ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 44 / C&RL News ■ January 2003 N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s G eorge M . E berhart E n cyclo p e d ia o f C o rp o rate Nam es Worldwide, by Adrian Room (585 pages, De­ cem ber 2002), gives the origin and etymology o f 3,500 nam es o f corporations and products, from A&W root b e e r to the lethal gas Zyklon B. Most o f the entries are American or British com m ercial nam es. T h e b o o k offers capsule histories o f both familiar and unfamiliar prod­ ucts, including those named after actual people (Calvin Klein, Sh ozo Kaw asaki, Russell Sto­ v er), acron ym s (S a a b , Varig), co m p o u n d s (P a lm o liv e , P a n a v isio n ), and o b sc u ritie s (KitKat, Lurpak, The Famous Grouse). Room, a British toponymist w ho lives in England, has w r itt e n o t h e r b o o k s f o r McFarland, including A D ictio­ n ary o f M usic Titles (2000) and D ictio n a ry o f P seu -d on y m s a n d T h eir O rig in s ( 1 9 9 8 ). $75.00. McFarland. ISBN 0- 7864-1287-9. The Encyclopedia of Cults, Sects, and New Religions, edited by Jam es R. Lewis (951 pages, 2d ed., O ctober 2002), exp an d s and im proves the 1998 edition by several hun­ dred pages. Lewis and his con­ tributors describe and define m o re th a n 1 ,0 0 0 re lig io u s groups, movements, and topics that fall out­ side mainstream traditions. New to this vol­ ume are a comprehensive index, selected ref­ erences for many o f the entries, Web site in­ formation, and extensive cross-references. The re lig io u s g ro u p s ran g e w id ely from the semiorthodox Churches o f Christ (Non-Instru­ mental) and the Quakers to the more mar­ ginal Church o f th e Most High G oddess, Unarius, the Lemurian Fellowship, and the Reformed Druids o f North America. $180.00. Prometheus. ISBN 1-57392-888-7. Fun d raisin g fo r Lib rarie s: 25 Proven Ways to Get More Money for Your Li­ brary, by Jam es Swan (411 pages, July 2002), G eorge M. Eb erhart is senior e d ito r o f A m erican Librari es, e-mail: offers much advice that an academic library can use, from writing grant proposals and con­ ducting a capital fundraising campaign to spon­ soring special events, soliciting gifts, and hold­ ing used book sales. The advice is practical and well-organized. $69-95. Neal-Schuman. ISBN 1-55570-433-6. Grz i mek's Animal Life Encyclopedia: Birds, series editor Michael Hutchins (4 vols., 2d ed ., November 2002), has been published as volumes 8 -1 1 of a 17-volume set that completely revises and updates the classic encyclopedia edited by the Germ an zoologist Bernard Grzimek and re­ leased in English in the 1970s by Van Nostrand Reinhold. This substantial reorganization now clearly separates the general de­ scriptions o f animal orders and families from th e sp e cies a c­ counts. Distribution maps have b e e n vastly im proved, and the te x t is a c c o m p a n ie d b y n u ­ m e ro u s c o lo r p h o to g ra p h s , p la te s , and o th e r g ra p h ic s . N early 100 o rn ith o lo g ists, c u ­ r a to r s , p ro fe s s o rs , and zoo- keepers contributed to the bird v o lu m es, and a b r ie f bibliog­ raphy has b e e n appended to each section. Taxonomic controversies are care­ fully noted. D on’t discard the earlier set, how­ ever; much o f the anecdotal material in the original Grzimek set, deleted for space, re­ mains valid and supplements the revised text well. Subsequent volumes, beginning with Am­ phibians (vol. 6) and Reptiles (vol. 7) will ap­ pear in 2003, while the 17th, a cumulative index, is scheduled for March 2004. $375 (Birds). Gale. ISBN 0-7876-6571-1. Le Petit Larousse lllustré 2003, general editors Philippe Merlet and A nem one B erès (1 ,8 1 8 pages, O cto b er 2002), the ever-popu­ lar one-volume French reference classic, is now b e in g distributed in the U nited States by Houghton Mifflin. Divided into two major sec­ tions— the first a standard dictionary and the C&RL News ■ January 2003 / 45 second an en cy clo p ed ia of people, places, and other proper n o u n s — th is f a c t- p a c k e d , 90,000-entry compendium is a colorful aid for anyone learning the language or picking it up again years later. It includes hun­ dreds o f diagrams showing the component parts of such things as a horse, a water-treatment plant, a m icrophone, a cargo ship, and the ferm entation o f wine; numerous pictures o f fa­ mous people; 290 maps; special multipage color sections on cu­ riosities o f the animal world, world festivals and holidays, the history o f money, and Europe from antiquity to union; and a 48-page chronicle o f world history . For French-language students, it of­ fers a pronunciation guide, verb conjugation tables, rules for participles, noun plurals, and common prefixes and suffixes. Published an­ nually. $39-95. Houghton Mifflin. ISBN 2-03- 530203-X . Trilobit es of New York: An Illustrated Guide, by Thomas E. Whiteley, Gerald J. Kloc, and Carlton E. Brett (203 pages + 175 plates, June 2002), surveys the diverse trilobite spe­ cies found throughout New York State, an abun­ dant source o f many fossils o f these marine arthropods that flourished between 520 to 280 million years ago. In addition to a taxonomic review, the authors examine trilobite biology, fossil preservation, and the Paleozoic strata of New York, and present more than 200 high- quality, black-and-white images o f represen­ tative species. $55-00. Cornell University. ISBN 0-8014-3969-8. Vending Machines: An American Social History, by Kerry Segrave (284 pages, Octo­ ber 2002), recounts the story of coin-operated automatic machines that dispense food, drink, products, or services. Supposedly invented by the Greek mathematician Hero, who in the 1st century A.D. described a drachma-operated device to sell holy water in Egyptian temples, true vending machines emerged in 1888 when Thomas Adams designed a machine to sell his Tutti-Frutti chewing gum on New York train platforms. Segrave follows the trends o f ciga­ rette, soft-drink, candy, and coffee vending to more exotic experiments as the Vend-a-Book, the Foot Ease Vitalizer, and the Perfumatic. One consistent thread in the b o o k is the industry’s war on counterfeit coins and slugs. $36.50. McFarland. ISBN 0- 7864-1369-7. Wild Cats of the World, by Mel and Fiona Sunquist (452 pages, October 2002), is a com­ prehensive guide to the ecology, behavior, description, and dis­ tribution of the 36 known spe­ cies o f living felids. A major e x p a n s i o n o f C. A. W. Guggisberg’s classic W ild Cats o f th e W orld (Taplinger, 1975), this volume also looks at each cat’s status in the wild and in captivity, conflicts with humans, and conservation ef­ forts. Appendices examine felid olfactory and vocal communication and reproduction. Do­ mestic cats are described following a section devoted to their close relatives, the European and African-Asian wildcats. $45-00. Univer­ sity o f Chicago. ISBN 0-226-77999-8. World War II on the Web, by J. Douglas Smith and Richard Jensen (207 pages, Novem­ ber 2002), examines the 100 best WWII Web sites and rates them for content, aesthetics, and ease o f navigation. The reviews are well- balanced and note where improvements could be made or when ads are too intrusive. The primary section is divided into ten major sub­ ject areas, each with a helpful introduction and substantial bibliography; this is followed by a topical index o f about 250 sites also “worth a visit.” An accompanying CD-ROM contains an Acrobat file of the entire book, complete with clickable links. $23-95- SR B ooks. ISBN 0- 8420-5021-3. ■ (“Preservati onNews”œntinııed from page 40) references, contact the European Commission on Preservation and Access, Royal Academy of Arts and S c ie n c e s , G RIP e d ito r -in -c h ie f, Kloveniersburgwal 29, P.O. Box 19121, 1000 GC Amsterdam, the Netherlands; e-mail: grip@ ■