ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries People PROFILE D r. I rene Braden H oadley of Ohio State University has been named director of libraries at Texas A&M University. Dr. Hoadley, who as­ sumed her new duties November 1, succeeds John B. Smith, who resigned to accept a position at State Uni­ versity of New York at Stony Brook. For the past year Dr. Hoadley has served as Ohio State’s assistant director of li­ braries with responsi­ bilities for administra­ tive services. She joined the OSU fac­ Irene Hoadley ulty in 1966 as li­ brarian for general administration and research. She previously served in the Department of Library Science at the University of Michigan, where she earned her Ph.D. in 1966. She had earlier served on the library staffs at Kansas State University, where she earned a Master of Arts degree, and Sam Houston State University. She earned her B.A. degree at the University of Texas and Master of Arts in Library Science degree at the University of Michigan. Dr. Hoadley is a member of the American Library Association and immediate past presi­ dent of the Ohio Library Association. She served in 1971-72 as a member of the editorial board for Protean: Administration, Systems, Management in Libraries and received the Scarecrow Press Award for Library Literature in 1971. She is the author of several scholarly papers dealing with library operations and management. A P P O IN T M E N T S Carolyn Adams—assistant reference librar­ ian— University of Delaware, Newark. Michael W. Albin—head librarian, Middle East Collection— University of Texas, Austin. Carol A. Barret—assistant acquisitions li­ brarian— Occidental College, Los Angeles, California. Lois Bebout—associate director, General Li­ braries— University of Texas, Austin. Margaret Best—assistant reference librar­ ian—University of South F lorida, Tampa. Connie Bihon—assistant science librarian— Texas A&M University, College Station. Lynne M. Brody—general reference librar­ ian—University of Texas, Austin. Margaret G. Bronner—documents librar­ ian, James M. Milne Library— State Univer­ sity of New York College at Oneonta. Christine Buder—reference librarian— New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. Gregory Bullard—assistant director of pro­ cessing and computer-based operations— Syra­ cuse University, New York. John D. Campbell—librarian at large— Occidental College, L os Angeles, California. J ulie Carterson—extension librarian— Uni­ versity of T exas Health Science Center, Dal­ las. Richard Christensen—assistant general col­ lege librarian—I llinois State University, Normal. Sister Mary Julianne Chudy—assistant li­ brarian—F elician College Library, Chicago, Illinois. Dade T. Curtis—biological sciences refer­ ence librarian— Illinois State University, Normal. L ee B. D alzell—assistant reference librar­ ian—Williams College, Williamstown, Mas­ sachusetts. James M. D eay—acquisitions librarian— Colorado State University, Fort Collins. Joyce D ewbre—veterinary medicine librar­ ian—T exas A&M University, College Station. T. Stuart D ick—associate librarian for spe­ cial collections—University of D elaware, Ne­ wark. Nelly D oll—assistant science and tech­ nology librarian—E astern Michigan Univer­ sity, Ypsilanti. Sylvia E bin—assistant government docu­ ments librarian—Texas A&M University, Col­ lege Station. Jonathon E rlen—medical history reference librarian—University of Texas Health Sci­ ence Center, Dallas. Lila F oss—government documents librar­ ian— New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. E va L. Goldschmidt—health sciences li­ brarian, Biology Library— University of Cali­ fornia, Berkeley. Jon S. Greene—head, Architecture and Ur­ ban Planning Library— University of Cali­ fornia, Los Angeles. Mary Grove—reference/library instruction librarian—David L ipscomb College, Nash­ ville, Tennessee. Paula J. H ane—reference librarian— State University of New York, Purchase. Nancy E. H anssen—documents librarian— 263 Williams College, Williamstown, Massachu setts. Lawrence H eilos—assistant reference li brarian—University of South F lorida, Tam pa. Austin H oover—university archivist and di rector, Rio Grande Historical Collections—Ne Mexico State University, Las Cruces. Doris J. H ulbert—assistant reference li brarian—University of Delaware, Newark. David L. I nce—assistant director, technical services—New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. K. Suzanne J ohnson—biomedical science li brarian—Colorado State University, Fort Collins. Lynette F. Johnson—reference librarian, General Library— University of California Riverside. Sheila Johnson—map librarian—Texas A&M University, College Station. E vlyn J. King—assistant serials librarian— University of South Carolina, Columbia. Pamela G. Kobelski—assistant reference li brarian—University of Delaware, Newark. Kathleen Kruger—assistant catalog librar ian—Colorado State University, Fort Col lins. Mary Kuder—assistant catalog librarian— Texas A&M University, College Station. Katherine S. L aurence—reader service li brarian—College of St . Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota. Andrew L isowski—cataloger—Universit of Oklahoma Libraries, Norman. Patricia L ittlefield—director, Baker-Van guard Library—Bentley College, Waltham, Massachusetts. Michelle M. L ohr—music cataloger—Uni versity of T exas, Austin. Gary J. McCoy—assistant cataloger—Uni versity of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie. Patricia V. Maguire—assistant director, Baker-Vanguard Library—Bentley College Waltham, Massachusetts. E leanor Mathews—catalog editor—Illi nois State University, Normal. Edward S. Meckstroth—fine arts librarian Illinois State University, Normal. Judy Medina—assistant science librarian— T exas A&M University, College Station. Stella Mentel—bibliographer for acquisi tion of gifts—University of Oklahoma Li braries, Norman. James Michael—assistant cataloging librar­ ian—University of South F lorida, Tampa. Ann Miller—reference librarian, Learning Resources Center—College of the Mainland Texas City, Texas. William H. Mischo—reference librarian— Iowa State University, Ames. Daryl Morrison—assistant information ser ­ ­ ­ ­ w ­ ­ , ­ ­ ­ ­ y ­ ­ ­ , ­ — ­ ­ , ­ vices librarian, Interlibrary Loan—University of Oklahoma, Norman. Margaret Myers—executive secretary, Li­ brary Education Division, and director, Office for Library Personnel Resources—American Library Association. Harold D. Neikirk—associate acquisitions librarian— University of Delaware, Newark. Betty Ilene Nelson—assistant reference librarian—University of South Carolina, Columbia. Gillian Olechno—associate director—Los Angeles County/U nγversity of Southern California Medical Center Libraries. E llen A. Parrav ano—serials librarian— State University of New York, Purchase. Patricia A. Pesaitis—behavioral sciences librarian—Witchita State University, Kan­ sas. Steven A. P la—assistant serials librarian— New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. Jay P oole—head librarian, Undergraduate Library—University of T exas, Austin. Marjorie A. Reeves—assistant director for technical services—Iowa State University Library, Ames. Susan E. Russell—Latin American cata­ loger— University of Texas, Austin. Mary Rydesky—media coordinator—Univer­ sity of Texas Health Science Center Library, Dallas. Louise C. Schaut—acquisitions librarian, Law Library—University of South Carolina, Columbia. E lizabeth B. Scherr—acquisitions librar­ ian—Williams College, Williamstown, Mas­ sachusetts. Barbara Silverman—assistant reference li­ brarian— University of South F lorida, Tam­ pa. Ann Smith—cataloger—Illinois State Uni­ versity, Normal. Kathy Smith—assistant reference librarian— University of South F lorida, Tampa. Andrea Stamm—cataloger—Illinois State University, Normal. Keith J. Stanger—assistant education and psychology librarian—E astern Michigan Uni­ versity, Ypsilanti. Carolyn J. Stanley—science librarian— University of South Carolina, Columbia. Jo Ann M. Tanouye—periodicals librarian— Occidental College, Los Angeles, California. T erry A. T horkildson—associate director of the Health Sciences Library and Information Center—University of Virginia Medical Li­ brary, Charlottesville. Connie J. Tiffany—public services librar­ ian—University of Wisconsin-Stout, Me­ nomonie. Levin Tilghman III—assistant reference li­ 264 brarian—University of South F lorida, Tam­ pa. Jean T rumbore—assistant reference librar­ ian—University of Delaware, Newark. Karl Van Ausdal—music librarian— State University of New York, Purchase. Scott Wright—library director—College of St . Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota. R E T IR E M E N T F rances Rutherford recently retired from her position as circulation librarian at David Lipscomb College, Nashville, Tennessee. Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "rank" and "status" are advised that these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. All advertisements submitted by institutions offering positions must include a salary range. The range should provide the applicant with an indication of the salary, the institution is willing to provide for the position offered. All advertisements for the. Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications will be ed­ ited to exclude direct or indirect references t o race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding publi­ cation of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.30 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. POSITIONS OPEN Administration ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN to share in planning and implementation of professional staff career develop­ ment, library information and acquisitions programs and to assist with the development of the library budget. Assumes responsibility for the University . Libraries in the absence of the University Librarian. Requirements: earned MLS and demonstrated administrative abilities, should have thorough understanding of applications of tech­ nology to library operations. Must have skills and flexi­ bility to work with union and non-union library staff. Minimum salary $22,000. Send complete credentials to Charles D. Churchwell, Univ. Libn., Brown Univ., Box A, Providence, Rl 02912. An equal opport unity/affirm at ive action employer. DIRECTOR, Denison Memorial Medical Library at the Univ. of Colorado Medical Center. MLS or equivalent and experience with medical or research libraries re­ quired. Salary negotiable depending on qualification, minimum $25,000. Send curriculum vitae, bibliography and recommendations to David W. Talmage, M.D., Box 2781, Univ. of Colo. Med. Ctr., 4200 E. 9th Ave., Denver, CO 80220. An equal opportunity employer. CH IEF.O F PROCESSING DIVISION with administrative responsibility for †he Acquisitions, Bindery, and Catalog Departments serving a central library and 47 branches. Annual library materials budget over $1 million. Salary range $ 18,036—$20,960. Liberal fringe benefits. Minimum requirements include degree from ALA-accred¡†ed library school, 7 years of experience including 3 years in a re­ sponsible supervisory capacity in technical services. Please direct inquiries immediately to Employment Representa­ tive, Free Lib. of Philadelphia, Logan Sq., Philadelphia, PA 19103. LIBRARIAN: Amherst College, an institution committed to excellence in undergraduate liberal arts education, seeks a person interested in †he world of books and with demonstrated ability in library administration to be librarian of the College. Salary (minimum $18,000) com­ mensurate with qualifications and experience. Position to be filled by 7/1/75. Please write, with curriculum vitae and references, to Prof. Richard Cody, Chrm., Search Comm., Eng. Dept ., Amherst College, Amherst, MA 0IC02. An equal opport unity /a ffi rmative action employer. HEAD INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS COLLECTION LI­ BRARIAN. The University of Arizona is seeking a pro­ fessional librarian to fill the above position. The Instruc­ tional Materials Collection is a separate branch of the Main Library system. The Head Librarian, and only profes­ sional in this branch, is responsible for portions of the acquisitions and cataloging of instructional materials items and entirely responsible for selection, circulation, reserve, etc., procedures. The librarian filling this posi­ tion must provide reference service in the broadest sense for instructional materials in †he College of Education and orientation for student teachers in †he role of in­ structional materials in teaching. He/she must work closely with the Faculty in developing †he collection to meet the needs of the College of Education. The li­ brarian filling this position must have a master's degree from an ALA-accredit ed library school, training in edu­ cational methods or teaching experience, and †he ability to work independently. Qualities which will be favorably considered are: supervisory experience, knowledge of instructional materials and curriculum development, knowl­ edge of, and experience with, †he use of audiovisual ma­ terials in instructional programs, and understanding of †he role of a branch library in a large university setting. Starting salary will be between $12,000 and $13,000 per year. Professional librarians at †he University have faculty status, but 12-mon†h appointments with 24 days per year of paid vacation, 12 days of sick leave and a variety of health and retirement plans to choose from. Applications for this position will not be accepted after 11/30/74. Send inquiries and resumes to W. David Laird, Univ. Libn., Univ. of Ariz., Tucson, AZ 85721. An equal opportunity employer. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES. Available 7/1/75. To plan, direct and administer all collection development activities, and technical services. Qualifications: Master's degree from accredited library school; additional re­ search, doctorate preferred; 15 years of academic library experience. Salary minimum $20,000. Deadline for ap p li­ cations: 12/10/74. Apply Robert H. DeWitt, Asst. Dir. of Ls., Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO 80523. An equal opportunity employer. PERSONNEL OFFICER. Staff officer reporting to Director of Libraries. Responsible for planning, organizing, co­ ordinating activities of a large academic library related to recruitment, employment, staff development, benefits, and working conditions affecting 107 FTE librarians, 224 FTE support staff, and 107 FTE students. MLS from ALA- accredi†ed library school program, personnel manage­ ment training or experience and library experience. Dem­ onstrated ability to work harmoniously with faculty, staff and students. Salary $ 16,500—$20,000. 24 days' vacation, TIAA retirement and various medical plans available. Application deadline 12/1/74. Contact Marion Milczewskî, Dir. of Ls., Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195. An equal opportunity employer. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN for Reader Services. Qualifica­ tions: A degree from an accredited library school, sub­ stantial experience in an academic library; at least 5 years in a responsible administrative position. Responsi­ bilities: Accountable †o the University Librarian for †he effective administration of the Reader Services areas of †he Library System, including †he Engineering, Mathe­ matics and Science Divisional Library, the Environmental Studies Branch Library, the Government Publications De­ partment, and †he Circulation and Reference Departments 265