ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 3 8 / C&RL News ■ Ja n u a ry 2003 W a s h i n g t o n H o t l i n e M iria m N isbet Is it a telecom m unications issue or is it a copyright issue? Libraries are participating in a filing to the Fed­ eral Communications Commission (FCC) on the im pact o f a p ro p o sed FCC ru le m andating a “broadcast flag” copy protection for digital tele­ vision. T he broadcast flag and other copy pro­ tection mechanisms present a serious potential adverse impact on libraries and educational in­ stitutions by preventing them and their patrons from exercising fair use and other rights under copyright law. T he FCC’s rulemaking is designed to facili­ tate the transition to digital telev isio n (D TV ) and w ill e x p lo r e w h e th e r th e FCC c a n and shou ld m andate the use o f a co p y p rotection mechanism for digital broadcast television, and what impact such a regulation would have on consumers. T he written comments on a “broadcast flag” copy protection w ere required to be filed by De­ cem ber 6, with reply comments due January 17, 2003. The five major national library associations (ALA, American A ssociation o f Law Libraries, Association o f Research Libraries, Medical Li­ brary Association, and Special Libraries Associa­ tion) have filed their comments. T h e impetus for the FCC’s pro ceed ing is a b e lie f by C ongress and the FCC that the cu r­ rent lack o f digital broadcast co p y protection, w hich w ould prevent the unauthorized cop y­ ing and redistribution o f digital m edia, keeps content providers from allowing the digital broad­ cast o f high-quality programming. Without such programming, the argument goes, consumers may be reluctant to buy DTV receivers and equipment, thereby delaying the DTV transition. Private industry negotiations have reached some consensus on a technical “broadcast flag” stan d ard (ATSC Standard A65/A), w h ic h w ould lim it the co p y in g o f so m e o f the p ro ­ gramming aired by broadcast television stations. However, there is n o universal agreem ent on the use and implem entation o f the flag. There also is n o industry agreem en t on how to e n ­ fo rce digital bro ad cast co p y p ro tectio n . T he rulemaking seeks comment on the jurisdictional basis for FCC action in this area and w hether the FCC should intercede in this matter. (Note that Congress also is considering action on the broadcast flag and may end up preempting the FCC in mandating such copy protection.) G o to our W eb page at http://www.ala. org/washofř/digrights.html/ for background in­ form ation and to see a cop y o f our joint com ­ ments. All other legislative issues remain dormant until the new Congress is sw orn in on January 6, 2003- There will b e m ajor initiatives o f co n ­ cern to academic librarians especially o n copy­ right and electro n ic su rveillance and privacy issues. Watch for m ore information from ACRL as w e gear up for the new Congress. ■ M iriam N isbet is A L A L e g isla tive Co unsel, e-m ail: M eet the ACRL Board M e m b e rs o f th e ACRL B o a r d o f D ir e c ­ tors w ill b e m annin g the a ss o c ia tio n ’s e x ­ h ib it b o o t h d u rin g th e ALA M id w in te r M e e tin g in P h ila d e lp h ia . D o n ’t m iss this op portu nity to learn m ore ab o u t th e b e n ­ e f its o f ACRL m e m b e r s h ip o r c a t c h up w ith you r colleag u es. B oard m em b ers will b e available at the booth to give in-depth answers to your ques­ tions and provide guidance and connections. F o r a lis t o f ACRL B o a r d m e m b e r s , isit h ttp :/ / w w w .a la .o rg / a crl/ b o a rd h p . tm l. W e p lan to hav e B oard m em b ers avail­ b le Friday, Ja n u a ry 2 4 thro ugh M onday, a n u a r y 2 7. A fin a liz e d s c h e d u le w ill b e a v a ila b le o n th e ACRL W eb s ite b e g i n ­ ning Ja n u a ry 10. T h e ACRL b o o t h is n u m b e r 1 0 3 2 in h e e x h ib its hall. S e e you there! v h a J t http://www.ala