection o f 25,000 film s, videos, sound recordings, slides, kits, and m ultim edia m aterials in MM S. R ecom ­ mends policies regarding m edia m aterials and services. W o rks to insure the sm ooth integration of m edia m aterials in the processing operations, reference and inform ation services, and in the integrated online system o f the libraries. Adm inisters the M M S budget. S uper­ vises the M M S staff. Duties in clude reference and the provision of other services fo r students and faculty, as well a s collection d evelop­ ment fo r nonm usic m edia and m ultim edia m aterials. W o rks closely with teaching facu lty to m axim ize the use o f M M S services and collections and w ith personnel in Cooperative Extension to facilitate use of extension m aterials tha t a re housed in MMS. A lso works with Information T echnology to insure sm ooth integration of m edia soft­ ware and hardware in cla ssroom and oth e r applications. U nder arrangem ents w ith the U n ive rsity o f Idaho, p ro vid e s m e d ia se rvice s to students and faculty a t that university, eight m iles from Pullm an. Participates in co o rd in a tio n o f te le co n fe re n cin g on the cam pus. Works with the Assistan t D irecto r to develop and enhance m ultim edia sen/ices. Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Experience in the m anage­ ment o f m edia p rogram s in a college or university. Dem onstrated knowledge o f m icrocom puters and w orkstations and th e ir applications in a library/m edia environm ent. Experience with a broad range of media form a ts including com puter-based m ultim edia. Strong service orientation and good com m unications and interpersonal skills. Pre­ ferred: Experience with online m edia booking system s. Salary: From $30,024, com m ensurate with q ualifications and experience. Rank: Commensurate w ith qualificatons and experience; full fa cu lty status. Benefits: TIAA/C R EF, broad insurance program , 22 days vacation, 12 days sick leave per year. Application procedures: Send letter of application, resum e, and nam es and add re sses o f three references to: Donna L. M cC ool, A ssociate D irector fo r Adm inistrative Services, Washington State University Libraries, Pullm an, W A 99164-5610. Application review begins A pril 3 ,1 9 9 5 . W ashington State U niversity is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action e d u cato r and em ployer. Members o f e th n ic m ino ritie s, w o m e n, V ie tn a m -e ra o r d isab le d veterans, persons of disability, a nd /or persons age 4 0 and over are encouraged to apply. HEAD O F PUBLIC SER VICES. S crib ne r Library. Skidm ore C ollege, a highly selective liberal arts college in Saratoga Springs, New York, seeks a Head o f Public Services. Responsibilities include providing leadership fo r re feren ce a nd in stru ction s e rvice s and co lle ction development, as well as o verseeing circulation, interlibrary loan, and periodicals functions within the library. Th e Head of Public Services participates in reference staffing (including e venings and weekends), bibliographic instruction, and serves as a su bje ct liaison to at least one academic d epartm ent. As part o f the library’s se nio r m anagem ent team, the Head o f Public S eevices is responsible fo r policy d evelop­ ment and long-range planning. T h is is a n on-tenure-track 10-month faculty p ositio n a t one o f the p ro fe sso ria l ranks. All fa c u lty are expected to show evidence of professional a ccom plishm e n t and service to receive continuing appointm ent. The p osition reports to the College Librarian. Skidm ore College is in the process o f a m ajor expansion to and renovation o f its library (scheduled to be completed July 1995). Th e su ccessfu l ca n d id a te can e xp e ct to w o rk in a progressive environm ent in a college com m itted to the library’s central role in the liberal arts education. Requirements: The Head of Public Services must have an ALA-accredited master’s degree in Librarianship and at least five years progressively responsible experience in reference services and substantial e xperience in collection developm ent in an academ ic library. T he person in this position should have a thorough knowledge o f com puter-based reference resources, a fam iliarity with networked in form ation discovery and retrieval, and strong in structional skills. Excellent written and oral com m unication skills are a necessity, a s are leadership, managem ent, and supervisory skills. Preferred: Additional graduate work at the m aster’s o r doctoral level in librarianship o r a nother discipline. U ndergraduate o r m aster’s degree in history or american studies. Please send a current resume and the names o f three references to: Peggy Seiden, College Librarian, Scribner Library, Skidm ore College, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. HEAD, PER IO DICA L SER VIC ES DEPARTM ENT. Th e U niversity of Cin cinnati is seeking a librarian fo r the head o f its Periodical Services Department. This is a 12-month faculty (AAUP) position with a minimum salary of $26,430. Position reports to the division head fo r Access Services and supervises six cla ssified staff m embers. Strong benefits package that includes tuition remission for self and immediate family. For full announcem ent call (513) 556-1599 o rfa x re q ue stto (513) 556-0325 o r write to: Priscilla Neill, U niversity o f Cincinnati, P.O. Box 210033, 218/C&RL News Cincinnati, OH 45221-0033. Deadline: Review of applications w ill begin April 10,1995, but applications will be accepted until position is filled. UC is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. HEAD, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. Raymond H. Fogler Library, U nive rsity o f Maine. The U nive rsity o f M aine Lib raries se eks a creative and dynam ic professional to serve as Head o f Reference, providing leadership in the developm ent o f innovative information services utilizing current technologies. The Head of Reference super­ vises 4.5 librarians. Reporting to the Division Head fo r Access Services, the Head of Reference prepares reports and participates in planning and policy making. The head works a t the reference desk, provides instruc­ tion, and searches databases (Internet, CD-ROM, and a full range of commercial services). Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Demonstrated ability to adapt successfully to a rapidly changing environment. Demon­ strated successful professional experience in public sen/ices and increasingly responsible management experience, including the super­ vision of professional staff. Demonstrated understanding o f the nature o f scholarly research in the hum anities and social sciences. Demon­ strated excellence in written and oral com m unication and evidence of com m itm ent to professional growth are required. Preferred: Familiarity with local area networks, client-server architecture, CD-ROM networks, and MS-DOS preferred. Familiarity w ith business reference sources. The University o f M aine is the land grant and sea grant college fo r the state of Maine. It is the largest campus in the University of Maine System, with 12,000 students and 600 faculty. The Raymond H. Fogler Library has a collection o f 826,000 volum es, and a staff of 22 professionals and 48 support staff. The library uses the INNOPAC integrated system and is the Tri-State Regional Depository. This is a 12-month, full-time position with a minim um salary o f $30,000 and an e xcellent benefits package, CATALOG LIBRARIAN, SERIALS AND NONPRINT RESOURCES Northeastern University University Libraries Northeastern University Libraries seeks applications and nominations for the position of Catalog Librarian, Serials and Nonprint Resources. Under the general direction of the Head, Catalog Department, catalog and classify serials, nonprint, electronic, and other networked resources utilizing AACR2 and the MARC formats. Train, supervise, and evaluate the work of assigned staff. Serve as a technical expert on the characteristics and bibliographic control of serials, nonprint, and electronic resources. Analyze library needs for effective bibliographic control and access; propose and document cataloging policies and procedures. Contribute to planning and implementation of projects and of enhancements to NULIS, the Northeastern University Libraries Information System. Collaborate with other library staff on bibliographic practices and on the specification and management of contract services. Prepare reports and analyses, and compile statistics. Provide service to library clientele. Participate in librarywide planning and committees. Annual collection growth approximates 40,000 volumes, 1,000 media titles, and 9,000 current serial subscriptions. The libraries hold membership in OCLC, Nelinet, and the Boston Library Consortium. CARL Systems and Tandem computers are the platforms for the public access Northeastern University Libraries Information System (NULIS) and for integrated processing services support. NULIS also serves as the libraries’ primary gateway to other information resources. The Catalog Department provides leadership in the organization of and access to networked information resources. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS; two years’ professional academic library experience as a cataloger using Library of Congress classification, AACR2, the MARC formats, and a bibliographic utility. At least one year of experience cataloging serials. Excellent communication, organizational, interpersonal, supervisory, planning, and analytical skills. Self-motivated, service-oriented, flexible. Strong commitment to diversity and to professional growth. Knowledge of developments and trends in cataloging standards, computer-based cataloging, serials systems, networked information, and scholarly access methods. Experience with music and nonprint media cataloging desirable. Working knowledge of a modern foreign language desirable. SALARY: $27,000 minimum, depending upon qualifications and experience. Applications received by March 3 1 , 1995 will be given first consideration. Please send a letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: John Schalow Head, Catalog Department Northeastern University Libraries 260 Snell Library 360 Huntington Ave. Boston, MA 02115 Northeastern University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply. March 1995/219 SCIENCE LIBRARIAN STATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF FLORIDA FLORIDA GULF COAST UNIVERSITY Florida Gulf Coast University, located between Ft. Myers and Naples, is scheduled to open in fall 1997 with an enrollment of 2,500. The university is the 10th member of the State University System of Florida. A broad range of undergraduate programs, as well as selected master’s programs, will be offered, with an emphasis on alternative teaching systems and technology. A state-of-the-art electronic library is being designed as the heart of the university’s learning environment. A faculty librarian is being sought to assist the Director of Library Services in the development of collections, systems, and services. Responsible for collection development, reference, and library instruction in the sciences and allied health. Librarian will analyze collections; write and implement a collection development policy that responds to the proposed curriculum in the sciences and allied health; provide reference and research consultation services; design and deliver library instruction tailored to meet curriculum needs for on- campus students and one in clinical practice; design and deliver faculty enrichment sessions on electronic resources; identify electronic resources and make recommendations for purchase; develop an opening day collection; assist the Library Director in developing cooperative collection. Develop use agreements with area health libraries. QUALIFICATIONS: A minimum two to five years relevant professional experience; subject expertise; knowledge of local and cooperative collection development trends and issues; communications skills. Desirable: Second master’s or doctorate in relevant subject discipline. Faculty rank will be determined based upon the qualifications and expertise of the final candidate. APPLICATION: Submit letter of application, two copies of your vitae, official transcripts, and a list of five references by April 2 0 , 1995, to: Florida Gulf Coast University Attention: Human Resources Position-Faculty, Science Librarian 17595 S. Tamiami Trail, Ste. 200 Ft. Myers, FL 33908-4500 Florida Gulf C oast U nive rsity. . . equal opportunity, equal access, affirmative action institution. including TIAA/CREF. Review o f a pplications w ill begin March 1995. Send letter o f application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone num bers of three references to: Joyce Rumery, Reference Search Committee, Access Services Division, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5729. The University of Maine is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. HUM ANITIES/GEN ER AL REFERENCE LIBRA RIAN, SENIOR AS­ SISTANT LIBRARIAN (tenure-track). $ 37 ,56 0-45 ,21 6 fo r 12 months; 10-month option available w ith p roportionate salary reduction. Duties include providing general reference assistance, liaison w ith faculty, program developm ent, collection developm ent, bibliographic instruc­ tion, and database searching fo r hum anities areas (literature, history, foreign languages, philosophy, religion). MLS and three years e xpe­ rience as a re feren ce lib ra ria n in an acad em ic, public, o r special library. Reading proficiency in Spanish is one o f the preferred qua li­ fications. Position description listing required and preferred qualifica­ tions and official application form sent on request. W rite to: Chair, H um anities/G eneral R e feren ce L ibrarian S ea rch C o m m itte e, c/o Library Office, California State Polytechnic University, 3801 W. Temple Ave., Pom ona, C A 91768; Fax: (909) 869-6922. Letter of inquiry m ust be postm arked o r faxed by M arch 24, 1995. INFORMATIO N SER VICES LIBRA RIAN. Indiana University o f Penn­ sylvania seeks an energetic, creative, and self-m otivated librarian to provide electronic sen/ice developm ent, reference service, and bib­ liographic instruction in Stapleton Library. Duties w ill include plan­ ning, evaluating, im plem enting, and m aintaining electronic inform a­ tion services, including networked databases, Internet-accessible resources, and G opher and W orld-W ide W eb service adm inistration. Reference sen/ice includes staffing the inform ation desk (including evenings and rotating w eekend duty) and assisting users with both traditional print and electronic services. Bibliographic instruction will center on both credit courses and curriculum -based presentations prim arily geared to using electronic information. The IUP library system , w h ich in clu de s the Stap le to n facility, fo u r b ra nch libraries, and a m edia production unit, currently serves over 14,000 students enrolled in undergraduate through doctoral program s. The libraries contain over 630,000 book volum es, 100,000 bound periodicals, 1.7 m illion ite m s o f m icrofo rm s, 3 ,9 0 0 p eriod ica l su bscriptio n s, and 3 5,000 m edia holdings. The university libraries are a select U.S. and state governm ent d epository, an associate m em ber of the Center for Research Libraries, and a m em ber o f O CLC. The acquisitions budget e xceeds one million dollars annually. Records o f holdings in the IUP libraries are accessible through the Voya g er online catalog system. Acquisitions and serials functions area autom ated using the Innovacq System . M inim um qualifications include an A LA-accredited MLS o r equivalent. Present university practice requires a second master’s degree o r doctorate fo r tenure. Experience as a practicing librarian in an academ ic or research library and /or teaching o r training experience preferred. Knowledge o f CD-RO M databases, online searching tech ­ niques, the Internet (including G opher and the W orld-W ide W eb), and client/server applications is required. Experience developing W W W home pages, o r other HTML documents, is highly desirable. Candidates must be w ell-organized, have a strong interest in public service in an autom ated environm ent, have strong written and oral com m unication abilities, and be able to work in a team environment. A ppointm ent is at the rank of Instructor, Assistant Professor, o r Associate Professor, depending upon qualifications. Starting salary from $29,399 to $43,346 fo r nine months. Salary and rank are negotiable. Additional sum m er em ploym ent is possible. Librarians at IUP are faculty with full academ ic rank, rights, and responsibilities consistent with that status. Benefits include state o r TIAA/CREF retirem ent plan and health care insurance; hospitalization including m ajor medical, d ental plan, eye care, and life insurance. A letter of application with a current resume listing five references should be sent to: Chairperson, Information Services Librar­ ian Search Committee, Stapleton Library, Indiana University of Penn­ sylvania, Indiana, PA 15705-1096. This position is expected to start in 220/C&RL News COORDINATOR FOR BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION Northeastern University University Libraries Northeastern University Libraries seeks applications from and nominations of dynamic and creative individuals for the position of Coordinator of Bibliographic Instruction. The library is developing a comprehensive and innovative bibliographic instruction program to effectively integrate the teaching mission of the library into academic programs. The successful candidate will be experienced in planning and evaluating teaching methodologies and information technologies for bibliographic instruction, and will build upon a strong, broad-based, multilevel library program of instruction and outreach services to a diverse, multicultural university community. The Coordinator plans, implements, promotes, and evaluates bibliographic instruction and outreach policies and services. Instructional programs integrate the use of traditional with electronic and networked information resources. Specific responsibilities include the training and supervision of 15 librarians participating in instructional programs; coordination of instructional assignments; and development and application of multimedia and computer-based instruction formats. The Coordinator also participates in collection development and associated faculty liaison activities, and in reference and online searching assignments, including some evening and weekend hours scheduled in rotation with other staff. The Coordinator is a member of both the management team for Bibliographic Services and the User Services Council, participating in the development and implementation of public service initiatives. The Coordinator also represents the library regionally and nationally on issues of bibliographic instruction and the evolving educational mission of an academic library. A highly visible position on campus, the Coordinator works closely with faculty and student groups in designing and evaluating library instructional services and programs. The Coordinator also participates in university forums, serves on task forces, and contributes to discussions on such matters as teaching effectiveness, student retention, and the quality of undergraduate education. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from ALA-accredited program; five years of reference or public service experience in an academic library; three or more years experience with bibliographic instruction or classroom teaching; supervisory experience and evidence of strong planning, organizational, and analytical skills; exceptional interpersonal and communication skills; knowledge of teaching and research methodologies, instructional presentation technologies, networked information resources, and of trends in higher education and scholarly communication; strong commitment to diversity, to excellence in service, and to staff development; active record of professional involvement and contributions. SALARY: $35,000 minimum, depending on qualifications and experience. Applications received by A pril 2 0 , 1995, will receive first consideration. Please send a letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: Susan Yates Head, Bibliographic Services Northeastern University Libraries 270 Snell Library 360 Huntington Ave. Boston, MA 02115 Northeastern University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Women a nd minorities are especially encouraged to apply. fall 1995. Applications will be considered until appointm ent is made. IUP is committed to affirmative action and equal opportunity. We seek to build a culturally and racially diverse, broadly prepared professional staff. Minorities and women are especially encouraged to apply. IN F O R M A T IO N T E C H N O L O G IE S /R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . E a rlh a m C o lle g e . F u ll-tim e p o s itio n r e s p o n s ib le fo r lib r a r ie s ’ c o m p u te r te c h n o lo g y in c lu d in g m a n a g e m e n t o f e le c tr o n ic a c ­ c e ss s e rv ic e s (C D -R O M s a nd o n lin e se rv ic e s a nd lo c a l im p le ­ m e n ta tio n o f E a rlh a m ’s p a rtic ip a tio n in s ta te w id e lib ra ry syste m [D R A ] o f p riv a te c o lle g e s ). P e rs o n f illin g p o s itio n w ill s h a re re s p o n s ib ilitie s fo r re fe re n ce a nd b ib lio g ra p h ic in s tru c tio n s e r­ v ic e s w ith fo u r o th e r lib ra ria n s , in c lu d in g n ig h t and w e e ke n d a ssig n m e n ts . M LS o r o th e r re le v a n t g ra d u a te d eg re e o r e x p e ri­ e nce in lib ra ry c o m p u te r te c h n o lo g y re q u ire d . In te re s t in re fe r­ e nce w o rk w ith stro n g w ritte n a nd o ra l co m m u n ic a tio n skills e sse n tia l. A c a d e m ic lib ra ry e x p e rie n c e p re fe rre d . P o s itio n a v a il­ a b le b e g in n in g A u g u s t 1, 1 99 5; s ta rtin g d a te n e g o tia b le . R e vie w o f a p p lica tio n s w ill b eg in M arch 2 0 ,1 9 9 5 , and co ntin ue until p osition is fille d . S end resum e, and the nam es, a d d re sses, and telep ho n e n um bers o f th re e re feren ces to: T h o m a s G. Kirk, Jr., C o lle g e L ibrar­ ian, E arlham C olleg e, R ichm ond, IN 47374. Earlham C o lle ge is a March 1995/221 THREE POSITIONS University of Pittsburgh The University Library System, University of Pittsburgh, is seeking candidates for three new full-time positions. REFERENCE/PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN, LANGLEY LIBRARY Entry-level position. Provides in-depth and ready reference service, library instruction, and public services in the biological sciences, neurosciences, and psychology, using print, nonprint, and electronic resources. Reports to Head, Langley Library. Hours: 12:30 p.m.–9:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m.– 5:00 p.m. Friday (regular business hours summer session and between semesters). Supervises library after 5:00 p.m. Required: ALA-accredited MLS (or recognized equivalent); demonstrated knowledge of information and electronic services; effective organizational and interpersonal skills. Preferred: Experience in an academic library. Salary: $25,000. GOVERNMENT INFORMATION LIBRARIAN Entry-level position. Provides in-depth and ready reference services, library instruction, and public services in government documents and general library collection in the Hillman Library. Participates in development and delivery of electronic government information resources. Reports to Government Documents Reference/Electronic Resources Librarian. Hours: Noon-7:30 p.m. Sunday, 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday. Required: ALA-accredited MLS (or recognized equivalent); demonstrated knowledge of information and electronic services; effective organizational and interpersonal skills. Preferred: Experience with or understanding of government documents; experience in an academic library. Salary: $25,000. ELECTRONIC TEXT LIBRARIAN Reporting to the Assistant Director for Automated and Technical Services, this position encompasses a broad range of activities related to the development and implementation of electronic text and digital document services. Participates in the planning and problem solving related to technological applications and digital-technology-related research and development efforts. Required: ALA-accredited MLS, MSIS, or recognized equivalent; minimum of three years relevant library experience; experience with electronic text and WWW, online integrated library systems, networks, Internet, and electronic resource sharing. Preferred: Thorough knowledge of SGML, related text structuring standards and markup languages; Text Encoding Initiative DTD; MARC coding. Demonstrated training, presentation, documentation, and communication skills; project management experience. Experience with OCR systems, optical scanning, and maintaining systems in a Novell Netware, LANWorkplace, and TCP/IP environment. Working knowledge of two foreign languages. Record of relevant professional involvement and publishing. Salary: $28,000 minimum, commensurate with qualifications and experience. TO APPLY: Submit a letter of application, current resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: William Gentz Personnel Librarian 271 Hillman Library University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 Applications received by March 3 1 , 1995, will receive primary consideration. Please specify position desired. The University Library System is an A A/EO E aggressively com m itted to increasing diversity in our workplace and strongly encourages applications from candidates who can contribute in this area. liberal a rts co lle ge a ffiliate d w ith the S ociety o f Friends, and as an affirm ative a ction , equ al o p p o rtu n ity em p loye r, w e lco m e s a p p lica ­ tions from w o m e n, racial m ino ritie s, a nd Q u a ke rs. INSTRUCTION/REFERENCE L IBRA RIAN. Responsibilities: Directs and coordinates the library’s expanding instructional program . W orks with library faculty and staff and university faculty to plan, develop, publicize, im plem ent, and evaluate p rogram s to provide undergradu­ ates, graduate students, and faculty with effective inform ation skills. Develops instructional m aterials and trains staff in teaching skills. Participates fully in providing service as a m e m b er o f the Reference Department and reports to Head o f Reference. Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS and second m aster’s. M aster’s in instruction-related a re a desired . F a m ilia rity w ith p rin ted and e le ctro n ic in form ation resources, including the Internet; strong com m itm ent to service and team w ork; effective com m unication, presentation, analytical, and o rganizational skills; and e xperience with personal com puters, pre­ sentation software, hypercard/T oolbook applications. R eference ex­ p erience in an a cadem ic o r large public library and /or teaching experience in a library o r cla ssroom preferred. 12-m onth tenure-track faculty p osition available beginning August 1 , 1995. Rank and salary dependent upon qualifications and experience. S ubstantial record of rese arch , p u b lica tio n, and p re sen tatio n w ill be e xpected o f the successful candidate fo r p rom otion and tenure. A constituent in stitu­ tion of the University o f North C arolina, East Carolina University has over 17,800 students in 12 colleges and schools. A cadem ic Library 222/C&RL News DIRECTOR, MEMBER SERVICES (Search Reopened) Association of College and Research Libraries A Division of the American Library Association The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), is seeking a Director, Member Services to work at the middle management level in support of activities and projects of the association. GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE: Developing, planning, marketing, and managing ACRL’s preconferences and annual conference programs; providing support and guidance to members of ACRL serving in elected and appointed capacities in chapters, sections, discussion groups and committees; providing support for the division standards and statistics program; provision of advisory services to members and non-members concerning academic librarianship; manages ACRL Source and ACRLeads listservs; manages the ACRL chronological calendar and other responsibilities assigned. THE SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATE WILL BE ABLE TO: work effectively with the ACRL members and governing groups; develop and maintain effective working relationships within a professional association setting; possess strong oral, written communication, and creative thinking skills; and work well under pressure but with the flexibility to organize work schedules to accommodate competing priorities. REQUIREMENTS: MLS from a program accredited by the American Library Association; a minimum of three years library experience; experience in association management or volunteer work with non-profit organizations is desirable. Starting salary range: $35,742–$41,500; appointment will be based on successful candidate's experience and qualifications. Excellent benefit package includes low-cost medical and dental insurance. Closing date: March 2 8 , 1995, applications, which should include acover letter, resume, and the names of three references, should be sent to: American Library Association Human Resources 50 E. Huron St. Chicago, IL 60611 The American Library Association is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Applications are invited from women, ethnic minorities, veterans, and handicapable individuals. Services provides library and information services through tw o librar­ ies, Joyner Library and the Music Library. A cadem ic Library Services has a faculty o f 29 and a staff of 75.5. Library collections total a pproxim ately one million volum es plus extensive holdings o f m icro­ forms, government documents, and manuscripts. Academ ic Library Services is networked, providing access to CD-ROMS, the Internet, and the client/server-based integrated library system Horizon. Con­ struction is underway on a m ajor addition and renovation tha t will double the size o f the library. Screening o f applications w ill begin May 1, 1995. Applicants should submit a complete resume, copies o f all transcripts, and a letter o f application summarizing achievem ents and potential fo r the position. Applicants should have three letters of reference mailed to the search committee in order to be considered. Official transcripts from each college o r university attended will be required prior to any offer of employment. Send to: Instruction/ Reference Librarian Search Committee, Pat Elks, Adm inistrative Assistant, Joyner Library, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. A c­ com m odates individuals with d isabilities. App lica n ts m ust com ply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act. INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMS LIBRARIAN. Colorado College seeks an individual e ager to face the challenge of incorporating emerging information technologies into a liberal arts and sciences education, which is becoming increasingly interdisciplinary. M ajor responsibilities: Collaborating with faculty to provide bibliographic instruction and d eveloping a ppropriate co lle ction s and sen/ices; p ro viding general reference service a t assigned tim es, including some nights and weekends. Required: MLS from ALA-accredited program o r an international equivalent. Preferred: Relevant experi­ ence in reference and bibliographic instruction; additional language facility; expe rie n ce in com p ute r-b ase d services. Renew able 12- month contract. Starting date: Approxim ately Ju ly 1, 1995. Salary: Minim um $28,000, com m ensurate with qualifications and experi­ ence. Send letter, resume, and nam es of three references to: Interdis­ ciplinary Programs Librarian Search Committee, Tutt Library, Colo­ rado College, 1021 N. Cascade Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903. Review of applications will begin April 1 ,1 9 95 , and continue until the position is filled. Colorado College is an equal opportunity employer. LIBRARIAN— ELECTRONIC REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION LIBRAR­ IAN. Q u a lifica tio ns required: A LA -accredited m a ster’s degree in library and information science. Two years working experience using CD-ROM s, LAN, and Internet. Two ye ars instruction o r training experience. One ye ar reference experience. Preferred: Experience w ith training or group instruction on electronic resources. Demon­ strated com munication and interpersonal skills working with a diverse student body, faculty, and staff. Experience working in an academic library. Salary: $26,000–$28,000. Send co ver letter, full resume, and names and addresses of three references to: Lynette Johnson, C leveland State U niversity L ibrary, R T 501, 1890 E. 22d St., C le v e la n d , O H 4 4 1 1 5 ; o r e -m a il th e sa m e in fo r m a tio n to l.johnson@ Application deadline: April 15, 1995. Start date: July 1 5 , 1995. Equal opportunity employer, m/f/d. CSU provides reasonable accom modation fo r in dividuals with disabilities. LIBRARY GRADUATE ASSISTANTS FOR 1995 ACADEMIC YEAR. Mankato State University Library is seeking individuals w ho possess e ither an MLS o r MA in library science and who wish to work on a subject master’s degree while gaining valuable professional experi- March 1995/223 TWO POSITIONS East Asian Library, University Library System University of Pittsburgh The East Asian Library, University Library System, University of Pittsburgh, is seeking candidates for two full-time permanent positions. HEAD, EAST ASIAN LIBRARY Under the general direction of the Assistant Director for Collections Management, the Head of the East Asian Library is responsible for the administration of the staff, services, and collections of the East Asian Library. Responsibilities include: Hiring and supervising its staff; managing its operating budget; interpreting general University Library System policies as they relate to the East Asian Library; providing reference services and research assistance to the library’s clientele; and serving as a central liaison both with University Library System librarians and with faculty, visiting scholars, and students. Represents the library in local, national, and international library and scholarly activities as well as on library, university, and other committees as appropriate. Provides general coordination of the library’s East Asian collections, in conjunction and in cooperation with two bibliographers. Plans for the move of the EAL to another building. Participates in the preparation of proposals for external funding for special projects. Responsible for making the library’s efforts visible locally, nationally, and internationally. REQUIRED: ALA-accredited MLS (or recognized equivalent) and an advanced research degree in an appropriate field (preferably a Ph.D. in the social sciences or the humanities with an East Asian emphasis). Competency in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, with fluency in at least two of these languages. Ability to communicate effectively and work with faculty, students, and library staff of diverse cultural backgrounds; good oral and written communication skills, including the demonstrated ability to write successful grant proposals; a record of appropriate publishing and professional activity; experi­ ence working with East Asian materials in a research library and at least six years of progressively responsible professional experience, including supervisory activities; knowledge of current biblio­ graphic control systems and general knowledge of computer applications in libraries; experience with CJK bibliographic systems and with various electronic resources, including the Internet. SALARY: $35,000 minimum, commensurate with qualifications and experience. CHINESE BIBLIOGRAPHER/CATALOGER Under the general direction of the Head, East Asian Library, this position is responsible for the selection and original cataloging of all Chinese materials (print and electronic) for the East Asian Library. Responsible for monitoring the acquisitions budget allocated to Chinese Studies and for the timely expenditure of these funds. Serves as liaison between the library and the East Asian program. REQUIRED: ALA-accredited MLS (or recognized equivalent). Excellent ability to read, write, and speak Chinese. Good oral and written communication skills in English. Knowledge of Chinese history, literature, and culture. Knowledge of the principles and practices of collections development and management for both print and electronic resources. PREFERRED: Training and experience in cataloging using CJK-OCLC. Knowledge of current bibliographic control systems and general knowledge of computer applications in libraries. Experience with CJK bibliographic systems and with various electronic resources, including the Internet. Three years relevant library experience. A master’s degree in a relevant subject is also preferred in addition to the MLS. SALARY: $26,000 minimum, commensurate with qualifications and experience. TO APPLY: Submit letter of application, current resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: William Gentz Personnel Librarian 271 Hillman Library University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 Applications received by March 3 1 , 1995, will receive primary consideration. Please specify position desired. The University Library System is an A A/EO E aggressively com m itted to increasing diversity in o u r workplace a nd strongly encourages applications from candidates who can contribute in this area. 224/C&RL News ence in an a cadem ic library. MSU offers m aster's degrees in over 60 academ ic disciplines. G raduate a ssistantships are internships in the discipline— in this case, tw o disciplines— library science and the subject discipline o f yo u r choice. Graduate assistants supervise student w orkers and perform o th e r professional services in the public and technical services o f th e library. Public service positions include referen ce, g o ve rn m e n t p u b lica tio ns, o nline d ata ba se se archin g , in te rlib ra ry loan, e d u ca tio n a l re so urce ce nte r, m e d ia p ro du ction , circulation, maps, periodicals, and bibliographic instruction. Positions in the technical services include acquisitions, cataloging, and library research. Successful candidates m ust show evidence o f dem on­ s trable w orking e xperience in one o f the a reas listed. A full assistant- ship a verages 20 h ours o f w o rk and pays approxim ately $155 per w eek fo r 34 w e eks o f the a cadem ic year. E leven-m onth a ssistant­ ships are also a vailable with additional com pensation. A dditionally, g raduate assistants qualify fo r in-state tuition and fo r at least one-half tuition rem ission o f 6 to 12 graduate credits p er q u a rte r during the academ ic year. C ontingent upon satisfactory perform ance and a vail­ able fun d s, th e re is a p o ssib ility th a t th is a p p o in tm e n t m ay be continued beyond the initial period o f em ploym ent. M ankato State University Library, a dyna m ic inform ation cente r fo r 12,400 students and area users, has a staff o f 16 librarians, 18 classified staff, approxim ately 10 graduate assistants, and o ve r 150 student workers. M em orial Library is hom e of the PALS total library system , a nationally known integrated library system featuring an online catalog, a circu­ lation system , an interlibrary loan m odule, a serials control system , an acquisition system , and 20 external files such as ERIC and IAC, which are a vailab le online . A le tte r o f a pp lica tio n o utlin in g y o u r e xpe rie n ce in an academ ic library, y o u r resum e, and the nam es and telephone num bers of three current references should be sent b y April 3 ,1 9 9 5 , to: Frank R. Birm ing h am , A cting D irecto r, L ib ra ry Services and Inform ation Technology MSU 19, M a n k a to S ta te U n iv e rs ity , P.O. Box 8419, M ankato, MN 56002-8419; phone: (507) 389-5953; fax: (507) 389-5155. A pplications from m inorities are encouraged; Mankato State U niversity is an equal opportunity u niversity and e m ployer. The initial a ppointm ents w ill be m ade from the pool of applicants available a t the initial review date specified above. If vacancies o ccu r during the a cad em ic year, a ll a p p lica tio ns, in clu din g th o s e in th e o rig in a l pool and those received a fte r the initial review date, will be considered. All applications in the pool becom e in active on Ju ne 30, 1996. L IB R A R IA N , HISTO RY OF SCIENCE C O L LE C TIO N S . The Univer­ sity o f O klahom a. Position: Librarian, H istory o f Science C ollections. D uties: U nder the direction of the C u ra tor o f the History o f Science Collections, the librarian is responsible fo r the general operation o f the H istory o f Science Collections. The librarian supervises departm ental tech n ical processing, including cataloging, m aintenance o f records, a uth ority control, m aterials acquisitions, and autom ation; provides reference service; supervises production o f m icrofilm and slides; assists in com pletion o f gra nt projects; and conducts tours o f the collections. Th e librarian currently supervises two library technicians and e ig h t stu d e n t a ssistan ts. T h is te n u re -tra ck p ositio n is gove rn ed by the u niversity policies fo r research o r creative achievem ent and professional service described in the university’s Faculty Handbook. Qualifications: Required: MLS from ALA-accredited library school; bibliographic knowledge of European languages (ancient o r modern). Fam iliarity with a utom ated cataloging system s, A AC R2, and MARC form ats; one o r more years professional library experience. Desirable: Bro ad e d u ca tio n a l b a ckg ro un d in clu din g th e h isto ry o f science, Europ ea n h istory, the hum an itie s, and the scie nce s; ca ta lo ging e xpe rie n ce; o ne or m o re ye ars e xpe rie n ce in sp ecia l co lle ction s; som e su pe rviso ry experience; second m aster’s degree; evidence of research o r creative achievem ent and e ffective com m unication skills. Deadline fo r applications: April 15, 1995. Available: Ju ly 1, 1995. Salary: $27,000 (m inim um ). Benefits: TIAA/C R EF; state retirem ent system ; 33 days paid leave; short-term d isability leave; university holidays; com prehensive medical protection; and group life insurance. University Libraries: A member of the Research Libraries Group, AMIGOS, and ARL, the University Libraries consists of a m ain library and six branches. The collection contains more than 2.3 million volumes, 16,000 periodical subscriptions, and three outstanding special collections in history of science, western history, and business history. The University Libraries operates a com puterized library system (NOTIS) including local holdings, subject databases, and network connections to oth e r libraries. Norman, O klahom a, is an a ttractive com m unity with a low c o s t o f living, clo se to a m a jo r m e tro po lita n city. Em ploym ent: L ibrarians h ave fa cu lty status, privileges, responsibilities, rank of Assistan t Professor o r above, and a re e ligible fo r tenure. A pplication: Send letter o f application with resum e, a list o f publications, and the nam es o f three references, including current supe rviso r to: Donald C. Hudson, A ssistant to the Dean fo r A dm inistrative S ervices, University Libraries, U n iv e rs ity o f O k la h o m a , Norman, O K 73019; (405) 325- 2 611. O klahom a University is an equal o pportunity, a ffirm ative action em ployer. W e e ncourage w om en and m inority applicants and we are responsive to the n eeds o f d ual-ca re e r couples. L IB R A R IA N /L E A R N IN G RESOU RCES C ENTER. Cabrillo College seeks a librarian to provide dyna m ic leadership fo r the Library/ Learning R esources Center. A m ajor rem odeling and expansion o f the Library/LRC gets underway in su m m e r 1995, opening exciting o ppor­ tun itie s fo r incorporating new technologies into strongly user-cen­ tered services, and balancing them with traditional library services to b est serve cu rricu la r needs. The D irector w ill lead and participate in planning and im plem enting services, and is responsible fo r managing o perations fo r the Library/LRC and related activities. O versight for p ro gra m d e ve lo pm en t, lib ra ry in stru ction , c o lle ction d eve lo pm en t, and staff d evelopm ent w ill d raw on qualities reflecting im agination and forw ard-looking librarianship vision. For required applications, con­ tact: C a b rillo C o lle g e , Personnel Dept., 6500 S oquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003; (408) 479-6217. Position contingent on funding and governing board approval. EO/AAE. L IB R A R Y C A T A LO G E R . Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho. R eporting to A U L -T e ch n ica l Services. 12-month faculty appoint­ ment. Duties: C ataloging, authority work, and M ARC coding into RLIN and VTLS fo r all types o f library m aterials, with an em phasis on serials; supervision o f su pp ort staff; providing recom m endations regarding cataloging p olicy and procedures to unit head; and the a bility to adjust to ch a n g in g co n d itio n s. M inim um : M LS from an A LA -a ccre dite d institution; knowledge o f use o f A AC R2, M ARC form ats, LSCH, LCRI, and the LC classification schedules and authority files; experience using prim ary utility (R LIN o r OCLC); dem onstrated interest in cata­ loging; experience using a local library system ; effective w ritten and oral com m unication skills. Preferred: S erials cataloging experience; su pervisory experience; fam ilia rity w ith a foreign language. Salary: C om m ensurate w ith e xperience and qualifications; $28,000 m ini­ m um . E xcellen t b en efit p acka ge in clu din g va catio n, sick leave, retirem ent, and health insurance. Position available im m ediately; review o f a p p lica tio n s beg in s F e brua ry 15, 1995, and w ill co ntin ue until a suitable candidate is selected. T o apply, send letter o f app lica ­ tion, resum e and n am es, a ddresses, and telephone num bers o f three professional references to: Ja ne t Higgins, Search C om m ittee Chair, Id a h o S ta te U n iv e rs ity Library, Box 8089, Pocatello, ID 83209. Idaho State University is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer. M A P /M ED IA C A T A LO G E R . University of Georgia Libraries. Duties: T h e N o nb o ok C a talo g in g S e ctio n o f the C a talo g in g D e pa rtm e n t is com prised of the Head, three librarians, and two full-tim e support staff members. The Map/M edia C ataloger is responsible to the head o f the s e ction fo r p e rfo rm in g o rig in a l and co p y ca ta lo g in g o f ca rto g ra p h ic and m edia m a te ria ls in a ll su bje cts a nd a w id e ra n ge o f languages. T h e U n ive rsity o f G e o rg ia L ibraries su p p o rts G ALIN , an in -h ou se a uto m a te d , in teg ra ted system . T h e M a p /M ed ia C a ta lo g e r se rve s as a re source p erson fo r ca rto g ra p h ic and m e d ia ca ta lo g in g w ith in the d e p a rtm e n t and in o th e r a re as o f th e L ibraries. Th e L ibraries is a m e m b er o f C O N S E R a nd N AC O . T he M ap C o lle ctio n is th e n ine th- la rg est a cad em ic m ap co lle ctio n in th e co u n try and is a co m p re h e n ­ sive re se arch co lle ctio n o f ca rto g ra p h ic in form atio n , in clu din g digital a nd im agery. Th e C a talo g in g D e pa rtm e n t has 11 lib ra ria n s and 20 su p p o rt sta ff p ositio n s and ca ta lo g s o v e r 5 0,0 00 title s e ach y e a r in a ll fo rm a ts. S om e e ven in g a n d /o r w e eke n d w o rk m a y be required. Q ualifications: A LA-accredited MLS; two years post-M LS cataloging e x pe rie n ce, p re fe ra b ly in m ap a n d /o r m e d ia ca ta lo g in g in a large a cad em ic o r re se arch lib ra ry; e xpe rie n ce in the a pp lica tio n and use o f L ib ra ry o f C o ng re ss cla ssifica tion , L ib ra ry o f C o ng re ss su bje ct hea ding s, U S M A R C form a t, and c o n te m p o ra ry ca ta lo g in g rules; e xp e rie n ce w ith a uto m a te d ca ta lo g in g system s, p re fe ra b ly O CLC; a b ility to w o rk w ith b ro ad range o f su bje cts; c o m p e te n cy in one o r m o re m o dern E uropean la ng u ag e s; a b ility to fu n ctio n a s a co n trib u t­ ing tea m m e m b er in a p ro du ction -o rie n te d e nviron m e n t; fle x ib ility in a d a ptin g to ch a n g in g d ep artm en tal and o rg a n iza tio n a l p riorities; e ffe ctive o ra l and w ritte n co m m u n ica tio n s skills; a b ility to e stablish a nd m a in tain e ffe ctive w o rkin g re la tion sh ips. B en e fits: Standard b e n efits p acka ge in clu de s life, health, a nd d isa b ility in suran ce and m a n da tory p a rticip a tio n in th e state o r o ptio na l re tire m e nt system , and 21 days a n n ua l leave, p lus 12 p aid h olida ys. S alary m inim um : $26,000. Adjustm ents m ay be made com m ensurate w ith experience. A p p lica tio n p ro ced ure: S end le tte r o f a p p lica tio n , a dd re ssin g all q ua lific a tio n s w ith a re su m e and th e nam es o f th re e re feren ces by A p ril 1 0 ,1 9 9 5 , to: F lo re nce E. K ing, P erson ne l Librarian , U n iv e rs ity o f G e o rg ia L ibraries, A th e ns, G A 3 06 02 -1 6 41 ; fax: (7 06) 542 -4 14 4 ; e-m a il: F K IN G @ u g a .cc.u g a .e d u . T h is p ositio n w ill be fille d o nly if su ita b le a pp lica n ts are fou n d. A n equ al o p p ortun ity, a ffirm a tive action in stitutio n. March 1995/225 MULTIM EDIA LIBRARIAN. This is an entry-level position. Duties: Responsible fo r identification, selection, and creation o f multim edia resources at the University Libraries. Serves as a selector o f m ateri­ als, w orks w ith technical services, public services and system s units on issues regarding access, copyright, preservation, and im plem en­ tation of nonprint, multim edia form ats. Oversees m edia department, supervising two full-tim e staff and a num ber o f student assistants. Will interact closely with the U niversity’s Faculty Technology Develop­ ment Center. Reports to Head o f Library Systems. This faculty-rank, tenure-track position includes all the rights and responsibilities a sso­ ciated with that status. Q ualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, strong communication skills (both written and oral), strong interpersonal skills, and the ability to work without close supervision in a team environment. Supervisory experience in a custom er-service setting. Experience w ith com puter-integrated media technologies as well as more traditional, audiovisual form ats and instructional support instru­ ments. Preferred qualifications: Experience in a cadem ic library public services unit, preferably with some supervisory experience. Familiar­ ity with nonprint preservation/conservation techniques. A wareness of emerging technologies in instructional support design, and the use of multim edia in a ca m p us research and tea ch ing setting. Salary: Minimum $ 23,000. D e adline fo r app lica tio n: A pril 7, 1995, o r until filled. Starting date: July 1, 1995. Application process: Application should include a letter o f interest, curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, and telephone num bers o f three references. Nominations and applications should be sent to: Diane J. Graves, Associate Dean of Libraries, J. D. W illiam s Library, University of Mississippi, U niver­ sity, MS 38677. Th e U niversity o f M ississippi is an AA/ADA/EOE. REFERENCE/ELECTRONIC RESOURCES LIBRARIAN. A faculty position as a reference librarian who will w o rk as part of a collaborative team to plan, im plement, and evaluate electronic services, evaluate and coordinate the introduction and use o f docum ent delivery tech ­ nologies, and provide public service fo r electronic reference sources, including CD-RO M b ibliographic and full-text databases, the Internet, and OCLC search services. W ill provide reference services, biblio­ graphic instruction, and collection d evelopm ent. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program ; strong com m itm ent to public services; excellent verbal and written com m unication skills; excellent interper­ sonal skills; ability to work effectively with library staff, faculty, and students in a team environment. Som e weekend and evening hours are required. Demonstrated instructional skills. Vision and enthusi­ asm fo r the future of electronic technology. Library faculty are ex­ pected to be involved in reference services, instruction, collection development, professional sen/ice, and scholarship. Prefer: Experi­ ence w ith e lectronic reference services and local area networks, CD- ROM installation, the Internet, software packages, and operating systems. Prefer reference and supervisory experience. Salary: $25,050 annually. One-year renewable contract as a faculty m em ber a t the rank o f Instructor. Reports to Library Director. R eview of applications will begin A pril 1,1 9 95 , and will continue until p osition is filled. Library Director Carol Ahm ad welcom es inquiries about the college o r posi­ tion a t (210) 896 -8 21 0 ; su alogan @ am ig os.o rg . S ch re in e r C ollege is a four-year liberal arts college with a strong em phasis on bibliographic instruction and library service fo r its 600 students and 60 faculty members. Kerrville, the co u n ty se at o f Kerr C ounty, population 36,000, is located in the beautiful Texas hill country. Retirees are drawn to the area because of its reputation as one o f the m ost liveable small citie s, b ea utifu l scenery, e xcellen t sch oo ls, hospitals, and cultural opportunities, including an annual statewide arts and crafts fair. San A ntonio and its beautiful Riverwalk a re an hour’s drive away. Send application letter, resume, and the nam es, addresses, and telephone num bers o f three references to: Jim Matthews, Vice- President fo r Academ ic Affairs, S chreiner College, K errville, TX 78028-5697. EOE. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. One-year tem porary position fo r dynamic, sen/ice-oriented program o f hum anities and social sciences reference in an outstanding college library. Required: ALA-accredited MLS, sound liberal arts education, p revious academ ic o r research library reference experience, knowledge of hum anities and social sciences sources, demonstrated service commitment, library instruction skills, ability to work well independently and with others, excellent communication skills, commit­ ment to professional development, and evidence of initiative, creativity, and resourcefulness in past activities. Preferred: Previous professional refer­ ence experience; experience with library instruction, electronic informa­ tion sources, interlibrary loan, and government documents; undergraduate or advanced degree in a social sciences field; knowledge of one or more foreign languages. Oberlin College combines a leading undergraduate college of arts and sciences with a music school of national prominence, and has a long history of leadership in educating women and minorities. In addition to strengths in traditional arts and sciences, Oberlin em ­ phasizes interdisciplinary study and actively seeks a racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse staff and student body. The library contains one million plus volum es and is fully automated. Salary competitive, $25,500 minimum. Available August 1, 1995. More information about Oberlin College and the library is available at: To ensure consideration, send letter o f application, resume, and names of three references by April 7,1 9 95 , to: Reference Search Committee, Oberlin College Library, Oberlin, OH 44074. AA/EOE. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN AND BIBLIOGRAPHER. W anted: Enthu­ siastic and energetic librarian with a strong com m itm ent to public service. Th e U niversity of Texas a t San A ntonio Library invites a pplications fo r the position o f Reference Librarian and Bibliographer. O pportunity to w o rk in a collegial environm ent tha t bridges new technologies and traditional reference work with students, faculty, and com m unity users. R esponsibilities include reference desk service, with night and weekend hours in rotation; inform ation skills in the Internet, the lib ra ry network, oth e r e lectron ic so urces, and print materials; bibliographic liaison with one o r m ore academ ic depart­ ments; and other duties as assigned. Participates in library and cam pus governance. Required: MLS from A LA-accredited program, successful practicum o r o ther p reprofessional reference experience. Desired qualifications: Reference experience, experience with NOTIS or oth e r online system s, work in an academ ic library, interest o r experience in collection developm ent. B eginning date: June 1,1 9 95 . Salary: Minim um, $24,000, with full package o f benefits. Send letter and resum e with nam es o f three references to: Joan W orley, Head, Electronic Information and Reference, The University of Texas at San A ntonio Library, 6900 N. Loop 1604 W est, San Antonio, TX 78249-0671. Closing date fo r a pplications is A pril 1 5 , 1995. UTSA is an equal employm ent opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women, m inorities, and individuals w ith disabilities are encouraged to apply. REFERENCE LIBRARIANS. These three positions are responsible fo r providing information and reference service, including some nights and weekends. The person participates in library instruction, cooper­ ates in collection developm ent in the sciences and engineering, and shares in various departm ental projects, programs, and committees. Reports to the Head o f Reference Services and is a m em ber o f the library faculty. This is a dynam ic, service-oriented division in an outstanding, fully autom ated O hioLINK library with over 1.5 million volum es. The U niversity o f T oledo is a state university in Ohio, with 2 4,000 students, o ffe rin g a ssocia te, b achelor, profe ssio na l, and doctoral degrees in seven colleges. Th e attractive main campus location in one of T oledo’s finest residential sections provides a suburban atm osphere, yet is an integral part of the civic, cultural, and com m ercial life of the community. Q ualifications: MLS from ALA- accredited institution; knowledge of reference sources, electronic information delivery system s, and m ethods o f scholarly research in academ ic libraries. V ital are: Ability to w ork and com m unicate effec­ tively with library staff, the university com m unity, and other library users; com m itm ent to service, professional growth, and development. Preferred are: Academ ic library experience; dem onstrated knowl­ edge o f o r experience with a subject d iscipline, especially science or engineering; o r a com m itm ent to gain tha t knowledge on the job in the first year; ability to teach; experience in searching electronic reference sources. Faculty status, 12-month contract, tenure-track position with liberal fringe benefits. Salary is $27,500. Review of applications will begin March 3 0 , 1995. Send co ver letter, resum e and the nam es and addresses o f a t least three references to: Chair, Reference Librarian Search Committee, Carlson Library, The University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606-3390. An affirm ative action, equal opportunity. SCIEN CE/TECH NO LOG Y LIBRARIAN. Responsible fo r collection developm ent and m anagem ent in the areas o f science and technol­ ogy; consult science and technology faculty to determ ine instruction and research interests; bibliographic instruction responsibilities for departm ents in the College o f Science and Technology; reference assistance with both print and electronic media. ALA-accredited MLS and extensive com puter literacy required; additional m aster’s degree in related field and experience desirable. Nine-month faculty appoint­ m ent a t Instru ctor o r A ssista n t P rofessor; te n u re -tra ck position; sum m er work optional. Application: T o ensure consideration, send resum e and letter of application, including the names, addresses, and telephone num bers o f three references, to: Marsha L. Nolf, Public S ervices Coordinator, Louis L. M anderino Library, California Univer­ sity of Pennsylvania, 250 University Ave., California, PA 15419. The deadline fo r applications is Thursday, March 30, 1995. SOC IA L S CIENCE REFERENCE AND ELECTRONIC RESOURCE LIBRARIAN. Holland Library. Position available: Ju ly 1,1 9 95 . Under the direction o f the Head, Hum anities/Social Sciences Libraries, this 226/C&RL News person will be responsible fo r collection developm ent in psychology, sociology, and oth e r disciplines, including liaison to departments. A dditional responsibilities include providing a full range of general reference services in the social sciences and the hum anities disci­ plines. This person will also assist in the coordination o f CD-ROM sen/ices fo r the hum anities and social sciences. O the r duties as assigned. Librarians are appointed as mem bers of the W ashington State University faculty and are expected to participate a ctively in the u niversity's instructional, research, and sen/ice program s. All privi­ leges, obligations, and research responsibilities o f faculty are inher­ ent in such mem bership. Librarians a re ranked in grades 2, 3, and 4, equivalent to the academ ic ranks o f A ssistant Professor, Associate P rofessor, and Pro fe sso r. A p ro gre ssive record o f p ro fe ssio n a l/ scholarly achievem ent is expected o f all librarians. Required: ALA- accredited MLS; academ ic background o r professional experience as a librarian in the social sciences; current knowledge of o r experience with a wide range o f electronic information resources, such as CD-RO M s in a network environment, Internet, gopher; facility with microcomputers; basic knowledge of com puter networks; effective interpersonal and com m unications skills. Preferred: Professional reference experience in an academ ic library; dem onstrated ability to teach colleagues and staff about electronic resources; subject background in psychology or sociology; collection developm ent experience; and u ser education experience. Salary: From $ 23,000, com m ensurate with qualifications and experience. Rank: Librarian 2; full faculty status. Benefits: TIA A/ C R EF; bro ad in suran ce program ; 22 days va catio n, 12 d a ys sick leave p er year. Application: Send letter of application, resume, and nam es and addresses o f three references to: Donna L. McCool, A ssociate Director fo r Adm inistrative Services, W ashington State U niversity Libraries, Pullm an, W A 99164-5610. Application review begins April 10, 1995. W ashington S tate University is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action educator and em ployer. M em bers of ethnic m inorities, w om en, Vie tnam -era o r disabled veterans, persons o f disability, a nd /or persons age 40 and o ver are encouraged to apply. S O C IA L SC IEN C E S R E FE R E N C E LIB R A R IA N A N D C O O R D IN A ­ T O R O F G O VE R N M EN T D O C U M EN TS S ER VIC E S . P osition open at the U niversity o f Denver, Penrose Library. As one o f five reference coordinators under the general direction o f the A ssociate Director for P ublic Services, the librarian w ill e n g ag e in c o lle ctio n d e ve lo pm en t and liaison a ctivitie s to assign e d so cial scie nce s dep artm en ts. All re feren ce lib ra ria n s share in p ro viding in dividu a l a ssista n ce at the gen eral re feren ce d e sk and p a rticipa te fu lly in in stru ction pro gra m s fo r lib ra ry use, research m ethods, o n lin e se rvice s, and m ediated se archin g . A s co o rd in a to r o f g ove rn m e n t d o cu m e nts services, the lib ra ria n w ill d eve lo p, m aintain, and p ro m ote se rvice s to show case and e n h an ce U.S. a nd in terna tion a l d ocu m e nts; w ill w o rk w ith the system s lib ra ria n to pro vide a ccess to d ig ita l resources; a nd will se le ct d ocu m e nts, w o rkin g with te ch n ica l s e rvice s s ta ff re sponsible fo r a c qu isitio n s, ca ta lo ging , and p ro cessin g . T h e U n ive rsity o f D e n ­ ve r P en ro se L ibrary has p articipa ted in the G PO d ep o sito ry p ro gra m sin ce 1909 and is now rece ivin g a pp ro xim a te ly 8 5% o f the m aterial. A ll P enrose lib ra ria n s are m em bers o f the U n ive rsity o f D enver fa cu lty, p a rticip a tin g a ctive ly in p ro fe ssio na l o rg a n iza tion s; c o n d u ct­ ing research; w riting fo r pub lica tio n; a nd se rvin g on co m m itte es. Q u a lifica tio n s required: A L A -a ccre dite d M LS d eg re e; tw o years p ro fe ssio n a l e xpe rie n ce w ith social scie n ce s o r d o cu m e n ts in form a ­ tio n se rvice s o r an a cad em ic backg ro un d in the so cial scie nce s; stro n g in terpe rso na l and co m m u nicatio n skills; fa m ilia rity w ith tra d i­ tio n a l a nd e le ctro n ic in form atio n so urces; and e xp e rie n ce o r course work related to governm ent documents. Academ ic library experience prefe rred . Salary: $ 25 ,00 0 m inim um . B enefits: T IA A /C R E F pension plan; m e d ical, v isio n , and d en tal p lan s availab le ; tu itio n b en efits; 22 d a ys va ca tio n p er ye ar. F a culty status, n o n -te nu re -tra ck a p p o in t­ m ent. D ead lin e : A p p lica tio n s postm a rke d by M arch 30, 1995, w ill re ce ive gre ate st co n sid e ra tion . T he positio n w ill rem ain o pe n until fille d . T o app ly, plea se su b m it a le tte r o f a pp lica tio n a d d re ssin g yo ur q u a lifica tio ns, and a cu rre n t resum e, in clu din g the nam es, a d ­ dresses, phone n um bers, and e -m ail a dd re sse s o f th re e cu rre nt re feren ces, to: T o n i M iller, O ffice o f th e Dean, Pen ro se Library, U niversity of Denver, 215 0 E. E van s A ve., D enver, C O 8 02 08 . The U n ive rsity o f D e nve r is co m m itte d to e nh an cin g the d iversity o f its fa cu lty and staff and e n co urag e s a p p lica tio n s p a rticu la rly from w o m e n, m ino ritie s, p eople w ith d isa b ilitie s, and ve terans. UN IV E R S IT Y L IB R A R IA N . U n ive rsity o f New H am p shire. T he Uni­ ve rsity L ibrarian is re sp on sib le fo r o verall bud ge tin g, deve lo ping collections, long-range planning o f acquisitions, facilities, and library auto m a tion , a ll in a co n te xt o f bala n cin g tra d itio n a l lib ra ry se rvice s w ith em e rging in form atio n and co m m u nicatio n s te ch n olo g ie s. This positio n is a te n u re -tra ck m e m b er o f the lib ra ry facu lty, w ho reports to the Provost, and a ctive ly p a rticip a te s in u n ive rsity g o ve rn an ce as a m e m b e r o f the D e an ’s C o un cil and th e A cad e m ic Sen a te . A s ch ief in form atio n o ffic e r o f the u nive rsity, the U n ive rsity L ibrarian w ill work clo se ly w ith the E xecu tive D ire cto r fo r C o m p utin g a nd Inform ation S ervices to d e ve lo p and e n h an ce the lib ra ry’s a ccess to a nd use of in form atio n in e lectron ic form a ts. Th e U n ive rsity L ibrarian is a lso the p rin cip al a d vo cate fo r the lib ra ry and th e re p rese n ta tive o f the lib ra ry in long-term academ ic planning, budget developm ent and the overall e du catio n al p o licy o f the u nive rsity. Th e u n ive rsity lib ra ry co n sists o f the m ain library, four branch libraries and a storage facility. The library has a re ce ntly in stalled Inn o pa c system , n etw o rke d and stan d -a lon e C D -R O M w o rksta tion s, E th e rn et w irin g and Inte rn et c o n n ectio n s in all b uildin g s. Q u a lifica tio ns: An M LS from an A LA -a ccre dite d in stitu ­ tio n plus a second m a ste r’s (e a rne d d o cto ra te prefe rred ); a strong record o f sch ola rly and p ro fe ssio n a l a chie ve m e nt; a m inim um o f five ye ars o f p ro gre ssive re sp o n sib ility a nd d em on strate d su ccess in a ca d em ic/re sea rch lib ra ry a d m inistratio n ; stro n g m a n ag em en t and creative leadership skills, w ith a co m m itm en t to the in tellectu al life of the university; broad knowledge of evolving information technologies and te ch n iqu e s in re search, netw orks, and re so urce s sh aring ; the ab ility to be an e ne rg etic a d vo ca te fo r the lib ra ry both w ith in and outsid e the th e u nive rsity; and a w illin gn e ss to w o rk c o lle g ia lly and to com m unicate effectively with other university officers, faculty staff, stud e nts, and the public; a w illin g n e ss and a b ility to w o rk in a u nionized e n viron m e n t. Expe rie n ce w ith the p lan n in g and c o n stru c­ tio n o f a n ew fa c ility is d e sirab le . Sta rtin g s a la ry is co m p etitive and com m ensurate with experience and qualifications. Nom inations and a pp lica tio ns (inclu d ing a le tte r o f a p p lica tio n, a b rie f state m e nt of goa ls and app ro ach to th e p ositio n , a c o m p reh e nsive resum e, and the nam es, add re sses, and tele p h o n e n um bers o f five referen ces w h o w ill n ot be c o n ta cte d u ntil the la te r stag e s o f the se arch) should be a dd re ssed to: U n ive rsity L ibrarian S ea rch C o m m itte e, c/o O ffice of Academ ic Affairs, Thom pson Hall, University of New Hampshire, Durham , NH 03824. Th e Search C o m m itte e w ill begin review ing a pp lica tio ns M arch 1 ,1 9 9 5 , and the search w ill rem ain ope n until the positio n is fille d . Th e UNH is an A A /E E O em p loye r. W o m e n and m ino ritie s are e nco urag e d to apply. Late Job Listings L IB R A R IA N (tw o positions). P ortlan d Community College, Portland Oregon. M LS from an ALA-accredited institution plus one year o f professional reference librarian experience required. Positions begin September 1995. Salary range: $27,200- $47,700. Closes: March 23, 1995. For required application packet, contact: (503) 414- 2823; Fax: (503) 222-0164; e-mail: An AA/EEO institution. D E A N , L IB R A R Y SER VICES. C al P oly State University, San Luis Obispo, California 93407. For information contact Vice President Robert Koob, (805) 756-2186 or fax: (805) 756-5292. AA/EEO. Structure Bookmarks March 1995/205 Dead I i nes: O rders for regu lar classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $7.10 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $9.00 for others. Late job noti resume, cover letter, three references, and a statement of Christian faith to: Romaine Jesky-Smith, Librarian Search Committee, Geneva College, 3200 College Ave., Beaver Falls, PA 15010.ACCESS SERVICES LIBRARIAN. This is a tenure-track position within the library faculty. Responsibilities: Liaison to Office of Con­tinuing Education, develop and supervise services to off-site cam­pus locations, oversee the Circulation Department, share reference desk rotation, participate in other professional activities exp 206/C&RL News public catalog; and preservation of holdings. Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS, three years experience in academic libraries, fiveyears preferred. Relevant subject master’s or knowledge of religious studies. Demonstrated management skills. Experience with libraryautomated systems and knowledge of German or Romance lan­guages preferred. Send letter, resume, and three professional refer­ences to: Milton J. Coalter, Library Director, Ernest Miller White Library, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, eveloping and implementing strategies for information services and nstructional programs for students, faculty, and the community; oordinating and evaluating reference and research services for rimary and external clientele; planning and implementing library nformation literacy program; participating in planning and evaluating continuous program for staff development; represents the Law ibrary in the absence of the director; and other duties as assigned. ualifications: Master’s degree in Library and Inform March 1995/207 priorities and to work as an effective interdisciplinary team member is essential. Creative individual with high energy level will be success­ful. The campus and the library: Wayne State University, a Carnegie I university, is one of the nation’s leading urban research institutions. Serving a distinguished law school in Michigan, the Arthur Neef Law Library is the primary resource library for the Detroit metropolitan area. The University Library System, a member of the Research Libraries Group, is ranked am 208/C&RL News COORDINATOR, MINITEX/OCLC SERVICES—2 POSITIONSUniversity of MinnesotaThe MINITEX Library Information Network, a multitype resource-sharing network serving libraries in Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota, seeks service-oriented individuals to assume two MINITEX/ OCLC Services Coordinator positions. The MINITEX/OCLC program has over 160 academic, public, special, and state agency libraries as participants.The MINITEX Library Information Network is a publicly supported network of academic, public, state March 1995/209 QUINNIPIAC COLLEGEDirector, College LibraryUuinnipiac College invites Qualifications:nominations and applications • MLS from ALA-accredited for the position of Director of program;the Library, which will • A second Master’s degree or PhD;include having responsibility for the • A minimum of ten years of College Library as well as our Media experience in an academic library Center. This is a Dean-level position preferred, including at least five that reports to the Provost/Vice years of progressively responsi work effectively with all levels of faculty and staff. Desirable: Second master’s degree; experience with OCLC; working knowledge of MS- DOS computers. Salary $24,000. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references by April 14, 1995, to: Betty D. Johnson, Associate Director for Technical Services, duPont-Ball Library, Stetson University, DeLand, FL 32720. Stetson University is an EOE employer and is strongly committed to increasing the diversity of its fa ontemporary trade publications in English and European languages) or the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Qualifications: LS from an ALA-accredited library school. Reading knowledge of ne or more European languages (Spanish strongly preferred for one f the positions; Latin, Italian, German, or Russian desirable for both). ffective communication and analytical skills. Ability to work indepen­ently and with others. Ability to excel in a rapidly changing automated eam environment. Familiarity with AA 210/C&RL News ATTENTION LIBRARY INSTRUCTION LIBRARIANS***DREAM JOB***THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITYMILTON S. EISENHOWER LIBRARYLibrary Instruction Coordinator and Resource Services Librarian for EducationThe Milton S. Eisenhower Library offers the opportunity for an imaginative, enterprising librarian to implement and expand a new electronic teaching program, to develop programs and services for the Columbia Center and other off-campus sites of the School of Continuing Studies, to coordinate the training needs of the Resou March 1995/211 THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARYUniversity of Southern CaliforniaThe University of Southern California University Library invites applications for the position as Assis­tant University Librarian for Instructional and Research Services. The University Library is a site for teaching, learning, and research. The Library seeks a person who understands the strategic and techno­logical implications of this mission and who understands the various scholarly, teaching, and research processes within a large academic institutio benefits package including 22 vacation days and 17 holiday, recess, and personal days; comprehensive health care; relocation assis­tance; and TIAA/CREF or Yale retirement. Applications received by March 31, 1995, will be given first consideration; applications ac­cepted until position is filled. Please send a letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: Diane Y. Turner, Director, Library Human Resources, Yale University Library, P.O. Box 208240, New Haven, CT 06520-8240. Yale Univers Librarian, $27,500; Associate Librarian, $29,500; University Librar­ian, $33,000. Submit: Cover letter addressing above qualifications; resume; and names, addresses, and telephone numbers for three references postmarked by deadline, to: Victor F. Owen, Library Personnel Officer, University of Central Florida Library, P.O. Box 162666, Orlando, FL 32816-2666. Postmarked deadline: April 21, 1995. Florida application and selection procedures are subject to public review. AA/EEO.COMPUTER SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Facu 212/C&RL News required for tenure and promotion); (2) experience with installation and management of Novell and Opti-Net netware; (3) reference experience in an academic or public library. Salary: Negotiable, minimum $26,000,12-month appointment. Submit letter of applica­tion, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Imre Meszaros, Director of Libraries, I. D. Weeks Library, University of South Dakota, 414 E. Clark St., Vermillion, SD 57069-2390. Review of applications will begin Ap Services Coordinator, Louis L. Manderino Library, California Univer­sity of Pennsylvania, 250 University Ave., California, PA 15419. The deadline for applications is Thursday, March 30, 1995.EDUCATION REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Kansas State University is seeking an individual to fill a tenure-track position as Reference Information Specialist with an emphasis in education. Reports to the Chair of Social Sciences/Humanities Libraries. Responsibilities in­ clude but are not limited to the following: The successful candidate will: (1) provide both general and in-depth education reference service requiring some night and weekend desk duty; (2) develop and present library user instruction (classroom and individual) in a fully automated library environment; (3) work cooperatively with faculty in the College of Education; (4) do collection development in the area of education; (5) demonstrate initiative, flexibility, and cooperation in a demanding and rapidly chan THREE POSITIONS OPENSherrod Library; East Tennessee State UniversityRetirements and career passage have opened three professional positions that are 12-month (fiscal year) tenure-track appointments. Librarians at ETSU have faculty rank and status and must meet university requirements for promotion and tenure. Annual leave is accrued at the rate of two days per month and sick leave at the rate of one day per month. Library faculty have their choice of a state retirement plan or Tl AA/CREF. Nonrefundable cont March 1995/213 materials from Dewey to LC as needed; manages withdrawals; monitors the work of library assistants and provides technical assistance. Contributes original descriptive and subject catalog­ing for books, serials, and nonprint materials, using Library of Congress (LC) classification, subject headings, and AACR2. Manages bibliographic and LC authority file maintenance operations. Reports to the Head of Cataloging. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Minimum two years of post-MLS academic cataloging ex month faculty appointment. Screening will begin March 15, 1995, and will continue until the position is filled. Starting date is June 15, 1995. Kansas State University, one of the nation’s original land grant institutions, is a comprehensive university with an enrollment of nearly20,000. It is located in Manhattan, in the scenic Flint Hills of northeast Kansas. The main libra is undergoing a $28 million expansion and renovation, with completion anticipated in 1996. Send cover letter, resume, and the names c and names of three references to: Kathryn Waggoner, University Library, Grand Valley State University, Allendale, Ml 49401. Review of applications will begin April 15, 1995, and continue until the position is filled. Unless confidentiality is requested in writing, information regarding the applicants must be released upon request. Finalists cannot be guaranteed confidentiality. Grand Valley State University is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer.ELECTRONIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Develop and im 214/C&RL News March 1995/215 REFERENCE LIBRARIANSterling Memorial Library, Yale UniversityRank: Librarian I or II. Serves at the general reference desk; teaches research education sessions; participates in the building and weeding of the reference collections. Coordinates aspects of the department’s research education program.QUALIFICATION: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school. An advanced degree, preferably in the humanities, is highly desirable. Reading knowledge of two European languages. Ability to work independently an the nature of scholarly research and the impact of technology. Working knowledge of a variety of microcomputers, microcomputer software, and applications; familiarity with electronic mail, data files (text, image, etc.), computer networking, and CD-ROM products. Ability to work with people who have a wide range of skills and backgrounds. Demonstrated analytical, interpersonal, communica­tion, and presentation skills. Creative ability. Preferred: Reference experience. Knowledge of the UNIX platform. Teaching issues of copyright and intellectual property in the electronic environ­ment. Manage day-to-day operations and public services of the Information Technology Arcade (and other similar facilities), including scheduling, multimedia development and evaluation, and consulting services. Advise library faculty and staff in instructional programs and participate in staff development. Serve as coordinators of Internet services, including instruction in locating, using, and developing dynamic resources on the Interne 216/C&RL News SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIANSTATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF FLORIDA FLORIDA GULF COAST UNIVERSITYFlorida Gulf Coast University, located between Ft. Myers and Naples, is scheduled to open in fall 1997 with an enrollment of 2,500. The university is the 10th member of the State University System of Florida. A broad range of undergraduate programs, as well as selected master’s programs, will be offered, with an emphasis on alternative teaching systems and technology. A state-of-the-art electronic library is being desig consideration apply by April 14, 1995, with cover letter, supporting resume, and the names of at least three references to: Darlene M. Ziolkowski, Personnel Librarian, University of Illinois at Chicago, Box 8198, Chicago, IL 60680. The University of Illinois at Chicago is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.ELECTRONIC SERVICES/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The Univer­sity of South Alabama seeks an individual to provide leadership in the utilization of electronic resources for the University Library’s R benefits. Deadline for application is April 19, 1995. Submit a letter, resume, and three professional references to: Janice A. Sauer, Chair, Search Committee, University Library, University of South Ala­bama, Mobile, AL 36688. Affirmative action, equal opportunity em­ployer, M/F/D.GOVERNMENT INFORMATION LIBRARIAN/DEPARTMENT HEAD (60% U.S. depository). Responsible for related acquisitions, preser­vation, technical processing, and reference. Supervise hourly and student personnel. Participate in general refer March 1995/217 needs of Utah and Wyoming, provides leadership at all levels, and is chief advocate of the Federal Depository Program. Qualifications: MLS or graduate degree in an information-related field from an accredited program. At least five years of research library experience with federal government documents and maps, successful supervi­sory experience, knowledge and vision of electronic information technologies, services, and products. Strong communication and interpersonal skills, ability to work cooperatively, and at least five years progressively responsible experience in reference services and substantial experience in collection development in an academic library. The person in this position should have a thorough knowledge of computer-based reference resources, a familiarity with networked information discovery and retrieval, and strong instructional skills. Excellent written and oral communication skills are a necessity, as are leadership, management, and supervisory skills. Preferred: Additional graduate wo 218/C&RL News Cincinnati, OH 45221-0033. Deadline: Review of applications will begin April 10,1995, but applications will be accepted until position is filled. UC is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.HEAD, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine. The University of Maine Libraries seeks a creative and dynamic professional to serve as Head of Reference, providing leadership in the development of innovative information services utilizing current technologies. The Head of Referenc strated successful professional experience in public sen/ices and increasingly responsible management experience, including the super­vision of professional staff. Demonstrated understanding of the nature of scholarly research in the humanities and social sciences. Demon­strated excellence in written and oral communication and evidence of commitment to professional growth are required. Preferred: Familiarity with local area networks, client-server architecture, CD-ROM networks, and MS-DOS preferred. Familia CATALOG LIBRARIAN, SERIALS AND NONPRINT RESOURCESNortheastern UniversityUniversity LibrariesNortheastern University Libraries seeks applications and nominations for the position of Catalog Librarian, Serials and Nonprint Resources. Under the general direction of the Head, Catalog Department, catalog and classify serials, nonprint, electronic, and other networked resources utilizing AACR2 and the MARC formats. Train, supervise, and evaluate the work of assigned staff. Serve as a technical expert on the chara March 1995/219 SCIENCE LIBRARIANSTATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF FLORIDA FLORIDA GULF COAST UNIVERSITYFlorida Gulf Coast University, located between Ft. Myers and Naples, is scheduled to open in fall 1997 with an enrollment of 2,500. The university is the 10th member of the State University System of Florida. A broad range of undergraduate programs, as well as selected master’s programs, will be offered, with an emphasis on alternative teaching systems and technology. A state-of-the-art electronic library is being designed as t including TIAA/CREF. Review of applications will begin March 1995. Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Joyce Rumery, Reference Search Committee, Access Services Division, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5729. The University of Maine is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.HUMANITIES/GENERAL REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, SENIOR AS­SISTANT LIBRARIAN (tenure-track). $37,560-45,216 for 12 months; 10-month primarily geared to using electronic information. The IUP library system, which includes the Stapleton facility, four branch libraries, and a media production unit, currently serves over 14,000 students enrolled in undergraduate through doctoral programs. The libraries contain over 630,000 book volumes, 100,000 bound periodicals, 1.7 million items of microforms, 3,900 periodical subscriptions, and 35,000 media holdings. The university libraries are a select U.S. and state government depository, an associate 220/C&RL News COORDINATOR FOR BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTIONNortheastern UniversityUniversity LibrariesNortheastern University Libraries seeks applications from and nominations of dynamic and creative individuals for the position of Coordinator of Bibliographic Instruction. The library is developing a comprehensive and innovative bibliographic instruction program to effectively integrate the teaching mission of the library into academic programs. The successful candidate will be experienced in planning and evaluating teaching fall 1995. Applications will be considered until appointment is made. IUP is committed to affirmative action and equal opportunity. We seek to build a culturally and racially diverse, broadly prepared professional staff. Minorities and women are especially encouraged to apply.INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Earlham College. Full-time position responsible for libraries’ computer technology including management of electronic ac­cess services (CD-ROMs and online services and local imple­mentation responsibilities for reference and bibliographic instruction ser­vices with four other librarians, including night and weekend assignments. MLS or other relevant graduate degree or experi­ence in library computer technology required. Interest in refer­ence work with strong written and oral communication skills essential. Academic library experience preferred. Position avail­able beginning August 1, 1995; starting date negotiable. Review of applications will begin March 20,1995, and continue until position i March 1995/221 THREE POSITIONSUniversity of PittsburghThe University Library System, University of Pittsburgh, is seeking candidates for three new full-time positions.REFERENCE/PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN, LANGLEY LIBRARYEntry-level position. Provides in-depth and ready reference service, library instruction, and public services in the biological sciences, neurosciences, and psychology, using print, nonprint, and electronic resources. Reports to Head, Langley Library. Hours: 12:30 p.m.–9:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m.–5 liberal arts college affiliated with the Society of Friends, and as an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer, welcomes applica­tions from women, racial minorities, and Quakers.INSTRUCTION/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Responsibilities: Directs and coordinates the library’s expanding instructional program. Works with library faculty and staff and university faculty to plan, develop, publicize, implement, and evaluate programs to provide undergradu­ates, graduate students, and faculty with effective informati area desired. Familiarity with printed and electronic information resources, including the Internet; strong commitment to service and teamwork; effective communication, presentation, analytical, and organizational skills; and experience with personal computers, pre­sentation software, hypercard/Toolbook applications. Reference ex­perience in an academic or large public library and/or teaching experience in a library or classroom preferred. 12-month tenure-track faculty position available beginning August 1, 222/C&RL News DIRECTOR, MEMBER SERVICES(Search Reopened)Association of College and Research Libraries A Division of the American Library AssociationThe Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), is seeking a Director, Member Services to work at the middle management level in support of activities and projects of the association.GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE: Developing, planning, marketing, and managing ACRL’s preconferences and annual conference program Services provides library and information services through two librar­ies, Joyner Library and the Music Library. Academic Library Services has a faculty of 29 and a staff of 75.5. Library collections total approximately one million volumes plus extensive holdings of micro­forms, government documents, and manuscripts. Academic Library Services is networked, providing access to CD-ROMS, the Internet, and the client/server-based integrated library system Horizon. Con­struction is underway on a major addition a ence in reference and bibliographic instruction; additional language facility; experience in computer-based services. Renewable 12- month contract. Starting date: Approximately July 1, 1995. Salary: Minimum $28,000, commensurate with qualifications and experi­ence. Send letter, resume, and names of three references to: Interdis­ciplinary Programs Librarian Search Committee, Tutt Library, Colo­rado College, 1021 N. Cascade Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903. Review of applications will begin April 1,1995, and March 1995/223 TWO POSITIONSEast Asian Library, University Library System University of PittsburghThe East Asian Library, University Library System, University of Pittsburgh, is seeking candidates for two full-time permanent positions.HEAD, EAST ASIAN LIBRARYUnder the general direction of the Assistant Director for Collections Management, the Head of the East Asian Library is responsible for the administration of the staff, services, and collections of the East Asian Library. Responsibilities include: Hiring and supervisi 224/C&RL News ence in an academic library. MSU offers master's degrees in over 60 academic disciplines. Graduate assistantships are internships in the discipline—in this case, two disciplines—library science and the subject discipline of your choice. Graduate assistants supervise student workers and perform other professional services in the public and technical services of the library. Public service positions include reference, government publications, online database searching, interlibrary loan, educational resource 2611. Oklahoma University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. We encourage women and minority applicants and we are responsive to the needs of dual-career couples.LIBRARIAN/LEARNING RESOURCES CENTER. Cabrillo College seeks a librarian to provide dynamic leadership for the Library/ Learning Resources Center. A major remodeling and expansion of the Library/LRC gets underway in summer 1995, opening exciting oppor­tunities for incorporating new technologies into strongly user-cen­tered service March 1995/225 MULTIMEDIA LIBRARIAN. This is an entry-level position. Duties: Responsible for identification, selection, and creation of multimedia resources at the University Libraries. Serves as a selector of materi­als, works with technical services, public services and systems units on issues regarding access, copyright, preservation, and implemen­tation of nonprint, multimedia formats. Oversees media department, supervising two full-time staff and a number of student assistants. Will interact closely with the Univers phasizes interdisciplinary study and actively seeks a racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse staff and student body. The library contains one million plus volumes and is fully automated. Salary competitive, $25,500 minimum. Available August 1, 1995. More information about Oberlin College and the library is available at: To ensure consideration, send letter of application, resume, and names of three references by April 7,1995, to: Reference Search Committee, Oberlin College Libr 226/C&RL News person will be responsible for collection development in psychology,sociology, and other disciplines, including liaison to departments.Additional responsibilities include providing a full range of generalreference services in the social sciences and the humanities disci­plines. This person will also assist in the coordination of CD-ROMsen/ices for the humanities and social sciences. Other duties asassigned. Librarians are appointed as members of the WashingtonState University faculty and are expected to par tional and electronic information sources; and experience or course work related to government documents. Academic library experience preferred. Salary: $25,000 minimum. Benefits: TIAA/CREF pension plan; medical, vision, and dental plans available; tuition benefits; 22 days vacation per year. Faculty status, non-tenure-track appoint­ment. Deadline: Applications postmarked by March 30, 1995, will receive greatest consideration. The position will remain open until filled. To apply, please submit a letter of a Late Job ListingsLIBRARIAN (two positions). Portland Community College, Portland Oregon. MLS from an ALA-accredited institution plus one year of professional reference librarian experience required. Positions begin September 1995. Salary range: $27,200- $47,700. Closes: March 23, 1995. For required application packet, contact: (503) 414- 2823; Fax: (503) 222-0164; e-mail: An AA/EEO institution.DEAN, LIBRARY SERVICES. Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo, California 93407. For informat