ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 2 8 1 C&RL News ■ January 2003 C o l l e g e & R e s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s new s ACRL candidates for 2003 See who’s running for office V ice -p re sid e n t/P re sid e n t-e le ct Paul D um on t has been the director o f educa­ tional resou rces support serv ices at Dallas County Community C ollege since 1998. For more than 20 years (1 9 7 6 -9 8 ) he was director of technical services at Dallas County Commu­ nity College, and, prior to that, he served as the chief o f materials processing services at the Dallas Public Library (1 9 7 4 -7 6 ). He was also systems/reference librarian at the San Antonio College Library (1 9 6 9 -7 4 ) and a reference li­ brarian at St, Francis College in Maine (1 9 6 8 - 69). Among his ACRL activities are service on the Local A rrangem ents C om m ittee for the Community and Junior College Libraries Sec­ tion (CJCLS) (1980, 1 9 8 4 , 1989); CJCLS Policy and Procedure Committee (1 9 8 5 -8 7 ); CJCLS Awards C om m ittee ( 1 9 8 9 - 9 0 , 1 9 9 4 - 9 6 ); CJCLS B oard (1 9 9 0 —9 2 ); Statistics Commit­ te e ( 1 9 8 8 - 8 9 ) ; N o m in atio n s C o m m ittee (1994-95); C olleg e a n d R esea rch L ib ra ries Edi­ torial Board (1 9 9 6 -9 8 and 2 0 0 2 -0 4 ); and on the ACRL B oard o f D irectors (1 9 9 3 , 1 9 9 8 - 02). He was also Texas representative to the Chapters Council (1985-86) and chair o f CJCLS (1990-91). Dumont has also served the ALA O ffice of R esearch and was a m em ber o f the NCES/ IPED Academic Library Survey Advisory Com­ m ittee (1 9 9 2 -9 9 ). His activity at the state and regional level has included membership in the Texas Library Association, with service on its Program Com­ mittee (1991); College and University Librar­ ies Division (CULD), chair (1 9 9 6 -9 7 ); Nomi­ nations Comm ittee ( 1 9 9 8 -9 9 ); CULD/ACRL T exas Chapter, ( 1 9 8 5 -8 6 ) ; Local Arrange­ ments, co ch air (1974); Hetherington Profes­ Copyright 2002 Tim Wilkerson Paul Dumont Frances Maloy sional Development Committee, chair (1 9 8 8 - 89); AMIGOS Bibliographical Council, Board o f Directors (1 9 8 7 -9 1 ); Board, chair ( 1 9 8 9 - 91); Texas Council o f Community/Junior Col­ lege Libraries, founding chair (1993—94); Texas H ig h er E d u c a tio n C o o rd in a tin g B o a rd , TexShare Planning Project Steering Commit­ tee (1 9 9 3 -9 5 ); Texas State Library TexShare Advisory Board (1 9 9 7 -2 0 0 1 ); Association o f Records Managers and Administrators, Dallas Chapter president (1 9 8 3 -8 4 ); Chapter Mem­ ber o f the Year (1984); Association o f Higher Education o f North Texas, Executive Library C om m ittee ( 1 9 8 6 - 8 7 , 1989, 1990, 1994, 1996-97). He is also Amigos Delegate to OCLC Members Council (2 0 0 1 -0 4 ). Dumont was awarded the ACRL, CJCLS/ EBSCO Community C o lleg e Learning Re­ sources Achievement Award in 1992. He earned a bachelor’s o f arts degree from the University o f New England and a master’s o f library s cie n ce at the Catholic University o f America. F r a n c e s M aloy is leader o f the a cce s s ser­ vices division at Emory University General Li­ C&RL News ■ January 2003 / 29 braries, a position she has held since 2001. From 1999 to 2001, she was leader o f organization redesign at Emory. In addition, she held the position of head of the circulation department from 1992 to 2001. At Hamilton College, she was director o f public services (1 9 8 3 -9 2 ) and assistant reference librarian (1 9 8 2 -8 3 ). Her activities in ALA divisions include ser­ vice on the ACRL 2002 Nominations Commit­ tee, o f which she was chair (2 0 0 0 -0 1 ). Maloy also served as chair o f ACRL’s Committee on Ethics (2 0 0 0 -0 3 ) and was the ACRL liaison to the ALA Com m ittee on Professio nal Ethics (1997-03). She has also served as a member of the Board o f Directors for the Supplemental Funding Task Force (2000-02) and on the Con­ ference Program Planning Committee, Wash­ ington, D.C. (1998). Maloy has also been active on the LAMA/LOMS Planning and Evaluation o f Library Services Committee (1992—93). In state and regional associations, Maloy was a member o f the University Center of Atlanta, Georgia Consortium: Interlibrary Use Commit­ tee (1 9 9 2 -0 1 ), a m em ber o f the Direct B o r­ rowing Task Force (1992—96), and secretary o f the Central New York Resource Council’s Professional Development Committee (1982— 87). She was also a member o f the automation planning committee (1985). In addition, Maloy has be en a m ember of the Organizational Change Alliance since 1994. Her publications include “D efending the freedom to read: A reflection o f personal val­ ues and ce n so rsh ip ,” C&RL N ew s (March 1998). Maloy received her bachelor o f arts degree from St. Lawrence University and her master’s o f library science from the State University o f New York at Albany. A C R L B o ard o f D ire c to rs D ir e c to r -a t-L a r g e : N a n cy A llen , dean and director, Penrose Library, University o f Den­ ver; Jo h n C ollin s, librarian and member o f the faculty, Harvard University. Director-at-Large: R an d y B u rk e H ensley, Pub­ lic Services Division head, University o f Ha­ waii-Manoa; D orothy W ashington, librarian, Black Cultural Center, Purdue University. A f ric a n A m e ric a n S tu d ie s L ib r a ria n s S e c tio n V ice-ch air/C h air-elect: M yrtis C o ch ran , ref­ erence librarian for the humanities, social sci­ ences, area studies and government informa­ tion, D oe and Moffitt Libraries, University o f Califomia-Berkeley; Joyce K. Thorn ton, director o f p ersonnel, Texas A&M University Librar­ ies. S ecretary: LeRoyJ a s o n LaFleur, social sciences bibliographer, Cornell University Library; A n- g e la W right, human resources officer, Univer­ sity Libraries, University o f Alabama. M em b er-at-L arge: A sla k u B erh a n u , catalog and reference librarian, Charles L, Blo ckson Afro-American Collection, Temple University; A k ila h S. N o sa k h ere, librarian Ill/supervisor, Sp ecial C ollections Reading Room , Atlanta University Center, Inc. A n t h ro p o lo g y and S o c io lo g y Sectio n V ic e -c h a ir/C h a ir-e le c t: W ade K otter, social sciences librarian, Stewart Library, Weber State University; C h ristin e W hittington, director o f li­ brary services, Greensboro College. S e cre ta ry : S u san E rickson , bibliographer for anthropology and sociology and reference/data services librarian, Vanderbilt University; P en n y W hitten, public services librarian, University o f Nevada-Las Vegas. Member-at-Large: M im m o B on an n i, reference librarian/anthropology-ethnic studies bibliog­ rapher, Arizona State University; B rita S ervaes, librarian for anthropology and w om en’s stud­ ies, New York University. ARTS S e ctio n V ice-chair/C hair-elect: S an d y M ooney, head, Design Resource Center, Louisiana State Uni­ versity Libraries. S e c r e t a r y : E ric K id w e ll, d irector o f the li­ brary/professor, Huntingdon College. A s ia n , A f ric a n , a n d M id d le E a ste rn S tu d ie s S e c tio n Vice-chair/Chair-elect: M ajed K hader, govern­ ment documents librarian, Marshall University. C o lle g e L ib r a rie s S e c tio n V ic e -c h a ir/C h a ir -e le c t: T a ra F u lton , dean o f library and information services, Lock Ha­ ven University; D a m o n H ickey , director o f li­ braries, the College o f Wooster. Secretary: R ic h a r d A m R hein, university librar­ ian, Valparaiso University. M em ber-at-Large: S tep h en S toan , director of library and information services, Drury Uni­ 30 / C&RL News ■ January 2003 versity; C indy Sw igger, university librarian, Texas Wesleyan University. C o m m u n it y a n d J u n io r C o lle g e L ib r a r ie s S e c tio n V ic e -c h a ir/C h a ir-e le c t: M ary C a rr; dean of instructional services and telecommunications/ d irecto r o f co lle g e d ev elop m ent, Sp okane Community College; A n n R iley, library direc­ tor, St. Louis Community College at Meramec. S e cre ta ry : A lic e L u brech t, dean of library and information resources, Harrisburg Area Com­ munity College; L o ra M irza, associate profes­ sor and coordinator o f public services, Georgia Perimeter College, Dunwoody Campus Library. D is t a n c e L e a rn in g S e c tio n V ic e -c h a ir/C h a ir-e le c t: F r a n k C ervo n e, as­ sistant university librarian for information tech­ nology, Northwestern University; S tephen D ew, coordinator o f library services for distance edu­ cation, University o f Iowa. S e c re ta ry : P a g e B ra n n o n , head o f Arlington Campus Library, G eorge M ason University; S h e r r ill W eaver, professor, Library Services, Oakton Community College. M em ber-at-Large: W illiam D en n y, librarian, Off-Campus Library Services, Central Michi­ gan University; C a ro le H in sh aw , head o f refer­ e n c e serv ices, University o f Central Florida Library. E d u c a t io n a n d B e h a v io r a l S c ie n c e s Sectio n V i c e -c h a i r /C h a i r - e le c t: Ju d y W alker, cu r­ riculum materials/education librarian/associ- ate professor, J, Murrey Atkins Library, Uni­ versity o f North C arolin a-C harlotte; L isa R om ero, head o f communications library/asso­ ciate professor o f library administration, Uni­ versity o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. S e c re ta r y : C e c ile M a ciu lis, referen ce librar­ ian, Loyola University Chicago; H elg a V isscher, head, McLure Education Library, University o f Alabama. M em b e r-a t-L a rg e : P en n y B e ile , curriculum materials center department head, University o f Central Florida; T rish L ib u tti, so cia l s c i­ ences/education librarian, Rutgers University Libraries. In s t ru c tio n S e c tio n V ic e -c h a ir /C h a ir -e le c t: E liz a b e th D u p u is, head o f instructional services, Doe/Moffitt Li­ braries, University o f California-Berkeley; J o A n n C a lz on etti, head, science and technology library, University o f Akron. S e c re ta ry : M a rsh a F o ry s, coordinator for in­ stru ctional serv ices, University o f Io w a Li­ braries; M ark E m m on s, head o f instruction ser­ vices/assistant professor, University o f New Mexico General Library. M em ber-at-Large: P olly D. B o ru ff-Jon es, assis­ tant librarian, reference team leader, Indiana University Purdue University-Indianapolis/as- sistant adjunct professor, Indiana University Sch o ol o f Library and Inform ation Scien ce; C lay W illiam s, coordinator o f library instruc­ tion, Hunter College. L a w a n d P o litic a l S c ie n c e S e c tio n V i c e -c h a i r /C h a i r - e le c t: D en n is L a m b ert, head o f collection development and m anage­ ment, Villanova University; L y n n e R u d asill, as­ sistant education and social science librarian, University o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Secretary: K a th leen F ou n tain , reference/politi­ cal science and social work librarian, Califor­ nia State University-Chico; J e a n ie W elch, pro­ fessor and business referen ce librarian, Uni­ versity o f North Carolina-Charlotte. M em b er-at-L arg e: L o re n a O 'E n g lish , Social Scien ces reference and instruction librarian, Washington State University-Pullman; M arcu s E. K ielty k a , political science and business ref­ erence librarian, Auburn University. L it e r a t u r e s in E n g lis h S e c tio n V ic e -c h a ir/C h a ir-e le c t: J e a n n e P a vy , refer­ e n ce librarian/bibliographer for English and Foreign Languages, U niversity o f New O r­ leans; J e n Stevens, humanities reference librar­ ian, Holland/New Library, W ashington State University. S e cre ta ry : J a n e F a u lk n er, librarian/collection manager for literatures in English/French stud­ ies bibliographer; C h a rlotte D roll, humanities li­ brarian, Wright State University. M em b er-at-L arge: D a n ie l C offey , languages and literatures bibliographer, Iowa State Uni­ versity; T od d S ea crist G ilm an , librarian for Lit­ erature in English, Yale University. R a re B o o k s a n d M a n u s c rip ts S ectio n V ic e -c h a ir /C h a ir -e le c t: M ary L a cy , senior archives specialist, manuscript division, Library o f Congress; E la in e B . Sm yth, curator, special C&RL News ■ January 2003 / 31 c o lle c tio n s , L ouisiana State U niversity Li­ braries. S e c r e t a r y : Jo h n C u llα rs, biblio grap her for the humanities/associate professor, Univer­ sity o f Illinois-Chicago; G reg ory P ass, librar­ ian, V atican Film Library, Saint Louis U ni­ versity. M em ber-at-Large: J u lia B la k ely , acquisitions librarian, So ciety o f the Cincinnati Library; R a c h el H ow arth, head o f public services/cura- tor, Harry Elkins Widener Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard University. S c ie n c e a n d T e c h n o lo g y S e c t io n V ic e -c h a ir/C h a ir-e le c t: J e a n n e D a v id so n , physical science librarian, Oregon State Uni­ versity; S u san C a se, biological and environ­ mental scien ces bibliographer, University of Kansas. S e c r e t a r y / P u b l i c i t y O f f i c e r - E l e c t : K a th ry n K ja er, head o f science library refer­ e n c e ( a c tin g ), U n iv ersity o f C alifo rn ia- Irvine; E d G o n z a le z , associate librarian, sci­ e n ce , engineering, techn ology and nursing team , U niversity Library, In d iana U niver­ sity Purdue University-Indianapolis. S la v ic a n d E a s t e r n E u ro p e a n S e c t io n V i c e - c h a i r / C h a i r - e l e c t : J a n i c e T. P ilc h , assistant professor o f library administration and Slavic and East European technical ser­ v ices librarian, U niversity o f Illinois at Ur­ bana-Champaign; G eorg e “A n d y ” S pen cer, aca­ dem ic librarian, Slavic, East E uro p ean and Central Asian studies bibliographer, Memorial Library, University o f Wisconsin-Madison. S ecretary :. J a c q u e lin e B yrd, head o f area stud­ ies cataloging section, Indiana University Li­ braries; B eth F ein b er g , Slavic languages and so cial scien ces cataloger, UCLA. M e m b e r-a t-L a rg e : D ia n a B r o o k in g , cata­ loging librarian (Slavic), University o f Wash­ ington-Seattle; B ra d ley S ch a ffn er, Russian and East Slavic stu d ies b ib lio g ra p h e r, U niv er­ sity o f K ansas Libraries. U n iv e r s it y L ib r a r i e s S e c t io n V i c e - c h a i r /C h a i r - e l e c t : K a r y le B u tc h e r , university librarian and deputy vice provost for inform ation services, O regon State Uni­ versity Libraries; C a r o l A n n H u g h es, associ­ ate university librarian for p u blic services, U niversity o f C alifornia-Irv ine. S e cre ta ry : B a r b a r a K em p, assistant dean for p u b lic se r v ic e s , U n iv ersity o f H o u sto n ; C h ety l M id d elton , assistant head o f reference and instruction, O rego n State University. M em b er-at-L arg e: P h e lix B . H a n ib le, asso­ ciate director for research and instructional s e r v ic e s , U n iv e rsity o f M a s s a c h u s e tts - Amherst; S te p h a n ie A tkin s, assistant circula­ tion and bookstacks librarian, University o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; M ary G eorg e, senior research associate, Princeton Univer­ sity Library; B a r b a r a J e n k in s , head o f refer­ e n c e and re s e a rc h s e r v ic e s d ep artm en t, Knight Library, University o f O rego n. W e s t e r n E u r o p e a n S t u d ie s S e c t io n V ic e -c h a ir /C h a ir -e le c t: S am D u n la p , Eu­ ropean studies librarian, co llections coordi­ nator for the Social S c ie n ce s and Hum ani­ tie s L ibrary, U n iv ersity o f C a lifo rn ia -S a n D ieg o ; T h o m a s M . I z b ic k i, co o rd in a to r o f co lle ctio n m anagem ent and developm ent, M ilto n S. E is e n h o w e r L ib ra ry , J o h n s Hopkins University. S e c r e ta r y : J a m e s P. N iessen , world history librarian, Rutgers University; A d a n G rieg o, curator for Latin American, M exican Ameri­ ca n and Ib erian c o lle c tio n s, Stanford U ni­ versity. M e m b e r - a t -L a r g e : D a le A sk ey , lib rarian for Germanic languages and literatures, Yale University; E lisa b eth R em a k -H o n n ef humani­ ties bibliographer, University o f California­ Santa Cruz. W o m e n 's S t u d ie s S e c t io n V ic e -c h a ir/C h a ir-e le c t: R uth D ickstein , so ­ cial sciences librarian-women’s studies and his­ tory specialist, University o f Arizona Library ; L a u ra M icham , director, Sallie Bingham Center for Women’s History and Culture, Rare Book, Manuscript and Special Collections Library/ resource specialist, women’s studies, Duke Uni­ versity. S e cre ta ry : M a rcia B arrett, head o f database services unit, catalog department, University Libraries, University of Alabama; K a y o D en d a, w om en’s studies librarian, Rutgers University, New Brunswick Libraries. Member-at-Large: Je n n ife r Gilley, head librar­ ian, Penn State-New Kensington; C ynthia Ingold, women and gender resources librarian, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. ■