ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries I n t h e esnw ACRL gives a positive report on its 2000- 2001 year in this issue (page 1093). The statis­ tics reveal evidence o f expansion on many fronts: a 4.5% increase in membership; growth in almost all sections; an increase in corporate sponsorships; and a National Conference that broke all previous attendance records by al­ most 300. The report also recalls new projects initi­ ated, standards revised, and the inauguration of Webcasts, the streaming video of selected presenta­ tions from ACRL’s Tenth National Conference. A m on g the successful AC RL program s m entioned is the ACRL/ Harvard University Leadership Institute. T h e reasons for its suc­ cess are demonstrated in the enthusiastic ac­ count by Linda Marie G olian and Rebecca Donlan (p a g e 1069). If the idea o f learning from leaders in both business and academ ic organizations appeals to you, read their re­ port for an excellent idea o f what to exp ect from the Institute, and, particularly valuable, h ow to prepare for future participation. Innovation in approaches to library instruc­ tion is continually being sought. Priscilla Atkins recommends immersion in the class­ room experience as very effective in serving students o f the arts (page 1086). Her detailed exposition o f how she achieved this should stimulate imitators in similar library situations. Peter Watson-Boone’s description o f how to enhance a specialized collection, satisfy the requirements o f a donor, and enlarge stu­ dents’ experience o f the culture o f another country (page 1090) provides insight into yet another aspect o f an academic library. For a unique approach to building bridges between the library and the University's fac­ ulty, see the article by Lisa German and Karen Schmidt (page 1066). Faculty members’ choice o f books to be plated in honor o f their tenure or promotion was not only welcome to the honor- ees, but o f wider interest to the academic com­ munity.— M aureen Gleason, acting editor, mailto:mgkcwn@aIa.oig