ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries October 1 9 9 5 /6 1 9 N ews from the Field M a ry Ellen D a v is O r e g o n lib ra rie s create O r b is A consortium o f academ ic institutions in Oregon joined together to launch Orbis, the Oregon academic union cata­ log. The Orbis database in­ c lu d e s o v e r 2 .6 m illio n items— the holdings of seven university and college librar­ ies: Eastern O regon State C o lleg e, Linfield C ollege, Oregon Institute of Technol­ ogy, Southern Oregon State College, University o f Or­ egon, W estern O regon State C ollege, and Willamette University. The automated system is based on the Innovate Interfaces software already used by the initial member libraries. System start-up costs were minimized, and sys­ tem management and maintenance is optimized by using existing hardware, software, and tele­ communications facilities to the greatest extent possible. The holdings of the colleges of George Fox, Lewis and Clark, Reed, and the University o f Portland will soon be added. Orbis is al­ ready serving patrons and staff for research, collection development, and interlibrary loans. Plans are under way to include other libraries and to allow for patron-initiated loans. The Orbis Consortium encourages all libraries to use Orbis. For public access, telnet: orbis.uoregon. edu. URL: http://w w w -vm ~libsys/hporbis.html. Additional information is available from the University o f Oregon Library Systems Department at (503) 346-3049 or send a note to: Rice re p la ce s N O T IS w ith U N IC O R N Rice University’s Fondren Library has signed an agreement with SIRSI to replace its existing Ameritech NOTIS Horizon Beta system with the UNICORN Collection Management System. Kay Flowers, assistant university librarian for auto­ mated services at Rice, lists UNICORN’s advan­ tages: “UNICORN is UNIX-based, and we will be able to network the system across the cam­ pus. Our system will use SIRSI’s WebCat with Z39.50, which allows us to provide access to our library catalog via the Internet. WebCat is also user friendly, allowing us to provide excit­ ing, full-featured, and easy-to-navigate public access to users without having the headache of delivering and supporting library software on users’ desktops.” U S C c h o o se s A m e rite c h 's H o riz o n Ameritech’s Horizon system has been selected by the Health Sciences Library Sys­ tem at the University o f Southern California. The recommendation to select the H orizon system was made unanimously by the Working Group on an Inte­ grated Library System. The crucial factors cited in the reco m m en d atio n o f H orizon w ere: 1) the system architecture, which makes maxi­ mum use o f the library’s high-end workstations, 2) the sim ple and intuitive u ser in te rface s, 3) the use of an industry-standard database man­ agem ent system (Sybase), 4) the corporate strength and expertise o f Ameritech, and 5) the competitive price. C a ll fo r te ch n ostre ss reactor p a n e lists ACRL’s Instruction Section (IS) is seeking reac­ tor panelists for its 1996 Annual Conference program, “Collaborative Solutions to Techno­ stress: Librarians Lead the Way.” The program, which is jointly sponsored by IS and the Li­ brary Instruction Round Table, will b e held Sunday, July 7 , 1996. Reactors should have taken a leadership role in collaborating with others to use new technologies to provide library and information services and have developed ways for your library’s staff and users to deal with change and technostress. Reactors will respond to presentations by a well-known author and psychologist. To be considered, send an ab­ stract o f not more than 400 words describing your collaborative effort, the leadership role you took, and the benefits of the collaboration by November 1 , 1995, to: Rebecca Jackson, Gelman Library, The George Washington University, 2130 H Street N.W., Washington, DC 20052; phone: (202) 994-6049; e-mail: rjackson@gwis2. T o p p e r joins A C R L sta ff Elisa F. Topper is ACRL’s new director o f mem­ ber services. Topper will primarily be respon­ sible for providing support to ACRL’s elected 6 2 0 /C&RL News A c c re d ita tio n a s sista n c e a v a ila b le ACRL maintains a list of accreditation advisors who are available to assist libraries and librarians preparing for accreditation. They are resource people who can assist in preparing documentation or for a team visit. Each advisor has served on at least three regional accredi­ tation teams and/or has expertise in accreditation by professional associations. Most regional accrediting organizations are represented. This list is maintained by the ACRL Standards and Accreditation Committee. The advisors’ areas of expertise are given after their names. D ire c to ry o f A C R L A ccre d ita tion A d v is o r s 1 9 9 5 – 1 9 9 7 C arolyn D earnaley Associate Director for Library Services Rider University 2083 Lawrenceville Road Lawrenceville, N J 08648 voice: (609) 896-5112 fax: (609) 896-8029 e-mail: DEARNALE@ENIGMA.RIDER.EDU A rea o f expertise: M iddle States Edw ard D. G arten Dean of Libraries and Information Tech. The University of Dayton 300 College Park Dayton, OH 45469-1360 voice: (513) 229-4265 fax: (513) 229-4590 e-mail: A reas o f expertise: North Central, Southern, COA/ALA D eb orah J . Grimes Director of Library Services Shelton State Community College 202 Skyland Blvd. Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 P referred address: 5405 James River Drive Northport, AL 35476 voice: (205) 391-2233 fax: (205) 391-2233 (call first) e-mail: A rea o f expertise: Southern Bessie King H ahn University Librarian Brandeis University South Street Waltham, MA 02254-9110 Preferred address: 148 Sudbury Rd. Weston, MA 02193 voice: (617) 736-4710 fax: (617) 736-4719 e-mail: BHAHN® LIBRARY.BRANDEIS.EDU A rea o f expertise: New E n g lan d A ntoinette M. K ania Dean of Libraries Suffolk Community College 533 College Road Seiden, NY 11784 voice: (516) 451-4174 fax: (516) 451-4697 e-mail: A rea o f expertise: M iddle States R onald G. Leach A ssociate V ice President for Inform ation Services and Dean of Libraiγ Services Indiana State University 650 Sycamore St. Terre Haute, IN 47809 P referred address: 4815 Wolftree Drive Terre Haute, IN 47805 voice: (812) 237-3700 fax: (812) 237-3376 e-mail: A rea o f expertise: North C entral Jo s e p h F. Lindenfeld 1764 Central Memphis, TN 38104-5116 voice: (901) 276-6463 e-mail: A rea o f expertise: Southern Beverly P. L ynch Professor, Graduate School o f Education and Information Studies mailto:DEARNALE@ENIGMA.RIDER.EDU October 1 9 9 5/621 3026 Moore Hall University o f California, Los Angeles 405 Hilgard Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90024-1521 P referr ed address: 3761 Ballina Canyon Road Encino, CA 91436-4111 voice: (310) 206-4294 fax: (310) 206-6293 e-mail: IYH7BPL@MVS.OAC.UCLA.EDU A reas o f expertise: N ew E n glan d, North C en tral, Western, Northwest, ALA/COA J a y K. L uck er Adjunct Professor Simmons College Boston, MA 02115 P referr ed ad d ress: 53 Buckman Drive Lexington, MA 02173 voice: (6 l7 ) 862-4558 fax: (617) 860-0545 A rea s o f expertise: M id d le States, N ew E n g la n d T e rre n ce F. Mech Vice-President for Inform, and Instructional Technologies and Director o f the Library King’s College 14 West Jackson Street Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 voice: (717) 826-5943 fax: (717) 825-9049 e-mail: A rea o f expertise: M iddle States M arcia J . Myers Director o f Libraries Eastern Kentucky University Richmond, KY 40475-3121 voice: (606) 622-1778 e-mail: LIBMYERS@ACS.EKU.EDU A rea o f expertise: S outhern Ja m e s F. P ark s J r . College Librarian P.O. Box 15018 Millsaps College Jackson, MS 39210-0001 voice: (601) 974-1070 fax: (601) 974-1082 e-mail: A reas o f expertise: Southern, Mississippi C om m ission o n C olleges a n d S chools Luella T euton Director, Library Services South Florida Community College 600 W. College Dr. Avon Park, FL 33825 voice: (813) 453-6661 fax: (813) 452-6042 A rea o f expertise: Southern David B. W alch Dean o f Library Services California Polytechnic University San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 voice: (805) 756-2345 fax: (805) 756-1415 e-mail: du525@ACADEMIC.CALPOLY.EDU A rea o f expertise: Western T om G. W atson University Librarian University o f the South University Avenue Sewanee, TN 37383 voice: (615) 598-1266 fax: (615) 598-1702 e-mail: TWATSON@SERA.PHl.SEWANEE.EDU A reas o f expertise: Southern, COA/ALA David C. W eb er Director Emeritus Stanford University 863 Lathrop Dr. Stanford, CA 94305 voice: (415) 857-9219 A rea o f expertise: Western J o a n H. W orley Director, Library Maryville College Maryville, TN 37801 voice: (615) 981-8257 fax: (615) 981-8170 e-mail: A rea o f expertise: S outhern M ickey M. Z em on Director o f Libraries Emerson College 150 Beacon St. Boston, MA 02116 voice: (617) 578-8670 fax: (617) 578-8549 e-mail: A rea o f expertise: Neu’ E n g la n d mailto:IYH7BPL@MVS.OAC.UCLA.EDU mailto:LIBMYERS@ACS.EKU.EDU mailto:du525@ACADEMIC.CALPOLY.EDU mailto:TWATSON@SERA.PHl.SEWANEE.EDU 62 2 /C&RL News C o m in g in ’ 9 6 : IP E D S a d d s n e w d a t a ite m s New data items will be included in the IPEDS Academic Libraries survey form (ALS) that will be mailed in July 1996. IPEDS— the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data Sys­ tem— is a set of nine questionnaires distrib­ uted periodically by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Most are annual but the Academic Libraries survey is one of three sent biennially. For many years the ALS had five parts (A-F): Outlets, Staff, Expenditures, Collections, Services Per Fiscal Year (e.g., circulation), and Services Per Typical Week (e.g., reference). A new Part G, Electronic Services, will be added in ’96. Unlike other parts of the form, Part G asks the respondent to give only a Yes/ No answer to whether or not the institution offers 13 different electronic services. The new Part G will probably not be in a permanent part of the ALS. Instead it will gather data to describe where libraries are now in a rapidly changing aspect of their services. Additions were also made to Part E which includes: D ocum ent Delivery/Interlibrary Loan. Previous surveys asked only for the number of items provided to other libraries and received from other libraries. The new form asks for a breakdown of each total into “returnables” and “non-returnables.” The new items were added in recognition of the fact that interlibrary loan is not what it once was— loans between libraries. Today agencies other than libraries are often involved and many items are sold or given away, not loaned. The current change recognizes that and will en­ able IPEDS to document what is happening. Several other changes were made, not to add items, but to update or clarify intent. The and appointed members in chapters, sections, committees, and discussion groups. She will a lso p lan, d ev elo p , and m anage ACRL’s preconferences and Annual Conference pro­ grams. In addition, Topper will provide advi­ sory services on issues of interest to academic librarianship and function as a member o f the ACRL staff managerial team. Topper had been with the Jewish Vocational Service, an affiliate of the Jewish Federation in Chicago, since 1983, most recently as director instructions on Expenditures and Collections were modified to take into account electronic journals and automated catalogs. The instruc­ tions for gate count and reference transac­ tions were modified to clarify that respondents should report figures for a “typical w eek.” The 1992 ALS report does not include fig­ ures for those variables because NCES noticed several problems in the data just before pub­ lication. In order to plan for the future, the ALA Office for Research and Statistics worked with a contractor and an Advisory Committee of academic libraries to analyze the 1992 data in search of a formula that could be applied to 1994 data at an early point in survey pro­ cessing. That formula discovered 515 librar­ ies whose 1994 data for one or both of the two variables was suspect. Those libraries were contacted and data were either corrected (most cases) or confirmed (a few cases). The process of correcting or confirming those fig­ ures was labor-intensive and cannot be re­ peated. It is hoped that changes on the form will alert people to what is wanted. Additional detail on these changes, includ­ ing a copy o f the new Part G, definition of returnables and nonreturnables, and names of Advisory Committee members, may be found on the ALA gopher. Point your gopher to University of Illinois at Chicago in the menu of all servers maintained on gopher at the University of Minnesota. Alternatively, you can connect your favorite gopher client directly to host “”, select The Library, ALA, XV. Offices, then Office for Research and Statistics, then “Coming in '96: IPEDS Adds New Data Items.”— M ary J o Lynch, ALA Of­ f i c e f o r R esearch a n d Statistics of information services. She managed the li­ brary and the Information Services Department at the nonprofit agency, counselling and pro­ viding professional development to individu­ als at all career stages. Prior to that Topper was director o f training and the career librarian at the Chicago Public Library. She received her MLS from Florida State University and a master’s of industrial relations/career development from Loyola University in Chicago. She is a member and former Career Development Chair of the October 1 9 9 5/623 Illinois Chapter, Special Libraries Association. In the spring of 1995 Topper received a certifi­ cate of Service from the Association for Com­ puter-based Systems for Career Information. (Ed. note: F o r a p h o to o f Topper s e e p a g e 6 5 0 .) N e w M L A listserv ACRL’s MLA International Bibliography in Aca­ demic Libraries Discussion Group has estab­ lished a listserv intended to promote discus­ sion of the MLAIB as a research tool. Questions or comments dealing with pedagogy, the struc­ ture o f the bibliography, database vendors, search techniques, etc., are welcome. The list will also share administrative information about the group’s meetings. To subscribe to the list send the message: subscribe mlaib your name to Messages to the list should be sent to Scott Stebelman is the list administrator and may be reached at O n ly P o s t -It ™ o n e x p e n d a b le item s Julie Page, preservation librarian at the Univer­ sity of California, San Diego, reminds us that Post-it Notes™ should not be used on books. The seemingly harmless “markers” were de­ signed for short-term application on expend­ able documents and leave behind their adhe­ sive, even when removed immediately. The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) conducted research that determined that even when removed immediately, the adhe­ sive residue remained. Even more dramatic ef­ fects result when used on newsprint (some of the ink is removed) or on brittle, fragile paper where removal may result in tear­ ing. The NARA report concluded, “these notes will cause increas­ ing preservation problems when used with permanent records and should be avoided.” H e α lth W e b d e v e lo p e d b y CIC m e m b e rs The health sciences librarians and information professionals from the Committee on Institu­ tional Cooperation (CIC) mem­ ber universities (the Big Ten plus the University o f Chicago) are building HealthWeb, a tool to fa­ cilitate access to health-related A re c e p tio n ro o m at a n A tom ic B om b Casualty C o m m ission c lin ic fo r s c re e n in g o f genetic p ro b lem s an d rad iatio n ill­ n esses, H iro sh im a, 1 9 5 0 . electronic information resources found on the Internet. The first prototype for HealthWeb was developed at the University o f Michigan in the field o f nursing and m ay b e fo u n d at: h ttp :/ / w w w .lib . Under develop­ ment are pages on radiology and minority health. H ealthW eb is available at: http:// For additional information contact the communications rep­ resentative at A to m ic B o m b C a s u a lt y C o m m issio n An exhibit highlighting the accomplishments o f the Atomic Bom b Casualty Commission (ABCC) will be shown through November 1, 1995, at the Houston Academy o f Medicine- Texas Medical Center Library. On display are photos, maps, reports, books, and artifacts from the ABCC Collections. The material in the ex­ hibit covers nearly 50 years and illustrates the collaboration between Japan and the U.S. to investigate the effects of A-Bomb radiation on human health. Founded in 1947, the program was reorganized in 1975 as the Radiation Ef­ fects Research Foundation (RERF). The results obtained from the continuing study of individu­ als exposed at Hiroshima and Nagasaki have given the world a large base o f information with which to understand and protect against the effects of radiation, and have provided in­ formation that has guided national and interna­ tional organizations in assessing the potential health risks that are associated with radiation exposure. For additional information contact Margaret A. Irwin, special collections librarian and coordinator for the ABCC collection at (713) 799-7141. n iot c lel o C h a p o g r o t P h C C B A , n iot c lel o C r lo a y T G ra n t . H http://www.lib 62 4 /C&RL News October 1 9 9 5 /6 2 5 BLACKWELL for S MART SourcingTM Full Book Processing Tables of Contents Full Authority Control FTP M A R C Records Worldwide O C LC PromptCat™ Provider Catalog-Ready M A R C Records T h e L E A D E R in Bibliographic Services for O ver 20 Years B. H. Blackwell Blackwell North America Oxford Lake Oswego, O R • Blackwood, NJ