ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries July/A ugust 1 9 9 2 / 4 6 7 R are B ooks a n d M a n u s c rip ts Section Viœ-Chair/Chair-Elect:JackieM . D o o le y (220); Jennifer B. Lee (216). Member-at-Large (three-year term): C harles B. McNamara (371); write-in (9). Science a n d T e c h n o lo g y Section Adoption of P roposed Bylaws Change: Yes: 352; No: 13. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Jan et S. Fore (259); Helen E. Gbala (128). Secretary: J a n et C hism an (249); Barbara J. DeFelice (146). Slavic a n d East E uro p e a n Section Vice-Chair/ Chair-Elect: Leena Siegelbaum (55); write-in (1). Member-at-Large: Tatiana G o e m e r Barr (51); Ruth Wallach (11). U n iv e rs ity L ib raries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: N o reen S. A lldredge (988); Jo h n W. Collins III (552). Member-at-Large (three-year term): K ent H. H en d rick so n (830); Sarah E. How (678). Member-at-Large (three-year term): Beverlee A. F ren ch (864); Hiram L. Davis (684). W e s te rn E uro p e a n Specialist Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: J am es H enry Spohrer (146); Richard Hacken (49). Secretary: T hom as M. Izbicki (105); Charles G. Spetland (82). Member-at-Large: Craig S. L ik n ess (102); Catharine M. E. Halls (88). W o m e n 's Studies Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Betty Glass (216); write- in (4). Secretary: K ristine J. A n d erso n (148); Nancy M. Stanley (78). Member-at-Large: RitaM. P ellen (145); Mila C. Su (82). *D eterm ined by lot. ■ G et some better lo o kin g lib ra ria n s (and other suggestions from students) In the February 1992 issue o f C&R1 News we ran a story about library suggestion books and the cute, witty, angry, constructive, and sometimes w eird things students have to say in writing. We also asked readers to send in examples from their ow n libraries’ suggestion books and got several responses. What follows is a sampling of the suggestions w e found m ost entertaining. Andrew Golub, director of library and in­ formation services at the University o f New England, subm itted this gem: “Why do esn ’t the library stay o p en more? It is too loud to stud [sic] in the dorm s.” Reply: “Not if you are doing it right.” Barbara Love o f Saint Lawrence College sub­ mitted these: “It might be worthwhile to install a noise detector that sounds a loud buzzer for 3 sec­ onds if the noise level goes above a certain preset point. It could be used just to remind people that it is a library—no t a social centre.” Reply: “Now that w ould be non-intrusive.” “Dear Folks, My latest estimate indicates that this library contains no more than 6 w orks of science fiction. Obviously a) I am missing some w ell-secreted trove of these works, o r b) you are clinging to outdated imperialist bourgeois dogma by ignoring significant intelligentsia, … and engaging in cultural repression against works that will ceteris paribus encourage the devel­ opm ent of higher faculties of consciousness. Which is it? Signed, Cultural Ambassador of the Klingon Empire” Reply: “Dear Mr. Ambassador, … you should try your local public library, the source o f all true and non-specific knowledge. Our budget does not really perm it us to en ­ courage the developm ent of higher faculties of consciousness.” “Get some better looking librarians. From Zeb.” Follow-up suggestion: “Don’t put up ‘suggestions’ from jerks like Zeb. Sexism is one ‘suggestion’ we get enough of. Emma Goldman.” “Could y o u p le ase p ro v id e the sem inar rooms w ith curtains for the w indow s and locks on the insides of the doors? This I feel will aid me in becom ing more intimate with my stud­ ies.” Reply: “It sounds to us like yo u ’re more interested in becom ing intimate with the stu­ dents than w ith the studies.” And: “Ju st re m e m b e r sex an d v io le n ce count.” Reply: “W e’ll try.”