ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 319 C lassified A d v e rtis in g N O T IC E Respondents to advertisers offering faculty " r a n k " and "sta tu s" are advised that these terms are a m bigu ous and should inquire as to benefits involved. A ll a d v ertisements for the Positions W anted and the Positions O p e n classifications will be e d ­ ited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the A dve rtisin g Department, A m erican Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., C hicago, IL 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding publication of issue desired. C o p y received after that time may be held for the next issue. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because of the increased risk of copy error, will be accepted. C a lls should be directed to Leona Swiech at (312) 944-6780. A confirm ing order should be m ailed to the A dve rtising Department as soon as pos­ sible following the call, alon g with typewritten copy to be used in proofread ing the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $1.80 per printed line. FOR SALE S E A R C H SERVICE. Ex-librarians locate titles or subject, plus 150,000 indexed stock. PAB 2917 Atlantic, Atlantic City, NJ 08401. Phone: 609/344-1943. C H I N A — General collection— reasonable. A ll topics. 1,000 vcls. plus. W rite M . Frazin, E R A C Box NO, Farmington, C T 06032. P O SIT IO N S O PEN A C A D E M IC L IB R A R IA N . A unique opportunity to utilize your education and experience in a new and challenging environment. A s T E C H N IC A L P R O G R A M S R E P R E S E N T A ­ TIVE, working with other professionally and technically oriented people, for an internationally known, leading distributor to libraries, you will be in on the ground floor, with an expanding grou p and will assume re­ sponsibility for supporting sales and customer relations activities using, in an assigned territory, your professional knowledge o f the special requirements of academ ic libraries. To be considered for this position you should possess the M .L.S. de gre e and have acquired a minimum of 2 years of professional technical services a n d / o r col­ lection developm ent experience. Experience in working with an A p p ro v a l Plan and background or training in business and automated library techniques will be in your favor. You should enjoy traveling and meeting new people and situations, possess poise and confidence in your abilities, and be willing to relocate to a pleasant New Jersey community. Salary is negotiable. Position offers a com prehensive benefit program including tuition reimbursement and expenses. Your future co-workers are aware of this ad. If qualified, send detailed resume, salary history, and references in com plete confidence to D. C. PICKETT, D IR E C T O R , P R O G R A M S E R V IC E S , T H E B A K E R & T A Y L O R C O M P A N Y , T H E P R O F E S S IO N A L & T E C H N IC A L C E N T E R , 6 K IR B Y A V E N U E , S O M E R V IL L E , N E W J E R S E Y 08876. A n equal opportunity employer. A SSIST A N T D IR E C T O R FO R P U B LIC SE RV ICE S. Large urban university of more than a million volum es invites applications for Assistant Director for Public Services, whose position will include a multiplicity of services functions, including reference and circulation; co-opera­ tive services; im plem entation of policies relating to present and future user education and access to the collection; responsibility for the coordination of collec­ tion developm ent; knowledge of current trends in com ­ puter-based services is essential. Basic requirements: fifth-year de gre e in library science; additional graduate degree and several years experience in progressively responsible positions in large urban university environ­ ment; experience in supervision and proven ability to work well with people, especially academ ic faculty and library personnel. Facuty status; 12-month contract; ex­ cellent benefits; starting salary of $22,000 and up d e ­ pending on experience and other qualifications. Send resume to Robert V. Haynes, Interim Director, University of H ouston Libraries, 4800 Calhoun, Houston, Texas 77004. Equal employm ent opportunity employer. A SSIST A N T L IB R A R IA N . On-line ca ta lo gin g coordination, original cataloging, subject biblio graphy, gift selection; reference service, including com puterized searching. M L S from A L A -a cc re d ite d library school; second master's or equivalent experience. M inim um one year professional academ ic library experience, preferably including on ­ line cataloging. Two o r more foreign languages preferred. $1,012—$ I ‚393/mo. commensurate with qualifications. Start­ ing February I, 1978. A p p ly by Decem ber 31, 1977, to Fidelia Dickinson, Assoc. Director, San Die go State U n i­ versity Library, San Diego, C A 92182. A n equal o p p o r­ tunity/affirmative action/Title IX employer. A SSIST A N T RE FE REN CE L IB R A R IA N . Provides general reference service at main information desk and assists with other reference functions— interlibrary loan, vertical file, book selection, g ro u p instruction— in a departm ent of three professionals. M L S plus second master's or under­ graduate major in natural sciences preferred. Experience with or interest in com puterized b ib lio g ra p h ic searching desirable. M inim um salary $10,500. A p p ly with resume and three letters of reference: Dr. Leon Raney, Dean of Libraries, Hilton M . B rig gs Library, South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota 57007. A n equal o p ­ portunity/affirm ative action employer. DEPUTY U N IV E RSITY L IB R A R IA N . Responsibilities: A ct as deputy to the university librarian, with joint responsi­ bility for the overall adm inistration o f the cam pus li­ brary operations (including branches). To be intimately involved with the university librarian and others in form ulation of policies, rules, and regulations and in planning for the future. Q U A L I F IC A T IO N S : M L S degree or equivalent. A d d itio n a l graduate degre e desirable. A highly qualified candidate must dem onstrate successful experience in top-level adm inistration in a strong a ca ­ dem ic library, and a broad understanding of current issues in higher education and the ch anging role of re­ search libraries. A p p ro p ria te understanding of such areas as automation, networking, collection development, in­ formation service, library instruction, and b ib lio gra p h ic control in academ ic libraries is essential. M ust have experience with understanding of participatory de cision­ making, staff development, and com mitment to affirmative action in em ployee relationships. A P P O IN T M E N T . In spring 1978 at the assistant o r associate university li­ brarian rank within the salary range $22,000—$36,200, d e ­ pe nd ing on qualifications and experience. A pp lic a tio n s with resumes and names of three references should be sent by Decem ber 31, 1977, to: M ichael J. M aclnnes, Library Personnel Director, P.O. Box 19557, Irvine, C A 92713. A ll qualified applican ts are welcome to apply. The University o f California is an equal opportunity/ affirm ative action employer. D IR E C T O R O F C O L L E G E LIBRARY. Small, private coastal M a ine college offering B A in human ecology; 100 stu­ dents, 10,000-volume library and grow ing. M L S required, plus previous academ ic adm inistrative experience pre­ ferred. M a jor responsibility, besides general library a d ­ ministration, includes developm ent and operation of a research library in specific curriculum areas, while w ork­ ing very closely with faculty members. Stim ulating at­ m osphere provides for personal involvement with students and faculty. Salary range: $ 12,000—$ 14,000, dependent on experience. Position to begin when right person is found; no later than Ju ly ‘78. A p p ly with resume to Lynn Der- mott, Librarian, C o lle g e of the Atlantic, Bar H arbor, M a ine 04609. A n equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. D IR E C T O R O F TH E INSTITUTE O F T E C H N O L O G Y LI­ BRARIES. The University of M innesota is seeking a p p li­ cants for the newly created position of director of the institute of technology libraries. This is one of seven key adm inistrative positions in the University of Minnesota Libraries, Twin C ities campus. Under the general dire c­ tion of the director of university libraries, the director of the institute of technology libraries is responsible for adm inistering the operations, services, and resources of the 320 DIRECTOR OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES The University of Michigan is seeking applications and nomina­ tions for the Director of the Uni­ versity Libraries. The Director is responsible for the operation of one of the major library systems in the country. The responsibili­ ties are university-wide and the Director reports to the Vice Presi­ dent for Academic Affairs. Candidates should have a strong appreciation of and commitment to excellence in scholarship, re­ search, and instruction. Desirable qualifications might typically in­ clude an MLS degree, demon­ strated administrative ability in a large university or research li­ brary, and an understanding of national issues in research li­ brary administration. Salary Range: $40,000-$50,000 Send applications and nomina­ tions to: DR. ROBERT M. WARNER, CH AIRM AN LIBR AR Y SEARCH COMMITTEE THE U N IVER SITY OF MICHIGAN 3079 AD M IN ISTR ATIO N BUILDING ANN ARBOR, M ICHIGAN 48109 T h e U n iv e rs it y is a n o n -d is c r im in a t o ry , a f­ firm a tiv e a ctio n e m p lo ye r. seven physically separate libraries that serve the bib lio­ graphic and informational needs of the university's institute of technology. These include the Architecture, Chemistry, Engineering, Geology, Mathematics, M ines and M etallur­ gy, and Physics libraries. Together, they have an operating budget of over $600,000 (including salaries and wages, acquisitions, and supplies and expense) and a staff of 26 FTE, including 8 professionals. Applicants for the position must have demonstrated skills in leadership, planning, and interpersonal relations. They must possess the M L S or its appropriate equivalent as well as signifi­ cant applicable experience in a major university library. An educational background in the physical sciences or mathematics is desirable. Know ledge of academ ic pro­ gram s and the ability to work effectively with faculty and academ ic administrators are essential. Applicants should be able to meet the requirements of a university libraries faculty appointment at the rank of associate professor or professor. The minimum starting salary is $22,500. Applicants should send a detailed resume to Donalda Burnham, Chairperson of the Search Committee for the Director of the Institute of Technology Libraries, Engineering Library, I28 Lind Hall, 207 Church Street, S.E., Minneapolis, M N 55455. The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, creed, color, sex, or national origin. The closing date for receipt of application is December 15, I977. H E A D , C A T A L O G IN G D IV IS IO N . Responsible for plan­ ning and directing a staff of I6. Qualifications: M SL S and 6 years professional cataloging and administrative experience in research library with LC classification. Ex­ perience with O C L C and modern European languages desirable. H iring range to $16,540, depending on qua li­ fications. Resume to Dr. Fred M. Peterson, A cting D i­ rector of Libraries, C atholic University of America, Room 108 Mullen Library, W ashington, D C 20064. An equal opportunity employer. M E D IC A L C A T A L O G E R . To establish the catalog and catalog procedures for new M edical Library. Require M.L.S. from A LA-accredited school, and two years cata­ loging experience. Familiarity with N.L.M. classification and M E S H desirable. Beginning salary $15,000 minimum. Position funded for approximately 2 years; T IA A ; 24 days annual leave. Send resume and names of three references to: Ruth H. Donovan, Assistant Director, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557, by Novem ber 15, 1977. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. N O N -P R IN T L IB R A R IA N . Oversee the operations of the Non-Print Division, storage and loan of software. C o ­ ordinate the loan of hardware for classroom use. W ork with faculty in developing A -V materials. Qualifications: Graduate degree in Library Science with a strong back­ ground in A -V Educational Technology. Salary: $13,104. Applicatio n deadline: Novem ber 31, 1977. A p p ly to: Director, Library & Learning Resources Service, Uni­ versity of Minnesota, Duluth, M N 55812. N E W S P A P E R L IB R A R IA N , L IB R A R IA N I. Responsible for providing administration, reference, circulation and other services for the Newspaper Library. Maintains a morgue collection of clippings and photographs. Requires M a s­ ters degree from an A LA-accredited library school. Liberal arts or journalism background preferred. Dead­ line for applications: December I, 1977. Salary: $11,000. A p p ly to: Associate Director of Libraries, University of Missouri-Colum bia Ellis Library, Colum bia, Missouri 65201. A n affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . If your department head isn't ready to retire and you want to advance, would you like to continue the development of and H E A D our depart­ ment? Staff of seven professionals, two clericals, and assorted students. Directs liaison with 47 academ ic teach­ ing departments, including doctoral and research pro­ gram s in a land-grant institution. M ust hold A L A - accredited masters degree. Prefer additional masters in one of the sciences. Minimum of four years of responsible reference experience in a medium to large academic library, which would be appropriate to the above assign­ ment. M ust be articulate in both oral and written com ­ munication. Prefer experience with electronic biblio­ graphic data-base searching. Department has O C L C terminal for both m onographic and local serials records. Tenure track position with all perquisites identical to teaching faculty. Provide full resume. Include names of three current references. This is a second listing that ex­ tends application deadline to December 9, 1977. Position 321 open now but will con sider February or June 1978 re­ porting date. Salary n e gotia ble from $14,760. C ontact: Jam es Dyke, Director o f the Library, Box 3475, New M exico State University, Las Cruces, N M 88003. N M S U is an equal opp ortunity/affirm ative action employer. S C IE N C E R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N S (2). M L S required. Reference, material selection, faculty liaison, class in ­ struction. O n e position ½ veterinary m edical, ½ Science and Engineering Library with technical service super­ visory responsibility; experience in a science/m edical library desirable; life science major required. O n e position engineering reference and cordination of col­ lection developm ent for Science and Engineering Library requires professional experience in sciences a n d / o r e n gi­ neering library; degree in engine e ring or physical science highly desirable. Faculty status, T IA A / C R E F . O p e n Feb. I, 1978. Send resume to Dr. A lle n e F. Schnaitter, D i­ rector of Libraries, W a sh in gton State University, Pullman, W A 99164, before Jan. I, 1978. W a sh ington State U ni­ versity is an equal opportunity/affirm ative action em­ ployer. W om en, minorities, a n d / o r h a nd ica p p e d ind i­ viduals are encou rage d to a p p ly and to identify them­ selves as such. S E R IA L C A T A L O G E R . Northwestern University, C a ta lo g Department. C a ta lo g s serials representing all levels of difficulty in a variety of foreign languages, using A A C R , D D C 18, and L C S H for inclusion in Northw estern's o n­ line b ib lio g ra p h ic system N O T IS 3. C oord ina te s North­ western's serial ca ta lo g in g effort, supervising and train­ ing at least two full-time support staff; perform s or oversees recatalogin g, transfers, withdrawals, etc., of serial m aterial already in the collection. M L S from accredited library school. Several years progressively responsible ca ta lo gin g experience, preferably including serials in a research library using an autom ated system. A b ilit y to work in a variety of foreign languages, with com petence ip Germ an or French strongly preferred. Proven supervisory capability. O p e n M arch I, 1978. A p ­ plications accepted until January 6, 1978. H irin g range: $ 12,500—$ 14,000, dependent upon qualifications. Subm it applicatio n s to Robert Ireland, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60201. A n equal opportunity em­ ployer. W hy not try the Association for Library Service to Children instead?— A new name* for a proven team. 5,000 strong. children’s librarians, media specialists. children’s book editors, authors, illustrators, filmmakers. People who benefit from A L S C ’s • ideas for creative programs, • assistance in fighting censorship and illiteracy, • contacts with other national organizations serving children, • evaluations of books, toys, posters, records, films. Join us and find the ideas and help you need in Top of the News and in conference sessions. Participate with your colleagues in selecting notable children’s books, films, recordings . . . and Newbery and Caldecott Medal winners. ink as R n ellE y b noitartsulli When you renew yo u r A L A m em bership this year, join us in A LS C . * formerly C hildre n’s S e rv ic e s Division NEW FROM ISI® ARTS & HUMANITIES CITATION INDEX multidisciplinary current ■ easy to use Now fo r the firs t tim e, you can But the best part is th e re's no search the journal literature of all the need to m a s te r s p e c ia liz e d v o ­ m a jo r arts and h u m a n itie s d is c i­ cabularies or com plex classification plines w ith one, easy-to-use refer­ schemes to fin d what you want. Items ence to o l: the Arts & Hum anities Cita­ are indexed by author, title w ords tion Index. and by the re fe re n ce s— or citations This new m u ltid isc ip lin a ry index — that the authors themselves use to covers about 1 , 0 0 0 of the world's most docum ent their work. Indexing by ci­ im portant journals in literature, his­ tations lets you start a search w ith tory, languages, religion, philosophy, previously published m aterial rele­ dram a/theater, art, music and other vant to your subject and, through ci­ related fields. tation relationships, find more recent articles on the topic.Each jo u rn a l is in d e x e d fro m cover to cover. This com prehensive The variety of indexing techniques indexing enables you to locate the offered by the Arts & Humanities Cita­ types of items not usually found w ith tion Index makes it an extremely ver­ c o n v e n tio n a l in d e x e s — fic tio n , satile tool. W hether you know a lot or po etry, co rre sp o n d e n ce , bo ok re­ a little about a subject ... an im por­ views — as well as articles. tant author who has w ritten on it or a And the Arts & H um anities Cita­ few words likely to appear in a rele­ tion Index vant title ... you can use the cuts to a m inim um the lag Arts & tim e between an item 's publication H u m a n itie s C ita tio n Index to fin d quickly the inform ation you want.and its coverage by an indexing ser­ vice. You can locate new a rticles To learn more about the Arts & w ith in a few m onths of th e ir appear­ H u m a n itie s C ita tio n In d e x send ance in the literature. in the coupon below. ©19 7 7 ISI.