ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 374 I C&RL News ■ May 1998 N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s George M. Eberhart The Cambridge Illustrated History of Prehis­ toric Art, by Paul G. Bahn (302 pages, March 1998), identifies the purposes and characteris­ tics o f preliterate symbols and imagery world­ wide. Prehistoric art— especially rock art— constitutes the earliest and most universal form o f protowriting and docum entation. Bahn chronicles modern attempts to understand it on the literal and the symbolic level. Gener­ ously illustrated with rarely reprinted draw­ ings and photographs (m any o f them the author’s own), this volume provides valuable insight into the minds and the souls o f ancient artists. $39-95. Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-45473-5. Completely Queer: The Gay and Lesbian En­ cyclopedia, by Steve Hogan and Lee Hudson (704 pages, February 1998), is one o f those reference b o o k s that contains information found now here else with alternative view ­ points on many topics. Described as a guide to “the multifaceted international subculture self-identified lesbians and gay men have cul­ tivated and refined in the second half o f the 20th century,” this volume describes individu­ als, organizations, issues, countries, literature, and culture. Especially important is its com ­ mitment to a balance betw een lesbian and gay male interests, and a historical outlook that puts pre-Stonewall events into perspective. A 73-page chronology ranges from homoerotic Paleolithic artifacts to 1996. $50.00. Henry Holt, ISBN 0-8050-3629-6. Dictionary of Heresy Trials in American Chris­ tianity, edited by George H. Shriver (511 pages, O ctober 1997), describes the details o f 50 for­ mal or informal heresy trials in the United States, a country that has prided itself as a refuge from religious persecution. The trials range from colonial times to the 20th century. The largest number o f trials involve Baptist churches, but Protestant and Catholic churches are also included. Each entry attempts an o b ­ jective, historical, and analytical presentation George M. Eberhart is associate editor of American Libraries; e-mail: o f the major aspects o f these trials. An even- handed book on a seldom-examined topic. $99-50. Greenwood Press, ISBN 0-313-29660-X. Dictionary of Pseudonym s, by Adrian Room (404 pages, 3d ed., April 1998), is a greatly expanded edition o f the author’s 1989 edition that now matches 8,000 pseudonyms with their true names. Many entries include the story behind the person’s name change and other biographical details. Room defines pseud­ onyms loosely and includes nearly any type o f name change from Popes to first names only. T he seven entertaining introductory chapters have been updated using more re­ cent examples, but the reverse true name-to- pseudonym dictionary has been dropped to accomm odate the doubled number o f pseud­ onyms in the dictionary. Appendices list all the pseudonyms used by Voltaire and D efoe and writers with multiple pen names. $55.00. McFarland & Company, ISBN 0-7864-0423-X. The International Inform ation Directory, 1998-1999 (703 pages, January 1998), is a new international adjunct to Congressional Quarterly’s W ashington In fo r m a tio n Directory, which offers brief descriptions and contact information for 4,000 organizations involved in international affairs. These are primarily federal and co n g ressio n al o ffices, private groups or nonprofit associations, and interna­ tional organizations with an office in the United States, but key overseas offices are also in­ cluded. The first part o f the book is organized by subject (from agriculture to women and families), while the second part is arranged by country and lists contact information for embassies, UN missions, consulates, trade of­ fices, and cultural or political organizations. A comprehensive index makes this resource an essential reference tool. $115.00. Congressional Quarterly Books, ISBN 1-56802-381-2. O ver Lincoln’s Shoulder: The Committee on the Conduct of the War, by Bruce Tap (319 pages, January 1998), exam ines the perfor­ mance o f the congressional committee estab­ lished in 1861 to look into military setbacks C&RL News ■ May 1998/375 and Civil War generals who made mistakes. Criticized as a partisan inquisition with little knowledge o f military affairs, the committee interrogated som e o f the most famous com ­ manders (McClellan, Frémont, Grant, Meade, Banks, and Burnside) and investigated such b a ttle s as F irst B u ll R un, B a l l ’s B lu ff, Fredericksburg, and the Fort Pillow massa­ cre. Tap reevaluates the co m m ittee’s work and show s that it was prone to ex ce ss and m icro m an ag em en t and w as essen tially a w aste o f time and resources for the North. $39-95. University Press o f Kansas, ISBN 0- 7 0 0 6 -0 8 7 1 -0 . Pan-African Chronology ll, by Everett Jenkins Jr. (572 pages, May 1998), continues the timeline b e ­ gun with his first b o o k (McFarland 1996) and cov­ ers the years 1865 through 1915— an era that saw the rise and fall o f Reconstruc­ tion, the founding o f the NAACP, and an epidemic o f lynching in the United States. Like its predecessor, this chronicle also covers black achievements else­ w here, especially in the Americas and Africa. Many entries are supplemented by brief historical accounts that set the events in con­ text. $65.00. McFarland, ISBN 0-7864-0385-3. Preservation and Archives in Vietnam , by Judith Henchy, offers an overview o f neglected and deteriorating Vietnam ese historical ar­ chives and reports on the efforts o f the gov­ ernment to provide funds for preservation and facilities. The report, the latest in a series is­ sued by CLIR’s Commission on Preservation and Access, urges agencies that fund educa­ tional development in Vietnam to recognize the primacy o f libraries in rebuilding educa­ tional capacity. $10.00. Council on Library and Information Resources, 1755 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Suite 500, Washington, D.C. 20036-2188. Restructuring Academ ic Libraries: O rgani­ zational Developm ent in the W ake of Tech­ nolo g ical C h a n g e , edited by Charles A. Schwartz (289 pages, 1997), exam ines the methods that academic libraries are using to develop new assumptions, relationships, and services to accom m odate major changes in in­ formation storage and retrieval. Published as n o . 4 9 in th e ACRL P u b l i c a t i o n s in L ib r a r ia n s h ip series, these 19 essays discuss misconceptions about virtual libraries (Herbert S. White), repositioning campus information units (Richard Dougherty and Lisa McClure), structured cooperation in networks (Sue O. Medina and William C. Highfill), strategic plan­ ning (Douglas Birdsall), and case studies of restructuring at the University o f Vermont, Harvard College, the University o f Nebraska- Lincoln, Penn State, and other libraries. A strong emphasis on boundary spanning (partnering) seem s to be the answer to much o f this change. $28.00 (ACRL m em bers, $23.50). Association of Col­ lege and Research Librar­ ies, ISBN 0-8389-3478-1. Scholarly Book R evie w ­ ing in the Social Sciences and Humanities, by Ylva Lindholm -R om antschu k (152 pages, January 1998), show s that review s are true indicators o f scholarly com m unication and can b e used to trace informa­ tion How from discipline to discipline. Perhaps this short review will contribute to advances in information science scholarship. $55.00. Green­ wood Press, ISBN 0-313-29514-X. Zora Neale Hurston: An A nnotated Bibliog­ raphy and Reference Guide, compiled by Rose Parkman Davis (210 pages, D ecem ber 1997), describes the books and articles written about o f one o f the most important authors o f the Harlem Renaissance and one o f the first Afri­ can-American anthropologists. Hurston’s works are listed chronologically in an appendix. Her anthropological study, M ules a n d M en (1935), was a pioneering examination o f voodoo and related folklore, and as a novelist she is best known as the author o f J o n a h ’s G o u r d Vine (1 9 3 4 ) and T h e ir E yes W ere W a tch in g G o d (1937). Lists o f Hurston Web sites and special collections are provided in an appendix. $65.00. Greenw ood Press. ISBN 0-313-30387-8.