ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 6 4 6 /C&RL News ACRL in N ashville: A focus on dialogue By Je rily n Veldof Attend ACRL’s 8th National Conference, April 11– 14, 1997 O ne o f the most critical questions academic librarians have been asking is how we will carve out a unique and critical contribu­ tion to the future of information. Will we pros­ per or will we fade into mediocrity, losing our budgets and our roles on campus? Choosing our futures is pivotal to our survival in the in­ formation profession. The ALA Annual Con­ ference in Chicago gave the planning commit­ tees for ACRL’s 8th National Conference an opportunity to envision key opportunities to discuss our futures with our colleagues across the country— before, during, and after the con­ ference. In order to do this the focus of the Nashville ’97 conference will be on dialogue and discussion, participation and empower­ ment. To enact this vision, conference plan­ ners from libraries all over the country have been working to rethink the idea of a confer­ ence and to create something original and in­ teractive. The new format promises to capture your imagination and inspire you to bring your libraries successfully into the next century. The crux of the dialogue will occur on the last day of the conference when the thousands of participants will gather to discuss, share, and debate the critical issues arising from the com­ missioned and contributed papers and panels. Organizers have discussed the possibility of cre­ ating a special issue o f C&RL that would emerge from this meeting, enabling a much wider au­ dience to learn from this discussion. To set the scene for this issue, ACRL in Nash­ ville will be an excellent opportunity to en­ gage with your colleagues in a dynamic dia­ logue based on three days o f conferencing. In order to keep the conference as cutting edge as possible, abstracts will be accepted in lieu of papers, allowing the newest information and experiences to be shared. Many more present­ ers from outside librarianship will b e solicited, including those invited to deliver forward-think­ ing papers. Organizers may release invited papers on the World Wide Web before the conference to prime participants for what’s to come. This site will also be available for distribution of hand­ outs from various sessions. Other possibilities include setting up a highly interactive, real-time computer comment board so that participants can comment on and discuss programs as they occur. The themes for this conference are dynamic and full o f possibilities. The central theme, “Choosing Our Futures,” indicates an assertive role for academic libraries. Subthemes inspire us to develop this theme further: P artnerships a n d com petition : will we develop partnerships, be challenged by competition? C han gin g work, roles, a n d o rg an ization : how will downsizing, technology, budgets, and flattened organizations affect us? F u n d in g : will we let a financial squeeze affect services and collections? L earn ing: how will we adapt to new learning tech­ nologies and a focus on learning rather than teaching? Keep your eye on our Web site and watch for updates, papers, and future interactive op­ portunities, as well as more information about N ash ville ( w w / mcdonald/acrlhome.html). We are at a critical crossroads in academic libraries. Help position us and get involved in Nashville ’97. ■ Jerilyn Veldof is an intern on the ACRL National Conference Executive Committee and assistant librarian, undergraduate services and social sciences at the University o f Arizona; The W a terlo o Block o f the T o w er o f Lo n d o n p ro v id e s a sa fe, secu re hom e for E n g la n d 's crow n jew els and o th e r ro y a l treasures. W h e n y o u o rd e r t h r o u g h E B SC O , y o u can be sure the invest­ m e n t y o u m ake in y o u r serials collection is safe. Y o u r assurance a g a in st loss to the in te g rity of y o u r collection includes: • U n su rp a sse d fulfillm ent o n journal issues m ad e p ossib le b y o u r g lo b a l n e tw o rk of p u b lish e r contacts a n d cu sto m e r service re p re sen ta tive s in 19 cou n trie s • Electronic o rd e r e n try w ith p u b lish e rs for the elim in ation of m an u a l data in p u t erro rs • P a y m e n t verification se nt to p u b lish e rs w ith first claim s to reduce the need for ad d ition a l claim s • Free re p la ce m e n t issues fro m o u r M is s in g C o p y Bank® stocked w ith m o re th a n 4 0 ,0 0 0 issues • A financially stro n g a n d stable o rg a n iz a tio n (D u n & B rad stre e t g iv e s E B S C O In d u strie s Inc. the h ig h e st financial stre n g th ra tin g in the industry). C o n s id e rin g the in ve stm e n t y o u r library m akes in its serials collection, it d o e s n 't m ake sense to trust it to a n y o n e else. C o n ta c t us today: (2 0 5 ) 991 6 6 0 0 • Fax (2 05 ) 9 9 5 -1 6 3 6