ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 191 People A P P O I N T M E N T S Colleen F . Bednar—monographs cataloger, L atin American materials—-University of T ex­ as at Austin. Richard J. Beeler—business and economics librarian— Colorado State University, F ort Collins. Ronald E. D iener—head, office of systems planning and research— H arvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. J ohn H. D insmore—associate director of re­ search for library and information services— Council of State Governments, Lexington, Kentucky. D avid Ginsburg—science reference librarian — Central Michigan U niversity, Mt. Pleas­ ant. P atricia D. H all—public services librarian, Hilles Library— Harvard U niversity, Cam­ bridge, Massachusetts. J udy B. H arvey—librarian of Denison Li­ brary— Scripps College, Claremont University Center, Claremont, California. Aaron H ause—head documents librarian— University of Arizona, Tucson. Kate W. H ood— head of the reference de­ partm ent, M ugar Memorial Library— Boston U niversity. L eslie Kane—librarian/adm inistrator of the Institute for Personal and Career D evelopm ent/ Library Project— Central Michigan U niver­ sity, Mt. Pleasant. Syed M ohammad Ali Khan—science refer­ ence librarian— University of Arizona, T uc­ son. Ronald L each—associate director, library— Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant. Charles A. L e Blanc—cataloger, college library— H arvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Raymond D. L um—W estern languages li­ brarian, Harvard-Yenching Library— H arvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. R obert H. Patterson—library director— University of W yoming, Laramie. Oksana P rocyk—Ukrainian specialist, col­ lege library— H arvard University, Cam ­ bridge, Massachusetts. Richard J. Puhek—serials cataloger, L atin American materials— University of T exas at Austin. Ronald Rucker—librarian— Middlebury College, Vermont. D avid Sauer—librarian, reference depart­ ment, M ugar Memorial Library— Boston Un i­ versity. Sharon Seide—science reference librarian— University of Arizona, Tucson. D E A T H Jeannette H itchcock H opkins, eighty-five, for thirty-two years a Stanford University li­ brarian, died at the Sequoias in Portola Valley, Tuesday, April 27. R E T I R E M E N T Sybil F ielder, Denison librarian and assist­ ant director for humanities since 1970 at Scripps C ollege, Claremont University Cen­ ter, Claremont, California, is retiring. Library M aterials Studies Sought The Library Materials Price Index Committee of th e ALA RTSD Resources Section is interested in obtaining copies of local library materials price and cost studies prepared by colleges and univer­ sities; public; special; and governmental libraries. T he committee will serve as a clearinghouse for local price surveys. Please send copies to: Fred Lynden, Chairman, Library Materials Price Index Committee, Acquisitions D epartm ent, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305. Please indicate if the institution’s name should be withheld in any dissemination of cost-study information. R eference Statistics Forms Requested To further its efforts tow ard develop­ ing a national consensus on methods of collecting and reporting reference/in- formation service activities, the A L A / LA D /LO M S Committee on Reference Statistics requests that libraries of every type and size send samples of their forms used for recording and summarizing ref­ erence statistics. Instructions and defini­ tions required for their use, as well as comments as to the uses m ade of collect­ ed statistics and question forms will be appreciated. Please send to Marcella Ciucki, Chief of Reference Services, Lake County Public Library, 1919 W est L in­ coln Highway, Merrillville, IN 46410.