ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries October 1988 / 619 . P E O P L E . Profiles Carol Fleishauer, chief of the Acquisitions D e­ partm ent at Stanford University since 1986, is now the associate director for collection m anagem ent and technical services at the Massachusetts Insti­ tute of Technology, Cambridge. She has been a member of the Stanford University Libraries staff for ten years, beginning her career in the Catalog Departm ent as head of copy cataloging and later as assistant chief. In March 1985, she was nam ed act­ ing chief of acquisitions. Robert P. Holley, assistant director for techni­ cal services at the University of Utah, has been named associate dean of the W ayne State Univer­ sity Libraries, Detroit. Holley has also held several key positions at Yale University, includ­ ing head of th e Social Science Section, Subject C ataloguing D ivision, and assistant to the head of Cataloguing at Yale’s Sterling M em orial L i­ b ra ry . A su m m a cum lau d e g r a d u a te of Xavier University, Hol­ ley earned his MLS from C o lu m b ia U n iv e rsity Robert P. Holley and a d o c to r a te in French literature from Yale University. His articles and reviews have appeared in numerous profes­ sional journals and he is active in the American Li­ brary Association, the International Federation of Library Associations, and other organizations. He has also received the Technical Services Section Distinguished Service Award of the Utah Library and the Tauber-Begner Award in Technical Ser­ vices at Colum bia University. Kathleen Kosuda, assistant director of the East Pasco County school library since 1987, is the new director of the Daniel A. Cannon Memorial Li­ brary at Saint Leo College, Florida. She holds a bachelor’s degree and an MLS from the State Uni­ versity of New York at Albany. She previously worked as librarian at Pasco-Hernando C om m u­ nity College, New Port Richey, and was director of the Gloversville Free Library, New York, for six years. She worked as reader services librarian at the Saint Leo College Library from 1983 to 1987. Kosuda is a m ember of the American L ibrary Asso­ ciation, the Florida Library Association and the Catholic Library Association, and is past president of the West Pasco Branch of the American Associa­ tion of Women. Ruth J. Person, dean of the College of Library Science at Clarion University of Pennsylvania since 1986, has been nam ed associate vice chancellor for curriculum and person­ nel at the University of Missouri, St. Louis, ef­ fective O ctober 3. She had previously held sev­ eral appointments at the C atholic U niversity of America during 1979 to 1986, including service as associate dean of the School of L ib ra ry and I n fo r m a tio n Science from 1983 to 1986 and assistant professor from 1979 to 1983. P rior to R u th J. Person 1979, Person served as both a lecturer at the University of M ichigan’s School of Library Science and as coordinator of li­ brary science continuing education for the Univer­ sity Extension Service; she also was project director of the Public Library Energy Education Project. From 1969 to 1971 she was a reference librarian in the Burton Historical Collection at the D etriot Public Library, and from 1971 to 1974 she served as head of reference at Thomas Nelson Com m unity College in H am pton, Virginia. Person has w ritten and published a num ber of research articles and reviews for Advances in L i­ brary Adm inistration and Organization, College and Research Libraries, Library Trends, C om m u­ nity and Junior College Libraries, the Higher E du­ cation B ibliographic Yearbook, and R eference Books Bulletin. She is editor of The M anagement Process (ALA, 1983), and has had additional arti­ cles published in the LAMA publications, Staff D e­ velopm ent in Libraries (1984) and Training Issues in C hanging T echnology (1986). She has fre ­ quently given talks or presented papers at confer- 620 / C &RL News ences and meetings and has served as a workshop leader on numerous occasions. She recently com ­ pleted an A RL Occasional Paper, Selection of the University Librarian (1988). Person is active in state and national library and educational associations, she has served as chair of A LISE Continuing Education Committee and on the Manuscript Review Committee of the National Association of W omen Deans, Administrators, and Counselors. W ithin ALA she serves as chair of the A CRL Publications Committee, was chair of the A C R L Professional Education Com m ittee from 1984-1986, and on the Editorial Board of R efer­ ence Books Bulletin from 1981-1985. Person is also a current member of the ALA Publishing Com m it­ tee and the L R R T Board. She is also a member of numerous societies, in­ cluding Beta Phi Mu, Pi Lam bda Theta, Kappa D elta Pi, and Psi Chi. In 1976, she was a Rackham Fellow at the University of Michigan, and in 1986 was named a ’’Washington W oman of the Year” by Washington Woman Magazine. A n n E . P r e n t i c e , director and professor at the Graduate School of Library and Information Sci­ ence since 1978, University of Tennessee, Knox­ v ille, has been named associate vice president for libraries and infor­ mation resources at the U n iv ersity of South Florida, Sarasota. From 1972 to 1978, Prentice was on the faculty of the School of In form ation S c ie n c e and P o licy SUNY at Albany. She holds a bachelor s degree in p o litical sci­ en ce (1 9 5 4 ) from th e Ann E. PrenticeUniversity of Rochester, an M L S (1 9 6 4 ) from SUNY at Albany, and a doctorate (1972) from C o­ lumbia University. She was a participant in the W omen in Higher Education Administration Insti­ tute at Bryn Mawr (1986), a Council on Library Resources Fellow (1983), and was awarded an honorary D octor of Letters degree from Keuka College (1979). Prentice has also been a consultant on a variety of topics in the library and information science field, has led several research projects, and has published numerous books and articles dealing pri­ marily with library management and long-range planning. She is associate editor for the Library and Information Science Annual, published by Li= braries Unlimited. Prentice has served as an ALA councilor, and is currently a member of the A CRL Planning Com ­ mittee and ALA’s Intellectual Freedom Com m it­ tee. She was president of the Association of Library and Inform ation Science Education in 1986, and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Ameri­ can Society for Inform ation Science for 1985-1988. She is an active member of the Tennessee Library Association and the Southeastern Library Associa­ tion. C e r i s e O b e r m a n , public services planning offi­ cer at the University of Minnesota, Tw in Cities, has been named director of libraries at the State University of New York at Plattsburgh,effective August 1. Oberman received her bachelor’s degree from SUNY at New Paltz (1973) and her M LS (1976) from Em ory University. In 1974 she served as reference librarian and then head of reference at the College of Charleston, South Carolina. During her years at the College she organized the South­ eastern Conference of Approaches to Bibliographic Instruction and edited the proceedings. In 1981, Oberman served as head of reference at the Univer­ sity of Minnesota’s W alter Library. In 1985 she was appointed to the newly created position of public services planning officer for the Tw in Cities L i­ braries. She was responsible for planning and pol­ icy for University Libraries system-wide informa­ tion and access services. Oberman has published numerous articles on li­ brary instruction and learning theory. She is co­ editor of Theories of Bibliographic Education: D e­ signs fo r Teaching. Oberman has been an A CRL workshop leader for continuing education courses since 1982 as well as a frequent SĮ›eaker at state and regional conferences. She has served as a member of the A C R L Bibliographic Instruction Section E x­ ecutive C om m ittee since 1985 and has recently been elected vice-chair/chair-elect of ACRL/BIS. D o n a l d G . S w e e t has been named library di­ rector at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, effective August 15. Before coming to Little Rock, Sweet served as director of the university library at the University of W is­ con sin at R iv er F a lls and, from 1984 to 1987, served as university li­ brarian at Prairie View A&M University, a part of the Texas A&M sy- tem. He was also head librarian at the Altoona campus of the Pennsyl­ v ania State University from 1981 to 1984 and Donald G. Sweet was director of the li­ brary at Milton College in 1 9 8 0 -1 9 8 1 . He holds a doctorate in philosophy from the State University of New York at Buffalo (1976) and an M LS from the University of Wisconsin at M il­ waukee (1979). Sweet serves as an international editor for L i­ brary Times International and sits on the LAMA October 1988 / 621 Building and Equipment Section’s Standards for Physical Space Requirements for Libraries Com­ mittee. People in the news L e l a n d S. D u t t o n , former director of libraries at Miami University, Ohio, received an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree at the annual commencement program at Miami University last May. His efforts in expanding the library’s collec­ tions and in establishing the library at Miami’s E u ­ ropean Center in Luxembourg were mentioned in the citation. In 1984 the University had also recog­ nized his contributions to the library system when the south wing of King Library was dedicated as the Leland S. Dutton Wing. B a r b a r a F i s c h e r , director of university li­ braries at Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis, was recently named Outstanding L i­ brarian for 1988 by the Indiana Library Associa­ tion and the Indiana Library Trustees Association. I r w i n H . P i z e r , university lib rarian for the health sciences at the University of Illinois at C hi­ cago, has been appointed editor of the Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. The first issue un­ der his editorship will be the January 1989 issue. I s a b e l S t i r l i n g , head science librarian at the University of Oregon, Eugene, has been awarded a four-month fellowship by the American Library Association to teach graduate students in Turkey online database searching in Dialog and other sei/ tech databases. The fellowship, provided by a re­ newal grant from the U.S. Information Agency, al­ lows ALA to continue its Library/Book Fellows program, which places U.S. library and publishing professionals in overseas institutions for up to one year. Stirling will teach at the D ocum entation Center of the Higher Education Council of Turkey and the Hacettepe University School of Library Science in Ankara. V i c k i W a t k i n s , manager of the Business Infor­ mation Service at the W alker Management L i­ brary, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, is the re­ cip ien t of the “ 1988 D isclosure A chievem ent Award for Excellence in Information and Library Management.” The award is presented annually to a member of the Business and Finance Division of the Special Libraries Association who has made a significant contribution to a library or to the li­ brary community in general. R o b e r t G. V o s p e r , professor emeritus and li­ brarian emeritus of the UCLA Graduate School of Library and Information Science, was awarded the UCLA Medal, the university’s highest honor, at the 1988 commencement ceremony. The UCLA Medal is presented to persons who have achieved distinction in the humanities, arts, or sciences. Vos­ per, a past president of ALA, is an internationally recognized expert on the development of research facilities. He was appointed the first assistant uni­ versity librarian at UCLA in 1948 and, one year later, the first associate university librarian. He be­ came director of U CLA ’s W illiam Andrews Clark M em orial L ib ra ry in 1966. O thers who w ere awarded the UCLA Medal at the same ceremony were film director Robert Wise, and the president of the National Academy of Sciences, Frank Press. Appointments (Appointment notices are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap­ pointees, and other sources. To ensure that your appointment appears, write to the Editor, A CRL, 50 E . Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) S t e p h e n H . A by has been appointed education bibliographer at the University of Akron, Ohio. J a m e s C . A k in s has been appointed assistant li­ brarian at Eastern New Mexico University, Por­ tales. I v a n A r g u e l l e s is now librarian in the Catalog Department at the University of California, Berke­ ley. Ross A t k i n s o n has been appointed assistant uni­ versity librarian for collection development and preservation at Cornell University. R o g e r B e c k m a n has been appointed assistant li­ brarian in the Chemistry Library at Indiana Uni­ versity, Bloomington. L e s l i e B e r w i c k has joined the staff at the Uni­ versity of New Mexico’s Medical Center Library. M a r y S. B op p has been appointed visiting assis­ tant librarian in the Reference Department at Indi­ ana University, Bloomington. K a y B r a d t is now associate librarian at Baker University, Baldwin, Kansas. H e a t h e r J . E . B r a i t h w a i t e has been named as­ sistant director of Neef Law Library at W ayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. S a n d r a B r a y has been appointed acquisitions ord er lib r a r ia n at A rizon a S ta te U n iv ersity , Tempe. D o n a l d L . B r e n e a u has been named assistant director of Purdy/Kresge Library at W ayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. R . M a r i l y n B r o w n has been appointed catalog librarian at W ingate College, W ingate, North Carolina. D e n n is B r u n n i n g has been appointed reference librarian/coordinator of computer services for the social sciences and humanities at Arizona State University, Tempe. M a r s h a A n n e B u t l e r has been appointed clini­ cal medical librarian at the Universitv of Missouri, Kansas City. B e t s y C a r t e r has been appointed librarian at the Citadel L ibrary, The C itadel, Charleston, South Carolina. V i r g i n i a C a s s a d y has been appointed catalog li­ brarian at Arizona State University, Tempe. C a t h i e C h i u has been appointed Chinese lan­ guage cataloger at the University of Colorado, 622 / C &RL News Boulder. A n i t a C o h e n has been appointed reference li­ brarian/subject specialist for anthropology, sociol­ ogy and social work at Arizona State University, Tempe. R o b e r t C o n g l e t o n is now the acquisitions/se­ rials librarian at Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A n n a L e e C o o k e has been appointed head li­ brarian at Lane College, Jackson, Tennessee. S h e i l a C u r l has been appointed science refer­ ence librarian/engineering subject specialist at Ar­ izona State University, Tempe. M a r y D e a n e has been appointed evening refer­ ence librarian for Florida International University, North Miami Campus. A n d r e a C. D e s J a r d i n s is the new assistant cu­ rator of the Visual Collections in the Fine Arts L i­ brary, Harvard University. P a m D r a y s o n has been appointed director at Kansas City Community College, Kansas. G l e n d a D r i g g s has been appointed librarian at Tarkio College, Tarkio, Missouri. L a i l a E l - Z e i n is now head of the Bibliographic Services Department at Temple University, Phila­ delphia, Pennsylvania. P a t r i c i a E t t e r has been appointed assistant ar­ chivist for database services at Arizona State Uni­ versity, Tempe. D a v i d F e i n b e r g has been appointed evening reference librarian for Florida International Uni­ Bibliometric papers wanted The Fall 1989 special issue of Com m unica­ tion Research will focus on “Bibliom etric Meth­ ods for the Study of Scholarly Com m unica­ tion .” Papers on the topic, which encompasses the quantification of bibliographic data, might address the following questions: W hat contri­ butions have bibliometric methods made to the study of scholarly communication in the past, and what role should or will they play in the fu­ ture? W hat is the relationship among the differ­ ent methods currently being applied to the study of scholarly communication? Can these methods be brought together in a single para­ digm? The deadline for submitting a paper is No­ vember 1, 1988. Authors whose manuscripts are accepted for publication will be notified by January 15, 1989. All papers and correspon­ dence should be sent to Christine L. Borgman, Associate Professor, Graduate School of L i­ brary and Information Science, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024; (213) 825- 1379. Communication Research is an international journal that publishes research on scholarly com m unication, organizational com m unica­ tion, and new information technologies. versity, University Park Campus, Miami. M a r k F l y n n is now associate librarian for spe­ cial collections and archives at George Mason Uni­ versity, Fairfax, Virginia. J e n n i f e r G e r a n is now interlibrary loan librar­ ian at Rice University, Houston. J e f f r e y G i l d e r s o n - D u w e is now social sciences reference librarian at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. M a r y Lou G o o d y e a r has joined the staff at the Iowa State University Library, Iowa C ity. M i c h e l l e G o t z has been appointed music/fine arts librarian at W ichita State University, Kansas. C o n n i e Jo H a r d y has been appointed public ser­ vices librarian in the Education Library at Vander­ bilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. M a r y H e a t h is now the library systems develop­ ment officer at the University of California, Davis. J u l i e A n n H e n d o n has been appointed indexer in the Tozzer Library at Harvard University. V i c k i H e n d r i c k s has been appointed reference librarian/business su bject specialist at Arizona State University, Tempe. T h o m a s J . H i n d e r s has been appointed cata- loger at the University of Akron, Ohio. C o l l e e n H y s l o p is now head of Technical Ser­ vices at Michigan State University, East Lansing. B e t t y J a r b o e is now the acting head of the R ef­ ere n ce D e p a rtm e n t at In d ia n a U n iv ersity , Bloomington. M a r g a r e t A . J o h n s o n has been appointed li­ brary director at the University of Minnesota, D u­ luth, effective December 1, 1988. D a n n y J o n e s has been appointed assistant li­ brary director for collection development at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. P h y l l i s K a l m e r t o n has been appointed techni­ cal services librarian at Palmer College of Chiro­ practic, Davenport, Iowa. L y n e t t e K o r e n i c is the new head of the Arts L i­ brary at the University of California, Santa B ar­ bara. L y d i a L a F a r o has been appointed reference li­ brarian/business subject specialist at Arizona State University, Tempe. R e n e e J. L a P e r r i e r e has been appointed biblio­ graphic instruction librarian at Eastern New Mex­ ico University, Portales. S u z a n n e T . L a r s e n has been appointed head of the E arth Science Library at the University of Col­ orado, Boulder. M a r y L a r s g a a r d has been appointed associate librarian of the Map and Imagery Laboratory at the University of California, Santa Barbara. A n n L a t t a is the new assistant chief of the Jons- son Library of Government Documents, Stanford University, California. J a n n a L a w r e n c e has been appointed inform a­ tion services librarian at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. W e n d e l l L o t z has been appointed marketing October 1988 / 623 director for school and academic libraries at Baker & Taylor, Bridgewater, New Jersey. M a r y e l l e n P o w e r s M c C a r t h y is the new head of Circulation Services in the Littauer Library at Harvard University. N a n c y M c C l e m e n t s is th e n e w r e f e r e n c e l i b r a r ­ ia n a t M e m o r ia l L i b r a r y a t t h e U n iv e r s ity o f W i s ­ c o n s in , M a d is o n . S c o t t M a c F a r l a n d has been named president and C E O of the Faxon Com pany, W estw ood, Massachusetts. N a n c y S. M a c K e c h n i e is now curator of Rare Books and M an u scrip ts at V assar C o lle g e , Poughkeepsie, New York. Y o l a n d a C. M a l o n e y has been appointed assis­ tant business librarian at the University of Colo­ rado, Boulder. J o h n M a x y m u k has been appointed coordinator of computerized reference services at Temple Uni­ versity, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. M a r g a r e t V. M e r i n g has been appointed su­ pervisor of the Serials Department Cataloging Unit at the University of Colorado, Boulder. R o s e m a r y M e s z a r o s has been named assistant librarian for government publications at the Uni­ versity of California, Santa Barbara. J a m e s M i e s s e is now user services librarian at N O TIS, Evanston, Illinois. L y d i a M i l l e r has been appointed clinical medi­ cal librarian at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. R a c h e l M i l l e r has been appointed head of the Acquisitions Department at the University of Kan­ sas, Lawrence. H i d e y u k i M o r i m o t o has been appointed Jap a­ nese language catalog librarian/area specialist at Arizona State University, Tempe. D e n i s e M o r r i s o n is now archivist at the Kansas City Museum, Missouri. C h r i s t i n e M o t e has been appointed catalog management librarian at Arizona State University, Tempe. E r i n M u r p h y is the reference and collections de­ velopment librarian at the University of W aterloo, Ontario, Canada. B e r n a N e a l is now head of the Architecture and Environmental Design Library at Arizona State University, Tempe. D a n i e l P . O ’M a h o n y has been appointed gov­ ernment publications librarian at the University of Colorado, Boulder. J e a n K u d o P e a r c e has been appointed readers’ services librarian at W heaton College, Norton, Massachusetts. R i c h a r d P e a r c e - M o s e s is now assistant archi­ vist for the photographic collections at Arizona State University, Tempe. D e n n is R . P e t e r s o n has been appointed direc­ tor of the Health Sciences Library, Palmer College of Chiropractic, Davenport, Iowa. J o y c e P l a z a is n o w s c ie n c e r e f e r e n c e l i b r a r i a n / c o o r d i n a t o r o f c o m p u t e r s e rv ic e s fo r th e s c ie n c e s Tough Questions? E very day, you’re challenged by tough questions. Where can I get a chronology of the Iran arms-Contra aid scandal? What legislative steps is Japan taking to remove import quotas and other non tariff trade barriers in response to U.S. and EEC criticism? If your users want the answers to these and other public policy questions, it’s time to search PAIS. PAIS is the foremost indexing service covering national and international politi­ cal, economic, and social issues. It’s the unique, one-stop resource that gives you immediate access to a huge, eclectic range of material, including books, peri­ odical articles, directories, government documents, statistics, and much more. And it’s the only index of its kind that covers literature published around the world in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Where are your searches consistently productive, adding a valuable dimension to your research efforts? Where do you find answers to the toughest questions? Easy … PAIS! PAIS is available in print, online, and now via CD-ROM. For informa­ tion, call 800-841-1416. In New York or outside the continental U.S., call 212-7 š 36-6 E 629. asy Answer: Public Affai P rs I A nfo I rm S ation S e rv ice 11 W. 40 Street New York, NY 10018-2693 624 / C&RL News and engineering at Arizona State University, Tempe. P a m e l a B , R a d c l i f f e has been promoted to sys­ tems librarian at Francis Marion College, Flor­ ence, South Carolina. B e t s y R e d m a n is now acquisitions receipt librar­ ian at Arizona State University, Tempe. R o b e r t J . R i t t e n i i o u s e has been appointed physical sciences and engineering bibliographer at the University of Akron, Ohio. W a n d a S u e R o i i r b o u g h has been named health sciences reference librarian at Ohio University, Athens. J u d y S c h a c h t e r is the new circulation librarian at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. S h i r l e y R , S c o t t is the new head of research services at Oregon State University, Corvallis. T . C. S h ih has been appointed assistant head of social science and humanities reference and data­ base coordinator at Michigan State University, East Lansing. S u z a n n e S i n g l e t o n has been appointed assis­ tant reference librarian at the Francis Marion Col­ lege, Florence, South Carolina. R o b e r t S p i n d l e r has been appointed assistant archivist for manuscripts/field collector at Arizona State University, Tempe. J a n S. S q u i r e has been appointed reference/se­ rials lilbrarian at the University of Northern Colo­ rado, Greeley. C l a u d e l l S m ith S t o c k e r has been appointed head of the Braille Development Section at the Na­ tional Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress, Washington. J e n n i f e r S t u r g i s has been appointed science reference librarian at Fenwick Library, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. R u t h K . T a y l o r has been named assistant direc­ tor of Shiffman Medical Library at Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. G e o r g e T e r r y has been appointed associate vice president for libraries and collections at the University of South Carolina, Columbia. B o b W a l t e r is now library director at Pittsburg State University, Kansas. J o h n W a n s e r s k i has been appointed science ref­ erence librarian/physical science subject specialist at Arizona State University, Tempe. Ja m e s M, W e t h e r b e e has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at Wingate College, Wingate, North Carolina. A l l a n W e n z e l is the new instructional pro­ gram manager at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. S u s a n W i l l c o x has been appointed circula­ tion/interlibrary loan librarian at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Retirements S h im e o n B ris m a n . Jewish studies bibliographer at the University of California, Los Angeles, has re­ tired after 26 years of service. J e n n i e B r o g d o n , head of the Reference Branch of the Public Services Division at the National Agri­ cultural Library, Beltsville, Maryland, has retired after 18 years of service. She served four years in her present position, and implemented reference October 1988 / 625 reorganization for Econom ics and Marketing in 1984, and for all of reference in 1987. She served in a variety of positions at NAL in the lending and other public service positions over the years, in­ cluding head of the Utilization Departm ent from 1976-1984. Before coming to NAL, she worked for 12 years as a food technologist in USDA’s Human Nutrition Research Division, and for the Entom o­ logical Society of America. Brogdon earned her bachelor’s degree in home economics and her M LS at the University of Maryland in 1970. A n n a L e e C o o k e , head librarian at Lane C ol­ lege, Jackson, Tennessee, retired August 1, 1988, after 25 years of service. Cooke began as a cataloger at Lane and assumed library directorship in 1967. Before coming to L an e she served as a secondary school lib ra ria n w ith th e Jack so n , T ennessee, school system for 12 years. During 19 7 2 -7 4 , she served on the A C R L Standards and Accreditation Committee. She has been a continuous member of ALA since 1960 and A C R L since 1963. In 1982 she was commissioned to write the history of Lane C ol­ lege which was published in 1987. A r t h u r N. C r o n i z e s , catalog librarian at the Daniel L ibrary, the C itadel, Charleston, South Carolina, retired this summer. L e r o y F o x , lib raria n at the Johnson County Public L ibrary, Kansas, has retired. J u d i t h L e v y , director of the Health Science In ­ formation Service has retired after serving eight years at the University of C alifornia, Berkeley. She came to UC Berkeley after working in medical re­ search at both Case W estern Reserve and UC Med­ ical Center in San Francisco. She also taught in the San Francisco School District. After receiving her MLS she was a children’s librarian and then medi­ cal librarian for the Health and W elfare D ep art­ ment of the County of San Mateo. W hile working half-time as the HSIS director, she also served as li­ brary consultant to Cowell Hospital, C hair of the Staff Development Com m ittee, was a CAPA m em ­ ber, and was actively involved in faculty seminars. Levy also was on the board of the UC Berkeley L i­ brary school Alumni Association, and in 1983, she also worked half-tim e as a reference librarian in the Public Health Library for nine months. She has been active in Bay Area professional organizations, the Northern California and Nevada Medical L i­ brary Group, chaired the Continuing Education Com m ittee, and the Professional D evelopm ent Committee. C l i n t o n L o c k e r t , Michigan State University Libraries, East Lansing, retired on June 30, 1988, after 34 years of service. C a r o l y n M c M i l l e n , Michigan State University Libraries, East Lansing, retired on June 30, 1988, after 23 years of service. D o n a l d J . P e a r c e , director of the University of M innesota L ib r a ry , D u lu th , w ill be going on phased retirem ent while working on the bibliogra­ phy and public relations of the Ramseyer-Northern B ible Society Museum C o lle ctio n , held by the UMD Library. J e a n P o s e y , cataloger at the Penn Valley C om ­ m unity C ollege, Kansas C ity, Missouri, has re­ tired. J o h n V a n d e r m o l e n , library staff at Auburn University, A labam a, has retired. W i l l i a m J . W e l s h , deputy L ibrarian of Con­ gress, W ashington, D .C ., since February 1976, re­ tired on O ctober 3 after more than 40 years of ser­ vice. Welsh began his career with the L ibrary of Congress in 1947. Among the programs which he has initiated were the optical disk pilot project and the L ibrary’s development of the diethyl zinc de­ acidification process. He was also was closely asso­ ciated with the automation and film ing of the L i­ brary’s catalogs, the L ibrary’s Intern Program , the division chief’s luncheons (forums for managers to exchange inform ation on professional concerns), and Executive Session. Welsh has served as the L ibrary’s representative in national and intern ation al library circles, as chair of the Conference of Directors of National L i­ braries, and as a member of the American Library Association, the Commission on Preservation and Access, and the Foundations Group Library C om ­ m ittee. He has served as the L ibrary’s representa­ tive to the Association of Research Libraries, on the National Commission on Libraries and Inform a­ tion Science, and on the Board of Regents of the National Library of Medicine. Welsh has chaired ALA’s John Ames Humphry/Forest Press Award jury for the past two years. In 1979 he headed the first official delegation of American librarians to C hina following the resumption of official diplo­ m atic exchanges. In M arch 1947 Welsh began his career with the Library of Congress as a searcher in a postwar proj­ ect for cooperative acquisitions. He has served as head of the Order Unit and Order Section, head of the East European Accessions Index project, execu­ tive officer of the Processing D epartm ent, associate director of the Administrative D epartm ent, and as­ sociate director of the Processing Departm ent. In May 1968 he was named director of the Processing D epartm ent. His work in that capacity earned him the ALA M elvil Dew ey Award in 1971. He re­ ceived many other honors and awards, including in 1983 the L ib rary ’s Distinguished Service Award, an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from the University of Notre D am e in 1984, and honorary membership in the Special Libraries Association and the University of M ichigan’s School of Infor­ mation and Library Studies, both in 1988. W elsh earned his bach elo r’s degree from the University of Notre D am e in 1940 and pursued studies in law at Notre D am e before he began ser­ vice in the U .S. Air Force from 1941-1947. B e t t y W i l l s o n , acquisitions librarian for the Southeast Kansas L ib ra ry System, Io la , has re­ tired. 626 / C &RL News Deaths D o n a l d J . C o o m b s died July 3, 1988. Prior to earning an M LS, Coombs worked as a methods an­ alyst for Lockheed Aircraft in Marietta, Georgia. He then became a public relations account execu­ tive for O .S. Tyson in New York, 1955-1958 and 1 9 6 0 -1 9 61 , and from 1962 to 1964, he was the chief editor for Polaris Publications, Lockheed Missiles, in Sunnyvale, California. During that time he was also a free-lance editor of textbooks for Harcourt, Brace. After earning his MLS from the University of C alifornia, Berkeley, in 1965, he served as assistant university librarian for technical processing at the University of Southern California in 1970-1974, an adjunct faculty member at the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, in 1973, and ac­ quisitions librarian at the University of San Fran ­ cisco. He joined the staff of Coutts Library Services in 1975, calling on academic librarians in the west­ ern states. He had earned two degrees from UCLA and completed coursework and examinations for a Ph.D . He was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, and was active in ALA, the California Library Associa­ tion, and the Special Libraries Association. G e o r g e D a v i s , reference librarian at the San Francisco City and County Law Library, died July 24, 1988. He previously worked for the University of California, Berkeley, as head of the Govern­ ments Documents Department from 1966 to 1975, in Documents in 1.963, and in the Acquisition D e­ partment in 1961. In 1975 he became law librarian at the firm of Pillsbury, Madison, and Sutro in San Francisco. A n n e M a r i e F a l s o n e , assistant commissioner of Education for Libraries and Adult Services for the Colorado State Library, died earlier this year. J e a n n e t t e H a g a n , former catalog librarian at the University of California, Los Angeles, died on February 10, 1988. She had served in the Catalog Department for 28 years before retiring in 1972. Prior to 1943, she was employed in a number of governmental and agency libraries in Washington, D .C . and San Francisco, California, following her graduation from the School of Librarianship at the University of California, Berkeley. She had pio­ neered the processing of such new media as micro­ forms, and was a nationally recognized authority on the bibliographic treatment of documents, both domestic and foreign. She served as the head of sev­ eral sections in the Catalog Department and as as­ sistant head of the Technical Services Department following its establishment. Hagan was active in li­ brary and state employee organizations, serving as president of the UCLA Library Staff Association, on the Descriptive Cataloging Committee, ALA, R T SD , and in several capacities in the California State Employees Association. M a r y R e i d L a k e , reference librarian at Lane College, Jackson, Tennessee, died August 5, 1988, in Peoria, Illinois. M i l d r e d L o w e , former director of the Division of Library and Information Science at St. John’s University, Jam aica, New York, died in an auto­ mobile accident on August 22. Lowe had retired from her position in 1987, after serving 17 years as a professor of librarianship. She received her bache­ lor’s degree from Brooklyn College, an MLS from Pratt Institute, and a doctorate in library science from Columbia University. She recently was re­ cruiting new members to librarianship and lobby­ ing for improved funding for New York State li­ braries. She was a Councilor-at-Large for the New York Library Association and active in M ETR O . She had received the Librarian of the Year award in the Spring of 1988 from the Long Island Library Conference.