ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C‹SRL News ■ March 2001 1287 C o l l e g e & R e s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s Mews Partnering with the post office Southwest Missouri State University Libraries’ advantageous relationship by Karen L. Horny O n May 10, 2000, Southw est Missouri State University Libraries (SMSU) held a cel­ ebration o f the M eyer Library ex p an sio n and renovation project w hile honoring the Library o f Congress (LC) bicentennial through its com ­ m em o rativ e stam p. T his w a s y et a n o th e r event in a long-standing relationship far b e ­ yon d routine mail services b e tw e e n Meyer Libraiy an d the Springfield Post Office. The first link was es­ tablished through the Ozarks Labor Union Ar­ chives (OLUA), founded b y a d j u n c t f a c u l ty m em b er Neal M oore a n d eco n o m ics p r o ­ fe s s o r D a v id L ages, a n d acquired from the E c o n o m ic s D e p a r t ­ m en t by the library in the 1995-96 academ ic year. American Postal Workers U nion (APWU) Local 888, already a major d o n o r to th e col­ lections, w as inspired to set u p an e n d o w ­ m en t fu n d for OLUA. A $5,000 don atio n established the e n d o w ­ m en t in N ovem ber 1995, a n d APWU’s co n ­ tin u ed donations, including th e m ost recent $1,000 gift (January 26, 2001) have increased th e fu n d to m ore th an $16,800. T he APWU The LC b ice n te n n ia l stam p w ith th e SMSU Libraries seal. co n n ectio n also resulted in the library ho st­ ing a m arvelous exhibit of d o cum ents an d m em orabilia o n th e history o f the letter car­ rier as p art M issouri’s an n u al celebration of Labor H istory Month. As OLUA’s ou treach program d eveloped, th e p ostal w ork ers indicated they w o u ld like to sp o n so r a b iennial p a p e r prize co m p eti­ tion to en co u rag e th e study o f lab o r history b y aw arding $200 for th e b e s t SMSU u n ­ dergraduate or graduate research p a p e r about organized labor. The m o st re c e n t w inner, graduate student Sandy Peters, authored “Death by Demographics: The Defeat of the 1978 Mis­ so u ri R ight-to-W ork A m e n d m e n t . ” T h e p riz e w a s p r e s e n te d at S p rin g fie ld ’s L abor D ay P icnic, S e p te m b e r 4, 2000, attended by som e 5,000 people. Planning for a Second-Day Issue celebration T he m ost recen t event in p artn ersh ip w ith the p o st office w as the LC C om m em orative Stam p Second-D ay Issue celebration. This A b o u t the author Karen L. Horny is dean o f library services at Southwest Missouri State University, e-mail: 2 8 8 / C & R L N e w s ■ M a rch 2001 celebration cam e to fruition with the help o f a w onderful planning kit furnished by Kathy W oodrell, LC’s p ro ject m anager for the Commemorative Stamp Second-D ay Is­ sue, B icen ten n ial Program O ffice. The kit was filled with detailed inform ation about planning such an event and em phasized the need to get an early start in w orking with the local postal services. T he LC First-Day Issue to ok place on April 24, 2000, and was follow ed by a o n e ­ m onth period in w hich Second-D ay Issues cou ld be scheduled . Several m onths’ lead tim e w a s r e ­ q u ire d , b e c a u s e both an envelo p e “c a c h e t ” p ictu re and a special can­ ce lla tio n n eed ed to b e d e s ig n e d , a p p r o v e d , a n d actually produced b efo re the event took place. The substantial tim e req u ired to set up the celebra­ tion was undoubt­ edly a major factor in determining that SMSU was the only Missouri sponsor o f a Second-Day Issue for the LC stamp. SMSU was particularly interested in orga­ nizing an LC bicentennial stamp event not only in support o f LC and our cam pus build­ ing p r o je c t , b u t a ls o b e c a u s e o f th e university’s statew ide m ission in public af­ fairs edu cation and the libraries’ partici­ p a tio n in tw o o f LC’s L o ca l L e g a c ie s projects. SMSU Music Cataloger Drew Beisswenger prepared a set o f audiovideo materials fea­ turing the Ozarks’ musical heritage repre­ sented by local fiddler Bob Holt. Allison Level, head o f re fe re n ce, w orked w ith Tamara Jahnke, head o f the chemistry department, to document the emphasis on science edu­ cation in Southwestern Missouri, with a par­ ticular focus on interesting young women in pursuing careers in science. G u id elin es w ere p rovided in the LC planning kit about the size and con ten t o f the “ca c h e t” cov er design and special can ­ cellation. The design d ev elop ed by SMSU Libraries used a num ber 10 e n v elo p e in­ stead o f the freq u en tly ch o se n , sm aller num ber 6 3/4. The picture is the architect’s rendering o f the M eyer Library com p lex with the addition now under construction. Although the design fit m uch better on the num ber 10 envelope, it m eant that an even larger e n v elo p e had to be used to mail the covers to p ersons unable to attend the actual issue. The libraries’ Media Services Graphic Designer, Jean n e Stephens, did the layout for the cach et along with the s p e ­ c ia l c a n c e lla tio n design. S p r i n g f i e l d Postmaster Robert R ob erts w as e n ­ th u s ia s tic a b o u t th e S e c o n d -D a y Issue p ro ject and supported Wanda Sillyman, supervi­ s o r o f th e university’s postal s u b s t a t i o n , in m ak ing a rra n g e ­ m e n ts an d p r o ­ viding a philatelic c le r k to d o th e cu stom c a n c e lla ­ tions b etw een 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. on the day o f the ce le b ra ­ tion. A num ber o f envelo p es w ere actu­ ally stam ped and can celled b efo re the cer­ em ony so that the ink would b e dry. T h e s ta m p The LC bicentennial stamp itself is a very strik­ ing view o f the golden interior o f the dome o f LC’s Main Reading Room. The unseen painting within the circle or “eye” o f the dome is the image o f a woman representing hu­ man understanding. As LC has announced, this logo and theme symbolize the bicenten­ nial goal o f stimulating creativity and ensur­ ing a free society through the greater use of libraries everywhere. Ethel Kessler, known for her design o f the breast cancer stamp, designed the stamp. T h e M is s o u r i c e le b r a t io n SMSU ob tain ed cop ies o f the poster rep ­ lica o f the stamp and had them lam inated Neal Moore (co-founder o f O zarks Labor Union Archives) and Karen Horny receiving latest contrib u tion to Postal W orkers Endow m ent from APW U President Bob Olson. C& R L N e w s ■ M a rch 2001 / 2 8 9 for display at the Meyer Library and the university postal substation. We also were able to acquire an LC first-day cover to fram e with our seco n d -d ay cover. The university’s news service assisted in issu­ ing a press release, w hich generated co n ­ siderable media coverage, including both print and television. Invitations w ere sent to d ono rs w ho had co n trib u ted to the Meyer Library Addition and Renovation Capital Campaign and to state and local library leaders. After the event, covers w ere m ailed as tokens o f thanks to Missouri governm ent leaders, including all legislators from the university’s 24-county primary service area, in appreciation for their support in the s ta te ’s bu d get p ro cess that fund ed the major portion o f the building project. Each o f the 20 prime building contractors was also given a cover in recognition o f his or her work on the project. A cerem ony at 10 a.m. marking the o f­ ficial Second-D ay Issue was well attended and festive, with a cake frosted in the can ­ cellation design. Roberts offered remarks on the history o f the Library o f Congress and the many reasons LC was being hon­ ored by the special stamp. He then indi­ cated that it was customary for the post­ master and the head o f the sponsoring or­ ganization (i.e., SMSU’s dean o f library ser­ vices) to autograph the envelopes for co l­ lectors at the official cerem ony. Our hands w ere cramped from all the signing by the end o f the m orning’s celebration! A local television station filmed the event and ran a very nice story the next day. We learned from Roberts that collectors would be continuing to requ est covers af­ ter the event, so Meyer Library set aside som e 500 covers to make available for the nom inal sum o f $2 each (for the stamp itself, envelope “ca ch e t” with special can ­ cellation, and handling). The exp erien ce o f working with our lo ­ cal postal personnel on cerem onial events, educational activities, and collection e n ­ deavors continues to be highly productive and exceptionally pleasant. The post o f­ fice, the APWU, the university, and SMSU Libraries all b enefit from m uch positive publicity and gain the satisfaction o f suc­ cessfully m eeting their shared goals. ■