ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 182 / C & R L News in damage prevention. On the other hand (need it be said?), abandoning the new attendant after a few hours’ training, and careless handling of li­ brary materials by staff, will guarantee future problems. ■ ■ Letter Moving Collections To the Editor: Mr. Amodeo’s comments regarding the need for lots of care and plenty of supervision when it comes to moving books are well taken. Documenting the details of the move is another excellent idea. Many library staff members are so happy to dispose of an unpleasant job they are ready to forget it ever hap­ pened. In fact, one of the reasons why some library book moving projects go so badly is that they are planned from scratch by people who choose to ig­ nore the state of the art in terms of current practice and instead have a tendency to reinvent the wheel. Investing in a consultant or, at the very least, a lit­ erature search for relevant guidelines and time- tested techniques could produce money-saving so­ lu tio n s. T h a t is one reason w hy we still see examples of students lined up in a human book chain as well as similar quick and dirty approaches to handling millions of dollars worth of books. One of the biggest problems in a move of any size is the book truck. T he commercial models avail­ able today are acceptable for shelving purposes, but if they are going to be heavily loaded, moved over a variety of uneven surfaces and wheeled on and off trucks, they present a whole range of seri­ ous problems. Many libraries commonly purchase book trucks with swivel casters on all four wheels because they are easy to push. They are also impos­ sible to steer accurately and will upset at the slight­ est provocation. An upset on a carpeted floor is bad enough, but when the accident occurs during a move between buildings while the load is being maneuvered across a metal ramp onto a truck body, the books may end up in a street which is not carpeted and often in the rain. Book spines which project beyond the edge of the book truck shelf are easily scuffed and frequently removed entirely when careless or accidental handling brings them into contact with brick walls, door jam bs, and other stationary objects. To correct the four-wheel swivel stability problem it is possible to have a local welding shop tack weld two swivel casters on one end of each truck. Thus with two fixed and two swivel casters the tracking will be improved dra­ matically and the potential for upsets will be re­ duced. To handle the big moves safely and economically takes a heavy-duty, industrial-type book truck. Be­ cause such a truck is not available commerically it has to be custom designed and fabricated locally. That sounds expensive and beyond the realm of most moving budgets, but it can be a cost-effective alternative if approached sensibly. Most colleges and universities have m aintenance crews popu­ lated with innovators who can create a book truck from inexpensive materials. Such a book truck can be designed to protect the books from almost all of the usual moving abuse, navigate easily over all sorts of uneven surfaces, remain upright under al­ most all circumstances, and have an anticipated life expectancy of at least fifteen years under nor­ mal use. At today’s prices the materials and labor needed to produce such a super book truck with a capacity of between 100 and 150 books will run in the neighborhood of $400 a unit. T h at’s a small price to pay for a piece of equipment which will serve such a vital role. For plans and a photo con­ sult “A Utility Book Truck Designed for Moving L i­ brary Collections,” L ib r a r y A cquisitions: P ractice an d T h eory 3 (1979):33-37. When it comes to moving materials within the library, “super” book truck does an admirable job. More often than not those moves also result in relo­ cating and rearranging the steel stacks themselves. When that happens the traditional approach has been to take the stacks apart, bolt by bolt, and reas­ semble the structure in a new location. This is a time-consuming, expensive job especially when union labor rates are involved. In worst case situa­ tions stack ranges have been dragged by brute force, tearing carpets and damaging the stack structure. Another relatively inexpensive, homemade de­ vice will allow a whole range of steel stacks to be rolled easily from one location to another without removing so much as one bolt. This device is simple to use, requiring little or no technical skills, special physical endurance, or expensive labor. The basic device is fabricated from scrap steel and recrea­ tional vehicle jacks which are designed to roll on six-inch casters. Once again, the innovative main­ tenance crew can easily fabricate the stack-moving device from commercially available components and scrap steel. A typical unit would cost roughly $400 to manufacture in this manner, and four such units will easily handle most stack-moving jobs. For plans and photographs consult “Moving Steel Stacks W ith a Special D o lly ,” L ib r a r y A cq u isi­ tions: P ra ctice a n d T h eory 6 (1982): 2 53-57. As a profession we tend to give little attention to the m echanics of m aterials handling. W e fre­ quently tend to ignore the fine points of moving and often at the last minute give the chore to a com- merical mover or, worse yet, a fraternity in need of a fund-raising project. I f we take time to consider the value of the collections we possess we will easily recognize the need to devote more effort to devel- oping safer and less costly methods when it comes o moving our stock in trade.— Brian A lley, Uni­ ersity L ib ra r ia n an d A ssociate D ean f o r L ib ra r y nstru ctional Services, S angam on S tate University, prin gfield, Illinois. ■ ■ t v I S