ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 277 Su p p o rt Lib ra ry Le g isla tio n D ay Mark your calendars for the 27th Annual National Libraiy Legislative D ay to b e held in W ashington, D.C. o n April 30 and May 1, 2001. This event is sp onsored by ALA and other con cern ed organizations to raise aw areness about the im portance o f federal funding for libraries. T hese two days are significant to aca­ d em ic librarians b eca u se they provide a venue for librarians to m eet with their c o n ­ gressional representatives and to explain how their actions and policy decisions af­ fect academ ic institutions and their librar­ ies. Considering the rapid changes that are occurring in our libraries due to evolving information technology, w e must keep our representatives inform ed and educated o f the implications o f information policy on academ ic libraries. O n Monday, you will b e briefed on g en­ eral legislative issues important to librar­ ies. And ACRL will sp onsor an activity d e­ signed to b rief you on issues particularly important to academ ic librarians. For the past two years, the ACRL Board has sponsored a legislative lu ncheon with speakers and panelists for academ ic librar­ ians w h o are participating in the Legisla­ tive Day activities. The 2001 ACRL luncheon and discussion will b e held o n Monday, April 30, and will focu s on three important legislative issues: 1) reauthorization o f the L ib rary S e r v ic e s a n d T e c h n o lo g y A ct (LSTA), 2 ) the U niform Com puter Inform a­ tion Transactions Act (UCITA), and 3 ) the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). Later in the day you m ay caucus with your state delegation. O n Tuesday, you will jo in your state delegation and visit your congressional rep­ re s e n ta tiv e s , d eliv erin g y o u r m essa g es ab ou t library issues. Past e x p e rie n c e o f other academ ic librarians indicates that you may want to arrive in D.C. on Sunday to b e ready for the full day o f activities on Monday. ALA has set aside a b lo ck o f room s at the Holiday Inn on T he Hill. Call (8 0 0 ) 638- 1 116 and ask for the ALA rate. For more inform ation abou t registration, a ccess the Legislative Day Web site at http://www.ala. org/w ashoff/legday.htm l. Y ou w ill also w ant to c h e ck with your state association legislative com m ittee about team ing with them for visits to the con gressional offices. If you plan to attend, contact Shannon Cary. — Shannon Cary, ACRL director o f r esearch a n d sp ecial initiatives, scary@ C h ro n icle ad salutes libraries W atch for a full-page ann ou ncem ent in a forthcom ing issue o f the C hronicle o f H igher E d u cation c on g ratu latin g our 2001 w inners o f the E x cellen ce in Aca­ d em ic Libraries Award, sp on sored by B lack w ell’s B o o k Service. This announcem ent is part o f a m e­ dia cam paign approved by th e ACRL B oard to underscore to m em bers o f the higher education com m unity the contin­ ued vitality and value o f academ ic librar­ ies. T he winners o f this award, exem plify the exception al m anner through which their library staffs collaborated to antici­ pate and respond in creative and inno­ vate ways to the information needs o f their institutions. Winners for 2001 are: • Austin Community College (com m u­ nity college division); • Earlham College (college division); and • University o f Arizona ( university d i­ vision). W hen it appears, please bring this an­ nouncem ent to the attention o f presidents, provosts, deans, faculty, and other appro­ priate individuals and groups at your in­ stitution. In the near future, your winning library may also b e recognized nationally through an Excellence in Academic Libraries Award! http://www.ala