ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 4 / C&RL N e w s ■ Ja n u a ry 2003 I n t h e wens If y o u ’ve b e e n thinking abo u t attending ACRL’s 11th National Conference in Charlotte this year but haven’t registered, you’ll want to note that early-bird registration is available through February 7. Meeting this deadline will save you nearly 30 percent on your conference registration fee. This year’s conference, “Learning to Make a Difference,” offers the unique opportunity to ex­ plore the key issues facing academic and research librarians and learn about new trends in the field. More than 200 conference programs are being of­ fered, which will emphasize the need for academic and research librarians to anticipate and prepare for transformations in the profession and will en­ courage innovative ways to create and implement change. Programs will address a host o f issues facing librarians in the 21st century, with theme tracks in the areas o f assessment and accountability, col­ laborations and competition, innovations in aca­ demic librarianship, teaching and learning, techni­ cal and access services, and the library as people and place. The conference sessions will focus on active participation and learning so participants can return to their institutions reenergized and with an enhanced sense o f purpose. To help you plan your schedule for the confer­ ence, a complete preliminary program is included in this issue (page C -l). Additional information is available on the conference Web site at http:// www.acrl.oig/charlotte, where you can register, reserve your hotel room, and develop an itinerary based on your interests. This issue also contains a draft o f the Institute for Information Literacy’s “Characteristics o f pro­ grams o f information literacy that illustrate best practice” (page 32). The document will be dis­ cussed at a hearing during the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia this month. — Stephanie Orphan, Editor-in-chief University of Oklahoma Libraries presents Improved Access to Information: Portals, Content Selection and Digital Information March 6-7, 2003 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Speakers: J o s e p h J . Branin • O h io State University Libraries Lorcan D e m p s e y • O nline C o m p u te r Library C e n te r B arbara I. D e w e y • Unive rsity of T e n n e s s e e Libraries M a ry E . J a c k s o n • Association o f R esearch Libraries Ja m e s Michalko • R e search Libraries G ro u p , Inc. Alice P rochaska • Y a le University Library B ernard Reilly • T h e C e n te r for R esearch Libraries C h a rle s E . S h re e v e s • University of Iowa Libraries B etsy W ilson • University of W ashington R E G I S T R A T I O N D E A D L I N E : Fe b ru a ry 21, 200 3 C o n ta c t for In form atio n: R h o n d a C a n n o n , U n iv e rs ity of O k la h o m a L ib ra rie s, N o rm a n , O K 73 019-6030 P h o n e : 405-325-2611 http://www.acrl.oig/charlotte