ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 2 8 0 / C & R L N ew s ■ M arch 2001 C o l l e g e & R e s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s news Delivering video-streamed library orientation on the Web Technology for the educational setting by Karmen N.T. Crowther and Alan Wallace A s college and university libraries prepare to meet the challenge o f delivering qual­ ity services to an increasingly divergent 21st- century population, traditional methodologies for providing those services also are chang­ ing. The development of the Web has greatly increased the electronic options that librar­ ies now have available for service delivery. Despite the fact that libraries have been among the first on many campuses to use new Web-based technologies, one such tech­ nology— streaming media— has been little used. Yet it holds considerable promise for instruction and orientation, especially to the burgeoning number o f remote library users on campus and in distance education pro­ grams. W h at is s tre a m in g m e d ia ? Streaming media is an audiovideo presenta­ tion, delivered via the Internet, that may be viewed while simultaneously being down­ loaded to a user’s computer. It differs from other network delivery systems by deliver­ ing a continuous stream of video after only a few (typically 10-30) seconds for initializa­ tion. A combination of a client (player), a server, and an appropriate network protocol is needed to stream media. Typically, a click on a Web link will activate delivery from the client. After receiving a few seconds o f video sufficient to create a buffer, the client begins playing the media stream in the foreground while continuing to receive and buffer new data from the server in the background. The stream may be a few minutes or several hours in duration. Both live and prerecorded me­ dia may be streamed. Streaming media is widely seen in com­ mercial applications. Many news organi­ zations provide streamed video and audio on their Web sites; entertainment venues present clips of current music and film offer­ ings; and corporations provide product dem­ onstrations to customers and training to em­ ployees. Internet radio is a particularly popu­ lar application. But streamed media also is increasingly seen in educational settings from primary schools to universities. One o f the most common applications in higher educa­ tion is the distance education program. Class­ room lectures and demonstrations are obvi­ ous candidates for streamed presentations. Th e UT L ib ra rie s ' e x p e rim e n ts w ith v id e o s tre a m in g The University of Tennessee (UT) Libraries has been experimenting with video-stream­ Karmen N.T. Crowther is business librarian at the University o f Tbout thr athorsuAennessee, Knoxville, e-mail:; Alan Wallace is education librarian in the reference department o f the John C. Hodges Library a t the University o f Tennessee, Knoxville, e-mail: C& RL N ew s ■ M arch 2001 / 281 ing technology since 1998, and our experience illustrates how a library, even with limited re­ sources, can take advantage of this technol­ ogy. Our first project was a “tour” of our main library’s reference room with business students as the target audience. Business students are a large and active group of library users on UT’s Knoxville campus. A library instruction pro­ gram reaches about 1,000 of these students annually, but class time is too limited to allow library tours. Consequently, students experi­ ence some frustration in their initial attempts to locate materials in the library. M o tiv a tio n fo r o u r p ro je ct The size (350,000 square feet) of our central library facility, the John C. Hodges Library, also contributes to students’ difficulties in locating materials. First-time users generally must ask for directions to materials they seek. What if we could provide an orientation to the location o f materials in our reference room, one that would reduce the need to ask for directions? What if students could have access to the orientation whenever they needed it? The solution to these two ques­ tions would reduce user frustration and long lines at the reference desk. Though often discussed, such needs were not a service priority until circumstances led us to consider streaming media. The co-cre­ ator of our project was selected for a UT initia­ tive placing university faculty in local public schools for a year to lend their expertise to enriching the curriculum. Assigned to a local middle school, he found new Macintosh com­ puters in their library loaded with QuickTime software that not only allowed movies to be downloaded and played but also had the ca­ pability to create digitized videos. This expo­ sure to digitized video, together with an inter­ est in subsequent advances in streaming me­ dia technology, led us to consider video streaming as a possible answer to our own library orientation needs. E q u ip m e n t a n d te c h n ic a l s u p p o rt Initially, equipment posed a challenge to our video-streaming experiments. The UT Librar­ ies’ network servers could handle the antici­ pated access and storage capacity, but we lacked in-house video and audio production equipment. To meet the need, we sought solutions outside the libraries. Telecommu- C la ss ro o m le ctu re s and d e m o n s tra tio n s are o b v io u s c a n d id a te s f o r s tre a m e d p re s e n ta tio n s. nications and Network Services (TNS), a unit o f UT’s Division of Information Infrastructure, offered assistance as a pilot project to dem­ onstrate the potential of streamed media on campus. Because TNS offered free network support as well as help with digitizing our files, we initially opted to house our files on its server. Our campus television services unit of­ fered to do filming and editing for us at no cost as part of the pilot program. Although its professional assistance was tempting, we wanted to try to do the work ourselves. By experimenting with photographic and digi­ tizing techniques, we could discover our pro­ duction capabilities. We could also update and revise the completed video more easily and economically when needed. If success­ ful, our project would demonstrate the in­ structional potential of video-streamed me­ dia as well as the possibilities of what could be done in-house. This would be eloquent justification for the library to acquire its own production equipment for future streaming projects. Should our amateur efforts prove unsatisfactory, we reasoned we could accept the offer of production assistance at a later time. P la n n in g a n d s c rip tin g With equipment needs satisfied, we laid plans for the video content. We proposed high­ lighting several areas in the reference room where business materials are located, display­ ing a selection of items found there, and in­ dicating possible uses o f the materials. From observing Internet-user behavior, we decided that our video presentation should be brief, because users unhesitatingly exit uninterest­ ing or difficult programs with the click of a mouse. Thus, our finished product would consist of several segments, each three to four minutes long. Eye-catching graphics and di­ rect, simple-to-understand narration also were essential. We drafted succinct, descriptive scripts and, with these in hand, roughed out 2 8 2 / C & R L N e w s ■ M a rch 2001 camera shots and scenarios, aiming for vari­ ety, color, and action. F ilm in g a n d n a r ra t io n We used a personal camera for filming— a Sony analog 8 mm camcorder with a tripod. Generally we shot twice the amount o f film we anticipated needing, about 15 to 30 sec­ onds for each segment o f the scripts, plan­ ning to edit the footage later to fit the time needed for script narration. Colleagues and student assistants were drafted to “act” when needed. Careful preplanning meant that only limited script rewrites and film retakes were necessary. The next step was to merge film footage with narration. As we lacked digital editing equipment, w e improvised and developed our own method. First, individual camcorder film shots were transferred to a standard, high­ quality videocassette. We knew roughly how long each segment o f the com pleted video would last because we had timed our cam­ era shots to the script. Prior to the transfer, we selected and timed the length o f each film seq u en ce to closely match the time needed to narrate the script. Although we were concerned that there might be notice­ able degradation in the second-generation video images, this was not the case. Audio was added last. B ecau se hom e video equipment typically does not allow for overdubbing of sound, a TASCAM 4-track tape recorder was used to create the sound track. It offered high-quality sound as well as the ability to overdub tracks. This proved impor­ tant when w e later decided to add back­ ground music. After assembling the video segments, w e synchronized the film with the narration on the TASCAM’s track counter. Knowing that a particular segment o f the script had to start and end at given numbers on the tape made recording o f the narration easy. B a c k g r o u n d m u s ic After viewing and listening to our first effort on tape, we decided that background music was needed. We had deliberately chosen not to have continuous narration in order to pro­ vide transition betw een scenes and allow viewers time to digest the information pre­ sented. However, this left “dead” spots that needed to be filled. Aware o f copyright is­ sues involved in using commercial record­ ings, w e found an alternative by using a simple four-chord blues progression created A se le c tio n o f h e lp fu l URLs f o r v id e o s tre a m in g • A p a c h e S o f tw a r e F o u n d a t i o n : ( • Apple: Provides the latest information on their streaming-friendly computer, the iMac DV and editing suite “Final Cut Pro” ( • In terview : A solution for digitizing media to non-AV Macs ( http://xlr8 .com/ ProductInfo/interview/). • QuickTime: Includes an overview (in­ cluding downloads) o f their products and technologies, plus information for individu­ als interested in learning to make and de­ liver video on the Web ( http://quicktime. com). • QuickTim e D ev elo p ers’ In fo rm a ­ tio n : Provides conceptual as well as tech­ nical information for using QuickTime to its fullest capabilities ( http://devworld. • RealMedia: An overview of Real’s prod­ ucts (including downloads) and valuable sug­ gestions for producing streamed media pro­ d u ctio n s ( http://www /player/ index.html). • T e rra n ’s M edia C le a n e r P ro : A re­ view o f several high-quality products de­ signed to enhance streamed video. It in­ clu d es an e x c e lle n t (free -to -d o w n lo ad ) b o o k le t “How to P roduce High-Quality Q uickTim e,” w hich offers top-notch advice to anyone wishing to enter the world of streaming ( . • UT L ib ra ry Video: View the results o f o u r e x p e rim e n t w ith v id e o stre a m in g ( http://w w w biztour.html). • Video Shop b y Strata: Provides infor­ mation on this first-rate video editing system ( http://shop.3 http://quicktime http://devworld C& RL N e w s ■ M arch 2001 / 283 by a widely available music software program called Band in a Box. D ig it iz in g a n d d e liv e ry on th e W eb Blending the film, the narration, and the back­ ground music put the final touches on our project. Once completed, we delivered the video— one for each of the segments— to the TNS offices for digitizing and mounting on its server. We chose QuickTime as our media soft­ ware technology because, after 10 years of widespread use, it is an industry standard. It is also inexpensive, viewer plug-ins are free, and it is available for both Macs and PCs. After digitizing, we needed only to create a link to the TNS file server from the UT Li­ braries Web pages to make the video acces­ sible to our users. Only two months in prepa­ ration, our project was ready for use.1 P ro s a n d co n s o f v id e o -s tre a m e d o r ie n t a t io n A few basic instructional and technical con­ siderations should be addressed before em­ barking on an in-house streaming media pro­ duction. On the plus side: • Video streaming is available on de­ mand— an attribute important to any self-di­ rected instructional program. • It can reach an unlimited number of users at any given time. • By providing basic information to large numbers of users via this medium, librarians can concentrate their efforts on providing in-depth and one-on-one instruction and assistance. • Today’s students are comfortable with audiovisual formats and enthralled by the Internet. With well-crafted content, their in­ terest can be engaged by streamed media projects. On the minus side: • Equipment is needed, and even basic equipment costs money. You must budget for this or find willing collaborators and sup­ porters who can provide what is needed. • Careful analysis of instructional needs and thorough conceptualization of a possible project are necessary for a successful end product. If you are not comfortable with such conceptualization and planning, you should enlist help from someone who is. • Updating may be necessary. When changes occur that affect the content of your . . . w e c o n s id e r v id e o s tre a m in g to be y e t a n o th e r w a y th e UT Lib ra rie s can be v is ib le a n d a c c e s sib le t o o u r s tu d e n ts a n d fa c u lt y w h e re v e r a n d w h e n e v e r th e y n eed us. video, you must revise the product or de­ liver out-of-date information. Careful plan­ ning can mitigate this problem, but it is im­ portant to consider when deciding what con­ tent to deliver via streaming. • Bandwidth can be a barrier. Although products continuously improve, streaming still works best on high-speed Internet connections not often found in private homes. If you are hoping to deliver instruction to distance edu­ cation students via a phone line, streaming media is not yet the optimal solution. P o te n tia l a p p lic a tio n s o f s tre a m in g m e d ia in lib ra rie s Although aware of the challenges of using this new technology, we envision a number of library applications of video streaming. For example, our current project is a brief intro­ duction to the UT Libraries that will serve as a public relations tool. It will show the facili­ ties and services available to prospective stu­ dents, their parents, or anyone interested in the libraries. Video streaming also may be used successfully in library instruction, espe­ cially for multisection classes with similar assignments. First-year studies and freshman English classes at UT typically serve as venues for an introduction to the library, the catalog, and database-searching techniques. Using video­ streamed presentations for such basic instruc­ tion would allow students to view the orien­ tation day or night, whenever appropriate or convenient. In fact, any user new to the li­ brary or wanting a refresher could view such orientation. It has the added appeal of pre­ sentation in a medium that is familiar to and liked by students. We also anticipate applications of video streaming to library instruction for upper-di­ vision and graduate students. By using a video-streamed presentation for general ori­ entation— one that students could view be­ 2 8 4 / C & R L N e w s ■ M arch 2001 fore the library instruction session— class time can be spent on more specialized needs. Tu­ torials for especially challenging research ma­ terials could also be created as video-streamed files. Any or all of these video-streamed ap­ plications would be useful in teaching dis­ tance education students how to do library research. Even in-house training for student assistants or library staff could be done ef­ fectively with video streaming. As our campus turns increasingly to Web­ based instruction, we consider video stream­ ing to be yet another way the UT Libraries can be visible and accessible to our students and faculty wherever and whenever they need us. E s s e n tia l e q u ip m e n t f o r p r o d u c in g s tre a m e d v id e o s Although our initial production was done with personal equipment and a lot o f improvisa­ tion, we have subsequently upgraded our equipment and technology. Here are two suggested configurations to help you begin planning to create streamed video. The sug­ gestions are based on use of a Macintosh com­ puter. Although similar equipment is avail­ able for PCs, so many different configurations are possible using a Windows platform that it is more difficult to generalize. Level 1: “B a r e b o n e s ”—a n a lo g equ ip m en t • C am era: Any good-quality video cam­ era will serve for basic production. Analog models are available at a range of prices. A tripod is needed to ensure steady video im­ ages from these handheld cameras. • Digitizing equipm ent: If not using a digital camera, a product such as Strata’s Interview device is needed to digitize the analog camera’s video output. You also will need a production program such as Strata’s VideoShop. VideoShop is a full-featured soft­ ware program that allows digitized clips to be assembled into a coherent, professional­ looking video. Interview and VideoShop are available bundled together for around $100. VideoShop also allows the addition o f high­ quality background music free of copyright problems. • Video delivery system : QuickTime Pro is an industry standard. It is available for only $30 and allows digitized video to be converted into either http or rtsp stream­ ing formats. The rtsp protocol is generally con sid ered the true stream ing standard b ecau se it sends inform ation as needed rather than dow nloading an entire file b e ­ fore viewing can begin. The http protocol dow nloads an entire file, but by virtue o f innovative com pression and file manipu­ lation, it allows videos to appear to be stream ed . Q u ick T im e in clu d e s sev eral com pression packages to help manage the size o f video files. Q uickTim e players are available free for both Mac and Windows platforms. • Server softw are: Aside from a standard Web (http) server, QuickTime’s http type streaming requires no special software for delivery of video. If you choose the rtsp pro­ tocol, an rtsp server such as the Macintosh OSX is necessary. QuickTime streaming pro­ tocol has an open platform and various third­ party software solutions for Unix servers such as those from Apache Software Foundation are available. More a p p lic a tio n s to e n han ce y o u r v id e o s These options provide added features to assist in creating high-quality videos for the Web. • Fin al Cut P ro from Apple is a profes- sional-level studio for creating and editing digitized videos. Although not inexpensive, it provides a complete array o f editing tools. • Media C leaner from Terran provides additional professional-level compression software designed to allow high-quality vid­ eos to be streamed over the Web using mini­ mal bandwidth. This program allows videos to be saved in a variety of formats, including QuickTime and RealMedia. • RealMedia from is a wel known alternative to QuickTime technology. It produces its own high-quality streaming system for both Mac and Windows formats. Http and rtsp streaming are available, but RealMedia requires its own server software. Information on both the server and deliv­ ery software is available on the Web site. l­ C & R L N e w s ■ M a rch 2001 / 2 8 5 Level 2: B a s ic p lu s— d ig ital eq u ip m en t • C am era: Many excellent, relatively in­ expensive (under $1,000) digital video cam­ eras are available. The UT Libraries is using a Sony DCR-TRV 103. It not only has excel­ lent digital image quality but, important for our planned usage, also a zoom lens for close­ ups. The camera also has an IEEE 1394 (also known as FireWire or i.LINK) port to transfer digital images directly to a computer for ed­ iting. • Digitizing eq uipm ent: The iMac-DV is an obvious choice. This computer has revo- lutionized the process o f creating digitized video. It includes everything needed to pro­ duce iMovies, plus lots o f bells and whistles to produce very professional-looking videos. The iMovie format, although not Web com ­ patible, may be exported to QuickTime for use on the Web. N o te 1. The videos may be viewed at http:// html. The QuickTime viewer plug-in is available from ■ ( “S h a rin g a v is io n ” c o n t in u e d f r o m p a g e 2 7 7 ) • “I u s e d an d a p p r e c i a t e d th e PowerPoint presentation w e developed as a g roup.” • “The partnership has helped me teach research to my students more as a series o f steps rather than just saying, ‘Go re­ search your to p ic.’” • “I found out that the com puter does not increase or d ecrease critical thinking skills. It is worth m entioning that all but two o f my ninth graders com pleted a re­ search paper; w hereas formerly only 60­ 75 percent would have. • “This made me more capable o f in­ structing my students and guiding them through their own research .” Im p lic a t io n s f o r p a r t n e r in g Here at the undergraduate library, plans are under way to d evelop additional in­ formation literacy partnerships with edu­ cators at those high schools that send a sig n ifican t nu m ber o f their students to WSU. Our experience has developed lasting edu­ cational relationships with local educators. As a result, w e can see long-term benefits in expanding those relationships to b e n ­ efit teachers and students in the Detroit area and, ultimately, the education o f those stud ents co n tin u in g th e ir e d u ca tio n at WSU. From the experien ce over the past three years in planning, facilitating, and evalu­ ating the inform ation literacy partnership, the follow ing points have becom e evident: • Administrative support is critical to the success o f such a partnership. • Library m edia sp ecialists and key teacher leaders should be included in the initial planning, developm ent, and presen­ tation o f the w orkshops. • Taking the time to plan meaningful activities and listening to educators’ needs is critical to success. • T hose involved in the planning pro­ cess appreciate the fresh perspectives o f the university participants and the univer­ sity connection. • P la n n in g w o r k s h o p s u s in g th e s ch o o ls’ facilities and resources provides a com fort level for the p articip an ts in know ing what they will have access to in their ow n classroom s and in b eco m in g m ore fam iliar with the te ch n o lo g y and other resources they can use in their teach­ ing. This was em phasized during the plan­ ning process as extrem ely important for the success o f the project. • School administrators immediately see the benefits o f developing partnering o p ­ portunities with local universities for staff developm ent opportunities. • K -1 2 educators are dedicated to pre­ paring their students to be lifelong learn­ ers and are very interested in the improved articulation with higher-education profes­ sionals that such a partnership allows. N o te 1. Jan et Nichols, “Building Bridges: High School and University Partnerships for In­ formation Literacy,” NASSP B u lletin (March 1999). ■