ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 172 People P R O F IL E Ms. Sherrie S. Bergman has been appoint­ ed college librarian at Wheaton College, Nor­ ton, Massachusetts, replacing Ms. Hilda Harris who has retired. Ms. Bergman, a native New Yorker, received a B.A. degree in so­ ciology from Brook­ lyn College and an M.S. degree from the School of Library Ser­ vice at Columbia Uni­ versity. She started her library career as a library trainee and junior librarian at Queens Borough Pub­ Sherrie S. Bergman lic Library. From this post she moved to the New School for Social Research Library as an assistant reference librarian and from there went to Roger Williams College in Bristol, Rhode Island, where she was Providence cam­ pus librarian before her appointment, in 1972, as director of the Roger Williams College Li­ brary. Chosen last spring to participate at the University of Michigan in a six-week Institute for Administrative Advancement ( a program which trains women for positions in academic administration and is funded by the Ford Foun­ dation and the Carnegie Corporation of New York), she assumed her new duties at Wheaton on March first. As a member of the American Library Asso­ ciation, Ms. Bergman has been active in the So­ cial Responsibilities Round Table and its Task Force on Women and was a founder of the Rhode Island Affiliate of the Social Responsibil­ ities Round Table for which she is currently serving as coordinator. She is also a member of ACRL Reaffirms Statement The Board of Directors of the Asso­ ciation of College and Research Librar­ ies, a division of the American Library Association, voted at its Midwinter Meet­ ing, January 23, 1975, to reaffirm the American Library Association’s endorse­ ment of the American Association of Uni­ versity Professors’ 1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure. the New England Library Association and of the Rhode Island Library Association where she has served on the Conference Planning and Nominating committees. Ms. Bergman holds memberships in the American Association for Higher Education, Women Educators of Rhode Island, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the National Organization for Women. A P P O IN T M E N T S Jean Anderson—associate librarian, Ft. My­ ers Educational Center Library— University of South Florida. Jean R. Cassel—music librarian—Univer­ sity of Texas, Austin. Naomi Clifford—collection development li­ brarian, Sears Library—Case W estern Re­ serve University, Cleveland, Ohio. Karen E sper—materials selector for human­ ities, Freiberger Library—Case W estern Re­ serve University, Cleveland, Ohio. William F isher—assistant reference librari­ an— F lorida Atlantic University, Boca Rat­ on. Susan U. Golden—serials cataloger— Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Gary A. Golden—assistant reference librari­ an, Undergraduate Library—Southern Illi­ nois University, Carbondale. Sally H orner—library editor and publicist —Case W estern Reserve University, Cleve­ land, Ohio. Glen Kistner—circulation librarian— Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago. W. Patrick L eonard—director of libraries —Chicago State University. Thomas W. Mann, Jr.—assistant librarian, reference and liaison—Florida Atlantic Uni­ versity, Boca Raton. Suzanne Massonneau—assistant director for technical services—Texas A & M Univer­ sity. Peter C. Mollema, Jr.—head of technical services—California State College, Stanis­ laus, Turlock. Signe Oberhofer—assistant librarian, St. Petersburg Campus Library—University of South F lorida. Arthur H. Roberson—assistant reference li­ brarian—F lorida Atlantic University, Boca Raton. Naomi J. Rosner—Hebrew-Latin-Greek cat­ aloger—University of Texas, Austin. Shiro Saito—associate university librarian and head of the department of public services — University of Hawaii, Honolulu. E arl R. Shumaker—head, government doc­ uments department—Ohio University, Athens. 173 Robin Strickler—audiovisual librarian, Health Sciences Library—University of Maryland, Baltimore. Jolanta Szulinski—assistant documents li­ brarian, Health Sciences Library—University of Maryland, Baltimore. R E T IR E M E N T S I da Meyhoefer is retiring after twenty-sev­ en years of service to the University of Southern California in the Catalog Depart­ ment. Ms. Meyhoefer received her B.A. in Ger­ man from the University of Rochester and her library degree from Columbia University. She began her library career as a student assistant at the University of Rochester and took her first professional position in the cataloging de­ partment there. Ms. Aileen A. Murdock retired April 24, 1975, from the library of F lorida State Uni­ versity, Tallahassee, Florida. She had been on the staff for twenty-four years, coming to Flor­ ida State University from the City/County Li­ brary, Greencastle, Indiana. Ms. Murdock has served in the Circulation Division, as head of General Education Division, and in the Social Sciences Division. Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "rank" and "status" are advised that these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. All advertisements submitted by institutions offering positions must include a salary range. The range should provide the applicant with an indication of the salary the institution is willing to provide for the position offered. A ll advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications w ill be ed­ ited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding publi­ cation of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because of the increased risk of copy error, will be accepted. Calls should be directed to Leona Swiech at (312) 944-6780. A confirming order should be mailed to the Advertising Department as soon as pos­ sible following the call, along with typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $1.30 per printed line. POSITIONS WANTED MLS. AUGUST, Florida State. A ll MA English course work completed. BS Int'l affairs. Russian, French. In­ terested in reference, cataloging, and documents. Clerical experience in acquisitions. W ill relocate. Sims D. Kline, 982-H2 W Brevard, Tallahassee, FL 32304. AREA STUDIES REFERENCE/BIBLIOGRAPHY Position. Experience. Languages. MA in Library Science, and MA in South Asian Languages and Civ., both expected August 1975. Available Sept. 1975. W rite R. Emmett, 5634-1/2 S. Maryland Avenue, Chicago, III. 60637. POSITIONS OPEN Administration BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION LIBRARIAN. Administers W illiam J. Parish Memorial Library serving the Anderson School of Business and Administrative Sciences. Library provides reference, orientation, circulation, reserve and media services. Supervises two full-time non-professionals and five students. As department head, participates in library planning. MLS from accredited school, subject knowledge and experience. Faculty status. Salary $10,500— $12,500. Available: June I, 1975. Send resume to: Alice Clark, Assistant Dean for Readers' Services, General Li­ brary, Univ. o f New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 81731. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. DEAN OF LEARNING RESOURCES CENTER. Responsi­ bilities: Administrate and supervise the center's opera­ tions– academic, fiscal, and personnel; plan, program, budget, organize, communicate and coordinate efforts of the college's media services, library, and language lab; and assure their professionalization and utilization. Qualifications: Earned doctorate; successful college administrative experience with primary responsibilities of managing the library, resource center, media services, instructional product design, and curricular and instruc­ tional design function. Management and leadership abilities vital. Salary: $22,000 minimum. Application dead­ line: June I, 1975. Apply or direct inquiries to Margaret Stamps, Search Committee, Office of Vice President for Academic Affairs, Southern Colorado State College, Pueblo, CO 81001. An equal opportunity/affirm ative ac­ tion employer. Cataloging HEAD, CATALOGING DEPT.: Supervise staff of seven, medium-sized university library, partially reclassified from Dewey to LC; MLS plus cataloging and supervisory experience; should be individual who is innovative and up to date on latest cataloging techniques. Salary circa $13,000 TIAA/CREF. Position open July I; send resume to Dennis E. Robison, Boatwright Library, University of Richmond, Virginia 23173. An equal opportunity/affirm a­ tive action employer. Multiple LIBRARY REFERENCE SERVICES: Assoc. Librarian to Librarian, $12,648-$ 17,496 OR $ 16,716-$22,260. MLS—5 to 10 years Reference and Administration experience. Man­ agement of all General Library Reference Services; in iti­ ates and implements integrated uniform reference ser­ vices. SERIALS AUTOMATION LIBRARIAN: Assistant Li­ brarian, $9,864-$13,566. MLS—2-5 years Serials automa­ tion experience. Coordinates all serials automation ac­ tivities. Serves as systems analyst for Serials Department. SCIENCES CATALOGER: Assistant Librarian, $9,864- $13,566. MLS— 1-3 years cataloging experience. Subject background in Sciences. Cataloging all types of ma­ terials for two sciences libraries. Position open July I, 1975. Apply to: A. Dahl-Hansen, University Librarian, University of California, Riverside, CA 92507. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. Reference HEAD REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. University Library. Re­ sponsible for coordination of all information services within the main library including general information services and bibliographic guidance, document location