ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ M arch 2001 / 337 Career opportunities C L A S S I F I E D sdA from across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $9.75 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $11.85 for others. Late job notices are $22.70 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $27.50 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Display ad rates range from $450 to $840 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. Or see our Web site: http:// Guidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements wilt be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. Internet; C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the Web at Ads will be placed approximately 2 -3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published. C ontact: Elise Parker, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312)280-2520; e-mail: c& Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employ­ ees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. POSITIONS OPEN ACCESS SER VICES L IB R A R IA N . C oncordia University is seeking an energetic individual to se rve in the new ly cre a te d position o f full-tim e Access Services Librarian. This position will be responsible fo r the day-to­ day o p e ra tion s o f circulation, reserve, interlibrary loan, serials check-in and processing, and docum ent delivery programs. R esponsibilities also include prom oting and expanding ILL se rvice and m anaging student assistants. Q ualifications include MLS o r MLIS from an ALA-accredited program, academ ic experience in an automated environment, excellent custom er se rvice skills, and a co m m itm en t to Lutheran education and values congruent with the Lutheran Church. Position includes one evening a week and weekend rotation. Concordia University is a Christian Institu­ tion, owned by The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. W e offer an excellent benefits package, including health, dental, retirem ent, and tuition reim ­ bursement. Minim um salary is $30,000. The position will remain open until aqualified candidate is found. For im m ediate consideration, please for­ ward co ve r letter, resum e, and th re e re ferences to: Pam Chrusciel, Director o f Human R esources, C o n c o rd ia U n iv e rs ity , 7400 Augusta S treet, R iv e r F o re s t, IL 6 0 3 0 5 ; fa x: (7 0 8) 2 0 9 -3 1 7 6 ; e -m a il: EOE/M/F. AC Q U ISITIO N S/ELEC TR O N IC RESOU RCES L IB R A R IA N . Eastern Washington University. The Acquisitions/Electronic Resources Librarian provides expertise and leadership fo r the Eastern Washington University Libraries in all aspects o f acquisition, subscription, and licensing o f library collections in all form ats. R esponsibilities: Plans, coordinates, monitors, and analyzes a cquisition o f all type s and form a ts o f library m aterials, including GPO publications and electronic resources; works with publish­ ers, vendors, and other providers o f information resources and continually evaluates products and services; provides fiscal managem ent o f collec­ tions expenditures; coordinates licensing o f electronic resources; serves as liaison with the U.S. S uperintendent o f Docum ents and coordinates processing o f G P O m aterials fo r a 6 4 % depository; coordinates inclusion of electronic materials in online catalog; participates in m anagem ent o f a technical services unit o f 12 full-tim e em ployees; and participa tes in training and evaluation o f staff. Reports to Head o f Collection Services Division (Circulation a n d Technical Senvices). Q ualifications: Required: Master's degree in Library and Information Services from an ALA-accredited program; m inim um three ye a rs’ professional e xperience in technical services fun ctio ns in an a cadem ic o r research library; dem onstrated analytical, decision-m aking, problem -solving, and planning skills; effec­ tive written and oral com munication skills; experience in acquisitions and/ or serials m anagem ent, purchasing and licensing electronic resources, library fund accounting, and fiscal managem ent in an automated technical services environm ent; knowledge o f vendors o f serial and m onographic publications, d atabase p roducers, aggregators, and sources o f all fo r­ mats o f library materials; and knowledge of online library system s, biblio­ graphic utilities, M AR C form ats, and e m erging cataloging pra ctice fo r electronic resources. Desired: Knowledge o f Innovative Interfaces library system, O CLC, AAC R, LCSH, LCCS, U.S. S u D o c s depository require- Salary guide Listed below are the latest minim um starting salary figures recommended by state library associations fo r professional library posts in these states. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. Job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minim ums when evaluating professional vacancies. For additional information on librarian salaries, contact A LA Office fo r Library Personnel Resources. C o n n ec ticu t $34,172 D elaw are $2 2 ,5 0 0 ** Illinois $30,096* Indiana varie s* Iow a L o uis $ $ 23,911 iana 22,000 M aine varie s* M a ssachu setts $3 1,362* N ew J e rse y $3 3,78 5 N orth C aro lin a $ 2 7 ,6 4 1 ** O h io $ 2 5 ,1 9 8 ** P en n sylvan ia $2 8,120* R ho de Island $2 9,80 0 S ou th C aro lin a v arie s* S ou th D ako ta $22,000 T e xas $ 2 8.00 0 V erm o n t $ 2 6,46 4 W e s t V irg in ia $22,000 W isco ns in $ 3 2,24 0 ‘ R a th e r th a n e sta b lish o ne sta te w id e s a la ry m inim um , som e sta te a s s o cia tio n s h ave a do pte d a fo rm u la based o n va ria bles such as co m p a ra b le s a la rie s fo r p u b lic sch oo l te a c h e rs in each co m m u n ity, o r th e g ra de le vel of a p ro fe ssio n a l lib ra ria n post. In th e s e ca ses, you m a y w ish to co n ta c t th e state a sso cia tio n fo r m inim um s a la ry in form atio n . **T h ese re co m m e n d a tio n s a p p ly o n ly to p u b lic lib ra ria n s. m ents and classification, a s w e ll as second m a ster’s o r oth e r relevant advanced degree. Salary/Appointm ent: Position a vailable Ju ly 1 , 2001. Twelve-month, tenure-track appointment at rank of Librarian II. Salary based on expe rie n ce and in a ccordance w ith p ro visio ns o f the fa cu lty union contract. TIAA-CREF retirement program; com prehensive medical insur­ a nce; 24 d a ys’ vacation and esta blished holidays; generous.sick leave; assistance with moving expenses; su pp ort fo r professional development; and no state o r local incom e taxes. Application: For com plete description 338/C&RL News ■ March 2001 Associate University Librarian for Public Services Associate University Librarian for Informational Technology and Technical Services Two Positions: Syracuse University Library S y racu se U niv ersity L ibrary se ek s k now ledgeable and inno v ativ e leaders w h o have a thorough understan d in g o f the ev o lv in g role o f research libraries in c ontem p o rary higher education and d em o n strate the a bility to a rticu la te a v ision for e x em p lary , s tate-o f-th e-art p u b lic s erv ices and technical serv ices. D etailed position d escrip tio n s and desired qualifica­ tions are al h t tp ://iib w w w .s y r.e d u /in fo r r n a tio n /e m p lo y m e n t/ S y racu se U niversity, founded in 1870, is one o f the largest and m ost com p reh en siv e independent universities in the nation, and has received national recognition for adv an cin g its v isio n o f b ecom ing one o f the n atio n ’s lead in g s tudent- cen tered research u niversities. T h e Library is an active p articipant in th is endeav o r and is w orking w ith c am p u s p artners to d e v elo p a p rogram o f serv ices th at integrates print and digital r esources. T h e U niversity has ju st ap proved the L ib rary ’s plan s fo r a m ajor b uilding ex p ansion th at w ill incorporate science c o llectio n s and serv ices w ith the h um anities and social scien ces. A U L F O R P U B L I C S E R V IC E S . A s a m em b er o f the L ib ra ry ’s se n io r m anagem ent team , the A U L for P ublic S ervices w ill ex em p lify co llab o rativ e, innovative, and responsible leadership, p rom oting a creativ e and p ro-active appro ach to library serv ice. T h e A U L w ill convey a co herent vision o f the L ibrary as central to the teaching and research fun ctio n s o f the U niversity, and w ill d ire c t the dev elo p m en t, im plem entation, and m an agem ent o f program s and serv ices that o p tim ize use o f library inform ation resources. T h e successful c a n d id ate will be an a gent fo r change and p lay a m ajo r role in red esig n in g library u ser se rv ices, in itialin g dig ital serv ices and fo rw ard in g the L ibrary strateg ic p lan ’s g o a ls and initiatives. T he A U L fo r P u b lic S e rv ices will e n su re the co n tin u o u s im provem ent o f the q uality and effectiv en ess o f L ibrary serv ices through o n g o in g u ser n eeds and se rv ice q u ality assessm ents. In c o n cert w ith the L ib ra ry ’s tw o p ublic serv ices d iv isio n heads, the A U L f o r P u b lic S e rv ices w ill advance the develo p m en t o f the recently -estab lish ed p ublic s erv ices organ izatio n al structure, R eports directly to the U niversity Librarian. A U L F O R I N F O R M A T IO N T E C H N O L O G Y AN D T E C H N I C A L S E R V IC E S . T h e A U L for Inform ation T ech n o l­ o g y and T ech n ical S e rv ices w ill dev elo p , co ordinate, a d m in ister and prov id e leadership fo r all technical serv ices, including acq u isitio n s, catalo g in g and d atab ase q uality w ith in S y racu se U niversity L ibrary. A s a m em ber o f the L ib rary ’s adm in istrativ e team , c o llab o rates in strateg ic p lanning, p olicy form ation, s ettin g L ibrary p rio rities, b u d g et, and resource allocation, D evelops, im plem ents, and ev alu ates strateg ies to best c arry o u t th e L ib ra ry ’s m ission in th e areas o f inform ation technology and technical serv ices. A dm in istrativ ely o v ersees the o n lin e integ rated sy stem (E n d e av o r’s V oyager), local netw ork o perations (3 0 0 w o rk statio n s), o p en d esk to p a p plications, and en su re s the functionality, q uality and in tegrity o f th e o n lin e sy stem . R eports directly to the U niversity Librarian, S alary and B enefits: M inim um salary $80,000. T h e U n iv ersity ’s gen ero u s ben efits pack ag e includes an 1 1% contribution to T 1A A /CRE F, health and dental plan s, tuition rem ission, adoption assistan ce, insurance, and o th er w o rk /life optio n s and b enefits. C ontact: S en d letter o f application, resum e and nam es o f three referen ces, a nd a c o p y o f a recently prep ared p ublication o r w o rk in g do cu m en t to: S e arch C om m ittee for (nam e o f positio n ), S y racu se U niversity L ibrary, O ffice o f H um an R esources, S y racu se U n iv ersity , S y racu se, NY 13244-5300. A pplications received b y M arch 1 6 ,2 0 0 1 w ill receiv e first c o n sid eratio n . SYRACUSE UN IV ERSIT Y IS AN EQUAL O PPORTUNITY/AFFIRM ATIVE A C T IO N E M P L O Y E R C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 339 S p e c i a l C o l l e c t i o n s L i b r a r ia n Vassar C ollege Invites a p p lic a tio n s fo r th e p o s itio n of Special C olle ctio n s Lib ra ria n . R ep o rtin g to the Head o f A rch ive s and Special C o lle ctio n s, th e su cce ssful c a ndidate w ill a s s is t In v a rio u s a c tiv itie s related to the management of a vibrant Special Collections Department. In cu m b e n t w ill have p rim a ry re s p o n s ib ility fo r o rig in a l and copy cataloging o f rare books and printed m aterials as well as fo r developing rare book cataloging procedures and po licies. In a d d itio n to te ch n ica l se rvice s duties, the Special C olle ctio n s lib ra ria n w ill a s sist th e Head and othe r colleagues In the acquisition o f new materials, reference requests, o u treach and e x h ib it plan ning, preservation, and othe r de partm ent activities. Additional responsibilities w ill include som e M ain Library reference desk se rvice and s u p e rv is io n o f stu d e n t w o rke rs. Q ua lific a tio n s: A LA ac cre dite d M LS, and one to thre e ye ars experience in a Special C olle ctio n s se tting. K now ledge o f AACR2, LCSH, LC c la s s ific a tio n , and USMARC re quired, pre fe ra b ly th ro u g h at least one ye ar o f rare b o ok ca ta lo g in g experience. In ad d itio n , candidates sh ould be fa m ilia r w ith OCLC, R U N , and autom ated lib rary procedures. Excellent oral and w ritte n c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills , s u p e rio r energy and fle x ib ility as w ell as the a b ility to in te ra c t effectively w ith a broad clientele, essential. K no w le dge o f La tin and w es tern European fo re ig n languages (e ith e r French, Italian, or G erm an) a lso needed. V assar College is a h ig h ly se le ctive, co educ a tio n a l lib era l a rts in s titu tio n loca te d in the sc enic H udson Valley in Poughkeepsie, New Y ork. The Vassar College libraries house nearly one m illio n vo lu m e s and m aintain ov er 3 ,0 0 0 serial title s . The Special C o llections Department houses m ore than 100 m anuscript collections, in c lu d in g th e papers o f Elizabeth B isho p and M ary M cCarthy, and m ore than 20 ,0 0 0 title s in th e rare book c o lle c tio n s . The Vassar College Lib ra rie s is in th e last phase o f a m u ltl-p h a s e d c o n s tru c tio n p ro je c t th a t has added a p p ro x im a te ly 3 0 ,0 0 0 square feet o f new space and in clu d e s an extensive a m o u n t o f re n o v a tio n to e x is tin g space. A su b sta n tia l p o rtio n o f th e new space is now occup ied by an expanded S pecial C ollections and A rchives D epartm ent. Special C ollections includes a new se m in a r and reading ro o m as w ell as expansive space fo r sta ff w o rk areas. The lib ra ry p ro je c t also Includes new w irin g and power, w h ic h w ill be extended th ro u g h o u t th e b u ild in g s e n a b lin g th e L ib ra rie s to b rin g new te c h n o lo g ie s t o th e d e skto p . For c o n sid e ra tio n , se nd letter, resum e, and nam es and addresses o f th re e references to : Head, Archives and Special Collections Vassar College, Box 20 124 Raymond Avenue Poughkeepsie, NY 12604-0020 V a s s a r C o l l e g e V assar C o lleg e is an A f fir m a t iv e A c tio n / Equal O p p o rtu n ity Em plo yer Director of Library Services D ick in so n S tate U niversity invites ap p licatio n s and n o m in a tio n s fo r th e p o sition o f D ire c to r o f S to x en L ibrary. T h e D irecto r reports to th e V ice P re s id e n t o f A c a d e m ic A ffairs an d h as prim ary resp o n sib ility fo r b u d g etin g a n d fina ncial m a n ag em e n t, p erso n n el, fund ra isin g , an d strateg ic p la n n in g fo r the Library. C an d id ate s fo r the p o sitio n m ust possess: a M a s te r’s d e g re e in L ib rary o r In fo rm ational S cie n ce fro m an A L A ac cred ited pro g ram ; su ccessful adm in istra tiv e e x p e rie n c e in a c o lleg e o r u n iv e rsity library; le ad ersh ip a n d v is io n fo r th e op eratio n o f the L ib rary ; su ccessful e x p e rie n c e in th e use o f te ch n o lo g y in an au to m ated lib ra ry setting c o n n e cted to a s tate-w id e on lin e in fo rm a tio n n etw o rk ; strong co m m itm e n t to q uality s e rv ic e ; the ab ility to w ork w ithin a co lla b o ra tiv e an d c o lleg ial fram ew o rk an d to fo ster th is ab ility in others. T h e lib rary h as a co m m itm en t to facu lty an d stu d en t re s e a rc h , a n e x c e lle n t serv ic e p ro g ram , an d a g ro w in g in s tru c tio n pro g ram . T h e library c o llectio n s in c lu d e 1 6 8,000 v o lu m es a n d 6 2 0 perio d ical su b sc rip tio n s. E lectro n ic serv ic es in clude an in teg rated library s y ste m , nu m e ro u s In te rn et-b ased s erv ic es an d ac cess to re s o u rc e s th ro u g h th e lib ra ry ’s w ebsite. T h e ap p licatio n d ea d lin e is M arch 30, 2 001. Initial screen in g o f ap p licatio n s w ill b e g in im m ed iately . T o ap p ly , sen d le tte r o f in terest, resu m e , c o p ies o f tra n sc rip ts, n am es o f th re e refere n ces a n d a D ick in so n S tate U n iv ersity em p lo y m e n t ap p licatio n to: D r. R ic h a rd B rau h n , V ic e P resid en t fo r A cad em ic A ffairs, 291 C am p u s D rive, D ick in so n S tate U niversity, D ic k in so n , N D 5 8 6 01-4896. F o r m o re info rm atio n a b o u t D S U , v isit o u r w e b site at w w w .d ic k in so n state .co m F o r fu rth e r in fo rm atio n a b o u t th is po sitio n , c o n tact D r. B rau h n at 1-800-279- 4 295. A b o u t D ic k in so n S ta te : A co m p rehensive state institution, D ickinson S tate U niversity is a u n it o f the N o rth D ak o ta U niversity System . T h e U niversity e m ploys 200 faculty and s ta ff w ith an en rollm ent o f a p p roxim ately 2,000. D ickinson S tate has show n a s trong gro w th p attern in enrollm ent over the course o f th e last decade. M o re th a n 40 program s a re offered at th e und erg rad u a te level. T h e institution is co m p rised o f tw o colleges: the C ollege o f A rts and S ciences an d the C o lleg e o f E ducation, B usiness, and A pplied S ciences. T h e m ajority o f the student bo d y co m e fro m N orth D akota, M ontana, C anadian provinces, an d the up p er M idw est. A b o u t D ic k in so n : T h e com m unity b oasts a p op u la tio n o f approxim ately 18,000 and is the re g io n ’s ce n ter fo r sh opping, m edical services, entertainm ent, and o th e r services. T h e city offers an outstanding quality o f life including excellent p ublic a n d parochial school system s. D ickinson is lo c ated n e a r th e scenic N o rth D D ak o ta i Ba c dland k s. STATE UN i IV n E s RS o IT n Y DD iicc kk iinn ss oo nn SS ttaa ttee UU nn iivv ee rr ss iittyy iiss aa nn AA AA //EE OO EE iinn ss ttiittuu ttiioo nn .. 3 4 0 / C&RL News ■ March 2001 THREE POSITIONS AVAILABLE Central Missouri State University Central Missouri State University Library Services seeks faculty mem bers in the following areas: C ollection Developm ent, Access Services, Instructional Services, D epartm ent Chair, and teaching. SKILLS NEEDED GENERALLY: Broad knowledge of librarianship, including reference, presentation, selection, evaluation, and inform ation technology skills; ability to provide excellent client service including evening and w eekend rotation work; ability to adapt to constantly changing inform ation environm ent; and ability to w ork well with colleagues, clients, and other cam pus constituencies. A pplicants with experience in areas relating to the specific position will be given preference. Each librarian serves as bibliographer fo r one or m ore academ ic disciplines and provides specialized reference service and library instruction to faculty and students in those disciplines. Instructor/Assistant Professors of Library Services (Positions 51484, 51486, 51731, 51482, 51685) Enjoy full faculty rank and status. S uccessful candidates who hold a m aster’s degree in librarianship as w ell as an additional graduate degree are hired into tenure-track positions. C andidates who hold a singular graduate degree in librarianship may be hired as no n-te n u re -tra c k instructors. Upon com pletion of a second graduate degree, the individual may qualify fo r tenure track. Benefits include 24 days’ vacation, 10 paid holidays, and 16 sick leave days annually. Retirem ent is fully paid by the university into the M O SERS system , vesting in five years. O ther benefits include paid term life insurance, health insurance, and optional tax sheltered annuity. Librarians at Central participate fully in cam pus governance and are eligible for sabbaticals and study leaves. Librarians participate in professional de velopm ent and scholarly activities. Funding opportunities fo r research and professional developm ent are also available. Assistant Professor of Library Science (Position 51738) This is a tenure-track teaching position that includes graduate courses to prepare school librarians and other inform ation specialists fo r a leadership role in the inform ation profession. Courses taught may include m anagem ent and adm inistration of inform ation agencies, inform ation and society, W eb site m anagem ent, introduction to electronic inform ation resources, and creating W eb-based (continued on next page) and requirem entsand/ortoapplyforthis position, send letter of application, resume, and a list of a t least three references to: Carol Raczykowski, Assistant to the Dean o f Information Resources, Eastern Washington University Libraries, 816 F Street, Cheney, W A 99004-2453; e-mail: craczykowski @ Review of applications begins April 1,2001, and continues until position is filled. Eastern Washington University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer, and applications from mem­ bers of historically underrepresented groups are especially encouraged. The successful candidate will be required to show proof of eligibility to work in the U.S. pursuant to U.S. immigration laws. ASSOCIATE LIBRARY DIRECTOR OR LIBRARY DIRECTOR. Based on qualifications. Academic staff, 12-month appointment. Starting date not laterthan Ju ly 1 , 2001. Duties: Direct university library services, opera­ tions, personnel, and b udget under the direction of the Assistant Vice C hancellor for Information Services. Develop, coordinate, and evaluate library services, and collaborate with staff to best serve students and other members of the university community. Represent the library on appropriate committees. Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree. Library Director title requires five years o f adm inistrative and supervisory experience with increasing responsibility in an academ ic library, and Associate Library Director title requires three years of administrative and supervisory expe­ rience. Effective oral and written communication skills. Demonstrated skills in organization, planning, budgeting, and staff supervision, including a collegial leadership style. W illingness and enthusiasm to adopt new technologies a nd a strong commitment to diversity and service to students and others in the campus community. Understanding o f issues related to library technology and knowledge of emerging trends in academic librar­ ies. Preferred: Second master’s degree in an academ ic subject and assistant o r associate library director experience. Successful experience with grant writing and other outside funding activities. Salary: Commensu­ rate with qualifications and experience; Associate Library Director mini­ mum $60,000, Library Director minim um $68,000. Attractive fringe ben­ efits. Review of applications will begin on M arch31,2001. Send application letter detailing qualifications fo r the position, a current resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three o r m ore professional references to: Paul Moriarty, Chair, Search and Screen Committee, Elton S. Karrmann Library, University of Wisconsin-Platteville, 1 University Plaza, Platteville, W l 53818-3099; e-mail: moriarty @; tele­ phone: (608) 342-1688; Web site: Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. W omen and persons o f color are encouraged to apply. The names of nom inees and applicants who have not requested in writing that the ir identity be kept confidential, and of all finalists, will be released upon request. AUTOMATION COORDINATOR.Califomia State University Dominguez Hills, Carson California. Tenure-track, Assistant Librarian rank. Respon­ sibilities: Coordinates, plans, and implements overall Library Automation effort. Includes Online Public Access Catalog, CD-ROM network, Library Local Area Network, and all associated hardware and software. Works closely with library departm ents to assess the ir technology needs. Re­ quired qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; one-year experience in automation; strong interpersonal skills and communication skills; and ability to w o rk in a multicultural, m ultiethnic environment. Desired qualifications: Experience in local area networks, operating systems, automation infrastructure, and equipment maintenance. Supervi­ sory experience preferred. Salary: Low$40s. Applications will be reviewed beginning March 2001. Position will remain open until filled. Applications: Send application letter and resume to Sandra Parham, Acting Dean, University Library, California State University, Dominguez Hills, 1000 E. Victoria Street, Carson, CA 90747. Inquiries may also be s e n t t o Gail Cook, C hair Search Committee, e-mail: gcook@ An equal opportunity, affirmative action, section 504, title IX employer. BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICES COORDINATOR. The Library a t Califor­ nia State University, Monterey Bay seeks a Coordinator to provide leader­ ship in planning, organizing, and managing Bibliographic Services including acquisitions, serials, and cataloging. Responsible for develop- C&RL News ■ M arch 2001 / 341 (continued from previous page) resources. M inim um re quire m en ts include a com pleted do cto ra te (A B D con sid ere d) in tech nolog y, info rm atio n science , instructiona l de sig n, e d ucation al tech n o lo g y , o r related field in ad dition to a M LS o r eq uivalen t. Lib ra ry S cience fa c u lty m e m bers have a n ine -m o nth co n tra c t w ith s u m m e r tea c h in g possible. C h a ir an d A s s o c ia te P ro fe s s o r of L ib rary S c ie n c e (p o s itio n 51584) T h is is a 12-m onth, te n u re -tra c k ad m in istra tive po sitio n w ith 50% tea c h in g re sponsib ilitie s w hich m ay include grad u a te co u rse s to p repare scho ol libra rians fo r state certifica tio n and to utilize a va rie ty o f a sp ects of library inform ation tech nolog y. R equ irem ents: C om p leted do cto ra te (ABD con sid ere d) in libra ry science, ed ucation, info rm atio n science, instructiona l de sig n, education al tech nolog y, o r related field in a d dition to a M LS o r eq uivalen t. A record of s cho la rship a nd tea ching qu alifying fo r an ac a d e m ic a p p o in tm e n t at the rank of a ss o c ia te p ro fe s s o r o r above. C and idate s should have exp e rie n c e in use of te c h n o lo g y to e n hance learning and kno w le dge of issues relating to scho ol libra riansh ip, exp e rie n c e in the area of d ista nce ed ucation, exce lle n t in te rp e r­ s onal skills, and th e ab ility to be po sitive and creative, acce pt change, and w o rk collab ora tively w ith c ollea gue s. E vidence o f a d m inistra tive ab ility and potential fo r grow th is esse ntial. The su c c e s s fu l ca n d id a te m u st a rtic u la te th e a b ility to c re a te p ro d u c tiv e p a rtn e rs h ip s across dis c ip lin a ry and organiza tiona l boundaries. C entral (w w w .c m s u .e d u ) is located in W arrensbu rg, M issouri, a p p ro x im a te ly 50 m iles sou thea st o f K ansas C ity, providing th e option fo r urban, sub urba n, o r sm all city living. T h e w o rk e n vironm ent is a tw o -y e a r-o ld , $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 lib ra ry fa c ility , th e J a m e s C. K irk p a tric k L ib ra ry (h ttp :// libra su .edu /). S alary c o m m e n s u ra te w ith ed ucation and exp erien ce; m inim um is c urrently $ 4 2,97 8 fo r a s s is ta n t pro fe sso r and $3 4 ,1 5 7 fo r instructor. S end a le tte r of a p plication (inclu de position n u m b e r), rés u m é , grad u a te tra nscripts, three current re fere nce letters, and the nam es, ad dresse s, an d te le p h o n e num bers o f three re fere nces to: Pal V. Rao Dean of Library Services Central M issouri State U n iversity W arrensburg, MO 64093 S cree ning b e gins M arch 22, 2001, and c on tinues until filled. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. AA/EEO/ADA. C L A S S I F I E D Ads Career opportunities from across the country Save Money. E-mail your next ad. Receive a 10% discount off the cost o f all ads sent via e-mail: c& (800) 545-2433, ext.2513 w w w . a l a . o r g / a c r l / c & r l n e w 2 . h t m l . C o lle g e & R e s e a rc h L ib ra rie s news 342 /C& RL News ■ March 2001 CO LLECTIO N MANAGEMENT LIBRARIAN (CATALOGING) Middle Tennessee State University Middle Tennessee State University invites applications and nomina­ tions fo r the position of Collection Management Librarian (Cataloging). POSITION DESCRIPTION: (Position #401090) 12-month appoint­ ment, faculty rank and status. Reporting to the Coordinator of Collection Management, this position provides leadership and direction to four librarians and three support staff for the cataloging area in the Collection Management Department; establishes goals and priorities; and monitors such activities as cataloging library resources, maintaining the online catalog, and linking the catalog to Internet resources. The person in this position will be responsible for developing procedures for organizing and accessing Internet resources as well as print and electronic materials. The individual will be expected to work creatively and cooperatively to enhance library programs and services in a team-based environment. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree; knowledge of AACR2, MARC formats, OCLC, and metadata standards; and ability to establish successful working relationships and manage a variety of responsibilities. Desirable: Experience in serials cataloging and experience using Endeavor’s Voyager system. All librarians at MTSU must meet promotion and tenure requirements. RANK AND SALARY: Salary and rank are commensurate with qualifications. Generous benefits commensurate with qualifications include fully paid State or TIAA-CREF retirement, 24 days' annual leave, 12 days’ sick leave, and 12 paid holidays. APPLICATION PROCESS: Review of applications will continue until the position is filled. Please forward letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: Chair, Collection Management Librarian Search Committee Middle Tennessee State University P.O. Box 13 Murfreesboro, TN 37132 ENVIRONMENT: As one of the fastest growing universities in the south, Middle Tennessee State University is a dynamic institution valuing excellent teaching and fostering initiatives in research and public service. The new university library lies at the heart of the MTSU educational experience. Murfreesboro is located in central Tennessee, 30 miles south of Nashville. This historical city offers a rich cultural and recreational life and easy access to a variety of attractions within the state and region. For Web-based information about the Library, Rutherford County, and Nashville, please see: http://w w w .m http://w w w .rutherfordcham http://w w w m ent and im plem entation o f the Library’s em erging electronic and print archival collections. Provides direction and new approaches fo r descrip­ tion and access to digital resources, including the Library’s extensive electronic jo urna ls collection. The Coordinator will also p articipate in reference and/or Information Competency instruction and may participate in collection developm ent. F o r a full position description, plea se see: CSU Monterey Bay is a highly collaborative and creative environment requiring a sincere commitm ent to advancing CSUMB’s academic goals, as identified in the University Vision Statement. T h isisa 12-month, tenure-track faculty appointment (position #M BBSC-0014) w ith a salary o f $48,000. First consideration given to applications received by April 6 , 2001. Apply to R ecruitm ent/O ffice of Academic Personnel Services, California State University, Monterey Bay, 100 Campus Center, Seaside, CA 93955-8001; (831) 582-3569; fax: (8 3 1 ) 5 8 2 -3 8 1 1 . E -m a il a p p lic a tio n s a re e n c o u r a g e d : faculty_recruitment @ CATALOG LIBRARIAN (ASSISTANT OR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR). Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Library and Information Services (LIS). Responsibilities: Performs original and com plex adaptive catalog­ ing of print and nonprint materials, including electronic resources as part of the OCLC CORC Project, according to AAC R2-R, LCRI, LCSH, MFHD, CONSER, and other relevant national standards. Develops com ­ prehensive bibliographic descriptions, assigns su bje ct headings and classification num bers according to Library of Congress practice, and inputs holdings into O C LC and DRA according to the MARC Form at for Holdings Data. The incumbent will also participate in authority control and resolve in consistencies in serials holdings. P articipates in developing, documenting, and im plem enting cataloging policies and procedures. Term o f Contract: Tenure-track, 12-month, continuing appointment. Pro­ fessional rank and salary dependent upon credentials and experience, with a minim um salary o f $40,000. E xcellent fringe benefits program. More in form atio n is a vailab le at; h ttp ://w w w .siu e .e d u . Q u a lifica tio ns: ALA-accredited MLS degree, minim um of two years’ cataloging experi­ ence in an academ ic library u tilizing LCSH and LCC; experience with OCLC o r sim ilar bibliographic utility; and experience with an automated integrated library system; excellent communicationand interpersonal skills; strong service orientation. W orking knowledge o f USM ARC holdings format and experience with DRA preferred. University Environment: SIUE is 20 minutes northeast o f St. Louis, Missouri. The University is situated on 2,600 acres o f rolling land and w oods along bluffs, a few m iles from the M ississippi River. As a prem ier m etropolitan university, SIU E is the first choice o f a diverse pool of applicants and boasts a student body of more than 11,000. Applications: Initial review to begin March 1 , 2001, and to remain C&RL New s ■ March 2001 / 343 R E FE R E N C E LIBRARIAN/DOCUMENT D ELIVERY S P E C IA LIST (TENURE TRACK) Ferris State University RESPONSIBILITIES: Manage document delivery/interlibrary loan (ILL) operations of the FSU Library to include: train staff; plan, organize, supervise activities of staff and student assistants; promote cooperation with other libraries; evaluate, select, and implement appropriate new technology; serve as the copyright officer and coordinate permissions; serve as liaison (outreach activities, specialized instruction/information literacy, reference/research assistance, and collection devel­ opment in assigned disciplinary areas) to one or more academic departments; share reference desk duties and consultation services including some evenings and weekends; and participate in library assessment and appropriate university-wide activities. REQUIRED: ALA-accredited master's degree in library/information science. Demonstrated evidence of strong organizational, oral, and written communication skills; supervision experience; commitment to public services; and ability to maintain a team work environment. PREFERRED: Experience with an integrated library system (preferably INNOPAC), ILL software (ARIEL, OCLC Microenhancer, ISO standards and initiatives) and the OCLC ILL subsystem. Knowledge of issues and trends relating to academic-library reference services. Experience in academic-library public services. Additional graduate degree. SALARY: $32,000 (minimum) for a 12-month tenure-track faculty appointment, with rank, plus an excellent benefits package valued at approximately 36% of base salary. Comprehensive benefits (after applicable eligibility and accrual periods) include 20 days' vacation, two days' personal leave, paid holidays, insurance (health, dental, vision, life, disability), medical reimbursement account, retirement system options (e.g., TIAA-CREF) with 12% University contribution, tuition waiver, moving expenses, and generous support for professional activities. For more information about FSU, visit our Web site at: TO APPLY: Send letter addressing your qualifications as related to the position responsibilities; resume; and the names, current addresses (including e-mail and telephone numbers) of three references from supervisors or colleagues solicited especially for this position to: JOB CODE C&RL-15060 Joan Boroff Ferris State University 420 Oak Street PRK-150 Big Rapids, Ml 49307 Review of applications begins March 15, 2001, and continues until filled. Official transcripts will be required for candidates invited to interview. Ferris State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. open until position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, names, addresses, and phone num bers o f three references to: Ja y Starratt, Dean of LIS, Lovejoy Library, SIUE Box 1063, Edwardsville, IL62026-1063. As an affirmative action employer, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville offers equal employment opportunity without regard to race, color, creed or religion, age, sex, national origin, o r disability. Applications from women and minority groups are especially encouraged. CURRICULUM LIBRARIAN. Academ ic staff; 12-month appointm ent. Due to a retirement, starting date not later than July 1 , 2001. Duties: Responsible fo r the d ay-to-day operation of the u niversity's curriculum library, including reference service, collection developm ent assistance, and user instruction to the S chool of E ducation; also, provide general reference desk service, including an evening and occasional weekend; assist in the selection o f electronic and traditional resources and the design and content o f subject W eb pages; and participate in training and instruction w hich provides quality training to faculty, staff, and students. Reports to the Library Director. Required: Undergraduate degree in education and A LA-accredited MLS degree; three years o f reference, collection developm ent, and user instruction experience in an academ ic library or, preferably, in a school media center; and dem onstrated knowl­ edge of th e field o f teacher education and fam iliarity with PK-12 tea ch ing materials and an interest in children and young adult literature. Expected: Willingness and enthusiasm to adopt new technologies a nd abilityto work, teach, and communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with students, faculty, and staff. Preferred: Graduate degree in Education or related field. Experience with grant writing. Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience; minim um $38,000. Attractive fringe benefits. Review of applications will begin on March 31, 2001. Send application letter detailing qualifications fo r the position, acurren t resume, and names, addresses, and phone num bers of three o r m ore professional references to: Paul Moriarty, Chair, Search and Screen Committee, Elton S. Karrmann Li­ brary, University of Wisconsin-Platteville, 1 University Plaza, Platteville, W l 53818-3099; e-mail: moriarty@; telephone: (608)342-1688; W eb site: Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. W om en and persons of co lor are encouraged to apply. The nam es o f nominees and applicants who have not requested in writing that their identity be kept confidential, and of all finalists, w ill be released upon request. DEAN OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. Southwest Baptist University. SBU offers graduate and undergraduate programs, is affiliated with the Mis­ souri Baptist Convention, and isaccredited b y the North Central Associa­ tion. Candidates must have a MLS degree, an earned doctorate o r doctor- 344 /C& RL News ■ March 2001 THREE POSITIONS AVAILABLE The American University in Cairo Libraries and Learning Technologies Applicants are invited for the following three faculty position openings at The American University in Cairo (AUC). Founded in 1919, AUC’s campus is located in Cairo, Egypt. Its degree programs are accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of C ollegesa nd Schools. For more information, see our Web site at: To review full description and requirements of the positions, see Web site http:/ Master’s degree from ALA/LC-accredited program or equivalent required, unless otherwise specified. Excellent oral and written communication skills in English required and additional skills in Arabic useful. Head of Cataloging Reports to the Director of Library Technology Services. Responsibilities include leading and managing, Cataloging Department; supervising, hiring, and training staff; developing programs, evaluating workflow; compiling statistics, preparing budget, and other reports as needed. Serves as contact for bibliographic and authority control of all items in Libraries. Minimum three years’ cataloging experience. Supervisory experience essential. Familiarity with RLIN or OCLC, knowledge of AACRII, MARC formats, LC Classification is preferred. (JOB # LIB/1) Director of Collection Management Reports to Dean of Libraries and Learning Technologies. Responsibilities include leading, managing and supervising the Library’s Collection Management, Serials and Acquisitions departments. Holds fiscal control and allocation of Book, Serials, Electronic Resources, and Multimedia budget lines. Prepares budget requests. Develops and maintains Collection Management policies. Monitors and evaluates Library’s collection in relation to university teaching and research programs. Minimum five years’ experience. Significant supervisory experience essential. Computer literacy and experience with integrated library systems are essential. (JOB # LIB/2) University Archivist Reports to the Director of Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Responsibilities include overall administration of all aspects of the AUC Archives. Duties include collection development, records management and scheduling, acquisitions, implementation of electronic records control, reference services, and supervision of all faculty and staff in the Archives including archivists responsible for special archival collections. Formats may include photographs, manuscripts, university and faculty correspondence, and architectural drawings. Master’s degree and/or certification in Archival Studies required. Evidence of leadership in directing and organizing archival department required and significant work experience in archives preferred. (JOB # LIB/3) In view of the AUC’s protocol agreement with the Egyptian government, which requires specific proportions of Egyptian, U.S., and third-country citizen faculty, at this time preference will be given to qualified applicants who are U.S. citizens. These are full-time (11-month) two-year appointments effective September 2001. Renewal of an appointment depends on institutional needs and/or the appointee’s performance. Salary and rank are according to scale based on qualifications and professional experience. For expatriates, housing, annual round-trip air travel for the appointee and accompanying qualifying dependents, plus schooling for up to two children are included. Applications will be accepted until a candidate is selected. Send letter of application specifying Job # with C.V. and names and addresses of three references to: Earl (Tim) Sullivan Provost The American University in Cairo 420 Fifth Avenue Floor 3-CL New York, NY 10018-2729 or e-mail to: AUC is an equal opportunity employer. C&RL New s ■ March 2001 / 345 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE Hendrix College A utomation Librarian Nationally ranked liberal arts college seeks an Automation Librarian to be responsible for most aspects of the library’s automation program including: installing, maintaining, and operating a Web­ based library automation system; providing library staff with refresher training in the use of the system; liaisoning with campus IT concerning hardware and software installation and upgrades and use of the campus network; keeping abreast of new automation applications to advise the director on their appropriateness for the undergraduate library; helping end users and performing some weekend and evening public service duties; and maintaining the library Web page. Reference Librarian The College is seeking a service-oriented librarian for print and electronic reference, supervision of interlibrary loan, and other responsibilities as indicated by the candidate’s interests and the needs of an outstanding small academic library. Some evening and weekend duties. Master’s degree from ALA-accredited program required. Previous experience in academic reference service desirable. Competitive salary, faculty status, liberal fringe benefits, 12-month contract. Applications received by April 1, 2001, will receive first priority. Send letter of application, resume, transcripts, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three professional references by, April 1, 2001, to: Robert W. Frizzell Director, Bailey Library Hendrix College 1600 Washington Avenue Conway, AR 72032 Hendrix is a distinguished liberal arts college with an endowment of $130 million, sheltering a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, located in Conway, Arkansas, 30 miles from Little Rock at the foothills of the Ozark Mountains. The College, related to the United Methodist Church, has a strong commitment to excellence in teaching liberal arts. Hendrix is an equal opportunity employer. Women and members of minority groups are especially encouraged to apply. Please visit our Web site at: BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN Santa Monica Community College Santa Monica Community College is accepting applications for a full-time, tenure-track Bibliographic Instruction Librarian. The selected candidate will coordinate the Bibliographic Instruction program, including developing and teaching library instruction courses and orientations; work collaboratively to develop strategies for providing bibliographic instruction for distance learning; plan, develop, and provide instruction in information competency; provide reference service to students, faculty, staff, and the college community; develop library instructional materials; participate in collection develop­ ment and in the development of library policies and procedures; assist faculty with the integration of library research skills into their courses. Master’s in library science, library and information science, or the equivalent, or possession of an appropriate valid Community College Credential authorizing service in the specified subject area(s). Demonstrated experience in coordinating and overseeing bibliographic instruction and reference service in an academic environment, demon­ strated knowledge of electronic information resources, experience in developing bibliographic instruction programs, experience with automated library Systems is preferred. $39,546 to $81,361. DEADLINE TO APPLY: March 30, 2001. Please call (310) 434-4336 for a district application and detailed job description, or write to: Office of Academic Human Resources Santa Monica College 1900 Pico Boulevard Santa Monica, CA 90405 Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer 3 4 6 /C&RL News ■ M arch 2001 READER SERVICES LIBRARIAN GRINNELL COLLEGE G rinnell C ollege Libraries seek an individual possessing energy and initiative to provide leadership in the areas of reference service and inform ation literacy instruction and the ability to w ork in a collaborative environm ent. Initial appointm ent w ill be at the A ssistant P rofessor rank with a tw o-year, renew able contract. R esponsibilities include coordinating the delivery of reference services; developing the reference collection of print and electronic resources; assum ing prim ary responsibility fo r the libraries’ inform ation-literacy instruction program , w hich includes teaching a tw o-credit library research techniques course offered each sem ester and coordinating inform ation literacy instruction in first-year tutorials; holding jo in t responsibility for electronic databases including m aintenance of re fere nce w o rk s ta tio n s ; s u p e rv is in g e le c tro n ic c la s s ro o m and s tud ent staff for tha t facility. All librarians at G rinnell C ollege participate in reference service rotation including evenings and weekends, teach in an active inform ation literacy instruction program , help to develop and maintain the libraries’ W eb site (http://w w w, serve as library liaisons to selected academ ic departm ents, and may supervise library support staff in one or more areas. REQ U IR ES: A graduate d egree in librarianship from an A LA -accredited institution, effective written and oral com m unication skills, strong teaching skills, self-m otivation and ability to be effective and tactful in m eeting all elem ents of a cam pus com m unity tha t makes heavy dem ands on library services. Desired: E xperience w ith one o r m ore of the follow ing: teaching an d/or public service, particularly in a library environm ent, W eb page design and m aintenance, electronic databases, library tech nolog y applications. Salary beginning in the m id-$30s, de pending on qualifications. In the ir letters of application, candidates should address the ir interest in em ploym ent in an undergraduate, liberal-arts environm ent tha t em phasizes close faculty-student interaction and values diversity. Letters of application, including a current vita and the names, addresses, and telephone num bers of at least three references should be sent to: C hristopher McKee Librarian of the College Burling Library 1111 Sixth Avenue Grinnell, IA 50112-1690 Phone: (641)269-3351; fax (641) 269-4283 E-mail: m ckee@ To be assured of consideration, applications m ust be received not later than March 12, 2001. Grinnell College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer com m itted to employing a highly qualified sta ff which reflects the diversity o f the nation. No applicant shall be discriminated against on the basis o f race, national o r ethnic origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, m arital status, religion, creed, o r disability. ate in progress, appropriate administrative experience, excellent commu­ nication and interpersonal skills, a commitm ent to effective use of technol­ ogy, and must be evangelical Christians who are active Southern Baptists. Foradditional information, consultthe posting at: about/jobs/htm. Twelve-month, facuIty tenure-track position with excellent benefits. Salary is negotiable. Review of applications begins immediately and will continue until the position is filled. S ubm it a resume and request an application o ra letter of nomination to: Bing Bayer, Search Committee Chair, Southwest Baptist University, 1600 University Avenue, Bolivar, MO 65613. DIRECTOR OF A CA DEM IC RESOU RCES. The D irecto r o f Academ ic Resources has responsibility fo r d e ve lo p m e n t and d e live ry o f the C o lle g e ’s in form atio n re so urce s. Th e D irecto r w ill w o rk w ith facu lty, staff, c o nsu ltan ts, and user g ro up s to d evelop and im ple m e nt a s tra ­ te g ic plan to d e live r in form ation resources to C h am plain’s Burlington ca m p us, as w e ll as in te rn a tio n a l and o n line ca m p use s. S uch a plan w ould re fle c t the C ollege’s co m m itm en t to develop and m aintain both tra d itio n a l a nd e le c tro n ic lib ra ry m a te ria ls a nd w o u ld s u p p o rt the C o lle g e ’s e m p h a sis on bein g a le a d e r in te c h n o lo g y and o n line e d u catio n . T h e D irecto r p ro vide s e ffe ctive le a d e rsh ip o f p ersonnel; a d m in is te rs lib ra ry o p e ra tio n s , p la n n in g , a nd b u d g e tin g ; le ad s a collaborative effo rt to strengthen cooperation between academ ic pro­ gram s and the library; m onitors user satisfaction and plans fo r service im pro ve m e nts, in clu din g an incre ase d use o f in form atio n reso urce s a cro s s th e cu rricu lu m ; p ro vid e s le a d e rs h ip in d e v e lo p in g in s tru c ­ tional program s. R equirem ents: M LS from an ALA-accredfted in stitu ­ tio n o r fo re ig n e q u iva le n t; e xp e rie n ce in d e v e lo ping co lle c tio n s and m a n ag in g a la rg e, te c h n o lo g ic a lly in te g ra te d fa c ility ; su b sta n tia l a dm inistrative experience in an academic library with increasing levels of responsibility; dem onstrated com m itm ent to academ ic excellence and collaborative and organizational strengths, knowledge of emerging tech­ nologies, and trends in the profession; and strong com m unication and interpersonal skills. Second advanced degree o r substantial experience in an a cad em ic environ m e n t p referred. C h am plain C ollege is a private, fo u r-y e a r c o lle g e w ith 25 ca re e r-o rie n te d m a jo rs, 1 ,400 fu ll-tim e students, and more than 300 facu lty and staff. Cham plain is located in p icturesq ue B urlin gto n, V erm o nt, o verloo kin g Lake C h am plain . It is p art o f a ra p idly g row ing urban a rea o f 125,000, o ffe rin g exceptional cultural and recreational opportunities. T o Apply: Send resum e, letter o f interest, and list o f three referen ces by M arch 1 6 , 2 00 1, to: Human Resources, Cham plain College, P.O. Box 670, Burlington, VT 05402­ 0 670; e-m a il: h r@ ch a m p la in .e d u ; o r fax: (8 02) 860-2 77 2 . E qual o p ­ portunity employer. C&RL News ■ March 2 0 0 1 / 347 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) LIBRARIAN The University of South Florida USF is a com prehensive, metropolitan state university, serving m ore than 34,000 students in nine colleges on fou r cam puses in Tam pa, Lakeland, St. Petersburg, and Sarasota. Am ong the top research universities in the state, USF offers degree program s in 79 undergraduate disciplines, 89 m aster’s and specialist program s, and 26 doctoral fields, and has a faculty of m ore than 2,000. POSITION: Reporting to the Dean of the USF Library System , this position is responsible for developm ent, m anagem ent, and leadership of the newly funded GIS Research and Data Center. C andidates with a strong com bination of interpersonal and technical skills are encouraged to apply. RESPONSIBILITIES: T h e GIS Librarian assists and educates users on GIS data needs and resources; selects and m aintains (with the assistance of the System s Adm inistrator) a collection of GIS hardware and softw are applications; creates and m aintains the C enter's W eb site; acquires and manages spatial data collections relevant to the C enter’s mission; organizes and describes spatial data collections using appropriate m etadata standards and conventions; liaises with public- and private-sector G IS interests to facilitate collaborative research; prom otes and m arkets (with the assistance of the Library D evelopm ent O fficer) the C enter’s collections and services; and actively engages in research and publication concerning the librarianship of spatial data. MINIMUM Q U A LIFIC ATIO N S: A m aster of arts from an A LA -accredited school of Library and Inform ation S cience is required. A cadem ic o r w ork-related experience with GIS software applica­ tions is necessary. PREFER R ED Q U A LIFIC ATIO N S: D em onstrated knowledge of relevant com puter technologies; experience w orking with ESRI GIS applications; knowledge of or fam iliarity with geospatial m etadata standards and conventions; fam iliarity w ith relevant governm ent information resources; dem on­ strated experience w orking with diverse and m ulticultural user populations; experience in GIS training/teaching and with developm ent of training tools and learning aids; record of scholarly achievem ent/publication; and record of public/professional service. SALAR Y AN D BENEFITS: Salary and rank dependent upon years of p ost-m aster’s experience and record of scholarly achievem ent and service. S alaries fo r Instructor Librarians begin at $30K. Librarians are 12-month, non-tenured faculty with 22 days' vacation and 13 days' sick leave annually; TIAA -C R E F or other retirem ent options and insurance benefits. For m ore inform ation on this position, the Library, o r the University of South Florida, please visit our W eb site at: http://w w w A PPLICATIO N PROC ED U R E: Send a letter of application, vita, and names, telephone num bers, and e-m ail addresses of three references by March 31, 2001, to: Todd Chavez, Human Resources Librarian University of South Florida 4202 E. Fowler Avenue, LIB 122 Tampa, FL 33620-5400 (813) 974-4592; (813) 974-5153 fax tchavez@ USF is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, and equal access institution. For disability accommodations, contact Todd Chavez a t (813) 974-4592, TDD (813) 974-9874, a t least five working days in advance o f need. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES. The University of Missouri-Columbia (MU) invites nominations and applications for the position o f Director o f Librar­ ies. The MU Libraries include Ellis Library, six branch libraries, and the University Archives, with cumulative collections o f approxim ately 3 million volumes, 6.7 million microforms, 20,500 serials subscriptions, and a large and increasing collection o f electronic resources. This is a m ajor aca­ demic and research library serving a student body o f 23,280 and a faculty of 2,451, and which circulates over 600,000 items annually and provides more than 70,000 items per year through document delivery and interlibrary loan. In 1999-2000, the MU Libraries had more than 160,000 reference and directional transactions and provided o v e r 700 instructions sessions to approxim ately 11,000 participants. The MU Libraries benefit from the cooperative effort o f an on-campus ALA-accredited graduate program in Information Science and Learning Technologies. The MU Libraries are part o f a four-campus library structure within th e University of Missouri, one that has worked cooperatively fo r over two decades to provide service to everyone within the University and also to the citizens of Missouri. The Libraries of the fo u r cam puses and Saint Louis University share the MERLIN library system, using Innovative Interfaces, Inc. (III). Ill also is the common library platform fo r MOBIUS, a consortium o f 50 academ ic libraries in Missouri. The MU Libraries are a m em ber o f the Association of Research Libraries, the Big Twelve Plus Library Consortium, and a full participant in OCLC. This is a period of dynamic developm ent for the MU Libraries: The acquisitions budget has been increased significantly dur- 48 /C&RL News ■ March 2001 COORDINATOR OF COLLECTION MANAGEMENT Middle Tennessee State University M iddle T e nnessee S late U niversity has the follow in g key lead­ ership position in its new library as a result of a retirement: C oordina tor of C ollection M anagem ent. R eporting to the Dean of the Library, the position is responsible fo r providing creative leadership in a tea m -b ased environm ent. The C oordina tor w ill serve as a m em ber of the A dm inistrative C ouncil, the group w hich engages in planning, policy developm ent, and resource prioritization fo r the entire library program . The C oordina tor w ill have adm inistrative responsibility fo r the selection, acquisition, cataloging, and processing of library m aterials supported by a m onographs budget of $4 50,0 00 and a serials budget of $1,200,000. C urrent w ork units include acquisitions, serials, binding, cataloging, bibliographic d atabase m aintenance, and special collections. TH E E N V IR O N M E N T: MTSU is a broad-based, com prehensive university, offering an extensive range of undergraduate program s and selected graduate p rogram s. T he U niversity take s pride in providing quality educational program s to a diverse s tud ent body, incorporating the m ost recent technologies to m eet the changing needs of a dynam ic environm ent. A t the sam e time, it maintains a sense of com m unity and a com m itm ent to student-centered learning. As one of the fastest growing major universities in the south, M TSU is an institution that values excellent teaching and encourages initiatives in research and public service. The new university library lies at the heart of the MTSU educational experience. Located 30 m iles southeast of Nashville, Tennessee, M urfreesboro offers a rich historical, cultural, and recreational life and easy access to a variety of attractions within the state and region. Q U A LIF IC A T IO N S : S uccessful candidates w ill possess: the A LA -accredited M LS degree; signifi­ cant experience in academ ic library m anagem ent such a s overseeing a technical services operation, such as acquisitions, serials, o r cataloging; know ledge of operations to be adm inistered; and dem onstrated ability to provide creative leadership in a team setting, prom ote cooperation am ong w ork groups, s e t priorities and allocate resources, and initiate and m anage change in a rapidly evolving technological environm ent. E xcellent com m unication skills, dem onstrated fle xibility and initiative, broad library-w ide perspective, and com m itm en t to the profession. A bility to m eet prom otion and ten ure criteria. A P P LIC A TIO N : R ecruitm ent w ill be ongoing until a satisfactory ap plicant pool is developed. Please forw ard a letter of application, resum e, and nam es of three references to: W illiam K. Black Chair of the C oordinator Search Com m ittee Middle Tennessee State University P.O. Box 13 M urfreesboro, TN 37132 S alary and rank com m ensu rate with qualifications. G enerous benefits include full-paid state o r T IA A ­ C R EF retirem ent, 24 days' annual leave, 12 days' sick leave, and 12 paid holidays. For W eb-based inform ation about the Library, R utherford C ounty, and N ashville, please see: h ttp ://w w w .m ts u .e d u /~ lib ra ry h ttp ://w w w .ru th e rfo rd c h a m b e r.o rg h ttp ://w w w .n a s h v ille .c ity s e a rc h .c o m Middle Tennessee Stale University, a Tennessee Board o f Regents institution, is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply. ing the past decade and plans are in progress fo r the expansion of Ellis Library and the branch libraries. The D irector o f Libraries reports to the Provost, holds membership on the Council of Deans and has responsibility fo r administration, management, recruitment and hiring, staff development, budgeting, development and maintenance o f th e collections, planning and fund-raising forthe Libraries. The Director works closely with the Assistant Vice Chancellorfor Computing to capitalize on opportunities provided by n ew technologies. Candidates fo r this position must possess, a t minimum: a m aster’s degree from an A LA-accredited program and significant managem ent experience in an academ ic research library setting. A doc­ toral degree is desirable but not required. Preference w ill be given to candidates with the following qualifications: demonstrated commitm ent to excellence in providing enhanced services and in blending n ew technolo­ gies with traditional collections and services; proven visionary leadership and collegial m anagem ent skills; an understanding of the m ajor chal­ lenges and opportunities facing academ ic research libraries; the ability to com m unicate e ffectively with diverse constituencies; experience in a multicampus library system and/or consortial environment; experience with information technologies and networked information; a record o f success in fund-raising and pursuing grants; experience in handling concurrent projects: building construction/renovation, digitizing/expanding preserva­ tion efforts, fund-raising campaigns; demonstrated commitment to affirma­ tive action, equal opportunity, and diversity; scholarly accom plishment in librarianship o r a nother discipline; interest in sustaining cooperative C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 349 ELECTRONIC SERVICES/REFERENCE & INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN (2-YEAR TERM APPOINTMENT) Middlebury College M iddlebury C ollege invites applications fo r a 2-year entry-level position as a full­ tim e E lectronic S ervices/R eference and Instruction Librarian. The C ollege has a strong com m itm en t to teaching the liberal arts and sciences. W e are seeking an innovative, dynam ic, and articulate individual w ith a background in the liberal arts and experience or coursew ork in inform ation technology. The Librarian will report to the Head of R eference Services. W ork in collaboration with Library System s staff to develop and support the application of information resources and technology in the curriculum . Provide technical training and guidance fo r library staff. D evelop library W eb presence. Provide W eb authoring support. Maintain and plan fo r upgrades, and troubleshoot PCs in reference area. Provide reference s e rvice (including som e evening and w eekend shifts). C reate and m aintain W eb­ based library guides. Teach classes fo r research, including first-year sem inars, course-related projects, and senior thesis sem inars. W ork individually with students on research consultations to help them identify resources. Identify, evaluate, and recom m end fo r purchase, printed and electronic resources in all form ats, particularly fo r the reference collection. R eview the reference collection and recom m end m aterials fo r w ithdraw al or reassignm ent. P articipate in the faculty liaison program . R E Q U IR EM EN TS: E ntry-level position: MLS, MLIS, or foreign equivalent program from an A LA ­ accredited program at tim e of appointm ent. Liberal arts background, with experience o r interest in teaching. C oursew ork o r technical background in com puters, web authoring, and knowledge of program m ing languages such as P ER L and JavaScript. Interest in w orking in a collaborative environm ent; knowledge of current trends in technology and scholarly com m unications; excellent oral and w ritten com m unication skills, s trong interpersonal skills, and the ability to w ork w ith a diverse clientele. A bility to w ork effectively in a changing organization. Com petitive salary. C om prehensive benefits package. R eview of the applications begins March 1, 20 01, and w ill continue until the position is filled. P referred starting date June 1, 2001. Send letter of application, resume, graduate and undergraduate transcripts, and names, phone num bers, and e-m ail addresses of three professional references to: Middlebury College Human Resources Service Building Middlebury, VT 05753 Fax: (802) 443-2058 Middlebury College is an equal opportunity employer. Applications from women and minority groups are especially encouraged. h ttp :w w w .m id d le b u ry .e d u /h r efforts in library education. The salary will be com m ensurate with qualifi­ cations and experience. Send all applications and nominations to: Peter Markie, Vice Provost fo r Undergraduate Studies, University o f Mis- souri-Columbia, 111 Jesse Hall, Columbia, MO 65211 -1090; phone: (573) 882-6598; fax: (573) 882-0080; e-mail: markiep @ Re­ view o f applications and nom inations will begin March 23, 2001, and continue until the position isfilled. Applications should include a vita, e-mail address, names, addresses, and telephone num bers of a t least four references, and a cover letter that identifies how personal and professional strengths would match the qualifications o f the position. References provided will not be contacted without f irst obtaining the applicant’s permis­ sion. MU encourages applications from women, minorities, and Vietnam- era veterans and is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. The institution com plies with guidelines set forth by the Am ericans with Dis­ abilities A ct of 1990. DIRECTOR OF P U B LIC SER VICES. H unte r Library, W estern C aro­ lina U n ive rsity. H u n te r L ib ra ry is se e kin g an in n o va tive lib ra ria n to lead its reference, instruction, e lectronic inform ation access, circu la ­ tion, and d o cu m e nt d elivery se rvice s. H u nte r L ibrary is agg re ssive ly m e e ting th e o p p o rtu n itie s and c h a lle n g e s th a t c o n fro n t a cad em ic lib ra rie s tod a y. T h is p ositio n is a m e m b er o f th e m a n ag em en t tea m tha t supports an environm ent in w hich d elivery o f q ua lity service is the pre-em inent shared value; effectively communicates to the cam pus the lib ra ry ’s visio n o f its role in te a ch in g a nd le a rn in g ; m a in ta in s a cooperative and consu ltative e nvironm ent within the library as well as w ith the re st o f th e u nive rsity; and d oe s e ffe c tiv e s tra te g ic planning, p o licy deve lo pm en t, and b udgeting. Th e D irecto r o f P ub lic S ervices is responsible fo r m anagem ent o f the services listed above, including s tra te g ic a nd ta ctica l p lan n in g, p o licy d e v e lo pm en t, and b udgeting. Th e D ire c to r p a rtic ip a te s in re fe re n c e sta ffin g (in clu d in g e ve n in g s and w eekends), bibliographic instruction, and also serves as a subject lia iso n to a t le a s t o ne a ca d e m ic d e p a rtm e n t. T h e D ire cto r o f P ub lic S e rv ic e s re p o rts to th e U n iv e rs ity L ib rarian . Q u a lific a tio n s : R e­ q uired : A LA -a ccre dite d M LS and fiv e ye ars o f re feren ce expe rie n ce w h ich d e m o n stra te a stro ng c o m m itm e n t to c u sto m e r-o rie n te d s e r­ vice ; e xpe rie n ce in tea ch ing and a ssisting in the use o f the fu ll range o f p rinted and e lectron ic re feren ce so urces and o nline se rvice s; and the ability to w o rk collegially and com m unicate effectively w ith internal and e xte rn a l co n stitu e n cie s. S tron g ly P re fe rred : D e m o nstra ted un- 3 5 0 / C&RL News ■ March 2001 OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Two Positions Available O klahoma State University is a comprehensive research and land grant university offering more than 200 academic programs and 20,000 students. The Library, w ith holdings of more than 2.6 m illio n volumes and documents, is a member of the Association of Research Libraries. The L ibrary operates in a highly automated environment. Assistant Professor/Architecture Librarian, Tenure Track. Responsibilities. Under the direction of the Head, Science & Engineering, manages the d a ily operations o f the Architecture Library including reference services, collection management, faculty liaison functions, user instruction and supervis­ ing student assistants. W orking from the Architecture Library, contributes to the efforts of the Main Library’ s Digital Library Services. Qualifications. ALA-MLS; a record of providing excellent service; the a b ility to w o rk effectively w ith individuals w ith diverse backgrounds; excellent com m unication skills, organizational and teaching skills; and experience successfully developing and com pleting projects. Salary. Minimum $33,000 fo r 12 months. Salary and academic rank dependent upon qualifications and p rio r experience. Assistant Professor/Catalog Librarian, Tenure Track Responsibilities. Perform original cataloging and complex copy cataloging fo r serials and monographs, using AACR2r, LCSH, MARC formats, and Dewey classification. Prim arily responsible for the cataloging of periodicals and supervising the process­ ing of bound periodicals. Supervise one support staff in copy cataloging of monographs. Perform b ib lio ­ graphic file maintenance, and a u th o rity control. Create NACO name and series a u th o rity records, and BIBCO records for monographs, as necessary. Train and supervise sta ff in cataloging and database maintenance projects. Serve as a resource person for resolution of periodical problems. Assist in developing departm ental policies, procedures, and poals. Qualifications. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; know l­ edge of AACR2r, LCRIs, LCSH, and MARC form ats; fa m ilia rity w ith an automated catalog; excellent problem solving skills; a b ility to w ork both collaboratively and independently; strong interpersonal skills; good orga­ nizational and tim e management skills; fle x ib ility in carrying out assignments; good w ritte n and oral com­ m unication skills; and demonstrated potential for professional development and g ro w th . Desired. Cata­ loging in an academic or large public lib ra ry w ith an integrated lib ra ry system, w ith an online bibliographic u tility , preferably OCLC; and serial cataloging experience highly desirable. Salary. Minimum $32,500 for 11 months. Salary and academic rank dependent upon qualifications and p rio r experience. DEADLINE: Application review begins on A pril 16, 2 0 0 1, and continues u n til position is fille d . Anticipated s ta rt date: July 1, 2 0 0 1. FULL BENEFIT PACKAGE AVAILABLE. Complete job descriptions available at: h t t p : / / APPLICATION: Send cover letter, resume, and names and addresses of three professional references to: Ms. Jackie German, Adm inistrative Officer, Edmon Low Library, Okla­ homa State University. Stillwater, OK 7 4 0 7 8 -10 7 1. (405) 744-6324. jl g4 9 62@ okstate.e du Applicants in ­ vited fo r interview w ill be asked to make a presentation to Library faculty. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 351 DIRECTOR, LIBRARY SERVICES College of Marin C ollege of Marin is located in beautiful Marin C ounty, C alifornia, 12 miles north of the G olden G ate B ridge in San Francisco. T h e cam pus is situated in a lush setting of redw oods and greenery, and a view of Mt. Tam alpais is alm ost w ithin reach. C om bined with ou r com prehensive benefit package, y o u ’ll find this a very desirable place to be. C hoice of three health, dental, and vision plans. D istrict current m edical contribution per m onth is $603.96; $5 0,000 life insurance policy, A ccidental Death and D ism em berm ent insurance; long-term disability insurance fo r m ost m a nagem ent personnel. T w e nty-tw o days' paid vacation per year; 12 sick leave days pe r year; 16 holidays per year. C urrently w e are inviting applications fo r the follow ing m anagem ent position; D irecto r, L ib rary S ervice s A N N U A L S ALAR Y: $63, 2 8 6 -$ 7 7 , 833. APP LIC A T IO N D E AD LINE: Thursd ay, March 22, 2001, by 5:00 p.m. Please call (415) 48 5-95 67 (24 hours) o r e-m ail: hrjo bs@ m to receive a detailed job an noun cem e nt and required application materials. No faxes o r postm arks accepted. College o f Marin Is an affirmative action, equal employm ent opportunity employer. Dean, University Libraries N o rth eastern U niversity seeks a d y nam ic and innovative leader for the U niversity Libraries. R eporting to th e Provost a n d serving as a m em ber of th e D eans’ C ouncil, th e Dean of U niversity Libraries will serve as th e ch ie f advocate o f the L ibraries a nd will be responsible for the collections, p rogram s, and services of the Libraries. N orth eastern U niversity is a m ajor private u rb an research university founded in 1898, k n ow n for its professional education, liberal arts and sciences and cooperative e ducation program s. Located in Boston, th e U niversity enrolls ap proxim ately 19,000 full a n d p a rt-tim e u n d e rg ra d u a te and 4,500 g raduate and professional stu d e n ts in eight schools. T he U niversity Libraries have a co llection of 9 1 5,000 v olum es, in clu d in g 18,800 serial titles; 8 9 p e rm a n e n t staff, and an an n u a l b udget o f $8.3 m illion. N o rth ea stern U niversity is a m em ber of th e B oston Library C o n so rtiu m . The Position: The D ean will: • Provide visionary lead ersh ip and stro n g m an ag em en t for th e U niversity Libraries w hich includes the Snell Library and tw o b ranches; facilitate c o o rd in atio n w ith th e Law Library • Advocate for th e Libraries w ith intern al and external co nstituencies, including active fund-raising • Lead the Library team in settin g goals, estab lish in g priorities, and fostering collegiality Requirements: • An MLS from an ALA accredited pro g ram o r equivalent; advanced degree preferred • Five or m ore y ears o f successful, varied an d progressively responsible adm inistrative exp erien ce in a university library, in clu d in g g ran t and fund-raising • Ability to integrate new technologies w ith traditional library collections and services; dem onstrated know ledge of em erging inform ation resources • E xcellent m anagerial and c o m m u n icatio n skills • Ability to w ork collaboratively w ith faculty and staff at all levels in a complex and diverse environm ent F o r fu ll c o n s id e ra tio n , s e n d resu m e an d cov er le tte r b y M arch 16, 2001 to: E lizab eth H ab ich , C h air, Search C o m m itte e , A d m in istra tiv e S erv ices O fficer, N o r th e a s te r n U niversity, 3 2 0 S nell Library, 3 6 0 H u n tin g to n Avenue, B oston, MA 02 1 1 5 . P lease co n ta c t M argot L ansing a t L an sin g & A ssociates (7 8 1 ) 2 3 7 -1 7 5 4 o r lansing@ m ed ia o n e .n e t fo r f u rth e r in fo rm a tio n . N o r th e a s te r n is a n E q u al O p p o r tu n ity / A ffirm ative A ctio n , T itle IX Em ployer. 352 / C&RL News ■ March 2001 POPULATION RESEARCH Prin ceton Uni versity LIBRARIAN Princeton University The P rinceton U niversity Library’s general collectio n includes about 6 m illion p rinted volum es, as well as significa nt num bers of m icroform s, scores and records, electronic databases, and journals. Its holdings w ithin the D epartm ent of Rare Books and S pecial C ollectio ns are especially rich. The Library em ploys ap proxim ately 30 0 professional and sup port staff w orkers, as w ell as a large stud ent and hourly w orkforce. Library operations are divided a m ong 20 sites on cam pus, including a large central library. M ore inform ation m ay be found at the Library’s W eb site: http://libw eb .prin ceton .edu :200 3/. DE SC R IP TIO N : The Princeton U niversity Library see ks an en erge tic and innovative librarian to serve as P opulation R esearch Librarian. The candidate selected w ill join the team at the new ly op ened P ublic and International A ffairs and P opulation R esearch Library. The P ublic and International A ffairs and P opulation R esearch (P IAPR) Library includes the population research collection, w hich is com posed of 35,000 m onographs, 15,000 reprints, 4,5 00 m icrofilm s, 12,000 pam phlets, 300 journals, and m any electronic resources. The P rinceton U niversity Library has an overall c ollectio n of over 6 m illion volum es, 3 4 ,000 print journal subscriptions, and over 4,000 netw orked da tabases and electronic journals. The O ffice of Population R esearch (O P R ) at Princeton U niversity has been preem in ent in the field of form al dem ography, in pa rticular the d e velopm ent of the m odel life tables and stable population models. In recent years, the research po rtfolio of O P R has been broadened and now reflects grow ing involve m en t in areas such as population and environm ent, po verty and child well-being, health and m ortality, dem ograph y anthropology, social and econom ic dem ography, and statistical and m athem atical dem ography. Princeton O PR facu lty asso cia tes m aintain strong ties w ith other social scientists in P rinceton and throug hou t the world. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: O ur ideal can didate fo r this position w ill be a librarian w ith strong skills in the social science s and population studies, as w ell as e n thusiasm fo r new m ethods of organizing, accessing, and delivering inform ation and data resources. T he Population R esearch Librarian will be responsible fo r m anaging ongoing collection de velopm ent fo r the population research collection and, tog ethe r w ith the staff of the PIAPR Library, will also provide specialized reference service to O P R as w ell as social science (continued on next page) d e rs ta n d in g o f th e a p p lic a tio n o f c o m p u te r te c h n o lo g y in re feren ce a nd circula tio n se rvice s; d em on strate d ca p a city to le ad and m anage professional and support staff ; and the ability to organize and complete projects. Located in one o f the m a jo r o utd oo r recreational a reas in the S outheast, W estern C aro lin a U niversity is situated between the G reat S m o ky M o u n ta in s and th e B lu e R id g e M o u n ta in s. W h ile in a rural se ttin g , the u n ive rsity is o nly o ne hour from A she ville, N orth C arolina, a nd th re e h o u rs fro m A tla n ta . T h is is a 1 2-m on th, fa c u lty -ra n k , te n u re -tra ck p ositio n . S alary and a cad em ic rank are co m m e nsu ra te w ith q u a lific a tio n s . R e vie w o f a p p lic a tio n s w ill b e g in im m e d ia te ly. C a ndidates are encouraged to a pp ly as soon as possible to receive full c o n sid e ra tion . P osition a vailab le Ju ly 1 , 2 001. Please send a le tte r of a p p lic a tio n , re su m e, a nd n am es a nd p h o n e n u m b e rs o f th re e re fe r­ e n ce s to: C la rissa F isher, H u nte r Library, W e ste rn C a ro lin a U n ive r­ s ity, C u llo w h ee , NC 2 87 23 . W e s te rn C a ro lin a U n iv e rs ity is o n e of th e 16 s e n io r in stitu tio n s o f th e U n ive rsity o f North C a ro lin a and is an a ffirm a tive action, equal opp ortun ity em ployer. For an expanded posi­ tion description, see: http://ww inistration/ jobs/dps. EAST ASIAN STUDIES LIBRA RIAN. Indiana University Libraries, Bloomington. The Librarian fo r East Asian Studies serves as the interdis­ ciplinary collection and public services specialist fo r the countries co m ­ prising E ast A sia (China, Japan, Korea, Taiw an, and Hong Kong). Has liaison responsibility to the East Asian Languages and Cultures (EALC) department and the East Asian Studies Center(EASC), serving a constitu­ ency of 3 0 faculty, 45 graduate students, 60 undergraduate majors, and 40 double majors as well as alm ost 500 students w ho take 15 credits o r more in East Asian Studies. This position supports P h.D.’s in C hinese and Japanese as well a s a Ph.D. m in o r in East Asian Studies. Th e incum bent oversees the developm ent and preservation o f a collection o f 200,000 volum es in the vernacular languages (Chinese, Japanese, a n d K o re a n - CJK) as well as some 800 journal and newspaper subscriptions, managing a base collection budget o f about $110,000. Selects materials in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, working closely with five staff in Technical Services who o rd er and catalog these m aterials. S erves as a resource to other bibliographers who a cquire m aterials related to East Asian Studies in English o r other non-CJK languages to ensure that needs o f all users are met. Participates in national and international resource-sharing projects to highlight lU ’s collection strengths. Provides advanced reference service in East Asian Studies, prepares collection and resource guides, oversees W eb site, m akes determ inations a bout m aterials to tra nsfe r to off-site shelving, and recommends digital projects. Maintains collections budget and develops external funding opportunities including gifts and exchanges. Promotes Indiana University’s E a s t Asian library resources locally, re­ gionally, nationally, and internationally to encourage the ir use and recog­ nition, including assisting visiting scholars. Participates in relevant pro­ fessional associations. With appropriate credentials, has appointment as adjunct faculty to EALC department, teaching courses in scholarly informa­ tion and b ib lio g ra p h y o r o th e r a re a s o f e xp e rtis e . Q u a lific a tio n s : R e­ q u ire d : A L A -a c c re d ite d m a s te r's d eg re e in lib ra ry o r in fo rm a tio n s cie nce w ith g ra du ate w o rk in East A sia n s tu d ie s o r e q u iva le n t c o m ­ b in a tio n o f e d u c a tio n and e xp e rie n c e in an a ca d e m ic e n viro n m e n t. U n d e rsta nd in g of th e in form atio n n ee ds o f sch o la rs and th e a p p lica ­ tio n o f in fo rm a tio n te c h n o lo g ie s w ith in th e re se a rch e nv iro n m e n t. Flu e ncy in C h in ese o r Ja p a ne se w ith re a din g kn ow led g e o f the o th e r la n g u a g e in a d d itio n to b ib lio g ra p h ic p ro fic ie n c y in K o re a n . K n o w l­ e dg e o f the A sia n la ng u ag e b ook tra d e a nd p u b lish in g tre n d s. G ood E ng lish -la n gu a ge oral and w ritte n co m m u nicatio n skills. Proven a b il­ ity to w o rk in d e p e n d e n tly and co lle g ia lly in a co m p lex, ra p idly ch a n g ­ ing, a nd c u ltu ra lly d iv e rs e e nv iro n m e n t. A b ility to m e e t th e re q u ire ­ m e n ts o f a te n u re -tra c k a p p o in tm e n t. P re fe rre d: S eco n d a d va n ce d d eg re e w ith a fo c u s on E ast A sia . E xp e rie n ce in c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p ­ m e n t and m a n a g e m e n t. E xp e rie n ce in te a c h in g o r b ib lio g ra p h ic in- C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 353 (continued from previous page) service to all faculty and students using the new library. The Population Research Librarian will also participate in library bibliographic and electronic resources instruction and in m aintaining the PIAPR Library's W eb site. The Population Research Librarian will w ork closely with the OPR C om puter G roup and with Library Data Services staff to help ensure tha t access to electronic OPR data collections is m aintained through an appropriate approach to metadata and digital archiving. The Population Research Librarian reports to the Head of the Public and International Affairs and P opulation Research Library and w orks collaboratively with all the staff and with librarians throughout the library system. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: An ALA-accredited MLS degree or equivalent com bination of education and professional experience; educational background in the social sciences with at least a BA o r BS in a relevant field; w orking knowledge of at least one modern European language; dem onstrated knowledge of relevant W eb resources and html; and experience with a variety of electronic library and data resources, including knowledge of electronic num eric research data and the techniques of acquiring, organizing, and maintaining it. Preferred: Know ledge of dem ography and population research topics and knowledge of medical, demographic, and governm ent resources with em phasis on census and survey information. BENEFITS: Tw enty-four vacation days per year, plus 11 paid holidays. Medical and other benefits. SALARY AND RANK: Dependent upon experience and qualifications. NOMINATIONS A N D APPLICATIONS: Nom inations and applications sent to the address below. Candidates should subm it a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references. Review of applications w ill begin on April 1, 2001, and will continue until the position is filled. Search Comm ittee for Population Research Librarian Princeton University c/o Lila D. Fredenburg Library Human Resources One Washington Road Princeton, NJ 08544-2098 Princeton University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. struction. E xperience with CJK records and related tech n ical e xper­ tise. Salary and Benefits: Salary and rank are negotiable and com peti­ tive d e p en d en t upon q ua lific a tio n s and e x pe rie n ce. T h is is a tenure-track a cad em ic a p p ointm e n t th a t in clu de s e lig ib ility f o r sa b ­ batical le aves. B en e fits in clu de a u n ive rsity health care plan, T IA A ­ CREF retirem ent/annuity plan, group life insurance, and liberal vaca­ tion and s ick leave. T o A pp ly: R eview o f a p p lica tio n s w ill begin on March 5 , 2001. The position will remain open until filled. Send letter of application, professional vita, and the nam es, addresses, and phone numbers o f fo u r re fe re n ce s to: Y o lan da C o o p e r-B ird in e , Libraries Human R e sou rce s O fficer, Indiana U n iv ers ity L ib ra rie s, M ain Li­ brary 201 A, Bloomington, IN 47405; phone: (812) 855-8196; fax: (812) 855-2576; e-mail: ycooperb@ Forfurther information con­ cerning Indiana University: http://ww; o r employm ent oppor­ tunities a t the IUB Libraries: http://ww Indiana University is an a ffirm ative action, equal opportunity em ployer. ELECTRONIC ACCESS/SERIALS LIBRARIAN. Tenure-track (nine­ month) position a vailab le a t th e in stru cto r/a ssistan t p ro fe sso r rank. The Library seeks a creative, future-oriented, flexible individual who is experienced in an in teg ra ted o n line a cad em ic e n viron m e n t to plan, develop standards for, im plem ent, and evaluate a ccess to electronic journals and p rint subscriptions. Th e individual will be responsible fo r monitoring tre n d s in se ria ls, e le ctro n ic p u b lish in g, co p yrig h t, and licensing. M ust be knowledgeable a bout current standards and prac­ tices in acqu isitio n s and cataloging, including the integration o f both individual and aggregate collections of W eb-based resources into the library d a ta ba se. S he/he w ill co o rd in a te the se ria ls re vie w pro cess with the co lle ction d e ve lo pm en t co o rd in a to r and e valu a te potential electronic su bscriptio n s. T he su ccessfu l ca n d id ate w ill be re sp on ­ sible fo r c re a ting m e tad a ta reco rds f o r all e le ctro n ic s e ria ls using OCLC, MARC, LCSH, and LC as w e ll as a cqu iring lib ra ry m a terials utilizing the V oya g er A cquisitions Module, ve nd or W eb-based d ata­ bases, and the local autom ated purchasing system . Information S er­ vices a ctivities in clude proactive, innovative participation in develop­ ing m ethods to e nsu re th a t the library se ria ls co lle ction w ill m eet the n eeds o f the ca m p us com m unity, rem ote users, and consortial co n ­ stituencies with special em phasis on distributed education. Participa­ tion in reference rotation and liaison a ctivities with academ ic d epart­ m ents as d e sig n ate d w ill a lso be an a sp e ct o f th is p ositio n . The complete position description is posted at: libhom e.htm . Required: A LA -a ccre dite d MLS. P roven se ria ls c a ta ­ lo ging e xp e rie n ce u tilizin g an o nline in te g ra te d lib ra ry system , AAC R 2, LC, LCSH, O CLC. K no w le d ge o f M ARC fo rm a ts fo r b ib lio ­ g raphic and h old in g s data; expe rie n ce w ith a ll a spects o f e lectron ic jo u rn a ls; e xpe rie n ce w ith a n d /o r stud y o f m etad a ta stan d ards; o u t­ standing ana lytica l and p roblem -solving s k ills fo r in itia ting stra te g ic plans and carrying o u t projects; skills in foste rin g a cooperative w o rk e n viro n m e n t and m an ag in g a ra p idly ch an ging environ m e n t. P re ­ ferre d: Acad e m ic library experience; su pe rviso ry experience; refer­ ence and in stru ction al e xperience; e xpe rie n ce w ith ca ta lo ging and a cq u isitio n s m o d ule s o f V oya g er; e xp e rie n ce w ith a n d /o r stu d y of m etadata standards, W eb page creation; e xperience w riting reports with a relational database. Successful perform ance in an on-campus in terview , in clu din g a p re sen tatio n and e xcellen t w ritte n and oral com m unication skills required. Perceived a bility to work productively w ith s tu d e n ts and c o lle a g u e s required. Send le tte r o f a p p lica tio n, resum e, graduate and undergraduate tra nscripts (official tra nscripts w ill be n e ce ssary b efore h irin g ), and th e nam es, a d d re sses, and phone num bers of three references (one o f whom m ust be a current or p re viou s su p e rviso r) to: Lynn H offm ann, C h airp erso n , Ele ctron ic A cce ss/S e ria ls L ibrarian Search C o m m itte e, B ailey Library, S lip ­ p e r y R o c k U n iv e r s it y , S lip p e r y R o c k , P A 1 6 0 5 7 ;; phone: (724) 738-2666; fax: (724) 738-2661. 3 5 4 /C&RL News ■ March 2001 MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES LIBRARIAN University of California, Santa Barbara (Search Re-opened) The U niversity of California, Santa Barbaba, one of nine cam puses of the U niversity of C alifornia system , is seeking a M iddle Eastern S tudies Librarian. Reporting to the Area, Ethnic, and Gender S tudies C ollection C oordinator and w orking closely with the Principal C ataloger, the librarian w orks individually and as part of a team to provide reference, cataloging, bibliographic, and instructional services to students, faculty, staff, and the university com munity. Has responsibility fo r all aspects of collection m anagem ent and developm ent fo r assigned subjects, such as Islam ic and Near Eastern Studies. Liaison w ork includes collaboration with the C enter for M iddle East S tudies and the facu lty to prom ote and support interest in M iddle East S tudies throughout the university and the com m unity. Provides reference assistance and participates in the library’s instruction program . Has responsi­ bility fo r scheduled reference service in all social sciences and hum anities disciplines, research consultation, electronic reference, and online searching. Includes som e evening and w eekend assignm ents. W orking under the general direction of the Principal C ataloger, catalogs library m aterials in Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, and Turkish. Has responsibility fo r the developm ent and m aintenance of printed and electronic guides to specialized library resources. A LA -accredited MLS. S cholarly com petence in A rabic language as w ell as know ledge and understanding of M iddle East culture. R eading knowledge of Persian, Turkish, or H ebrew language. D em onstrated experience in reference, collection developm ent, and bibliographic instruction. C ataloging experience, including experience with LC classification, LCSH, LCRI, AAC R 2, and MARC form ats and fam iliarity with a bibliographic utility, preferably O C LC . Strong com m itm ent to excellence in public service and the ability to w ork effectively in a culturally diverse environm ent. D em onstrated initiative, flexibility, creativity, and the ability to handle m ultiple responsibilities. E vidence of an understanding of the publishing and book trade in the M iddle East as well as methods of acquiring m aterials. Ability to w ork e ffectively with faculty, students, staff, and the com m unity. Excellent oral, w ritten, and interpersonal com m unication skills. Hiring range is $42,780 to $63,840 based on qualifications and experience. Consideration of applications begins M arch 1 , 2001, and continues until the position is filled. Send resume and names and addresses of three references to: Detrice Bankhead A ssociate University Librarian Personnel, Davidson Library University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106 For the com plete jo b announcem ent, visit: http://w w w The University o f California is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and invites applications from a ll who meet the stated qualifications. R e vie w o f a p p lic a tio n s w ill b eg in M a rch 5 ,2 0 0 1 , and c o n tin u e until position is filled. Slippery Rock University o f Pennsylvania is a member of the S tate S ystem o f H igher E ducation and is an a ffirm a tive action, equal o pp ortun ity e m p loye r buildin g a diverse a cad em ic com m unity and e no u ra g e s m in o ritie s, w o m e n, ve te ra n s, and p erson s w ith d is­ a b ilitie s to a p p ly. Y ou can learn m o re a bo ut us on o u r W eb page at: HEA D LIB R A R IA N FO R T E C H N IC A L S ER VIC E S . D oes bein g a fa c u lty m e m b er in a vib ra n t, u se r-fo cu se d , tea m -m a n a g e d lib ra ry sound like w h at yo u ’re looking for? Are you creative, fle xible, innova­ tive, and have a sense of hum or? Do you have a sense o f the need fo r cooperation between T echnical S ervicesa n d P ublic Services? Does a position tha t encourages and supports professional confidence and se lf-re n e w in g le arning a ttra c t you? O w e ns L ibrary is lo oking fo r an expe rie n ced T echnical S ervices le ad e r w ho can help us m igrate to a new autom ated system and a statewide platform. T h is person will lead a nd e m p o w e r a w id e range o f su p p o rt staff; p ro vide p ro fe ssio na l guidance and m entoring fo r technical services, periodicals, archives, a n d governm ent docu m e nts; se rve a s an active member of the Leader­ ship Team ; and share expertise with the Collection M anagem ent team to a ssist in d e cision m aking fo r lib ra ry m a terials purcha ses. You w ill have an A L A -a ccre d ite d MLS w ith a t le a st fiv e ye a rs o f re le van t e xperience and p osseses knowledge o f the S uperintendent o f Docu­ ments, D ewey D ecim al, and L ibrary o f C ongress c la ssifica tion s sys­ tem s, Anglo-American cataloging rules, MARC form ats, and use of OCLC for cataloging and authority work. You should be computer adept and software savvy with demonstrated experience in automated library technical services operations. You will have strong communication, management, interpersonal, and problem-solving skills. Review of applications will begin on April 2 , 2001. The position is available July 2 , 2001, w ith 24 days of vacation annually; 16 days of sick leave; non-tenure faculty status; 12-month contract; and an annual salary o f $38,000 to $39,500. If interviewed, a presentation will be expected. For further information about Owens Library, check out o ur W eb site at: http://www.nwm Submit a letter, resume, unofficial transcripts, and the names, addresses, telephone num bers, and e-mail addresses o f three current references to: Vicki W ainscott, C h air o f Search Committee, Owens Library, Northwest Mis­ s o u ri S ta te U n iv e r s ity , M a ry v ille , M O 6 4 4 6 8 ; e -m a il: vickiw @ Northwest is an equal opportunity employer and encourages women and m inorities to apply. HEAD OF PUBLIC SERVICES. The Lydia M. Olson Library at Northern Michigan University seeks applicants fo r a Head o f Public Services. We C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 355 ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR TECHNICAL AND ACCESS SERVICES University of Michigan The U niversity L ibrary in vite s a p p lic a tio n s and n o m inatio ns fo r the po sitio n of A s s o c ia te D ire cto r fo r T e c h n ic a l and A c c e s s S ervices (TAS ). A d yn am ic lead er is s o u g h t to d ire c t th e TA S D ivision in th is era of c ha nging d e m and s g e nera ted by the grow ing a rra y of digita l re s o u rc e s , th e ra pid d e v e lo p m e n t of ne w p ro d u c ts and c ro s s div is io n a l c o lla b o ra tiv e processes, and th e eve r incre a sin g rate of pu b lic a tio n in all fo rm a ts . C and idate s s ho uld p o ssess kno w le dge and skills in m a naging change, risk ta k in g , plan ning , and inno vation , and provide a v ision fo r e v o lvin g s e rv ic e s in a large research library. DUTIES: Associate Director leads the Technical and A ccess Services (TAS) Division of the University Library, with its major functions of acquisitions, cam pus and fee-based docum ent delivery, interlibrary loan, metadata management, m onograph cataloging, preservation services, and serials operations. This adm inistrative position shares responsibilities for overall planning, budgeting, and decision making fo r the U niversity Library organization. Under the general direction of the Director of the University Library, the incum bent is responsible for overall planning, execution, and evaluation of TAS services. Responsibilities also include developing and sustaining optim al services and m eaningful collaborations with the Library’s Public Services Division, Digital Library Initiative, and other Library and University units. The incum bent directs the TA S Division’s adm inistration, policy developm ent, budget, com m unica­ tions, training, and professional activities. The position holds responsibility for the Library’s bibliographic architecture and relationships with relevant utilities and national organizations. The Technical and Access Services Division consists of 22 FTE librarians (5 of whom report directly to this position) 95 FTE support staff, and 13 FTE hourly staff. QUALIFICATIONS: A minimum of 10 years of substantial and dem onstrated successful m anagerial and adm inistrative experience in a large research library with an em phasis on technical services and library management; dem onstrated success in written and oral com m unication, strong interpersonal skills; record of successful experience with strong analytical skills, budgeting, and planning; knowledge and understanding of research library organization and interrelationship of divisions; sound grasp of current issues and trends facing research libraries including im pact of digital collections; knowledge and experience with library autom ation; and proven leadership in the profession. D em onstrated ability to w ork effectively with faculty, staff, and students in a multicultural and diverse environm ent RANK, SALARY, AND LEAVE: Rank of Librarian. Final salary dependent on qualifications and experience. Professional positions receive 24 w orking days of vacation a year and 15 days of sick leave with provisions for extended benefits. G enerous benefits package available. TO APPLY: Please send cover letter and copy of your resum e to: Lucy Cohen Library Human Resources Room 404, Hatcher G raduate Library North University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205 Please contact Library Human Resources at (734) 764-2546 fo r further information. APPLICATION DEADLINE: R eview of ap p lic a tio n s w ill begin on A pril 20, 2 0 0 1 , and c o n tin u e until the p o sitio n is filled. The University o f Michigan is a nondiscriminatory, affirmative action employer. 3 5 6 / C&RL News ■ March 2001 MEDIA SERVICES LIBRARIAN San Diego Community College District A ssistant Professor. San Diego M esa College, The San D iego C om m unity College D istrict seeks qualified applicants for a Librarian (M edia Services) at S an D iego Mesa College. T h e M esa C ollege Library is in a beautiful four­ story Learning R esources C enter serving 24,000 students. The college is seeking an experienced, know ledgeable, and forw ard-looking librarian to coordinate and develop library m edia resources, audiovisual and digital production services, video studio, and W eb site as well as participate in reference service, library instruction, book collection developm ent, and other cam pus and District com m ittees. C andidates should possess an A LA -accredited m aster’s degree in Library o r Information Science. Salary fo r this 12-month tenure-track position is $ 3 ,4 2 8 -$ 5 ,1 4 9 per m onth plus excellent be nefits. FILING D EAD LINE: April 13 , 2001. To obtain the required D istrict application, please call (619) 388-6580 or download our application: h ttp ://w w w .s d c c d .n e t/e m p lo y m e n t/. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. ASSOCIATE EDITOR UCLA The Latin American Center The Latin Am erican C enter, an organized research unit operating under the auspices of the Office of International S tudies and O verseas Program s at the U niversity of C alifornia, Los Angeles, seeks a librarian with experience in the editing of materials. The Hispanic Am erican P eriodicals Index (HAPI) is an aw ard-w inning bibliographic database and annual publication of the Center. Duties of the position include w orking with the oth er A ssociate E ditor to m anage day-to-day operations of the index and assisting the E ditor in planning, budgeting, m arketing, and docum entation. Regular duties include original indexing of articles w ritten in any of six W estern European languages, revision of the indexing of editorial assistants and off-cam pus contributors, and correspondence with contributors. Conducts online bibliographic research, proofreads, and helps oversee billing of online docum ent delivery requests. Q U A LIFIC ATIO N S: A cadem ic background in Latin Am erican studies or equivalent experience in w orking with Latin Am erican materials. A bility to read, analyze, and apply appropriate subject headings to scholarly inform ation w ritten in English, Spanish, and P ortuguese. Thorough knowledge of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and accentuation in these languages. S trong com puter and database searching skills. Excellent supervisory and interpersonal skills. S trong oral and w ritten com m unication skills. Must be detail-oriented. Background w ill norm ally include a professional degree from an accredited library and inform ation science graduate program. SALAR Y RANG E: $3 7,72 8-$ 52,3 56. Anyone w ishing to be considered for the position should w rite to: Barbara Valk UCLA Latin Am erican Center 10343 Bunche Hall, Box 951447 UCLA Los Angeles, CA 90095-1447 Phone: (310) 825-0180 Candidates applying by March 3 1 , 20 01, will be given first consideration. For full description of duties and qualifications and application procedures, see W eb site: w w w in/staffserv/ openposn.htm . C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 357 GEOLOGY AND DIGITAL MAPS LIBRARIAN Indiana University Libraries, Bloomington The G eology and Digital M aps Librarian is responsible for the leadership and overall m anagement of the G eology Library, including planning, supervising, and evaluating the library’s services, operations, and collections. D evelops the W eb site and provides biblio grap hic instruction and reference services. S elects m a terials based on the needs of current and future con stituen ts and de velops external fun ding op po rtu n itie s including grants, gifts, and exchanges. M akes de term in ation s ab out m a terials to tra n s fe r to off-site shelving. P rom otes the G eology L ib ra ry ’s re source s to e n coura ge th e ir use and re c o g n itio n . P a rtic ip a te s in re le vant profession al a s so cia tions. In c on sultation w ith sp e cia lists in the D igital Library P rogram and elsew h ere on cam pus, c oo rdina tes the Lib ra rie s ’ involve m en t in the creation, acq uisition, organiza tion, d e live ry, and a rchiving of digita l m aps and o th e r large sc ie n tific datasets. C oordina tes the Lib ra rie s ’ involve m en t w ith o th e r units on cam pus a ctive ly engaged in this en terp rise, including fac u lty and students in geography, anthropology, political science, and at research centers (e.g., the NSF-funded project on global change), using GIS and rem ote sensing. The incum bent is expected to be c on versan t in GIS a p plication s and to recom m end the ap prop riate role fo r the Librarie s on cam pus in the provision of softw are, hardw are, and te c h n ic a l e x p e rtis e to acc e s s and a rc h iv e ge o s p a tia l info rm atio n. T o g e th e r w ith the G eo gra phy/M aps Librarian, investigates and implements new ways to manage and provide services to repositories of printed and digital maps. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited degree in library or information science with a university degree in a scientific discipline or equivalent combination of education and experience. Knowledge of scholarly information trends in the physical sciences. Ability to w ork independently and collegially in a complex, rapidly changing, and culturally diverse environment. Strong analytical and quantitative skills. Excellent oral, written, and graphic com munication skills. Experience in managing library operations. Ability to meet the requirements of a tenure-track appointment. Preferred: Second advanced degree in relevant subject area. Collection developm ent experience in a scientific discipline. Experience with geospatial data management and metadata standards and practices. Preference will be given to candidates who are fam iliar with GIS software and have additional technology experience, including SGML/XML, skills in the uses and applications of database systems, programming languages and NT or UNIX operating systems, and metadata and digital imaging. SALARY AND BENEFITS: Salary and rank are negotiable and competitive dependent upon qualifications and experience. This is a tenure-track academic appointm ent that includes eligibility for sabbatical leaves. Benefits include a university health care plan, TIAA-CREF retirement/annuity plan, group life insurance, and liberal vacation and sick leave. TO APPLY: Review of applications will begin on March 1 2 , 2001. The position will remain open until filled. Send letter of application, professional vita, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of four references to: Yolanda Cooper-Birdine Libraries Human Resources Officer Indiana University Libraries Main Library 201A Bloomington, IN 47405 Phone: (812) 855-8196 Fax: (812) 855-2576 E-mail: For further information concerning Indiana University, visit: h ttp ://w w w .iu b .e d u l (Geology Library) (employm ent opportunities at IUB Libraries) Indiana University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. 358 / C&RL News ■ March 2001 FOUR POSITIONS AVAILABLE George Mason University The University Libraries of George Mason U niversity (GMU) seeks to fill the follow ing four positions: In fo rm a tio n T e ch n o lo g y /E n g in e e rin g R e fe re n c e /L ia is o n Lib rarian P ublic and International A ffa irs R eference/Liaison Librarian Q U ALIFIC ATIO N S: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Preferred: advanced subject degree in appro­ priate discipline or dem onstrated knowledge in appropriate subject area; reference experience; experience in collection developm ent, instruction, and electronic reference sources. Salary com petitive, com m ensurate with experience, from a m inim um of $35,000. M u lti-M ed ia and Liaison Librarian fo r In terd is cip lin ary P rogram s Q UALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Preferred: experience with new multi-m edia technologies as w ell as academ ic library reference/instruction, knowledge of W eb-based re­ sources and developm ent. Salary com petitive, com m ensurate w ith experience, from a minim um of $35,000. H ead, In terlib rary L o an /D ocu m ent D elivery D ep artm ent Q UALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; knowledge of O C LC interlibrary loan subsystem and docum ent delivery resource m anagem ent software (e.g., Clio, llliad); knowledge of interlibrary loan codes and protocols; supervisory experience. Preferred: experience in m anaging com plex operations; knowledge of national trends in interlibrary loan and docum ent delivery; strong com m unication skills. Salary com petitive, com m ensurate with experience, from a m inim um of $38,000. O ther specific requirem ents fo r each of the positions are available by visiting “ Em ploym ent O pportunities" on the GMU Libraries’ W eb site: A PPO IN TM EN T: 12-month professional faculty appointm ent. EXC ELLEN T BENEFITS: Health plan options and paid life insurance; several retirem ent plans, including TIAA-C R EF; 24 vacation days and 11 paid holidays; tuition w aiver for self. APPLICATIO N : Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses (including e-mail), and phone numbers of three current references to: Chair, Search Committee Library Administration, MSN 2FL George Mason University Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 Review of applications will begin M arch 30, 2001. AAJEEO employer; minorities are encouraged to apply. are seeking a versatile and dynamic person to lead library Public Services in aThinkpad® University environment-the first public university in Michi­ gan to embark on a “laptop campus” initiative. This position administers the Public Services o f Olson Library, which include the planning and supervi­ sion o f staff and activities o f Circulation, Interlibrary Loan, Reserves, Reference, Library Instruction, Reference Computer Services, Research Support Services, Documents and Maps, and Library Distance Education Services; provides reference and instruction as needed; and serves as a resource person to all Public Services units. Qualifications: ALA-accred­ ited m a ste r’s d egree; three to five ye a rs o f a ca d e m ic (co lle g e- or university-affiliated) library experience in a t least one Public Services a re a; e xp e rie n ce in co o rd in a tin g and su p e rvisin g P ub lic S ervices such as Interlibrary Loan, Circulation, Reference, Library Instruction, Reference C o m p u te r Services, o r Docum ents and M aps; reference and cla ssro om instruction e xperience; dem on strate d a b ility to work e ffe ctively with facu lty, stud e nts, and colle ag u es; e ffe ctive oral and w ritte n co m m u nicatio n skills. A second m a ste r’s deg re e is highly d esirab le . T h is is a full-tim e , 12-m onth te n u re -tra ck fa cu lty a pp oint­ m ent a t the A ssista n t P ro fe sso r level. Salary w ill be co m p etitive and com m ensurate with e xperience and qualifications. Send le tte r o f ap­ plication w ith résu m é , tra nscripts, and nam es o f a t le ast three refer­ e n ce s to: S ea rch C o m m itte e, Lydia M. Olson Library, N orthern M ichigan U n iv ers ity , 1401 P resque Isle A ven u e, M a rq ue tte, Ml 49855. L etters o f application m ust a ddress app lica n t’s q ualifications and e xperience w ith respect to this position. A pp lica n t review begins A p ril 16, 2 001, and co n tin u e s until the positio n is fille d . NMU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action e m p loye r and is strongly com m it­ ted to increasing th e d ive rsity of its facu lty. H EAD OF T H E SC IEN C E AND TE C H N O LO G Y LIB R A R Y. The U n ive rsity o f A kron L ibraries in vite s a p p lica tio n s fo r th e p ositio n of Head o f the S cie nce and T e ch n o lo g y Library. U n ive rsity Libraries seeks an experienced librarian to provide leadership and direction for th e S cience and T e ch n o lo g y Library. Th e S cie nce and T e chn o log y L ibrary (S and T) is lo cate d in the A uburn S cience and E ng ineering C e n te r and supports the program s of allied health, biology, chem istry, com p ute r science, engineering, geology, mathematics, nursing, phys­ ics, a nd p olym er scie nce . T h e S and T L ibrary is in volved in a $3.7 m illion e xpa nsion and renovation p ro je ct s la ted fo r c o m p letio n in spring 2002. T h is position w ill play a sig nifican t role in the im plem en­ ta tio n o f the n ew fa cility. R e sp o n sib ilitie s: Th e Head o f the Science and T e chn o log y L ibrary m ust provide cle ar vision and strong le ader­ s h ip and re p orts d ire ctly to th e Dean o f U n ive rsity L ibraries. A s a Department Head, the successful candidate will actively participate in the o verall m a n ag em en t o f the U n ive rsity L ibraries and in s tate and natio na l g ro up s as a p p ro pria te . H e /she m ust e ffe ctive ly m anage, adm inister, and supervise daily operation o f the library, which includes fo u r su pp ort staff and five p rofessional lib ra ria n s w ho are involved in reference service, collection development, and classroom instruction. The successful candidate must be an advocate fo r library users and library initiatives and play an active role in library wide planning, development, and delivery of services and resources. University and Community: The Univer- C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 359 EVELYN SCHNEIDER ENDOWED CHAIR FOR SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATION University of Louisville The University of Louisville(U of L) Libraries are seeking suitably qualified candidates for the newly created Evelyn S chneider Endowed Chair for Scholarly Communication. Under the leadership of the University Librarian (1999 ACRL Academic Librarian of the Year), the Libraries are a learner-centered, team-based organization. U of L is K entucky’s m etropolitan university serving 21,000 students in the largest urban area in the state. For full details, see http://w w w Responsibilities are to provide leadership and guidance on issues related to scholarly c om m unica­ tion, copyright, licensing, and fair use; in matters of copyright, ownership, and fa ir use; in regard to scholarly com m unication issues including the developm ent of an appropriate W eb site, educational forums, and other com m unications and training as related to academ ic and research libraries; will negotiate license agreem ents with vendors of online resources acquired by the libraries; dissem i­ nate, educate, and prom ote perm issible use of proprietary and licensed library resources to librarians and library staff, and to users of the libraries' online resources. In cooperation with other campus offices and state organizations, will represent the libraries in the developm ent of University policy related to intellectual property and user privacy issues; assist in shaping state and national policies related to scholarly com m unication to ensure that scholars, students, and libraries retain legal protection under copyright and fair use in the digital information environm ent; assist with statewide initiatives in the use and licensing of online and digital databases and resources. QUALIFICATIO NS: ALA-accredited MLS and/or JD; m inim um of five years of progressively responsible experience in an academ ic institution o r library related to scholarly com munication, intellectual property (especially copyright), and licensing issues in the digital environm ent; docu­ mented record of accom plishm ent with legal issues associated with intellectual property as applied to electronic information resources; dem onstrated ability to represent the interests of the academic com munity in scholarly com m unication issues, scholarly inquiry, instruction, publishing, and fair use; excellent interpersonal skills; ability to com m unicate clearly, knowledgeably, and personably, orally and in writing, with faculty, researchers, students, and academ ic adm inistrators; significant involvement in appropriate professional organizations; qualifications necessary for appointm ent at the rank of professor, including research and other scholarly achievem ent; ability to w ork collaboratively in a team environm ent; and ability to w ork independently. SALARY RANGE: $5 5,00 0-$ 75,0 00. A cadem ic position with a renewable term (non-tenure) contract. The successful candidate will be expected to be active in research, scholarship, and service. Applications received by March 30, 2001, will be given full consideration in the initial screening. Applications accepted until the position is filled. A nticipated start date June 1 , 2001, or earlier. Subm it a letter of application, resume, graduate transcripts (unofficial acceptable for screening), and names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references to: Deborah B. Hawley Libraries Personnel Officer University of Louisville 203 Ekstrom Library Louisville KY 40292 Phone: (502) 852-8708; fax: (502) 852-7394; e-mail: Richard D. Clover, Search C om m ittee Chair, (502) 852-5498. U o f L is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer committed to cultural diversity. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. sity of Akron (UA) is the third-largest state-assisted university in Ohio. UA's 10 academic colleges offer 24,000 students more than 300 under­ graduate and m a ste r’s d eg re e pro gra m s and optio ns, 17 d octoral degree program s, and fo u r law deg re e p rogram s. U nive rsity L ibrar­ ies is a fo u n din g m em b er and a ctive p a rticipa n t in O hioLIN K , a consortium o f 79 college and university libraries in Ohio. Located in a metropolitan area of 500,000 people 30 miles south o f Cleveland, The University o f Akron (w w w has the advantages o f city life and co m b ine s the m w ith the a re a ’s e xcep tion a l n atural resources. Q ualifications: R equired: A LA -accredited m a ster’s degree in library and /or inform ation science; five ye ars' relevant, increasingly respon­ sib le lib ra ry expe rie n ce; d em on strate d su ccess in su p e rvising fu ll­ tim e em ployees and in leadership; excellent interpersonal, com m uni­ cation, and organizational skills; strong service orientation; the ability to w o rk creatively in a challenging and rapidly changing environment; w illin g n e ss to w o rk a fle x ib le sch ed ule if n eeded; e xpe rie n ce w ith 360 / C&RL News ■ March 2001 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE University of Missouri-Columbia The U niversity of M issouri-C olum bia (MU) seeks qualified applicants fo r the positions of Head, C atalog D epartm ent and A ssistant Head, A cquisitions Departm ent. MU was established in C olum bia in 1839. It is one of the five m ost com prehensive universities in the nation, with over 250 degree programs. The MU Libraries belong to ARL, serve a student body of 22,000+ and a faculty of 1,800 with a collection of 3 million volum es and 6.45+ million microform s. Head, C atalog D epartm ent Principal responsibilities include providing leadership in the organization of inform ation and access to the collections of the MU Libraries. W orks under the general direction of the A ssociate D irector for T echnical Resource System s and Services (TRSS). Specific duties include directly supervising staff (five librarians, 17.25 FTE staff, a G raduate Library A ssistant, and students) and fostering a creative and cooperative w ork environm ent; supervising the creation of high-quality bibliographic records fo r m onographic and serial w orks in all media, including electronic resources; overseeing the developm ent and evaluation of w ork processes; m aintaining current know ledge of the developm ent of national cataloging standards, advances in technology, and trends in academ ic librarianship; proposing new initiatives as appropriate; serving as a m em ber of the TR S S M anage­ ment Group and participating in the developm ent and im plem entation of divisional goals, policies, and procedures as well as representing MU in m eetings of appropriate policy groups at the university­ wide level; and accepting cataloging assignm ents and creating bibliographic records on a regular basis. R E Q U IR EM EN TS; R equires a minim um of a m aster’s degree from an A LA -accredited program and a m inim um of fo u r yea rs' professional experience in bibliographic control in an academ ic or research library. D em onstrated ability to m anage and provide leadership, including the ability to engage staff in a continual process of change and im provem ent. S uperior oral and w ritten com m unication skills. A dvanced knowledge of national cataloging standards, the principal tools and system s used to create bibliographic records, and current trends in the application of technology to the cataloging process. Strong service orientation and an aw areness of end-user needs as the y affect cataloging policies and procedures. Flexibility, creativity, and the potential to be successful and effective in a com plex, rapidly changing organization. Preferred qualifications include a record of participation in appropriate professional organizations at a national level; experience with Innopac; aw areness of issues and standards related to effective access to electronic texts, and to the digital library environm ent; knowledge of at least one W estern European language sufficient to do original cataloging of w orks in tha t language; skill in standard com puter applications software. (continued on next page) cu rre nt inform ation tech n olo g ie s and knowledge o f em erging trends. P referred: Expe rie n ce in a w id e range o f lib ra ry fu n ctio n s in clu din g a ccess services, collection developm ent, inform ation literacy, project m anagem ent, and lib ra ry re n ova tion ; a gra du ate o r und ergrad u ate d eg re e in scie nce , tech n olo g y, o r e n g in ee rin g ; e xpe rie n ce in an a cad em ic o r sp e cia l lib ra ry fo cu sin g on scie nce ; a second m a ster’s d eg re e; d em on strate d p o te n tia l to m e e t the L ib ra rie s’ te n u re and p rom otion requirem en ts; a record of in cre asing pro fe ssio na l c o n tri­ bution and achievem ent in professional associations and /or pub lica ­ tions. S alary/Appointm ent/Benefits: M inim um salary o f $45,000 fo r a 12-month tenure-track appointm ent with full faculty status and respon­ sib ilitie s. R ank and sa lary co m m e nsu ra te w ith q ua lific a tio n s and e xpe rie n ce. E xce lle n t b e n e fits, in clu din g 22 ann ua l va catio n days, excellent health and retirem ent plans, professional developm ent sup­ port and tuition fee rem ission fo r self and im m ediate fam ily. To Apply: P lease se nd le tte r o f a pp lica tio n s p e c ific a lly a dd re ssin g q u a lific a ­ tio n s fo r the p o sitio n ; c u rre n t v ita e o r resum e; nam es, add re sses, tele p h o n e n um bers, a nd e -m a il a dd re sses o f th re e re fe re n ce s to: Delm us E. W illiam s, Dean of U nive rsity Libraries, Th e University of A k ron, A kro n, OH 4 43 25 -1 7 01 . R e vie w o f a pp lic a tio n s w ill begin March 1 5 , 2001, and will continue until position is filled. T he University o f Akron is an equal education and em ploym ent in stitution. HEAD, S ER IA LS S E R VIC E S . U n ive rsity o f W e st F lo rid a Library. A va ila b le Ju ne 1 , 2 00 1. R e po rts to A ssociate D ire cto r o f U nive rsity L ib ra rie s. R e sp o n sib ilitie s in clu de m an ag in g a ll fu n c tio n s o f the S e ria ls unit, in clu din g a c qu isitio n s, ca ta lo g in g , co lle ctio n d e ve lo p ­ m ent, collection m aintenance, and public services related to both print and electronic se ria ls collections; supervising sta ff o f a pproxim ately fiv e p ara p ro fe ssio na ls plus stud e nt a ssistan ts; oversee in g a ll fisca l re sp on sib ilitie s relating to se ria ls; co ordin a ting se ria ls se rvice s with o th e r library units; recom m ending goals, objectives, policy, and bud­ get related to all a spe cts o f se ria ls se rvice s; d e v e lo ping p lan s and reports related to se ria ls; p articipating in library cataloging activities; serving as the principal library co nta ct with serials vendors; interpret­ ing se ria ls policies and serving as liaison to patrons, faculty, and staff; and nurturing a service-oriented environment. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; successful managem ent and supervisory experience; knowledge of, o r interest in learning, serials cataloging and serials operations; awareness of basic cataloging tools; ability to work effectively and enthusiastically in a service-oriented, com­ puter-intensive environment; a strong com m itm ent to service and team ­ work; effective communication and problem-solving skills; and successful experience with library automation. Preferred: Experience in an academic o r research library, preferably relating to serials; ability to provide leader­ ship in a continual process of technological advancement; and knowledge of and interest in the creative use of technology in delivering serials services. Salary: $36,000 minimum, commensurate with experience. Clos­ ing Date: April 13, 2001. Benefits: Faculty status (non-tenure-earning), 22 days’ vacation, 13 days' sick leave, partially paid health insurance, optional retirement systems, no state or local income taxes. Environment: The University of W est Florida, one o f 10 institutions in the State University System, is located on a 1,000-acre nature preserve adjacent to the city of Pensacola. The library serves over 8,000 students, with a collection o f over 600,000volumes and 3,000 serials subscriptions and numerous electronic databases. Staff includes 16 librarians and 27 support personnel. See our C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 361 (continued from previous page) MINIMUM S ALAR Y: Librarian II: $37,500; Librarian III: $45,500 for 12 months com mensurate with education and experience. Benefits include vested retirement after five years, University medical benefits package, and other normal fringe benefits including 75% tuition waiver. SCREENING BEGINS: April 6 , 2001. AVAILABLE: July 1, 2001. A ssistant Head, A cquisition s Principal responsibilities include assisting in all aspects of m anagement of the Acquisitions department, which consists of four functional units: monographic orders, serials orders and claiming, serials check-in, and physical processing. The departm ent is responsible for managing a $4.5 million budget. Reports to the Head of Acquisitions. S pecific duties include directly supervising four full-tim e support staff who order and receive monographs and provide DLC cataloging where appropriate; insuring that monographic funds are spent appropriately and evenly throughout the year; w orking with subject selectors as needed to ensure orders are correct; making vendor selections for, and placing orders for, difficult-to-order monographs and working with monographic vendors, including approval plan vendors, to ensure consistent service; responding to queries from vendors and publishers; functioning as department head as needed; and serving on librarywide committees and task forces. REQUIREMENTS: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program; excellent organizational, analytical, and problem -solving skills; and strong com munication and interpersonal skills. Preferred qualifications include experience in acquisitions and/or cataloging; knowledge of one or more foreign languages; experience with various office-related com puter applications and the World W ide Web. MINIMUM SALARY: Librarian I: $28,500; Librarian II: $31,000 for 12 months com mensurate with education and experience. Benefits include vested retirement after five years, University medical benefits package, and other normal fringe benefits including 75% tuition waiver. SCREENING BEGINS: April 6,2001. AVAILABLE: July 1, 2001. Send letter of application, resume, and the names and addresses of three references to: Leo Agnew 104 Ellis Library University of Missouri-Columbia Columbia, MO 65201-5149 For ADA accommodations during the application process, please call (573) 882-4701. Relay Missouri users call through (800) 735-2966. EEO/AA, M/F/D/V. homepage fo r additional information: Application Procedure: Send a letter o f application, resume, and names, mail and e-mail addresses, telep ho n e num bers (fax num bers if available) of three references to: Peggy Toifel, Chair, Serials Search Committee, John C. Pace Library, University of W est Florida, 11000 University Parkway, Pensacola, FL 32514-5750. An equal opportunity/access, affirmative action employer. INFORMATION AND COM PUTER LITERACY INSTRUCTOR . State U niversity of New Y ork College at Cortland, M emorial Library. Reporting to the C o ordina tor o f Instruction, this person w ill p a rtici­ pate in the developm ent and teaching o f coursework tha t introduces students to basic information and com puter literacy skills and tea ch ­ ing courses in the C om p ute r A pp lica tio ns M inor Program; w ill w o rk closely with the College community to develop a campuswide program of information technology services and resources; daytim e reference service is a part o f th is position. R equired Q ua lifica tio ns: A LA ­ accredited M L S oroth er appropriate master's degree and teaching or training experience; demonstrated knowledge o f and experience with Windows a n d /o r M acintosh com puting e nvironm ents; Internet and Internet access tools; expertise in word processing, database so ft­ ware, spreadsheets, and presentation software. Expertise and knowl­ edge in program m ing languages preferred, e specially Visual Basic and/or JAVA. R eview of a p p lica tio ns w ill begin im m ed ia tely and continue until the position is filled. Projected start date is June 1 , 2001. Rank and salary commensurate with experience. Submit letter, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers o f five references to: Gail Wood, D irecto r o f Libraries, SUNY Cortland, P.O. Box 2000, Cortland, NY 13045. SUNY Cortland is an AA/EEO/ADA em ployer. We have a strong commitment to the affirmation of diversity and have interdisciplinary degree programs in the areas of multicultural studies. IN STR U C T IO N A L TEC H N O LO G Y LIBRA RIAN. M orehead State U niversity seeks a bright, self-m otivated, and tech n olo g y-sa w y in di­ vid ua l to fill the position of Instructional Te chn o log y L ibrarian. The successful candidate w ill be hired at the rank of Librarian I. Respon­ sibilities: Assists with the developm ent, implementation, and assess­ ment of electronic instructional resources including W eb-based tuto­ rials and online library guides; oversees operation of Learning Tech­ nology Lab, providing assistance to students and facu lty in develop­ m ent o f m ultim edia products; and participa tes in reference service, bibliographic instruction, and collection developm ent. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution by appointment date; experi­ ence in the use o f PCs, p resentation softw are, W eb page authoring software, and multim edia-related equipment; advanced knowledge of W eb tech n olo g ie s; a b ility to w o rk well with facu lty, students, and colleagues; and excellent w ritten and oral com m unication skills. De­ sired Qualifications: Training and experience in instructional technol­ ogy and design; expertise using M icroso ft O ffice 2000 softw are; experience with oth e r softw are such as Abobe Photoshop, Acrobat, Exchange Prem iere, and scanning softw are including g raphics and OCR; dem onstrated tim e-managem ent and organizational skills; and experience in a public services area of an academ ic library. Review of applications w ill begin April 1 3 , 2001, and w ill continue until position is filled. To apply, submit a letter of application, resume, and three refer­ ences to: Office of Human Resources, Attn: Instructional Technology 362 / C&RL News ■ March 2001 ELECTRONIC RESOURCES LIBRARIAN The University of South Florida USF is a com prehensive, m etropolitan state university, serving more than 34,000 students in nine colleges on fou r cam puses in Tam pa, Lak Petersburg, and Sarasota. Am ong the top research universities in the state. USF offers degree program s in 79 undergraduate disciplines, 89 m aster's and specialist program s, and 26 doctoral fields, and has a faculty of m ore than 2,000. POSITION: Reporting directly to the Collection M anagem ent D epartm ent Head, the Electronic R esources Librarian has prim ary responsibility for electronic journals and contributes to the developm ent of the USF Library S ystem ’s regionally recognized electronic collections. R E SPO N SIBILITIES: C ollection review, including cost/benefit analysis; integration of electronic print and microform collections; e-journal collection m aintenance; identification of electronic journals for acquisition; developm ent of an e-journal archiving strategy; and prelim inary review of license agreem ents. MINIM UM Q U ALIFIC ATIO N S: A m aster's degree from an ALA -accredited school of Library and Information Science is required. PREFER R ED Q U A LIFIC ATIO N S: D em onstrated experience with one or m ore of the follow ing: collection developm ent; m anagem ent of serials in electronic and traditional form ats; electronic collections; cost/benefit analysis; academ ic libraries; knowledge of standard business practices and licensing term s. Experience w orking with diverse and m ulticultural user populations; a record of scholarly achievem ent/publication; and a record of public and professional service are desirable. SALAR Y AND BENEFITS: Salary and rank d ependent upon years of post-m aster’s experience and record of scholarly achievem ent and service. Salaries for Instructor Librarians begin at $30K. Librarians are 12-month, non-tenured faculty with 22 d a y s ' vacation and 13 days sick leave annually; TIAA -C R E F or other retirem ent options and insurance benefits. For more information on this position, the USF Libraries, or the U niversity of South Florida, please visit: h ttp ://w w w .lib .u s f.e d u /v irtu a l. A PPLICATIO N PRO CEDURE: Send a letter of application, vita, and names, telephone num bers, and e-mail addresses of three references by March 31, 2001, to: Todd Chavez, Human Resources Librarian University of South Florida 4202 E. Fowler Avenue, LIB 122 Tampa, FL 33620-5400 (813) 974-4592; (813) 974-5153 fax USF is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, and equal access institution. For disability accommodations, contact Todd Chavez a t (813) 974-4592, TDD (813) 974-9874, a t least five working days in advance o f need. eland, St. Librarian #582, Morehead State University, HM 101, Morehead, KY 40351. MSU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. P R O D U C T C O N S U L T A N T . O n lin e C o m p u ter L ib rary C enter, Inc. (O CLC ) is an innovative, high-tech library com puter services and re se arch o rg a n iz a tio n th a t cre a te s sta te -o f-th e -a rt o n lin e se rvice s and so ftw a re used by m ore than 3 8,000 lib ra rie s in 76 co un trie s and te rrito rie s aro un d the w o rld . W e a re cu rre n tly se e kin g a M ARS P ro d u ct C o nsu lta nt f o r o u r beautiful Lacey, W ashington location. You w ill a ct as le ad a ccou nt m a n a g e r fo r M ARS (M AR C R ecord Service) authority control, database conversion, record enrichm ent, and updat­ ing se rvice s by cre a ting sa les o p p o rtu n itie s and a ssistin g in p ricin g form u la tio n , p lan n in g, and p o licy. S in ce M ARS is a fle x ib le and com prehensive product that accom m odates the needs of every type of library, you w ill co nta ct large research in stitutio ns and sm a lle r public or special lib raries. Th e selected candidate m ust posses a b achelor’s d eg re e in M a rke tin g , B usine ss, a n d /o r S ales; an MLS fro m an A LA ­ accredited library school; marketing experience, preferably 2 - 5 years in the library market; and excellent verbal and w ritten com m unication skills. For c o n sid e ra tio n , plea se su b m it y o u r rés u m é w ith sa lary re quirem ents— in dicatin g Job C ode 03-001 — to: O CLC, C orporate H um an R e sou rce s, 656 5 Fra n tz Road, D u blin, OH 4 30 17 -3 3 95 ; jo b line : (614) 764 -6 06 0 o r (800) 848-5878 ext. 6060; fa x:(6 1 4) 7 98 ­ 5718; e -m ail: jo b s @ o c lc .o rg ; or co m p le te the O C L C E m p loym en t App lica tio n online. P lease a ccess o u r W eb site fo r more inform ation at: w w w .o c lc .o rg . O C L C is an equal o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo ye r and is actively seeking m inority candidates fo r these positions. R E FE R E N C E LIB R A R IA N I. C o n co rd ia U n ive rsity is se e kin g an e n e rg e tic in d ivid u a l to se rve as a fu ll tim e R e feren ce Lib rarian . R e sp o n sib ilitie s in clu de a ssistin g s tud e nts, fa cu lty, and s ta ff w ith lib ra ry re so urce s, d e ve lo p in g lib ra ry s e rvice s fo r rem ote users, staffin g the re feren ce desk, and serving as a fa cu lty liaison. Q u a lifi­ ca tion s in clu de MLS, M LIS, o r e q u iva le n t deg re e (second m aster’s in E du ca tion o r P s ych o lo g y p re fe rre d ), e x p e rie n ce w ith e le ctro n ic re so urce s (E R IC is a m u st), a ca d e m ic lib ra ry e xpe rie n ce, and a co m m itm e n t to L uth eran e du catio n a nd va lu e s c o n g ru e n t w ith the Lutheran Church. E xcellent custom er service skills are a must. P osi­ tion in clu de s one even in g a w e ek and w eeke n d rotation. C oncordia U niversity is a Christian in stitution, owned by The Lutheran C h u rc h - C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 363 DATA SERVICES P rin ce to n U niversity SPECIALIST Princeton University The Princeton University Library’s general collection includes about 6 million printed volumes, as well as significant numbers of microforms, scores and records, electronic databases, and journals. Its holdings within the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections are especially rich. The Library employs approxim ately 300 professional and support staff workers, as well as a large student and hourly workforce. Library operations are divided among 20 sites on campus, including a large central library. More information may be found at the Library’s W eb site: AVAILABLE: Immediately. DESCRIPTION: This position has two components. The major component is providing consulting services for undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty who use machine-readable data and various forms of related statistical analysis in a variety of academic disciplines, particularly economics, sociology, and politics. This includes retrieving/manipulating complex data from a variety of physical sources, including CD-ROMs and Internet archives; transferring data between platforms for use in multiple computing environments, including UNIX and W indows; providing extracts/tables based on elec­ tronic data, including government census/survey data and public opinion polls. The following duties are also important: providing assistance in choice, application, and interpretation of quantitative techniques; engaging in individual consultation, group instruction, and creation of documentation; evaluating and designing end-user systems and Web-based access tools; and developing data extraction routines in statistical packages and via Web CGI, Perl, Scripts, and other tools as appropriate. The second com ponent is maintaining efficient operability of the Data and Statistical Services Lab, with duties that include installation, back-up and testing of new software, configu­ ration of machines, removing obsolete/inappropriate files, and maintaining the hard disks. The Data Services Specialist reports to the Head, Social Science Reference Center. For more detail on Data and Statistical Services, consult: QUALIFICATIONS: Required: B achelor’s degree and background in com puting and q u antita tive data an alysis with expertise in at least one m ajor s tatistica l package (e.g., SAS, SPSS, S plus, or Stata). Preferred: A dvanced degree in a q u antita tive social science or eq uivalen t experience and/or MLS from an A LA -accredited school; experience in using com plex m a chine-rea dable data; program m ing ability; and fa m ilia rity w ith UNIX and m icro com p uter environm ents. D em onstrated ability and experience fun ctioning succe ssfully in a fast-pace d environm ent w ith a strong service orientation. BENEFITS: Twenty-four vacation days per year, plus 11 paid holidays. Annuity program (TIAA-CREF), group life insurance, health coverage insurance, and disability insurance. SALARY AND RANK: Dependent upon qualifications and experience. Position may be a Librarian position or a Professional Technical Staff position. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the job is filled. Nominations and applications (resume and names, titles, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to be contacted) should be sent to: Search Committee for Data Services Specialist c/o Lila Fredenburg, Human Resources Librarian Princeton University Library One Washington Road Princeton, NJ 08544 Princeton University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Missouri Synod. W e o ffe r an e xcellen t benefits package, including health, dental, retirement, and tuition reimbursement. Minimum salary is$30,000. The position will remain open until a qualified candidate is found. For im m ediate co nsideration, please forw ard co ver letter, resume, and three references to: Pam Chrusciel, Director o f Human Resources, Concordia University, 7400 Augusta Street, River For­ est, IL60305; fax: (708)209-3176; e-mail: EOE/M/F. REFERENCE LIBRA RIAN. M ontgom ery College. To prom ote and support student learning, it is the responsibility of the reference library 364 /C&RL News ■ March 2001 HEAD OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS University of South Florida USF is a com prehensive, m etropolitan state university, serving more than 34,000 students in nine colleges on four cam puses in Tampa, Lakeland, St. Petersburg, and Sarasota. Among the top research universities in the state, USF offers degree program s in 79 undergraduate disciplines, 89 m aster’s and specialist programs, and 26 doctoral fields, and has a faculty of more than 2,000. POSITION: Reporting to the D irector of the Tam pa Campus Library, the Head of Special C ollections is responsible for the developm ent, management, and leadership of the Special Collections and University Archives units. RESPONSIBILITIES: The position has responsibility fo r managing public services for Special C ollections; w orking closely with library faculty, the Director of Library Advancement, and the University at large to acquire collections that support the U niversity’s curricular and research interests; serving as a spokesperson and liaison to Library and university adm inistration, profes­ sional, and scholarly organizations, faculty, staff, students, and the general public In advancing the status of special collections; space management; collection developm ent; supervision of conser­ vation and preservation of rare materials; and personnel supervision MINIM UM QUALIFIC ATIO N S: A m aster’s degree from an A LA-accredited school of Library and Information S cience or a Ph.D. in the Social Sciences or Humanities is required. A dditional minimum qualifications include eight (8) years post-m aster’s/doctoral, progressively responsible experience in m anaging special collections; experience in building collections of archival o r special collections materials; successful supervisory experience; ability to provide leadership in a collegial m anner in an ever-changing environm ent; working knowledge of the use of the Internet and W eb-based technologies in higher education and academ ic libraries. PREFERRED Q UALIFICATIO NS: A dvanced degree in history, American literature, or related disci­ pline; experience w orking with special and/or archival collections in an academ ic environm ent; background in and knowledge of rare books; dem onstrated knowledge of and interest in Florida history; strong scholarship and service credentials com m ensurate with qualifications fo r the rank of full U niversity Librarian. SALARY AND BENEFITS: Minimum salary of $45,000, negotiable based on experience relevant to the library’s mission. Librarians are 12-month, non-tenured faculty with 22 days' vacation and 13 days' sick leave annually; TIAA-C R EF or other retirem ent options and insurance benefits. THE LIBRARY: The USF Library, located in Tampa, is the main research library for the multicampus USF Library System and offers extensive print and electronic resources to campus, com munity, and remote users. The Special Collections, with more than 1 million items, holds major collections of Floridiana, rare maps, 19th Century Am erican literature and children’s books, manuscripts, and University archives. An expanding Florida history collection docum ents the area’s business, political, social, and fam ily life. The staff is com posed of tw o librarians, one archivist, tw o support positions, and graduate and student assistants. For m ore information on this position, the Library, o r the University of South Florida, please visit: http://w w w APPLICATIO N PROCEDURE: Send a letter of application, vita, and names, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references by March 31, 2001, to: Todd Chavez, Human Resources Librarian University of South Florida 4202 E. Fowler Avenue, LIB 122 Tampa, FL 33620-5400 (813) 974-4592; (813) 974-5153 fax USF is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, and equal access institution. For disability accommodations, contact Todd Chavez a t (813) 974-4592, TDD (813) 974-9874, a t least five working days in advance o f need. facu lty to provide and dissem inate inform ation se rvice s in support of the co lle ge ’s m ission. R eference se rvice s m ay include developing, cre a ting , o r im proving a ccess to a va rie ty o f reso urce s and services o r acquiring instructional m aterials. R equirem ents: M aster’s degree in lib ra ry scie n ce fro m an A LA -a ccre dite d in s titutio n; te a ch in g o r training experience preferred; reference experience using electronic and p rint resources; dem onstrated com petence with HTM L and pro­ d u ctivity so ftw a re ; stro ng in stitu tio n a l se rvice o rie nta tion including dem onstrated experience with diverse populations; excellent written and oral com munication skills; ability to teach and work collaboratively C&RL News ■ March 2 0 0 1 / 365 DIGITAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN Drake University, Cowles Library DRAKE AND C OW LES LIBRARY: Drake University is a com prehensive, selective university with an innovative student-centered curriculum that blends the liberal arts with professional training. Cowles Library has established itself as a cam pus leader in the developm ent and deploym ent of knowledge resources in the electronic format. Building on a strong heritage of student-focused user services and collections, the library is developing and evolving both a policy context and an operational structure for the delivery of digital content. O ver the next several years, the library will be pursuing a set of initiatives intended to more fully realize the potentials for using electronic resources. RESPONSIBILITI ES: The library seeks a proactive professional to initiate, lead, and undertake projects that make use of digital library resources and services, leading to their effective integration as part of the student learning experience. This individual will w ork in a highly collaborative environm ent with other librarians, focused on a close partnership with teaching faculty to achieve three primary goals: 1) assessm ent of em erging instructional needs; 2) developm ent and delivery of new learning opportunities with technology and digital content; and 3) promotion of library services and resources. This individual will have the technical knowledge to create, design, and organize W eb sites and other electronic tools for mediation of content and library services. This person will report to the Director, Operations and Systems, and will work closely with all of the library’s operational teams. The position will also include a Collection Development assignm ent and limited service desk duty. Participation in professional activities is strongly encouraged and supported. QUALIFICATIONS: Degrees: ALA-accredited MLS highly preferred; candidates holding an ad­ vanced degree in a related area such as Instructional Design, Information Science, or C omputer Science accompanied by relevant library experience will also be considered. Required: Strong fam iliarity with library electronic resources; demonstrated knowledge of information use patterns of users and how its effective organization can facilitate teaching and learning; demonstrated knowledge of HTML, coding practices; experience in building database-integrated dynamic Web sites; com mand of site managem ent and assessm ent tools and gateway/interface toolkits for access to bibliographic and other data via database interface mechanisms; ability to organize and implement projects; ability to w ork in a collegial, team -structured organization that promotes collaboration and the sharing of knowledge. Preferred: U ndergraduate or second advanced degree in arts and sciences, humanities, or education; prior experience in library public or technical service. SALAR Y : Minimum $40,000. Rank: Appointm ent rank and com pensation will be com mensurate with qualifications and experience. Available: Review of applications will begin March 15, 2001, subject to final budget approval. APPLICATION PROCESS: A full position description is available at: job.html. Applicants should submit a letter addressing position qualifications, along with a complete vitae and contact information (including email addresses) for three references to: Rod Henshaw Dean, Cowles Library Drake University 2507 University Avenue Des Moines, IA 50311 EEO/AA/MF/D/V in a multicultural, user-oriented environment. Review of application material begins February 26, 2001, and will remain open until filled. Submit a cover letter addressing qualifications fo r the position, resume, names, addresses, and telephone numbers of five job-related refer­ ences plus copies of transcripts to: North Harris Montgomery Com­ munity College District, Human Resources, 250 N. Sam Houston Parkway East, Houston, TX 77060; e-mail: jobs@; fax: (281) 260-3186. For consideration, reference #40247-CRL must be included in the cover letter. For more information, visit o ur Web site: http://job.nhm Finalists w ill be asked to subm it a detailed p ro fe s s io n a l p o r tfo lio fo r M o n tg o m e ry C o lle g e p o s i­ tions. In fo rm a tio n on p o rtfo lio c o n te n t is lo ca te d at: h ttp :// Interviewees will be selected from the list of finalists subm itting portfolios. The interview w ill include an inter­ active teaching dem onstration. A ffirm ative action, equal o pportu­ nity employer. R E FE R E N C E /IN STR U C TIO N L IB R A R IA N . C a rleto n Colleg e seeks an in tellige n t, cre a tive, energ etic, and outg oin g reference lib ra ria n w ith a stro ng backg ro un d in e ith e r the hum an itie s o r sci­ ences. Top salary paid fo r top talent. E xcellen t fringe ben efits pack­ age. Applications must be received by April 2 , 2001. Starting date: July 2001. For a p ositio n d e scriptio n and a pp lica tio n p rocedures, see: l. R E FER EN C E/IN STR U C TIO N A L LIB R A R IA N . N orth H a rris C o l­ lege Library recently opened its n ew 4 0,000-square-foot fa cility fea ­ turing tw o instructional com puter labs. The successful candidate will participate in a u ser-focused team tha t develops, d elivers, and pro­ m otes lib ra ry instruction program s including but not lim ited to voca­ tional and nontraditional learning courses and develop programs that promote library services to a diverse com m unity of learners. Require­ m ents: M a ster’s deg re e in lib ra ry scie nce from an A LA-a ccre dite d 3 6 6 / C&RL News ■ March 2001 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE Washington University W ashington U niversity Libraries invite applications fo r the tw o positions: R eference/S ubject Librarian (Germ anic Languages and Literatures, European Studies) and R eference/Subject Librar­ ian (psychology). The librarians in these positions provide reference, instructional, and collection developm ent services to faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, and mem bers of the University com munity. Both positions report to tile Head of Reference. R ESPO NSIBILITIES: Serve as library liaison to the Germ an departm ent and assist library patrons w orking in the areas of German and European Studies OR serve as liaison to faculty and students in the P sychology Departm ent and the Philosophy-N euroscience-Psychology (PNP) program.. Provide individual and group instruction in the use of library resources and services. Provide research consultation. Develop library W eb-based guides and other instructional aids, promoting aw areness of library resources and services. S elect library m aterials and manage the resources budget for their area of responsibility. Provide reference assistance to patrons at the Olin Library Help Desk (including some weekend and night hours) using a wide array of print and electronic resources. Participate as an active member of the Reference and Subject Librarians team and in other library com mittee work. Perform additional tasks according to individual strengths and experiences. QUALIFICATIONS FOR BOTH POSITIONS: MLS from, an ALA-accredited library program. Experience in the provision of reference services and/or collection developm ent in an academ ic library desirable. Fam iliarity w ith electronic inform ation technologies. A bility to flourish in a rapidly changing environm ent. Ability to w ork and interact harm oniously with a diverse student body, faculty, and library staff. Demonstrated com m itm ent to professional growth and developm ent Q ualifications S pecific to Psychology S ubject Librarian Undergraduate m ajor in psychology; a minor or substantial coursew ork in psychology will be con sidered. M embers of the Departm ent of P sychology collaborate closely with researchers in the Medical School, other departm ents in the S chool of A rts and S ciences, and the sc h o o ls of B usiness, Law, and S ocial W ork. T h e p s y c h o lo g y m a jo r is one of the tw o m ost p o p u la r at W ash in g to n U niversity. T h e D e p a rtm e n t of P sycholog y, re now ned fo r its d e d ic a te d fa c u lty , en jo y s a na tio n a l and in te rn a tio n a l re p u ta tio n fo r exce lle n ce . The lib ra rie s ’ c o lle c tio n s co v e r all areas of p s y c h o lo g y . Q ualifications Specific to Germ an S ubject Librarian C oursew ork or relevant experience in German Studies or related disciplines. Excellent reading knowledge O f German. (c o n tin u e d on n e x t p a g e ) institution; teaching o r training experience preferred; reference expe­ rien ce using e lectron ic and p rin t re so urce s; d em on strate d c o m p e ­ tence with HTM L and productivity software; strong institutional service orie nta tion ; e xcellen t w ritten and oral com m unication skills; a bility to teach and w o rk co lla bo ra tively in a m ulticultural, u ser-oriented e nvi­ ronment. Review of application material begins February 26,2001, and w ill rem ain open until fille d . S ubm it a co ve r le tte r addre ssin g q u a lifi­ c a tion s fo r the positio n , ré su m é , n am es, add re sses, and telep ho n e num bers of fiv e jo b-re late d re feren ces, p lus copies o f tra n scrip ts to: North H arris M ontgom ery C o m m u n ity Colleg e D istrict, Human Resources, 250 N. Sam Houston Parkway E., Houston, TX 77060; or e -m a il: jo bs @ nhm; o r fa x to: (281) 260-3 18 6 . F o r co n sid e r­ ation, reference #10347-CL m ust be included in the cover letter. For more information, visit our Web site at: AA/EOE. R E F E R E N C E /IN ST R U C T IO N A L S ER VIC E S L IB R A R IA N . Ta ylo r U niversity (U pland, Indiana) is seeking a librarian w ith the a bility and d esire to p ro vid e cre a tive , e n th u sia stic re feren ce and in stru ction al services. This person will coordinate user education through a variety of se ttin g s and m ethods. H e/she w ill d e m on strate p ro ficie n cy in the use of reference and research tools, as w e ll as the use o f the Internet fo r re feren ce and in stru ctio n a l purpo ses; tea ch in tra d itio n a l c la s s ­ room settings and oth e r contexts with a bent tow ard creativity; employ advanced skills in computer, especially W eb-based, applications; work c o lle g ia lly w ith o th e r lib ra ry fa cu lty; and p ro fe ss and p ra ctice the in te g ra tio n o f a person al C h ristia n w o rld -vie w w ith p ro fe ssio na l lib ra ria n ship in the co n te xt o f a C hristian liberal a rts college. An MLS d egree (or equ iva le nt) fro m an A LA -a ccre dite d program is required. A se con d m a ste r’s d eg re e (o r a co m m itm en t to o bta in o ne) is also required. C andidates should have prior em ploym ent experience in an academ ic library and instructional experience within a library context. Excellent interpersonal and com m unication skills are requisite. C an­ d ida tes m ust be able to com m it u nreservedly to the educational m is­ sion and e va n g e lica l C h ristia n o rie n ta tio n o f the U n ive rsity. This position holds faculty status, is designated as tenure-track, and is currently open. Rank and salary are dependent upon qualifications and experience. Taylor University complies with federal and state guidelines for nondis­ crimination in employment. A complete position announcement is available at: In­ quiries, credentials, and supporting materials should be addressed to: Dwight Jessup, Vice President fo r Academ ic Affairs, Taylor University, 236 W. Reade Avenue, Upland, IN 46989-1001. REFERENCE/SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. Academ ic staff; 12-month ap­ pointm ent. Due to a retirement, starting date not la ter than July 1,2001. Duties: Serve as library liaison to the College of Engineering, Mathemat­ ics, and Science and the Industrial Studies Department and provide appropriate collection development and user instruction assistance; re­ sponsible for providing reference desk sen/ice, including an evening and occasional weekend; assist in the selection of electronic and traditional resources and the design and content of subject Web pages; participate in training and instruction which provides quality training to faculty, staff, a nd s tu d e n ts . R e p o rts to th e L ib r a r y D ire c to r. R e q u ire d : ALA-accredited MLS degree; dem onstrated knowledge of Internet use and the effe ctive use o f p rin t and e lectron ic resources in the sciences, especially engineering, chemistry, and physics. Expected: Willingness C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 367 (c o n tin u e d fro m p re v io u s p ag e) The Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures at W ashington University, renowned for its dedicated faculty, enjoys a national and international reputation for excellence. The libraries’ collections cover all areas of German literature from the Middle Ages to the present. Approximately 35,000 volumes are in the field of Germanic languages and literatures. SALARY AND BENEFITS: Salary Range: $28,000-$34,000, TIAA-CREF, 22 vacation days, excellent benefits package. GENERAL INFORMATION: Washington University, located a t the western edge of the city of St. Louis, is a medium-sized, independent university founded in 1853, internationally known for excellence in teaching and research and for the quality of its faculty and student body. Washington University Libraries include the John M. Olin Library and 12 school and departmental libraries and hold over 3 million volum es and 18,000 journal subscriptions. WEB SITES FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: W ashington I. University h ttp ://w w w .w u s tl.e d u Olin Library System http://library.w Olin Library Reference Services http://library.w Olin Library German Collections h ttp://w w w .artsci.w ustl.ed u/~ germ an /libraries.htm l German D epartment h ttp ://w w w .a rts c i.w u s tl.e d u /~ g e rm a n European Studies Program h ttp ://w w w .a rts c i.w u s tl.e d u /~ e u ro p e Psychology Department h ttp ://w w w .a rts c i.w u s tl.e d u /~ p s y c h P hilosophy-N euroscience-P sychology h ttp ://w w w .a rts c i.w u s tl.e d u /~ p n p APPLICATION INFORMATION: Submit letter of application, resume, copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts, names, and addresses (including telephone numbers) of three current references to: Human Resources Washington University Campus Box 1178 7425 Forsyth Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63105 The review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Employment eligibility verification required upon hire. Washington University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. and enthusiasm to adopt new technologies and ability to work, teach, and communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with students, faculty, and staff; commitm ent to public services. Preferred: Undergraduate de­ gree in engineering, chemistry, o r physics and two years’ experience in an academic library; however, recent graduates are encouraged to apply. Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience; minimum $34,000. Attractive fringe benefits. Review of applications will begin on March 3 1 , 2001. Send application letter detailing qualifications fo r the position, a current résumé, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three or more professional references to: Paul Moriarty, Chair, Search and Screen Com m ittee, Elton S. Karrmann Library, University of Wisconsin-Platteville, 1 University Plaza, Platteville, Wl 53818-3099; e­ mail: moriarty@; telephone: (608) 342-1688; Web site: Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Women and persons of color are encouraged to apply. The names of nominees and applicants who have not requested in writing that their identity be kept confidential, and of all finalists, will be released upon request. TENURE-TRACK LIBRARY FACULTY POSITION. San Francisco State University in vites applications fo r a tenure-track library faculty position in the J. Paul Leonard Library beginning August 6 , 2001. The successful cand id ate w ill be e xpected to fu lfill a com bination o f re ­ sponsibilities in the areas of instruction, reference, collection d eve l­ opment, and liaison work with discip line-based faculty. Prim ary sub­ ject resp on sib ilitie s in the b iological scie nce s and h ealth sciences. Librarians have full faculty status. Appointment is expected to be at the rank of Senior A ssistant Librarian with a minim um salary o f $46,488. As faculty, lib ra ria n s are expected to m eet facu lty requirem ents for tenure and promotion. Tenure is normally granted with seventh-year reappointment. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s in Library and Information Science. Academic background and/or profes­ sional experience in the biological sciences and/or health sciences. Ability to provide research advice and instruction at a general reference desk on the use of print and electronic resources, including government sources. Working knowledge of new and emergingtechnologies and familiarity with th e ir im pact on higher education and research. Ability to w o rk indepen­ dently and as a member o r leader of a team. Ability to work effectively with culturally diverse campus constituency. Excellent oral and written commu­ nication skills. Strong service ethic. Able to work evenings and weekends. Desired Qualifications: At least one year professional post-MLS academic library experience with instruction and reference responsibilities. Experi­ ence and demonstrated knowledge in the teaching of electronic resources, including Internet/World Wide Web-based resources and understanding of the issues related to the ir delivery and access. Knowledge and experi­ ence with collection development and management of print and electronic resources supporting university curricula. Potential to support other sub­ jectareas. Experience with Web development and/or management. Infor­ mation about the J. Paul Leonard Library, and an enhanced position description, are available at: San Francisco State University, a member of the California State University system, serves a diverse student body o f27,000 undergraduate and graduate students. The mission of the University is to promote scholarship, freedom, human diversity, excellence in instruction, and intellectual accomplishment. SFSU faculty are expected to be effective teachers and demonstrate professional achievement and growth through continued research, publications, and/or 3 6 8 / C&RL News ■ March 2001 WA Y N E S T A T E U N IV E R S IT Y A C E S S S ER VIC ES M A N A G ER (L IB R A R IA N I/II/III) Wayne State University W ayne State University is a C arnegie Research University I w ith a dem onstrated com m itm ent to teaching and learning excellence. The university’s enrollm ent of m ore than 31,000 (18,400 undergraduates) makes it the 18th largest university in the United States. The university is located in an attractive urban setting, surrounded by museum s, theaters, and corporate offices easily accessible from several Detroit-area interstate freew ays and C anada. The University Library System consists of the Undergraduate, Purdy/Kresge, Science and Engineering, Shiftman Medical, and Neef Law Libraries: Media Services; UGE 1000; the graduate Library and Information Science Program; and the W ayne State U niversity Press. POSITION AND RESPONSIBILITIES: W e seek an experienced librarian to manage, train, develop, and evaluate staff for the provision of services in circulation, stacks maintenance, reserves, and periodical reading room. Reporting to the assistant director of the Purdy/Kresge Library, this position will: plan and im plem ent changes in policies and procedures fo r circulation and fees desks, stack m aintenance, reserves, and periodicals; perform duties of various circulation and fees desks, stack maintenance, reserves, and periodicals staff mem bers in their absence; maintain and consolidate usage statistics for circulation, stack maintenance, reserves, and periodicals operations; prepare m onthly reports; act as liaison w ith the Library System business office fo r financial functions; provide instructional and reference assistance to Purdy/Kresge Library patrons; act as a liaison to one or more departm ents in the social sciences, humanities, fine arts, education, or business, including related collection developm ent, instruction, and reference duties; participate in state, regional, and national users groups for the W SU OP A C/circulation system as well as attend meetings, conferences, and sem inars on current trends and developm ents in library access services; perform other duties as assigned. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: M aster’s degree in Library and Information Science from an A LA-accredited institution. Undergradu­ ate degree in social sciences, fine arts, or humanities. Tw o or more years' experience in monitoring personnel activities and supervising the w ork of paraprofessional, clerical, and student assistant staff in an academ ic o r research library. Ability to set priorities for departm ents and subordinates, to deal tactfully and professionally with clerical and paraprofessional staff, student assistants, faculty, adm inistration, and the public, to organize tim e and tasks, and to gather data and prepare reports. A bility to deliver lectures, sm all group learning experiences and one-to-one teaching/ learning experiences that are appropriate to the learner. E xcellent organizational, interpersonal, and oral and/or w ritten com m unication skills; high energy level. W illingness and ability to w ork rotational evenings and weekends. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: A second m aster’s degree, doctorate, or equivalent subject expertise in the humanities, fine arts, o r social sciences. Reference experience in an academ ic o r research library. Experience in circulation, reserves, periodical services, and/or stacks m aintenance. SALAR Y AND BENEFITS: Salary and rank com m ensurate with experience. W ayne State U niversity offers dental and health plan options, TIAA -C R E F or Fidelity, tuition assistance for em ployees and fam ily members, relocation assistance and liberal vacation. APPLICATIONS: Please mail o r send by fax a letter of interest, resum e and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references to: Sharon Almeranti Administrative Officer for Human Resources Wayne State University 3100 David Adam any Undergraduate Library Detroit, Ml 48202 Fax: (313) 577-5525 Position available immediately. A pplications accepted until position is filled. Wayne Slate University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 369 PUBLIC SERVICE LIBRARIANS (TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE) University Library is seeking a forward-thinking, organized, analytical professional with strong interpersonal sk ills responsible for the research, University of Memphis coordination, project management and assessment of the library’s Web delivery o f digital library collections, electronic publications and digital curricular resources. A cce ss S ervice s L ibrarian The Team Leader w ill also plan and build digital Supervises interlibrary loan and docum ent archiving tools for the preservation of digital objects. delivery. Also plans and coordinates ser­ Qualifications: BA or BS preferred, experience in an vices to remote users. Participates in refer­ academic library environment and knowledge of library technology, 5-7 yrs. exp. in system analysis, software ence and collection developm ent. engineering, IT, or networked applications development. C o llectio n D eve lo p m e n t Librarian Experience in Windows, UNIX, MARC, TCP/IP, HTTP protocols. Experience with HTML and XML. Library Leads d e v e lo p m e n t and im ple m e n ta tio n system management (esp ecia lly INNOPAC) exp. of a c o m p re h e n s iv e c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p ­ preferred. m ent progra m . A lso p a rtic ip a te s in re fe r­ CWRU offers a flexible benefits package including e n ce s e rv ic e s . tuition waiver for employee and dependents. Please respond in confidence, including salary history, to: Both positions participate in evening and CASE W ESTER N R ESER V E UNIVERSITY weekend rotations. ALA-M LS required. Re­ Human Resources Dept, (code #593) v ie w o f a p p lic a tio n s b e g in s M a rc h 10900 E uclid A ven u e, C raw ford H all 3 0 , 2 0 0 1 . F u ll a n n o u n c e m e n ts at: C levelan d, O H 44106-7047, Fax: 216-368-4678 E m ail:glm 5@ p ru .ed u (w ord .doc).w w w .lib.m em o r call (901) 67 8­ View the complete position 2201. S ubm it cove r letter, resum e, and description at contact information fo r three references to: Review of applications is ongoing and will continue until the position Nancy Massey is filled. 126 Ned R. McW herter Library In employment as in education, University of Memphis CWRU is committed to Affirmative Memphis, TN 38152-3250 Action and Equal Opportunitv. The University o f Memphis is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. T H E S A N D I E G O C O M M U N IT Y C O L L E G E D I S T R I C T San Diego Mesa College D E A N Learning Resources and Instructional Support San Diego Mesa College is seeking a dynamic person with strong skills and experience in managing the instructional support programs associated with the college’s Learning Resource Center which includes the Library, the Center for Independent Learning, audiovisual services, and video production and post-production services. The Learning Resource Center itself is a beautiful award-winning four-story building serving the campus’ 24,000 students. Required Qualifications: Possession of a Master’s degree from an accredited institution (Master’s in Library or Information Science, Instructional Technology, or Computer Technology is desirable) and at least one year or recent experience in an institution of higher education as a department chair and/or manager of a department or division in which library science, computer and information systems and/or audiovisual support systems is part; demonstrated experience working with a multicultural, multiethnic community with individuals of varied socioeconomic backgrounds. Salary: $5,888-$7,891 per month. Applications must be received in the Human Resources Employment Office no later than 4:30 p.m. on March 29, 2001. To request application materials, please contact: The San Diego Community College District, Human Resources - Employment Office, 3375 Camino del Rio South, Suite 330, San Diego, CA 92108-3883; (619) 584-6580 or 1-800-648-4023; 3 7 0 / C&RL News ■ March 2001 k n o w le d g e as p o w e r THREE POSITIONS S taley Library a v a il a b l e M illik in U n iv e rs ity M illikin U niversity D e c a tu r, Illin o is Created following a retirem ent and restructuring, these po­ sitions offer the opportunity to be involved in all aspects of librarianship, in a team environm ent where open dialog is com mon practice and new ideas are welcom ed and encouraged. All three positions will share reference service and collection developm ent responsibilities, and will participate in a very active research instruction program. In addition, each position will gradually assum e responsibility for one or more aspects of public and/or technical services. W ith the Director of Staley Library, the librarians collaborate in long- and short-range planning and overall m anagement of all Staley Library services. Faculty rank equivalent (not tenure track) at the Instructor level. A co m p le te d e s c rip tio n of re s p o n s ib ilitie s is a v a ila b le at: h ttp ://w w w .m illik in .e d u /s ta le y / librarianJob_description.htm l. REQUIREM ENTS: M aster's degree in Library Science (MLS or com parable) from an ALA-accredited institution. Preference will be given to relevant w ork experience in an academ ic library, especially in the provision of reference and library instruction using both traditional and electronic approaches. S upervisory experience desirable. Enthusiasm, flexibility, a sense of adventure, and willingness to learn and to pitch in are musts. Effective interpersonal, collegial, verbal, and written skills important; service com m itm ent essential; ability to work well both independently and as part of a team; com fort with details and change. Staley Library and Millikin University: Millikin University, founded in 1901, is a selective, c om prehen­ sive undergraduate university of over 2,200 students, with schools of arts & sciences, business, fine arts, and nursing. Millikin U niversity’s Staley Library staff prides itself on its strong service collaborations with the university’s students and faculty. The library’s traditional holdings include 183,000 physical volum es and 1,000 print journal subscriptions, and its electronic services reflect a broad range of resources and many consortial ties. For more information, see: http://w w w .m l on the library’s extensive W eb site. SALARY: Beginning at $28,000. TO APPLY: Send applications, including resume and contact information fo r three references, to: Karin Borei University Librarian Millikin University 1184 West Main Street Decatur, IL 62522 Consideration of applications will begin immediately and will continue until all three positions are filled. Millikin University is an equal opportunity employer. Persons o f color are encouraged to apply. creative activities. Application Procedure: Review of applications will begin April 2 , 2001 and continue until the position is filled. Candidates should subm it a letter of application, resume, and the names, postal and e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Pam Kullberg, Personnel Coordinator, J. Paul Leonard Library, San Francisco State University, 1630 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA94132-4030. San Francisco State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Minorities, women, and persons with disabilities are encour­ aged to apply. WEB ADMINISTRATOR. Position Number: 010Y2M. Indiana University Bloomington. Under the direction o f the Director of Library Information Technology Services, and inconsultation with the Associate Deans, serves as the lead Web architect; coordinates the development and implementation of a usability plan fo r the IUB Libraries Web site; oversees and implements the redesign of the current Web site utilizing recommendations of usability and Web architecture consultants reports; monitors and implements ap­ propriate changes in Web technology and software in cooperation with technical support staff; heads the W eb Policy Committee and the Web W orking Team ; represents the libraries in appropriate University and national groups and committees; coordinatestraining of staff in the use of W eb development tools to support a decentralized network o f Web develop­ ers; carries out new projects as appropriate. Qualifications: Required: MLS/M IS o r equivalent experience and education; knowledge of Web architecture principles with understanding of graphic design elements; project management/leadership skills; experience in building database­ backed dynamic Web sites; collaborative/consensus-building skills; so­ phisticated understanding of the role of technology in provision of informa­ tion resources/services; advanced HTML; excellent verbal and written communication skills; strong organizational skills; creativity; userfocus; problem-solving skills. Preferred: Working knowledge of som e combina­ tion of UNIX, CGI, Perl, Script, Java, SGML, and XML; knowledge of Web accessibility/usability norms and guidelines; experience with and under­ standing of a research environment and academic electronic resources, library services, and databases. Please include a letter o f application, a professional vita, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of four references. Apply to: Yolanda Cooper-Birdine, Libraries Human Re­ sources Officer, Indiana University Library, Main Library 201 A, 132010th Street, Bloomington, IN 47405; phone: (812) 855-8196. This job posting will be posted until the position is filled. C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 371 CATALOGER, MASON LIBRARY ASSISTANT PROFESSOR T e n u r e -t r a c k , 1 2 -m o n t h a p p o in t m e n t KEENE STATE COLLEGE K e e n e S ta te C o lle g e ’s M a s o n L ib rary in v ite s a p p lic a tio n s f o r th e p o s itio n o f H e a d C a t a l o g e r . U n d e r th e d i r e c t i o n o f th e H e a d o f C a t a lo g i n g a n d A c q u i s i t i o n s , t h e C a t a l o g e r p r o v id e s d ir e c ti o n f o r c a ta lo g i n g o f a ll p r in t a n d n o n - p r in t lib ra r y m a te r ia ls , in c lu d in g th o s e f o r S p e c ia l C o lle c tio n s , th e C u r r i c u l u m M a t e r i a l s L i b r a r y , th e C e n t e r f o r H o l o c a u s t S t u d i e s a n d t h e c e n t e r f o r M e d ia a n d In s tru c tio n a l T e c h n o lo g y . T h e C a ta lo g e r c o o rd in a te s c a ta lo g in g o f m a te ria ls in c o lle c tio n s e lse w h e re o n c a m p u s s u c h a s th e C a r e e r S e rv ic e s , W o m e n ’s S tu d ie s , a n d M u s ic lib r a r ie s ; p e rf o r m s o r ig in a l c a ta lo g i n g a s n e c e s s a r y a n d s e ts s ta n d a r d s f o r c a ta lo g i n g q u a lity c o n tr o l; p a r tic ip a te s in a r e g u l a r re fe r e n c e d e s k ro ta tio n ; an d m ay s e rv e a s lia is o n to d e s ig n a te d a c a d e m ic d is c ip lin e s w h ich in c lu d e s r e s p o n s ib il ity f o r c o l le c t io n d e v e lo p m e n t a n d u s e r e d u c a tio n . T h e C a t a lo g e r p r o v id e s tra in in g as n e e d e d to c a ta lo g in g s t a f f a n d also m a in ta in s o n g o in g c o m m u n ic a tio n a b o u t c a ta lo g in g is s u e s w ith K e e n e P u b lic L ib ra ry , w h ic h sh a re s the K e e n e -L in k lib ra ry c a ta lo g . Q u a lific a tio n s : R e q u i r e d : M a s te r ’s D e g r e e in L ib r a r y S c ie n c e f ro m a n A L A a c c re d ite d p ro g ra m . K n o w le d g e o f a u to m a te d lib rary o p e ra tio n s w ith s p e c ia l e m p h a s is o n d e s c rip tiv e a n d s u b je c t ca ta lo g in g u tiliz in g A A C R 2 , L C S H a n d L C c la s s ific a tio n , M A R C fo rm a ts a n d O C L C . E x c e lle n t in te rp e rs o n a l s k ills a n d th e a b ility to w o rk co lla b o ra tiv e ly w ith o th e rs. K n o w le d g e o f th e I n te rn e t, o n lin e in fo rm a tio n r e trie v a l, an d u s e o f e le c tro n ic re s o u rc e s . D e s ir e d : K n o w le d g e o f th e In n o v a tiv e In te rfa c e s In n o p a c s y ste m . K n o w le d g e o f c u rre n t tre n d s in c a ta lo g in g , e sp e c ia lly m e ta d a ta a n d te x t e n c o d in g s y stem s an d th e c l a s s i f ic a t io n o f e le c tr o n ic o r d ig itiz e d r e s o u r c e s . T h r e e to fiv e y e a r s o f r e l a te d p ro fe s s io n a l e x p e r i e n c e . R e a d in g k n o w le d g e o f o n e o r m o r e f o r e i g n l a n g u a g e s . E v i d e n c e o f p r o f e s s i o n a l in v o lv e m e n t. A p p o in tm e n t s a la ry is d e p e n d e n t u p o n q u a lific a tio n s a n d e x p e rie n c e . K e e n e S ta te C o lle g e is a n a ffilia te o f the U n iv e rs ity S y s te m o f N e w H a m p s h ire . T h e C o lle g e is a p u b lic c o m p r e h e n s iv e c o lle g e lo c a te d in th e s c e n ic M o n a d n o c k r e g io n o f s o u th w e s te r n N e w H a m p s h ire . K e e n e S ta te C o lle g e an d its te a c h e r e d u c a tio n p ro g ra m s a re N E A S C /N C A T E -a c c re d ite d . T h e C o lle g e h a s a n e n r o l lm e n t o f a p p r o x im a te ly 3 ,8 0 0 u n d e r g r a d u a te s tu d e n ts , 1 0 0 g r a d u a t e s tu d e n ts a n d 8 0 0 c o n tin u in g e d u c a tio n stu d e n ts. T h e K S C lib ra ry h o u s e s a p p ro x im a te ly 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 p a p e r v o lu m e s an d has a c tiv e s u b s c rip tio n s to m o re th a n 1,200 p e rio d ic a ls, n e w s p a p e rs , a n d a n n u a l p u b lic a tio n s . It also en jo y s a u n iq u e p a rtn e r s h ip w ith th e K e e n e P u b lic L ib ra ry , c o m b in in g c o lle c tio n s a n d s e rv ic e s th ro u g h the K e e n e L in k e le c tr o n ic c a ta lo g . T o le arn m o re a b o u t K e e n e S ta te C o lle g e , th e U n iv e rs ity S y ste m o f N H , a n d th e K e e n e C o m m u n ity v is it th e se w eb site s: w w w .k e e n e .e d u / o r w w w .K e e n e N H .c o m /. F o r fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n a b o u t K e e n e S tate C o lle g e ’s M a s o n L ib ra ry , p le a s e r e fe r to: w w w .k e e n e .e d u /lib ra ry /. To apply, sen d a letter o f application, curriculum vitae, a n d three letters o f reference by M a rch 15, 2001 to Cataloger Search, O ffice o f Hum an R esource M anagem ent, K eene State College, 229 M ain Street, Keene, N H 03435-1604. KEENE STATE COLLEGE Keene State College is an Affirm ative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer a nd is engaged in an effort to build a community that reflects the diversity o f society. A RC H TV IST/TECH N IC A L S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N . Bailey/Howe L ibrary, U n iv er­ sity of Verm ont. T he U n iv ersity of V erm ont L ib raries seeks a self-m otivated an d flexible professional w ith good in te rp erso n al skills to w ork on a Special Collection te a m th a t includes th re e faculty lib ra ria n s an d 4.5 classified staff. M ajor du ties include providing access to m a n u scrip t a n d archival collections th ro u g h online cataloging an d EAD collec­ tion descriptions; some original MARC cataloging of m onographs, serials, an d nonbook m aterials ; an d reference desk service an d bibliographic in stru c tio n for m a teria ls in Special Collections. M a ste r’s degree from a program accredited by th e ALA required; two y ears of professional academ ic lib ra ry experience or equivalent; experience a rran g in g an d describ­ ing m an u scrip t/arch iv al collections; w orking knowledge of original MARC cataloging 372 / C&RL News ■ March 2001 HEAD, INFORMATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT Southeast Missouri State University RE SP O N S IB ILITIES :P rovide v is io n a n d dyn am ic leadership fo r developm ent of staff, collections, and both electronic and traditional information services. Supervise and coordinate the daily and long­ term developm ent and operation of the departm ent including reference, bibliographic instruction, governm ent documents, and instructional materials center. Supervise six library faculty and two professional staff. Participate in provision of information services and in the com prehensive collection developm ent program. Develop active working relationships with university students, faculty, and administrators to identify and assess information needs. W ork closely with the dean and other departm ent heads to plan, implement, and develop library programs and policies. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS. At least three years of successful supervisory experience which include hiring, training, supervising, and evaluating others. A t least three years' increasingly responsible professional w ork experience in an academic library. Comm itment to high quality service. Excellent analytical, interpersonal, and written and oral com munication skills. Demonstrated initiative, leadership, and mentoring ability. Experience with library technologies. Experience with planning and policy development. D emonstrated com mitment to the teacher/scholar model, public and University service, and a culturally diverse learning environment. Ability to work well as a mem ber of a group as well as individually in a demanding and rapidly changing environment. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Second m aster's or doctoral degree. Teaching experience. SETTING: Southeast Missouri State University is a com prehensive student-centered university of five colleges and two schools offering more than 120 academic programs. Campus is located in the heart of Cape Girardeau, a M ississippi River town of about 40,000, located on Interstate 55 between St. Louis and Memphis. Student enrollment is 8,500 with a student/faculty ratio of 18:1. Library collections include over 400,000 bound cataloged volum es and current subscriptions to approxi­ mately 2,500 periodicals and a growing number of electronic databases. Staff includes 13 library faculty, six professional staff, and 22 clerical positions. The library has added positions, led developm ent of a 12-m illion-dollar renovation plan, established a library strategic plan, and increased support for the developm ent of services and collections. W hile currently using NOTIS, Kent Library is one of 50 academic libraries in Missouri which have formed a consortium to purchase and implement a common library platform from Innovative Interfaces with all installations to be complete in 2002. SALARY RANGE: $45,000 -$ 55,0 00, depending on qualifications and experience. Twelve-month full-tim e tenure-track faculty appointment. Must meet established criteria, including a second master's or doctoral degree, for promotion and tenure. Tuition remission part of benefits package. APPLICATIONS: Applications received by March 2 3 , 2001, will receive first consideration. Preferred starling date A ugust 1 , 2001. Position will remain open until filled. Send letter of application specifying desired position which addresses qualifications for the position, resume, transcripts, and names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references to: Sarah Mort Cron Dean, Academic Information Services Kent Library - MS 4600 Southeast Missouri State University One University Plaza Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 An equal opportunity, m-f, affirmative action employer. practices; HTML, SGML, and EAD coding experience; strong w ritten and interpersonal communications skills. To apply: Send letter of application, resume, and names, ad­ dresses, and phone numbers of three professional references to: Chair, Archivist Search Committee, Bailey/Howe Library, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405. Review of applications will begin March 15, 2001. For more information visit: http:// DIRECTO R, INFORM ATION SERVICES AND R ESO U RCES.U niversity of Califor­ nia San Francisco, Library and Center for Knowledge Management. The UCSF Library C&RL News ■ March 2 0 0 1 / 373 HEAD, M. E. GRENANDER DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AND ARCHIVES University Libraries, University at Albany, SUNY The Head of the M. E. G renander Department of Special Collections and Archives Department is responsible for the leadership, developm ent, and managem ent of the Department. Responsibilities include: developing collections and collection policies, coordinating departmental user services, managing budgets, training and supervising five FTE personnel, fundraising, coordinating the cataloging of collections, and overseeing the processing of printed, manuscript, and archival materials. Provides leadership for the developm ent of digital collections and access to digitized resources. W orks with the Director of Libraries and the A ssistant Director for Collections to acquire collections that support the U niversity’ s curricular and research interests and to seek funding for the collections. C oordinates collection developm ent with library bibliographers. Serves as spokes­ person to advance the status of A lbany’s special collections. Provides departm ental reference services. Manages access to special collections, including preparation of finding aids, guides, bibliographies, hosting conferences, and designing and mounting exhibits. Reports to the Assistant Director for Collections. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: Minimum of three years' experience acquiring and processing manuscripts and archives; relevant adm inistrative experience; strong interpersonal and com m uni­ cation skills. MLA from A LA-accredited school. Preferred: Additional graduate degree in the social sciences and experience with W eb developm ent, digitizing collections, encoding (HTML, XML, EAD) finding aids, and fund raising. SALARY: Com m ensurate with education and experience. Minimum fo r Senior Assistant Librarian $41,135; minimum for Associate Librarian $50,000. DEADLINE: Review of letters of application and resumes will begin March 2 3 , 2001. Please include the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references that may be contacted. APPLY TO: Anna Z. Radkowski-Lee Library Personnel Officer University Libraries - U L 112 University at Albany, SUNY 1400 Washington Avenue Albany, NY 12222 The University a t Albany, State University o f New York is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, IRCA/ADA employer. seeks an innovative, experienced individual to provide leadership and vision to all aspects of library operations including information services, collection development, resources management, archives and special collections. Requires: ALA-accredited m aster’s degree in library or information science or other relevant advanced degree, a strong record of leadership and accomplishments in an academic health sciences library with successive m an ag em en t resp o n sib ilities. For a com plete position d escription see: h ttp :// Salary range is $76,620-$105,120, depending on qualifications. To Apply: Send cover letter, resume, and the names of three references to: N anette Grimm, UCSF Library/CKM, Box 0840, San Francisco, CA 94143-0840. University of California San Francisco is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. The University undertakes affirmative action to assure equal employment opportunity for underutilized minorities and women, for persons w ith disabilities, and for Vietnam-era veterans and special disabled veterans. REFERENCE/ELECTRONIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Assumption College seeks a full-time Reference/Electronic Services Librarian. Position provides reference and library 3 7 4 / C&RL News ■ March 2001 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE Trinity University Coates Library Coates Library seeks applications for tw o senior-level positions tha t report directly to the library director and serve as part of the library m anagem ent team. The Library contains nearly 900,000 volum es in addition to substantial electronic resources and other m edia. Trinity University is one of the prem ier liberal arts institutions in the nation, supporting approxim ately 2500 students with excellent faculty, facilities, and library. San Antonio, a favorite national conference site, is a culturally diverse metropolitan area boasting a low cost of living. Head of C ollection D evelopm ent Responsible for directing fund allocation and selection for all resources acquired; supports vendor relations; m anages the collection developm ent of m o nograph s, seria ls, au d io v is u a l and e le c tro n ic resource s. C o o rd in a te s se le ctio n a c tiv ity and liaison lib ra ria n s in re fe re n c e and o th e r units w ith te a c h in g fa c u lty . M a nage s g ift s o lic ita tio n , d o n o r re la tio n s , and re la te d a c tiv itie s . S upe rvises sp e cia l c o lle c tio n s and archives. P rovide s liaison to se le cte d d e p a rtm e n ts and re fere nce desk support. REQUIRED: ALA-accredited MLS degree; 5 or more years in collection developm ent with experience as reference librarian and supervisor preferred. D em onstrated knowledge of one or m ore scholarly subject areas or special collections also preferred. Second master's degree in an academ ic discipline desirable. Head of Technical Services Responsible for leadership, planning, and coordination of all technical services operations, including acquisitions, serials control, cataloging, authority control, database m aintenance, bindery, process­ ing, and governm ent documents. Supervises m aintenance of departm ental records and statistics, and w orks with the system s librarian to develop and prepare V oyager reports. Maintains aw areness of current issues and activities in all phases of technical services. R E Q U IR E D : A L A -a c c re d ite d M LS de gree ; 5 y e a rs ' a c a d e m ic lib ra ry exp e rie n c e in p ro g re s ­ siv e ly re sponsib le tech n ica l s e rv ic e s po s itio n s ; m a n a g e m e n t of at least on e m a jo r te c h n ic a l s e rv ic e s fu n c tio n , in c lu d in g s u p e rv is io n o f p ro fe s s io n a l and c la s s ifie d s ta ff; th o ro u g h k no w le dge of on lin e inte g ra te d lib ra ry s ystem s (p re fe ra b ly V oya g e r), A A C R 2r, LC SH , LC c la s s ific a tio n , and O C LC exp e rie n c e w ith a u th o rity con trol; m o nograph ic o r seria ls a c q u is i­ tion s exp erien ce. Fiscal m a n a g e m e n t exp e rie n c e in au tom a ted en viro n m e n t; exp e rie n c e pu rchasin g, licensing, or cataloging electronic resources preferred. BOTH POSITIONS: Salary, mid-to-upper $40s; Tl A A -C R E F and developm ent support. Open until filled. Additional information available at: http://w w w ents/library. Send letter of appli­ cation, detailed resume, and names with addresses of three references to: Christopher Nolan Coates Library Trinity University 715 Stadium Drive #56 San Antonio, TX 78212 Electronic applications encouraged to: dwarneke@ Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. instructional services to patrons, troubleshoots public access computers, and manages the Library’s Web site. Candidates m ust hold an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school . Two years’ experience working as a reference librarian in an academic or public library preferred. Knowledge of PC m aintenance and HTML expected. Some evening and occasional Sunday hours. Please send cover letter, resum e and salary requirem ents to: Robin L. Pellegrino, A sstistant Director of H um an Resources, Assumption College, 500 Salisbury Street, Worcester, MA 01609-1296, or e-mail to: Applications will be reviewed until position is filled. Assumption College encourages applications from candidates of diverse cultural backgrounds. Equal opportunity em­ ployer. C&RL News ■ March 2 0 0 1 / 375 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE St. Mary’s College of Maryland St. M ary’s College of Maryland at Historic St. M ary’s City, the public honors college of Maryland, is currently accepting resumes fo r tw o key positions in our library. A nonsectarian college for the liberal arts, St. M ary’s is located an hour and a half southeast of W ashington, D.C. Its student body is coeducational and numbers approxim ately 1,600. C oordinator of C ataloging and Archival Services This position will be responsible for coordination of all cataloging functions, including some original cataloguing, and fo r collecting and managing archival materials. Minimum qualifications include an MLS from an A LA-accredited institution; experience with an integrated library system, MARC format, OCLC, LC classification, LCSH, and AACR2R; knowledge of archives principles and administration; ability to establish good w orking relationships with mem bers of a diverse college com munity; excellent oral and written skills; and the ability to w ork in a team -based environm ent. Prefer experience in archives management, description and original cataloging of archival materials, and in using H TM L and/or X M L in preparing finding aids. The salary range fo r this position is $43,000­ $46,000. Librarian fo r C irculation Services This position will be responsible fo r the im plem entation and daily oversight of circulation functions of a new online system ( a c onsortial project), public services at the circulation desk, and coordination of circulation services with tw o paraprofessional staff. M inim um qualification include an MLS from an A LA-accredited institution; a strong and energetic com m itm ent to user services; an ability to establish good w orking relationships with students, faculty, and colleagues; and the ability to work in a team -based environm ent. Fam iliarity with library information technologies is required. Salary is com petitive depending on qualifications and experience. St. Mary’s College of Maryland offers an excellent benefits package to our employees. To apply for these positions, please subm it a letter of application, resume, and the names of three professional references to: Todd Kelley Associate Provost for Information Services and Librarian of the College St. Mary’s College of Maryland 18952 E. Fisher Road St. Mary’s City, MD 20686 Review of resumes will begin imm ediately and continue until the position is filled. St. Mary’s College o f Maryland is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. A C R L offers free P lacem ent C en ter in D enver • List your job opening at the Placem ent C enter at the AC R L National C onference in Denver. March 15-18, 2001. • Visit http://w w w .htm l to com plete em ployer and job seeker forms. Questions? Structure Bookmarks C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 337 C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 337 Career opportunities CLASSIFIEDsdA from across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $9.75 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $11.85 for others. Late job notices discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions.Internet; C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the Web at Ads will be placed approximately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published.Contact: Elise Parker, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 2 POSITIONS OPENACCESS SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Concordia University is seeking an energetic individual to serve in the newly created position of full-time Access Services Librarian. This position will be responsible for the day-to­day operations of circulation, reserve, interlibrary loan, serials check-in and processing, and document delivery programs. Responsibilities also include promoting and expanding ILL service and managing student assistants. Qualifications include MLS or MLIS from an ALA-accredited progra Salary guideListed below are the latest minimum starting salary figures recommended by state library associations for professional library posts in these states. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. Job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minimums when evaluating professional vacancies. For additional information on librarian salaries, contact ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources.Connecticut$34,172Delaware$22,500**Illi 338/C&RL News ■ March 2001 Associate University Librarian for Public ServicesAssociate University Librarian for Informational Technology and Technical ServicesTwo Positions: Syracuse University LibrarySyracuse University Library seeks knowledgeable and innovative leaders who have a thorough understanding of the evolving role of research libraries in contemporary higher education and demonstrate the ability to articulate a vision for exemplary, state-of-the-art public services and technical services. Detailed position descriptions and C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 339 Special Collections LibrarianVassar College Invites applications for the position of Special Collections Librarian. Reporting to the Head of Archives and Special Collections, the successful candidate will assist In various activities related to the management of a vibrant Special Collections Department. Incumbent will have primary responsibility for original and copy cataloging of rare books and printed materials as well as for developing rare book cataloging procedures and policies. In addition to technica Director of Library ServicesDickinson State University invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of Stoxen Library. The Director reports to the Vice President of Academic Affairs and has primary responsibility for budgeting and financial management, personnel, fund raising, and strategic planning for the Library. Candidates for the position must possess: a Master’s degree in Library or Informational Science from an ALA accredited program; successful administrative experience in a col 340/ C&RL News ■ March 2001 THREE POSITIONS AVAILABLECentral Missouri State UniversityCentral Missouri State University Library Services seeks faculty members in the following areas: Collection Development, Access Services, Instructional Services, Department Chair, and teaching.SKILLS NEEDED GENERALLY:Broad knowledge of librarianship, including reference, presentation, selection, evaluation, and information technology skills; ability to provide excellent client service including evening and weekend rotation work; ability to adapt to c and requirementsand/ortoapplyforthis position, send letter of application, resume, and a list of at least three references to: Carol Raczykowski, Assistant to the Dean of Information Resources, Eastern Washington University Libraries, 816 F Street, Cheney, WA 99004-2453; e-mail: craczykowski @ Review of applications begins April 1,2001, and continues until position is filled. Eastern Washington University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer, and applications from mem­bers of h letter detailing qualifications for the position, a current resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three or more professional references to: Paul Moriarty, Chair, Search and Screen Committee, Elton S. Karrmann Library, University of Wisconsin-Platteville, 1 University Plaza, Platteville, Wl 53818-3099; e-mail: moriarty @; tele­phone: (608) 342-1688; Web site: Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Women and persons of color are encouraged to apply. C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 341 (continued from previous page)resources. Minimum requirements include a completed doctorate (ABD considered) in technology, information science, instructional design, educational technology, or related field in addition to a MLS or equivalent. Library Science faculty members have a nine-month contract with summer teaching possible.Chair and Associate Professor of Library Science (position 51584)This is a 12-month, tenure-track administrative position with 50% teaching responsibilities which may include grad 342 /C&RL News ■ March 2001 COLLECTION MANAGEMENT LIBRARIAN (CATALOGING)Middle Tennessee State UniversityMiddle Tennessee State University invites applications and nomina­tions for the position of Collection Management Librarian (Cataloging).POSITION DESCRIPTION: (Position #401090) 12-month appoint­ment, faculty rank and status. Reporting to the Coordinator of Collection Management, this position provides leadership and direction to four librarians and three support staff for the cataloging area in the Collection Management Department ment and implementation of the Library’s emerging electronic and print archival collections. Provides direction and new approaches for descrip­tion and access to digital resources, including the Library’s extensive electronic journals collection. The Coordinator will also participate in reference and/or Information Competency instruction and may participate in collection development. For a full position description, please see: CSU Monterey Bay is a highly collabor MFHD, CONSER, and other relevant national standards. Develops com­prehensive bibliographic descriptions, assigns subject headings and classification numbers according to Library of Congress practice, and inputs holdings into OCLC and DRA according to the MARC Format for Holdings Data. The incumbent will also participate in authority control and resolve inconsistencies in serials holdings. Participates in developing, documenting, and implementing cataloging policies and procedures. Term of Contract: Tenure-t C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 343 REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/DOCUMENT DELIVERY SPECIALIST (TENURE TRACK)Ferris State UniversityRESPONSIBILITIES: Manage document delivery/interlibrary loan (ILL) operations of the FSU Library to include: train staff; plan, organize, supervise activities of staff and student assistants; promote cooperation with other libraries; evaluate, select, and implement appropriate new technology; serve as the copyright officer and coordinate permissions; serve as liaison (outreach activities, specialized instruction/informatio open until position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Jay Starratt, Dean of LIS, Lovejoy Library, SIUE Box 1063, Edwardsville, IL62026-1063. As an affirmative action employer, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville offers equal employment opportunity without regard to race, color, creed or religion, age, sex, national origin, or disability. Applications from women and minority groups are especially encouraged.CURRICULUM LIBRARIAN. A materials and an interest in children and young adult literature. Expected: Willingness and enthusiasm to adopt new technologies and abilityto work, teach, and communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with students, faculty, and staff. Preferred: Graduate degree in Education or related field. Experience with grant writing. Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience; minimum $38,000. Attractive fringe benefits. Review of applications will begin on March 31, 2001. Send application let 344 /C&RL News ■ March 2001 THREE POSITIONS AVAILABLEThe American University in Cairo Libraries and Learning TechnologiesApplicants are invited for the following three faculty position openings at The American University in Cairo (AUC). Founded in 1919, AUC’s campus is located in Cairo, Egypt. Its degree programs are accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Collegesa nd Schools. For more information, see our Web site at: To review full description and requirements of the po C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 345 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLEHendrix CollegeAutomation LibrarianNationally ranked liberal arts college seeks an Automation Librarian to be responsible for most aspects of the library’s automation program including: installing, maintaining, and operating a Web­based library automation system; providing library staff with refresher training in the use of the system; liaisoning with campus IT concerning hardware and software installation and upgrades and use of the campus network; keeping abreast of new automation a 346/C&RL News ■ March 2001 READER SERVICES LIBRARIAN GRINNELL COLLEGEGrinnell College Libraries seek an individual possessing energy and initiative to provide leadership in the areas of reference service and information literacy instruction and the ability to work in a collaborative environment. Initial appointment will be at the Assistant Professor rank with a two-year, renewable contract.Responsibilities include coordinating the delivery of reference services; developing the reference collection of print and electronic resources; a ate in progress, appropriate administrative experience, excellent commu­nication and interpersonal skills, a commitment to effective use of technol­ogy, and must be evangelical Christians who are active Southern Baptists. Foradditional information, consultthe posting at: about/jobs/htm. Twelve-month, facuIty tenure-track position with excellent benefits. Salary is negotiable. Review of applications begins immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Submit a resume a collaborative effort to strengthen cooperation between academic pro­grams and the library; monitors user satisfaction and plans for service improvements, including an increased use of information resources across the curriculum; provides leadership in developing instruc­tional programs. Requirements: MLS from an ALA-accredfted institu­tion or foreign equivalent; experience in developing collections and managing a large, technologically integrated facility; substantial administrative experience in an academi C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 347 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) LIBRARIAN The University of South FloridaUSF is a comprehensive, metropolitan state university, serving more than 34,000 students in nine colleges on four campuses in Tampa, Lakeland, St. Petersburg, and Sarasota. Among the top research universities in the state, USF offers degree programs in 79 undergraduate disciplines, 89 master’s and specialist programs, and 26 doctoral fields, and has a faculty of more than 2,000.POSITION: Reporting to the Dean of the USF Library Sy DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES. The University of Missouri-Columbia (MU) invites nominations and applications for the position of Director of Librar­ies. The MU Libraries include Ellis Library, six branch libraries, and the University Archives, with cumulative collections of approximately 3 million volumes, 6.7 million microforms, 20,500 serials subscriptions, and a large and increasing collection of electronic resources. This is a major aca­demic and research library serving a student body of 23,280 and a faculty o cooperative effort of an on-campus ALA-accredited graduate program in Information Science and Learning Technologies. The MU Libraries are part of a four-campus library structure within the University of Missouri, one that has worked cooperatively for over two decades to provide service to everyone within the University and also to the citizens of Missouri. The Libraries of the four campuses and Saint Louis University share the MERLIN library system, using Innovative Interfaces, Inc. (III). Ill also is the c 48 /C&RL News ■ March 2001 COORDINATOR OF COLLECTION MANAGEMENTMiddle Tennessee State UniversityMiddle Tennessee Slate University has the following key lead­ership position in its new library as a result of a retirement: Coordinator of Collection Management. Reporting to the Dean of the Library, the position is responsible for providing creative leadership in a team-based environment. The Coordinator will serve as a member of the Administrative Council, the group which engages in planning, policy development, and resource prioritizat ing the past decade and plans are in progress for the expansion of Ellis Library and the branch libraries. The Director of Libraries reports to the Provost, holds membership on the Council of Deans and has responsibility for administration, management, recruitment and hiring, staff development, budgeting, development and maintenance of the collections, planning and fund-raising forthe Libraries. The Director works closely with the Assistant Vice Chancellorfor Computing to capitalize on opportunities provide excellence in providing enhanced services and in blending new technolo­gies with traditional collections and services; proven visionary leadership and collegial management skills; an understanding of the major chal­lenges and opportunities facing academic research libraries; the ability to communicate effectively with diverse constituencies; experience in a multicampus library system and/or consortial environment; experience with information technologies and networked information; a record of success in fun C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 349 ELECTRONIC SERVICES/REFERENCE & INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN (2-YEAR TERM APPOINTMENT)Middlebury CollegeMiddlebury College invites applications for a 2-year entry-level position as a full­time Electronic Services/Reference and Instruction Librarian. The College has a strong commitment to teaching the liberal arts and sciences. We are seeking an innovative, dynamic, and articulate individual with a background in the liberal arts and experience or coursework in information technology. The Librarian will report to th efforts in library education. The salary will be commensurate with qualifi­cations and experience. Send all applications and nominations to: Peter Markie, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies, University of Mis- souri-Columbia, 111 Jesse Hall, Columbia, MO 65211 -1090; phone: (573) 882-6598; fax: (573) 882-0080; e-mail: markiep @ Re­view of applications and nominations will begin March 23, 2001, and continue until the position isfilled. Applications should include a vita, e-mail address, nam meeting the opportunities and challenges that confront academic libraries today. This position is a member of the management team that supports an environment in which delivery of quality service is the pre-eminent shared value; effectively communicates to the campus the library’s vision of its role in teaching and learning; maintains a cooperative and consultative environment within the library as well as with the rest of the university; and does effective strategic planning, policy development, and budget 350 / C&RL News ■ March 2001 OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARYTwo Positions AvailableOklahoma State University is a comprehensive research and land grant university offering more than 200 academic programs and 20,000 students. The Library, with holdings of more than 2.6 million volumes and documents, is a member of the Association of Research Libraries. The Library operates in a highly automated environment.Assistant Professor/Architecture Librarian, Tenure Track. Responsibilities. Under the direction of the Head, Science & Engineering C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 351 DIRECTOR, LIBRARY SERVICESCollege of MarinCollege of Marin is located in beautiful Marin County, California, 12 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. The campus is situated in a lush setting of redwoods and greenery, and a view of Mt. Tamalpais is almost within reach. Combined with our comprehensive benefit package, you’ll find this a very desirable place to be.Choice of three health, dental, and vision plans. District current medical contribution per month is $603.96; $50,000 life insuran 352 / C&RL News ■ March 2001 POPULATION RESEARCH Princeton Uni versityLIBRARIANPrinceton UniversityThe Princeton University Library’s general collection includes about 6 million printed volumes, as well as significant numbers of microforms, scores and records, electronic databases, and journals. Its holdings within the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections are especially rich. The Library employs approximately 300 professional and support staff workers, as well as a large student and hourly workforce. Library operations are derstanding of the application of computer technology in reference and circulation services; demonstrated capacity to lead and manage professional and support staff ; and the ability to organize and complete projects. Located in one of the major outdoor recreational areas in the Southeast, Western Carolina University is situated between the Great Smoky Mountains and the Blue Ridge Mountains. While in a rural setting, the university is only one hour from Asheville, North Carolina, and three hours from Atlant CJK) as well as some 800 journal and newspaper subscriptions, managing a base collection budget of about $110,000. Selects materials in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, working closely with five staff in Technical Services who order and catalog these materials. Serves as a resource to other bibliographers who acquire materials related to East Asian Studies in English or other non-CJK languages to ensure that needs of all users are met. Participates in national and international resource-sharing projects to hi C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 353 (continued from previous page)service to all faculty and students using the new library. The Population Research Librarian will also participate in library bibliographic and electronic resources instruction and in maintaining the PIAPR Library's Web site. The Population Research Librarian will work closely with the OPR Computer Group and with Library Data Services staff to help ensure that access to electronic OPR data collections is maintained through an appropriate approach to metadata and digital archivi struction. Experience with CJK records and related technical exper­tise. Salary and Benefits: Salary and rank are negotiable and competi­tive dependent upon qualifications and experience. This is a tenure-track academic appointment that includes eligibility for sab­batical leaves. Benefits include a university health care plan, TIAA­CREF retirement/annuity plan, group life insurance, and liberal vaca­tion and sick leave. To Apply: Review of applications will begin on March 5, 2001. The position will remain utilizing the Voyager Acquisitions Module, vendor Web-based data­bases, and the local automated purchasing system. Information Ser­vices activities include proactive, innovative participation in develop­ing methods to ensure that the library serials collection will meet the needs of the campus community, remote users, and consortial con­stituencies with special emphasis on distributed education. Participa­tion in reference rotation and liaison activities with academic depart­ments as designated will also be 354/C&RL News ■ March 2001 MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES LIBRARIANUniversity of California, Santa Barbara (Search Re-opened)The University of California, Santa Barbaba, one of nine campuses of the University of California system, is seeking a Middle Eastern Studies Librarian. Reporting to the Area, Ethnic, and Gender Studies Collection Coordinator and working closely with the Principal Cataloger, the librarian works individually and as part of a team to provide reference, cataloging, bibliographic, and instructional services to students, fa Review of applications will begin March 5,2001, and continue until position is filled. Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania is a member of the State System of Higher Education and is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer building a diverse academic community and enourages minorities, women, veterans, and persons with dis­abilities to apply. You can learn more about us on our Web page at: LIBRARIAN FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES. Does being a faculty member in a vibrant, user-focused have an ALA-accredited MLS with at least five years of relevant experience and posseses knowledge of the Superintendent of Docu­ments, Dewey Decimal, and Library of Congress classifications sys­tems, Anglo-American cataloging rules, MARC formats, and use of OCLC for cataloging and authority work. You should be computer adept and software savvy with demonstrated experience in automated library technical services operations. You will have strong communication, management, interpersonal, and problem-solving sk C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 355 ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR TECHNICAL AND ACCESS SERVICESUniversity of MichiganThe University Library invites applications and nominations for the position of Associate Director for Technical and Access Services (TAS). A dynamic leader is sought to direct the TAS Division in this era of changing demands generated by the growing array of digital resources, the rapid development of new products and cross divisional collaborative processes, and the ever increasing rate of publication in all formats. Candidates shou 356 / C&RL News ■ March 2001 MEDIA SERVICES LIBRARIANSan Diego Community College DistrictAssistant Professor. San Diego Mesa College, The San Diego Community College District seeks qualified applicants for a Librarian (Media Services) at San Diego Mesa College. The Mesa College Library is in a beautiful four­story Learning Resources Center serving 24,000 students. The college is seeking an experienced, knowledgeable, and forward-looking librarian to coordinate and develop library media resources, audiovisual and digital production serv C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 357 GEOLOGY AND DIGITAL MAPS LIBRARIANIndiana University Libraries, BloomingtonThe Geology and Digital Maps Librarian is responsible for the leadership and overall management of the Geology Library, including planning, supervising, and evaluating the library’s services, operations, and collections. Develops the Web site and provides bibliographic instruction and reference services. Selects materials based on the needs of current and future constituents and develops external funding opportunities including grant 358 / C&RL News ■ March 2001 FOUR POSITIONS AVAILABLEGeorge Mason UniversityThe University Libraries of George Mason University (GMU) seeks to fill the following four positions:Information Technology/Engineering Reference/Liaison Librarian Public and International Affairs Reference/Liaison LibrarianQUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Preferred: advanced subject degree in appro­priate discipline or demonstrated knowledge in appropriate subject area; reference experience; experience in collection development, instruction, and e are seeking a versatile and dynamic person to lead library Public Services in aThinkpad® University environment-the first public university in Michi­gan to embark on a “laptop campus” initiative. This position administers the Public Services of Olson Library, which include the planning and supervi­sion of staff and activities of Circulation, Interlibrary Loan, Reserves, Reference, Library Instruction, Reference Computer Services, Research Support Services, Documents and Maps, and Library Distance Education equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and is strongly commit­ted to increasing the diversity of its faculty.HEAD OF THE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LIBRARY. TheUniversity of Akron Libraries invites applications for the position of Head of the Science and Technology Library. University Libraries seeks an experienced librarian to provide leadership and direction for the Science and Technology Library. The Science and Technology Library (S and T) is located in the Auburn Science and Engineering Center and C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 359 EVELYN SCHNEIDER ENDOWED CHAIR FOR SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATIONUniversity of LouisvilleThe University of Louisville(U of L) Libraries are seeking suitably qualified candidates for the newly created Evelyn Schneider Endowed Chair for Scholarly Communication. Under the leadership of the University Librarian (1999 ACRL Academic Librarian of the Year), the Libraries are a learner-centered, team-based organization. U of L is Kentucky’s metropolitan university serving 21,000 students in the largest urban area in the s sity of Akron (UA) is the third-largest state-assisted university in Ohio. UA's 10 academic colleges offer 24,000 students more than 300 under­graduate and master’s degree programs and options, 17 doctoral degree programs, and four law degree programs. University Librar­ies is a founding member and active participant in OhioLINK, a consortium of 79 college and university libraries in Ohio. Located in a metropolitan area of 500,000 people 30 miles south of Cleveland, The University of Akron ( and combines them with the area’s exceptional natural resources. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited master’s degree in library and/or information science; five years' relevant, increasingly respon­sible library experience; demonstrated success in supervising full­time employees and in leadership; excellent interpersonal, communi­cation, and organizational skills; strong service orientation; the ability to work creatively in a challenging and rapidly changing environment; willingness to work a flexible 360 / C&RL News ■ March 2001 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLEUniversity of Missouri-ColumbiaThe University of Missouri-Columbia (MU) seeks qualified applicants for the positions of Head, Catalog Department and Assistant Head, Acquisitions Department. MU was established in Columbia in 1839. It is one of the five most comprehensive universities in the nation, with over 250 degree programs. The MU Libraries belong to ARL, serve a student body of 22,000+ and a faculty of 1,800 with a collection of 3 million volumes and 6.45+ million microforms.Head current information technologies and knowledge of emerging trends. Preferred: Experience in a wide range of library functions including access services, collection development, information literacy, project management, and library renovation; a graduate or undergraduate degree in science, technology, or engineering; experience in an academic or special library focusing on science; a second master’s degree; demonstrated potential to meet the Libraries’ tenure and promotion requirements; a record of increasin and electronic serials collections; supervising staff of approximately five para professionals plus student assistants; overseeing all fiscal responsibilities relating to serials; coordinating serials services with other library units; recommending goals, objectives, policy, and bud­get related to all aspects of serials services; developing plans and reports related to serials; participating in library cataloging activities; serving as the principal library contact with serials vendors; interpret­ing serial C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 361 (continued from previous page)MINIMUM SALARY: Librarian II: $37,500; Librarian III: $45,500 for 12 months commensurate with education and experience. Benefits include vested retirement after five years, University medical benefits package, and other normal fringe benefits including 75% tuition waiver.SCREENING BEGINS: April 6, 2001.AVAILABLE: July 1, 2001.Assistant Head, AcquisitionsPrincipal responsibilities include assisting in all aspects of management of the Acquisitions department, which consists of fo homepage for additional information: Application Procedure: Send a letter of application, resume, and names, mail and e-mail addresses, telephone numbers (fax numbers if available) of three references to: Peggy Toifel, Chair, Serials Search Committee, John C. Pace Library, University of West Florida, 11000 University Parkway, Pensacola, FL 32514-5750. An equal opportunity/access, affirmative action employer.INFORMATION AND COMPUTER LITERACY INSTRUCTOR.State University of New York Col Cortland, NY 13045. SUNY Cortland is an AA/EEO/ADA employer. We have a strong commitment to the affirmation of diversity and have interdisciplinary degree programs in the areas of multicultural studies.INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIAN. Morehead State University seeks a bright, self-motivated, and technology-sawy indi­vidual to fill the position of Instructional Technology Librarian. The successful candidate will be hired at the rank of Librarian I. Respon­sibilities: Assists with the development, implemen 362 / C&RL News ■ March 2001 ELECTRONIC RESOURCES LIBRARIANThe University of South FloridaUSF is a comprehensive, metropolitan state university, serving more than34,000 students in nine colleges on four campuses in Tampa, LakPetersburg, and Sarasota. Among the top research universities in the state. USF offers degree programs in 79 undergraduate disciplines, 89 master's and specialist programs, and 26 doctoral fields, and has a faculty of more than 2,000.POSITION: Reporting directly to the Collection Management Department Head, the Ele Librarian #582, Morehead State University, HM 101, Morehead, KY 40351. MSU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.PRODUCT CONSULTANT. Online Computer Library Center, Inc. (OCLC) is an innovative, high-tech library computer services and research organization that creates state-of-the-art online services and software used by more than 38,000 libraries in 76 countries and territories around the world. We are currently seeking a MARS Product Consultant for our beautiful Lacey, Washington location. requirements—indicating Job Code 03-001 —to: OCLC, Corporate Human Resources, 6565 Frantz Road, Dublin, OH 43017-3395; jobline: (614) 764-6060 or (800) 848-5878 ext. 6060; fax:(614) 798­5718; e-mail:; or complete the OCLC Employment Application online. Please access our Web site for more information at: OCLC is an equal opportunity employer and is actively seeking minority candidates for these positions.REFERENCE LIBRARIAN I. Concordia University is seeking an energetic individua C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 363 DATA SERVICES Princeton UniversitySPECIALISTPrinceton UniversityThe Princeton University Library’s general collection includes about 6 million printed volumes, as well as significant numbers of microforms, scores and records, electronic databases, and journals. Its holdings within the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections are especially rich. The Library employs approximately 300 professional and support staff workers, as well as a large student and hourly workforce. Library operations are divide Missouri Synod. We offer an excellent benefits package, including health, dental, retirement, and tuition reimbursement. Minimum salary is$30,000. The position will remain open until a qualified candidate is found. For immediate consideration, please forward cover letter, resume, and three references to: Pam Chrusciel, Director of Human Resources, Concordia University, 7400 Augusta Street, River For­est, IL60305; fax: (708)209-3176; e-mail: EOE/M/F.REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Montgomery College. To promote and support student learning, it is the responsibility of the reference library 364 /C&RL News ■ March 2001 HEAD OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONSUniversity of South FloridaUSF is a comprehensive, metropolitan state university, serving more than34,000 students in nine colleges on four campuses in Tampa, Lakeland, St. Petersburg, and Sarasota. Among the top research universities in the state, USF offers degree programs in 79 undergraduate disciplines, 89 master’s and specialist programs, and 26 doctoral fields, and has a faculty of more than 2,000.POSITION: Reporting to the Director of the Tampa Campus Library, the Head of S faculty to provide and disseminate information services in support of the college’s mission. Reference services may include developing, creating, or improving access to a variety of resources and services or acquiring instructional materials. Requirements: Master’s degree in library science from an ALA-accredited institution; teaching or training experience preferred; reference experience using electronic and print resources; demonstrated competence with HTML and pro­ductivity software; strong institutional service orientation including demonstrated experience with diverse populations; excellent written and oral communication skills; ability to teach and work collaboratively C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 365 DIGITAL SERVICES LIBRARIANDrake University, Cowles LibraryDRAKE AND COWLES LIBRARY: Drake University is a comprehensive, selective university with an innovative student-centered curriculum that blends the liberal arts with professional training. Cowles Library has established itself as a campus leader in the development and deployment of knowledge resources in the electronic format. Building on a strong heritage of student-focused user services and collections, the library is developing and evolving both a in a multicultural, user-oriented environment. Review of application material begins February 26, 2001, and will remain open until filled. Submit a cover letter addressing qualifications for the position, resume, names, addresses, and telephone numbers of five job-related refer­ences plus copies of transcripts to: North Harris Montgomery Com­munity College District, Human Resources, 250 N. Sam Houston Parkway East, Houston, TX 77060; e-mail:; fax: (281) 260-3186. For consideration, reference REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. Carleton Collegeseeks an intelligent, creative, energetic, and outgoing reference librarian with a strong background in either the humanities or sci­ences. Top salary paid for top talent. Excellent fringe benefits pack­age. Applications must be received by April 2, 2001. Starting date: July 2001. For a position description and application procedures, see: LIBRARIAN. North Harris Col­lege Library recently 366 / C&RL News ■ March 2001 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLEWashington UniversityWashington University Libraries invite applications for the two positions: Reference/Subject Librarian (Germanic Languages and Literatures, European Studies) and Reference/Subject Librar­ian (psychology). The librarians in these positions provide reference, instructional, and collection development services to faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, and members of the University community. Both positions report to tile Head of Reference.RESPONSIBILITIES: Ser institution; teaching or training experience preferred; reference expe­rience using electronic and print resources; demonstrated compe­tence with HTML and productivity software; strong institutional service orientation; excellent written and oral communication skills; ability to teach and work collaboratively in a multicultural, user-oriented envi­ronment. Review of application material begins February 26,2001, and will remain open until filled. Submit a cover letter addressing qualifi­cations for the posit A second master’s degree (or a commitment to obtain one) is also required. Candidates should have prior employment experience in an academic library and instructional experience within a library context. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills are requisite. Can­didates must be able to commit unreservedly to the educational mis­sion and evangelical Christian orientation of the University. This position holds faculty status, is designated as tenure-track, and is currently open. Rank and salary are d C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 367 (continued from previous page)The Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures at Washington University, renowned for its dedicated faculty, enjoys a national and international reputation for excellence. The libraries’ collections cover all areas of German literature from the Middle Ages to the present. Approximately35,000 volumes are in the field of Germanic languages and literatures.SALARY AND BENEFITS: Salary Range: $28,000-$34,000, TIAA-CREF, 22 vacation days, excellent benefits package.GENERAL INFO and enthusiasm to adopt new technologies and ability to work, teach, and communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with students, faculty, and staff; commitment to public services. Preferred: Undergraduate de­gree in engineering, chemistry, or physics and two years’ experience in an academic library; however, recent graduates are encouraged to apply. Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience; minimum $34,000. Attractive fringe benefits. Review of applications will begin on March 31 As faculty, librarians are expected to meet faculty requirements for tenure and promotion. Tenure is normally granted with seventh-year reappointment. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s in Library and Information Science. Academic background and/or profes­sional experience in the biological sciences and/or health sciences. Ability to provide research advice and instruction at a general reference desk on the use of print and electronic resources, including government sources. Working knowledge 368 / C&RL News ■ March 2001 WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY ACESS SERVICES MANAGER(LIBRARIAN I/II/III)Wayne State UniversityWayne State University is a Carnegie Research University I with a demonstrated commitment to teaching and learning excellence. The university’s enrollment of more than 31,000 (18,400 undergraduates) makes it the 18th largest university in the United States. The university is located in an attractive urban setting, surrounded by museums, theaters, and corporate offices easily accessible from several Detroit-area interst C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 369 PUBLIC SERVICE LIBRARIANS (TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE)University Library is seeking a forward-thinking, organized, analytical professional with strong interpersonal skills responsible for the research, University of Memphiscoordination, project management and assessment of the library’s Web delivery of digital library collections, electronic publications and digital curricular resources. Access Services LibrarianThe Team Leader will also plan and build digital Supervises interlibrary loan and document archivin 370 / C&RL News ■ March 2001 knowledge as power THREE POSITIONSStaley Library availableMillikin University Millikin UniversityDecatur, IllinoisCreated following a retirement and restructuring, these po­sitions offer the opportunity to be involved in all aspects of librarianship, in a team environment where open dialog is common practice and new ideas are welcomed and encouraged.All three positions will share reference service and collection development responsibilities, and will participate in a very active research instruction program creative activities. Application Procedure: Review of applications will begin April 2, 2001 and continue until the position is filled. Candidates should submit a letter of application, resume, and the names, postal and e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Pam Kullberg, Personnel Coordinator, J. Paul Leonard Library, San Francisco State University, 1630 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA94132-4030. San Francisco State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. national groups and committees; coordinatestraining of staff in the use of Web development tools to support a decentralized network of Web develop­ers; carries out new projects as appropriate. Qualifications: Required: MLS/MIS or equivalent experience and education; knowledge of Web architecture principles with understanding of graphic design elements; project management/leadership skills; experience in building database­backed dynamic Web sites; collaborative/consensus-building skills; so­phisticated under C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 371 CATALOGER, MASON LIBRARY ASSISTANT PROFESSORTenure-track, 12-month appointmentKEENE STATE COLLEGEKeene State College’s Mason Library invites applications for the position of Head Cataloger. Under the direction of the Head of Cataloging and Acquisitions, the Cataloger provides direction for cataloging of all print and non-print library materials, including those for Special Collections, the Curriculum Materials Library, the Center for Holocaust Studies and the center for Media and Instructional Technology. T 372 / C&RL News ■ March 2001 HEAD, INFORMATION SERVICES DEPARTMENTSoutheast Missouri State UniversityRESPONSIBILITIES:Provide vision and dynamic leadership for development of staff, collections, and both electronic and traditional information services. Supervise and coordinate the daily and long­term development and operation of the department including reference, bibliographic instruction, government documents, and instructional materials center. Supervise six library faculty and two professional staff. Participate in provision of inf C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 373 HEAD, M. E. GRENANDER DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AND ARCHIVESUniversity Libraries, University at Albany, SUNYThe Head of the M. E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives Department is responsible for the leadership, development, and management of the Department. Responsibilities include: developing collections and collection policies, coordinating departmental user services, managing budgets, training and supervising five FTE personnel, fundraising, coordinating the cataloging of co 374 / C&RL News ■ March 2001 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLETrinity University Coates LibraryCoates Library seeks applications for two senior-level positions that report directly to the library director and serve as part of the library management team. The Library contains nearly 900,000 volumes in addition to substantial electronic resources and other media. Trinity University is one of the premier liberal arts institutions in the nation, supporting approximately 2500 students with excellent faculty, facilities, and library. San Antonio, a fa C&RL News ■ March 2001 / 375 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLESt. Mary’s College of MarylandSt. Mary’s College of Maryland at Historic St. Mary’s City, the public honors college of Maryland, is currently accepting resumes for two key positions in our library. A nonsectarian college for the liberal arts, St. Mary’s is located an hour and a half southeast of Washington, D.C. Its student body is coeducational and numbers approximately 1,600.Coordinator of Cataloging and Archival ServicesThis position will be responsible for coordination of all cata