ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 117 James Miller—associate librarian I, McKeldin Library—University of Maryland, College Park. Margret Moylan—reference librarian, Medical Library—Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Hilary Murray—circulation librarian (H ay­ d e n )—Massachusetts Institute of Tech­ nology, Cambridge. David Needham—catalog librarian. Music Li­ brary—Yale University, New Haven, Con­ necticut. Jane L. Nelson—head, purchasing division— Ohio State University library, Columbus. Marilyn Nelson—associate librarian II, Un­ dergraduate Library—University of Mary­ land, College Park. Barbara Nicholson—assistant director for readers’ services—Miam i University library, Oxford, Ohio. Philip M. O’Brien—college librarian—W hit­ tier College, California. Elizabeth Penski—associate librarian I I , Mc­ Keldin Library—University of Maryland, College Park. Mary Prewitt—associate librarian I, McKeldin Library—University of Maryland, College Park. Eileen E. Pritchard—science-technology ref­ erence librarian—California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Ellen Roth—librarian I, Undergraduate Li­ brary—University OF Maryland, College Park. Jeremie Rouchon—associate librarian I, Mc­ Keldin Library—University of Maryland, College Park. Sylvia Savoy—associate librarian I, Undergrad­ uate Library—University of Maryland, College Park. Leslie W. Sheridan—associate law librarian, Tarlton Law Library—University of Texas, Austin. Patricia Schuman—library science editor of book editorial division—R. R. Bowker Com­ pany. Paula R. Scott—reference librarian—Cali­ fornia Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Sharon Taber—associate librarian I, McKeldin Library—University of Maryland, College Park. Alan Taylor—assistant director for reader ser­ vices—University of Maryland libraries. College Park. Jane Weisemann—associate librarian II, Mc­ Keldin Library—University of Maryland, College Park. Linda B. West—senior assistant librarian, cata­ log department, Olin Library—Cornell University. Faye Williamson—associate librarian I, Mc­ Keldin Library—University of Maryland, College Park. Susan Woodford—assistant science librarian— Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. James Wright—executive secretary of the As­ sociation OF Recorded Sound Collec­ tions. Jeffrey Yeh—assistant research programmer, McKeldin Library—University of Mary­ land, College Park. R E T IR E M E N T S George D. Cary, who has served as Reg­ ister of Copyrights since late 1971, retired on March 9 after thirty-five years of government service, twenty-six in the Library of Congress. Benjamin Whitten, college librarian of W hittier College, Whittier, California will re­ tire in August after forty years of service. ■ ■ ACRL Membership March 31, 1973 13,687 March 31, 1972 10,395 March 31, 1971 10,101 Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "ra n k " and "status" are advised tha t these terms are ambiguous and should Inquire as to benefits involved. A ll advertisements submitted by institutions offering positions must include a salary range. The range should provide the applicant with an Indication of the salary the institution is w illing to provide for the position offered. A ll advertisements for the. Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications w ill be e d ­ ited to exclude dire ct o r indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the A dvertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding p u b li­ cation of issue desired. Copy received after tha t time may be held for the next Issue. R a te fo r c la s s ifie d advertising is $1.25 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. FOR SALE OVERSEAS Library Employment A pplication Procedures for beginning and midcareer librarians. For brochure send $1 to Overseas LEAP. P.O. Box 1182, Evanston. IL 60204. CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS. Volumes 4-57, 1910-1962. Decennial Indexes 1—5. A ll bound, excellent condition. 118 $3,500, Douglas L. Wilson, Dir., Henry M. Seymour Li­ brary, Knox College, Galesburg, IL 61401. FOREIGN RELATIONS of the U.S.—1919, 1930– 1937, com­ plete; 1941– 1947, incomplete. U.S. Treaties and Other In­ ternational Agreements— 1950– 1965, 1968– 1971, complete. List available on request. W rite Asst. Ln., Harriman Col­ lege, Harriman, NY 10926. POSITIONS WANTED SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. MSLS, over 70 hours mathemat­ ics and science, 9 years' professional experience in aca­ demic and all phases of special library work including su­ pervisory aerospace Information, retrieval, map work, and training in computer programming. Resume on request. W rite CRL, Box 825, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. MA (history), doctoral studies, MLS (May 1973), lan­ guages. academic teaching/research/llbrary, and book- trade experience. W rite Box 826, CRL, 50 E. Huron, Chi­ cago, IL 60611 LIBRARIAN desires position in academic or special li­ brary. MLS expected A pril 1973. Part-time experience as student in University Labor and Industrial Relations Li­ brary, government documents, business library and pho­ nograph record cataloging. Detroit area location pre­ ferred. W rite to M. J. Parliament, R.R. 2, West Branch, Ml 48661. FREE-LANCE LIBRARIAN. Accredited MLS (Dec. 1972) w illing to substitute for librarians on sabbatical, maternity leave, vacation, etc. Experience includes some reference work as part-time library assistant i n govern­ ment documents and microforms, and full-time catalog­ ing. W ill consider permanent positions also. W rite Box 828, CRL, 50 E. Huron, Chicago, IL 60611. LIBRARIAN, director, li brary/m edia center, community/ liberal arts college. Education: MSLS (U. of Ky.); MA (re­ ligion). Academic experience: 7 years, d i rector/instructor (library science). Community College, current position: acquisitions, department head (budget $250,000); refer­ ence services; public relations (i ndustry), 5 years, account­ ant. Seeks i nnovative challenges, intellectually alive asso­ ciates. Location open. W rite Box 827, CRL. 50 E. Huron Chicago, IL 60611. MLS with 16 months' academic serial experience as stu­ dent assistant, desires career position in technical or ad­ ministrative services upon matriculation in August of 1973. Reply to Martin Gordon, 1282 Kingstown Rd. King­ ston, Rl 02881. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN on sabbatical September- January. MLS. College, public, special experience. Inter­ ested in working in innovative library. W rite Box 829. CRL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. MA, Ph.D., history; MALS; 5 years’ experience as college librarian, extensive teaching; good teaching record, ten­ ured i n history. Interested i n college or research library favoring librarian with strong academic orientation. A d ­ ministration or subject or document specialist, possibly combined with teaching history. Write Box 829. CRL 50 E. Huron St., Chicago. IL 60611. POSITIONS OPEN Administration CHAIRMAN, Department of Library Science Baylor University, effective September 1, 1973. Knowledgeable in educational and instructional technology and informa­ tion science. Leadership to develop an i nnovative pro­ gram within an interdisciplinary college for the education of learning resources specialist. Full faculty contract with appropriate professional rank, Ph.D. or L.D. re­ quired, salary $ 13,000—$ 15.000 for the academic year + ad­ ditional for summer session. Many fringe benefits. A d ­ dress application and resume to Dr. L. V. McNamee, Dean School of Education, Baylor Univ., Waco, TX 76703. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES. The Clarement Colleges invite applications for the above position, to become va- PARNASSUS REVISITED Modern Criticism and the Epic Tradition Anthony C. Yu, editor In this vital and stim ulating anthology, eighteen distinguished critics, representing the best of m odern scholarship, examine the nature of the epic. Among the contributors are C. S. Lewis, E. M. W . Tillyard, N orthrop Frye, Erich Auerbach, Simone W eil, C. M. Bowra, and George Steiner. Professor Yu's selections from their w orks focus upon the im portant analytical tools which these critics have devised to study and clarify the epic poetry of the W estern world. C o m in g S u m m e r 1973 A m erican Library Association 50 East H uron Street, Chicago, Illinois 6 0 6 1 1 119 T he N e w Approval Program from Baker & Tayloroffers all the refinement and specificity required to service even the most complex book collection policy. It offers a wide range of service options, including LC cataloging and interface with standing orders and BATAB, Baker & Taylor’s A utomated Buying system.And, Baker & Taylor offers its approval program customers a choice of discount plans. Choose between a flat discount which starts at a minimum of 15% or a variable discount schedule, both of which are based on volume.O f course, there are no service charges, and delivery is free.For information write or call your nearest Baker & Taylor library service center. T h e B a k e r & T a y lo r C o . EASTERN DIVISION SOUTHEAST DIVISION SOMERVILLE, NEW JERSEY 08876 COMMERCE, GEORGIA 30529 50 Kirby Avenue, Tel; 201-722-8000 Tel; 404-335-5000 N.Y. City Tel; 212-227-8470 MIDWEST DIVISION SOUTHWEST DlVISION WESTERN DIVISION MOMENCE, ILLINOIS 60954 CLARKSVILLE, TEXAS 75426 RENO, NEVADA 89502 Gladiole Avenue Industrial Park 380 Edison Way Tel; 815-472-2444 Tel; 214-427-3811 Tel; 702-786-6700 Chicago Tel; 312-641-3233 120 cant July 1, 1973. Professional degree in librarianship, ad­ ministrative experience required. Position requires lead­ ership in personnel relations, collection building at both undergraduate and graduate levels, fund raising. Send resume to Office of the Provost, The Claremont Colleges, Claremont. CA 91711. Salary range $25,000–$28,000, ne­ gotiable. An equal opportunity and affirmative action em­ ployer. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR. Full deputy to the director in planning and administering a large state university li­ brary of 750,000 volumes serving 21,200 F.T.E. students and 1,600 faculty. General supervision of staff consisting of 43.5 librarians, 60 nonprofessionals and 24.3 F.T.E. stu­ dent assistants. Minimum qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school + a second master's degree or equivalent academic achievement and 10 years' ex­ perience in a university library including at least 5 in ad­ ministration. New building anticipated 1975. Equal oppor­ tunity employer. Available July 1, 1973. Salary $18,732– $22,764. Apply to Donald R. Hunt, Dir. of the Lib., C ali­ fornia State Univ., San Jose, CA 95192. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES. University of Hawaii at Hilo. Doctorate in librarianshi p preferred; second master's de­ gree in related field acceptable. 4 years' administrative experience in academic library required. Duties: Build­ ing book collection and planning learning resource center. Salary $15,360 or higher depending on qualifica­ tions. Reply David Purcell, Hilo College, Box 1357, Hilo, HI 96720 by May 15. 1973. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES. Beginning August 1. 1973. MLS required (second MA desirable). 3-5 years' admin­ istrative experience in an academic library. Liberal arts college of 1,500 with evening division and junior college. Libraries have over 156,000 volumes with a combined budget of approximately $360,000 and a staff of 7 profes­ sionals and 9 assistants. Salary range $14,000—$17,000. Month vacation, usual fringe benefits. Send resume to Mrs. Margaret Tompkins, Russell Sage College Library, Troy, NY 12180. An equal opportunity employer. CHIEF LIBRARIAN. Pell Marine Science Library, Can­ didate must have a degree from a recognized graduate library school and at least 3 years' administrative experi­ ence as a department head or beyond, or equivalent sci­ entific library experience. Should also have a degree in one of the physical or natural sciences. Must be conver­ sant with modern documentation technology. Salary min­ imum $12,936. Send application with vitae and names of 3 references to Dr. John A. Knauss, Dean, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Kingston. Rl 02881. We are an equal opportunity employ­ er. TECHNICAL SERVICES HEAD, Kenyon College. To manage acquisitions, cataloging, processing, and serial sections (6 FTE's); to provide bibliographic expertise and perform original cataloging; to further the library's par­ ticipation in the Ohio College Library Center's computer­ ized shared cataloging program utilizing Cathode Ray Tube terminal; to plan for future OCLC programs; to provide reference service to undergraduates one evening per week during academic semesters. Requires minimum of 5 years' experience in all cataloging and classification (especially Dewey) activities, at least 2 years' super­ visory experience, above average reading knowledge of German, French and Spanish; some experience in acqui­ sitions and serials. 12-month contract, salary range $ 12,000—$ 14,000. Starting figure depends on directly ap pli­ cable experience; 30 days paid vacation, TIAA/CREF. many other benefits. Begin as soon as possible. Located in attractive rural surroundings, one hour’s drive north­ east of Columbus, two hours' expressway drive southwest of Cleveland. Submit resume to Librarian, Dept. RL, Chalmers Memorial Library, Kenyon College, Gambier, OH 43022. An equal opportunity employer. DIRECTOR. Liberal arts college libraries. MLS plus earned Ph.D. or equivalent. Minimum 5 years' successful administration in academic library. Salary open with $17,750 minimum. Send detailed vita and references to Mrs. Peggy Overfield, State University College, Potsdam, NY 13676. Phone calls discouraged. DIRECTOR, Catholic college; 500 students; 50 faculty; 70,000 volumes; new facilities. Qualifications: ALA-ac­ credited MLS; 5 years' experience library administration, Large Selection of Russian Antiquarian Material • Literary Criticismon • HistoryMICROFILM • Social Sciences S P E C I A L O F F E R : Rare literary journal in 9 volumes— published from 1927 thru 1935 “ Na Pod’eme” , Rostov-na-Donu TOTAL SET $250.00 W ri te fo r p ric e s a n d c a ta lo g o ffe rin g c a re fu lly s e le c te d lists INTERNATIONAL MICRO-PRINT PRESERVATION, INC. 64 U n iv e rs ity P la c e • New York, New York 10003 121 preferably academic. Must be able to organize work and direct others. Salary $ 12,000–$14,000. Position available July 1, 1973. Send resume to President, Mary Manse Col­ lege, Toledo, OH 43620. Acquisitions ASSISTANT HEAD, acquisitions department. Georgia State University library is seeking a librarian with a strong liberal arts background, a d ministrative experience, and experience in a college or university library, prefer­ ably in acquisitions. Staff o f 4 librarians, 5 pre-profes­ sionals. and 21 clerks. Book order process is automated. Book budget for 1972–73, $738,000. 40-hour work week. 1 month vacation, 2 weeks sick leave, state teachers re­ tirement, social security, optional group life, health and disability insurance, faculty rank (12-month appoint­ ment). Salary range $11,000–$11,800. Send resume to Car­ olyn Robison, Asst. Univ. Ln., Georgia State Univ. Lib., 104 Decatur St. SE, Atlanta. GA 30303. An equal opportu­ nity employer. Cataloging CATALOG DEPARTMENT HEAD. Cataloging experi­ ence (LC classification), supervisory a b ility required; language reading skills most desirable. Initial salary $900 per month up, dependent on qualifications. 9-month con­ tract; 10½ months of employment guaranteed each year. New library building to be occupied in 1973–74 school year. Position can be held open until September 1. W rite to Mrs. Frances Coats, Assoc. Ln., West Texas State Uni­ versity. Canyon. TX 79016. An equal opportunity employ­ er. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Supervisor of catalog depart­ ment consisting of catalog section. LC section, and proc­ essing section involving 20 professional and support staff. Requires graduate degree from accredited library school + at least 4 years' professional experience in an academic library catalog department. Knowledge of LC classifica­ tion required; fam iliarity with computer application to li­ braries highly desirable. Librarian IV level position, sal­ ary range $1,384 depending on qualifications. A pply to Gordon P. Martin, Univ. Ln., California State University Sacramento, 6000 Jay St., Sacramento, CA 95819. CATALOGER, MSLS and 2 years’ successful experience (including LC classification, descriptive cataloging, sub­ ject cataloging) as a professional cataloger in a university or research library. Reading knowledge of German pre­ ferred; facility with Slavic languages desirable. Beginning salary up to $9,200. Send vitae Including list of references to Mr. E. Belanger. Admn. Asst., 108 Mullen Library. Catholic University, Washington, DC 20017. An equal op­ portunity employer. HEAD FOR PROGRESSIVE CATALOG DEPARTMENT. Iowa State University Library. Challenging opportunity with University of 20,000 i n town of 40,000. Excellent schools and cultural attractions. Department has 8 pro­ fessional catalogers and 24 classified staff members. Qual­ ifications: MLS, 3-5 years' cataloging experience in re­ search libraries, knowledge of LC classification, demon­ strated administrative ability, and facility fo r working well with a large staff. Salary $13,000 up, depending on experience. Benefits: Faculty rank; TIAA/CREF; excel­ lent group medical and life Insurance; month vacation per fiscal year. Iowa State University is an equal opportu­ nity-affirmative action employer. W rite to: Warren B. Kuhn, Dean of LS, Iowa State University Library, Ames, IA 50010. Multiple EXPERIENCED LIBRARIANS needed now. Library Career Consultants need experienced librarians in all categories to fill existing job vacancies, nationally. Send your re­ sume immediately; it w ill be treated in utmost confi­ dence. Send to John J. Donohoe, Managing Dir., Library Career Consultants, 915 Saxonburg Blvd., Suite 212, Pitts­ burgh, PA 15223. West Texas State Library has the following professional openings: ASSISTANT CATALOG LIBRARIAN. AS­ SISTANT REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. CIRCULATION LIBRARIAN. Initial salaries: $725 per month up, depen­ dent on qualifications. Positions can be held open as late as September 1. W rite Mrs. Frances A. Coats, Assoc. Ln., West Texas State University Library, Canyon, TX 79016. An equal opportunity employer. Reference DATA TAPE/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN to work with programmer to organize and service a data archive in a social science library complex. Duties: acquisition, cata­ loging, reference service, and control of machine readable data sources; general social science reference. Q ualifica­ tions: MLS, reference experience and background i n the social sciences, experience in working with machine read­ able data tapes. Salary from $10,000 depending on quali­ fications. TIAA, group health and life insurance plans, 5 weeks vacation. Send resume to Pamela M. Dempsey. Asst. Ln. fo r Pers., Yale University Library, Box 1603A Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520. An equal opportuni­ ty employer M /F . Subject Specialists UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN. Arizona State University, Tempe. Main library, 2 branches. Total budget $2,100,000; staff 173 (45 professional librarians); volumes 1,400,000, growing at the rate of 80,000– 100,000 a year. Q ualifica­ tions: MLS, Ph.D. desirable but not essential, service o ri­ entation. Salary negotiable with a minimum of $18,000 for 12 months. An equal opportunity employer. A pply by re­ sume to Dr. Christy Turner, Search Comm., Wilson Hall, Ariz. State Univ., Tempe, AZ 85281. HUMANITIES BIBLIOGRAPHER, Iowa State University Library. Work with faculty in evaluating and developing collections in French, German, Spanish and Russian lite r­ atures, philosophy, fine arts, journalism, speech and tele- communicative arts. Qualifications: MLS, graduate study in related subject area of appropriate work experience, knowledge of 2 foreign languages, subject master's desir­ able. Minimum salary $9,600. Open August 1. Faculty rank, TIAA, month vacation per fiscal year, other excel­ lent fringe benefits. Iowa State is an equal op portunity/ affirmative action employer. A pply to Warren B. Kuhn, Dean of Library Services, Iowa State University, Library, Ames, lA 50010. SCIENCE-OPTOMETRY LIBRARIAN. BS and accredit­ ed library degree. Preferably MS in science, some science teaching experience, o r comparable experience. Principal responsibilities include bibliographic and reference ser­ vice to Science and College of Optometry faculty and stu­ dents . . . complete liaison between library and science departments and College of Optometry. Small, congenial library staff; new building; salary approximately $9,000. Faculty rank, Blue Cross and major medical paid by uni­ versity. A pply with credentials to Charles H. Kemp, Actg. Ln., Pacific University, Forest Grove, OR 97116. CtRCULATION/ORIENTATION LIBRARIAN. Position open July 1. Require MLS from ALA-accredited school, professional experience in public services in academic li­ brary. Beginning salary $9,500 for 12 months. An equal opportunity employer. A pply Miss Ruth McBi rney, Head Ln., Boise State College, Library, Boise, ID 83725. SERIALS CATALOGER. Responsibilities include super­ vision o f 6 FTE and interdepartmental liaison. The library receives 1,500 new serial titles and 25,000 serial volumes yearly. Require MLS and 4 years' relevant experience. Must work well with people; have organizational a b ility ; be available full time. Salary $10,824. A pply before June 1. 1973 to Keith C. Blean, Asst. Univ. Ln., Univ. of C ali­ fornia, Santa Barbara, CA 93106. MEDIA SPECIALIST/TECHNOLOGIST. Background: Per­ son with experience and knowledge in media production, particularly in photographic arts and TV. Prefer a mas­ ter's degree i n media technology with teaching experi­ ence. w ill accept equivalent work experience. Job de­ scription: Assist in equipment selection. Supervise dis­ tribution and maintenance of equipment and maintain equipment inventory. Handle local TV production. Cata­ log nonprint materials. Assist in instructional develop­ ment. Assist in advising staff of appropriate ways and means of mediating instruction and developing instruc­ tional programs. Assist in originating local media pro­ duction. Salary range $10,000–$12,000. Contact Mr. W alk­ er Jung, Dir., Learning Resources Center, Dundalk Community College, 7200 Sollers Point Rd., Baltimore, MD 21222; (301) 282-6700. THE REPRINT REQUEST THAT CAN'T BE IGNORED Everybody’s busier than they used to be. Scientific authors and their secretaries are no exception. Maybe that’s why so many of your reprint requests go unanswered these days. People are just too busy to notice that little post card you’ve sent. Or they’ve got more important things to do than address envelopes. Request-A-Print not only gets attention, it also makes it easier for authors to send reprints. That’s because Request-A-Print features an adhesive label that’s imprinted with your name and address. When an author gets your request, he peels off the label and sticks it on an envelope. Saves time. Prevents errors. Request-A-Print.® It can’t be ignored. I would like to take advantage o f th is new m ethod of req ue sting re p rin ts . Please send me ________ tho u sa n d personalized Request-A-Print ca rd s a t $ 6 5 pe r th o u sa n d plus shipping charges fo r delive ry ou tside th e U.S.A. (Surface M ail: $5. Air M ail: Ja p a n —$12; A ustra lia , S. Am erica, & A fric a —$22) □ Payment enclosed □ Purchase order to follow □ Bill organization The follow ing inform ation should appear on my Request-A-Print® m ailing labels: Name & Title Organization/Department Street Address City, State, Zip, Country (Note: Limit of 30 characters per line—spaces and punctuation count as characters. Use abbreviations as required.) 12-309a ©1973 ISI Institute for Scientific Information 325 Chestnut S t . , Philadelphia. Pennsylvania 19106, Tel.: (215) 923-3300, Cable: SCINFO, TELEX: 84-5305 ORDER N O W LIBRARIANS’ HANDBOOK $8.00 p er c o p y U.S.A., Canada, M exico $8.50 per c o p y all o th e r c o u n trie s (fre e to c u s to m e rs o f EBSCO S U B S C R IP T IO N SERVICES) The 1973-74 e d itio n c o n ta in s o ve r 60,000 t itle s . P e rio d ic a ls , n e w s ­ p a p e rs a n n u a ls, m o n o g ra p h s e rie s , c o n tin u a tio n s a nd a n y th in g else d e fin a b le as a s e ria l is in c lu d e d ; co ve ra g e in c lu d e s s e ria ls fro m all n a tio n s . Price (c u rre n t a t tim e o f p u b lic a tio n ), fre q u e n ­ cy, v o lu m e n u m b e r in fo rm a tio n and n a tio n o f o rig in are in c lu d e d fo r each title . A d e s c rip tio n o f e d ito ria l p u rp o s e and c o n te n t is in c lu d e d fo r s e le c te d title s . All t itle s are c a te g o riz e d by s u b je c t in a s e p a ra te s u b je c t c a te g o ry s e c tio n . The 1973-74 e d itio n is o v e r 1,000 pages o f u n iq u e ly u s e fu l in fo rm a tio n . Send c h e ck w ith o rd e r to : E B S C O S U B S C R I P T I O N S E R V I C E S D e p t. J T S /L H P.O. Box 1943 B irm in g h a m , A la b a m a 35201 division of W hich is your favorite Contemporary issue? Education Employment Development Environment Human & Economic Government Relations & Politics Law & Order Health Transportation Welfare & Poverty Covers All of Them! Housing & Urban UPDATE, "The Urban News File". . . all new from The Urban Research Corporation and Bell & Howell's Micro Photo Division Issued monthly, UPDATE is an indexed, comprehensive microfiche collection of current articles (both reportorial and editorial) from more than 150 metropolitan U. S. newspapers covering the ten subjects listed above. □ A yearly subscription to all ten UPDATE topics costs only $875.00. And Charter Subscribers to the entire UPDATE package for $875.00 get a special bonus — a Bell & Howell Briefcase Reader (a $99 value) at no extra cost. Subscriptions to individual topics are also available. □ To place your order, or for complete information, fill in the coupon and drop it in the mail. □ UPDATE, “ The Urban News File” — providing in-depth information monthly about the world we live in. BELL & HOWELL MICRO PHOTO DIVISION Old Mansfield Rd., Wooster, Ohio 44691 □ Please enter my order fo ra n UPDATE yearly subscrip­ M ICRO PHOTO DIVISION tion beginning January, 1973. Old Mansfield Rd., Wooster, Ohio 44691 □ Please send me more information about UPDATE. □ Please have a Bell & Howell sales representative contact me. B ELL & H OWELL NAME_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TITLE____________________ IN S T ITU TIO N ____________________ PHONE____________________ See all the new and important Bell & Howell products at the American Library Association ADDRESS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P. O. NO____________________ Conference, June 24-28, in Las Vegas. Booths 341, 345, 347 and 349. CITY____________________ STATE_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZIP________ Agency Representative: Mr. Joe H. Shorr C R L -5 73