ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries February 1990 /133 lege & Research Libraries, send manuscripts to Gloriana St. Clair, William Jasper Kerr Library, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331. Instructions for authors are printed in each issue of the journal. For C&RL News, send articles to George Eberhart at the ACRL office (see the guidelines published in January). For Rare Rooks & Manuscripts Librarianship, send articles to Alice Schreyer, Special Collections, University of Dela­ ware Library, Newark, DE 19717. To submit a proposal for a monographic pub­ lication Discuss your proposal with Mary Ellen Davis, ACRL publications officer, at ACRL headquarters, and submit a “Preliminary Publication Information Form.” Consult this issue of C&RL News, p. 000, for more detailed instructions. For the AC RL Publications in Librarianship series, send propos­ als or manuscripts directly to Jonathan A. Lindsey, Coordinator of Affairs, Baylor University, Waco, TX 76798. To submit news items for publication in College & Research Libraries News Send materials to George Eberhart at the ACRL Office, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. Consult the guidelines for submission of news items in the January issue. The deadline for receipt of news items is approximately the 26th of each month. To subscribe to ACRL periodicals For a subscription to Choice, write to the Sub­ scriptions Department, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457. For a subscription to C&RL, C&RL News, or RBML, write to the Sub­ scriptions Department, American Library Associa­ tion, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. To order works from the ACRL Publications in Librarianship series For a listing of the works in this series, write to the ACRL office. To place a standing order or to order individual titles, write to the ALA Order De­ partment, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611- 2795. To order copies of out-of-print titles, contact University Microfilms International, 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48106. To advertise in ACRL publications To place product ads in C&RL, C&RL News, or Choice, contact Art Beck, Advertising Sales Manager, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Middle- town, CT 06457. To place classified ads in C&RL News or the telephone JOB LINE, contact Karen Christopher at the ACRL Office, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 944-6780. ■ ■ ACRL list of materials available A complete checklist o f ACRL publications in print. S ingle copies of ACRL standards (for uni­ versity libraries, college libraries, and two- year college learning resources programs) ar upon request; additional copies may be purchased for $1.00 each. All other publications are priced as listed. To ensure that your order is properly proc­ essed, include ISBN, author, title, list price, and applicable discount for each item ordered. Both institutions and individuals may order on account, plus postage and handling; however, pre­ payment should accompany individuals’ orders of $15.00 or less. No postage or handling charges are added to prepaid orders (check, money order, credit card). All prices are payable in U.S. funds, en feret e3 0 days. The first price stated is the list price. Discounts ALA personal and organizational members are eligible to receive a ten percent (10%) discount on ACRL materials (except subscription items). To receive the discount, give your membership num­ ber, and deduct the discount when preparing your orders. 134 / C&RL News ACRL personal and organizational members receive 10-30% discount on non-subscription ACRL materials. Look for the ACRL member prices on this checklist. Handling charges Invoice amounts of $20.00 or less, $1. Invoice amounts of $20.01-$50.00, $2. Invoice amounts of $50.01-$100.00, $3. Invoice amounts of $100.01-$200.00, $4. Invoice amounts of $200.00 or more, $5. Ordering Send orders to: ALA Publishing Services, Order Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611-2795. Toll-free numbers In the U.S., call (800) 545-2433; in Illinois, (800) 545-2444; in Canada, (800) 545-2455; or try (312) 944-6780. Operator on duty between 8:15 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. Central Standard Time. ACRL approval order plans The convenient and cost-cutting ACRL ap­ proval order plan provides automatic priority ship­ ping of ACRL’s new books at a 20% discount to ACRL members (10% to non-members). There are two approval plan categories to choose from (to help you estimate costs we have calculated approxi­ mate costs for a 12-month period based on the actual costs for the past three years). Plan “P” guarantees that you will automatically be sent all new ACRL publications (estimated cost $95). Plan “PC” is exclusively for titles in the CLIP Notes series (estimated cost $35). You may change or cancel your approval order at any time and you do have return privileges. All publications issued by ACRL, except periodicals and subscription items, are available through the approval plan. To enroll in the approval order plan, call or write Mary Ellen Davis, ACRL Publications Officer, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611, indicating the category you have chosen. Bibliographic instruction • Back to the Books: Bibliographic Instruc­ tion and the Theory o f Information Sources (1983). Edited by Ross Atkinson. “Back to the Books is worthwhile reading because the major issues under discussion in the BI literature are considered thoughtfully and concisely.”Journal o f Academic Librarianship. 76p. 0-8389-6587-3. $15.00; ACRL members $12.00. • Bibliographic Instruction Clearinghouse: A Practical Guide (1984). “Presents a review of the history, method and problems of organization, and function of established clearinghouses, fol­ lowed by a how-to for organizing additional clear­ inghouses. This book is thorough, well written, carefully prepared… and indeed practical.” Li­ brary Science Annual. 71p. 0-8389-6775-2. $12.00; ACRL members $9.00. • Evaluating Bibliographic Instruction: A Handbook (1983). “… one of the most practical and useful publications in the area of user instruction.” Library & Information Science Re­ search, vol. 6 .122p. 0-8389-6608-X. $17.00; ACRL members $13.00. • NEW! Library Instruction Clearinghouses 1989: A Directory (1989). Compiled by Theresa Mensching. A state-by-state directory of clearing­ houses of information in library use. 15p. 0-8389- 7402-3. $4.95; ACRL members $3.95. • Organizing and Managing a Library In­ struction Program (1979). ACRL BIS Continu­ ing Education Committee. Checklists for develop­ ing a sound BI program for your library. 30p. 6731- 0. $4.00; ACRL members $3.00. Collection development • Books for College Libraries III (1988). Six volumes. “Highly recommended” by Library Jour­ nal, BCL III is the most authoritative academic library collection development and evaluation tool available today. This set covers more than 50,000 titles in all fields of study. Electronic formats (tape and online) are also available. 0-8389-3353-X. $500.00. • Building Women’s Studies Collections: A Resource Guide (1987). Edited by Joan Ariel. Choice Bibliographical Essay Series, No. 8. Order from: Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457. 48p. 0-9144-9207-1. $12.00. • Curriculum Materials Center Collection D evelopm ent Policy (1984). Developed by the ACRL Educational and Behavioral Sciences Sec­ tion. A model collection development policy state­ ment to help librarians define their collection pro­ grams. 27p. 0-8389-6777-9. $7.00; ACRL mem­ bers $5.00. • Directory o f Curriculum Materials Cen­ ters (1985). Compiled by Lois J. Lehman and Eva K. Kiewitt. 2nd ed. “… an invaluable work which will be heavily used by all who are associated with education collections, instructional materials cen­ ters, and teacher training institutes.” Library & Information Science Annual, vol. 3. 194p. 0-8389- 6917-8. $20.00; ACRL members $15.00. • English and American Literature: Sources and Strategies for Collection Developm ent (1987). Edited by William McPheron. No. 45 in February 1990 /1 3 5 Publications in Librarianship. “This volume is not only instructive, it is also lively reading. It is handy to have in one collection a wealth of practical information to guide subject specialists in English and American literature.” Journal o f Academic Li­ brarianship. 272p. 0-8389-0476-9. $29.95. • Guide for the D evelopm ent and Manage­ ment o f Test Collections with Special Emphasis on Academic Settings (1985). Ad hoc Subcom­ mittee on Test Collections, Education and Behav­ ioral Sciences Section. “Any question a librarian might have on the subject of test collections ap­ pears to have been answered in the Guide. . .” Library Journal. 69p. 0-8389-6926-7. $12.00; ACRL members $9.00. • NEW! Richard Garnett: The Scholar As Librarian (1989). By Barbara McCrimmon. No. 46 of Publications in Librarianship. The life of Richard Garnett, one of the great librarians of the 19th century, brings together the richness of liter­ ary history and an important chapter in the history of library science. 211p. 0-8389-0508-0. $30.00. • NEW! State Education Documents: A State- by-State Directory for Their Acquisition and Use (1989). By the EBSS Education-Relation Government Publications Subcommittee. This directory provides the means to access the large variety of state education documents available from government agencies. 54p. 0-8389-7327-2. $19.95; ACRL members $16.95. • Women’s Studies in Western Europe: A R esource Guide (1986). Edited by Stephen Lehmann and Eva Sartori. “The well-edited result gives American librarians and researchers an over­ view of the field plus specific information about acquisitions of feminist publications from western Europe. . . .A valuable resource for academic or large public libraries.” Choice. 129p. 0-8389-7037- 0. $18.00; ACRL members $15.00. Research and resources • Academic Libraries: Myths and Realities (1984). Proceedings of the Third National Confer­ ence of the Association of College & Research Libraries. 420p. 6787-6. $28.00; ACRL members $20.00. • Academic Status: Statements and Resources (1988). By the Academic Status Committee. A compilation of official standards and guidelines, research articles, and bibliographies on academic status. 58p. 0-8389-7233-0. $7.50; ACRL mem­ bers $5.00. • Energies for Transition (1986). Proceed­ ings of the Fourth National Conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries. Edited by Danuta A. Nitecki. “. . .a good cross- section in this one volume of the current issues and new d ev elo p m en ts re la te d to academ ic librarianship.” College & Research Libraries. 248p. 0-8389-6976-3. $30.00; ACRL members $22.00. • NEW! Building on the First Century (1989). Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries. Edited by Jan Fennell. Includes 77 research re­ ports and position papers on a wide range of topics (administration, BI, collection management, per­ sonnel, preservation, and reader services) that were presented in Cincinnati, April 5-8, 1989. 320p. 0-8389-7289-6. $30.00; ACRL members $22.00. Special collections Thesauri for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloging. This series of thesauri for use in rare book and special collections cataloging was developed for use in MARC field 755. Each thesaurus provides standard terms for the retrieval of physical evidence of printing and publishing practices or provenance. Binding Terms (1988). 0-8389-7210-1. 37p. $10.00; ACRL members $8.50. Genre Terms (1983). Developed for use in MARC field 655, these terms should be used to designate intellectual genres of textual materials. 41p. 0-8389-6612-8. $7.50; ACRL m em bers $5.50. NEW! Paper Evidence (1990). Forthcoming in Spring 1990. Inquire for price. Printing and Publishing Evidence (1986). 28p. 0-8389-7108-3. $7.50; ACRL members $5.50. Provenance Evidence (1988). 0-8389-7239-X. 24p. $9.00; ACRL members $7.00. NEW! Type Evidence (1990). Forthcoming in Spring 1990. Inquire for price. • Your Old Books (1988). By Peter VanWin- gen. This pamphlet answers frequently asked ques­ tions about rare books and book values. Buy them in quantity to use at the reference desk. 0-8389- 7216-0. Single copies are available from ACRL for $1.00 and SASE. 50 copies, $20.00, available from ALA Graphics, 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611-2795. Statistics • NEW! ACRL Academic Library Statistics, 1978/79-1987/88 (1989) [diskettes]. Compiled by Robert E. Molyneux. Statistics on collections, per­ sonnel, and expenditures collected by ACRL over the last ten years are now available as machine- readable diskettes. The data, accompanied by a detailed user guide, are presented in three formats: ASCII, SAS datasets, and D IF (data interchange formats) that can import data into Lotus 1-2-3. The package contains four MS-DOS 5.25-in. 360K diskettes and two MS-DOS 3.5-in. 720K diskettes. 136 /C & R L News 0-8389-7310-8. $59.95; ACRL members $47.95. • Library Statistics o f Colleges and Univer­ sities, 1985: National Summaries, State Sum­ maries, Institutional Tables (1987). Data from the 1985 HEGIS study conducted by the Center for Education Statistics covering over 3,000 aca­ demic libraries. “ACRL is to be commended for publishing. . .valuable comparative data that the Reagan adm inistration no longer sees fit to disseminate.” Library Journal. 0-8389-7147-4. $30.00; ACRL members $24.00. • NEW! ACRL University Library Statis­ tics, 1987-88 (1989). Compiled by Robert E. Molyneux. “Decision makers need valid and reli­ able data. The title provides such data for academic libraries,” said Library Journal reviewers of the last edition. This monograph reports statistics from approximately 100 non-ARL university libraries. 79p. 0-8389-7288-8. $49.95; ACRL members $29.95. Management ideas Practical ideas for managing your library’s pro­ grams and services are contained in ACRL’s Col­ lege Library Information Packets (CLIP Notes). Each CLIP Note provdies data and sample docu­ ments from college and small university libraries that will assist you in establishing or refining serv­ ices and operations. CLIP Notes are prepared by ACRL’s College Libraries Section. • Annual Reports for College Libraries, CLIP Note #10 (1988). Compiled by Kenneth Ober­ embt. Includes five complete annual reports as well as sections on graphics, content and distribution. 135p. 0-8389-7219-5. $20.00; ACRL members $17.00. • NEW! Collection Developm ent Policies for College Libraries, CLIP Note #11 (1989). Compiled by Theresa Taborsky. “With increasing demands on budgets, proliferating electronic for­ mat resources, and re-examination of what consti­ tutes a ‘core’ collection, this volume is well worth the price.” Library Journal. This all-new survey of collection development policies from academic libraries includes 18 selected policy documents as well as policy statements for special formats, sub­ ject collections, and weeding. 175p. 0-8389-7295- 0. $23.95; ACRL members $19.95. • Friends o f College Libraries, CLIP Note #9 (1987). Compiled by Ronelle Thompson. 134p. 0-8389-7171-7. $17.00; ACRL members $14.00. • Annual Reports in College Libraries, CLIP Note #10 (1988). Compiled by Kenneth Ober­ embt. 135p. 0-8389-7219-5. $20.00; ACRL mem­ bers $17.00. • Managing Student Workers in College Libraries, CLIP Note #7 (1986). Compiled by Michael D. Kathman and Jane McGum Kathman. “Supervisors looking for help in hiring and manag­ ing these [student] workers, whether in small or large academic libraries, will find this compilation very useful. Any supervisor will find good, easily adaptable ideas among the sample documents.” RQ. 182p. 0-8389-7097-4. $17.00; ACRL mem­ bers $14.00. • Mission Statements for College Libraries, CLIP Note #5. Compiled by Larry Hardesty, Jamie Hastreiter, and David Henderson. “The survey is a good one, eliciting answers to questions about why and how libraries developed statements of purpose, or why n o t.. .a commendable produc­ tion. . .” RQ. 1985. 107p. 0-8389-6944-5. $20.00; ACRL members $15.00. • Periodicals in College Libraries, CLIP N ote #8 (1987). Compiled by Jamie Webster Hastreiter, Larry Hardesty, David Henderson. “This book fulfills the series’ mission to share infor­ mation and ideas to aid academic library decision making. Recommended for all college and univer­ sity libraries.” Library Journal. 116p. 0-8398-7143- 1. $17.00; ACRL members $14.00. Periodicals • Choice. Book and non-print review journal of the Association of College and Research Libraries. Eleven issues per year; (July/August combined). ISSN 0009-4978. E ditor/publisher: Patricia Sabosik. Available by subscription only, $135.00/ year domestic rate; $150.00/year foreign rate; single issues $15.00. O rder from: Circulation Department, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Mid­ dletown, CT 06457. • Choice Reviews-on-Cards. Reviews from each monthly issue of Choice printed on 3 x 5 cards. Available to Choice subscribers only for $205.00/ year domestic rate; $225.00/year foreign rate; single issues $25.00. O rder from: Circulation Department, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Mid­ dletown, CT 06457. • College & Research Libraries. Official jour­ nal of the Association of College and Research Libraries. Six bimonthly issues per year. Editor- designate: Gloriana St. Clair, William Jasper Ken- Library, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331. Sent to ACRL members as a perquisite of m em bership. Also available on subscription, $45.00/year, U.S.; $50.00/year, PUAS countries; $55.00/year, other countries. ISSN 0010-0870. Order from: Subscription Department, American Library Association, 50 East Huron Street, Chi­ cago, IL 60611-2795. • College & Research Libraries News. Offi­ cial news magazine of the Association of College and Research Libraries. Eleven issues per year. (July/August combined). Editor: George M. Eber­ hart, ACRL/ALA, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, February 1990 /1 3 7 IL 60611-2795. Sent to ACRL members as a per­ quisite of membership. Also available on subscrip­ tion, $20.00/year, U.S.; $25.00/year, PUAS coun­ tries; $30.00/year, other countries. ISSN 0099- 0086. O rder from: Subscription D epartm ent, American Library Association, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611-2795. • Index for Volumes 26 to 40 (1965-1979) o f College & Research Libraries and College & Research Libraries News (1980). Prepared by Eldon W. Tamblyn. 6482-6. $12.00; ACRL mem­ bers $10.00. • Rare Books and Manuscripts Librarianship. Two issues per year. Editor: Alice Schreyer, Special Collections, University of Delaware Library, New­ ark, DE 19717. ISSN 0884-450X. $25.00/year, U.S.; $28.00/year, PUAS countries; $35.00/year, other countries. Single issues, $20.00. Order from: Subscription Department, American Library Asso­ ciation, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611. Official ACRL documents Access • Access Policy Guidelines. C&RL News, November 1975. 2p. $1.00. Audiovisual • Guidelines for Audiovisual Services in Academic Libraries. C&RLNews, October 1987. 4p. $1.00. Bibliographic instruction • Guidelines for Bibliographic Instruction in Academic Libraries. C&RL News, April 1977. Ip. $1.00. • Model Statement o f Objectives for Aca­ dem ic Bibliographic Instruction. C&RL News, May 1987. 6p. $1.00. Colleges and universities • Guidelines for Branch Libraries in Col­ leges and Universities. C&RL News, October 1975. 3p. $1.00. • Guidelines for Extended Campus Library Services. C&RL News, March 1982. 2p. $1.00. • The Mission o f an Undergraduate Library: Model Statement. C&RL News, October 1987. 3p. $1.00. • Standards for College Libraries. C&RL News, March 1986. 12p. Single copy free; addi­ tional copies $1.00 each. • Standards for University Libraries. C &RL News, April 1979. ACRL/ARL. 10p. Single copy free; additional copies $1.00 each. Community and junior colleges • Guidelines for Two-Year Colleges Learn­ ing Resources Programs. C&RL News, January and February 1982. ACRL/AECT. 10p. Single copy free; additional copies $1.00 each. • Statement on Quantitative Standards for Two-year Learning Resources Programs. 1979. Draft available in C&RL News, March 1979. 4p. Single copy free; additional copies $1.00 each. Personnel issues and faculty status • Guidelines and Procedures for the Screen­ ing and Appointment o f Academic Librarians. C&RL News, September 1977. 4p. $1.00. • Joint Statement on Faculty Status o f Col­ lege and University Librarians. ACRLZAAUP/ AAC. C&RL News, February 1974. Ip. $1.00. • Model Statement o f Criteria and Proce­ dures for Appointment, Promotion in Aca­ dem ic Rank, and Tenure for C ollege and University Librarians. C&RL News, May 1987. 8p. $1.00. • Standards for Faculty Status for College and University Librarians. C&RL News, May 1974. 2p. $1.00. • Statement on Collective Bargaining. 1975. Ip. $1.00. • Statement on the Certification and Li­ censing o f Academic Librarians. C&RL News, November 1989. Ip. $1.00 • Statement on the Terminal Professional D egree for Academic Librarians. 1975. Ip. $1.00. Rare books, manuscripts and archives • Guidelines for the Security o f Rare Book, Manuscript, and Other Special Collections. 1983. C&RL News, March 1982. 4p. $1.00. • Guidelines on Manuscripts and Archives. Compilation of policy statements prepared by the ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section’s Committee on Manuscripts Collections. Contains: Statement on Appraisal of Gifts; Statement on Legal Title; Statement on the Reproduction of Manuscripts and Archives for Noncommercial Purposes; Statem ent on the Reproduction of Manuscripts and Archives for Commercial Pur­ poses; and Universal Gift Form and Instructions. 1977. l i p . $1.00. • Guidelines on the Selection o f General Collection Materials for Transfer to Special Collections. C&RL News, September 1987. 4p. $1.00. • Guidelines Regarding Thefts in Libraries. C&RL News, March 1988. 4p. $1.00. • Joint Statement on Access to Original Research Materials. This supersedes the 1976 THE WILSON INDEXES When You Need an Answer Fast and it Has to be Right Offering broad coverage, unparalleled accuracy, and unmatched currency, the Wilson Indexes are your key to Important literature in business and law, science and technology, art, education, the humanities, the social sciences, and general reference. Now you can search these renowned indexes in print, online, on CD-ROM, and on tape. February 1990 /1 3 9 ACRL Statement on Access and the 1974 Stan­ dards for Access of SAA (American Archivist, Janu­ ary 1974). C&RL News, April 1979. 2p. $1.00. • Standards for Ethical Conduct for Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Li­ braries. RBMS Committee on Developing Guide­ lines for Professional Ethics. C&RL News, March 1987. 2p. $1.00. ■ ■ ACRL publishing procedures How to publish in ACRL. P ublications are a vital part of academic li- “ brarianship and the ACRL program. One of the purposes of ACRL is to promote and dis­ seminate its members’ and units’ work in the fields of their expertise. The ACRL publications program is one major means of engaging in this promotion and dissemination. Publishing was identified as the number one priority of ACRL members in a recent survey and ACRL units and members are generat­ ing ideas and projects that have publication poten­ tial in either a print or non-print format. It is important that work completed by ACRL units be offered to ACRL for first publication consideration. Work of ACRL units may take the form of news articles, journal articles, bibliogra­ phies, directories, monographs, databases, survey results, pamphlets, cassettes, software and the like. This document outlines procedures to assist ACRL units and individuals in their publishing endeavors. It sets down an orderly process for submitting manuscripts to ACRL publications and encourages communication between authors or editors and ACRL, to ensure that ACRL publica­ tions maintain a high quality. For the purposes of this document, unit is de­ fined as any official group within ACRL (section, committee, subcommittee, discussion group or the like); author is defined as an individual or collection of individuals working independently without offi­ cial designation from ACRL. ACRL publishing ACRL has the first publication option on all work prepared for publication by an ACRL unit. For example, work produced by an ACRL unit that is of article length must be submitted to the appro­ priate ACRL periodical for consideration before sending the article to an outside journal. Proce­ dures for submitting items for publication for units and individuals are described in a separate section of this document. Submitted manuscripts should follow the Chicago Manual o f Style, 13th edition. The types of work prepared may be appropriate for publication in an ACRL periodical, by ACRL publishing, by ALA Publishing Services, or by an outside publisher. The types of material published by these organizations are described below. ACRL also welcomes publication ideas and manuscripts from individuals. Opportunities for publishing 1. ACRL periodical publications. ACRL peri­ odicals include: College and Research Libraries, College and Research Libraries News, Rare Books and Manuscripts Librarianship, Choice, and sec­ tion newsletters. ACRL members serve on edito­ rial boards for each of these periodicals. Guidelines for submission to these periodicals are found in the respective periodicals. 2. ACRL Publications in Librarianship. This series publishes monographs pertinent to all as­ pects of academic and research librarianship. ACRL members are appointed to serve on the editorial board for this series and the series is published by ALA Publishing Services. Ideas and manuscripts should be sent to the chair of the ACRL Publications in Librarianship Editorial Board. 3. CLIP Notes. CLIP Notes (College Library Information Packets) collect data and sample documents from academic libraries to assist librari­ ans in establishing or refining services and opera-