ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 122 / C&RL News ■ February 2003 G r a n t s a n d A c q u i s i t i o n s Ann-Christe Galloway The University of Tennessee Library, in partnership with the Frank H. McClung Museum, has been awarded $245,772 by the Institute o f Museum and Library Services to create an on line database o f information describing archaeological projects undertaken by the W orks Progress Administration in the 1930s before Tennessee Valley Authority dam construction flooded these important sites. The 7,500 images, with their associated field notes and artifacts, are a comprehensive collection o f information about Native American habitation in the Southeast in the prehistoric period. Temple University Libraries has received a $30,000 grant from the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation and a $77,000 grant from Dance Advance, a program funded by the P ew Charitable T rusts, to support the establishment and developm ent o f the Philadelphia Dance Collection at Temple. This is the first organized effort to document and preserve the history o f Philadelphia dance. The U n iv e rs ity of Illinois at U rb a n a- Champaign (U IU C ) and the H erzog August Bibliothek (H AB ) Wofenbuettel have received an A lexander von H um boldt Foundation TransCoop award o f 45,000 Euros (U.S. $47,200) to support the collaborative research o f “Digital Emblematica,” a project to digitize emblems from the UIUC Rare B ook and Special Collections Library and HAB. Thomas Staecker (H A B ) and Mara W ade (U IU C ) are the joint recipients o f the award, which w ill fund travel b etw een the tw o research sites, a w orkin g conference, a research stay for the UIUC research team at HAB, and digitizin g equipm ent for HAB. C o rnell U n iv e rs ity has received tw o major grants for digital library projects from the Institute o f Museum and Library Services (IMLS). IMLS awarded Cornell $471,724 f o r a three-year project to collaborate with five other libraries and museums to develop and test the Global Performing Arts Database and $281,449 for a two-year project to digitize early Western travel narratives from the library’s John M. Echols Collection on Southeast Asia. Rutgers University Libraries and tech­ n o lo g y leaders at the G eorgia Institute o f Technology and the University o f Washington, have been awarded a $900,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to build an online catalog o f film, television, and digital vid eo images called M oving Image Collections. The project w ill catalog science-related m oving images held by a variety o f organizations, including archives, libraries, museums, and corporations. Western State College of Colorado has received a $1 m illion gift from alumnus John Brach o f Grand junction to purchase books and research materials related to the history o f the American West for the college’s Leslie J. Savage Library. A c q u i s i t i o n s A collection of letters from the late writer and poet Raymond Carver has been donated to the library at the University o f California-Santa Cruz (UCSC). Valued at $23,650, the donation consists o f 26 letters, notes, and cards written to David Swanger, UCSC professor o f education and creative writing between 1977 and 1984. Carver spent three years at the university, teaching poetry and writing classes as a visiting lecturer. The correspondence documents a period in Carver’s life w h en he made the transition from being a relatively obscure w riter to b ecom in g a com m ercially successful and w ell-k n o w n author. Carver is widely credited with revitalizing the Am erican short story m ore than anyone since Ernest H em in gw ay and Flannery O ’Connor. ■ E d . n o te : Send you r news to: Grants S Acquisitions, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e- mail: