ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 1160 / C&RL News ■ Decem ber 2001 Fas A n n t V i Ie s Facts The Internet Archive T h e collections o f the Internet Archive include 10 billion W eb pages dating b a c k to 1996. Digital storage for all the archive’s collections (Web, Usenet, archival movies, and Arpanet historical documentation) totals more than 100 terabytes. ("The Internet Archive: Building an 'Internet Library'." Nov. 1, 2001) B o o k auction record Four com plete editions o f Shakespeare’s plays dating from 1623 to 1685 w ere auc­ tioned at Christie’s o n October 10 for m ore than $14 million, a record price for a work by Shakespeare and a world auction record for a 17th-century book. (Michael Beach, "World Record $14m for the Bard's Plays," The Daily Telegraph (Sydney), October 11, 2001. LEXIS NEXIS Academic Universe. Nov. 2, 2001) P e rform ing arts library T he collection o f the recently renovated New York Public Library o f the Performing Arts contains 9 million items, including sound recordings, videotapes, manuscripts, sheet music, costume designs, posters, set designs, and photographs. (Judie Glave, "Performing Arts Library to Reopen," The Record, Oct. 28, 2001. nyperf20011028.htm. Oct. 31, 2001) G o o g le indexes invisible W eb Google, which began indexing Adobe Acrobat PDF files in January and now provides access to m ore than 22 million PDF files, is beginning to include other non-html file types in its W eb index. The new file types (Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Rich T ex t Format, and PostScript) “m ake up a small bu t im portant part o f the Invisible w eb, and Google’s effort to m ake them searchable is a noteworthy advance in search engine technology.” (Chris Sherman, "G oogle Unveils M ore of the Invisible W eb," SearchDay no. 128 (Oct. 31, 2001). http:// sea rch e n g i n ewatch. co m/se a rch d a y/01 /sd 1031 -g oog I e-f iles.html. N ov. 2,2001) U sa ge o f print jou rn als A five-year study o f print journal use recently com pleted by the Library o f the Health Sciences-Peoria found a significant decrease in the usage o f print journals since more than 4,000 online journals becam e accessible to its students and faculty in 1999- (Sandra L. De Groote and Josephine L. Dorsch, "Online Journals: Impact on Print Journal Usage," Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 89, no. 4 (Oct. 2001): 372-78. PubMed Central, articlerenderfcgi?artid=57966. Oct. 31, 2001) IM L S g ra n ts fu n d fo r library an d in fo rm atio n science research T he Institute o f Museum and Library Services awarded more than $1.3 million dollars to fund library and information science research projects proposed b y the Illinois State Library, Indiana University, St. Louis P ublic Library, University o f Illinois-U rbana- Champaign, University o f Michigan, University o f W isconsin-M ilw aukee, and the Council on Library and Information Re'söurciîs. • ' (Institute of Museum and Library Services, "Hi-Tech Research Funded for Seven American Libraries," http:// Nov. 2,2001) A n n Viles is coordinator o f reference and instruction at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina, e-mail: