ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 648/C&RL News M eet the ACRL staff Although many o f you have talked to ACRL staff members on the phone, very few o f you have had a chance to meet them in person. ACRL has 12.95 ALA- approved FTE positions at headquarters. On these pages w e are presenting current ACRL staff with brief comments about their duties. W e’re also including two o f ACRL’s Choice staff. Take a minute to familiarize yourself with the people behind the scenes at ACRL. W e look forward to hearing from you. JACK BRIODY, program as­ sistant, manages the ACRL Awards program, oversees the ACRL appointments and nominations, updates the ALA Handbook, maintains the di­ v is io n roster and d o n o r records, and assists the asso­ ciate executive director for special programs. Phone: ( 312) 280- 2516; e-m ail: MARY ELLEN DAVIS, senior associate executive director, has major responsibility for the o v era ll op eration o f ACRL; directs all aspects o f the publications program; is editor o f C&RL News; and co ordinates the National Con­ ference programs and on-site management. Phone: (312) 280-2511; e-mail: mary. FRAJNCINE GRAF, manag­ ing editor o f Choice, man­ ages all editorial aspects of the magazine, reviews-on- cards, and electronic data­ bases; coordinates the work o f Choice’s editorial staff; plans the editorial calendar; and handles Choice’s busi ness and economics sections. Phone: (8 6 0 ) 347-6933; e-mail: DARLENA DAVIS, administrative secretary, provides support for National Conference planning and activities; maintains publica­ tions files and records; and pro­ vides secretarial support for pub­ lications and journals. Phone: (312) 280-2519; e-mail: darlena. NOREEN HALE, associate ex­ ecutive director for special pro­ grams and advancement, is the contact for selected committees; manages membership promo­ tion and retention, special pro­ grams, institutes, and forums; and provides advisory services. Phone: (312) 280-2510;e-mail: October 1995/649 JACK HELBIG, classified ad manager for C&RL News, man­ ages all aspects o f the News’ clas­ sified advertising, including pro­ m otion , o rd e r taking, p age layout, customer service, C&RL NewsNet, and billing. Phone: (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280- 7663; e-m ail: ja c k .h e lb ig @ ALTHEA JENKINS, executive di­ rector, is responsible for plan­ ning, executing, and implement­ ing all ACRL programs including Choice, under the general direc­ tion o f the ACRL Board o f Direc­ tors. She also is responsible for the overall administration and control o f activities o f ACRL’s of­ fices and employees as autho­ rized by the ALA Executive Board through the ALA executive direc­ tor. Phone: (312) 280-3248; e-mail: IRVING ROCKWOOD, edi tor and publisher o f Choice, directs all aspects o f the Choice publishing program including the magazine, re views-on-cards, electronic databases, and new prod­ ucts. He is responsible for the overall administration of the Choice office. Phone: (8 6 0 ) 347-6933; e-mail: PAM SPIEGEL, production editor o f ACRL journals, handles p a g e layou t, copyediting, and general production o f C&RL News, C&RL, and RBML, and writes columns and other pieces fo r C&RL News. Phone: (3 1 2 ) 280-2524; e-mail: MICHAEL STERLING, registra­ tion co o rd in a to r, m anages divisionwide databases including potential conference exhibitors, and preconference and confer­ ence registration; maintains bud­ get preparation files; and moni­ tors ACRLeads, a listserv for ACRL’s elected and appointed leaders. Phone: (312) 280-2515; e-mail: m ichael.sterling@ala. org. 650/C&RL News CYNTHIA TAYLOR, admin­ istrative assistant, manages day-to-day operations o f the ACRL o ffice; coordinates meeting planning and the ACRL office at Midwinter and Annual Conferences; and assists in implementing the ACRL membership pro­ motion plan. Phone: (312) 280-2521; e-mail: cynthìa. HUGH THOMPSON, pro­ gram officer, manages pub­ lication o f ACRL’s books, section new sletters, the ACRL Guide to Policies and Procedures, and C&RL. He assists in developing Nation­ al Conference publications, and writes a column for C&RL News. Phone: (312) 280-2517; e-mail: hugh. ELISA TOPPER, director o f mem­ bership services, is the primary contact for chapters, sections, discussion groups, and selected committees. She works with sec­ tion leaders to coordinate Mid­ winter and Annual Conference activities, assists with planning and im p lem en tin g section preconferences, provides advi­ sory services, and manages the appointments process. Phone: (312) 280-2523; e-mail: elisa.