ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 184 / C &R L News Current BI Liaison Activity: Can You Help? C arolyn K irken d all P roject L O E X Compilations of press kits in all discipline areas continue to be one of the top priorities for the L iai­ son Project. Thanks to all of you who have donated materials to represent your local BI programs! I would like to collect a comprehensive variety of pathfinders and guides to the literature in all possi­ ble subject areas and still could use 25 to 30 copies of appropriate handouts. Your continued assist­ ance is very much needed and appreciated. In addition to the broad disciplines, our Project also needs to collect materials representing these subject areas: anthropology, engineering, health sciences (especially nursing and medicine), philos­ ophy, and women’s studies. Can you help? Furthermore, we also need your contributions for general press kits, including samples from a wide variety of BI programs to illustrate and pro­ mote the potential instructional role that academic libraries can and do play on many campuses. Therefore, donations of general guides for library research and term paper topics, as well as copies of publicity and promotional materials sent to teach­ ing faculty, would be very helpful to include. I ’m convinced that a promotional packet of good BI samples, accompanied by reprints of articles ex­ plaining how the library’s instructional services can facilitate quality teaching, is the most effective concrete method for publicizing our mission. Efforts continue to find speaking opportunities for librarians at meetings and conventions of other professional associations. I ’d be delighted to hear from any ACRL members who are involved with the Association for Canadian Studies in the U .S., from Canadian lib rarian s who w ill attend the Learned Societies Conference this fall, and from any librarian who also holds membership in the American Psychological Association. R e ce n t related a c tiv ity inclu des the c o ­ presentation of a paper by Deborah A. Sommer of the University of North Carolina-W ilm ington’s Randall Library at the spring Conference on Col­ lege Composition and Communication on “Teach­ ing the Research Paper.” One of the BI liaison ex­ hibits was tailored for display at the recent Kansas City and Columbus regional meetings of the Amer­ ican Sociological Association. This month, Beth Sibley of UCLA will participate as chair of the L i­ brarians’ Task Force of the National W omen’s Studies Association on a panel, “The Librarian’s Role as E ducator in W om en’s Studies” at the NWSA Convention later this month. W atch for our exhibit in the small press section at the summer ALA meeting. If you’d like to help staff our display, please write. Finally, I ’d like to hear from any A CRL mem­ bers who are also members of other associations, to keep me informed of liaison possibilities— C arolyn K irken d all, L O E X C learin ghou se, C e n ter o f E d u ­ c a tio n a l R esources, E astern M ichigan University, Ypsilanti, M I 48197. ■ ■ ACRL HAS NEW DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Cathleen J. Krzyminski has been appointed dep­ uty executive director of the Association of College and Research Libraries effective June 23. She re­ places D onna H arlan, who has been filling the position on an interim basis. Krzyminski has been director of the L i­ brary Media Center at Alverno C ollege, M il­ w aukee, W isco nsin , since 1979. Prior to serving as its director, from 1974 to 1979 K rzym inski was the library’s supervisor of the C ataloging D e­ C athleen J . Krzym inski partment as well as as­ sistant professor and co­ ordinator of the Library Science Department. At that time she collaborated with other faculty mem­ bers to institute a new curriculum of library and in­ formation science. Krzyminski holds a master’s degree in library sci­ ence and a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Wisconsin (1973-1974). Earlier, she had studied journalism at Marquette University for three years, and served as Peace Corps volunteer in Arba M inch, Ethiopia. She worked there from 1969 to 1972 teaching home ec­ onomics and English as a second language to ele­ mentary and secondary school students. Currently president of the executive board of the L ib ra ry C ouncil of M etrop olitan M ilw aukee, Krzyminski is also secretary of the Wisconsin Asso­ ciation of Academic Librarians, and an active member of the Council of Wisconsin Librarians and the Wisconsin Association of Independent Col­ leges and Universities. ■ ■