ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 193 Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "ra n k " and "status" are advised that these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. A ll advertisements submitted by institutions offering positions must include a salary range. The range should provide the applicant with an indication of the salary the institution is w illing to provide for the position offered. A ll advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications w ill be ed­ ited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding pu bli­ cation of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because of the increased risk of copy error, w ill be accepted. Calls should be directed to Leona Swiech at (312) 944-6780. A confirming order should be mailed to the Advertising Department as soon as pos­ sible following the call, along with typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $1.30 per printed line. POSITIONS OPEN Acquisitions ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. Responsibilities: supervises ordering and receipt of materials, and bibliographic searching; works with faculty and library staff on book selection, collection development, budget planning and related research; manages encumbrance and expenditure of library materials budget (about $300,000 in FY 1976). Supervises .5 FTE bibliographer, six classified staff mem­ bers, and student assistants. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accred¡†ed program, 2—3 years experience in acqui­ sitions at supervisory level required. Second master's, kncwledqe of computer applications to library operations, and fa c ility with one or more ma¡or European languages desirable. Salary range $13,500 to $15,000 depending on experience, 12 months; 24 days annual leave and usual fringe benefits. Send application and resume to Head Librarian, Boise State University, Boise, ID 83725. A p p li­ cation deadline August I, 1976. An equal o p portunity/ affirmative action employer. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN— (Temporary appointment: September 15, 1976-Sept ember 15, 1977). Coordinates and supervises collection development d iv i­ sion (6 half-time professional staff). Qualifications: ALA- accred¡†ed MLS; 6 years' professional experience. Salary: $13,904. Incumbent on one year's leave of absence. Con­ tact Mary Lou Harkness, Director of Libraries, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620. An equal op portunity/ affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT ORDER LIBRARIAN. Participates in planninq, supervisory and procedural responsibilities of monographic acquisitions department utilizing automated support sys­ tems. Offers opportunity for broad acquisitions experience and development of supervisory ab ility. Assist in planning departmental policies and procedures; assist in supervis­ ing staff involved in order preparation; supervise clerical assistant handling dealer reports, cancellations, and monthly claims; supervise library assistant in charge of receipt of approval and firm order materials and solve problems relating to their receipt; train departmental staff and assist in problem solving related to computer- support systems. Open immediately. MLS from accredited library school required plus reading knowledge of two ma¡or European languages. A year of professional ex­ perience in technical services highly desirable. Hiring range: $9,700-$ 10,000. Applications w ill be accepted through August I, 1976. A pply: Robert Ireland, Personnel Officer, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60201. An equal opportunity employer. Administration ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: Responsible for planning, manag­ ing technical processing with 5 professionals and 9 as­ sistants. Immediate task of implementing divisional re­ organization. Member of SOLINET. Collection of 250,000 volumes with over 4,000 serial subscriptions. Operating budget $300,000. Upper division university with Master's programs. 6 years' experience, 2 in supervision. Salary: $13,904—$20,704. A vailable September I. Send resume to: Bill Lee, Chairman, Search Committee, John C. Pace Library, University of West Florida, Pensacola, FL 32504. An equal opport u n ity /a ffirm a tive action employer. DIRECTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. San Jose State University, 50 miles South of San Francisco, has 26,000 students, 1,500 faculty, and graduate programs in over 40 fields. Resources of the library include 700,000 books, extensive microform holding, a highly developed instructional resources center, and a staff of 165 FTE positions. Minimum educational requirements: graduate degree from accredited library school; doctorate a n d /o r advanced degree in subjects field preferred. Minimum professional experience: 8 years as a librarian, including at least 5 years in upper level administrative positions, preferably in an academic library. Demon­ strated a b ility and knowledge of library and media faculty planning, automation, business management and personnel administration. Salary range: $27,492—$33,420. Liberal fringe benefits. 12-mon†h appointment. Closing date: O ctober I, 1976. Send resume to: Dr. Margaret Jacobson, Chairperson, Selection Committee c /o Office of the Academic Vice President, San Jose State Uni­ versity, San Jose, CA 95192. An equal opportunity /a f- f i rmative action employer. LIBRARY DIRECTOR: Hendrix College seeks experienced administrator to dire ct library program and supervise staff of eight plus 25 student workers in an underground fa c ility housing a collection o f approximately 125,000 volumes. In addition to general administrative responsi­ bilities, the director functions as acquisitions librarian and serves as library liaison with the faculty. Minimum requirements include (I) MLS degree from an accredited library school, (2) at least 3 years' experience in ad­ ministrative work in a college library, and (3) knowledge of (a) OCLC system, (b) learning resources/all media concept, (c) library management, (d) staff development, and (e) preparation of grant request. Appointment effective as early as September 1976. Faculty status, TIAA/CREF, broad insurance program. Salary: $13,000— $16,500; contract period negotiable. Address applications including current vita to Dr. John R. Merrill, Vice Presi­ dent and Dean of the College, Hendrix College, Conway, AR 72032. UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN. Reports to Vice-Chancellor, Academic Affairs. To be responsible for administering campus library systems, supervising library staff, pro­ motion of staff development programs and employee relations. W ill prepare and allocate budget, plan for effective space utilization, and cooperate with other agencies in university system and regional planninq and development. Must have graduate degree in library science, w ith . extensive administrative experience in uni­ versity libraries or an equivalent combination of edu­ cation and experience. Background with health science libraries preferred. Reαuires fam iliarity with library auto­ mated systems, collection development, information ser­ vices and b iblio grap hic control in academic libraries. Must be able to maintain effective working relationship with staff, students, faculty and administrators. Salary $28,700—$43,100 with experience and education. A p p o in t­ ment begins January 1977 or as soon as possible there­ after. Send resume to Office of Vice-Chancellor, Aca­ demic Affairs, A ttn: Chairperson, Search Committee, Room 15-S, University of California, San Francisco, CA 94143. Filing deadline: August I, 1976. Affirm ative action employer M /F . DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY DIVISION. (Position advertised previously in Spring 1975.) Directorship of one of three library divisions now vacant. Requires administration of the division's two branches: the General Library Branch and the Library Development Branch. Must provide d i­ 194 rection, establish goals and objectives, prepare biennial budgets, review policy, and develop programs and col­ lections (including Virginiana and rare books), with emphasis on assisting public and other libraries in the state. Qualifications include MLS from ALA-accredited school and a record of progressive library experience, includ¡nq administration, involving major public and re­ search library functions. Salary $20,500– $25,600 with 5% increase expected July I. Application forms may be had from Personnel Manager, Virginia State Library, Richmond, VA 23219. An equal o p p o rtu n ity /a ffi rmat ive action em­ ployer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES FOR COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT, State University of New York at Buffalo. Responsibility for coordinating the overall collection de­ velopment program o f the University Libraries and for administration of a book budget of approximately $1 m illion. Requirements: MLS from an accredited library school, substantial experience in collection development in a large academic or research library, including sev­ eral years' responsibility for developing a major area of the collection; knowledge of book budget preparation; demonstrated planning and leadership abilities. Salary above $18,000 and negotiable. Excellent retirement and fringe benefits. A ppointm ent w ill be at the rank of As­ sociate Librarian or Librarian. A pplicants should contact: Ms. M. E. State, University Libraries' Acting Personnel Officer, State University of New York at Buffalo, 308 Lock- wood Memorial Library, Buffalo, NY 14214. An equal op- p c rtu n ity /a ffirm a t ive action employer. Cataloging TWO CATALOG LIBRARIANS to do original cataloging and classification of monographs in all subject areas with major emphasis in social sciences and in all languages. Qualifications: graduate degree from ALA- accredited library school; knowledge of both Romance and Germanic languages; extensive training in general reference assistance to faculty and students; share re­ sponsibility for selecting materials fo r general and reference collections, fo r evaluating collections in depth in specific subject areas, and for collecting and ad­ ministering special collections. Qualifications: graduate degree from ALA-accredited library school; strong and broad liberal arts background; subject specialty in eco­ nomics, po litica l science, or the natural sciences; reading knowledge o f European languages; proficiency in use of government documents, card catalog, and b iblio grap hic tools essential. 40 hour work week, one month vacation, two weeks sick leave, state teachers retirement, social security, group life and health insurance, optional dis­ a b ility insurance, faculty rank (12-month appointm ent). Beginning salary $10,C00. Send resume to Carolyn Robison, Associate University Librarian, W illia m Russell Pullen Library, 104 Decatur St., S.E., Atlanta, GA 30303. An equal opport unit y /a ffirm a t ive action employer. CATALOGER of monographs in the Social Sciences, p ri­ mari ly Economics and European History. Preference will be given candidates with a related advanced degree. A working knowledge of two foreign languages is desirable, preferably German and Spanish. The minimum salary w ill be $9,600. A higher salary is possible depending upon experience and preparation. Deadline for submission of applications and resume is August 15, 1976. Send resume and inquiries to : James N. Myers, Assistant Librarian for Technical Services, University of Arizona Library, Tucson, AZ 85721. An equal opportunity /a ffirm a tiv e action em­ ployer under state and federal laws and regulations including Title IX, 1972 Education Amendments. Circulation LIBRARIAN, CIRCULATION. Responsibilities also in ref­ erence assistance and government documents. MLS. Fac­ ulty status. Salary $9,000-$11,000, depending on experi­ ence or qualifications. Begin September I, 1976. Send resume to: Daniel R. Gahl, Moellering Library, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Indiana 46383. An equal opportu- nity/ařfirma†ive action employer. M ultiple The University of Manitoba Libraries invite applications for I. SYSTEMS COORDINATOR to evaluate library op­ erations: to define requirements and develop specifi­ cations for cost effective manual and automated systems: to coordinate the implementation and operation of li­ brary automated systems. The University of Manitoba computer facility includes IBM 370/158 and 360/65 com­ puters each with time sharing systems. An off-line acqui­ sitions and an online circulation control system are currently in operation. Qualifications: degree from an accredited library school or equivalent: several years' relevant experience in academic libraries: knowledge of library network development: training and experience in library applications of computer science and systems analysis is an asset: good human relations and problem solving skills: resourcefulness, technical knowledge and initiative. Salary $18,000+, depending on qualifications and experience. 2. HEAD, ADMINISTRATIVE STUDIES LIBRARY. Responsible for the development and operation of the faculty of administrative studies library. Duties include collection development and provision of reference ser­ vices. Library services in this unit, formerly a reading room, are being upgraded by the appointm ent of a head and by the provision of additional space, a perma­ nent collection and an automated circulation system. Pri­ mary users are approxim ately 1,500 administrative studies faculty and students. Qualifications: degree from an accredited library school or equivalent plus an academic background in administrative studies preferably at a master's level. Several years' relevant experience pref­ erably including administrative responsibilities. Salary: $16,500+, depending on qualifications and experience. 3. HEAD, CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT. To manage the prevision of circulation services in the Elizabeth Dafoe Library. Duties include the development and implemen­ tation of circulation policies and procedures, super­ vision of 25 full-tim e and 30 part-tim e staff and the operation of an automated circulation control system. The Dafoe Library has a collection of about 600,000 volumes; circulation services are provided from 68 to 98 hours per week. Circulation is over 310,000 annually. Qualifications: Degree from an accredited library school or equivalent, several years' relevant experience in aca­ demic library public services, preferably in a circulation function with an automated system: demonstrable knowl­ edge o f data processing procedures: good human re­ lations skills essential. Salary $16,000+, depending on the qualifications and experience. 4. SCIENCE CATALOGUER to provide original cataloguing copy fo r science ma­ terials. Qualifications: Degree from an accredited library school or equivalent academic background in science or technology preferably at the master's level: interest in cataloguing with LC classification: cataloguing experience preferred. Salary $11,000+, depending on education and experience. The University of Manitoba Library system comprising a main library (Elizabeth Dafoe) and twelve regional libraries and reading rooms with a staff of 234 and collections of over I million volumes serves a student population of approxim ately 20,000. Applications with curriculum vitae should be sent to : P. Wien, Assistant Director for Adm inistration (Libraries), Elizabeth Dafoe Library, University of Manitoba, R3T 2N2. Stanford University Libraries, Department of Special C ol­ lections: ( I ) RARE BOOK REFERENCE LIBRARIAN AND BIBLIOGRAPHER (LIBRARIAN l - l l ) . Responsible for the development of rare book collections in the humanities and the Newton Science Collection, and fo r provision of public access to the materials in these collections. Qualifications: Requires ALA-accredited graduate library school or equivalent; 2-4 years applicable library ex­ perience is required; requires knowledge of Latin and German; requires fam ilia rity with book trade in order to carry out selection responsibilities; graduate training in a relevant humanities discipline is preferred. Salary: $11,000-$ 13,000. (2) READERS' SERVICES (LIBRARIAN II). Responsible for direction of public service programs of the Department, development of the Gunst Collection on book arts, The Theater Collection, and the collection of rare non-book materials. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited graduate library school or equivalent required; academic background in humanities required; 3-5 years applicable library experience required; knowl­ edge of book trade necessary to carry out selection responsibilities required; academic training in theater history and typographic history highly desirable; knowl­ edge of fine book trade highly desirable; knowledge of preservation of rare books highly desirable. Salary range: $12,000-$15,000. For information contact Tina Kass, Library Personnel Officer, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305. Stanford University is an equal op- por†uni†y/affirma†¡ve action employer. Two openings: New $5 m illion building under construction; consequent growth in staff requires addition of CIRCU­ LATION and CATALOGING LIBRARIANS. We offer: as­ 195 s¡stant professor rank, $13,200 for 12 months; excellent fringe benefits. Required: 5t h year ALA-accredi t ed library science degree; 3 years relevant professional experience; 3 references from instructors and supervisors. Circulation librarian must have supervisory experience; ca†aloger w ill catalog audiovisual items as well as print. Particularly desirable: innovative mind, cooperative personality, hard working habits. Vitae, transcripts, and references must reach Eli M. O boler, University Library, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID 83209 by August I. An equal op portunity/a ff¡rm ative action employer. (1) BUSINESS REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Responsible for collection development and library liaison with business department to aid in developing business program. Minimum of 3 years' professional reference experience in academic library required. Salary $15,000 per annum. (2) GENERAL REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Flexibility, knowl­ edge of academic reference tools, interest in archival de­ velopment and library user programs im portant. Salary $13,000 per annum. Both positions require MLS degree from accredited library school; master's degree in subject area desirable. 12 months contract, faculty status, 23 days vacation, liberal sick leave and other fringe bene­ fits. Send resume by July 15, 1976 to Melvin R. George, University Librarian, Northeastern Illinois University Li­ brary, 5500 N. St. Louis, Chicago, IL 60625. An equal opportunit y / a f f irmat i ve action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. TEACHERS OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE. Jundi Shapur University in Ahvaz, Iran w ill begin a M.L.S. program and is looking for instructors with the experience and a b ility to successfully implement the program, as well as to continue working towards the development of the existing library collection. The basic requirements are a MLS degree with at least two years experience or a MLS degree and a Ph.D (preferably in Library Science or a related field) with teaching ex­ perience. We are especially interested in applicants with specializations in information science. The monthly salary fo r holders o f the MLS is 92,000 Rials (about $1,300) and 125,525 Rials (about $1,700) for holders of the Ph.D. Send resume, official University transcripts and three letters of recommendations to: The College of Literature and Humanities, Jundi Shapur University, P.O. Box 257, Ahvaz, Iran. Reference HEAD REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. Responsible for plan­ ning and administration of Reference Department of 35,000 volumes in Main Library, including provision of general reference, information, documents, and com­ puter-based citation services, coordination of collection development and b iblio grap hic instruction programs. Staff includes 7.5 librarians and 2.5 support staff. MLS from program accredited by A LA required; additional degree in subject area desirable, 5 or more years of successful reference and administration experience, pref­ erably in large academic or research library. Salary: $18,000—$21,000 annually. Faculty rank and salary com­ mensurate with qualifications. Expected to meet university requirements for research, service and publication. A vail­ able September I, 1976. Send resume to: Rita Hirschman, Personnel Librarian, The Ohio State University Libraries, 1858 Neil Avenue Mall, Columbus, O H 43210. An equal op portunity/a ffirm a tive action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Medical school library seeking applicants for October, 1976 opening involving manual reference duties, computer terminal searches, varied public services and many supervisory responsibilities. Salary range: $11,000-$13,000 depending upon q u a lifi­ cations and experience. Interviews in Chicago during July and August. Request your library school to forward credentials. Also please forward an up-to-date resume and letter of application to: Mr. Lee Brooke, Director of Libraries, Chicago College o f Osteopathic Medicine, 5200 South Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60615. ASSISTANT REFERENCE LIBRARIAN—GENERAL reference work, prim arily with undergraduates. Requires MLS ac­ credited library school. Faculty rank with ll-mon†h con­ tract. Minimum salary $10,000. Position open September 1976. Send resume to Bob Mowery, Director of Libraries, Thomas Library, W ittenberg University, Springfield, OH 45501. An equal op port u n ity /a ffirm a tive action employer. HEAD OF INSTRUCTIONAL AND RESEARCH SERVICES DIVISION. Responsibilities include, development, supervi­ sion and evaluation of the work effort of the division which is comprised of general reference, government doc­ uments and inter-library loan. Departments are staffed by 6 professionals, 3 full-tim e support staff, and student assistants. Further duties: pa rticipatio n in budget and over-all library planning, and provision of dire ct assist­ ance to library patrons. The Library serves an urban pub­ lic university with an enrollment of 11,000; holds in ex­ cess of 350,000 volumes, an extensive microform collec­ tion, and a full government documents depository. Re­ quirements: MLS, a minimum o f 3-5 years of professional public service experience in an academic or research l i ­ brary, with at least 2 years' administrative experience. A second subject master's degree and varied library ex­ perience are desirable. Minimum salary $12,500, 12-month contract with 24 days vacation and usual fringe benefits. Submit letter of application, resume and 3 references to: Mrs. Sue Burkholder, Search Committee, Thomas Jefferson Library, University of Missouri-St. Louis, 8001 Natural Bridge Road, St. Louis, MO 63121. Interviews possible at ALA. Closing date for application is 8/1/76. An equal opportun¡ty/affirm a†ive action employer. HEAD OF INFORMATION SERVICES. Responsibilities in­ clude general reference assistance, formal library use in­ struction, supervision of circulation, interlibrary loan, print materials collection, government depository collection, and cooperation with the Head of Media Services in pro­ viding a comprehensive and dynamic multi-media public services library program at a progressive liberal arts college. Graduate degree in academic l¡brar¡anship from an ALA-accredited library school required. A t least 24 credit hours of further graduate study, with previous teach­ ing and applicable library experience preferred. Nine- month position starting September I. Faculty status and excellent fringe benefits. Salary: $8,900 minimum, depend­ ing on qualifications and experience. Send resume to: Evelina Tseng, A cting Director of Library Services, Ca­ tawba College Library, Salisbury, NC 28144. An equal opportunit y / a f f i rm ative action employer. LIBRARIAN. Northern Illinois University is seeking a qualified librarian to fill a vacancy in its Undergraduate Library Reference Department. A pplican t must have a graduate degree in library science from an accredited library school and display a dynamic and imaginative interest in working with undergraduate students on a one-to-one basis, showing them how to use a library. Starting salary: $10,800. Position open immediately. Inter­ views w ill be held at the annual A LA Conference in Chicago, 19-22 July only. Please send resume, including three references, to Mr. George Nenonen, Personnel Di­ rector, Parson Library, Northern Illinois University, De Kalb, IL 60115. Deadline for filing: 15 July 1976. An equal op portunity/a ff¡rm ative action employer. Serials ASSISTANT SERIALS LIBRARIAN. A person is needed to assist the Head of the Serials Unit. Should be well o r­ ganized, have good work habits, and be dedicated to thoroughness. Must be able to get along well with others. Works with a staff of nine. Serials a n d /o r cata­ loging experience desirable. W orking knowledge of at least one foreign language required. MLS degree from an ALA-accred¡ted library school. Salary range starts at $10,200 for 12 months. Instructor rank. Faculty status. Excellent fringe benefits. Twenty days vacation. Posi­ tion open now. A pplications received until August 15, 1976. Temporary, one-year appointment. May be re­ newed. Send resume and three letters of professional reference to Carl H. Sachtleben, Director of Libraries, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Ml 49008. An equal oppor†unity/affirm at¡ve action employer. Subject Specialists SLAVIC BIBLIOGRAPHER. To manage a Slavic Biblio- Center including materials selection and collection de­ velopment; acquisition, cataloging, and specialized ref- 196 erence service for materials in Slavic and East European languages. Supervises three full-tim e staff members. Re­ quires fluency in Russian and reading knowledge of related languages, relevant graduate level training, and fam iliarity with bibliographic techniques. MLS highly desirable. Minimum salary $13,000. Send resume by July 25, 1976, to Joseph Jerz, Assistant University Librarian, University of North Carolina, Chapel H ill, NC 27514. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. BUSINESS LIBRARIAN. The University of Colorado Li­ braries is seeking candidates for the position of Business Librarian. This librarian (who holds faculty status) directs the Business Library, a branch library of 40,000 volumes. Requirements: a degree in library science from an ac­ credited library school and 2 years' appropriate library experience is preferred. Also, a degree in business ad­ ministration or additional relevant experience is desir­ able. Salary: $ 11,0CO—$ 16,000 starting, depending on qual­ ifications. Position now open and should be fille d by January I, 1977. Apply to John Lubans, Jr., University of Colorado Libraries, Boulder, CO 80309. HEAD, SCIENCE LIBRARY. Administrative responsibility for University's Science Library of over 260,000 volumes in the sciences, engineering, pharmacy and nursing. Staff consists of five professionals, eleven fulltime supportive staff plus student assistants. Annual acquisitions approx­ imately. 11,000 volumes, over 2,400 journal subscriptions. The Science Library is significant research resource to science and industry in Metropolitan Detroit. Required: Fifth year library science degree from an accredited li­ brary school; at least three years of experience with ad­ ministrative responsibilities in a large science or techni­ cal library; evidence of professional interest and leader­ ship in developing cooperative library programs and ser­ vices to the scientific community. Salary: $ 15,000—$20,000 depending upon qualifications and experience. Fringe benefits: TIAA-CREF retirement plan, social security, health, hospital and life insurance partially subsidized; liberal sick leave. W rite to: Robert T. Grazier, Associate Director of Libraries, Wayne State University, Detroit, Ml 48202. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action em­ ployer. ASSISTANT LIFE SCIENCES LIBRARIAN to give Refer­ ence Service, assist with faculty liaison, provide service to students, etc. Qualifications: Master's degree in Li­ brary Science, ALA-accred¡ted. with professional ex­ perience in A g ricult ure/Science/Technology Library. A p ­ propriate subject background and recent MLS is ac­ ceptable. Second Master's degree in appropriate subiect­ field desirable. Faculty status and responsibilities. Salary $10,000 or more depending on qualifications. Request application and notice of vacancy from John Thomas, Personnel Officer, Libraries/AVC, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907. Deadline for applications: September I, 1976. An equal opportunity employer. REFERENCE/BIBLIOGRAPHER FOR EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY. W ill assume general reference duties, classroom instruction and group orientation in library usage, prepare guides and bibliographies, develop and maintain liaison with faculty and students, coordinate collection building, and recommend library materials for purchase. MLS required. Two years of reference ex­ perience and additional master's degree in Education and/or Psychology preferred. Salary, with above quali­ fications $11,300. Submit resume by August 31, 1976 to: Joe R. Weeks, Assistant Director for Information Sci­ ences, Main Library, Room 510, University of Cincin­ nati, Cincinnati, OH 45221. Technical Services HEAD TECHNICAL SERVICES. MLS from accredited insti­ tution and at least 10 years' experience in all aspects of technical services: cataloging, acquisitions, and serials in academic library. Supervise staff of seven,, including one professional. Faculty status and responsibilities, including student advising. Potentially tenurable. Minimum salary $15,000. 12 month contract. Position now open. Send re­ sume to: Joanna Todd, Search Committee, Hugh Stephens Library, Stephens College, Columbia, MO 65201. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer.