ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 41 Personnel PROFI LES Effective in September of 1972, Richard A. Farley became director of libraries at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec. His position is a newly created one established on the rec­ ommendation of the McGill University Li­ braries Commission. His primary task as director of libraries will be to implement the recommendations of the commission. The specific recom­ mendation th at will be of immediate con­ cern will be to estab­ Richard A. Farley lish five “area” li­ braries w ithin the Mc­ Gill system to answer the library problem en­ countered by a large urban university. The growth environment at McGill will not be an unfamiliar one to Mr. Farley. During his tenure at Kansas State University from 1966- 1972 he was responsible for the construction of a two and one half million dollar building addition and saw the total library budget in­ crease by 300 percent. He has served the profession in many capaci­ ties. He has been a member of ALA Council, president of the Kansas Library Association and has served on the Ad Hoc Committee for the National Agricultural Library to study an Agricultural Sciences Information Network. * * * Donald E. Oehlerts became director of li­ braries of Miami University, Oxford, Ohio on August 1, 1972. He succeeds Dr. Charles D. Churchwell, who is now associate provost of Miami. Mr. Oehlerts came to Miami from the Uni­ versity of Houston where he served as assistant director from August of 1970 through July of 1972. He has published on a variety of topics rang­ ing from guides to newspapers for Colorado and for Wisconsin, to “Xerox Circulation Sys­ tems: An Alternative to Automation,” published in the Texas Library Journal, November 1972. A P P O I N T M E N T S K a r e n A n d e r s o n is the new assistant cata­ loging librarian, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. M r s . L o u i s e A n d e r s o n is the new acting as­ sistant reference librarian, Princeton University library, New Jersey. G e o f f r e y A r m o u r has been appointed a reference librarian in the Sinclair U ndergradu­ ate Collection, University of Hawaii library, Honolulu. J o a n n e M a r y B e s s l e r has assumed the po­ sition of assistant reference librarian and in­ structor in library science, Purdue University library, Lafayette, Indiana. E . D i a n a B l a k e is the new head of the di­ vision of information services and collections, Queen’s University library, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. M r s . E d i t h B l e n d o n is the newly appoint­ ed acting university archivist, Princeton Uni­ versity library, New Jersey. M a l c o l m E . B l o w e r s has received appoint­ m ent as assistant law librarian, University of Tennessee Law Library, Knoxville. M r s . M o n i q u e B o g o j e v i c has assumed the position of assistant librarian in the acquisitions department, Case W estern Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. S t e v e n B r o g d e n was appointed director and librarian of the Harwood Foundation, Universi­ ty of New Mexico, Albuquerque. M r s . S a r a h - A l i c i a B u r k m a n has assumed the position, population research librarian, Princeton University library, New Jersey. C u r t i s C a m p a g n a is now assistant to the curator of the poetry collection at the library of the State University of New York, Buffalo. J e r r y V. C a s w e l l has been named librari­ an for media and circulation at the Steenbock Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin, Madison. L o r e n e C r a n e r has been named librarian at the Gallup Branch, University of New Mex­ ico. M r s . M a r y D a l z e l l is the new reference- bibliographer, science and engineering librarian at Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio. J e a n D e c k e r has been appointed serials li­ brarian of the cataloging departm ent of the li­ brary of the State University of New York, Buffalo. S a n d r a D e M i n c o is the new audiovisual li­ brarian at Rockland Community College, Suf­ fern, New York. I v a n M. E d w a r d has been appointed assist­ ant acquisitions librarian, Memphis State Uni­ versity library, Tennessee. B a h a a E l - H a d i d y is periodical resources li­ brarian, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. V i r g i n i a E l w o o d is now public relations writer and reference librarian, State University of California, Northridge. 42 Q .WHY LIBRARY B L ib ra I ry N B in d i D n g is I a s N p e c ia G l k in d ? of b in d in g d e v e lo p e d p rim a rily fo r lib ra r ie s , a nd in c lu d e s th e in itia l h a rd c o v e r b in d in g o f p e rio d ic a ls , th e re b in d in g o f used b o o k s and th e p re -b in d in g o f n e w b o o k s — a ll in a c c o rd a n c e w ith th e LBI S ta n d a rd . B y s p e c ify in g lo w c o s t lib ra r y b in d ­ in g f o r a ll y o u r b in d in g re q u ire ­ m e n ts, y o u ca n save th o u s a n d s o f d o lla rs in y o u r b u d g e t (a m o u n t d e ­ p e n d e n t u p o n s iz e o f o rig in a l b u d g e t) b e c a u s e e a ch v o lu m e w ill w ith s ta n d 100 o r m o re c irc u la tio n s , o v e r fo u r tim e s th e n u m b e r p ro ­ v id e d b y a p u b lis h e r’s lib r a r y e d i­ tio n . T h is n e w -fo u n d m o n e y can th e n be u se d to p u rc h a s e new title s , th e re b y in c re a s in g th e s iz e o f y o u r c o lle c tio n w ith o u t s u b s ta n ­ t ia lly in c re a s in g th e b u d g e t. W rite today (or our free brochures and the name of your nearest Certified Library Binder. ‘L ibrary ‘Bind ing ‘Institute 50 Congress Street, Boston, Mass. 02109 A.$ M a r y F i n l e y is the reference librarian of the federal documents, State University of Cali­ fornia, Northridge. L i n G o o d is now head of the bibliographic operations division, Queen’s University, Kings­ ton, Ontario, Canada. M r s . M a r y G r o s s is head of the catalog de­ partment, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. S u s a n H a n l e y has been named order librari­ an at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. P a t r i c i a H a r n e s s is the new assistant li­ brarian for public services, Beloit College, W is­ consin. M r s . C a r o l H a z e n has been named assistant reference librarian, Princeton University library, New Jersey. J a m e s H e n s o n is a new addition to the ac­ quisitions department, State University of Cali­ fornia, Northridge. S u s a n a A. H i n o j o s a has joined the Moffitt Undergraduate library as assistant librarian, University of California, Berkeley. D a v i d H o w a r d has been appointed periodi­ cals librarian, David Lipscomb College, Nash­ ville, Tennessee. C e l i a H u k i n s has accepted the position of assistant serials librarian and instructor in li­ brary sciences, Purdue University, New Jersey. D o n S. H u r s t is the new acting assistant li­ brarian at the University of Oklahoma, Nor­ man. D a v i d L. I n c e has accepted the position of chief of administrative services at the University of New Mexico library, Albuquerque. J u l i e C. J a c k s o n is a Slavic cataloger, Uni­ versity of Michigan, Ann Arbor. P a m e l a N a n J a c k s o n has assumed the po­ sition of assistant acquisitions librarian, Univer­ sity of Oklahoma, Norman. D r . C h r i s t o p h e r K e n d r i s is the new assist­ ant professor of foreign language and culture and bibliographer for humanities, St. Mary’s College, Maryland. M r s . C l a r e n K i d d is now interlibrary l o a n librarian, University of Oklahoma, Norman. P e g g y A. K u s n e r z is now an assistant librari­ an in the University of Michigan Museums Li­ brary and Library Extension Library, Ann Ar­ bor. P a t r i c i a K w i n n has been named assistant humanities librarian, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Be n L a Bu e has joined the staff of the Uni­ versity of Nevada, Las Vegas, as circulation- reference librarian. T o m i s l a v L a n d i k u s i c has been appointed assistant director, acquisitions librarian, Univer­ sity of Oklahoma, Norman. S u s a n M a c D o n a l d has assumed the duties of assistant documents librarian, Miami Univer­ sity, Oxford, Ohio. Library National of Union Congress Catalogs Y ou Can Now Purchase the Li br a ry of C o n g r e s s / N a tio n al Union Ca talogs on 4x6 p o s itiv e or n e g a tiv e m ic ro fic h e . N C R / M ic r o c a r d E d itio n s offers an e x a ct rep rin t of this m a s s iv e c o m p ila tio n in a fo rm tha t is c o m p a c t, easy to use, and m o d e ra te ly p ric e d . T h e y ea rs 1 8 9 8 -1 9 7 0 are a v a ila b le at a total p ric e of $2409.00; c u rre n t s u b s c r ip tio n s c o s t $ 1 75 .00 fo r 1971 and $ 2 60 .00 fo r 1972. Buy the c o m p le te s eries and get a new N C R 38X m ic r o fic h e re a d e r free. Microcard Editions 901 TWENTY-SIXTH STREET, N.W. 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E A S T E R N D I V I S I O N S O U T H E A S T D I V I S I O N M I D W E S T D I V I S I O N S O U T H W E S T D I V I S I O N W E S T E R N D I V I S I O N S O M E R V I L L E , N E W J E R S E Y 0 8 8 7 6 C O M M E R C E , G E O R G I A 3 0 5 2 9 M 0 M E N C E , I L L I N O I S 6 0 9 5 4 C L A R K S V I L L E , T E X A S 7 5 4 2 6 R E N O , N E V A D A 8 9 5 0 2 5 0 K ir b y A v e n u e , T e l : 2 0 1 - 7 2 2 - 8 0 0 0 T e l : 4 0 4 -3 3 5 -5 0 0 0 G l a d io l a A v e n u e In d u s t r ia l P a r k 3 8 0 E d is o n W a y N . Y . C i t y T e l : 2 1 2 - 2 2 7 - 8 4 7 0 T e l : 8 1 5 - 4 7 2 - 2 4 4 4 T e l : 2 1 4 - 4 2 7 - 3 8 1 1 T e l : 7 0 2 - 7 8 6 - 6 7 0 0 C h ic a g o T e l : 3 1 2 - 6 4 1 - 3 2 3 3 N e w B o o k s In s p e c ti o n C e n t e r 5 8 2 0 W i ls h ir e B l v d . , L o s A n g e l e s , C a l i fo r n i a 9 0 0 3 6 , T e l : 2 1 3 - 9 3 8 - 2 9 2 5