ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries July/August 1 9 9 2 / 4 3 9 U niversity of A rk a n sa s a t Little Rock institutes student lib ra ry fee F iscal 1991-1992 m arks th e first y ear the Ottenheimer Library at tire University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR) will receive su ental budget support from a student fee which m became operating procedure this past July. In slightly more than 20 years, UALR has grow n from less than 5,000 undergraduate students to over 12,000 undergraduate and graduate students. These graduate programs in­ clude doctoral work which the North Central Ac­ crediting Association sanctioned this year. That kind o f grow th can have several ef­ fects o n the university’s library. Budgets do not increase very rapidly an d grants cannot su p p lem en t all n ew program s. In fact, with state su p p o rt evolving from a legislature that only m eets every tw o years, the biennial fi­ nancial preparations always lag behind the de­ mands placed upon the library and its staff. In the spring o f 1987 the University o f Ar­ kansas Board of Trustees passed a list o f fees w hich the Little Rock campus h o p ed to insti­ tute the following fall. This list included ex­ panded fees o f many kinds: for laboratory use, for music instruction, for the use of physical education facilities, and for foreign language instruction, to m ention a few. Also instituted at approxim ately the same time w as a user fee charged to library patrons w ho w ere not connected to the university. These fees w ere designed to generate general revenues at a more rapid pace so that the institution could m eet its expanded programmatic needs by m eans other than the normal budget process. In 1989 and 1990 the library director put pp forward to central administration the idea of a student library fee. This fee w ould be used immediately for materials, technology, and ser­ lev­ices that have a direct impact u pon student needs. The fee was passed by the University of Arkansas System Board in the spring of 1991; it requires that $1.50 per semester credit hour be collected, then transferred to the li­ brary for purchases to benefit students. Rev­ enues will be adjusted each year as enroll­ ment grows, and the $1.50 can be increased. A pproxim ately $350,000 w as generated during 1991-92, and is expected to grow as enrollment surges; UALR is projected to reach 18,000-20,000 students by the year 2000. The library administration has publicly stated that m onies raised will be used to buy m ono­ graphs, videocassettes, reference materials, music, com pact discs, and equipment. Students’ reactions to the required library fee are very positive. Gayla Marie Tyler, a senior w ho plans to attend graduate school at UALR, said, “I can understand and appre­ ciate the library fee. Our m oney will benefit all students, especially those like myself w ho intend to go o n to higher studies.” Robert Austin and Tracy Ahring both com mented that now the library can expand its b ook collec­ tion w ith recent publications that will update the holdings. Carson Baxter, another student, said, “This fee will be p u t to better use than some others; w e can b e at tip-top standard n o w .”— D on Sweet, library director; K athy Sanders, assistant director, p u b lic services; a n d Bill Traylor, assistant director, technical services, University o f Arkansas, Little Rock (Bitnet: BATAYLOR@UALR.Edu) ■ W eek (NLW) celebration. The University of and faculty had the chance to match faculty members with their favorite books. A u b u rn d edic a te s lib r a r y a d d itio n O n N ovember 8, 1991, the 207,000-square-foot addition to the Auburn University Libraries was dedicated. The addition doubled the library’s size increasing the building’s capacity to 2.5 million volumes with seating for 2,500. State and university bonds as well as private sup­ South Alabama Biomedical Library held draw­ ings during this year’s NLW. Prizes aw arded included copicards for $5.00 w orth o f photo­ copying and free com puter searches (value up to $20.00). The N ortheastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine (NEOUCOM) celebrated NLW w ith “T h e S e c o n d A n n u a l G re a t NEOUCOM Read A loud” an d “T he Faculty Match G am e” in w hich NEOUCOM students mailto:BATAYLOR@UALR.Edu