ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries July/August 1 9 9 2 / 4 6 5 And th e winners a re . . . Here are the official 1 9 9 2 ACRL election results Jacquelyn McCoy Thomas G. Kirk Jacq u elyn McCoy, the college librarian at Oc cidental College in Los Angeles, is the 55t president o f the Association for College an Research Libraries. McCoy a n n o u n c e d h e theme for her 1992-93 year in office as “Aca demic Libraries at the Crossroad.” McCoy said, “Although the phrase informa tion age has becom e som ething of a cliché academic and research libraries lie at the hea of efforts to prepare a diverse citizenry for em ployment and for personal enrichment durin a period o f rapid technological, economic, p o litical, and social change. Higher education changing, the clientele w e serve is changing the ways w e deliver information products ar changing, the library profession itself is chang ing. As w e welcom e diversity in our facult and student populations, w e are attempting t increase diversity w ithin our ow n ranks. Sim larly, changes in curriculum, changes in teach ing m ethods and, above all, the electronicall wired campus are challenging us to rethink how w e go about our business of librarianship McCoy’s emphasis will be on educating tomorrow information professional to help lead the highe education academy into the next century. McCoy plans a four-point program that in cludes diversity, education, leadership, an technology. To assist with the implementatio o f h er theme, McCoy has appointed an ACRL President’s Program committee for 1993 chaired by Jordon Scepanski, California State Univer­ sity, Long Beach. Members include Barbara Moran, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Joanne Euster, Univ. of California, Irvine; and Charles Martell, Cali­ fornia State Univ., Sacramento. As president, McCoy will preside over the ACRL Board o f Directors and the ACRL Execu­ tive Committee, chair the ACRL Conference Pro­ gram Planning Committee for the 1993 Annual Conference in New Orleans, and plan ACRL's major program at the conference. McCoy will also represent ACRL on the ALA N ew O rleans Conference Planning Program Committee and on the ALA Planning and Bud­ get Assembly. She will also represent ACRL and ALA in their relations w ith other organizations. McCoy has served on the ACRL Planning ­ Committee and the Academic or Research Li­ h brarian of the Year Award Committee. She was d elected chair of the ACRL College Libraries Sec­ r tion (1989-90), chaired the committee that de­ ­ veloped ACRL’s Standards fo r College Libraries in 1986, and w as a mem ber of the committee ­ that developed output measures for academic , libraries resulting in the publication of ACRL’s rt Measuring Academic Library Performance: A Prac­ ­ tical Guide. She has held several appointments in g ACRL’s Bibliographic Instruction Section. ­ She has authored many books and articles on is bibliographic instruction and college library stan­ , dards including Teaching Library! Skills fo r A cademic e Credit (with Mignon Adams; Oryx, 1986). ­ McCoy has an A.B. in history from the Max­ y well School o f Syracuse University and an MSLS o from Syracuse University. i­ ­ T hom as G. Kirk, college librarian and profes­ y sor of library science at Berea College, Berea, Kentucky, has b ee n elected v ice-p resid en t/ .” president-elect o f ACRL. The 1992 election re­ ’s sults show ed 1,464 votes for Kirk and 1,246 r votes for Barbara J. Wittkopf, reference librar­ ian at Louisiana State University. ­ Kirk believes ACRL needs to address three d challenges: “More sustained and intensive net­ n working with higher education and professional 4 6 6 / C&RL N ew s associations, more intentional coordination of our w ork with ALA an d the other divisions, and strengthening our planning an d com m u­ nication efforts w ithin ACRL.” [Ed. note: Kirk ivelcomes suggestions in these three areas fr o m ACRL members. Write h im a t H utchins Library, Berea College, Berea, K Y 40404; phone: (606) 986-9341, ext. 5266; fa x : (606) 986-9494; or e-mail:] As vice-president/president-elect o f ACRL, Kirk will serve on the ACRL Board of Directors and the ACRL Executive Committee. He will chair the ACRL Conference Program Planning Committee for the 1994 Annual Conference in Miami. He will rep resen t ACRL on the ALA A ppointm ents Committee and the ALA Con­ ference Planning Committee for the 1994 Con­ ference. At the en d o f the 1993 Annual Confer­ ence he will becom e ACRL’s 56th president. Kirk has b ee n active in ALA an d ACRL serv­ ing as ACRL’s Councilor to the ALA Council (1986-90) an d m em ber o f th e ACRL B oard of Directors. He also served as a m em ber o f the ACRL B oard from 1979-81. Kirk has served as chair of ACRL’s College Libraries Section (1982) and Science an d T echnology Section (1980) as well as the ACRL Research Com­ m ittee (1985-87). Kirk’s activities include serving on the Board o f Directors of SOLINET and as a m em ber of the OCLC Users Council. In 1991 he was nam ed the Academic Librarian o f the Year o f the Ken­ tucky Library Association, in 1984 he received the Miriam Dudley Bibliographic Instruction Li­ brarian o f the Year Award from ACRL’s Biblio­ graphic Instruction Section, an d he is a mem­ b er o f the H onor Society o f Phi Kappa Phi. Kirk has authored num erous publications and given many presentations on the topics o f li­ brary instruction, serials, and college libraries. The results o f the ACRL elections follow. For each position the elected candidate is given first, with the num ber of votes in parentheses. C on stitu tio n c h a n g e A doption of p ro p o sed constitution change: Yes: 2,324; No: 134. A fro-A m erican Studies Libraries Section Vice-Chair/Chair Elect: W illiam C. W elb u m (49); Robert Miller (17). Secretary: Joyce E. Jelks (46); Diana L. Brice (18). Member-at-Large (tw o-year term; tw o to be elected): M ichael C. W alker (39); R och ­ e lle R. Ballard (37); Carol A. Rudisell (30). A n th r o p o lo g y a n d S o cio lo g y Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: K athryn L. C reeley (114); write-in (3). Member-at-Large (two-year term): J. C hristina S m ith (79); Mary M. Koenig-Loring (46). A rts Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: M adeleine M. N ich o ls (98); Sandra T. M ooney (74). A s ia n a n d A fric a n Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: K atharine K. E lsässer (90); write-in (3). Member-at-Large (two-year term): D o n a ld Clay J o h n s o n (61); Brenda E. Bickett (44). B ib lio g ra p h ic In structio n Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Lori L. Arp (497); Bar­ bara A. MacAdam (463). Secretary: B eth S. W oodard (649); Craig A. Mulder (283). Member-at-Large (three-year term): Margaret R. W ells (470); Mary J. Petrowski (442). C o lle g e L ib raries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Barbara J. B row n (301); Rebecca A. Wilson (213). Secretary: M ichael J. LaCroix (296); LeRoy S. Strohl III (184). M ember-at-Large (tw o-year term): P a m ela S n e lso n (244)*; Allison L. G ould (244). C o m m u n ity a n d J u n io r C o lle g e L ib raries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Margaret “P eggy” A. H o llem a n (160); Lenora C. Lockett (64); Secretary: Susan Anderson (109); Cary Sowell (107). E d u c a tio n a l a n d B e h a v io ra l Sciences Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: J u d ith S egal (212); Charles B. T hurston (141). E x te n d e d C a m p u s L ib ra ry Services Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Lynn B. LaBrake (62); Thomas E. Abbott (53). Member-at-Large (two-year term): C arol M. M ou ld en (71); Virginia S. Randolph (43). L a w a n d P olitical Sciences Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: C harles D. S p o m ic k (151); write-in (2). Member-at-Large (tw o-year term): C atherine D o y le (153); write-in (1). July/A ugust 1 9 9 2 / 4 6 7 R are B ooks a n d M a n u s c rip ts Section Viœ-Chair/Chair-Elect:JackieM . D o o le y (220); Jennifer B. Lee (216). Member-at-Large (three-year term): C harles B. McNamara (371); write-in (9). Science a n d T e c h n o lo g y Section Adoption of P roposed Bylaws Change: Yes: 352; No: 13. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Jan et S. Fore (259); Helen E. Gbala (128). Secretary: J a n et C hism an (249); Barbara J. DeFelice (146). Slavic a n d East E uro p e a n Section Vice-Chair/ Chair-Elect: Leena Siegelbaum (55); write-in (1). Member-at-Large: Tatiana G o e m e r Barr (51); Ruth Wallach (11). U n iv e rs ity L ib raries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: N o reen S. A lldredge (988); Jo h n W. Collins III (552). Member-at-Large (three-year term): K ent H. H en d rick so n (830); Sarah E. How (678). Member-at-Large (three-year term): Beverlee A. F ren ch (864); Hiram L. Davis (684). W e s te rn E uro p e a n Specialist Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: J am es H enry Spohrer (146); Richard Hacken (49). Secretary: T hom as M. Izbicki (105); Charles G. Spetland (82). Member-at-Large: Craig S. L ik n ess (102); Catharine M. E. Halls (88). W o m e n 's Studies Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Betty Glass (216); write- in (4). Secretary: K ristine J. A n d erso n (148); Nancy M. Stanley (78). Member-at-Large: RitaM. P ellen (145); Mila C. Su (82). *D eterm ined by lot. ■ G et some better lo o kin g lib ra ria n s (and other suggestions from students) In the February 1992 issue o f C&R1 News we ran a story about library suggestion books and the cute, witty, angry, constructive, and sometimes w eird things students have to say in writing. We also asked readers to send in examples from their ow n libraries’ suggestion books and got several responses. What follows is a sampling of the suggestions w e found m ost entertaining. Andrew Golub, director of library and in­ formation services at the University o f New England, subm itted this gem: “Why do esn ’t the library stay o p en more? It is too loud to stud [sic] in the dorm s.” Reply: “Not if you are doing it right.” Barbara Love o f Saint Lawrence College sub­ mitted these: “It might be worthwhile to install a noise detector that sounds a loud buzzer for 3 sec­ onds if the noise level goes above a certain preset point. It could be used just to remind people that it is a library—no t a social centre.” Reply: “Now that w ould be non-intrusive.” “Dear Folks, My latest estimate indicates that this library contains no more than 6 w orks of science fiction. Obviously a) I am missing some w ell-secreted trove of these works, o r b) you are clinging to outdated imperialist bourgeois dogma by ignoring significant intelligentsia, … and engaging in cultural repression against works that will ceteris paribus encourage the devel­ opm ent of higher faculties of consciousness. Which is it? Signed, Cultural Ambassador of the Klingon Empire” Reply: “Dear Mr. Ambassador, … you should try your local public library, the source o f all true and non-specific knowledge. Our budget does not really perm it us to en ­ courage the developm ent of higher faculties of consciousness.” “Get some better looking librarians. From Zeb.” Follow-up suggestion: “Don’t put up ‘suggestions’ from jerks like Zeb. Sexism is one ‘suggestion’ we get enough of. Emma Goldman.” “Could y o u p le ase p ro v id e the sem inar rooms w ith curtains for the w indow s and locks on the insides of the doors? This I feel will aid me in becom ing more intimate with my stud­ ies.” Reply: “It sounds to us like yo u ’re more interested in becom ing intimate with the stu­ dents than w ith the studies.” And: “Ju st re m e m b e r sex an d v io le n ce count.” Reply: “W e’ll try.”